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(Redirected from Str)
This article is about the stat. For the card from the Nintendo DS games, see Strength (card). For the staff from New Mystery of the Emblem, see Strength Staff.
Nolan's strength is very high, to the point that he can kill this Myrmidon in a single hit despite their weapon triangle and terrain advantages.

Strength (abbreviated: Str; Japanese: strength), named Attack (abbreviated: Atk) in Shadows of Valentia, is a statistic applied to units which determines a unit's raw physical muscle. Its most significant use is in determining the damage a unit inflicts when wielding physical weapons, being added to the might of the weapon they currently wield to produce their attack stat. Strength's opposite stat is defense, which reduces the physical damage sustained by units. Depending on the game, strength occasionally has other uses such as in improving attack speed.

Like other stats, a unit's potential prowess in strength is determined by their class, with several classes such as the Fighter and Barbarian being built to have very high strength compared to other classes. Broadly speaking, it is very common for classes which sport high strength to also have high maximum HP and poor-to-mediocre skill, and they also commonly wield axes. On the other hand, numerous other classes, such as Thieves and magic units, are built to lack strength, with a high speed stat being frequently accompanied by mediocre strength at best.

In almost every game, strength is not used for magical attacks, which instead use the magic stat in the same way. The exceptions are Mystery of the Emblem and Shadows of Valentia, which use strength for magical attacks in the same way as physical ones. Additionally, in Gaiden and the Game Boy Advance trilogy, strength and magic are essentially the same stat, read from the same values, and whether it is named "strength" or "magic" merely depends on the unit's class and displayed weapon levels; however, in Gaiden, classes that can use weapons and magic display "strength", whereas no such classes exist in the GBA games.



Strength is used to calculate attack with physical weapons (swords, lances, axes, bows, daggers, gauntlets, and—in Radiant Dawnstaves). In Mystery of the Emblem and Shadows of Valentia, strength is also used to calculate attack with magic weapons (tomes and black magic).

Physical attack

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) --
Gaiden Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) When Slayer is active, strength × 3, might = 0
Mystery of the Emblem Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) --
Genealogy of the Holy War Strength + Might In this game, bonus damage works differently and is not part of this calculation.
Thracia 776 Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) --
The Binding Blade Strength + [(Might + Weapon triangle bonus) × Effectiveness] + Support bonus --
The Blazing Blade Strength + [(Might + Weapon triangle bonus) × Effectiveness] + Support bonus For the Light Brand* and Runesword: Strength / 2
The Sacred Stones Strength + [(Might + Weapon triangle bonus) × Effectiveness] + Support bonus For the Light Brand* and Runesword: Strength / 2
Path of Radiance Strength + [(Might + Weapon triangle bonus) × Effectiveness] + Support bonus When using ballistae, strength = 0
Radiant Dawn Strength + [(Might + Weapon triangle bonus) × Effectiveness] + Support bonus When using ballistae or crossbows, strength = 0
Shadow Dragon Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) + Weapon triangle bonus + Weapon level bonus --
New Mystery of the Emblem Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) + Weapon triangle bonus + Weapon level bonus --
Awakening Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) + Weapon triangle bonus + Weapon level bonus --
Fates Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) + Weapon triangle bonus + Weapon level bonus --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Base Attack + (Might × Effectiveness) + (Combat art might × Effectiveness) Base Attack is not increased by any equipped weapons.
Three Houses Strength + (weapon Might × Effectiveness) + Combat art might + Crest effect bonus --
Engage Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) --

Magical attack

Game Formula Notes
Gaiden (Strength or Magic) + (Might × Effectiveness) --
Mystery of the Emblem Strength + (Might × Effectiveness) --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Base Attack + (Might × Effectiveness) Base Attack is not increased by any equipped weapons.

Attack speed

In Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, and Three Houses, strength is also employed in the attack speed formula instead of constitution, as a factor mitigating the effect of a weapon's weight on a unit.

Game Formula Notes
Path of Radiance Speed − (Weight − Strength) If (Weight-Strength) is negative, the result is taken to be 0.
Radiant Dawn Speed − (Weight − Strength) If (Weight-Strength) is negative, the result is taken to be 0.
Shadow Dragon Speed − (Weight − Strength) If (Weight-Strength) is negative, the result is taken to be 0.
Three Houses Speed − [ Weapon weight − (Strength / 5) ] If (Weight-(Strength/5)) is negative, the result is taken to be 0.

In this formula, if strength is more than the weapon's weight, the attack speed is simply the character's speed stat.



In Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, strength also affects the ability to steal. If a character's attack speed is greater than the enemy's combined attack speed and strength combined, that enemy can be stolen from; additionally, the thief's attack speed must also be greater than the weight of the weapon in order to allow weapons to be stolen.

Game Formula Notes
Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn If Thief's attack speed > enemy's (attack speed + strength) > Weight of target weapon The game will only list weapons which meet this criteria.


In Thracia 776, strength is halved temporarily when attempting to capture an enemy unit, or when carrying an allied unit. Also, if under the effects of the Sleep or Stone conditions, a character's strength becomes 0.

Items and skills affecting strength

Weapons, items and skills providing equipping bonus
Item Strength increase Games
Is snes02 gungnir.png Gungnir +10/+5 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War, Awakening
Is snes02 gáe bolg.png Gáe Bolg +10 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 yewfelle.png Yewfelle +10 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 power ring.png Power Ring +5 when in inventory. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is gba durandal.png Durandal +5 when equipped. The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade
Is gba spear.png Spear (Vaida's) +5 when equipped. Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Is gba sieglinde.png Sieglinde +5 when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is gba siegmund.png Siegmund +5 when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is gba wretched air.png Wretched Air +10 when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is gba ravager.png Ravager +15 when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is wii double bow.png Double Bow +3/+5 when equipped. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening
Is wii balberith.png Balberith +3 when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is ds firestone.png Firestone +8/+10 when equipped. The Binding Blade, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds magestone.png Magestone +1/+15 when equipped. The Binding Blade, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds divinestone.png Divinestone +9/+10/+12 when equipped. The Binding Blade, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds icestone.png Icestone +5 when equipped. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds wyvernstone.png Wyvernstone +5 when equipped. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds taurus shard.png Taurus Shard +1 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds gemini shard.png Gemini Shard +1 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds leo shard.png Leo Shard +2 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds starsphere.png Starsphere +2 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds binding shield.png Binding Shield +2 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 strength +2.png Strength +2 +2 when equipped. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds01 all stats +2.png All Stats +2 +2 when equipped. Awakening
Is 3ds01 swordfaire.png Swordfaire +5 when equipping a sword.* Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds01 lancefaire.png Lancefaire +5 when equipping a lance.* Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds01 axefaire.png Axefaire +5 when equipping an axe.* Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds01 bowfaire.png Bowfaire +5 when equipping a bow.* Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds01 dragonstone.png Dragonstone +12/+8 when equipped. The Sacred Stones, Awakening
Is 3ds01 dragonstone+.png Dragonstone+ +11 when equipped. Awakening
Is 3ds01 beaststone.png Beaststone +3 when equipped. Awakening
Is 3ds01 beaststone+.png Beaststone+ +5 when equipped. Awakening
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire +5 when equipping a dagger.* Fates
Is 3ds02 heavy blade.png Heavy Blade +3 when equipped. Fates
Is 3ds02 emblem.png Battle Seal +2 when in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 emblem.png Master Emblem +1 when in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Yato Noble and Alpha forms: +2 when in inventory.
Blazing and Omega forms: +4 when in inventory.
Is 3ds02 katana.png Raijinto +4 when in inventory. Fates
Items providing a permanent increase
Item Strength increase Games
Is snes03 power ring.png Power Ring Permanent +4/+3 increase when used. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Thracia 776
Is gba energy ring.png Energy Ring Permanent +2 increase when used. The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones
Is 3ds01 energy drop.png Energy Drop Permanent +2 increase when used. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Engage
Is 3ds01 naga's tear.png Naga's Tear Permanent +2 increase when used. Awakening
Is 3ds02 stat booster.png Dragon Herbs Permanent +1 increase when used. Fates
Is 3ds03 soma.png Soma Permanent +2 increase when used. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is ns01 stat booster.png Rocky Burdock Permanent +1 increase when used. Three Houses
Items and skills modifying the growth rate
Item/skill Strength growth modification Games
Is snes01 aquarius shard.png Aquarius Shard +10/15% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 taurus shard.png Taurus Shard +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 gemini shard.png Gemini Shard +30/25% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 cancer shard.png Cancer Shard -10% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 leo shard.png Leo Shard +50% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 scorpio shard.png Scorpio Shard +20% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 starsphere.png Starsphere +30% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem
Is snes03 njörun scroll.png Njörun Scroll +30% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 thrud scroll.png Thrud Scroll +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 fjalar scroll.png Fjalar Scroll +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 baldr scroll.png Baldr Scroll +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 bragi scroll.png Bragi Scroll -10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 nál scroll.png Nál Scroll +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 dáinn scroll.png Dáinn Scroll +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 hoðr scroll.png Hoðr Scroll +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is gba afa's drops.png Afa's Drops Permanent +5% to growth rate when used. Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Is gba metis's tome.png Metis's Tome Permanent +5% to growth rate when used. The Sacred Stones
Is gcn fighter band.png Fighter Band +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Path of Radiance
Is gcn knight band.png Knight Band +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Path of Radiance
Is gcn wyvern band.png Wyvern Band +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Path of Radiance
Is ds growth drop.png Growth Drop Permanent +10% to growth rate when used. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 aptitude.png Aptitude +20/10% to all growth rates when active. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds03 astral shard.png Virgo Shard +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is 3ds03 astral shard.png Libra Shard +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is 3ds03 astral shard.png Capricorn Shard +15% to growth rate when in inventory. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is 3ds03 star jacinth.png Star Jacinth +30% to growth rate when in inventory. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Items and skills providing a temporary boost
Item Strength increase Games
Is ds strength card.png Strength +1 to all allies for the duration of the map*. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds strength staff.png Strength Staff +2 to one adjacent ally for one turn. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds strength bond.png Strength Bond +2 for the duration of one mission when used. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 strength tonic.png Strength Tonic +2 for the duration of one mission when used. New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, Fates, Engage
Is ds rainbow tonic.png Rainbow Tonic +2 for the duration of one mission when used. New Mystery of the Emblem, Fates
Is 3ds01 gaius's confect.png Gaius's Confect +2 for the duration of one mission when used. Awakening
Is 3ds01 tiki's tear.png Tiki's Tear +2 for the duration of one mission when used. Awakening
Is 3ds02 stat booster.png Asugi's Confect +2 for the duration of one mission when used. Fates
Is 3ds01 defender.png Defender +1 when Pair Up is is in effect. Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds01 special dance.png Special Dance +2 to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Dance command. Awakening
Is 3ds01 rally heart.png Rally Heart +2 to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the user for one turn. Awakening
Is 3ds01 rally strength.png Rally Strength +4 to all allied units in a 3/2-tile radius of the user for one turn/to an adjacent ally for one turn. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds01 rally spectrum.png Rally Spectrum +4/+2 to all allied units in a 3/4-tile radius of the user for one turn. Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Saizo's Star +4 to all allied units in a 2-tile radius of the user for one turn, if user initiates combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 fancy footwork.png Fancy Footwork +1 to all allied units in a 2-tile radius of the user for one turn. Fates
Is 3ds02 bloodthirst.png Bloodthirst +4 for one turn, if user initiates combat and defeats the target. Fates
Is 3ds02 strengthtaker.png Strengthtaker +2 when defeating an enemy.* Fates
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Survival Instinct +4 for one turn, if user initiates combat and defeats the target. Three Houses
Is ns01 defiant str.png Defiant Strength +8 if HP ≤ 25%. Three Houses
Is ns01 gambit support.png Battleground Café +4 to all allied units within its area of effect for one turn. Three Houses
Weapons and skills providing a temporary decrease after use
Item/skills Strength change Games
All Silver-weapons If user attacked, inflicts stacking -2 debuff on the user after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Steel Dagger If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -3 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Soldier's Knife If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -2 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Votive Candle If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -1 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Felicia's Plate If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -3 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Pebble If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Steel Shuriken If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -3 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Spy's Shuriken If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -2 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Dual Shuriken If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -2 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Chakram If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -6 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Hair Pin If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -2 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Saizo's Star If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -3 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Hagakure Blade After combat, if user attacked, user's strength is halved until the end of their next round of combat in which they attack. Fates
Is 3ds02 naginata.png Waterwheel After combat, if user attacked, user's strength is halved until the end of their next round of combat in which they attack. Fates
Is 3ds02 axe.png Aurgelmir After combat, if user attacked, user's strength is halved until the end of their next round of combat in which they attack. Fates
Is 3ds02 bow.png Crescent Bow After combat, if user attacked, user's strength is halved until the end of their next round of combat in which they attack. Fates
Is 3ds02 staff.png Enfeeble If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 draconic hex.png Draconic Hex If user survives, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength If user survives/If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -6 debuff on the target after combat. Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds02 highwayman.png Highwayman If target cannot counterattack, inflicts -3 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Blade Breaker If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -6 debuff on the target after combat. Three Houses
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Waning Shot If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -5 debuff on the target after combat. Three Houses
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Apocalyptic Flame If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -5 debuff on the target after combat. Three Houses
Is ns01 staggering blow.png Light Breath Inflicts -5 debuff on targets on hit. Three Houses

Flavor text

Game Text
The Binding Blade
Strength. The higher the number,
the more damage you inflict.*
The Blazing Blade
Strength. The higher the number,
the more damage you inflict.
The Sacred Stones
Strength. The higher the number,
the more damage you inflict.
Path of Radiance
The unit's physical strength.
This affects the damage this
unit can inflict with weapons.
Radiant Dawn
The unit's physical strength. This
affects the damage this unit can
inflict with weapons.
Strength. Affects damage the
unit deals with physical attacks.
力の強さ 高いほど、剣などの
Strength. Affects damage the
unit deals with physical attacks.
力の強さ 高いほど、剣などの
Three Houses
Affects damage the unit deals with
physical attacks.
Strength. Affects damage the
unit deals with physical attacks.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Strength
• Attack

• Used in most games.
• Used in Shadows of Valentia.



Another translation of the Japanese name, used in certain fan translations.



• Strength, power. Spelled in hiragana as ちから in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, and Genealogy of the Holy War.
• Attack power; this name is only used in Gaiden outside of a few menus.


• Fuerza
• Ataque

• Force
• Attack. Used in Shadows of Valentia.


• Puissance
• Attaque

• Strength
• Attack. Used in Shadows of Valentia.


• Kraft
• Angriff

• Power
• Attack. Used in Shadows of Valentia.


• Forza
• Attacco

• Force
• Attack. Used in Shadows of Valentia.



Attack power



Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese





Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unitSubstitute character) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus