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Act 6

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Act 6

File:Cm fe15 C6 Wm.png



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Act 6 is the post-game bonus act of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. It is exclusive to Shadows of Valentia, and does not appear in Fire Emblem Gaiden.

During Act 6 the player is granted access to a new dungeon that is far more dangerous than anything in the main story. Additionally; the player may also return to Duma Temple to replay the main story's final battle against Duma and Jedah.


Main article: Act 6/Script

After the final battle against Duma, Alm and Celica encounter a trader at Zofia Harbor who asks them to escort him across pirate-infested waters to his homeland of Archanea, the continent to the east of Valentia. The group travels to Archanea and discovers the Thabes Labyrinth, a sealed dungeon crawling with reanimated corpses.

As the group progresses through the labyrinth, they learn the story of the ancient alchemist Forneus. Forneus was a genius alchemist living in the ancient civilization of Thabes. He sought to create the perfect life-form and raise an army of the undead. As his experiments became more and more unethical, the Senate of Thabes eventually sealed him in his own laboratory and left him to rot. There, Forneus' own creations drove him to madness. At the bottom of the labyrinth, Alm and Celica encounter and battle Forneus' ultimate creation. This being is heavily implied to be a young Grima, and the zombies are the first Risen.

Character data

New units


Available characters
Alm_02 ​Celica_02 ​Lukas ​Gray ​Tobin ​Kliff ​Faye ​Silque ​Clair ​Clive ​Forsyth ​Python ​Luthier ​Mathilda ​Delthea ​Tatiana ​Zeke ​Mycen ​Mae ​Boey ​Genny ​Saber ​Valbar ​Kamui ​Leon ​Palla ​Catria ​Atlas ​Jesse ​Sonya ​Deen ​Est ​Nomah ​Conrad ​

Map data

There are four combat maps in Act 6 of Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

  1. Archanea Seaway 2 Battle
  2. Archanea Seaway 4 Battle
  3. Archanea Seaway 6 Battle
  4. Thabes Labyrinth

Exploration sections

Thabes Labyrinth

Main article: Thabes Labyrinth

Thabes Labyrinth is a sprawling labyrinth located beneath the ruins of the ancient city of Thabes. It serves as the final, most challenging dungeon of the game.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Act 6

Act 6 notably lacks a proper descriptive title in all languages.


Capitulo 6

Chapter 6


Chapitre 6

Chapter 6


Atto 6

Act 6


Akte 6

Act 6



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← Together to the End • Act 6
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Playable characters Alm's Party AlmClairCliveDeltheaFayeForsythGrayKliffLukasLuthierMathildaMycenPythonSilqueTatianaTobinZeke
Celica's Party AtlasBoeyCatriaCelicaConradDeenEstFayeGennyJesseKamuiKliffLeonMaeNomahPallaSaberSonyaValbar
DLC EmmaRandalShadeYuzu
Non-playable characters HalcyonIrmaMassenaMilaPeddlers
Bosses ArgentumAurumBarthBerkutBlakeBrigand BossCerberusThe CreationDeenDeltheaDesaixDolthDumaFernandGarthGarciaGazelleGharnGriethHadesHestiaJamilJarth*JedahJeromeLawsonMagnusMarlaMikhailMuellerNaberiusNuibabaRineaRudolfSlaydeSonyaTatarrahWolffXaizorZaksonZeke
Background characters ForneusLima IVLipricaShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons Beloved ZofiaFalchionGradivusMercuriusParthiaRoyal Sword
Acts and Battles Prologue Alm and Celica
Act 1 1: Ram Woods Battle • 2: Fleecer's Forest Battle • 3: Thieves' Shrine • 4: Storming of Ram Valley • 5: Attack on the Southern Outpost • 6: First Battle of Southern Zofia • 7: Second Battle of Southern Zofia • 8: Deliverance Hideout • 9: Liberation of Zofia Castle
Act 2 1: Skirmish • 2: First Pirate Raid • 3: Second Pirate Raid • 4: Assault on the Pirate Throne • 5: Third Pirate Raid • 6: Beast Hunt • 7: Seabound Shrine • 8: Fourth Pirate Raid • 9: Fifth Pirate Raid • 10: Zofia Castle Battle
Act 3 Alm 1: Northern Zofia Battle • 2: First Battle of Zofia Forest • 3: Forest Crossroads Battle • 4: Siege of Desaix's Fortress • 5: Second Battle of Zofia Forest • 6: Sylvan Shrine • 7: Forest Northside Battle • 8: Retaking of the Sluice Gate
Celica 1: Zofian Coast Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on the Desert Stronghold • 4N: Northern Desert Battle • 4S: Southern Desert Battle • 5: Attack on Grieth's Citadel • 6: Storming of the Valley Approach • 7: Dragon Shrine • 8: Liberation of the Temple of Mila
Act 4 Alm 1: Border Battle • 2: Rigel Forest Battle • 3: Fear Mountain Battle • 4: Fear Mountain Shrine • 5: Siege of Nuibaba's Abode • 6: Rigel Plains Battle • 7: Fight at the Dragon's Maw • 8: Rigel Falls Battle • 9: Secret Shrine • 10: Attack on the Last Bastion • 11: Attack on Rigel Castle
Celica 1: Dead Man's Mire Battle • 2: Skirmish • 3: Attack on Dolth Keep • 4: Lost Treescape • 5: Storming of Duma Gate • 6: The Swamps of Duma Battle • 7: Duma Tower
Act 5 1: Duma Temple • 2: The Final Battle
Act 6 1: Archanea Seaway 2 Battle • 2: Archanea Seaway 4 Battle • 3: Archanea Seaway 6 Battle • 4: Thabes Labyrinth
amiibo Duma's OrdealsMila's Ordeals
DLC The Astral TempleThe Inner SanctumBand of BandagesLords of the GraveWretches and RichesWealth Before HealthAltar of the DestrierAltar of the TitanAltar of the SkylordAltar of the SorceressAltar of the FaerieAltar of the OgreAltar of the MarksmanAltar of the SavantAltar of the QueenAltar of the King • 1: Battle of Zofia Harbor • 2: Outpost Rescue • 3: Flight from the Ruins • 4: Siege of Zofia CastleCipher Legends ICipher Legends IIMila's Bounty 1Mila's Bounty 2Mila's Bounty 3Mila's Bounty 4Mila's Bounty 5
Locations ValentiaRigel (Fear Mountain ShrineSecret ShrineLost TreescapeDuma TowerDuma Temple) • Zofia (Deliverance HideoutDragon ShrineNovisRamSylvan ShrineTemple of MilaSeabound ShrineThieves' Shrine) • ArchaneaThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Death MasksBook of Valentian RevelationsDeliveranceMila ShrineMila's TurnwheelTerrors
Lists Base conversationsActsCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSidequestsSkillsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Ancient LettersName chartDownloadable content • Other games (GaidenShadow DragonNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound TestTimelineWorld map