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Rusted Lance

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Rusted Lance

FEWATH Rusted Lance.png
Artwork of the Rusted Lance from Warriors: Three Hopes.



First game

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

The Rusted Lance (Japanese: 錆びた槍 Rusted Lance) is a lance which was introduced in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. A Rusted Lance is stated to be useless in its current state, and as such is statistically similar to the standard Lance apart from heavier weight, making a small trade between might and hit rate, and has equal stats to the Broken Lance in Three Houses.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 rusted lance.png Lances 1 3 80 0 1 -- Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 10 -- --
Three Houses Is ns01 lance.png Lances E 0 20 30 0 1 -- 1 2 --
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 lance.png Lances * 0 -- -- -- -- 0 * -- --


Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Dropped by At random from Mogalls (0.04% normal, 0.08% strong/specter/foreign)Sol and Balors (0.2%)Sol
Dungeon drops Fear Mountain Shrine Area 3: Boxes (2.17%)Steel LanceFear Mountain Shrine Area 5: Boxes (3.45%)Iron LanceFear Mountain Shrine Area 6: Boxes (4%)Iron LanceDuma Tower Area 4: Boxes (5%)Steel LanceThabes Labyrinth B5: Boxes (3.82%)Steel LanceThabes Labyrinth B8: Pots (2.37%)Venin LanceThabes Labyrinth B9: Pots (2.6%Venin Lance, 0.26%Sol), Boxes (3.16%)Steel LanceThabes Labyrinth B10: Boxes (3.21%Steel Lance, 0.06%Sol)

Three Houses

Dropped by The Sleeping Sand Legend enemy Assassin (Brave Lance) • Enemy boss monsters in Rare Monster sightings (Silver Lance, Gradivus)
Scrap Heap Chapter 2Cindered Shadows (Iron Lance)

Flavor text

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Game Text
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
A rusty lance. Unusable in this state.
Three Houses
This rust-pocked lance can be forged into a(n)
Warriors: Three Hopes
This rust-pocked lance can be repaired by a blacksmith to make a(n) (blank).

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Rusted Lance




Rusted Lance


Lanza oxidada

Rusted lance


Lance rouillée

Rusted lance



Rusted lance


Lancia arrugginita

Rusted lance


Roestige lans

Rusted lance


녹슨 창

Rusted lance

Simplified Chinese


Rusted lance

Traditional Chinese


Rusted lance



See also

Basic lances Broken LanceBronze LanceBroomCamus's PikeCrescent SickleDraug's LanceEffie's LanceEmblem LanceEphraim's LanceFinn's LanceFlycatcherGant's LanceGlass LanceGreat LanceIron GreatlanceIron LanceKiller LanceLanceLance of ZoltanLaundry PoleLogLong LanceRoderick's LanceRusted LanceShort LanceSigurd's LanceSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceTraining Lance
Lances with secondary effects AstraAxereaverBeast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBright LanceClair's LanceClive's LanceDarkness LanceDragonpikeDragonspearDuma's LanceEmperor LanceFernand's LanceHeavy SpearHexlock SpearKriemhildLaguz LanceLunaMaster LanceQuick LanceRhomphaiaRidersbaneSaunionSolStickSuperior LanceTrainee's LanceVenin LanceWayward LanceXander's Lance
Magic-based lances Arrow of IndraFlame LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Piercing Light LanceShockstickThrowing Light Lance
Ranged lances Iron JavelinJavelinMiniature LancePeri's LanceShort SpearSilver JavelinSpearSteel Javelin
Regalia and personal lances AreadbharBrave LanceDragon LanceGáe BolgGradivusGungnirLance of RuinLúinMaltetReginleifRex HastaScythe of SarielSpear of AssalSiegmundVidofnirWing SpearWishblade
Weapons in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Swords AstraBeloved ZofiaBinding BladeBlessed SwordBrave SwordExalted FalchionFalchionGolden DaggerIlwoonIron SwordLadybladeLightning SwordMercuriusParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRoyal SwordRusted SwordSeven SwordDLCShadow SwordSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordVenin SwordWarrior's SwordDLCYatoZweihänder
Lances Blessed LanceClair's LanceDLCClive's LanceDLCDuma's LanceEmperor LanceFernand's LanceDLCGradivusIron LanceJavelinKriemhildLanceRhomphaiaRidersbaneRusted LanceSaunionSilver LanceSolSteel LanceTrainee's LanceDLCVenin LanceWayward LanceDLC
Axes AxeDevil AxeRusted AxeSplitting AxeVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBowIron BowKiller BowLongbowLunaMila's BowParthiaPython's BowDLCRadiant BowRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Black Magic AuraDeathExcaliburFireMedusaMiasmaMireNosferatuOcular BeamOculusRagnarokSagittaeSeraphimThunder
White Magic AnewConjureEntrapExpelFortifyFreezeInvokeLemegetonDLCPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreDLCRewarpSilenceWardDLCWarp
Other Bone SwordClawsClubExpirationFangsFire BreathNumbing ClawsScytheTackleTalonsTentacleVenin ClawsWater Breath
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Swords ArmorslayerAthameBlutgangBrave SwordBroken SwordCursed Ashiya SwordDevil SwordGiant KatarIron SwordKilling EdgeLevin SwordMercuriusRapierRusted SwordSilver SwordSteel SwordSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorSword of ZoltanThunderbrandTraining SwordVenin EdgeWo Dao
Lances AreadbharArrow of IndraBlessed LanceBrave LanceBroken LanceCrescent SickleGradivusHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Lance of RuinLance of ZoltanLúinPiercing Light LanceRusted LanceScythe of SarielShort SpearSilver LanceSpearSpear of AssalSteel LanceTraining LanceThrowing Light LanceVenin Lance
Axes Axe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanAymrBolt AxeBrave AxeBroken AxeCrusherDevil AxeFreikugelHammerHand AxeHauteclereIron AxeKiller AxeMaceRusted AxeShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTraining AxeTomahawkVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBow of ZoltanBrave BowBroken BowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLongbowMagic BowMini BowParthiaRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleTraining BowVenin Bow
Gauntlets Aura KnucklesBroken GauntletsDragon ClawsIron GauntletsKiller KnucklesRusted GauntletsSilver GauntletsSteel GauntletsTraining GauntletsVajra-MushtiDLC
Black Magic Agnea's ArrowBlizzardBolganoneBoltingCutting GaleExcaliburFimbulvetrFireMeteorRagnarokSagittaeThoronThunderWind
Dark Magic Banshee ΘBohr ΧDark Spikes ΤDeath ΓHades ΩLuna ΛMiasma ΔMire ΒQuake ΣSwarm Ζ
White Magic AbraxasAuraFortifyHealNosferatuPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSeraphimSilenceWardWarp
Ballistae BallistaFire OrbOnagerViskam
Crest Stones Artificial Crest Stone LArtificial Crest Stone SBlest Crest Stone ShardChalice of BloodDLCCracked Crest StoneCrest of Flames PowerCrest Stone (Beast)Crest Stone (Chevalier)DLCCrest Stone (Gautier)Crest Stone of IndechCrest Stone of MacuilCrest Stone of SeirosCrest Stone ShardDark Stone (Bird)Dark Stone (Crawler)Dark Stone (Wolf)Giant Artificial Crest StoneLost Crest StoneLost Crest Stone (Large)Pointy Artificial Crest StoneReal Seiros Crest StoneTwin-Crest Power
Unused Weapons RidillTorch