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Iron Greatlance

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Iron Greatlance

Is ns02 iron greatlance.png
Icon of the Iron Greatlance from Engage.

A powerful lance that's a bit hard to wield. Its weight makes consecutive attacks difficult.



First game

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

The Iron Greatlance (Japanese: 鉄の長槍 Iron Long Spear) is a lance which is debuted in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It is the weakest of the game's series of greatlance weapons, which are the lance equivalent to blades. Compared to its ordinary counterpart, the Iron Lance, it is much more powerful but has worse accuracy, lower durability, and is much heavier. Its sheer weight significantly slows down any unit without high strength or speed.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Radiant Dawn Is wii iron greatlance.png Lances C 11 14 75 0 1 40 640 3 --
Engage Is ns02 iron greatlance.png Lances C 14 9 75 0 1 -- 1,500 -- If user initiates combat, user strikes last.
If user initiates combat and their attack damaged the target, smashes the target after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.

Forged stats

This section is missing stats, calculations, or growth rates which may be currently unknown. If this information is available, please help improve the page by adding it.

Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Is ns02 iron greatlance.png Lances C 16 9 75 0 1 -- ? -- If user initiates combat, user strikes last.
If user initiates combat and their attack damaged the target, smashes the target after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.
Is ns02 iron greatlance.png Lances C 16 9 80 0 1 -- ? -- If user initiates combat, user strikes last.
If user initiates combat and their attack damaged the target, smashes the target after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.
Is ns02 iron greatlance.png Lances C 18 8 80 0 1 -- ? -- If user initiates combat, user strikes last.
If user initiates combat and their attack damaged the target, smashes the target after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.
Is ns02 iron greatlance.png Lances C 18 8 85 0 1 -- ? -- If user initiates combat, user strikes last.
If user initiates combat and their attack damaged the target, smashes the target after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.
Is ns02 iron greatlance.png Lances C 20 7 85 0 1 -- ? -- If user initiates combat, user strikes last.
If user initiates combat and their attack damaged the target, smashes the target after combat.
Cannot make follow-up attacks.


Radiant Dawn

Inventory Danved
Armory Part 1: Chapter 8Chapter 9Endgame
Part 2: Chapter 3Endgame
Part 3: Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Endgame
Part 4: PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Endgame


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Inventory Amber

Flavor text

Game Text
Radiant Dawn
A powerful lance that's a bit hard to wield.
Its weight makes consecutive attacks difficult.
A massive lance that smashes foes.
Cannot follow up, or strike first if
initiating combat.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Iron Greatlance


  • 鉄の長槍
  • てつの大槍
  • Iron long spear. Romanized as IRONSPEAR in its internal file name. Used in Radiant Dawn.
  • Iron great spear. Used in Engage.
  • Asta hierro
  • Espontón hierro
  • Iron spear. Used in Radiant Dawn.
  • Iron spontoon. Used in Engage.
  • Epieu fer
  • Pique fer
  • Iron spear. Used in Radiant Dawn.
  • Iron pike. Used in Engage.


Iron greatlance. Abbreviated to Eisen-Großlze in Radiant Dawn gameplay for space reasons.

  • Picca ferro
  • Gran lancia ferro
  • Iron pike. Used in Radiant Dawn.
  • Iron great lance. Used in Engage.

철의 큰 창

Iron great spear

Simplified Chinese


Iron great spear

Traditional Chinese


Iron great spear



See also

Basic lances Broken LanceBronze LanceBroomCamus's PikeCrescent SickleDraug's LanceEffie's LanceEmblem LanceEphraim's LanceFinn's LanceFlycatcherGant's LanceGlass LanceGreat LanceIron GreatlanceIron LanceKiller LanceLanceLance of ZoltanLaundry PoleLogLong LanceRoderick's LanceRusted LanceShort LanceSigurd's LanceSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceTraining Lance
Lances with secondary effects AstraAxereaverBeast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBright LanceClair's LanceClive's LanceDarkness LanceDragonpikeDragonspearDuma's LanceEmperor LanceFernand's LanceHeavy SpearHexlock SpearKriemhildLaguz LanceLunaMaster LanceQuick LanceRhomphaiaRidersbaneSaunionSolStickSuperior LanceTrainee's LanceVenin LanceWayward LanceXander's Lance
Magic-based lances Arrow of IndraFlame LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Piercing Light LanceShockstickThrowing Light Lance
Ranged lances Iron JavelinJavelinMiniature LancePeri's LanceShort SpearSilver JavelinSpearSteel Javelin
Regalia and personal lances AreadbharBrave LanceDragon LanceGáe BolgGradivusGungnirLance of RuinLúinMaltetReginleifRex HastaScythe of SarielSpear of AssalSiegmundVidofnirWing SpearWishblade
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Swords AlonditeAmitiBrave SwordBronze SwordCaladbolgEttardFloreteIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeRagnellSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordStorm SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordTempest BladeVague KattiVenin EdgeWind EdgeWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceBronze LanceIron GreatlanceIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceHorseslayerShort SpearSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSpearSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceVenin LanceWishblade
Axes Brave AxeBronze AxeHammerHand AxeIron PoleaxIron AxeKiller AxeShort AxeSilver PoleaxSilver AxeSteel PoleaxSteel AxeTarvosTomahawkUrvanVenin Axe
Bows Brave BowBronze BowDouble BowIron BowIron LongbowKiller BowLughnasadhRolf's BowSilencerSilver BowSilver LongbowSteel BowSteel LongbowVenin Bow
Crossbows AqqarArbalestBowgunCrossbowTaksh
Knives BaselardBeast KillerBronze DaggerBronze KnifeIron DaggerIron KnifeKardPeshkatzSilver DaggerSilver KnifeSteel DaggerSteel KnifeStiletto
Fire ArcfireBolganoneCymbelineElfireFireFire TailMeteorRexflame
Thunder ArcthunderBoltingElthunderRexboltThoronThunderThunder Tail
Wind ArcwindBlizzardElwindRexcaliburTornadoWindWind Tail
Light CreiddyladEllightLightNosferatuPurgeRexauraShineThaniValaura
Dark BalberithCarreauFenrirVerrineWorm
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller BallistaOnager
Strikes BeakBreathClawFangGreat BeakGreat FangGreat TalonTalon
Staves Ashera StaffElsilenceElsleepFortifyHammerneHealMatronaMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceSleepTorchUnlockWard
Other Judge
Unused Weapons Slim Lance
Weapons in Fire Emblem Engage
Swords ArmorslayerBinding BladeBiting BladeBlutgangBrave SwordCaladbolgDual KatanaFalchionFólkvangrGeorgiosIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeLancereaverLevin SwordLibérationLight BrandLyrátionMani KattiMercuriusNoble RapierOligoludiaParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRuneswordSieglindeSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordTyrfingWakizashiWille GlanzWind SwordWo DaoWyrmslayerYato
Lances AreadbharBrave LanceBrionacIron GreatlanceIron LanceFensalirFlame LanceJavelinKiller LanceLúinMaster LanceReprésaillesRidersbaneSiegmundSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSpearSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceSwirlanceVenomous
Axes ArmadsAymrBolt AxeCamilla's AxeCompact AxeFragarachHammerHand AxeHurricane AxeIron AxeIron GreataxeLollichopNóatúnPoleaxeRevancheSilver AxeSilver GreataxeSteel AxeSteel GreataxeTomahawkUkonvasaraUrvanWolf Beil
Bows CroissbowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLendabairLongbowMaster BowMini BowMulagirParthiaRadiant BowSilver BowSteel Bow
Knives CarnwenhanCinquedeaConfectioknifeIron DaggerKardMisericordePeshkatzShort KnifeSilver DaggerSteel DaggerStiletto
Tomes BolganoneBoltingCataclysmÉlivágarElfireElsurgeElthunderElwindExcaliburFireHliðskjálfLightningMeteorNosferatuNovaObscuritéRagnarokRexcaliburSeraphimShineSurgeThaniTiramistormThoronThunderWind
Staves Divine BlessingDivine Blessing+EntrapFortifyFortify+FractureFreezeHealIllumeMendNodusObstructPhysicRecoverReflectRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceTreatWarp
Arts Divine Fist ArtDragon's FistFlashing Fist ArtInitiate ArtIron-Body ArtScrollcakeShielding ArtSilver-Spirit ArtSteel-Hand ArtVajra-Mushti
Special Dark BreathDisengageDragon FangEternal ClawFangsFell AssaultFell SurgeFire BreathFireballFlame BreathFlame CannonFreezing BreathFog BreathHowling BeamIce BreathIceballTail SmashWhirling Death
Cannonballs Armor BlastBreak BlastEldritch BlastFreeze BlastHoly BlastMagic BlastMighty BlastPiercing BlastRider BlastSilence BlastStandard BlastTornado BlastWyrm Blast