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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Jill wields a forged Steel Lance named "Gae Bolg". Forging this lance has allowed the player to give it better power and critical hit potential than a regular Steel Lance, as well as a unique deep blue color.

The forge (Japanese: 武器の練成 weapon refinery) is a shop service introduced in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, which allows players to customize and improve their weapons. Although they are often very expensive, forging a weapon provides it with substantial increases to its stats, tailored to the player's needs and tastes, and makes it even more dangerous than it was before. Forged weapons can be given a unique name by the player.


From Shadow Dragon onward, it is common for forged weapons to appear in the hands of enemies in higher difficulties. In the highest difficulties, their forged weapons have even higher stat increases than what the player is allowed to do with their own weapons. The player cannot get their hands on the forged weapons of enemies at all. If the enemy weapon that is forged is given as a drop to the player, then they will carry two copies of that weapon: the forged one they use to fight, and an unforged one which is what the player receives when they are defeated.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

In Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, forging involves creating new weapons from scratch using one of several stock weapon varieties as a template. The player does not need to provide pre-existing weapons of their own. The forge service is available at the base, as one of four shops available in the Outfit menu, and is operated by the merchant caravan member Daniel. Only one forged weapon can be created per visit to the base at the beginning of the chapter; due to this limitation, only up to 22 forged weapons can be created per playthrough.

Uniquely in this game and its sequel, the player is allowed to choose a new color for forged physical weapons, which is reflected in its battle model. There are 7 colors to choose from (white, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, and pink), in addition to just leaving the weapon in its original colors (the "black" option). Because tomes have no battle models in Path of Radiance, they do not have a color option. Colors can only be applied if the player chooses to give the weapon a name.

Forged weapons have their name listed in green.


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The Japanese version has an unusual error where, if a weapon with five base crit (Slim Sword, Slim Lance, or Thunder) is forged to have 0 crit, the value wraps around and gives the weapon 255 crit, effectively giving its user a perfect critical hit chance in battle. All localizations of Path of Radiance correct this error. Additionally, in the Japanese version, forging costs are double those in the localized version.

Forgeable weapons

The player can create forged weapons based on these twenty basic weapons.

Forge templates in Path of Radiance

Easy/Normal Modes Difficult Mode Maniac Mode

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Forging a Light in Radiant Dawn.

The forging system of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is mostly the same as that of Path of Radiance, again revolving around the creation of new weapons based on one of several stock weapon varieties. The player does not need to provide pre-existing weapons of their own. The forge service is available at the base, as one of four shops available in the Shop menu, and as in Path of Radiance it is operated by Daniel. Unlike in Path of Radiance, there are no limits on how many weapons can be forged at a time, as long as the player has the funds for them.

As in Path of Radiance, the player is allowed to choose a new color for the weapon, which is reflected in its battle model. There are 11 colors to choose from (black, white, purple, blue, teal, green, lime, yellow, orange, red, and pink), in addition to just leaving the weapon in its original colors (the "gray" option).

Forged weapons have their name listed in green.


When forging a weapon, stats can be both increased and decreased in increments (1 might, 1 weight, 5 hit, 3 crit), with both the maximum increase and minimum decrease being 5 increments per stat. The forge price is increased with every increment added, regardless of whether the increments are increases or decreases. The minimum forge cost is the weapon's worth at full durability.

The minimum forgeable might and weight is 1, and the minimum forgeable crit is 0.

Forge stat alterations and prices in Radiant Dawn
Cost added Stat alteration
Might Weight Hit Crit
+10% ±1 ±1 ±5 ±3
+40% ±2 ±2 ±10 ±6
+90% ±3 ±3 ±15 ±9
+160% ±4 ±4 ±20 ±12
+250% ±5 ±5 ±25 ±15
For example: The player creates a forged Javelin (worth 600G) with +4 might, -5 weight, and +15 hit. The base forging fee is 600G, the might increase costs (600 × 160%) = 960G, the weight decrease costs (600 × 250%) = 1,500G, and the hit increase costs (600 × 90%) = 540G. The total cost for forging this weapon is (600 + 960 + 1,500 + 540) = 3,600G.

Coin bonus

If the player currently has at least one Coin in their possession (either in a unit's inventory or in storage), Daniel asks if they wish to use one in this forging. If the player chooses to use one, they are prompted to draw one of five random face-down cards, with the drawn card potentially adding even more stat bonuses to the weapon.

Forge card chances in Radiant Dawn
Chance Card Chance Card
25% Arrow
+10 hit
20% Vine
"That doesn't help you... Sorry."
(No bonus)
15% Sword
+1 might
10% Axe
+2 might
10% Wings
+5 crit
5% Raven
No bonus
Player receives 4 Coins
4% Three Arrows
+20 hit
3% Knight
+1 might, +5 crit
3% Soldier
+1 might, +10 hit
2% Twin Swords
+3 might
2% Six Wings
+10 crit
1% Goddess
+1 might, +10 hit, +4 crit

Forgeable weapons and availability

The player can create forged weapons based on these 21 basic weapons.

Forge templates in Radiant Dawn
Available from Weapons
Part I, Chapter 4 Iron Sword Iron Lance Iron Axe Iron Bow Iron Knife Thunder Light*
Part I, Chapter 8 Fire*
Part I, Chapter 9 Steel Axe
Part I, Endgame Steel Sword Steel Lance Steel Bow
Part III, Chapter 2 Steel Knife Wind
Part III, Chapter 7 Javelin
Part III, Chapter 8 Hand Axe
Part IV, Chapter 2 Silver Sword Silver Lance Silver Axe Silver Bow Silver Knife

Additionally, there are numerous points in the game where the forge is not available at all, usually when Daniel is not present with the current party.

  • All of Part 2, because the merchant caravan is not present
  • Part 3's prologue and Chapter 1, which are set before the merchant caravan rejoins Ike
  • All of Micaiah's chapters in Part 3 (Chapters 6, 12 and 13), because the merchant caravan is not traveling with Micaiah's party
  • Part III, Chapter 9, because the merchant caravan is not with the Crimean army
  • Ike and Micaiah's chapters in Part 4 (Prologue and Chapters 1, 3, and 4), because the merchant caravan split up with the three parties and Daniel is traveling with Tibarn and Elincia

Forging points

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In the Japanese version of Radiant Dawn, forging weapons revolves around the collection of forge points, which are obtained by selling off old weapons to Jorge. This system was completely removed in international versions of the game. Weapons give certain amount of forge points depending on their level. The amount of points gained do not change with durability loss.

Wpn Lv Points Gained
E 1
D 5
C 10
B 25
A 50
S 100
SS 200

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem

The forging system of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem allows players to modify almost any weapon which they already possess, rather than just being locked to a smaller pool of pre-selected forgeable weapons. The forge is made available to the player in Chapter 4 of Shadow Dragon, and in Chapter 1 of New Mystery, and can be accessed both in the preparations armory and in the in-chapter armories. Only one weapon can be forged per chapter.

Forged weapons have their name listed in light blue.


When forging a weapon, stats can be both increased and decreased in increments of one point of each stat. The forge price is increased with every increment added, regardless of whether the increments are increases or decreases. The minimum forge cost is 50% of the weapon's worth at full durability, which must be paid even if no stats are altered at all.

The minimum forgeable might, hit and crit is 0, while the minimum forgeable weight is 1. Crit is the only stat with a maximum forgeable limit, as it can never be increased beyond the maximum of 50. A total of 10 points in might, 10 in weight, 50 in hit, and 30 in crit can be added to or removed from a weapon.

In terms of cost, 1 point of might is equal to 1 point of weight, 5 points of hit, and 3 points of crit. The below table is available in two forms: a simplified form which charts the stat/cost increases for hit and crit in increments of 5 and 3 respectively, and a full one which deals entirely in increments of 1.

Simplified Full

Forge stat alterations and prices in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem
Cost added Stat alteration
Might Weight* Hit Crit
+50% ±1 ±1 ±5 ±3
+150% ±2 ±2 ±10 ±6
+300% ±3 ±3 ±15 ±9
+500% ±4 ±4 ±20 ±12
+750% ±5 ±5 ±25 ±15
+1050% ±6 ±6 ±30 ±18
+1400% ±7 ±7 ±35 ±21
+1800% ±8 ±8 ±40 ±24
+2250% ±9 ±9 ±45 ±27
+2750% ±10 ±10 ±50 ±30
For example: A Wing Spear (worth 1,120G) is forged to add +15 crit and +2 might. The base forging fee is 560G, the crit increase costs (1,120 × 750%) = 8,400G, and the might increase costs (1,120 × 150%) = 1,680G. The total cost for forging this weapon is (560 + 8,400 + 1,680) = 10,640G.

Unforgeable weapons

There are weapons which cannot be forged. As a general rule, weapons which either cannot be sold or which sell for 0 gold are never allowed to be forged. These weapons are:

Fire Emblem Awakening

Forging a Blessed Lance in Awakening.

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The forging system in Fire Emblem Awakening is similar to that of the Nintendo DS era, allowing the customization of any pre-existing weapon which the player already owns. The forge service is available at any armory on the world map, and there are no limits on how many weapons can be forged at a time, as long as the player has the funds for them.

Forged weapons have their name listed in light blue.


When beginning a forge, the player is given a bar of 8 points and chooses which stats they wish to allocate these points to. Each stat increases by a certain amount per point added (1 might, 5 hit, 3 crit), and only a maximum of five points may be spent on a single stat. The more points are allocated, the more expensive the forge will be. The player is not forced to spend all eight points and is allowed to spend fewer than eight.

Unforgeable weapons

Like in the Nintendo DS games, there are weapons which cannot be forged. As a general rule, weapons which either cannot be sold or which sell for 0 gold are never allowed to be forged. These weapons are:

Fire Emblem Fates

Forging was completely revised in Fire Emblem Fates. Instead of specifically modifying a single weapon's stats, forging now revolves around combining multiples of the same weapon, along with resources, to produce a weapon with all-around enhanced stats. Forging is now performed at the dedicated Smithy building in My Castle, rather than in an ordinary armory.

The weapons that are able to be forged in My Castle differ depending on what campaign is being played. When playing the Birthright campaign, the player can only forge Hoshidan weapon types (katana, naginata, clubs, yumi, shuriken, scrolls), and when playing the Conquest campaign, only Nohrian weapons (swords, lances, axes, bows, daggers, tomes) can be forged. Weapons from both nations can be forged in the Revelation campaign.


To forge a weapon, the player requires two things: a second copy of that weapon, and ore matching that weapon's type. Once these have been provided, the forged weapon is produced. Forged weapons are marked with a rank indicating its level of forging and how much its stats have been increased compared to the base weapon; forging basic weapons together will produce a +1 rank weapon, forging two +1 weapons together will produce a +2 rank weapon, and so on. The highest forge rank a weapon can reach is +7.

All twelve weapon types are associated with an ore resource, and to forge a weapon, the player requires a number of the matching ore which is equal to the resulting forge rank; e.g. forging a +1 weapon requires one matching ore, and forging a +4 weapon requires four of the ore. It is possible to get a discount on the ore required depending on which of the player's army is currently running the Smithy: the unit in charge will reduce the number of ore required to forge a weapon matching their class's specialist weapon type (ex. a Songstress discounts lances and naginata), although a minimum of one piece of ore will always be required.

As higher-rank forged weapons can only be created from other forged weapons, the number of materials needed to forge exponentially increases as the rank increases, to the point that reaching a +7 rank will ultimately require 128 of the original weapon and a maximum of 247 minerals.[1]

All stat gains are pre-set with each forge rank and cannot be customized, outside of forging the weapon again. There are two sets of stat bonuses: the standard set for the majority of weapons, and a second set for weapons which cannot inflict critical hits/sword skills which take their absence of crit into account. The stat gains added with each forge rank are as follows:

Normal weapons No-critical weapons

Forge ranks and stat increases in Fates
Rank Requirements Might Hit Crit
Smithy LV Ore
+1 Lv1 ×1 +2 +0 +0
+2 Lv1 ×2 +2 +2 +0
+3 Lv2 ×3 +2 +2 +1
+4 Lv2 ×4 +2 +2 +2
+5 Lv3 ×5 +1 +4 +3
+6 Lv3 ×6 +1 +5 +4
+7 Lv3 ×7 +1 +5 +5
Every rank retains all the stat gains of all the preceding ranks, plus their own gains.

Unforgeable weapons

Unlike previous games, there are only ten weapons which are specifically barred from forging. Technically speaking, every other weapon could be forged, but there are some weapons such as the S-rank weapons which cannot be forged in practice because the game only provides one of them per playthrough. The unforgeable weapons are:

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

The forging system in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia revolves around taking pre-existing weapons and applying pre-determined sets of enhanced stats to them, similar to Fates. However, this no longer requires collecting and merging multiples of the same weapon into one, and only currency is needed to forge.

Forging is performed at smithies, which are found in five locations on the world map: the Forest Village and Rigelian Village on Alm's route, the Mountain Village and Sage's Hamlet on Celica's route, and Furia Harbor in Act 6. The Rigelian Village smithy is also the location of the side quest "The Unbreakable Shield", where the player can trade four Dragon Scales to the other blacksmith to receive a Dracoshield.


Since Shadows of Valentia does not have the usual Fire Emblem gold currency, the player pays for forging with common Silver Marks and rare Gold Marks. These coins are found in various places throughout the games, both dropped by enemies and found in dungeons and chests, and have no other purpose than to be spent on forging.

If necessary, smithies offer two services to earn more marks. The player can sell any item they possess (excluding the Royal Sword, Beloved Zofia, Falchion, Cell Keys, Mila's Turnwheels, Memory Prisms, and Cogs) to receive a pre-set sum of marks (usually Silver Marks) in exchange. If a forged weapon is sold (not counting evolved weapons), its forging status is taken into account and the player receives (Total forge cost / 2) marks for it in addition to the weapon's basic worth in marks.

Smithies also allow the player to convert the currency they possess, swapping one to get more of the other. The conversion rates are:

  • Convert Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 500 Silver Marks into Is 3ds03 gold mark.png 1 Gold Mark
  • Convert Is 3ds03 gold mark.png 1 Gold Mark into Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 100 Silver Marks


Forged weapons are marked with a rank measured in stars (★) displayed under the weapon's name, which indicates its current level of forging. The resulting stat modifications from each rank of forging are predetermined for each weapon, as are the number of ranks that it can be forged through.

Swords Lances Bows

Forge stat alterations and prices in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Weapon Rank Requirements Might Weight Hit Crit
Is 3ds03 silver mark.png Is 3ds03 gold mark.png
Iron Sword 10 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 15 -- +2 -- +5 --
★★★ 25 -- +3 -- +5 --
★★★★ 50 -- +4 -- +10 --
★★★★★ 100 -- +6 -- +20 --
Steel Sword 15 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 20 -- +2 -- +5 --
★★★ 40 -- +4 -- +5 --
★★★★ 75 -- +5 -- +10 +5
★★★★★ 150 -- +7 -- +10 +10
Silver Sword 20 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 30 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★★ 50 -- +2 -- +5 --
★★★★ 100 -- +2 -- +5 +5
★★★★★ 200 -- +4 −1 +10 +5
Brave Sword 50 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 100 -- +2 -- -- +5
★★★ 200 -- +4 -- -- +10
Shadow Sword 50 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 80 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★★ -- 1 +1 −2 +10 --
Lightning Sword -- 1 +1 -- -- --
★★ 30 1 +2 −1 +5 --
★★★ 50 1 +4 −1 +10 --
Blessed Sword 30 -- -- -- +5 +5
★★ -- 1 +1 -- +5 +5
★★★ -- 1 +2 -- +5 +5
Royal Sword -- 1 +1 -- -- --
★★ 50 1 +2 -- +5 --
★★★ 150 1 +4 -- +10 +5
Falchion -- 2 +2 -- +20 --
Golden Dagger 5 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★ 5 -- +2 -- +5 +5
★★★ 10 -- +3 -- +10 +10
Zweihänder 50 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★ -- 1 +3 -- +5 +5
★★★ 150 1 +5 −1 +15 +5
Ladyblade 50 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★ -- 1 +2 -- +5 +5
★★★ 150 1 +4 −1 +10 +5
Mercurius -- 2 +1 −1 +10 --
Beloved Zofia -- 3 +4 −1 +10 +5
Ilwoon 50 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 100 1 +2 −1 -- --
★★★ 150 1 +3 −2 -- +10
Rapier 80 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★ 50 1 +2 −1 +5 +5
★★★ 100 1 +3 −1 +10 +10
Seven Sword 30 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ -- 1 +2 −1 +20 --
Warrior's Sword 30 -- +1 -- -- --
★★ 70 -- +1 -- +5 --
★★★ 120 -- +2 -- +5 --
★★★★ -- 2 +4 -- +20 --

Note: "Requirements" columns show the amounts needed to be promoted for one rank. Stat alterations are applied on the unforged weapon stats.


In addition to conventional forging, the smithy can also evolve certain weapons into completely different weapons. This usually requires that a weapon has previously been forged the regular way at least once, depending on the evolved weapon. Once a weapon is evolved, the forge rank of its previous form is reset to 0.

Weapon evolution in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Initial weapon Requirements Evolved weapon
Is 3ds03 silver mark.png Is 3ds03 gold mark.png Rank
Iron Sword 50 -- Steel Sword
Steel Sword 100 -- Silver Sword
-- 1 ★★ Zweihänder
Silver Sword 50 -- Brave Sword
Shadow Sword 50 -- -- Brave Sword
-- 1 Ilwoon
Brave Sword 50 -- -- Shadow Sword
-- 1 Rapier
Blessed Sword -- 5 ★★★ Mercurius
Golden Dagger -- 1 ★★ Beloved Zofia
Iron Lance 50 -- Steel Lance
Steel Lance 100 -- Silver Lance
100 -- ★★ Javelin
Javelin -- 1 Saunion
Ridersbane -- 1 Rhomphaia
Blessed Lance -- 5 ★★★ Gradivus
Iron Bow 50 -- Steel Bow
Steel Bow 100 -- Silver Bow
-- 1 ★★ Longbow
Silver Bow 100 -- Killer Bow
-- 1 ★★ Radiant Bow
Blessed Bow -- 5 ★★★ Parthia

Rusted items

The forge can restore rusted items to a functional state. Each instance of a rusted item can only be evolved into one specific weapon, which is pre-determined when the player receives the item.

Rusted weapon evolution in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Initial weapon Requirements Evolved weapon
Is 3ds03 silver mark.png Is 3ds03 gold mark.png Rank
Rusted Sword 10 -- -- Iron Sword
10 -- -- Steel Sword
100 -- -- Shadow Sword
50 -- -- Brave Sword
-- 1 -- Astra
20 -- -- Venin Sword
Rusted Lance 10 -- -- Iron Lance
10 -- -- Steel Lance
-- 1 -- Sol
20 -- -- Venin Lance
Rusted Axe 100 -- -- Devil Axe
Rusted Bow 10 -- -- Iron Bow
10 -- -- Steel Bow
-- 1 -- Luna
20 -- -- Venin Bow
Rusted Shield 10 -- -- Iron Shield
10 -- -- Steel Shield
-- 1 -- Dracoshield
Rusted Ring 50 -- -- Angel Ring
50 -- -- Demon Ring
50 -- -- Mage Ring

Unforgeable weapons

Like in previous games, there are weapons which cannot be forged. Unlike previous games however, some Regalias can be forged such as the Royal Sword. As a general rule, with the exception of the Rusted Axe, axes are never allowed to be forged. These weapons are:

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

The forging system in Fire Emblem: Three Houses revolves around taking pre-existing weapons and evolving them into new weapons. All of them, with the exception of the Regalia, have at least one evolution being a enhanced version of the weapon receiving pre-determined sets of enhanced stats to them, similar to Fates. Those enhanced weapons are noted with a '+' sign next to their name and cannot be reforged again. As opposed to other titles, the forge price is fixed for each weapon and their possible evolutions.

Forging is performed at the Blacksmith, which is accessible during Day-Off preparations menu through the Market, inside Garreg Mach Monastery and during preparations after the completion of the "Forge the Way" quest from Chapter 5.


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To forge a weapon, the player requires three things: a copy of a weapon, Gold and resources varying with the weapon. Once these have been provided, the forged weapon is produced.


Like Echoes, weapons can evolve into completely different weapons depending on the resources and the Gold spent.

Weapon evolution in Three Houses
Initial weapon Requirements Evolved weapon
Materials Cost Professor Level
Iron Sword Smithing Stone (×6) 310 E+ Iron Sword+
Smithing Stone (×6) 360 D+ Steel Sword
Black-Sand Steel (×2) 590 C+ Killing Edge
Venomstone (×2) 2,000 C+ Venin Edge
Steel Sword Smithing Stone (×10) 550 D+ Steel Sword+
Smithing Stone (×10) 560 B+ Silver Sword
Arcane Crystal (×2) 640 C+ Levin Sword
Silver Sword Smithing Stone (×16) 850 B+ Silver Sword+
Wootz Steel (×4) 840 B+ Brave Sword
Brave Sword Wootz Steel (×6) 1.260 B+ Brave Sword+
Killing Edge Black-Sand Steel (×4) 880 C+ Killing Edge+
Black-Sand Steel (×6) 1,080 B+ Wo Dao
Training Sword Smithing Stone (×4) 160 E+ Training Sword+
Levin Sword Arcane Crystal (×4) 960 C+ Levin Sword+
Armorslayer Smithing Stone (×10) 870 D+ Armorslayer+
Rapier Smithing Stone (×10) 880 E+ Rapier+
Devil Sword Agarthium (×4) 780 D+ Devil Sword+
Wo Dao Black-Sand Steel (×10) 1,620 B+ Wo Dao+
Cursed Ashiya Sword Black-Sand Steel (×16) 3,000 B+ Cursed Ashiya Sword+
Sword of Zoltan Wootz Steel(x12) 3,000 A+ Sword of Zoltan+
Venin Edge Venomstone(x4) 3,000 C+ Venin Edge+
Iron Lance Smithing Stone (×6) 340 E+ Iron Lance+
Smithing Stone (×6) 360 D+ Steel Lance
Black-Sand Steel (×2) 670 C+ Killer Lance
Venomstone (×2) 2,000 C+ Venin Lance
Steel Lance Smithing Stone (×10) 550 D+ Steel Lance+
Smithing Stone (×10) 620 B+ Silver Lance
Silver Lance Smithing Stone (×16) 940 B+ Silver Lance+
Wootz Steel (×4) 890 B+ Brave Lance
Brave Lance Wootz Steel (×6) 1,330 B+ Brave Lance+
Killer Lance Black-Sand Steel (×4) 1,010 C+ Killer Lance+
Training Lance Smithing Stone (×4) 170 E+ Training Lance+
Javelin Smithing Stone (×6) 420 D+ Javelin+
Wootz Steel (×2) 640 C+ Short Spear
Short Spear Wootz Steel (×4) 960 C+ Short Spear+
Wootz Steel (×4) 960 B+ Spear
Spear Wootz Steel (×4) 1,440 C+ Spear+
Horseslayer Smithing Stone (×10) 990 D+ Horseslayer+
Blessed Lance Mythril (×4) 920 C+ Blessed Lance+
Crescent Sickle Agarthium (×6) 3,000 B+ Crescent Sickle+
Lance of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×12) 3,000 A+ Lance of Zoltan+
Arrow of Indra Arcane Crystal (×6) 3,000 C+ Arrow of Indra+
Venin Lance Venomstone (×4) 3,000 C+ Venin Lance+
Iron Axe Smithing Stone (×6) 360 E+ Iron Axe+
Smithing Stone (×6) 390 D+ Steel Axe
Black-Sand Steel (×2) 740 C+ Killer Axe
Venomstone (×2) 2,000 C+ Venin Axe
Steel Axe Smithing Stone (×10) 590 D+ Steel Axe+
Smithing Stone (×10) 700 B+ Silver Axe
Arcane Crystal (×2) 770 B+ Bolt Axe
Silver Axe Smithing Stone (×16) 1.040 B+ Silver Axe+
Wootz Steel (×4) 960 B+ Brave Axe
Brave Axe Wootz Steel (×6) 1,440 B+ Brave Axe+
Killer Axe Black-Sand Steel (×4) 1,120 C+ Killer Axe+
Training Axe Smithing Stone (×4) 180 E+ Training Axe+
Bolt Axe Arcane Crystal (×4) 1,150 B+ Bolt Axe+
Hand Axe Smithing Stone (×6) 450 D+ Hand Axe+
Wootz Steel (×2) 700 C+ Short Axe
Short Axe Wootz Steel (×4) 1,050 C+ Short Axe+
Wootz Steel (×4) 1,020 B+ Tomahawk
Tomahawk Wootz Steel (×4) 1,530 C+ Tomahawk+
Hammer Smithing Stone (×10) 1,110 D+ Hammer+
Devil Axe Agarthium (×4) 780 D+ Devil Axe+
Axe of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×12) 3,000 A+ Axe of Zoltan+
Mace Smithing Stone (×6) 430 E+ Mace+
Venin Axe Venomstone (×4) 3,000 C+ Venin Axe+
Iron Bow Smithing Stone (×6) 340 E+ Iron Bow+
Smithing Stone (×6) 360 D+ Steel Bow
Black-Sand Steel (×2) 670 C+ Killer Bow
Venomstone (×2) 2,000 C+ Venin Bow
Steel Bow Smithing Stone (×10) 550 D+ Steel Bow+
Smithing Stone (×10) 620 B+ Silver Bow
Arcane Crystal (×2) 800 B+ Magic Bow
Wootz Steel (×6) 860 C+ Longbow
Silver Bow Smithing Stone (×16) 940 B+ Silver Bow+
Wootz Steel (×4) 890 B+ Brave Bow
Brave Bow Wootz Steel (×6) 1,330 B+ Brave Bow+
Killer Bow Black-Sand Steel (×4) 1,010 C+ Killer Bow+
Training Bow Smithing Stone (×4) 210 E+ Training Bow+
Magic Bow Arcane Crystal (×4) 1,200 B+ Magic Bow+
Longbow Wootz Steel (×4) 1,290 C+ Longbow+
Mini Bow Smithing Stone (×10) 410 D+ Mini Bow+
Blessed Bow Mythril (×4) 920 C+ Blessed Bow+
Bow of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×12) 3,000 A+ Bow of Zoltan+
Venin Bow Venomstone (×4) 3,000 C+ Venin Bow+
Iron Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×6) 310 E+ Iron Gauntlets+
Smithing Stone (×6) 360 D+ Steel Gauntlets
Black-Sand Steel (×2) 590 C+ Killer Knuckles
Steel Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×10) 380 D+ Steel Gauntlets+
Smithing Stone (×10) 520 B+ Silver Gauntlets
Arcane Crystal (×4) 2,000 A+ Aura Knuckles
Silver Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×16) 770 B+ Silver Gauntlets+
Wootz Steel (×20) 2,000 A+ Is ns01 brawling.png Dragon Claws
Training Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×4) 140 E+ Training Gauntlets+
Killer Knuckles Black-Sand Steel (×10) 3,000 B+ Killer Knuckles+
Dragon Claws Wootz Steel (×10) 3,000 A+ Dragon Claws+
Aura Knuckles Arcane Crystal (×6) 3,000 A+ Aura Knuckles+

Rusted items

Much like Echoes, the forge can restore rusted items to a functional state. Each instance of a rusted item can only be evolved into one specific weapon, which is pre-determined when the player receives the item.

Rusted weapon evolution in Three Houses
Initial weapon Requirements Evolved weapon
Materials Cost Professor Level
Rusted Sword Smithing Stone (×2) 210 E+ Iron Sword
Smithing Stone (×3) 360 D+ Steel Sword
Smithing Stone (×5) 560 B+ Silver Sword
Wootz Steel (×2) 840 B+ Brave Sword
Mythril (×10) 2,000 A+ Mercurius
Rusted Lance Smithing Stone (×2) 220 E+ Iron Lance
Smithing Stone (×3) 360 D+ Steel Lance
Smithing Stone (×5) 620 B+ Silver Lance
Wootz Steel (×2) 890 B+ Brave Lance
Mythril (×10) 2,000 A+ Gradivus
Rusted Axe Smithing Stone (×2) 240 E+ Iron Axe
Smithing Stone (×3) 390 D+ Steel Axe
Smithing Stone (×5) 700 B+ Silver Axe
Wootz Steel (×2) 960 B+ Brave Axe
Mythril (×10) 2,000 A+ Hauteclere
Rusted Bow Smithing Stone (×2) 220 E+ Iron Bow
Smithing Stone (×3) 360 D+ Steel Bow
Smithing Stone (×5) 620 B+ Silver Bow
Wootz Steel (×2) 890 B+ Brave Bow
Mythril (×10) 2,000 A+ Parthia
Rusted Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×2) 190 E+ Iron Gauntlets
Smithing Stone (×3) 260 D+ Steel Gauntlets
Smithing Stone (×5) 520 B+ Silver Gauntlets
Wootz Steel (×3) 2.000 A+ Dragon Claws
Unforgeable weapons

Certains weapons cannot be forged at all. As a general rule, weapons which are reinforced form of a weapon or weapons that cannot be sold are never allowed to be forged. The unforgeable weapons are:


Weapons can also be repaired using the forge by spending gold and resources similarly to the Weapon repair in Genealogy of the Holy War Castle. The cost of repairing a weapon is always half its shop value regardless of the number of remaining uses.

Weapon repair in Three Houses
Weapon Materials Cost
Iron Sword Smithing Stone (×2) 260
Steel Sword Smithing Stone (×3) 455
Silver Sword Smithing Stone (×5) 705
Brave Sword Wootz Steel (×2) 1,050
Killing Edge Black-Sand Steel (×1) 775
Training Sword Smithing Stone (×1) 130
Levin Sword Arcane Crystal (×1) 800
Armorslayer Smithing Stone (×3) 725
Rapier Smithing Stone (×3) 735
Devil Sword Agarthium (×1) 650
Wo Dao Black-Sand Steel (×3) 1,350
Cursed Ashiya Sword Black-Sand Steel (×5) 2,500
Sword of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×4) 2,500
Venin Edge Venomstone (×1) 2,500
Thunderbrand Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Blutgang Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Sword of the Creator Umbral Steel (×2) 2,500
Sword of Seiros Mythril (×3) 2,500
Sword of Begalta Mythril (×3) 2,500
Sword of Moralta Mythril (×3) 2,500
Mercurius Mythril (×10) 2,500
Iron Sword+ Smithing Stone (×3) 390
Steel Sword+ Smithing Stone (×5) 682
Silver Sword+ Smithing Stone (×8) 1,057
Brave Sword+ Wootz Steel (×3) 1,575
Killing Edge+ Black-Sand Steel (×2) 1,102
Training Sword+ Smithing Stone (×2) 195
Levin Sword+ Arcane Crystal (×2) 1,200
Armorslayer+ Smithing Stone (×5) 1,087
Rapier+ Smithing Stone (×5) 1,102
Devil Sword+ Agarthium (×2) 975
Wo Dao+ Black-Sand Steel (×3) 2,025
Cursed Ashiya Sword+ Black-Sand Steel (×5) 3,750
Sword of Zoltan+ Wootz Steel (×6) 3,750
Venin Edge+ Venomstone (×2) 3,750
Sublime Creator Sword Umbral Steel (×3) 3,750
Athame Agarthium (×3) 2,500
Ridill Ridill (×3) 2,500
Dark Creator Sword Agarthium (×5) 2,500
Iron Lance Smithing Stone (×2) 280
Steel Lance Smithing Stone (×3) 455
Silver Lance Smithing Stone (×5) 780
Brave Lance Wootz Steel (×2) 1,110
Killer Lance Black-Sand Steel (×1) 840
Training Lance Smithing Stone (×1) 140
Javelin Smithing Stone (×2) 350
Short Spear Wootz Steel (×1) 800
Spear Wootz Steel (×2) 1,200
Horseslayer Smithing Stone (×3) 825
Blessed Lance Mythril (×1) 770
Crescent Sickle Agarthium (×2) 2,500
Lance of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×4) 2,500
Arrow of Indra Arcane Crystal (×2) 2,500
Venin Lance Venomstone (×1) 2,500
Lance of Ruin Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Lúin Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Areadbhar Umbral Steel (×2) 2,500
Spear of Assal Mythril (×3) 2,500
Scythe of Sariel Agarthium (×3) 2,500
Gradivus Mythril (×10) 2,500
Iron Lance+ Smithing Stone (×3) 420
Steel Lance+ Smithing Stone (×5) 682
Silver Lance+ Smithing Stone (×8) 1,170
Brave Lance+ Wootz Steel (×3) 1,665
Killer Lance+ Black-Sand Steel (×2) 1,260
Training Lance+ Smithing Stone (×2) 210
Javelin+ Smithing Stone (×3) 525
Short Spear+ Wootz Steel (×2) 1.200
Spear+ Wootz Steel (×3) 1,800
Horseslayer+ Smithing Stone (×5) 1,237
Blessed Lance+ Mythril (×2) 1,150
Crescent Sickle+ Agarthium (×3) 3,750
Lance of Zoltan+ Wootz Steel (×6) 3,750
Arrow of Indra+ Arcane Crystal (×3) 3,750
Venin Lance+ Venomstone (×2) 3.750
Iron Axe Smithing Stone (×2) 300
Steel Axe Smithing Stone (×3) 490
Silver Axe Smithing Stone (×5) 870
Brave Axe Wootz Steel (×2) 1,200
Killer Axe Black-Sand Steel (×1) 930
Training Axe Smithing Stone (×1) 150
Bolt Axe Arcane Crystal (×1) 960
Hand Axe Smithing Stone (×2) 375
Short Axe Wootz Steel (×1) 875
Tomahawk Wootz Steel (×2) 1,270
Hammer Smithing Stone (×3) 925
Mace Smithing Stone (×2) 360
Devil Axe Agarthium (×1) 650
Axe of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×4) 2,500
Venin Axe Venomstone (×1) 2,500
Freikugel Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Crusher Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Axe of Ukonvasara Mythril (×3) 2,500
Aymr Agarthium (×3) 2,500
Hauteclere Mythril (×10) 2,500
Iron Axe+ Smithing Stone (×3) 450
Steel Axe+ Smithing Stone (×5) 735
Silver Axe+ Smithing Stone (×8) 1,305
Brave Axe+ Wootz Steel (×3) 1,800
Killer Axe+ Black-Sand Steel (×2) 1,395
Training Axe+ Smithing Stone (×2) 225
Bolt Axe+ Arcane Crystal (×2) 1,440
Hand Axe+ Smithing Stone (×3) 562
Short Axe+ Wootz Steel (×2) 1,312
Tomahawk+ Wootz Steel (×3) 1,912
Hammer+ Smithing Stone (×5) 1,387
Mace+ Smithing Stone (×3) 540
Devil Axe+ Agarthium (×2) 975
Axe of Zoltan+ Wootz Steel (×6) 3,750
Venin Axe+ Venomstone (×2) 3,750
Iron Bow Smithing Stone (×2) 280
Steel Bow Smithing Stone (×3) 455
Silver Bow Smithing Stone (×5) 780
Brave Bow Wootz Steel (×2) 1,170
Killer Bow Black-Sand Steel (×1) 840
Training Bow Smithing Stone (×1) 175
Magic Bow Arcane Crystal (×1) 1,000
Longbow Wootz Steel (×1) 1,075
Mini Bow Smithing Stone (×3) 340
Blessed Bow Mythril (×1) 770
Bow of Zoltan Wootz Steel (×4) 2,500
Venin Bow Venomstone (×1) 2,500
Failnaught Umbral Steel (×3) 2,500
Tathlum Bow Mythril (×3) 2,500
The Inexhaustible Mythril (×3) 2,500
Parthia Mythril (×10) 2,500
Iron Bow+ Smithing Stone (×3) 420
Steel Bow+ Smithing Stone (×5) 682
Silver Bow+ Smithing Stone (×8) 1,170
Brave Bow+ Wootz Steel (×3) 1,665
Killer Bow+ Black-Sand Steel (×2) 1,260
Training Bow+ Smithing Stone (×2) 262
Magic Bow+ Arcane Crystal (×2) 1,500
Longbow+ Wootz Steel (×2) 1,612
Mini Bow+ Smithing Stone (×5) 510
Blessed Bow+ Mythril (×2) 1,150
Bow of Zoltan+ Wootz Steel (×6) 3,750
Venin Bow+ Venomstone (×2) 3,750
Iron Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×2) 240
Steel Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×3) 360
Silver Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×5) 645
Training Gauntlets Smithing Stone (×1) 120
Killer Knuckles Black-Sand Steel (×3) 2,500
Dragon Claws Wootz Steel (×3) 2,500
Aura Knuckles Arcane Crystal (×2) 2,500
Vajra-Mushti Umbral Steel (×3) 3,750
Iron Gauntlets+ Smithing Stone (×3) 360
Steel Gauntlets+ Smithing Stone (×5) 480
Silver Gauntlets+ Smithing Stone (×8) 967
Training Gauntlets+ Smithing Stone (×2) 180
Killer Knuckles+ Black-Sand Steel (×5) 3,750
Dragon Claws+ Wootz Steel (×5) 3,750
Aura Knuckles+ Arcane Crystal (×5) 3,750

Fire Emblem Engage

The forging system in Fire Emblem Engage revolves around taking pre-existing weapons and applying pre-determined sets of enhanced stats to them, similar to Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

Forging is performed at the Smithy in Somniel run by Calney, available after completing Chapter 5.


Swords Lances Axes Bows Knives Tomes Arts

Forge stat alterations and prices in Engage
Weapon Rank Requirements Mt Wt Hit Crit
Is ns02 iron ingot.png Is ns02 steel ingot.png Is ns02 silver ingot.png Is ns02 gold 02.png
Slim Sword +1 5 -- -- 100 +1 -- -- --
+2 10 -- -- 100 +1 -- +5 --
+3 15 -- -- 300 +2 -- +10 --
+4 20 -- -- 300 +2 -- +15 +5
+5 100 -- -- 1,000 +4 -- +15 +5
Iron Sword +1 10 -- -- 300 +2 -- -- --
+2 30 -- -- 300 +2 -- +5 --
+3 60 5 -- 500 +4 -- +5 --
+4 100 10 -- 500 +4 -- +10 --
+5 200 15 1 1,400 +6 -- +10 --
Steel Sword +1 50 1 -- 500 +2 -- -- --
+2 60 2 -- 500 +2 -- +5 --
+3 70 3 1 800 +4 −1 +5 --
+4 80 4 1 1,000 +4 −1 +10 +5
+5 340 40 3 2,200 +6 −2 +10 +5
Silver Sword +1 50 5 1 1,000 +2 -- -- --
+2 100 10 1 1,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 150 15 3 1,500 +4 −1 +5 --
+4 500 20 5 1,500 +4 −1 +10 --
+5 -- 50 10 5,000 +6 −2 +10 --
Armorslayer +1 30 -- -- 500 +1 -- +5 --
+2 50 3 -- 1,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 70 5 -- 1,500 +3 -- +5 --
+4 -- 7 2 2,000 +4 -- +5 --
+5 -- 35 3 2,500 +5 -- +10 --
Killing Edge +1 30 -- -- 500 +1 -- -- --
+2 50 3 -- 1,000 +2 -- -- +5
+3 70 5 -- 1,500 +3 -- -- +5
+4 -- 7 2 2,000 +4 -- -- +5
+5 -- 35 3 2,500 +5 -- -- +10
Levin Sword +1 30 -- -- 500 +1 -- +5 --
+2 50 3 -- 1,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 70 5 -- 1,500 +3 -- +5 --
+4 -- 7 2 2,000 +4 -- +5 --
+5 -- 35 3 2,500 +5 -- +10 --
Wo Dao +1 30 -- -- 500 +1 -- -- +5
+2 50 3 -- 1,000 +2 -- -- +5
+3 70 5 -- 1,500 +3 -- -- +10
+4 -- 7 2 2,000 +4 -- -- +10
+5 -- 35 3 2,500 +5 -- -- +15
Wyrmslayer +1 30 -- -- 500 +1 -- +5 --
+2 50 3 -- 1,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 70 5 -- 1,500 +3 -- +5 --
+4 -- 7 2 2,000 +4 -- +5 --
+5 -- 35 3 2,500 +5 -- +10 --
Brave Sword +1 -- -- 1 1,000 +1 -- -- --
+2 -- -- 3 1,000 +2 -- -- --
+3 -- -- 6 1,500 +3 -- +5 --
+4 -- -- 10 1,500 +4 -- +5 --
+5 -- -- 15 5,000 +5 -- +10 --
Libération +1 30 -- -- 300 +2 -- -- --
+2 40 1 -- 500 +3 -- +5 --
+3 50 2 1 800 +4 -- +5 --
+4 60 3 1 1,200 +5 -- +10 --
+5 70 4 1 1,500 +6 -- +15 +5
Wille Glanz +1 -- -- 1 1,000 +1 -- -- --
+2 -- -- 3 1,000 +2 -- -- --
+3 -- -- 6 1,500 +3 -- +5 --
+4 -- -- 10 1,500 +4 -- +5 --
+5 -- -- 15 5,000 +5 -- +10 --
Caladbolg +1 -- -- 3 3,000 +1 -- +5 --
+2 -- -- 5 4,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 -- -- 7 5,000 +3 -- +5 +5
+4 -- -- 15 6,000 +4 -- +5 +5
+5 -- -- 20 7,000 +5 -- +10 +10
Iron Blade +1 10 -- -- 300 +2 -- -- --
+2 30 -- -- 300 +2 -- +5 --
+3 60 5 -- 500 +4 −1 +5 --
+4 100 10 -- 500 +4 −1 +10 --
+5 200 15 1 1,400 +6 −2 +10 --
Steel Blade +1 50 1 -- 500 +2 -- -- --
+2 60 2 -- 500 +2 -- +5 --
+3 70 3 1 800 +4 −1 +5 --
+4 80 4 1 1,000 +4 −1 +10 +5
+5 340 40 3 2,200 +6 −2 +10 +5
Silver Blade +1 50 5 1 1,000 +2 -- -- --
+2 100 10 1 1,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 150 15 3 1,500 +4 −1 +5 --
+4 500 20 5 1,500 +4 −1 +10 --
+5 -- 50 10 5,000 +6 −2 +10 --
Georgios +1 -- -- 3 3,000 +1 -- +5 --
+2 -- -- 5 4,000 +2 -- +5 --
+3 -- -- 7 5,000 +3 -- +5 +5
+4 -- -- 15 6,000 +4 -- +5 +5
+5 -- -- 20 7,000 +5 -- +10 +10
Fólkvangr +1 -- 5 -- 300 +2 -- -- --
+2 -- 3 1 500 +3 -- +5 --
+3 -- 7 2 800 +4 −1 +5 --
+4 -- 6 5 1,000 +5 −1 +10 +5
+5 -- -- 8 1,700 +6 −2 +10 +10

Note: "Requirements" columns show the amounts needed to be promoted for one rank. Stat alterations are applied on the unforged weapon stats.


Like Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, weapons can evolve into completely different weapons.

Weapon evolution in Engage
Initial weapon Requirements Evolved weapon
Is ns02 iron ingot.png Is ns02 steel ingot.png Is ns02 silver ingot.png Is ns02 gold 02.png
Slim Sword 50 -- -- 300 Iron Sword
Iron Sword 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Sword
100 10 -- 1,000 Armorslayer
100 10 -- 1,000 Killing Edge
Steel Sword 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Sword
100 10 -- 1,000 Levin Sword
100 10 -- 1,000 Wo Dao
Silver Sword 100 10 1 2,000 Brave Sword
100 10 1 2,000 Wyrmslayer
Iron Blade 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Blade
Steel Blade 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Blade
Biting Blade -- -- 2 1,000 Iron Blade
Slim Lance 50 -- -- 300 Iron Lance
Iron Lance 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Lance
100 10 -- 1,000 Ridersbane
100 10 -- 1,000 Killer Lance
Steel Lance 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Lance
100 10 -- 1,000 Flame Lance
Silver Lance 100 10 1 2,000 Brave Lance
Iron Greatlance 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Greatlance
Steel Greatlance 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Greatlance
Swirlance -- -- 1 1,000 Javelin
-- -- 2 1,000 Iron Greatlance
Compact Axe 50 -- -- 300 Iron Axe
Iron Axe 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Axe
100 10 -- 1,000 Hammer
100 10 -- 1,000 Killer Axe
Steel Axe 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Axe
100 10 -- 1,000 Poleaxe
Silver Axe 100 10 1 2,000 Brave Axe
100 10 -- 1,000 Hurricane Axe
Hand Axe 100 10 1 2,000 Tomahawk
Iron Greataxe 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Greataxe
Steel Greataxe 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Greataxe
Lollichop -- -- 1 1,000 Hand Axe
-- -- 2 1,000 Iron Greataxe
Mini Bow 50 -- -- 300 Iron Bow
Iron Bow 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Bow
100 10 -- 1,000 Killer Bow
Steel Bow 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Bow
100 10 -- 1,000 Longbow
Silver Bow 100 10 1 2,000 Brave Bow
100 10 -- 1,000 Radiant Bow
Short Knife 50 -- -- 300 Iron Dagger
Iron Dagger 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel Dagger
Steel Dagger 100 10 1 2,000 Silver Dagger
Kard 100 10 -- 1,000 Stiletto
Stiletto 100 10 1 2,000 Peshkatz
Surge 100 10 -- 1,000 Elsurge
Fire 100 10 -- 1,000 Elfire
Thunder 100 10 -- 1,000 Elthunder
Wind 100 10 -- 1,000 Elwind
Elfire 100 10 1 2,000 Bolganone
Elthunder 100 10 1 2,000 Thoron
Elwind 100 10 1 2,000 Excalibur
Initiate Art 50 -- -- 300 Iron-Body Art
Iron-Body Art 100 10 -- 1,000 Steel-Hand Art
Steel-Hand Art 100 10 1 2,000 Silver-Spirit Art
100 10 -- 1,000 Shielding Art
Silver-Spirit Art 100 10 -- 2,000 Flashing Fist Art
Fell Stone -- 5 1 2,000 Fell Ruinstone
Fell Ruinstone 20 -- -- 100 Fell Stone
Fell Magicstone 20 -- -- 500 Fell Slaystone
Fell Slaystone 20 -- -- 500 Fell Weightstone
Fell Weightstone 20 -- -- 500 Fell Magicstone

Fire Emblem Heroes

The forge was added to Fire Emblem Heroes in version 2.0.0, known under the name Weapon Refinery, and is unlocked by clearing the second Intermission of Book I, The Rite of Blades. Similar to Shadows of Valentia, it can be used to upgrade certain weapon skills, increasing their stats, giving them additional effects, and/or evolving them into better forms. The Weapon Refinery can only be used with units that have had their 5★ weapon skill unlocked. To upgrade a weapon requires the specified amount of SP, Arena Medals, and either Divine Dew (used for upgrading personal weapons) or Refining Stones (used for generic weapons).

Weapons that have been refined have their name listed in green, and have a special icon displayed in the place of the weapon skill icon indicating the chosen upgrade. Refined variations of weapon skills cannot be passed to other units through skill inheritance.

Etymology and other languages

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


A forge is a workshop where a blacksmith uses the fire of a forge, or specially-designed hearth, to heat metals in order to shape them into weapons, tools, or other objects.



Weapon refinery













Weapon Refinery

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Weapon Refinery

Used in Heroes.



Weapon refinery; minor alteration of the above with no change in meaning.


Refinería de armas

Weapons refinery


Atelier d'armement

Weapons workshop



Weapon refinement


Officina delle armi

Weapons workshop

Traditional Chinese


Weapon refinement



  1. VincentASM, Smithy, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: April 28, 2016
Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unitSubstitute character) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus