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FE776 Raydrik.png
Artwork of Raydrik from Thracia 776.






Munster District (Connacht)

Starting class


Hahaha... It's nice to see obedience.
— Raydrik, upon capturing Leif at Kelbeth

Raydrik (Japanese: レイドリック Leidrik) was the Duke of Munster, in league with and subservient to the Grannvale Empire and the Loptr Church during the former's occupation of the Munster District, and a major antagonist in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.


Raydrik was a noble and general in the service of King Carl of Connacht, whom he had helped ascend to the throne,[1] he played an integral role in the downfall of Leonster by betraying Leonster to Thracia's King Travant, but promptly in turn betrayed Thracia to Grannvale, allowing the latter to take control of the Munster District and cow Thracia into subservience. As a reward for his role in Leonster's downfall, Raydrik was appointed the Duke of Munster by Bloom, Grannvale's newly-installed "king" of the Munster District. As a Loptrian agent under its Bishop Veld, Raydrik allowed the cult's influence and activities to dominate the region,[2] and was granted the Loptr Sword by Veld.

In the year Grann 776, he personally led an assault by Munster's army on the village of Fiana, kidnapping Nanna and Mareeta. Following Leif's capture of Fort Kelbeth, Raydrik appeared and arrested him, Eyvel and Lifis, taking them to Munster Castle and imprisoning them in its dungeon. He then took Eyvel and set her to battle in the castle's arena with Nanna, watching the battle with Veld; when Eyvel continued to successfully fight his gladiators, Veld petrified her, and the two departed with the Eyvel statue while Nanna escaped with Leif.

Around a year later, Leif's revolution army stormed Munster following their successful recapture of Leonster, and Raydrik attempted a last stand against their momentum after begging Veld to give him a last chance at stopping Leif's army. The protection bestowed upon him by his Loptr Sword was pierced by a member of Leif's army wielding the Bragi Sword, and he was killed in the battle; when he died, his body was teleported away by Veld[3] and used to create an incarnation of the Deadlord Mus.

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776


Raydrik is a recurring boss. In Chapter 5, Raydrik appears in an unreachable space near the center of the map. He will leave once Eyvel has been petrified. In Chapter 6, he appears in an unreachable space. In Chapter 24, Raydrik appears on a throne, the chapter's seize point.


Enemy - Chapter 5

See also: Mother and Daughter
Portrait raydrik fe05.png
Ma snes03 baron enemy.gif Baron
Level 9
Authority ★★★★
Max HP 56 Speed 9
Strength 16 Luck 6
Magic 8+20 Defense 16
Skill 12 Constitution 20
Movement 6 FCM 0
Inventory Skills
Loptr Sword Pavise
Weapon Levels
Swords A Lances A Axes A Bows A Staves A
Fire magic A Thunder magic A FE5RankWind.png A Light magic -- Dark magic --

Enemy - Chapter 6

See also: The Escape
Portrait raydrik fe05.png
Ma snes03 baron enemy.gif Baron
Level 20
Authority ★★★★
Max HP 56 Speed 9
Strength 16 Luck 6
Magic 8+20 Defense 16
Skill 12 Constitution 20
Movement 6 FCM 0
Inventory Skills
Loptr Sword
Weapon Levels
Swords A Lances A Axes A Bows A Staves A
Fire magic A Thunder magic A FE5RankWind.png A Light magic -- Dark magic --

Enemy - Chapter 24

See also: The Baron in Black
Portrait raydrik fe05.png
Ma snes03 baron enemy.gif Baron
Level 20
Authority ★★★★
Max HP 56 Speed 9
Strength 16 Luck 6
Magic 8+20 Defense 16
Skill 12 Constitution 20
Movement 6 FCM 0
Inventory Skills
Loptr Sword Pavise
Weapon Levels
Swords A Lances A Axes A Bows A Staves A
Fire magic A Thunder magic A FE5RankWind.png C Light magic -- Dark magic --

Fire Emblem Awakening


Raydrik is playable as a SpotPass character, released in the Thracia 776 character set. He is also present as an enemy in four DLC episodes—Lost Bloodlines 1 and 3, Rogues & Redeemers 1 and 3—and as a neutral unit in Rogues & Redeemers 2.

Starting stats and growth rates

Small portrait spotpass raydrik fe13.png
Ma 3ds01 general playable.gif General
Level 20
Movement 5
Recruitment: SpotPass, hire him for 16,100 G or defeat him in a skirmish

Stats Growth Rates Cap Modifiers

Max HP 76 Speed 24
Strength 38 Luck 13
Magic 5 Defense 41+2
Skill 31 Resistance 19
Inventory Skills
Silver Axe* Defense +2
Indoor Fighter
Rally Defense
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances B Axes B
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --

Reclassing options

Small portrait spotpass raydrik fe13.png
Base classes:*
Knight General
Great Knight
Reclass options:
This unit can reclass to any male class available through reclassing.
See reclass for more details on the reclassing system.

Growth rates when reclassed

Tactician/Grandmaster Cavalier Paladin Knight Great Knight Barbarian/Berserker Fighter/Warrior Mercenary/Hero Bow Knight Archer Sniper

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Tactician/Grandmaster 80% 50% 45% 50% 50% 50% 55% 35%

Myrmidon Swordmaster Assassin Thief Trickster Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord Griffon Rider Priest War Monk Mage/Sage Dark Mage Dark Knight Sorcerer Dread Fighter

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Myrmidon 80% 55% 30% 60% 60% 50% 50% 30%

Promotion stat gains

Archer Barbarian Cavalier Dark Mage Wyvern Rider Fighter Knight Mage Mercenary Myrmidon Priest Tactician Thief

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Mov Weapon level
Sniper +4 +2 +1 +4 +3 +0 +5 +3 +1 --
Bow Knight +8 +3 +0 +2 +4 +0 +1 +2 +3 Swords E, Bows E

Skill set

Like all male bonus units in Awakening, Raydrik has access to all base class and advanced class skills available to standard male units.


Raydrik was avaricious, power-hungry and thirsted for constant control of his surrounds and situation, but in practice possessed no real might or charisma of his own. He carved his place in the world, before and after the Grannvale claim to the Munster District, through a succession of deals with greater powers - first through his installation of Carl as the king of Connacht,[1] and later through his deals with Thracia, Grannvale and the Loptrians and his betrayal of the former. He was terrified of the notion of being abandoned by his allies and subordinates, perhaps out of awareness that he would be nothing without the strength of others,[4] and was extremely aggressive to all who dared question him, with his default response to such situations being a tirade of unimaginative threats. He craved power for power's sake and had no grasp of a world beyond his quests for dominance; when Walhart questioned his Einherjar incarnation in the Outrealms on his motives, Raydrik was at a complete loss as to what he would do after conquering all who would oppose him.[5]


Battle quotes

Hmph! So you've come to kill me? Ha! You're the ones who are going to die!
— Raydrik, as the boss of Chapter 24 of Thracia 776.
Hah! You think you have a chance against me? You're all just bodies to be laid in a row.
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
Raydrik: Away, woman! I show no leniency toward the fairer sex.
Aversa: I may be lovely to look at, darling, but I'm anything but fair.

— Raydrik, when fighting Aversa as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
Worms! I wipe the likes of you from my boots.
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.
Aversa: Oh, my. Now here's a drab man. Come closer, darling. Let me smooth out some of those...rough edges.
Raydrik: You dare mock me, vixen? I need no assistance from you.

— Raydrik, when fighting Aversa as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.
Come to strike me down? Ha! It will never happen, fool!
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Rogues & Redeemers 1 in Awakening.
Raydrik: Surrender now, woman, and there may be a place for you at my table.
Miriel: A quick analysis of your words, bearing, and actions makes one thing clear: A man of your diminutive ability is hardly worth my time.
Raydrik: What! How dare you!

— Raydrik, when fighting Miriel as an enemy in Rogues & Redeemers 1 in Awakening.
Heh. I've scraped worse things than you from my teeth!
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Rogues & Redeemers 3 in Awakening.
Miriel: Forgive me, sir, but I see no merit in trading blows with you. Now, step aside and allow me to seek out an opponent of worth.
Raydrik: I'll punish you for that insult, you—you woman!
Miriel: Ugh. Must you demean yourself with every utterance? Now I must squander precious seconds to eradicate you.

— Raydrik, when fighting Miriel as an enemy in Rogues & Redeemers 3 in Awakening.
Heh. Run along, children.
— SpotPass parley quote in Awakening'.
You won't leave here alive!
— SpotPass battle quote in Awakening.
Perhaps I could be convinced...
— SpotPass recruitment in Awakening.

Death quotes

Augh... This can't be... How could this happen... Bishop Veld... Where are you... I don't want to die... I don' Gah...!
— Raydrik, as the boss of Chapter 24 of Thracia 776.
Nngh... Time to go... I cannot die here...
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
So be it... The way forward... is yours...
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.
I was the fool...
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Rogues & Redeemers 1 in Awakening.
Rrgh... How could I meet my such a wretched battle...
— Raydrik, as a NPC in Rogues & Redeemers 2 in Awakening.
No... There must be some mistake...
— Raydrik, as an enemy in Rogues & Redeemers 3 in Awakening.

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
732 Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Portrait raydrik fe05 cyl.png
Thracia 776
Total results This character has 8 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 614


  • Between his Chapter 5 and Chapter 24 appearances in Thracia 776, Raydrik's weapon level in wind magic decreases by two ranks, even though all his other stats and weapon levels remain unchanged (aside from his level, which increases).

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes




• Leidrick
• Redric

• Most commonly known by this name prior to Awakening.
• Used in the Thracia 776 fan translation patch.[which?]



Officially romanized as Leidrik.















Used in the Choose Your Legends polls for Fire Emblem Heroes.

Traditional Chinese


Leidrik; used in the Choose Your Legends polls for Heroes.


Sprite Gallery
Portrait raydrik fe05.png Baron Ma snes03 baron enemy.gif
Bs fe05 mus baron loptr sword.png
(Loptr Sword)
Bs fe05 enemy baron lance.png
(Master Lance)
Bs fe05 enemy baron axe.png
(Master Axe)
Bs fe05 enemy baron bow.png
Bs fe05 enemy baron magic.png
(all tomes)
Bs fe05 enemy baron staff.png
(all staves)


  1. In Thracia 776, Castle Munster is nicknamed "the Demon King's Castle" (Japanese: 魔王の城 maō no shiro). FireLizard's translation, which is used in Shaya's fan translation patch, translates this as "the Palace of Evil".


  1. 1.0 1.1 " 'After my [King Carl's] father died, I've been target of countless assassination attempts from a faction that would rather see my uncle as the king. However, God sided with the legitimate successor. Starting with Raydrik, the amount of people supporting me increased, and finally I was able to be recognized as king.' "Sorie, Serenes Forest translation of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 Illustrated Works, Retrieved: March 16, 2013
  2. "He is the mastermind behind all of the Loptrian activities in Thracia. He is the one who started the child hunting and sent the Bergrosen to burn down uncooperative villages. Raydrik was simply one of Veld's henchmen." — August, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
  3. "But did we really kill Raydrik? When I finished him off, his body simply disappeared into thin air." — Leif, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
  4. "Veld: Raydrik...I hear you have allowed the rebels inside the castle.
    Raydrik: Yes... But if you would give me some time, I will be sure have them eliminated...
    Veld: Don't make promises you can't keep. It is obvious that the rebels have the upper hand...
    Raydrik: ......
    Veld: Pity...I would have expected you to do better than this. This is it, Raydrik. I am finished with you.
    Raydrik: B-Bishop Veld, please... Without you, we would all be...
    Veld: Then do your best...
    " — Veld and Raydrik, Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
  5. "Raydrik: You there. I know a man of ability when I see one. Why don't you and I join forces?
    Walhart: ...To what end?
    Raydrik: To lay waste to my enemies! To conquer the world and force all to kneel before me!
    Walhart: ...And then what?
    Raydrik: Beg pardon?
    Walhart: I want to know what you'll do once you have the world at your feet.
    Raydrik: What? Well, that's obvious. I'd, er...
    Walhart: ...You have no idea, do you? Pathetic...
    Raydrik: I... I am not!
    Walhart: A conquest with no purpose cannot be called a conquest. You want me to waste my talents on YOU? A schoolyard bully with a stick could dream up greater ambitions!
    Raydrik: B-bully?!
    Walhart: Leave me be, lest your stupidity somehow infect me as well.
    Raydrik: I...I'll have your tongue for that! ...Wait! Stop, damn you!
    " — Raydrik and Walhart, Fire Emblem Awakening

See also

Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Playable characters AlvaAmaldaAsbelBrightonCainCarrionCedConomorDagdarDalsinDeenDiarmuidEdaEyvelFergusFinnFredGalzusGladeHalvanHicksHomerIliosKarinLaraLeifLifisLinoanMachyuaMareetaMartyMirandaMishaNannaOlwenOsianPerneRalfRobertRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraSelphinaShannamShivaSleufTanyaTinaTroudeXavier
Non-playable characters AltenaArionAugustCoirpreDryasHannibalIshtarJuliaJuliusLewynSeliphTravant
Bosses AlphandBaldackBandolBaráthBucksBovisBrookCanisCoddaCohenCulloughCoulterDracoDvorakEichmannEisenauFardenFrausGomezGustafKempfLargoLifisLinecockListMcCloyMerlockMooreMuellerMusNikalafOltophPalmanPaulusPernePorcusRaydrikReinhardtLobosRumeiSaiasSeimetolTigrisTrumanVeldWeismannWolfXavierZaomZyle
Background characters AlfionaCalfEthlynQuan
Personal weapons Beo's SwordBragi SwordBlessed SwordBrave LanceDire ThunderDragon LanceForsetiGrafcaliburKiaLands SwordLight BrandLoptr SwordMareeta's SwordVougeRepairThiefUnlock
Chapters 1: The Warrior of Fiana • 2: The Coastal Village • 2x: The Corsair Isles • 3: Kelbeth's Gate • 4: The Dungeon • 4x: Hero on the Wind • 5: Mother and Daughter • 6: The Escape • 7: The Shield of Thracia • 8: Mount Violdrake • 8x: Dagdar's Manor • 9: The Banner of Njörun • 10: Nowell Valley • 11: Fort Dandrum • 11x: Murder Holes • 12: The Bandits of Dacia • 12x: The Dandelion • 13: The Walled City • 14: The Onslaught • 14x: Yearning to Breathe Free • 15: Two Paths • 16A: Norden Line • 17A: The Gates of Leonster • 16B: Dark Forest • 17B: The Gathering Storm • 18: The Liberation of Leonster • 19: The Empire's Wrath • 20: The Scion of Light • 21: The War of Liberation • 21x: The Prison Camp • 22: Across the River • 23: The Fiend's Lair • 24: The Baron in Black • 24x: The Loptrian AltarE: Sworn Upon a Sword
Locations JugdralMunster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • Thracia (FianaTarrah)
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