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FESD Minerva.png
Artwork of Minerva from Shadow Dragon,
reused in Awakening.

Princess of the kingdom of Macedon. Her kingdom assists the empire of Dolhr in its campaign.







Starting class
Voiced by


But history needs to remember that when Macedon went astray, it was a Macedonian who set things right.
— Minerva, to Marth

Minerva (pronounced /⁠mɪˈnɝvə⁠/[key][1]; Japanese: ミネルバ Minerba) is the elder princess of Macedon, the middle child of the late King Osmond's three children, and the commander of Macedon's Whitewings squadron.

In the War of Shadows, she is skeptical of her brother Michalis's claims and intent as he claimed the Macedon throne and directed the country to ally with Dolhr, but is nonetheless forced to serve Michalis and Dolhr as they had taken her sister Maria hostage. When Marth frees Maria from her imprisonment at Castle Deil, Minerva and the Whitewings join his forces. Several years later, she is gravely injured in a military coup staged by Lykke and other disgruntled Macedon soldiers, but is saved by Michalis, then widely thought to be dead. Michalis spirits her away to a Khadein village to await Marth's approach, and she allies with Marth upon his arrival, spending the war searching for Maria, who had mysteriously disappeared in the coup.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light


Minerva's first encounter with Marth's army comes when she and the Whitewings are deployed to Lefcandith Valley under the command of Harmein. She comes into conflict with Harmein's tactics of choice, and despite being reminded of Maria's predicament under the "care" of Dolhr she still withdraws early in the battle.

After Marth's skirmish at Pyrathi, Catria arrives as a messenger from Minerva, explaining her plight and requesting Marth's assistance. Minerva later arrives at Castle Deil under the pretense of trying to see Maria, instead waiting for Marth's army to arrive and follow through on the offer, whereupon she, Maria and the Whitewings all join Marth's army.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait minerva fe01.png
Ma nes01 wyvern knight playable.gif Wyvern Knight
Level 1
Movement 10
Experience 44
Recruitment: Chapter 10, let her talk to Marth after recruiting Maria

Stats Growth Rates

Levin Sword*
Sword Lance Axe Bow
Tome Staff Ballista Stone

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem

Book 1


As in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Minerva's first encounter with Marth's army comes when she and the Whitewings are deployed to Lefcandith Valley under the command of Harmein. She comes into conflict with Harmein's tactics of choice, and despite being reminded of Maria's predicament under the "care" of Dolhr she still withdraws early in the battle.

After Marth's skirmish at Pyrathi, Catria arrives as a messenger from Minerva, explaining her plight and requesting Marth's assistance. Minerva later arrives at Castle Deil under the pretense of trying to see Maria, instead waiting for Marth's army to arrive and follow through on the offer, whereupon she, Maria and the Whitewings all join Marth's army.

Starting stats and growth rates

Enemy, Chapter 6 Playable, Chapter 8

Portrait minerva fe03.png
Ma snes01 dracoknight playable.gif Dracoknight
Level 1
Movement 10/6
Experience 45*
Recruitment: Chapter 8, talk to with Marth after recruiting Maria

Stats Growth Rates

Max HP 22 Luck 6
Strength 9/6 W. Level 10
Skill 6/3 Defense 12/8
Speed 12/9 Resistance 0
Weapons Items
Javelin --
Sword D Lance M Axe
Bow Tome Staff

Book 2


Minerva's governance of Macedon is abruptly overthrown by a successful coup led by Lykke, a Macedon knight. She is gravely wounded in the ensuing fight, thought to be beyond help by Lykke, but is taken away by Michalis upon his request. Michalis spirits her away to a Khadein village to recover and await the arrival of Marth's forces, before leaving to search for the disappeared Maria. Eventually, at the Dragon's Altar, she awakes Maria from her hypnosis at the hands of Gharnef, saving her from being sacrificed to the revival of Medeus.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait minerva fe03.png
Ma snes01 dracoknight playable.gif Dracoknight
Level 8
Movement 10/6
Experience 0
Recruitment: Chapter 9, visit the northeastern village

Stats Growth Rates

Max HP 25 Luck 7
Strength 13/10 W. Level 14
Skill 9/6 Defense 16/12
Speed 15/12 Resistance 0
Weapons Items
Iron Lance
Virgo Shard
Sword D Lance M Axe
Bow Tome Staff


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Minerva is a very good unit in both books of Mystery of the Emblem. Her base stats are very good across the board, with the exception of resistance, which is low for most units in Mystery of the Emblem. She has flying movement, which is a boon in all outdoor maps, allowing her to fly over terrain and engage enemies more quickly. Her base weapon level and growth are both high, which lets Minerva use very good weapons from the moment she joins, including the Wyrmslayer and the Lady Sword on indoor maps. Additionally, her defense is incredibly high, allowing her to survive many enemies on enemy phase.

The only significant flaw Minerva has outside of terrible resistance is that she is not available early in the game. However, when she is available, there is rarely a downside to using her. Even in indoor chapters, where Minerva is forced to dismount and use swords, she can still use effective swords thanks to her high weapon level; however, on indoor maps, she will generally be outclassed by Heroes, as they have greater movement and no dismounting penalty.

Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga


Minerva encounters Hardin

During the Macedon occupation of Aurelis, Minerva is appalled to encounter deserters from her forces assaulting innocent villagers. In an initial skirmish with some of the deserters, she meets Hardin who, not identifying himself at all, guides her to a fortress where the deserters, led by Ruben, have set up a headquarters. She and Hardin, accompanied by Catria and Est of the Whitewings and Wolf and Roshea of Aurelis, form a temporary alliance to eradicate the deserters. After the battle and Hardin's departure, she is informed by one of her soldiers the nature of the mystery man with whom she had allied, and she leaves the encounter with a newfound respect for Hardin and his resistance against the Macedon occupation.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait minerva febs.png
Ma snes01 dracoknight playable.gif Dracoknight
Level 1
Movement 10/6
Experience 0
Recruitment: Episode II, automatically from the start

Stats Growth Rates

Max HP 22 Luck 6
Strength 9/6 W. Level 10
Skill 6/3 Defense 12/8
Speed 12/9 Resistance 0
Weapons Items
Silver Lance
Iron Sword
Sword D Lance M Axe
Bow Tome Staff

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon


As in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Minerva's first encounter with Marth's army comes when she and the Whitewings are deployed to Lefcandith Valley under the command of Harmein. She comes into conflict with Harmein's tactics of choice but is reminded of Maria's predicament under the "care" of Dolhr to keep her in line. A civilian suggests that Marth's army retreat to avoid engaging her, as she wields the ultimate axe, Hauteclere. When she is defeated, she retreats, and the Whitewings all leave with her.

After Marth's skirmish at Pyrathi, Catria arrives as a messenger from Minerva, explaining her plight and requesting Marth's assistance. Minerva later arrives at Castle Deil under the pretense of trying to see Maria, instead waiting for Marth's army to arrive and follow through on the offer, whereupon she, Maria and the Whitewings all join Marth's army.

When Marth's forces arrive at the Macedon border, if she is deployed, she explains to Marth her intention to follow through on personally stopping Michalis, and expresses her long-held admiration for her talented elder brother and that she wishes it had not come to this.

As they are recruited, Minerva can have conversations with Palla, Catria, and Est.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait minerva fe11.png
Ma ds01 dracoknight playable.gif Dracoknight
Level 1
Movement 10
Recruitment: Chapter 10, talk to with Marth after recruiting Maria

Stats Growth Rates

HauteclereThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.*
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances D Axes A
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --

Growth rates when reclassed

Bishop and Sage Paladin Sniper Swordmaster

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Bishop/Sage 20% 10% 20% 50% 30% 40% 5% 20%


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Minerva is an excellent unit in Shadow Dragon. She joins with the Hauteclere, which has excellent stats, and she can use it at base. Most enemies in Shadow Dragon use lances, making Minerva's specialty in axes even more useful. Her base A rank in axes allows her to use every effective axe in the game without any investment, including the Poleaxe and the Hammer, making her an excellent combat unit. Unfortunately, her base class of Dracoknight is the only female class able to use axes, so if she reclasses, she will be stuck with terrible weapon ranks. Her D rank in lances is not as impressive, but it allows her to use Javelins if so desired, and raising it to C will allow her to use the Ridersbane—her lance level can be raised to C with an Arms Scroll. However, Minerva can already use Hand Axes and Poleaxes, and the difference in accuracy between lances and axes—even with weapon triangle disadvantage—is limited. The biggest advantage of Ridersbanes over Poleaxes is availability; two are dropped by enemies in Chapters 4 and 13, and they can be bought freely in Chapter 15, while you can only get Poleaxes in the Chapter 17 secret shop and gaiden chapters.

Minerva is generally too slow to double enemies on higher difficulties, but she is also fast enough to not get doubled, and very few units double enemies on higher difficulties to begin with. Lances generally have lower weight than axes, though with Minerva's strength, she is only weighed down by three axes and two lances—including the Ridersbane and Poleaxe—and only by 2 speed at most.

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem


Minerva is defeated by Lykke's forces

As in Mystery of the Emblem, Minerva's governance of Macedon is abruptly overthrown by a successful coup led by Lykke, a Macedon knight. She is gravely wounded in the ensuing fight, thought to be beyond help by Lykke, but is taken away by Michalis upon his request. Michalis spirits her away to a Khadein village to recover and await the arrival of Marth's forces, before leaving to search for the disappeared Maria. Eventually, at the Dragon's Altar, she awakes Maria from her hypnosis at the hands of Gharnef, saving her from being sacrificed to the revival of Medeus.

Starting stats and growth rates

Main Story Extra chapters

Portrait minerva fe12.png
Ma ds02 dracoknight playable.gif Dracoknight
Level 4
Movement 10
Recruitment: Chapter 9, visit the northeastern village

Stats Growth Rates

Virgo Shard
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances C Axes A
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --

Growth rates when reclassed

General Paladin Sniper Swordmaster Sage/Bishop

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
General 110% 55% 0% 60% 25% 60% 50% 0%


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Minerva is a prepromoted dracoknight that joins in chapter 9 and is necessary in order to get the best ending as she holds the Virgo shard. Minerva is in a bit of an awkward spot statwise as her bases and growths are both pretty decent, but the high enemy quality on New Mystery makes it hard for her to keep up with them. She is also vulnerable to a great number of enemy mages in her joining chapter, but her access to flying more than makes up for it. Minerva comes with an A rank in axes, which lets her use every axe in the game, and a C rank in lances which gives her a wide array of lances and it is possible to get her to B rank without too much trouble, and most notably, the Hauteclere. As it is unlikely that any other playable unit has gotten to A rank in axes if the player has been playing at least moderately fast, Minerva has exclusive access to the Hauteclere for a notable number of chapters which significantly improves her combat. Minerva does suffer from not being able to make use of her axe rank in any class besides dracoknight, which has its weaknesses in the lategame because of its low speed cap, and facing competition from other flier such as Palla or Catria once they've built up their axe rank. Because Minerva struggles with one rounding enemies on Lunatic she benefits greatly from a speedwing, but such items are highly contested among playable units in New Mystery. Still, Minerva is not a bad choice for getting statboosters or for getting a Rainbow Tonic in order to not keep up with the very dangerous enemies on Lunatic and Lunatic Reverse.

Overall, Minerva is a solid unit that has a great number of chapters in which she will be extremely useful, but will fall off later in the game, due to her not being able to keep up with growth units such as Kris or Sirius, as well as having a lot of trouble dealing with enemies on higher difficulties. Still, her being able to contribute decently even on Lunatic proves her to be above the majority of the cast and a decent pick for a playable unit for almost every chapter.

Fire Emblem Awakening


Minerva appears as an enemy unit in the DLC chapters Lost Bloodlines 2 and 3. A version of Minerva is playable via SpotPass as part of the Shadow Dragon character set.

Starting stats and growth rates

Small portrait spotpass minerva fe13.png
Ma 3ds01 wyvern lord playable.gif Wyvern Lord
Level 9
Movement 8
Recruitment: SpotPass, hire her for 10,300 G or defeat her in a skirmish

Stats Growth Rates Cap Modifiers

Max HP 49 Speed 25
Strength 26+2 Luck 15
Magic 5 Defense 28
Skill 21 Resistance 10
Inventory Skills
Hauteclere* Strength +2
Quick Burn
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances C Axes A
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --

Reclassing options

Small portrait spotpass minerva fe13.png
Base classes:*
Wyvern Rider Wyvern Lord
Griffon Rider
Reclass options:
This unit can reclass to any female class available through reclassing.
See reclass for more details on the reclassing system.

Growth rates when reclassed

Tactician/Grandmaster Cavalier Paladin Knight Great Knight General Mercenary/Hero Bow Knight Archer Sniper Myrmidon Swordmaster Assassin Thief Trickster

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Tactician/Grandmaster 80% 65% 45% 55% 50% 45% 45% 30%

Pegasus Knight Falcon Knight Dark Flier Wyvern Rider Griffon Rider Troubadour Cleric War Cleric Mage/Sage Dark Mage Dark Knight Sorcerer Troubadour/Valkyrie Bride

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Pegasus Knight 80% 65% 35% 65% 60% 45% 40% 30%

Promotion stat gains

Archer Cavalier Cleric Dark Mage Wyvern Rider Knight Mage Mercenary Myrmidon Pegasus Knight Tactician Thief Troubadour

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Mov Weapon level
Sniper +4 +2 +1 +4 +3 +0 +5 +3 +1 --
Bow Knight +8 +3 +0 +2 +4 +0 +1 +2 +3 Swords E, Bows E

Skill set

Like all female bonus units in Awakening, Minerva has access to all base class and advanced class skills available to standard female units.

In addition, Minerva can also receive the following as a personal skill:

Is 3ds01 charm.png Charm

Fire Emblem Fates


A version of Minerva is available only in Japan as DLC via a Fire Emblem Cipher promotion. This promotion is the only way to access the Pegasus Knight class in Fates.

Starting stats and growth rates

Small portrait minerva cipher fe14.png
Ma 3ds02 pegasus knight minerva cipher playable.gif Pegasus Knight
Level 10
Movement 8
Recruitment: Redeem the download code found in the boxes of 16 The Heroes' Blade of War booster packs
(Unobtainable in the international versions)

Stats Growths Mods Pair Up

Inventory Skills
-- Speed +2
Weapon Levels
Swords/Katanas -- Lances/Naginata C Axes/Clubs -- Bows/Yumi --
Tomes/Scrolls -- Staves/Rods -- Daggers/Shuriken -- Dragonstones --

Reclassing options

As a DLC unit, Minerva cannot change class.

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds01 speed +2.png Speed +2 Innate
Is 3ds01 relief.png Relief Innate
Is 3ds01 rally speed.png Rally Speed Pegasus Knight, level 25
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Pegasus Knight, level 35
The above skill list does not include skills obtained via DLC.

Fire Emblem Engage


Minerva appears as an equippable Bond Ring. She can be summoned using Marth's Emblem Ring.

Bond Ring data

Small portrait minerva fe17.png
Stat modifiers
Ring level HP Lck Def
Is ns02 bond ring c.png C +0 +1 +0
Is ns02 bond ring b.png B +0 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring a.png A +2 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring s.png S +2 +2 +1

Fire Emblem Heroes


There are three different variations of Minerva available to Heroes, at least two of which are tied to her storyline appearance in Mystery of the Emblem. The normal variation of Minerva is one of the characters available to be summoned by players from the game's initial launch. A young variation of Minerva was added to the game alongside the assets for the The Start of It All update and made available to players in the twenty-seventh edition of the Tempest Trials+, "Iote's Return", which initially ran from April 21, 2020 through May 1, 2020. A spring variation of Minerva was made available between the period of March 17, 2021 through April 17, 2021 as part of the summoning event surrounding the Willful Rabbits update.

Minerva: Red Dragoon

Starting stats

Minerva: Red Dragoon is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait minerva feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh axe.png
Movement type Flying

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 6/7/8 Speed 8/9/10
Defense 7/8/9 Resistance 4/5/6
Weapon Hauteclere*
Assist --
Special Holy Vestments

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Iron Axe ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Steel Axe ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Silver Axe ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Hauteclere ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Holy Vestments ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Sacred Cowl ★★★★★ 200
Is feh life and death 1.pngA Life and Death 1 ★★★★★ 50
Is feh life and death 2.pngA Life and Death 2 ★★★★★ 100
Is feh life and death 3.pngA Life and Death 3 ★★★★★ 200
Is feh spur def 1.pngC Spur Def 1 ★★★★★ 50
Is feh spur def 2.pngC Spur Def 2 ★★★★★ 100
Is feh ward fliers.pngC Ward Fliers ★★★★★ 200

Minerva: Princess-Knight

Starting stats

★★★★ ★★★★★

Portrait minerva princess-knight feh.png
Rarity ★★★★
Weapon type Is feh axe.png
Movement type Flying

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 16/17/18
Attack 6/7/8 Speed 8/9/10
Defense 10/11/12 Resistance 2/3/4

Note: This unit requires the usage of Trait Fruit to access any flaws and assets.

Weapon Silver Axe
Assist --
Special Dragon Gaze

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Iron Axe ★★★★ ★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Steel Axe ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Silver Axe ★★★★ ★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Dragoon Axe ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Dragon Gaze ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Draconic Aura ★★★★ 200
Is feh dragoon shield.pngA Dragoon Shield ★★★★★ 300
Is feh flier formation 1.pngB Flier Formation 1 ★★★★ 60
Is feh flier formation 2.pngB Flier Formation 2 ★★★★ 120
Is feh flier formation 3.pngB Flier Formation 3 ★★★★ 240

Minerva: Verdant Dragoon

Starting stats

★★★★ ★★★★★

Portrait minerva verdant dragoon feh.png
Rarity ★★★★
Weapon type Is feh lance.png
Movement type Cavalry

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 7/8/9 Speed 6/7/8
Defense 8/9/10 Resistance 3/4/5
Weapon Springy Lance
Assist --
Special Glowing Ember

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Iron Lance ★★★★ ★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Steel Lance ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Springy Lance ★★★★ ★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Springy Lance+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 300
Is feh skill special.png Glowing Ember ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Bonfire ★★★★ 200
Is feh atk def solo 1.pngA Atk/Def Solo 1 ★★★★ 60
Is feh atk def solo 2.pngA Atk/Def Solo 2 ★★★★ 120
Is feh atk def solo 3.pngA Atk/Def Solo 3 ★★★★ 240
Is feh odd atk wave 1.pngC Odd Atk Wave 1 ★★★★ 60
Is feh odd atk wave 2.pngC Odd Atk Wave 2 ★★★★ 120
Is feh odd atk wave 3.pngC Odd Atk Wave 3 ★★★★★ 240

Fire Emblem Warriors


Minerva appears as a playable character in Fire Emblem Warriors through the game's Shadow Dragon downloadable content pack. As a downloadable content character that does not appear in the base game as an NPC, she has no presence in the main story; her History Mode map, Princess Minerva, does feature her in a similar role to the original chapter from Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Shadow Dragon. During said History Mode map she is under the command of Xander, standing in for Zharov, and turns on him when the player rescues Lissa, the stand-in for Maria. She is immediately playable upon purchase of the Shadow Dragon pack regardless of the events presented in the Princess Minerva map.

Starting stats

Portrait minerva fewa.png
Ma fewa wyvern rider minerva playable.gif Wyvern Rider
Level 1
Movement 20
Recruitment: Downloadable content

Initial Stats Maximum Stats

Weapon Item
Hauteclere --
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes E
Bows -- Tomes -- Stones -- Staves

Promotion stat gains

Class HP Str Mag Skl Sp Lck Def Res Staves
Wyvern Lord 108 31 0 20 24 18 27 6


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Mystery of the Emblem

Portrait minerva fe03.png
Portrait palla fe03.png
Pegasus Knight
Portrait catria fe03.png
Pegasus Knight
Portrait est fe03.png
Pegasus Knight
Supported by:
Portrait maria fe03.png

See Support § Super Famicom games for more details on supports.

Shadow Dragon

Portrait minerva fe11.png
Mutual supports:
Small portrait maria fe11.png
C: 5
B: 11
A: 18

C: {{{cm2}}}
B: {{{bm2}}}
A: {{{am2}}}

C: {{{cm3}}}
B: {{{bm3}}}
A: {{{am3}}}

C: {{{cm4}}}
B: {{{bm4}}}
A: {{{am4}}}

C: {{{cm5}}}
B: {{{bm5}}}
A: {{{am5}}}
Supported by:*
Small portrait marth fe11.png
C: 5
B: 10
A: 16

C: {{{co2}}}
B: {{{bo2}}}
A: {{{ao2}}}

C: {{{co3}}}
B: {{{bo3}}}
A: {{{ao3}}}

C: {{{co4}}}
B: {{{bo4}}}
A: {{{ao4}}}

C: {{{co5}}}
B: {{{bo5}}}
A: {{{ao5}}}
See Support § Nintendo DS games for more details on supports.

New Mystery of the Emblem

Portrait minerva fe12.png
Mutual supports:
Small portrait maria fe12.png
C: 0
B: 0
A: 0
Small portrait michalis fe12.png
C: 0
B: 2
A: --

C: {{{cm3}}}
B: {{{bm3}}}
A: {{{am3}}}

C: {{{cm4}}}
B: {{{bm4}}}
A: {{{am4}}}

C: {{{cm5}}}
B: {{{bm5}}}
A: {{{am5}}}
Supported by:*
Small portrait marth fe12.png
C: 4
B: 9
A: 15
Small portrait kris m fe12.png
C: 4
B: 9
A: 15
Small portrait frost fe12.png
C: 4
B: --
A: --

C: {{{co4}}}
B: {{{bo4}}}
A: {{{ao4}}}

C: {{{co5}}}
B: {{{bo5}}}
A: {{{ao5}}}
See Support § Nintendo DS games for more details on supports.

Awakening and Fates

Minerva cannot support with any character in either game.


Main article: Minerva/Supports (Warriors)

Base conversations

Main article: Minerva/Conversations


Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Devotes her days to rebuilding Macedon as its rightful princess.

Mystery of the Emblem

Book 1

Minerva, Macedon princess
She put all her strength into restoring Macedon. There are rumours that she will succeed the throne... but she denies them.

Book 2

Mineva, Macedon princess
She abandoned the Macedon throne to work at Lena's monastery.

Shadow Dragon

Minerva, True Leader
Minerva put all her effort into restoring Macedon to glory. All wished for her to be queen: all except Minerva herself.

New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow

Minerva, True Leader
Minerva renounced her claim to the throne and worked at a convent. She regained her bond with her brother, and they became close as they once were.

Minerva, True Leader (if Michalis was not recruited)
Minerva renounced her claim to the throne and worked at a convent. Though her position had changed, her love for her people had not.


Battle quotes

I am looking for Prince Marth.
— Minerva, as an enemy in Chapter 8 of Mystery of the Emblem Book 1.
Michalis: Minerva, I have missed you, Sister. Let us embrace one last time.
Minerva: Michalis...
Michalis: Well? Strike! A moment's hesitation spells death on the battlefield. I know I taught you better.
Minerva: You will not lay down your lance and walk the right path?
Michalis: Don't be a child. There are no right paths; just mine and yours, two that will never cross.
Minerva: Very well. Then you leave me no choice. Embrace you I shall, Brother!

— Minerva, when fighting Michalis in Chapter 22 of Shadow Dragon.

Ruben: Munchin' Manaketes! Am I surprised to face you directly in the battlefield, Princess Minerva.
Minerva: You're... Ruben. I didn't think I'd find you here, not after you were banished from the army for your acts of brutality against civilians. ...So you lead the deserters. Surrender. If you don't, I shall strike you down as an enemy of Macedon!
Ruben: Heh...! I don't take orders from you anymore. For some reason, the folks at Macedon worship you royals as if you were gods. Yet, the crown prince fancies himself a patricide, the older sister is a charmless buffoon... and the younger sister is a brat whose only talent is getting kidnapped. Who on earth could put up with the stupid military, when even the country's like that too? Wouldn't you agree, Minerva the Buffoon!
Minerva: Dastard... How dare you belittle us! I believe you've just shown your readiness to accept your fate.
Ruben: Heh! Not if I kill you first!

— Minerva, when fighting Ruben in New Archanea Saga Episode 2 of New Mystery of the Emblem.
I am Minerva of Macedon.
— Minerva's SpotPass parley quote in Awakening.
Then you leave me no choice
— Minerva's SpotPass battle quote in Awakening.
My gratitude.
— Minerva's SpotPass recruitment quote in Awakening.
I am Minerva of Macedon. Face me at your peril!
— Minerva, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 2 in Awakening.
Minerva: I am Minerva of Macedon. Face me at your peril.
Cherche: wyvern is Minerva! It will be a shame to batter her namesake.

— Minerva, when fighting Cherche in Lost Bloodlines 2 in Awakening.
If you stand before me, then you must wish to be tested!
— Minerva, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.
Cherche: Minerva of Macedon, was it? Here is a fateful battle if ever I have fought one—isn't that right, Minerva?
Minerva: Why do you look at your wyvern when you address me? Is this some kind of insult?!

— Minerva, when fighting Cherche in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.

Death quotes

May luck be with you, Prince Marth...
— Minerva in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light.
Your highness... I leave Macedon to you...
— Minerva in Mystery of the Emblem Book 1.
— Minerva as an enemy in Chapter 8 of Mystery of the Emblem Book 1.
Maria... I'm sorry...
— Minerva in Mystery of the Emblem Book 2.
Marth... My kingdom... Save...Macedon...
— Minerva in Shadow Dragon.
Rrgh... I cannot keep up the fight with these wounds... I must withdraw.
— Minerva, as an enemy in Chapter 7 of Shadow Dragon.
Maria... I'm sorry...
— Minerva's death quote in Classic Mode in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Guh... I lowered my guard... Sorry, but I'm retreating...
— Minerva's retreat quote in Casual Mode in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Guh...! How could I... How... pathetic of me...
— Minerva, in New Archanea Saga Episode 2 of New Mystery of the Emblem.
Defeated? But I...where did I go wrong...
— Minerva, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 2 in Awakening.
— Minerva, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.

Everyone's Conditions quotes

I feel fitter than usual today. It seems I've regained the strength I lost from my captive days.
— When receiving a temporary stat boost in New Mystery of the Emblem.
That was good practice. But, this can't be all I can do... I should be able to aim higher.
— When receiving experience in New Mystery of the Emblem.
I picked up something peculiar. I should give it to Prince Marth.
— When finding an item in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Brother... Maria... Will we be together again someday, like we used to...?
— When failing to receive a bonus in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Kris is strong... As I'd expect from a royal guard of Marth.
— When receiving support with Kris in New Mystery of the Emblem.

Heroes quotes

Main article: Minerva/Quotes (Heroes)

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

Minerva is featured on five cards in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Minerva

Normal + variant

TCGCipher B01-030R.png

Princess, Minerva



"I love him enough to spare him death on some stranger's sword, you see? Let him be punished by my hands."
Attack: 50 Support: 30 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Dracoknight Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Skydrake Whip: [Always] For every other ally Flight unit, this unit gains 10 attack.
Iote's Shield: [Always] All enemy unit's "Anti-Fliers" skills are not applied.
Card #B01-030R(+) • Artist: Mari Shimazaki

Normal Tourney

TCGCipher B01-031N.jpg

True Leader, Minerva



"Normal: Palla, Catria, Est. Together with me!"
"Promo: Yeah. Doing this sort of thing every once in a not that bad.
Attack: 30 Support: 30 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Pegasus Knight Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Wings of Macedon: [Always] While you control at least 2 other Flight units, this unit gains 10 attack.
Attack Support Emblem of the Heavens: [Support] You may choose one ally that is not the attacking unit and move it.
Card #B01-031N (P01-008PR) • Artist: Mari Shimazaki (B01-031N), Mayo (P01-008PR)
TCGCipher B04-036SR.png Blazing-Red Commander Princess, Minvera



"No one, not even the Shadow Dragon, will steal you away...not on my watch!"
Attack: 60 Support: 30 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 5
Class: Dracoknight Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 4
Wings Obscuring the Sky: [Activate] [ Is TCGCipher Flip 3.png, Discard 1 "Minerva" from your hand] Choose as many ally Flight units as you like and move them. Also, all allied Flight units gain 30 attack until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Dracoknight Commander: [Always] While there are at least 2 other ally Flight units deployed, this unit's attack power is increased by 20.
Card #B04-036SR • Artist: Mayo
TCGCipher B04-037N.png Red Lady Knight, Minerva


"Surrender quietly, or you will be defeated as an enemy of Macedon!"
Attack: 40 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Knight Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Sword of Macedon: [Always] During your turn, while you control at least 2 other Flight units, this unit gains 10 attack.
Attack Support Attack Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this battle, your attacking unit's power is increased by 20.
Card #B04-037N • Artist: Mayo
TCGCipher B15-030HN.png Crimson Staff, Minerva


"I love Macedon. I would do anything within my power for it."
Attack: 50 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Bishop Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Patriotic Staff: [Activate] [Tap this unit] [Flip one bond card] Choose 1 non-"Minerva" card that is both Flight and Dragon from your Retreat Area, and add it to your hand.
"May Macedon endure forever.": [Always] All allies who are both Flight and Dragon cannot be destroyed as the cost or effect of skills.
Card #B15-030HN • Artist: Shigetaka Kimura
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Minerva .

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Minerva appears as an Advanced Shield-type spirit, using her art from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. When equipped to an AI character, Minerva grants increased jump height and move speed. When equipped to a player character, she grants two support spirit slots.

SSBU Spirit Minerva.png #627
Fire Emblem Series
Type: SSBU spirit type icon shield.png Shield
Rank: ★★
Number of support spirit slots: ⬣⬣
Level 1 stats:

Attack: 682
Defense: 868
Power: 1550

Level 99 stats:

Attack: 2738
Defense: 3485
Power: 6223

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
New Mystery of the Emblem
Macedon's princess, a.k.a. "Crimson Dragoon".
Worries about her siblings Maria and Michalis.*
Princess of Macedon on Archanea, a
continent in another world.

A proud and gallant woman also
known as the "Red Dragoon."

To reform her homeland, she fought
against them as a traitor.

Appears in Shadow Dragon & the
Blade of Light and others.



(Minerva: Red Dragoon)
Princess of Macedon who took up arms
against her brother, Michalis. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 紋章の謎』)
(Minerva: Princess-Knight)
Eldest princess of Macedon. Devoted to her
military training so she might one day rule the
kingdom with her brother Michalis. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 紋章の謎』)
(Minerva: Verdant Dragoon)
Eldest princess of Macedon. She is donning
seasonal garb while attending the spring
festival. Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery
of the Emblem.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 紋章の謎』)
A hero from the world of Fire Emblem:
Shadow Dragon. She is a princess
of Macedon.

At first an enemy of Marth's Archanean
League, she joined them when they freed
her sister Maria. Known by the moniker
Red Dragoon, she proudly values justice.

She rides a wyvern into battle, storming
her enemies with brutal swings of her axe.
During her Awakening Special, she also
uses a lance to annihilate her foes.

Meet some of the Heroes entries

Red Dragoon Princess-Knight Verdant Dragoon

Minerva: Red Dragoon
FEH mth Minerva Red Dragoon 01.png FEH mth Minerva Red Dragoon 02.png FEH mth Minerva Red Dragoon 03.png FEH mth Minerva Red Dragoon 04.png
Minerva is the eldest princess of Macedon. She's the leader of the Macedonian Whitewings, an elite team of pegasus knights, and people call her the Red Dragoon! She has an older brother, Michalis, and a younger sister, Maria. At first, Minerva respected Michalis, and they used to discuss Macedon's future together. However, Michalis later assassinated King Osmond, their father, and after taking his place on the throne, he formed an alliance with the antagonistic Dolhr Empire. Minerva was forced to fight for the alliance against her will, with Maria kept hostage to ensure her cooperation. After learning that Maria had been rescued by Marth, Minerva joined forces with the Altean army, setting her up for a confrontation with Michalis. Though the two both loved their kingdom, the path he chose meant they were destined to clash…
Closely Associated Characters
Michalis Maria {{{Related_name3}}} {{{Related_name4}}} {{{Related_name5}}}
King of Macedon who had great ambitions for his country. Murdered his father. Brother to Minerva and Maria. Princess of Macedon. Younger sister of Minerva and Michalis, whom she loves dearly. {{{Related_blurb3}}} {{{Related_blurb4}}} {{{Related_blurb5}}}

Choose Your Legends placement history


  • In Fire Emblem Heroes, Minerva's stat spread is identical to Saber's.
  • Minerva is mistakenly referred to as a "queen" by Palla in the English version of Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.[2] This is a mistranslation; in Japanese, she is referred to as 王女 (princess), which is very similar to the Japanese word for "queen" (女王).

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


The Roman goddess of wisdom, and the Roman equivalent of the Greek Athena.[3]



Officially romanized as Minerba. Romanized instead as Minerva in the Mystery of the Emblem guide.



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



Used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



As above.



Minerva; used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



• Minerva; used in Engage.
• Mineral; mentioned by Palla in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Presumably a mistranslation.

Simplified Chinese


• Minerva; used in Engage.
• Used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Traditional Chinese




Sprite Gallery
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Portrait minerva fe01.pngPortrait minerva 02 fe01.png Ma nes01 wyvern knight enemy.gif Dracoknight Ma nes01 wyvern knight playable.gif
Bs fe01 wyvern knight lance 01.png
Bs fe01 enemy wyvern knight lance 02.pngBs fe01 wyvern knight lance 02.png
Bs fe01 wyvern knight sword.png
Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait minerva fe03.pngPortrait minerva 02 fe03.png Ma snes01 dracoknight enemy.gif Dracoknight Ma snes01 dracoknight playable.gif Knight Ma snes01 dismount knight female playable.gif
Bs fe03 enemy dracoknight female lance.pngBs fe03 dracoknight female lance.png
Bs fe03 knight female sword.png
Archanea Saga
Portrait minerva febs.png Dracoknight Ma snes01 dracoknight playable.gif Knight Ma snes01 dismount knight female playable.gif
Small portrait minerva fe11.png Shadow Dragon

Dracoknight Paladin Sniper Swordmaster Sage Bishop

Small portrait minerva fe12.png New Mystery of the Emblem

Dracoknight Paladin General Sniper Swordmaster Sage Bishop

Official artwork

Heroes artwork

Character artwork

Meet some of the Heroes entries

Other artwork

Cipher artwork

Other appearances


  1. Linde in Fire Emblem Warriors
  2. "Back home, my sister Catria and I served as knights of the queen. Not Est, though. She'd already left the order before she was taken prisoner. She chose a peaceful life, and yet ended up with this. It's a bitter irony." — Palla, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Playable characters AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstGordinGotohHardinJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXane
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BentheonCamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AnriArtemisCorneliusLizaLudwikSalamander
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: The Ghoul's Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 25: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonsEarth Dragons) • DragoonsFire EmblemSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ArmoriesCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSecret ShopsTerrainVendorsWeapons
Related topics Hakoda manga adaptationName chart • Other games (GaidenMystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Sound Test ModeTimeline
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Playable characters Book 1 AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDolphDraugEliceEstGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfXane
Book 2 AbelArlenArranAstramBantuCaedaCainCastorCatriaCecilDraugEliceEstPhinaGordinJeorgeJubeloJulianLenaLindeLukeMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPallaRickardRoderickRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWarrenWendellXaneYuliya
Non-playable characters Book 1 GotohMalledusNynaTalys King
Book 2 Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenzMichalis
Bosses Book 1 CamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerHarmeinHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Book 2 ArlenDallEibelFire DragonGailGharnefHardinHereticIce DragonJeorgeLangLorenzLumelLykkeMage DragonMedeusNehringSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasCorneliusIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters Book 1 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Champions of Aurelis • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 7: Port Warren • 8: Princess Minerva • 9: Knorda Market • 10: The Ageless Palace • 11: Land of Sorrow • 12: An Oasis of Magic • 13: The Battle for Altea • 14: Star and Savior • 15: Manakete Princess • 16: Camus the Sable • 17: A Knight-Filled Sky • 18: Dark Pontifex • 19: The Dragonkin Realm • 20: Chosen by Fate
Book 2 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • E1: The Wyvern's Dale • E2: The Dragon Altar (part 1part 2part 3)
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueCoyote's MenDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsHereticsSable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Anime adaptationName chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenGenealogy of the Holy WarArchanea SagaNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound MuseumTimeline
Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga
Playable characters Episode I BoahDolphMacellanMidiaNynaTomas
Episode II CatriaEstFrostHardinMinervaRosheaWolf
Episode III CastorDiceLenaMaliceNavarreRickard
Episode IV BelfCamusNynaReidenRoberto
Non-playable characters King of ArchaneaMedeusPalla
Bosses BrzakGouberRubenVaam
Regalia Gradivus
Episodes 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
Locations ArchaneaAurelisEmpire of ArchaneaMacedon
Groups, objects and concepts Sable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemNew Mystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Timeline
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Playable characters AbelArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyGordinGotohHardinHoraceJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXaneYmir
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BathysBentheonCamusCaptainDactylDejaniraEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenLarissaMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwinShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluHauteclereMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters P: Prologue I • P: Prologue II • P: Prologue III • P: Prologue IV • 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 6x: In War's Grip • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 12x: A Traitor's Worth • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 17x: Helena Castle • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 20x: The Lair of Fire • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 24x: The AlterspireE: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • ConversationsItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics List of version differences (Name chart) • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow
Playable characters AbelArlenArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBelfBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCecilCordDarrosDiceDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyFrostGordinHoraceJakeJeorgeJubeloJulianKatarinaKrisLenaLindeLukeMacellanMaliceMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMichalisMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRaddReidenRickardRobertoRoderickRogerRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiTomasVylandWarrenWendellWolfWrysXaneYmirYuliya
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenz
Bosses ArlenAthenaCaedaCainClarisseDallDraugEibelEremiyaEstGailGharnefHardinIce DragonJagenJeorgeKatarinaLangLegionLorenzLumelLukeLykkeMedeusNehringOgmaRoderickSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionGradivusHauteclereImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters Main story P1: MeetingP2: Young SquiresP3: Training BeginsP4: New Companions (Jeorge, Athena) • P5: March DutyP6: Bonds (Ogma, Draug) • P7: The Final Test (Est, Cain) • P8: Assassination of the Hero-King • 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 3x: Shadows Behind the Scenes • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 6x: Mercenary Squad • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 10x: The Mask Laughs • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 13x: Within the White Darkness • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 16x: Reunion • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • 20x: Bottom of the Deep Abyss • 21: The Wyvern's Dale • 22: The Dragon Altar • 23: The Dark Pontifex LivesE: Light and Shadow
New Archanea Saga 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
DLC bonus chapters 1: Wind and Thunder • 2: Three Assassins • 3: That Which Was Done by the Sword Shall Be Undone by the Sword
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Coyote's MenDragon (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • HereticsSable OrderFire Emblem/Binding ShieldWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists Base conversationsChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemArchanea SagaShadow DragonAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline
Fire Emblem Awakening
Playable characters AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelleMirielMorganNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Non-playable characters HollandMaidenNagaOld HubbaPhila
Bosses AlgolAnguillaArdriAversaBovisCampariCanisCassiusCervantesChalardDalenDaltonDracoEquusExcellusEzraFarberGallusGangrelGarrickGeckoGrimaGyralIgnatiusJamilLepusMarthMorristanMusMustafaNelsonNombryOrtonOvisPherosPorcusPriamRaimiRisen ChiefRoddickRugerSimiaTigrisValidarVastoVictorVincentWalhartXalbadorYen'fayZanth
Background characters First exaltKe'riMarthShanty Pete
DLC characters AlmCatriaCelicaEirikaEldiganElinciaEphraimEstIkeKatarinaLeifLynPrince MarthMicaiahPallaRoySeliph
SpotPass characters Shadow Dragon CaedaGharnefLindeMerricMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPrince MarthTiki
Gaiden AlmBoeyCelicaClairCliveDeenLuthierMycenNomahValbar
Mystery of the Emblem AthenaCatriaEtzelHardinHoraceKatarinaKing MarthLegionMaliceNorne
Genealogy of the Holy War G1 ArdenArvisAyraDeirdreEthlynJamkeLewynQuanRaquesisSigurd
Genealogy of the Holy War G2 AltenaAresArthurCedFeeJuliaJuliusLarceiSeliphUlster
Thracia 776 DagdarEyvelFinnLeifMareetaNannaOlwenRaydrikSaiasSalem
Binding Blade CeciliaLilinaLughPercevalRaighRoyShannaSophiaWoltZephiel
Fire Emblem EliwoodFlorinaHectorJaffarKarelLynMatthewNergalNinoSerra
Sacred Stones AmeliaEirikaEphraimInnesL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMoulderSeth
Path of Radiance AshnardElinciaGeoffreyIkeLuciaMiaMistSorenTitaniaZihark
Radiant Dawn Black KnightBromEdwardLeonardoMicaiahNepheneeSanakiSephiranSigrunSothe
Others CamusIshtarLinusLloydNarcianOliverPetrineSelenaTravantUrsula
Regalia and personal weapons AmatsuArmadsBalmungBook of NagaDouble BowExcaliburFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • ForsetiGáe BolgGoddess StaffGoetiaGradivusGrima's TruthGungnirHauteclereHelswathMercuriusMissiletainnMjölnirMystletainnNidhoggNoble RapierParthiaRagnellRapierSol KattiTyrfingValflameWolf BergYewfelle
Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
Locations YlisseFerox (Arena Ferox) • Outrealm Gate (Outrealms) • Plegia (Dragon's Table) • YlisseValmChon'sinRosanneValm
Groups, objects, and concepts AwakeningEinherjarFire EmblemGrimleal (Deadlords) • RisenShepherds
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Ancient LettersBirthdayDouble DuelDownloadable contentName chartNintendo Dream comics • Other games (GaidenGenealogy of the Holy WarShadow DragonNew Mystery of the Emblem) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Unit Gallery (Soundtrack) • SpotPassStreetPassTimelineWorld map
Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters Heroes AlfonseAnnaAshAskrBrunoDagrEikþyrnirEirEitrEitriElmEmblaFáfnirFehFehnixFjormFreyjaFreyrGanglötGinnungagapGullveigGunnthráGustavHeiðrHeiðrúnHelHelbindiHenrietteHræsvelgrHrídKiranKvasirLaegjarnLæraðrLaevateinLetiziaLífLokiMirabilisMúspellNerþuzNiðavellirNíðhöggrNiflNjörðrNóttÓtrPeonyPlumeriaRatatoskrReginnSeiðrSharenaSurtrThórrThrasirTriandraVeronicaYlgrYmir
SDatBoL, MotE, NMotE AbelArlenAstramAthenaBantuBarstCaedaCainCamusCastorCatriaClarisseDarrosDraugEliceEremiyaEstGharnefGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianKatarinaKrisLegionLenaLindeLukeMaliceMarthMariaMatthisMedeusMerricMichalisMinervaNagaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRickardRoderickRosheaSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWolfWrysXaneYuliya
Shadows of Valentia AlmAtlasBerkutBoeyBrigand BossCatriaCelicaClairCliveConradDeenDeltheaDumaFayeFernandForsythGennyGrayHestiaKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMarlaMathildaMilaMycenPallaPythonRineaRudolfSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Genealogy of the Holy War AltenaAnnandArdenAresArionArthurArvisAyraAzelleBrigidCedDeirdreDíthorbaEldiganErinysEthlynFebailFeeHildaIshtarJamkeJuliaJuliusLachesisLarceiLeneLewynLexPattyQuanScáthachSeliphShannanSigurdSilviaTailtiuTineTravantUllr
Thracia 776 AsbelAugustEyvelFinnGalzusKarinKempfLaraLeifLifisMareetaMirandaNannaOlwenOsianPerneReinhardtRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraTanyaTinaVeld
The Binding Blade BartreBrunnyaCathCeciliaChadClarineDieckDorothyEchidnaElimineFaeFirGalleGeeseGonzalezGuinivereGwendolynHughIdunnIgreneJunoKleinLarumLilinaLughMeladyMerlinusMurdockNarcianNiimeNoahPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSophiaSueTheaWoltZelotZephiel
The Blazing Blade BramimondCanasDorcasEliwoodErkFargusFarinaFioraFlorinaGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLeilaLimstellaLinusLloydLouiseLuciusLynMarkMatthewNergalNilsNinianNinoPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaSainSerraSoniaUrsulaWilZephiel
The Sacred Stones AmeliaArturCaellachColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFomortiisFordeGerikGilliamGlenInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMyrrhNatashaNeimiOrsonRennacRievRossSalehSelenaSethSyreneTanaTethysValterVanessaVigarde
Path of Radiance AshnardAstridBertramBlack KnightBoydElinciaGatrieGreilIkeIlyanaJillMarciaMiaMistNepheneeOscarPetrineRolfSanakiSephiranShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaVolkeZihark
Radiant Dawn AltinaAsheraBastianCaineghisDheginseaEdwardElinciaEnaGeoffreyHaarHeatherIkeJarodJorgeKurthnagaKyzaLeanneLeonardoLetheLuciaLudveckLyreMiaMicaiahMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNailahNolanOliverPelleasRafielRanulfReysonRhysSanakiSotheTibarnTormodVikaYuneZelgius
Awakening AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelle"Marth"MorganMustafaMirielNagaNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePhilaPriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeValidarVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Fates AnankosAreteArthurAzamaAzuraBennyBerukaCaeldoriCamillaCandaceCharlotteCorrinDwyerEffieEliseFeliciaFloraForrestFugaGaronGunterHanaHansHayatoHinataHinokaIagoJakobKadenKageroKanaKazeKeatonKiragiLaslowLeoLilithMidoriMikotoMozuNilesNinaNyxOboroOdinOpheliaOrochiPeriReinaRhajatRinkahRyomaSakuraSaizoSelenaSelkieSetsunaShigureShiroSiegbertSilasSoleilSubakiTakumiVelouriaXanderYukimura
Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes AelfricAnnetteArvalAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparCatherineClaudeConstanceCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDedueDimitriDorotheaEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynGatekeeperHapiHildaHolstHubertIgnatzIngridJeraltKronyaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMonicaNemesisPetraRaphaelRheaSeirosSetethShamirShezSolonSothisSylvainYuri
Engage AlcrystAlearAlfredCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFrammeGoldmaryHortensiaIvyKagetsuLapisLumeraMarthMauvierNelRosadoSeadallTimerraVeyleYunakaZephia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore EleonoraItsukiKiriaMamoriTsubasa
Story Maps Book I PrefaceP: World of Zenith • 1: World of Mystery • 2: World of Conquest • 3: World of Binding • 4: World of Awakening • 5: Back to Mystery • 6: World of Birthright • 7: World of Blazing • 8: Back to Awakening • 9: Heroes Invade • 10: World of Radiance • 11: Rite of Shadows • 12: Bitter Enemies • 13: Diabolical BloodlineI: A Power AwakensI: The Rite of Blades
Book II 1: The Flame • 2: Princess of Ice • 3: Guided by a Dream • 4: Fiery Resolve • 5: Blood and Snow • 6: The True Quarry • 7: Snow and Ash • 8: Rite of Frost • 9: Hellfire • 10: The King's Demise • 11: Prince of Ice • 12: Seeping Poison • 13: A Way Home
Book III 1: Death • 2: The Dread Gate • 3: Countdown • 4: A King's Worth • 5: A Father's Legacy • 6: Realm of the Dead • 7: A Home Unknown • 8: Truth of a Name • 9: Cohort of the Dead • 10: Omnicidal Witch • 11: Where It Began • 12: Lethal Swordsman • 13: Marvelous Dream
Book IV 1: The Dream • 2: Missing You • 3: Gullinkambi • 4: On Dark Wings • 5: Twisted Reality • 6: Dreaming Reality • 7: Steeped in Twilight • 8: Wallowing in Love • 9: Violent Fantasies • 10: Lack • 11: Plumeria's Dream • 12: Triandra's Dream • 13: Reality
Book V 1: Machine Dominion • 2: Kingsbrother • 3: Forest of the Sage • 4: The Vital Blade • 5: Night and Day • 6: Treachery • 7: Bound Elsewhere • 8: Serpent's Whispers • 9: Echoes of Truth • 10: Howling Descent • 11: Deceit • 12: What Remains • 13: Specter of Niðavellir
Book VI 1: Darkness • 2: Curse Directive • 3: Calling of Blood • 4: Princess Alone • 5: Evil Ways • 6: Revealing Lies • 7: To Be Emperor • 8: Closing In • 9: Opening a Way • 10: God of Openness • 11: One Last Chance • 12: Princess and Prince • 13: Askr and Embla
Book VII 13: Time • 5: Divine Foretelling • 6: King of Light • 7: Goddess Reunion • 8: Seeing the Present • 2: World of the Past • 3: Within Wheels • 4: Ouroboros • 9: The Innocent • 10: Light's Fading • 11: Without Limits • 12: Seer of the Past • 1: Golden Seer
Book VIII 1: Healing • 2: Traitor • 3: Bait • 4: Imperial Blood • 5: A Royal Target • 6: Hand Reveal • 7: Ceremony Day • 8: The World-Tree • 9: Healing Nectar
Paralogues X1: Detached Princess • 1: Family Bonds • 2: Sibling Bonds • 3: Blazing Shadows • 4: Spring Festival • 5: World of Shadows • 6: Bridal Blessings • X2: The Brink of Chaos • 7: Echoes of Mystery • 8: Ylissean Summer • 9: Nohrian Summer • 10: The Sacred World • 11: Brave Heroes • 12: Performing Arts • 13: World of Holy War • 14: Trick or Defeat! • 15: Farfetched Heroes • 16: Winter's Envoy • 17: Happy New Year! • X3: The People's Hero • 18: Love Abounds • 19: Hares at the Fair • 20: Bridal Bloom • 21: Summer's Arrival • 22: A Sketchy Summer • 23: Festival in Hoshido • 24: Arrival of the Brave • 25: The Land's Bounty • 26: Brave Redux • 27: Adrift • X4: Whispers of Death • 28: Gifts of Winter • 29: New Year's Wish • 30: Hostile Springs • 31: Greil's Devoted • 32: Regal Rabbits • 33: A Season for Picnics • 34: Bridal Belonging • 35: Summer Returns • 36: Summer Refreshes • 37: Brave Echoes • 38: A Splendid Soiree • 39: Treat Fiends • X5: Heavenly Witness • 40: Glorious Gifts • 41: Renewed Spirit • 42: A Star Is Born • 43: Lovely Gifts • 44: Familial Festivities • 45: The Start of It All • 46: Bridal Beloveds • 47: Summer Passing • 48: Overseas Memories • 49: Pirate's Pride • 50: To Stay Dreaming • 51: Dragons Harvest • 52: In the Moment • 53: A Festival Miracle • 54: Beyond Dreaming • 55: Dark Desert Rituals • 56: Love of a King • 57: Willful Rabbits • 58: Childhood Encounter • 59: Bridal Grace • 60: Summer Vibrance • 61: Summer's Dream • 62: Perilous Seas • 63: Scions of Twelve • 64: Shared Bounty • 65: Ninja Training • 66: Winter Dreamland • 67: Like Clockwork • 68: Of Lost Kingdoms • 69: Here with Me • 70: Hop-and-Go-Seek • 71: Unlikely Friends • 72: Bridal Blossoms • 73: Summer Vacation • 74: Taken by the Tide • 75: Risk and Reward • 76: Bite of Flame • 77: Divine Harvest • 78: Wyvern Ninja • 79: Holiday Handoff • 80: Gods Renewed • 81: Sage of Khadein? • 82: A Special Gift • 83: Spring Eternal • 84: No Matter Where • 85: Bridal Dreams • 86: Summer Longing • 87: Summer Firsts • 88: Invitation to Tea • 89: Winds Offered • 90: Merchant's Harvest • 91: Our Path Ahead • 92: Holiday Lessons • 93: Ring In the Year • 94: Nabata's Shield • 95: May This Last • 96: A Place to Rest • 97: Double Vision • 98: Brides to Be • 99: Flush Summer • 100: Loving Sea
Locations The Sacred WorldWorld of AwakeningWorld of BindingWorld of BirthrightWorld of BlazingWorld of ConquestWorld of CrestsWorld of DawnWorld of Holy WarWorld of MysteryWorld of Mystery RenewedWorld of OriginWorld of RadianceWorld of ShadowsWorld of Thracia • World of Zenith (Askran KingdomDökkálfheimrEmblian EmpireHelJötunheimrLjósálfheimrMúspellNiflNiðavellirVanaheimrYggdrasill)
Groups, objects, and concepts BreidablikCurse DirectiveHealing HandsOrbOrder of HeroesRaritySummoning (summoning events)
Game modes Aether Raids (Aether Resort) • Affinity Auto-BattlesBinding WorldsBlessed GardensChain ChallengeColiseum (Allegiance BattleArena AssaultArena DuelsResonant BattleSummoner Duel) • Forging BondsFrontline PhalanxGrand ConquestsHall of FormsHeroes JourneyHeroic OrdealsLost LoreMjölnir's StrikePawns of LokiRøkkr SiegesSeer's SnareSpecial Maps (Bound Hero BattlesEmblem Hero BattlesEvent MapsGrand Hero BattlesHero BattlesLegendary Hero BattlesLimited Hero BattlesMythic Hero BattlesRelay DefenseRival DomainsSpecial Training MapsTrial Maps) • Squad AssaultTactics DrillsTap BattleTempest TrialsTraining TowerUnited WarfrontVoting Gauntlet
Related topics A Hero RisesAncient LettersAnniversary Illustrations‎Artists (0–9, A–LM–Z) • CalendarsChoose Your LegendsFeh PassEvent calendarsFind & Vote Heroes!A Day in the LifeMini Acrylic Figure CollectionList of status effectsList of version differences (Name chart) • Meet some of the HeroesPre-release information (Unused content) • Voting Jubilee
Fire Emblem Warriors
Playable characters Original AnnaLiannaRowan
Shadow Dragon CaedaLindeDLCMarthMinervaDLCNavarreDLCTiki
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Celica
The Blazing Blade Lyn
Awakening ChromCordeliaFrederickLissaLucinaOliviaDLCOwainDLCRobinTharjaDLC
Fates AzuraDLCCamillaCorrinEliseHinokaLeoNilesDLCOboroDLCRyomaSakuraTakumiXander
Non-playable characters OskarYelena
Bosses DariosGharnefIagoValidarVelezark
Personal weapons Anna's BowAuraBlessed LanceBrynhildrCamilla's AxeCordelia's LanceDivinestoneEnlironExpirationFacinnaFalchionFrederick's AxeFujin YumiGrima's TruthHauteclereHinoka's SpearIago's TomeImhulluLady SwordLissa's AxeMissiletainnMoonlightNiles's BowOboro's SpearOlivia's BladeParallel FalchionRaijintoRisylSiegfriedSol KattiSpellbane YumiTharja's HexThoronWing SpearWo DaoYato
Chapters Pm: Interwoven DestiniesP: Crumbling Peace • 1: Home in Ruins • 2: Woodlands Encounter • 3: Dragon Valley Temple • 4: Hero-King of the Desert • 5: The Dragon's Table • 6: Hoshidan Princess • 7: Hoshidan Prince • 8: High Prince Ryoma • 9: Nohrian Princess • 10: Nohrian Prince • 11: Crown Prince Xander • 12: An Orchestrated Battle • 13: What Happened to Corrin • 14: Sieging the Citadel • 15: Taking the World Tree • 16: The Imprisoned Prince • 17: Royal Blood • 18: Chaos Dragon's Might • 19: Reclaiming Home • 20: Clash at the World TreeE: Chaos Dragon Velezark
History Mode Invisible TiesThe Path Is YoursThe Dark PontifexNoble Lady of CaelinTogether to the EndHero ChallengeGriefLand of GodsCold ReceptionA Brush in the TeethPrincess MinervaKnorda MarketScion of LegendEmmerynCaravan Dancer
Locations AytolisGristonne
Groups, objects and concepts Anna's MementosBlessingsCostumesCrestsMaterialsGleamstonesShield of FlamesWeapon Attributes
Related topics Downloadable contentName chart • Other games (Warriors: Three HopesShadow DragonEchoes: Shadows of ValentiaThe Blazing BladeAwakeningFates) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound GalleryWorld map