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The Coastal Village

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The Coastal Village

Cm fe05 2.png


Iz, Thracia

New units




Previous chapter(s)

The Warrior of Fiana

Next chapter(s)
Side quest conditions

No villages are destroyed

Dammit, Lifis... You've become more trouble than you're worth. It's time we parted ways. I just need to make contact with the Leonster heir, and then Lifis is disposable. Now, how should I go about this...?
— August

The Coastal Village (Japanese: イスの海岸 Iss Coast) is the second chapter of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. In order to play the following side quest, the player must prevent all of the villages from being destroyed (except the one destroyed in the opening cutscene).


Main article: The Coastal Village/Script

The tactician August learns of Leif's presence in the Fiana Freeblades and resolves to meet him. Meanwhile, Leif arrives in the village of Iz and discovers the area is being attacked by the Lifis Pirates led by Bucks. After defeating him and driving off his men, Leif meets August, who offers to lead him to an island stronghold where Bucks's master Lifis is holed up.

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Seize the mansion Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Leif dies 8+1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 12+9
Cm fe05 2.png

Units are arranged based on their position in deployment order after Leif. If every unit is recruited and alive, deployment order is Leif, Finn, Eyvel, Osian, Halvan, Marty, Dagdar, and Tanya.

Character data

New units
Portrait ronan fe05.png
Bow Fighter
Iron Bow
Visit northernmost village
Required characters
Leif ​
Available characters
Finn ​Eyvel ​Osian ​Halvan ​Marty ​Dagdar ​Tanya ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is snes03 speed ring.png Speed Ring Visit eastern village
Is snes03 vulnerary.png Vulnerary Visit southern village

Shop data

Armories and vendors

Swords Lances Axes Bows Tomes Staves Items Secret


Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma snes03 warrior enemy.gif Bucks Warrior 4 1 28~34 8~14 1~7 5~11 6~12 0~6 6~12 10~16 6~7 Iron Axe Iron Bow Vulnerary
Does not move; stands on a gate, the chapter's seize point.
Ma snes03 hunter enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Hunter 3 1 20~25 3~8 0~3 0~5 0~5 0~5 2~7 8~13 6~7 Iron Bow Vulnerary
Does not act until he could move to be adjacent to a player unit if his movement were increased by one third (rounded down), at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma snes03 hunter enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Hunter 3 1 20~25 3~8 0~3 0~5 0~5 0~5 2~7 8~13 6~7 Iron Bow
Does not act until he could move to be adjacent to a player unit if his movement were increased by one third (rounded down), at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 1 4 24~27 5~8 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~3 3~6 9~12 5~6 Iron Axe
The southwest one does not move until he is provoked.
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 3 1 24~29 5~10 0~3 0~5 0~5 0~5 3~8 9~14 5~6 Iron Axe Vulnerary
Ignores combat and moves to raid villages; moves to attack units unprovoked once no more villages can be raided.
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 2 1 24~28 5~9 0~3 0~4 0~4 0~4 3~7 9~13 5~6 Iron Axe Vulnerary
Does not move until he is provoked.
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 3 1 24~29 5~10 0~3 0~5 0~5 0~5 3~8 9~14 5~6 Hand Axe Vulnerary
Does not move until he is provoked.
Ma snes03 hunter enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Hunter 1 1 20~23 3~6 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~3 2~5 8~11 6~7 Iron Bow
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 2 1 24~28 5~9 0~3 0~4 0~4 0~4 3~7 9~13 5~6 Iron Axe
Does not move until he is provoked.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 1 2 24~27 5~8 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~3 3~6 9~12 5~6 Iron Axe
The one from the southeast ignores combat and moves to raid villages; moves to attack units unprovoked once no more villages can be raided.
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 3 1 24~29 5~10 0~3 0~5 0~5 0~5 3~8 9~14 5~6 Iron Axe
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 1 1 24~27 5~8 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~3 3~6 9~12 5~6 Hand Axe Vulnerary
Ignores combat and moves to raid villages; moves to attack units unprovoked once no more villages can be raided.
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 3 1 24~29 5~10 0~3 0~5 0~5 0~5 3~8 9~14 5~6 Hand Axe
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 1 1 24~27 5~8 0~3 0~3 0~3 0~3 3~6 9~12 5~6 Iron Axe Vulnerary
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 2 1 24~28 5~9 0~3 0~4 0~4 0~4 3~7 9~13 5~6 Iron Axe
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 2 1 24~28 5~9 0~3 0~4 0~4 0~4 3~7 9~13 5~6 Hand Axe
Ma snes03 pirate enemy.gif Lifis's Crew Pirate 10 1 24~36 5~17 0~3 0~12 0~12 0~12 3~15 9~20 5~6 Steel Axe Vulnerary
Ignores combat and moves to raid villages; moves to attack units unprovoked once no more villages can be raided.


All reinforcements are halted once Bucks is defeated

Boss data

Main article: Bucks
Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Portrait bucks fe05.png
Ma snes03 warrior enemy.gif Warrior
Level 4
Action --
Max HP 28~34 Speed 6~12
Strength 8~14 Luck 0~6
Magic 1~7 Defense 6~12
Skill 5~11 Constitution 10~16
Movement 6~7 FCM 0
Inventory Skills
Iron Axe
Iron Bow
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes D Bows E Staves --
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- FE5RankWind.png -- Light magic -- Dark magic --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Eyvel and Leif should head to the boss, and the rest of the army can either assist, visit the other villages, or kill pirates for experience. The best way to kill the boss is with Eyvel's Flame Sword, as it pierces his high defense and +10 defense bonus from the gate.

If every village is left undestroyed (save for the one that starts out destroyed), you will have the opportunity to recruit Lifis and Safy, two invaluable units.

Etymology and other languages

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• The Coastal Village
• The Village of Ith

• Used in the most recent, up-to-date fan translation patch;[which?] it was chosen to lessen confusion over whether the name of the village ("Ys" in the fan translation) is also the name of the coast.[citation needed]
• ??



Iss Coast


← The Warrior of Fiana • The Coastal Village • Kelbeth's Gate →
•  The Corsair Isles (side quest) →
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Playable characters AlvaAmaldaAsbelBrightonCainCarrionCedConomorDagdarDalsinDeenDiarmuidEdaEyvelFergusFinnFredGalzusGladeHalvanHicksHomerIliosKarinLaraLeifLifisLinoanMachyuaMareetaMartyMirandaMishaNannaOlwenOsianPerneRalfRobertRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraSelphinaShannamShivaSleufTanyaTinaTroudeXavier
Non-playable characters AltenaArionAugustCoirpreDryasHannibalIshtarJuliaJuliusLewynSeliphTravant
Bosses AlphandBaldackBandolBaráthBucksBovisBrookCanisCoddaCohenCulloughCoulterDracoDvorakEichmannEisenauFardenFrausGomezGustafKempfLargoLifisLinecockListMcCloyMerlockMooreMuellerMusNikalafOltophPalmanPaulusPernePorcusRaydrikReinhardtLobosRumeiSaiasSeimetolTigrisTrumanVeldWeismannWolfXavierZaomZyle
Background characters AlfionaCalfEthlynQuan
Personal weapons Beo's SwordBragi SwordBlessed SwordBrave LanceDire ThunderDragon LanceForsetiGrafcaliburKiaLands SwordLight BrandLoptr SwordMareeta's SwordVougeRepairThiefUnlock
Chapters 1: The Warrior of Fiana • 2: The Coastal Village • 2x: The Corsair Isles • 3: Kelbeth's Gate • 4: The Dungeon • 4x: Hero on the Wind • 5: Mother and Daughter • 6: The Escape • 7: The Shield of Thracia • 8: Mount Violdrake • 8x: Dagdar's Manor • 9: The Banner of Njörun • 10: Nowell Valley • 11: Fort Dandrum • 11x: Murder Holes • 12: The Bandits of Dacia • 12x: The Dandelion • 13: The Walled City • 14: The Onslaught • 14x: Yearning to Breathe Free • 15: Two Paths • 16A: Norden Line • 17A: The Gates of Leonster • 16B: Dark Forest • 17B: The Gathering Storm • 18: The Liberation of Leonster • 19: The Empire's Wrath • 20: The Scion of Light • 21: The War of Liberation • 21x: The Prison Camp • 22: Across the River • 23: The Fiend's Lair • 24: The Baron in Black • 24x: The Loptrian AltarE: Sworn Upon a Sword
Locations JugdralMunster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • Thracia (FianaTarrah)
Groups, objects and events 12 crusadersAed MassacreBattle of BelhallaCaptureChild huntsDandelion BanditsFall of LeonsterFatigueFiana FreebladesHoly BloodLifis PiratesLoptr Church (BergrosenDeadlords) • Magi
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