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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Lena casting a staff's spell in Fire Emblem Cipher.

The staff (Japanese: rod; plural: staves) is a magical weapon category which was introduced in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and is present in every game in the Fire Emblem series except Gaiden and Shadows of Valentia, where white magic performs the same role. Staves are unique in that they have no capacity to actively deal damage and cannot be used to initiate an attack, nor in most cases defend an attack. Instead, they deal entirely in support magic to aid their allies or non-violently cripple their enemies.

Among basic classes, there are a handful of staff-wielding classes which can use no other weapon type and are incapable of fighting on their own; classes of this archetype are typically known as healers. On promotion, healer classes usually gain access to offensive magic alongside staves, and the vast majority of other advanced magical classes will usually gain access to staves alongside their initial magic type. In later games, staves are also often found being used by advanced classes who otherwise only wield physical weapons.

In Fire Emblem Fates, their Hoshidan counterpart is the rod (Japanese: 祓串 haraegushi). Rods are almost identical to staves and share a weapon level. The basic hierarchy of rods have an increased range over basic staves in exchange for weaker healing potency, but other types of rods are identical to staves.

In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, staves' normal role is again taken by white magic, like in Gaiden, but staves do appear as a type of equipment.

There are currently 54 different staves in the Fire Emblem series.


Staves can be loosely divided up into four archetypes:

  • The majority of staves are healing staves which are designed to heal injured allies. Most of these restore hit points to injured units, while the Restore staff cures status effects. Healing staves of lower weapon level usually heal only a single unit who is adjacent to the user, but the stronger healing staves can often heal distant allies or even multiple allies at once.
  • Transport staves allow staff-users to teleport their allies (or, occasionally, themselves) to other points on a map, usually across very long distances that no unit could otherwise cross by themselves in a single turn.
  • Support staves perform miscellaneous purposes which are beneficial to the staff-user's army, such as peforming tasks over long distances that otherwise require specialized units or items to get close to the task's subject.
  • Offensive staves are staves designed to affect the staff user's enemies, working to put them at a disadvantage in ways that do not involve depleting their HP. This usually comes in the form of afflicting the enemy with status effects that leave them much more vulnerable to attacks from the staff-user's allies. Unlike most other staves, all of these operate over a long range and do not require the staff user to be adjacent to the enemy. Offensive staves tend to be used fairly widely among late-game enemies, but the player can typically only get them in very limited quantities.

As magical weapons, staves generally rely on their user's magic stat to determine their effectiveness. Most healing staves after Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light restore an amount of HP which is based on the user's magic plus a base healing value assigned to that particular staff. In some games, the range of staves which can be cast over distances, such as Physic and Rescue, is also derived from the user's magic, as is the accuracy of offensive staves. Generally speaking, the higher a unit's magic, then the more effective staves will be in their hands. Conversely, the resistance stat is used to calculate whether a unit can evade an incoming cast of an offensive staff.

While using weapons awards experience based on how strong the enemy is relative to the attacker, staves work differently by awarding experience based on the staff used, with stronger staves usually giving more experience. This only applies from Mystery of the Emblem onward, because in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light staves do not award experience at all, meaning that the only way for members of the healer class Priest to gain experience in that game is by being attacked.

In the majority of games, non-offensive staves will have perfect accuracy and it is impossible for a staff cast to fail. The exception is Thracia 776, where every staff use has a hit chance determined solely by the user's skill stat. Staves do not share weapons' universal 99% hit rate maximum, and a unit with enough skill will not miss with staves—the game does not roll a random number for a unit with 10 skill or higher, and they will always hit.[1] Thracia 776 also gives the mend, heal and physic staves a chance to be cast twice in an action if the first cast misses or does not fully replenish the target's HP.

In Path of Radiance, the staff weapon level doubles as the weapon level for light magic.

Self-defense in Radiant Dawn

Soren counterattacks an attacking Nolan with his Rescue staff, dealing nine points of damage.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn applied a few unique changes to the workings of staves. First, staves are equipped in exactly the same way as an ordinary weapon, meaning that a unit who casts a staff will automatically equip it instead of any other weapons they may possess. On one hand this is a minor inconvenience for offensive magical units such as the Sage family, as it prevents them from being able to properly respond to enemy-phase attacks with their proper weapons. On the other hand, the game compensates for this with every staff having a bonus effect on their equipper; for instance, most healing staves will restore small amounts of HP to their wielder at the beginning of a turn, while several staves offer minor stat boosts.

As part of this, Radiant Dawn also allows staff-users the ability to counterattack if, on the enemy's phase, they are attacked at 1 range. The counterattacks are, by design, fairly weak and insubstantial: all staves have zero might meaning that the counterattack's damage is determined entirely based on the user's strength, a stat which tends to be very low among staff users. Staves compensate partially for this with their excellent crit stats which give decent chances of inflicting critical hits. Staves of progressively higher weapon levels get progressively higher crit to the point that the game's two SS-rank staves, Matrona and the Ashera Staff, have 100 crit each, the highest by far of any item in the Fire Emblem series.

Staff counterattacks do not consume the staff's durability, but do provide experience and weapon experience.

Staves are also equipped in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light but the user cannot counterattack and no benefits are provided to the user.

In-universe role

Staves are usually treated by the series' story materials as being much like light magic in that the ability to use them is rooted in divine faith and service.[2] Most of the primary staff-wielding classes, such as the Priest, Cleric and Bishop, are presented as religious acolytes and almost all members of these classes, as well as other staff users outside of these such as L'Arachel, are servants of religious orders themselves. However, this is not the case for most other classes, with even advanced dark magic-wielding classes usually being able to use staves as well. The magic of healing staves works by supplementing and enhancing the natural ability of living bodies to regenerate when wounded, presumably drastically speeding up this healing process.[3]


These are general calculations which apply to multiple or all staves in a game. For the specific formulas for individual staves' amount of HP healed or range, see their individual pages.

Staff experience gain

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Formula Notes
Mystery of the Emblem Base value --
Genealogy of the Holy War Base value --
Thracia 776 Base value --
The Binding Blade Base value Base value / 2 if unit is promoted
The Blazing Blade Base value Base value / 2 if unit is promoted
The Sacred Stones Base value Base value / 2 if unit is promoted
Path of Radiance Base value Base value / 2 if unit is promoted
Radiant Dawn Base value Base value / 2 if unit is promoted
Shadow Dragon Base value − (Level − 5) / 3 [Base value − (Level − 5) / 3] / 2 if unit is promoted; (Level − 5) / 3 is rounded up
New Mystery of the Emblem Base value − (Level − 5) / 3 [Base value − (Level − 5) / 3] / 2 if unit is promoted; (Level − 5) / 3 is rounded up
Awakening Base value − (Internal Level − 5) / 3 + Unpromoted bonus + Exceptions Unpromoted bonus is +8 on Normal mode, +3 on Hard mode and +0 on Lunatic and Lunatic+ mode if user is a unpromoted class.
Exceptions is -1 if user's Internal Level is 8 or 11, +1 if user's Internal Level is 30.
If Internal Level − 5 < 0, treated as = 0.
Fates Base value − (Internal Level − 5) / 3 + Unpromoted bonus + Exceptions Unpromoted bonus is +8 on Normal mode, +3 on Hard mode and +0 on Lunatic mode if user is a unpromoted class.
Exceptions is -1 if user's Internal Level is 8 or 11, +1 if user's Internal Level is 30.
If Internal Level − 5 < 0, treated as = 0.

Offensive staff hit rate

This section is missing stats, calculations, or growth rates which may be currently unknown. If this information is available, please help improve the page by adding it.

Game Formula Notes
Genealogy of the Holy War If (Magic) > (Target's resistance), then the staff hits. --
Thracia 776 Hit + (Skill × 4) Will never miss if user's skill is 10 or higher. Cannot be cast on enemy units who occupy thrones or gates, and requires the caster to have more magic than the target.
The Binding Blade 30 + [{(Magic) − (Target's resistance)} × 6] + (Skill) − (distance from target) --
The Blazing Blade 30 + [(Magic) × 5] + (Skill) --
The Sacred Stones 30 + [(Magic) × 5] + (Skill) --
Path of Radiance 30 + [{(Magic) − (Target's resistance)} × 5] + (Skill) − (distance from target × 2) --
Radiant Dawn 30 + [{(Magic) − (Target's resistance)} × 5] + (Skill) − (distance from target × 2) --
Fates Hit + (Magic) + (Skill) + (Weapon level bonus) Weapon level bonus is 5 for ranks B or A and 10 for S.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia ??? --
Three Houses ??? --
Engage Hit + (Magic) + (Dexterity) --

Offensive staff avoid

This section is missing stats, calculations, or growth rates which may be currently unknown. If this information is available, please help improve the page by adding it.

Game Formula Notes
Genealogy of the Holy War If (Target's resistance) > (Magic), then the staff misses. --
Thracia 776 -- --
The Binding Blade -- The usual considerations for an offensive staff missing are already built into the hit rate calculation.
The Blazing Blade [(Target's resistance) × 5] + [(Distance from target) × 2] --
The Sacred Stones [(Target's resistance) × 5] + [(Distance from target) × 2] --
Path of Radiance -- The usual considerations for an offensive staff missing are already built into the hit rate calculation.
Radiant Dawn -- The usual considerations for an offensive staff missing are already built into the hit rate calculation.
Fates [(Resistance x 3) + (Luck)] / 2 Value is rounded down if applicable.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia ??? --
Three Houses ??? --
Engage [(Resistance × 3) + (Luck)] / 2 --

Thracia 776 mechanics

Aspect Formula Notes
Staff hit rate Hit + (Skill × 4) Will never miss if skill is 10 or higher
Staff double-cast rate [(Skill) + (Speed) + (Luck)] / 2 Only applies to Heal, Mend, and Physic. These staves will not double-cast if the first cast fully heals the target.

Staves in the Fire Emblem series

Healing staves

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Heal Restores HP to allies in adjacent spaces. White magic in Three Houses.
Mend Restores many HP to allies in adjacent spaces.
Recover Restores all HP to allies in adjacent spaces.
White magic in Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses.
Physic Restores HP to allies at a distance.
White magic in Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses.
Fortify Restores all HP to allies nearby.
White magic in Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses.
Fortify+ --
Restore Returns allies to normal condition. (Cures sleep, etc.)
White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses.
Ordinary Staff Restores miniscule HP to a unit.
Glass Staff Completely restores HP to a nearby ally. Fragile.
Kneader Slighty restores an adjacent ally's HP.
Balmwood Staff Restores an adjacent ally's HP. Use it to heal the wielder.
Catharsis Greatly restores a distant ally's HP.
Candy Cane --
Mushroom Staff --
Bouquet Staff --
Bloom Festal --
Sun Festal --
Wane Festal --
Moon Festal --
Great Festal --
Lantern --
Dumpling Rod --
Bamboo Branch Also has a support effect.
Treat --
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Transport staves

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Warp Transports an adjacent ally to another location.
White magic in Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses.
Unused in Path of Radiance.
Rescue A special staff that returns an ally to the user. A personal staff in Mystery of the Emblem.
White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses.
Return Unused in Thracia 776.
Rewarp White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
Entrap White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Support staves

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Ward Raises a nearby ally's resistance. Wears off with time.
White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses
Hammerne Restores an adjacent ally's weapons to new condition.
A personal staff in the Archanea games.
Unlock Unlocks doors, even from a distance.
A personal staff in Thracia 776.
Unused in Path of Radiance.
Thief A staff that can open chests.
A personal staff in Mystery of the Emblem and Thracia 776.
Unused in Genealogy of the Holy War.
Watch Unused in Thracia 776 and The Binding Blade.
Anew A staff that allows allies to move again.
White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
Torch A staff that illuminates an area for a short while. The wielder's vision range increases by 2.
Magic Up --
Repair Personal staff.
Strength A staff that raises an ally's Str by 2 for 1 turn.
Speed A staff that raises an ally's Spd by 2 for 1 turn.
Defense A staff that raises an ally's Def by 2 for 1 turn.
Bamboo Branch Also has a healing effect.
Obstruct Creates ice pillar terrain.
Nodus Fills allies' engage meters.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Offensive staves

These staves do not deal direct damage, but inflict status effects against its adversary.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Silence A staff that prevents enemies from using magic. Each turn, the wielder is cured of silence.
White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses.
Sleep A staff that puts enemy units to sleep for five turns. Each turn, the wielder is cured of sleep.
Berserk Sends enemies into a berserker rage.
Unused in Path of Radiance.
Nightmare Lulls all enemies within range into a deep slumber.
Elsilence A staff that prevents enemies from using magic. It has been strengthened by senators' research.
Elsleep A staff that puts enemy units to sleep for five turns. Senatorial research has strengthened it.
Freeze White magic in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
Enfeeble Inflicts temporary debuffs on target's stats.
Hexing Rod Halves target's max HP for the rest of the map.
Fracture Inflicts break on target.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Character's staves

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and New Mystery of the Emblem each contain a themed staff named for an individual character, but are not locked specifically to them; two more such staves appear in Fates. The one such staff in New Mystery of the Emblem sells for zero gold. Staves are one of two usable item types in Awakening that do not include character-themed entries (the other being stones).

All of these staves are healing staves.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Tiena's Staff Wielded by Tiena.
Wrys's Staff A staff owned by Wrys, an Altean curate.
Elise's Staff --
Lilith's Staff --
Sakura's Rod --
Purification Rod Named after Azama in the Japanese version of Fates.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Regalia and personal staves

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Hammerne Restores an adjacent ally's weapons to new condition.
Lena and Marisha only in the Archanea games.
Aum A special staff for princesses that can revive a fallen ally.
Elice, Caeda, Minerva, Maria, Yuliya and Sheena only.
Valkyrie Major Bragi Holy Blood only.
Repair Safy only.
Unlock Tina only in Thracia 776.
Thief Tina only in Thracia 776.
Kia Sara only.
Staff of the Saint Restores all HP to all allies.
Latona A Sacred Twin staff. The ancient Staff of Latona.
Goddess Staff Fully restores the HP of all allies in range.
Matrona A staff that restores all HP to a distant target. It also raises the target's biorhythm to its peak.
Astral Blessing Lilith only.
Bifröst Revives the last unit who died on the current map. Only Maids and Butlers may acquire requisite weapon level.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Staves without an effect

This staff lacks an effect in its current state, and must be repaired in order to regain its original functionality.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Broken Staff --
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Staves with unknown intended use

This staff is unused content in the only game it is coded into, and its intended effect is unknown.

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Charm Crashes the game when used as programmed.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Classes capable of using staves

Class Wields staves in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Priest --
Bishop --
Cleric --
Dark Mage --
Princess --
Master Knight --
Troubadour --
Paladin Female units only.
Baron --
Emperor --
Falcon Knight --
Mage Fighter Female units only.
Shaman --
Sage In Path of Radiance each individual Mage has to choose between gaining knives or staves upon promotion to Sage.
High Priest --
Queen --
Dark Bishop --
Loptr Mage --
Druid --
Valkyrie --
Archsage --
Dark Druid --
Bramimond --
Mage Knight --
Summoner --
Necromancer --
Demon King Not listed in the weapon level screen as being able to use staves, but uses a Nightmare anyway.
Princess Crimea --
Chancellor --
Light Sage --
Light Priestess --
Saint --
Sorcerer --
Trickster --
War Monk --
War Cleric --
Bride --
Hoshido Noble --
Monk --
Shrine Maiden --
Onmyoji --
Great Master --
Priestess --
Falcon Knight --
Adventurer --
Strategist --
Butler --
Maid --
Astral Dragon --
Vidame --
Wing Tamer --
Lindwurm --
Sleipnir Rider --
Royal Knight --
Griffin Knight --
Martial Monk --
Martial Master --
A means that the class wields staves in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes




Romanized as ROD in the internal files of Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.











• Bacchetta
• Bastone

• Baton; from The Blazing Blade until Path of Radiance.
• Cane; from Radiant Dawn onward.


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Haraegushi (literally, "cleansing skewer"), also known as ōnusa, are a distinct type of wooden baton used in Shinto rituals. Their primary role is in purification rituals to exorcise spiritual impurities. Traditional haraegushi are decorated with numerous zig-zagging paper streamers.[4]















  1. Lapogne, FE5 SSS TAS route, Youtube, Published: January 15, 2022, Retrieved: February 1, 2022
  2. "Lyn: Your staff is a wondrous thing. Healing powers amaze me.
    Serra: Only those in the service of good can wield them.
    " — Lyn and Serra, Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
  3. "Wrys: I see... Alright. There's a bountiful sea near the monastery. The children often go play there.
    Chris: Sounds fun.
    Wrys: Yes. But since they're so energetic... they injure themselves often.
    Chris: Hmm and that's when you heal them with your staff, right Sir Wrys?
    Wrys: No, I don't do that.
    Chris: Pardon? Why not...?
    Wrys: Why are you befuddled, lass? People are born with the power of healing their own wounds. A staff's power is merely a supplement to that natural healing. And, besides, children need to learn that getting hurt is dangerous... That is what I humbly believe.
    Chris: Yes... I agree with you too.
    Wrys: That's why I only heal them when it's absolutely required.
    " — Wrys and Kris, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  4. Motosawa, M., Ritual Implements and Vestments : Ōnusa, Encyclopedia of Shinto - Home (archived by the Wayback Machine), Published: June 2, 2005, Retrieved: July 15, 2015

See also

Weapon types
Physical weapons ArtAxeBow (Ballista)CannonballGauntletsDaggerLanceSword
Magical weapons Anima (FireThunderWind)Black magicDarkLightStaffTome (Blue tomeColorless tomeGreen tomeRed tome)White magic
Other weapons BreathCrest StoneSpecialStoneStrike, beast, and monster weapons
Healing staves Balmwood StaffBouquet StaffCandy CaneCatharsisElise's StaffFortifyGlass StaffHealKneaderLilith's StaffMendMushroom StaffOrdinary StaffPhysicRecoverRestoreTiena's StaffWrys's Staff
Offensive staves BerserkElsilenceElsleepEnfeebleEntrapFreezeNightmareSilenceSleep
Transport staves EntrapRescueReturnRewarpWarp
Regalia and personal staves Astral BlessingAumBifröstGoddess StaffHammerneKiaLatonaMatronaRepairRescueStaff of the SaintThiefUnlockValkyrie
Other staves AnewBroken StaffCharmDefense StaffHammerneMagic UpStrength StaffSpeed StaffThiefTorchUnlockWardWatch
Healing rods Bloom FestalDumpling RodGreat FestalLanternMoon FestalPurification RodSakura's RodSun FestalWane Festal
Non-healing rods Hexing RodRescueSilence
Hybrid rods Bamboo Branch