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Strength Staff

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Strength Staff

Is ds strength staff.png
Icon of the Strength Staff from New Mystery of the Emblem.

A staff that raises an ally's Str by 2 for 1 turn.



First game

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

The Strength Staff (Japanese: 力の杖 Strength Staff) is an uncommon staff introduced in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. This staff grants the target a small boost in Strength for a single turn.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
New Mystery of the Emblem Is ds strength staff.png Staves E -- -- -- -- 1 3 750 2 Sells for 0 gold.


Game Effect Accuracy Experience acquired by the user
New Mystery of the Emblem Increases the target's Strength by 2 for one turn.
Cannot increase the target's Strength beyond its cap, and doesn't stack with other temporary stat boosters in Strength.
-- 20/10

For more information on experience calculations, see Experience § Using a staff or white magic.


New Mystery of the Emblem

Treasure Everyone's Conditions, obtained at random from a pool of possible items (1.74% chance).

Flavor text

Game Text
New Mystery of the Emblem
A staff that raises an ally's Str by 2 for 1 turn.*

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used in the "Heroes of Shadow" fan translation.



Strength Staff


See also

Healing staves Balmwood StaffBouquet StaffCandy CaneCatharsisElise's StaffFortifyGlass StaffHealKneaderLilith's StaffMendMushroom StaffOrdinary StaffPhysicRecoverRestoreTiena's StaffWrys's Staff
Offensive staves BerserkElsilenceElsleepEnfeebleEntrapFreezeNightmareSilenceSleep
Transport staves EntrapRescueReturnRewarpWarp
Regalia and personal staves Astral BlessingAumBifröstGoddess StaffHammerneKiaLatonaMatronaRepairRescueStaff of the SaintThiefUnlockValkyrie
Other staves AnewBroken StaffCharmDefense StaffHammerneMagic UpStrength StaffSpeed StaffThiefTorchUnlockWardWatch
Weapons in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Swords ArmorslayerBamboo SwordBlunt SwordBrave SwordCecil's SwordDevil SwordFalchionGlass SwordIron SwordKilling EdgeLadybladeLevin SwordLuke's SwordMeisterschwertMercuriusOgma's BladePure SwordQuick SwordRapierSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordslayerWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceCamus's PikeDragonpikeDraug's LanceFlycatcherGradivusIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLaundry PoleQuick LanceRidersbaneRoderick's LanceSilver LanceSpearSteel LanceWing Spear
Axes Barst's AxeBordcord AxeBrave AxeDevil AxeFrying PanGlass AxeHammerHand AxeHauteclereHit AxeImmortal AxeIron AxeKiller AxeLegion's AxePoleaxQuick AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTomahawk
Bows Brave BowClarisse's BowCleave BowGlass BowGordin's BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowParthiaQuick BowRyan's BowSilver BowSteel BowToy Bow
Tomes AuraBlizzardBolganoneCutting GaleElfireEmberExcaliburFireGlowerImhulluMerric's TomeMeteorNosferatuReese's TomeSleetStarlightSwarmThoronThunder
Dragonstones DivinestoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Breaths Dark BreathFire BreathIce BreathMage Breath
Ballistae ArrowspateHoistflammePachydermStonehoistThunderbolt
Staves AnewAumDefense StaffFortifyGlass StaffHammerneHealMendOrdinary StaffPhysicRecoverRescueSilenceSpeed StaffStrength StaffThiefUnlockWardWarpWrys's Staff