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Attack speed

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
(Redirected from Follow-up attack)
"Follow-up attack" redirects here. For the Tactics Drill, see Basics 9: Follow-Up Attacks.
Marth's attack speed exceeds the enemy Fighter's attack speed enough to allow him to perform a follow-up attack.

Attack speed (Japanese: 攻撃速度 attack speed), abbreviated AS (Japanese: 攻速), is a calculation based on a unit's speed which acts as their practical speed stat in battle. In all games until Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, attack speed factors in the weight of a unit's weapon, simulating the bulk of heavier weapons encumbering them in battle more than lighter weapons, with the effect thereof in turn mitigated by a unit's strength or physical bulk in games from Thracia 776 onward.

The primary use of attack speed is to determine whether or not a unit is fast enough compared to their opponent to allow them to perform a follow-up attack (Japanese: 追撃 pursuit), more commonly known as "double attacking" or "doubling". In a battle, the two participants' mutual attack speed is compared, and if one unit meets a certain threshold of higher attack speed than the other, they are allowed to follow up against the opponent: to perform a second attack after both units have performed their first attacks.

Attack speed is also used in turn in a unit's avoid calculation, directly impacting a unit's ability to dodge oncoming attacks in conjunction with other factors, including terrain benefits and a unit's luck stat.

In Genealogy of the Holy War only, attack speed can be negative.

From New Mystery of the Emblem through Fates, weapon weight is not present and attack speed is calculated solely based on the speed of the two units.

Fates includes a similar mechanic known as effective speed. Unlike attack speed, effective speed only affects follow-up attacking, and can be one-sided. For example, steel weapons affect the wielder's ability to follow up, but not their foe's ability to follow up; as well, certain weapons such as Excalibur raise both the wielder's and the foe's ability to follow up.

In Fire Emblem Engage, attack speed is presented as the speed stat with a debuff from weapon weight.


Attack speed

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light SpeedWeapon weight --
Gaiden SpeedWeapon weight --
Mystery of the Emblem SpeedWeapon weight --
Genealogy of the Holy War SpeedWeapon weight Attack speed can be negative.
Thracia 776 Weapons: Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution)
Magic: Speed − Weight
The Binding Blade Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution) (Weight − Con) has a minimum of 0.
The Blazing Blade Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution) (Weight − Con) has a minimum of 0.
The Sacred Stones Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution) (Weight − Con) has a minimum of 0.
Path of Radiance Speed − (Weapon weightStrength) (Weight − Strength) has a minimum of 0.
Radiant Dawn Speed − (Weapon weightStrength) (Weight − Strength) has a minimum of 0.
Shadow Dragon Speed − (Weapon weightStrength) (Weight − Strength) has a minimum of 0.
New Mystery of the Emblem Speed --
Awakening Speed --
Fates Speed ± (Weapon's effective speed modifier) --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia SpeedWeapon weight --
Three Houses Speed − [ Weapon weight − (Strength / 5) ] (Weight − (Strength / 5)) has a minimum of 0.
Engage Speed − (Weapon weightBuild) (Weight − Bld) has a minimum of 0.

Follow-up attack threshold

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light (Unit's attack speed) > (target's attack speed) --
Gaiden (Unit's attack speed) > (target's attack speed) --
Mystery of the Emblem [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 3 --
Genealogy of the Holy War (Unit's attack speed) > (target's attack speed) Only units with Follow-Up can make follow-up attacks.
Thracia 776 [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
The Binding Blade [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
The Blazing Blade [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
The Sacred Stones [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
Path of Radiance [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
Radiant Dawn [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
Shadow Dragon [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
New Mystery of the Emblem [(Unit's speed) − (target's speed)] ≥ 4 --
Awakening [(Unit's speed) − (target's speed)] ≥ 5 --
Fates [(Unit's speed) − (target's speed)] ≥ 5 With the skill Darting Blow or +5 effective speed on a weapon, only ≥ 1 speed is required. With +3 effective speed, ≥ 2 speed is required. Certain weapons, as well as the skill Wary Fighter, cannot make follow-up attacks. Weapons can also reduce effective speed, making it easier for foes to follow up.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (Unit's attack speed) > (target's attack speed) --
Three Houses [(Unit's attack speed) − (target's attack speed)] ≥ 4 --
Engage [(Unit's speed) − (target's speed)] ≥ 5 --


Main article: Avoid
Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Physical avoid: (Attack speed + Terrain bonus)
Magical avoid: (Luck)
Gaiden Physical avoid: (Attack speed + Terrain bonus)
Magical avoid: (Speed + Luck)
Mystery of the Emblem (Speed + Luck + Terrain bonus + Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Genealogy of the Holy War (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Authority bonus) + (Charm bonus) + (Lover bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
In this game, Avoid can be negative, through the possibility of negative attack speed or through some tiles' avoid penalties.
Thracia 776 (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Authority bonus) + (Charm bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The Binding Blade (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The Blazing Blade (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + Tactician bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The Sacred Stones (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Path of Radiance (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Biorhythm bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Radiant Dawn (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Buddy support bonus) +
(Biorhythm bonus) + (Affinity bonus) + (Authority bonus)
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Shadow Dragon (Attack speed) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
New Mystery of the Emblem (Speed) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The class bonus is +10 for Swordmasters only.
Awakening (Speed × 1.5) + (Luck / 2) + (Support/Dual bonus) + (Skill bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Fates (Speed × 1.5) + (Luck / 2) + (Support/Dual bonus) + (Skill bonus) + (Class bonus) Class bonus is +5 for Master Ninjas, and +10 for Lodestars, Nine-Tails, Swordmasters, Pegasus Knights, and Witches.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Shadows of Valentia Physical avoid: (Attack speed) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus)
Magical avoid: [(Speed + Luck) / 2] + (Support bonus)
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Three Houses Physical avoid: (Attack speed) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Ability bonus) + (Equipment bonus) + (Battalion bonus)
Magical avoid: [(Speed + Luck) / 2] + (Ability bonus) + (Equipment bonus) + (Battalion bonus)
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Engage Weapon avoid: (Speed × 2) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus × Unit type bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Skill bonus)
Staff avoid: (Resistance × 1.5) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus × Unit type bonus)
Unit type bonus is 2 for Covert-type classes, 0 if the foe is a Mystical-type class, 1 for all others.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.

Items and skills affecting attack speed and follow-up attacks

Items and skills awarding attack speed bonuses or penalties
Item Effect Games
All Ballistae User cannot make follow-up attacks. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds swarm.png Swarm User cannot make follow-up attacks. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 mire.png Mire User cannot make follow-up attacks (except in Double Duel). Awakening
All Raider weapons, Parallel Falchion, Lucina's Estoc Treats user as having +3 Spd when determining if they can make a follow-up attack. Fates
All Steel weapons, Selena's Blade, Pine Branch, Oboro's Spear, Rinkah's Club, Malevolent Text, Ragnell, Ike's Backup Treats user as having -3 Spd when determining if they can make a follow-up attack. Fates
Umbrella, Kodachi, Wakizashi, Parasol, Javelin, Spear, Peri's Lance, Bold Naginata, Hand Axe, Tomahawk, Throwing Club, Battering Club, Sidelong Yumi User cannot make follow-up attacks.
Treats user as having -5 Spd when determining if the foe can make a follow-up attack.
Takumi's Shinai, Hana's Katana, Hinata's Katana, Spy's Shuriken, Niles's Bow, Spy's Yumi, Odin's Grimoire, Ink Painting, Izana's Scroll, Dragonstone, Dragonstone+, Draconic Rage, Dark Breath, Dragon Breath User cannot make follow-up attacks. Fates
Is 3ds02 lance.png Effie's Lance Treats user as having -5 Spd. Fates
Is 3ds02 axe.png Beruka's Axe Treats user as having -5 Spd when determining if the foe can make a follow-up attack. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.pngIs 3ds02 yumi.pngIs 3ds02 tome.png Chakram, Pursuer, Excalibur Treats user as having +5 Spd when determining if they can make a follow-up attack.
Treats user as having -5 Spd when determining if the foe can make a follow-up attack.
Is ns01 darting blow.png Darting Blow If user initiates combat, treats user as having +5 Spd when determining if they can make a follow-up attack.*/+6 if user initiates combat.* Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter User and foe cannot make follow-up attacks. Fates
All combat arts except for One-Two Punch User cannot make follow-up attacks. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses
Is ns01 black magic.pngIs ns01 dark magic.png Meteor, Bolting, Luna, Bohr Χ User cannot make follow-up attacks. Three Houses
Is ns01 crest stone.png Crest of Flames Power User cannot make follow-up attacks. Three Houses
Is ns01 quick riposte.png Quick Riposte Treats unit as having AS > target's AS + 4, if HP ≥ 50% and foe initiates combat. Three Houses
Is ns01 combat art brawling.png One-Two Punch Treats unit as having AS > target's AS + 4. Three Houses
Is ns02 break defenses.png Break Defenses User makes an additional half-damage follow-up attack independent of their speed if they inflict break during that round of combat. Engage
Is ns02 divine speed.png Divine Speed User makes an additional half-damage follow-up attack independent of their speed. Engage
All engage attacks User cannot make follow-up attacks. Engage

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
The Binding Blade
Unit's speed. Determines if unit
will dodge and or double attack.*
戦闘における すばやさです
The Blazing Blade
Attack Speed.
Determines number of attacks.
戦闘における すばやさです
The Sacred Stones
Attack Speed.
Determines number of attacks.
戦闘における すばやさです
Radiant Dawn
The attack speed. If it is at least 4
higher than the opponent's speed,
the unit will attack more than once.
Radiant Dawn
The attack speed. If it is at least 4
points higher than the opponent's speed,
the unit will attack more than once.
Three Houses
The unit will attack twice if its attack speed
is at least 4 more than the enemy's.


  • Attack speed does not technically exist in Fire Emblem Gaiden and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, with weapon weight being a straight penalty to the user's speed stat.
  • In Fates, due to the "effective speed" system, it is possible to create a situation where both the attacker and the defender double attack each other in a single round of combat. The weapons Excalibur, Chakram, and Pursuer boost both the user's and the opponent's ability to double attack by +5, so if the attacker and defender have the same speed and one of them is wielding one of these weapons, they will double each other.

Etymology and other languages

Attack speed

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Attack speed




Attack speed


Velocidad de ataque

Attack speed


Vitesse d'attaque

Attack speed. Abbreviated to VA.



Attack speed


Velocità di attacco

Attack speed

Follow-up attack

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Follow-up attack

Used from Fates onward.


Double attack






• Attaque consécutive
• Double frappe

• Consecutive attack. Used in Radiant Dawn.
• Double strike. Used in Three Houses.

Effective speed

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Effective speed




The Japanese version has no equivalent, instead using 追撃しにくい (difficult to pursuit) and 追撃しやすい (easy to pursuit).


Vitesse effective

Effective speed


Effektive Geschwindigkeit

Effective Speed. Abbreviated as Eff. Ges. in the game's menus.


See also

Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unitSubstitute character) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus