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Fire Emblem Cipher

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
For the original TCG that ran from 2001 to 2004, see Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.
TCGCipher Logo 02.png

Fire Emblem Cipher[1] (Japanese: TCGファイアーエムブレム0(サイファ) TCG Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)) is a collectible card game based on the characters and settings of the Fire Emblem series. It is the second card game based on Fire Emblem, after the original Fire Emblem Trading Card Game. Unlike its predecessor, Cipher was developed and published in-house by Intelligent Systems.[2] Cipher began publication in 2015, as part of the release of Fire Emblem Fates, and currently has twenty published series of cards with two more more upcoming. After the twenty-second series is released in October 2020, Cipher was discontinued.[3]

The game has adapted characters from every game in the main Fire Emblem series, as well as the spinoffs Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Fire Emblem Warriors; the spinoff Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga is the only game in the greater Fire Emblem series which was not formally-stated focus of a series. The vast majority of cards depict actual characters from the games, but since the second series, Cipher introduced eight mascot characters for the card game itself—Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Valjean, Niamh, and Poe—who regularly featured in both promotional material for the game and in cards of their own.

Unlike the original TCG, which relied primarily on a single artist to illustrate the majority of its cards, the cards of Cipher feature illustrations from a very wide variety of artists (there are 178 credited illustrators), many of whom had no prior attachment to Fire Emblem. Art contributions for Cipher were overseen by art director Daisuke Izuka, who also contributed some card illustrations himself.[4] Among these artists are several returning designers from earlier Fire Emblem games, including Sachiko Wada, Rika Suzuki and Senri Kita.

Rule set

For more information, see the Comprehensive Rules of FE Cipher on Serenes Forest.

Cipher is a two-player game which revolves around each player building an army to defend their designated "lord" character (which can be any card with a cost of 1) from their opponent's army. When setting up the game, each player sets aside five face-down cards to act as orbs, which act as the hit points for their lord. Every time a player's lord is defeated, the player must take one of their orbs. Once a player has taken all of their orbs, then had their lord be defeated a sixth time, the game is over and that player loses.

Players deploy cards onto the battlefield as active fighters in either the Vanguard Area (front line) or the Rearguard Area (back line), but the player must also play other cards as bonds to pay the costs for deployment, class changing, and execution of certain skills which are listed on each card. During the sequence of an attack, cards are played as supports in the Support Area, where they give a bonus to the attack power of the units involved in an attack. When a unit in the Vanguard or Rearguard (except a player's lord) is defeated, it is sent to the Retreat Area, the game's discard pile.

Cards and units

"Altean Prince, Marth", an example of a typical Cipher card.

Unlike the previous Fire Emblem Trading Card Game, all cards in Cipher depict individual units. Each card is comprised of the following stats and elements:

  • Name: Players are only allowed to deploy one unit with a given name onto the field, and are not allowed to deploy units if their name matches the name of a unit who is already in play.
  • Title: All cards also have a title, which defines that card as a unique card compared to other cards of the same name.
  • Symbol: Almost all cards are assigned one game-of-origin continent affiliation, as marked by a symbol and color: Blade of Light (Archanea/Valentia), Holy War Flag (Jugdral), Legendary Weapons (Elibe/Magvel), Medallion (Tellius), Brand (Ylisse), Hoshido, Nohr, or Crest of the Goddess (Fódlan). Certain cards, such as those for the cast of Fire Emblem Heroes, have no symbol instead.
    The symbols of cards play a role in determining the ability of units to be deployed: at least one face-up bond with a given symbol must already be in play before a card of that symbol can be deployed as a unit. Symbols also play a role in certain skills. The symbol is marked in along the left edge of the card.
    As of Series 10, certain Fates-themed cards have two symbols, belonging to both the Hoshido and Nohr affiliations. Deploying these cards requires that at least one face-up bond of each symbol is in play.
  • Affinities: All cards are marked with a number of affinities, which define their gender, the weapon type they use, and the type of unit they are. These play a role in the effects of many skills. Affinities are marked in along the left edge of the card, beneath the card's symbol.
  • Class: A unit's class from the original games generally influences their affinities and usable weapons in Cipher.
  • Deployment cost: The number of cards which must be played as bonds in order to deploy the unit onto your field. Found in the top-left corner of each card.
  • Class change cost: The number of cards which must be played as bonds in order to deploy this unit as a class change for an already-active unit of the same name. Class change costs are only found on cards in advanced classes, which have both a deployment cost and a class change cost; the class change cost is found in the top-left corner as well, directly below the deployment cost. The card may be played as a separate unit as well, but it costs fewer bonds to use it to change the class of a card that is already in action.
  • Attack power: The unit's basic strength when attacking or defending, before skills or support power come into play. Found in the bottom-left corner of the card.
  • Support power: When a unit is played in the Support Area, its support power value is added to the attack power of an attacking or defending unit to increase their total attack power in that attack. Starting in Series 7, some cards have a support value of "X", which means that the card's support power varies depending on a particular aspect of the current battlefield. Found in the bottom-right corner of the card.
  • Range: The range in which a unit can attack, similar to the original games. Found in the bottom-center of the card.
    • A unit with 1 range can only attack enemy units in the row directly in front of them (that is, units in their Vanguard can only attack enemy units in the enemy Vanguard, and cannot attack from the Rearguard).
    • A unit with 2 range can attack enemies situated two rows ahead of them (that is, if in their Vanguard they can attack enemy units in the enemy Rearguard, and if in their Rearguard they can only attack enemy units in the enemy's Vanguard).
    • A unit with 1–2 range can attack under both of the above conditions.
  • Skills: All units possess at least one skill which gives them a unique ability to use in gameplay. Skills tend to fall into one of six archetypes:
    • [Activate] skills can be activated at will by the player, but only during their Action Phase.
    • [Trigger] skills have effects which are automatically invoked when specific conditions defined by the card are met.
    • [Always] skills are always active in the circumstances specified by the card, as long as the unit with the skill remains in play.
    • [Bond] skills can only be used if the card is played as a bond in the Bond Area.
    • [Support] skills are a separate category, which can only be used if the card is played as a support unit in the Support Area. They are divided into two further types of skills:
      • Attack Support Attack skills automatically activate when the player makes an attack during their Action Phase.
      • Defend Support Defense skills automatically activate when defending from an opponent's attack during the opponent's Action Phase.
      • Attack/Defend Support Skills marked with this hybrid attack/defense icon are always in effect if the card is played as a support, regardless of turn. They are often—though not exclusively—found on cards with a support power value of "X", with the skill determining where their support power comes from.
    • [Special] skills have effects which do not fit into the other five archetypes, often including effects which work outside how the game normally works.


A Cipher game mat with a game in progress.

In a game of Cipher, much like the main Fire Emblem games, each player takes turns to perform actions. Each player's turn is broken down into five phases:

  • In the Beginning Phase, a player makes preparations for the actions they will undertake in their turn. They draw one card from their deck and add it to their hand, they untap any cards they had tapped in their last turn to allow them to perform actions again in this turn, and they invoke any skills whose requirements involve activating them at the start of the player's turn.
  • In the Bond Phase, a player may play one card from their hand as a bond, placing it in the Bond Area. This may be skipped if a player chooses.
  • In the Deployment Phase, a player may play cards from their hand as units in the Vanguard or Rearguard, or as class changes or level-ups for units who are already in play, as long as they have enough bonds in place to fulfill the cost requirements. This may be skipped if a player chooses.
  • In the Action Phase, a player may have each of their units in play perform one of four actions: attacking, activating skills, moving from the Vanguard to the Rearguard or vice versa, or doing nothing. If a unit performs an action, the player must tap its card (rotate it 90 degrees) to mark this, preventing it from being used again in this action phase.
    • To perform an attack, the player must follow several steps:
      • 1. Tap the attacking unit and declare which enemy unit (within a compatible range) they wish to attack.
      • 2. Compatible skills belonging to both the attacking and defending unit are activated. The attacking unit's skills take priority over the defending unit's skills (e.g. in the case of trigger skills).
      • 3. Both players draw the topmost card from their deck and play it face-up as a support in the Support Area. The support power of each player's support unit is added to their active unit's attack power, and any support skills the support unit possesses are activated. Units cannot support themselves, so if the drawn support card is a unit with the same name as the player's current attacking unit (e.g. the player is attacking with Ogma and they draw another Ogma card as their support), the support fails and the drawn support card is sent to the Retreat Area.
      • 4. If either player has another card with the same name as their attacking/defending unit, they have the option of playing and discarding it to influence the outcome of the battle. If this is done for an attacking unit, they perform a critical hit which doubles their attack power (including all bonuses from supports and skills), and if this is done for a defending unit, they perform an evade which nullifies an incoming attack and automatically ends the attacking sequence with no damage.
      • 5. If an evade was not performed, the outcome of the attacking sequence is determined by comparing the attack power (including all bonuses from supports, skills, and critical hits) of the attacker and defender. If the attacking unit has a higher attack power, the defending unit is defeated and sent to the opponent's Retreat Area (unless they are the player's orb, in which case they remain in play and their player must take one orb). If the defending unit has a higher attack power, nothing happens and both units remain in play on the field.
      • 6. Any skills possessed by either unit whose requirements involve defeating a unit or being defeated activate. The attacking unit's skills take priority.
      • 7. Both players send the support card used for this attacking sequence to their Retreat Areas. The player may now move on to performing another action, or may choose to end their Action Phase.
  • In the End Phase, the player invokes any skills whose requirements involve activating them at the end of the player's turn, and terminates any skills whose requirements involve deactivating at the end of their turn. The player's turn then ends, and the other player takes their turn and goes through these five phases from the beginning.

At the beginning of the game, the player who goes first must skip the Beginning Phase and is not allowed to initiate an attack during their Action Phase.


Cipher releases a new series of cards every three months, with each series typically focused on two or three Fire Emblem games. Like most trading card games, there are two primary distribution packages: starter decks which contain a pre-determined set of 50 cards which typically focus on one Fire Emblem game or faction, and booster packs which contain 10 random cards each. Booster packs can also be bought in bulk as booster boxes, which contain 16 packs each; in addition to the 160 random cards from the enclosed packs, booster boxes also contain one promotional card previewing the next series and a set of card sleeves decorated with Fire Emblem art.

In addition to the regular starter deck and booster pack cards, some cards are distributed as promotional cards which are only available with certain purchases or by attending certain events. Some promotional cards are entirely unique, while others are reprints of pre-existing cards that feature new art. Typically there are between ten and eighteen promotional cards accompanying each series, two of which are almost always the preview cards enclosed in booster boxes.

Launch date Game(s) adapted Format(s) Total new cards
TCGCipher series 01 header.png
Series 1
June 25th, 2015 Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
• Starter Decks:
War of Shadows Chapter
Awakening Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax each; 50 cards each)
• Booster Pack:
The Heroes' Blade of War
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 02 header.png
Series 2
September 17th, 2015 Fates (Birthright and Conquest) • Starter Decks:
Hoshido Chapter
Nohr Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax each; 50 cards each)
• Booster Pack:
The Divine Flame of Light and Darkness
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 03 header.png
Series 3
December 10th, 2015 Path of Radiance
Fates (Revelation)
• Starter Deck:
Path of Radiance Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
The Twin Swords to Hope
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 04 header.png
Series 4
March 17th, 2016 Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
• Starter Deck:
Illusory Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
Shining Illusong
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 05 header.png
Series 5
June 23rd, 2016 The Binding Blade
Radiant Dawn
• Starter Deck:
Binding Disturbance Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
Beyond the Rivalry
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 06 header.png
Series 6
September 29th, 2016 Genealogy of the Holy War (1st generation)
Fates (Conquest and Revelation)
• Starter Deck:
Genealogy of the Holy War Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
Storm of the Knights' Shadows
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 07 header.png
Series 7
December 8th, 2016 The Blazing Blade
Fates (Birthright and Revelation)
• Booster Pack:
Conquest of Honor
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 08 header.png
Series 8
March 16th, 2017 Awakening
Genealogy of the Holy War (2nd generation)
• Booster Pack:
Life and Death: Beyond Fate
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 09 header.png
Series 9
June 22nd, 2017 Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
The Binding Blade/Hasha no Tsurugi
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
• Starter Deck:
Land of the Gods Chapter
(¥1,300 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
Thunderous Earth
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 10 header.png
Series 10
September 21st, 2017 Thracia 776
Fates (Birthright, Conquest, and Heirs of Fate)
• Booster Pack:
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 11 header.png
Series 11
December 7th, 2017 Gaiden/Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
The Sacred Stones
• Booster Pack:
Glorious Twinstrike[7]
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 12 header.png
Series 12
March 22nd, 2018 Genealogy of the Holy War
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
• Booster Pack:
Raging Deluge
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 13 header.png
Series 13
June 28th, 2018 The Blazing Blade
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
• Starter Deck:
The Blazing Blade Chapter
(¥1,480 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
Flame, Steel, Thought, and Grief
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 14 header.png
Series 14
September 27, 2018 Awakening
Fates (Birthright)
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
• Booster Pack:
Eyes Gazing at the Future
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 15 header.png
Series 15
December 13, 2018 New Mystery of the Emblem
Fates (Conquest)
Genealogy of the Holy War/Thracia 776
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
• Booster Pack:
Shining World
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 16 header.png
Series 16
March 22, 2019 The Binding Blade
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Radiant Dawn
• Booster Pack:
O Courage, O Burning Soul
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 17 header.png
Series 17
June 27, 2019 Entire greater Fire Emblem series to that point except Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga and Warriors
Full list:
• Starter Deck:
Warriors of Bonds Chapter
(¥1,480 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
All-Out March of the Heroes
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 18 header.png
Series 18
September 26, 2019 Three Houses
The Sacred Stones
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
• Starter Deck:
Three Houses Chapter
(¥1,480 + tax; 50 cards)
• Booster Pack:
Oratorio of Departure
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 19 header.png
Series 19
December 12, 2019 Three Houses
Genealogy of the Holy War
• Booster Pack:
Holy Flames of Sublime Heaven
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 20 header.png
Series 20
March 19, 2020 Fates (all three campaigns)
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
• Booster Pack:
The Dawn's Guiding Hand
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 21 header.png
Series 21
June 25, 2020 Three Houses
The Binding Blade
The Blazing Blade
• Booster Pack:
Tempest of Apocalyptic Flame
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)
TCGCipher series 22 header.png
Series 22
October 1, 2020 Entire greater Fire Emblem series to that point except Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, plus one tie-in manga
Full list:
• Booster Pack:
Victory Song of Heroes
(¥350 + tax each; 10 cards each)

Card rarities

This Roy card is an SR+ card, the highest possible rarity. It features different art and a different border from the regular SR print, and it is signed by Roy's Japanese voice actor, Jun Fukuyama. The card is printed in holographic foil, although it is not visible in this image.

Cards are grouped by rarities, which determine how likely it is to find a given card in a booster pack. Rarity is denoted in the card's number as a 1/2 letter suffix.

  • N (Normal) is the most common rarity. Normal cards typically have a deployment cost of 1 and depict units in base classes. Each series typically features 42 N cards.
  • HN (High Normal) cards are reasonably common, but not as common as N cards. HN cards are typically split between cards which depict less important/popular units in advanced classes, and additional base-class cards for more popular characters. Each series typically features 30 HN cards.
  • R (Rare) cards are, as the name suggests, rare. They generally feature mildly popular and important units in advanced classes, with better skills than HN cards. R cards are printed in holographic foil. Each series typically features 16 R cards.
  • SR (Super Rare) is the highest rarity. It is usually reserved for the most important and/or popular characters in a Fire Emblem game in advanced classes, with the highest deployment costs and the most powerful and unique skill effects. Like R cards, they are printed in holographic foil. Each series typically features 12 SR cards.

Each booster pack contains six N cards, three HN cards, and 1 card that is either an R, an SR, or one of their respective + variants.

Some R and SR cards are also given alternate, even more rare R+ and SR+ prints, which usually feature either different art or the signature of the character's Japanese voice actor or, less frequently, the card's artist. Each series features 6 SR+ cards and 8 R+ cards, and like the regular R and SR cards, they are also printed in holographic foil. On average, there is only one card of any + rarity in each booster box.

Starting from Series 5, each series also contains one card of +X rarity (usually R+X, although Series 9 had a N+X card instead), which are usually special preview prints of cards due for release six months/two series later, usually from the one of the same symbol affiliations as is featured in the current set; for example, the first R+X card, Eliwood, was released in Series 5 (a set that prominently featured Elibe) before its regular R counterpart was released in Series 7. +X cards are treated as a secret by Intelligent Systems, in that they are never revealed before the series is released, and they are not even added to the card list on the official website until several weeks after the series' release.

In addition to these rarities, all cards contained in starter decks are designated as ST rarity, since every card in a starter deck is predetermined. Almost all promotional cards are designated PR (certain reprints of earlier promotional cards are designated PRr instead).


Live streams promoting Cipher were periodically held every one or two months on the Japanese video site Niconico, previewing cards and artwork for upcoming Cipher sets as well as both announcing new events and covering the outcomes of recent ones. The live streams were hosted by Ryota Kawade, the producer of Cipher, and by Young, another Intelligent Systems employee. They were accompanied by guest artists and voice actors; frequently recurring guests included Eri Suzuki, Emma's voice actress; Michihiko Hagi, Ike's voice actor; Kenichi Hatori, a prop maker; and Yusuke Kozaki. Occasionally, the live streams were also used to announce upcoming products and features for other Fire Emblem products, such as Fire Emblem Heroes and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

The Cipher Frontier! was a roughly-monthly news column on the official website, hosted by the mascot characters Emma, Shade, Yuzu, Randal, Alice, Valjean, Niamh, and Poe. The columns provided similar news to the live streams, even summarizing their news in issues released after a live stream has aired, and frequently included the first looks at the packages for upcoming card series and for pieces of artwork from them.

Several weapon replicas displayed on a table during a Cipher event.

On every weekday, the Cipher Twitter account showcased one or two cards, including introducing new cards for upcoming series in the month before it was released. Once a set was released, it continued to showcase cards from that set until it moved onto the next upcoming series. The Twitter account also announces upcoming events, live streams, and The Cipher Frontier! columns.

For the purposes of promoting Cipher, Intelligent Systems had commissioned prop-maker Kenichi Hatori to produce replicas of prominent Fire Emblem weapons, which are frequently seen at events and on the live streams. The weapons he had produced replicas of include the Mystery and Awakening versions of Falchion and the Fire Emblem, the Binding Blade, Durandal, Armads, Tyrfing, Ragnell, and Yato.

Emma, Shade, Yuzu, and Randal star in a crossover with Echoes: Shadows of Valentia in the "Cipher Companions" downloadable content pack, which adds them to the game as playable units; the subsequent mascots are not featured, as they were introduced after the release of this DLC. Despite the card game remaining exclusive to Japan, this DLC was released in all regions.[1]


  • The Cipher logo contains a transcription of the word "cipher" in the International Phonetic Alphabet. However, it contains an error; in IPA, stress marks are supposed to be placed at the start of a syllable (/⁠ˈsaɪfɚ⁠/[key]), but the logo writes it with the stress mark over the ⟨a⟩ (/sa̍ɪfɚ/). This instead makes it look like the mark for syllabic consonants.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
  • Fire Emblem Cipher
  • Fire Emblem: Cipher


TCG Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher); "Cipher" here is used as the pronunciation of the 0.

  • Fire Emblem Cipher
  • Fire Emblem: Cipher
  • Used on the table of contents page of Legacy of Archanea.
  • Used in the Cipher section of Legacy of Archanea.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Expand your adventure with new downloadable content for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia from 19th May, Nintendo UK, Published: May 3, 2017, Retrieved: May 5, 2017
  2. Sato, Fire Emblem Also Gets A New Card Game And Manga In Japan, Siliconera, Published: January 15, 2015, Retrieved: April 5, 2015
  3. @FEcipher, [1], Twitter, Published: April 1, 2020, Retrieved: April 2, 2020
  4. pasu, [English Translation] Emma and Shade from the frontlines of Cipher!, Serenes Forest Forums, Published: August 10, 2015, Retrieved: August 10, 2015
  5. Kirie, Cipher Series 8 Pre-Release Livestream!, Serenes Forest, Published: March 13, 2017, Retrieved: March 21, 2017
  6. Kirie, Cipher Winter Livestream: S8 Cards, New Artwork, & Upcoming Series News!, Serenes Forest, Published: February 12, 2017, Retrieved: March 21, 2017
  7. Fire Emblem Cipher; trans. bookofholsety, The Cipher Frontier! Issue 31: "I am Alice! And I, Val. Debut of the New Members!", Tumblr, Published: August 25, 2017, Retrieved: August 26, 2017
  8. Kirie, Cipher Summer Livestream 2017: New S10 Cards, The Sacred Stones Artwork, & S12 Announcement!, Serenes Forest, Published: August 20, 2017, Retrieved: August 26, 2017
  9. Kirie, Cipher Autumn 2018 Livesteam: New S11 Cards, S12 Artwork, & S13 Announcement!, Serenes Forest, Published: November 8, 2017, Retrieved: February 16, 2018

External links

Fire Emblem Cipher
Original characters AliceEmmaNiamhRandalPoeShadeValjeanYuzu
Booster series 1: The Heroes' Blade of War • 2: The Divine Flame of Light and Darkness • 3: The Twin Swords to Hope • 4: Shining Illusong • 5: Beyond the Rivalry • 6: Storm of the Knights' Shadows • 7: Conquest of Honor • 8: Life and Death: Beyond Fate • 9: Thunderous Earth • 10: Crossroads • 11: Glorious Twinstrike • 12: Raging Deluge • 13: Flame, Steel, Thought, and Grief • 14: Eyes Gazing at the Future • 15: Shining World • 16: O Courage, O Burning Soul • 17: All-Out March of the Heroes • 18: Oratorio of Departure • 19: Holy Flames of Sublime Heaven • 20: The Dawn's Guiding Hand • 21: Tempest of Apocalyptic Flame • 22: Victory Song of Heroes
Starter decks War of Shadows ChapterAwakening ChapterHoshido ChapterNohr ChapterPath of Radiance ChapterIllusory ChapterBinding Disturbance ChapterGenealogy of the Holy War ChapterLand of the Gods ChapterThe Blazing Blade ChapterWarriors of Bonds ChapterThree Houses Chapter
Related topics Artists of Fire Emblem CipherPromotional cardsFire Emblem Trading Card Game
Figurines Genealogy of the Holy War ExceedamiibofigmaNendoroidChara-forme1/7th Scale FigurePop Up Parade
Goods Fire Emblem Tin BadgeHeroes: Mini Acrylic Figure CollectionThree Houses Acrylic KeyholderHeroes Full Body Acrylic StandHeroes Metallic Acrylic KeychainHeroes 5th Anniversary Memorial BoxThree Houses Acrylic StandHeroes Acrylic Strap CollectionFire Emblem All-Star CollectionFire Emblem Armory Collection
Card games Fire Emblem Trading Card GameCipherOne Hundred Songs of Heroes
Art books The CompleteTreasureThracia 776 Illustrated WorksFire Emblem Characters: The Binding Blade & The Blazing Blade20th Anniversary EncyclopediaMemorial Book Akaneia ChronicleThe Art of Fire Emblem AwakeningFates 4koma Comic & Character Guide Book25th Anniversary Staff BookThe Making of Fire EmblemTellius Recollection (Volume 1Volume 2) • if: Visual Works – Pellucid CrystalThree Houses - Fódlan Art Book‏‎Legacy of Archanea
Strategy guides Trekking on the World of Fire Emblem (The Binding BladeThe Blazing BladeThe Sacred Stones)
Adaptations Manga adaptations Fire Emblem (Sano and Watanabe)GaidenFire Emblem (Shimada)Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light (Hakoda)Mystery of the EmblemHeir of LightGenealogy of the Holy War (Fujimori)Wind MageGenealogy of the Holy War (Ōsawa)Thracia 776 (Hino)Thracia 776 (Takanagi)Hasha no TsurugiThe Sacred Stones ComicFates: Crown of NibelungHeroes - A Day in the LifeEngage
Anime adaptation Fire Emblem
Novelizations Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light (Yamaguchi)Kingdom of IllusionShadow Dragon & the Blade of Light (Shinosaki)GaidenMystery of the Emblem (Takayashiki)Mystery of the Emblem (Enix Original)Mystery of the Emblem (Shinosaki)Genealogy of the Holy War (Takeda)Genealogy of the Holy War (Suzuki)Genealogy of the Holy War (Enix Original)Thracia 776 (Umemura)Thracia 776 (Shinosaki)Elibe DisturbanceThe Sacred Stones
Drama CDs Birthright Series: Takumi's Prequel (Corrin's Homecoming TaleDecision Time Tale) • Conquest Series: Northern Fortress Tale (Leo and Xander's ConflictTurbulent My Castle) • Echoes: Shadows of Valentia: Foreign Skies; Daybreak ForestThe Blazing Blade Extra Drama CD: Inheritors of RolandRadiant Dawn Extra Drama CD: Clash of Heroic IdealsAwakening: Waking Darkness; Undying HopeThree Houses: An Officer's Academy Sleuthing Story
Other Fire Emblem ExpoFire Emblem Expo IILINE • Fódlan tea sets (Tea BreakTea Collection) • SuperGroupies