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Just Cause

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Just Cause

Cm fe10 3-11.png


Oribes Bridge

New units

Sigrun, Tanith



Previous chapter(s)

The Heart of Crimea

Next chapter(s)

The Price

...I am puzzled by this. Why does Daein support the senate?
— Sanaki

Just Cause (Japanese: 退けぬ理由 Un-Set Aside Reason) is the eleventh chapter of Part III of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. In this chapter, the Laguz Alliance unites with Apostle Sanaki, and their combined armies march into Daein to face off against invaders.


Main articles: Just Cause/Script and Just Cause/Conversations

In Castle Crimea, Apostle Sanaki holds a meeting with Caineghis, Tibarn, Rafiel, Reyson, Leanne, and Elincia. Sanaki clarifies that, when she received the letter that the herons were scapegoated for the former apostle's assassination, she and Sephiran investigated the senate; when they attempted this, they were imprisoned by the senators. She reveals that she had to flee Begnion to escape further persecution from them. She then requests that the laguz tribes assist her in retaking Begnion from the senators; Caineghis accepts on the conditions that Begnion ends laguz slavery, that diplomacy can be restarted on a clean slate, and that a full alliance be made between their countries. Elincia agrees to this, and states that Crimea will join the alliance. Tibarn asks if Sanaki intends to return the Serenes Forest to the herons, which she confirms she will; Tibarn then agrees to join with her alliance. Sanaki thanks all of them for aiding her, and promises to accomplish the goals she laid out.

Afterwards, Sanaki meets with Ike and relays what happened during the meeting. Ike assures Sanaki that he and the Greil Mercenaries will continue to aid her; in response she then appoints him as the commander of all the combined forces, stating that, other than Zelgius who is unavailable, he is the only one who can command respect from all the forces involved. Ike reluctantly agrees, and is taken to meet the new troops he will lead.

Ike then relays his plan of action to Sanaki: that the army will march to Flaguerre once again, due to the Laguz Alliance's familiarity with the area. He also once again criticizes Sanaki for his position, saying that she will have to pay an incredible bill after the war is over. As a sort of payment ahead of time, Sanaki bestows the Ragnell to him once again. She recounts its history as one of the blades used by Altina, and Ike thanks her for it. Shortly after, they receive news that the Daein army has begun to approach Crimea, demanding custody of Sanaki on behalf of Begnion. As a result, the army is forced to redirect their attention from Flaguerre to Daein. Gallia stays behind for the battle, under Ike's command to keep his force's numbers low. He then begins his assault on the bridge leading to Daein.

As they continue the assault, Tibarn arrives alongside two other hawks and Leanne. Tibarn explains that Reyson passed out earlier and could not come with them. After Ike and the army clear out the bridge, Ike comments on how much stronger Daein has become. Sigrun and Tanith remark that the soldiers seemed obsessed with the "Maiden of Dawn"; in response, Ike compares her with Sanaki and the devotion the Holy Guard has for her. On the other side, Sothe gives Micaiah news that their front line has been broken. Micaiah orders a retreat, even though a Begnion inspector urges her to simply destroy the bridge altogether. After the inspector leaves, Micaiah collapses from exhaustion, and states that she feels her powers of foresight are fading away. Back in Gallia, Rafiel and Reyson hear a strange voice out of the blue. Sensing that it is coming from Daein, they decide to travel that way.

Beginning log

Apostle Sanaki arrives without warning at the Central Army's main camp in Crimea. With a strength born of conviction, she exposes the senators' vile plot to undermine and usurp her. Valtome counterattacks with a claim crafted by the senate--that the apostle is a fraud who, along with her prime minister, Sephiran, is attempting to deceive all of Begnion and lead them away from the goddess's graces. To the citizens of Begnion, the senators are chosen by the goddess and are worthy of the same respect given to the apostle. As for the apostle, her image is tarnished when the senate imprisons Prime Minister Sephiran in her name. An ever-growing number of Begnion's citizens are willing to believe the senators' claim that the apostle is an agent of evil trying to deceive them. So it is that the Central Army is divided. One camp believes in the apostle, and the other supports the senate. This new turmoil fans the flames of chaos into a mighty conflagration, burning across Tellius.

Chapter data

Easy Normal/Hard

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Seize Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Ike, Ranulf, Sigrun, Tanith, or Tibarn dies 4–12+1 0+3 {{{other}}} 46+5
Cm fe10 3-11.png
Bonus EXP
Requirement Easy Normal Hard
Clear the chapter 7,000 7,000 3,500
Clear the chapter in 10/15 turns or less 3,500/1,750 3,500/1,750 1,750/875
Experience gained by partner units Varies Varies Varies

This map's elemental affinity is Fire.

This chapter features pitfalls; these tiles will trap any grounded unit that steps on them, even if the unit does not end their turn on that tile. When stepped on, they inflict shock status for one turn and drop the unit to a lower altitude. After the unit leaves the pitfall, the tile becomes untraversable by grounded units. Enemy units will never step on tiles that are pitfalls.

Character data

New units
Small portrait sigrun fe10.png
Silver Lance
Automatically from preparations
Small portrait tanith fe10.png
Storm Sword
Silver Lance
Automatically from preparations
Required characters
Ike hero ​Ranulf ​Sigrun ​Tanith ​Leanne ​
Available characters
Titania ​Soren ​Mist ​Rolf ​Boyd ​Oscar ​Shinon ​Gatrie ​Rhys ​Mia ​Ilyana ​Nephenee ​Brom ​Heather ​Haar ​Lethe ​Mordecai ​Kyza ​Lyre ​Janaff ​Ulki ​Jill ​Zihark ​Marcia ​Kieran ​Astrid ​Makalov ​Calill ​Danved ​
Note 1: Leanne arrives after a unit reaches column 18, thus her inventory cannot be managed during preparations or from the base.
Note 2: Jill and Zihark are only available if they defected in a previous chapter. If they did, they will not be available to Micaiah's party in future chapters.

At the start of this chapter, the Greil Mercenaries and the Crimean Royal Knights merge into one army; this grants the player access to the combined supply convoy and funds of both armies.

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is wii master crown.png Master Crown View base conversation "Sanaki"
Is wii gold.png 20,000G View base conversation "Sigrun"
Is wii imbue scroll.png Imbue View base conversation "Rivals"
Is wii ragnell.png Ragnell Given to Ike after leaving the base
Is wii horseslayer.png Horseslayer Dropped by enemy Lance General (Easy)/Dragonmaster (Normal/Hard)
Is wii aqqar.png Aqqar Dropped by Goran
Is wii shine barrier.png Shine Barrier Steal from enemy Halberdier
Is wii vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Warrior
Is wii vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Lance Paladin
Is wii shine barrier.png Shine Barrier Steal from enemy Fire Sage
Is wii shine barrier.png Shine Barrier Steal from enemy Wind Sage
Is wii shine barrier.png Shine Barrier Steal from enemy Halberdier
Is wii mend.png Mend Steal from enemy Bishop (if unequipped)
Is wii ellight.png Ellight Steal from enemy Bishop (if unequipped)
Is wii physic.png Physic Steal from enemy Bishop (if unequipped)
Is wii ellight.png Ellight Steal from enemy Bishop (if unequipped)
Is wii vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Swordmaster
Is wii vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Swordmaster
Is wii vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from enemy Swordmaster
Is wii concoction.png Concoction Steal from Goran
Is wii coin.png Coin Hidden treasure (southeast corner of the map)

Shop data

Armory and vendor

Swords Lances Axes Bows Knives Tomes Staves Items Bargains

Name Cost
Is wii bronze sword.png Bronze Sword 350
Is wii iron sword.png Iron Sword 500
Is wii steel sword.png Steel Sword 800
Is wii silver sword.png Silver Sword 1,800
Is wii iron blade.png Iron Blade 800
Is wii steel blade.png Steel Blade 1,400
Is wii wind edge.png Wind Edge 700

Enemy data

Easy Normal/Hard

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Daein Lance General 12 2 Short Spear
Authority: Goran
Does not move.
Daein Sniper 12 4 Steel Bow
Critical +10 Shove
Authority: Goran
• Does not move.
• Three man Onagers.
Daein Sniper 14 1 Steel Bow
Critical +10 Shove
Authority: Goran
• Does not move.
• Mans an Onager.
Daein Sword General 10 1 Steel Sword
Authority: Goran
Does not move.
Daein Fire Sage 10 1 Elfire
Authority: Goran
Daein Halberdier 11 1 Steel Lance Shine Barrier
Critical +5 Shove
Authority: Goran
Daein Warrior 10 1 Short Axe Vulnerary
Authority: Goran
Daein Lance Paladin 11 1 Steel Lance Vulnerary
Authority: Goran
Daein Axe Paladin 12 1 Steel Axe
Authority: Goran
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Daein Bishop 12 1 RescueThis item or skill is locked to this unit.
Authority: Goran
Daein Thunder Sage 10 2 Elthunder
Authority: Goran
Daein Lance General 11 1 Steel Greatlance
Authority: Goran
Daein Fire Sage 12 1 Elfire Shine Barrier
Authority: Goran
Daein Lance Paladin 11 1 Steel Greatlance
Authority: Goran
Daein Blade Paladin 12 1 Silver Sword
Authority: Goran
Daein Blade Paladin 11 1 Storm Sword
Authority: Goran
Daein Lance General 12 1 Steel Greatlance
Authority: Goran
Does not move.
Daein Axe Paladin 10 1 Hand Axe
Authority: Goran
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Daein Lance Paladin 10 2 Steel Lance
Authority: Goran
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Daein Wind Sage 13 1 Elwind
Authority: Goran
Daein Blade Paladin 12 1 Steel Sword
Authority: Goran
Daein Lance Paladin 11 2 Steel Lance
Authority: Goran
The western one immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Daein Bow Paladin 12 1 Steel Bow
Authority: Goran
Daein Fire Sage 12 1 Elfire
Authority: Goran
Daein Wind Sage 12 1 Elwind Shine Barrier
Authority: Goran
Daein Halberdier 11 1 Steel Lance
Critical +5 Shove
Authority: Goran
Daein Halberdier 13 1 Steel Lance Shine Barrier
Critical +5 Shove
Authority: Goran
Daein Lance General 12 1 Steel Greatlance HorseslayerThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Authority: Goran
Does not move.
Daein Axe General 12 1 Short Axe
Authority: Goran
Does not move.
Daein Thunder Sage 12 1 Arcthunder
Authority: Goran
Daein Bishop 10 1 Ellight Mend
Authority: Goran
Daein Bishop 10 1 Ellight Physic
Authority: Goran
Daein Blade Paladin 11 1 Steel Sword
Authority: Goran
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Daein Lance General 11 1 Steel Lance
Authority: Goran
Does not move.
Daein Swordmaster 10 2 Steel Sword Vulnerary
Critical +10 Shove
Authority: Goran
Daein Swordmaster 13 1 Wo Dao Vulnerary
Critical +10 Shove
Authority: Goran
Daein Axe Paladin 10 1 Steel Poleax
Authority: Goran
Goran Warrior 17 1 AqqarThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.This item or skill is locked to this unit. Concoction
Authority: ★★
Does not move; stands on the objective, the chapter's seize point.
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Daein Dragonmaster 13 1 Steel Axe
Authority: Goran
Daein Dragonmaster 12 1 Steel Axe
Authority: Goran
Daein Halberdier 13 1 Steel Greatlance
Critical +5 Shove
Authority: Goran
Daein Warrior 13 2 Steel Poleax
Authority: Goran


  • After reaching the first Onager (reaching column 31)
  • After reaching the next two Onagers (reaching column 38)

Partner data

Partner Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Small portrait tibarn fe10.png Tibarn Hawk King 31 1 68 18»36 2»4 24»48 20»40 29 16»32 10»20 8»10 Great Talon
Savior Pavise Formshift Shove Canto Tear
Authority: ★★★★
Small portrait phoenicis fe10.png Phoenicis Hawk 24 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7»9 Talon Vulnerary
Shove Canto
Authority: Tibarn
Small portrait phoenicis fe10.png Phoenicis Hawk 25 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7»9 Talon
Shove Canto
Authority: Tibarn


  • Upon passing the first set of enemies (reaching column 18)
    • Tibarn and 2 Hawks appear from the southwest end of the bridge

Boss data

Main article: Goran
Small portrait goran fe10.png
Level 17
Affinity Is wii fireaffin.png
Constitution 14
Authority ★★
Max HP 50 Speed 25
Strength 28 Luck 11
Magic 5 Defense 22
Skill 24 Resistance 13
Movement 7 Weight 15
Inventory Skills
AqqarThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.This item or skill is locked to this unit.
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes A Bows -- Knives -- Strike weapons --
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- Wind magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


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This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.


  • In the Japanese version, there are two Master Crowns added to the Supply Convoy in the beginning of this chapter. They are never brought to the player's attention and simply appear there without notice. These were removed in the Western version.
  • This map previously appeared in Path of Radiance as the 23rd chapter, The Great Bridge. However, the player's army is instead on the right side while the enemy's army is on the left.
    • Despite being the same location, the location name of this chapter is inconsistent with the Path of Radiance chapter. In Path of Radiance, this location is called "Riven Bridge". In Radiant Dawn, this location is called "Oribes Bridge" which is its Japanese name.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Just Cause




Un-Set Aside Reason


Causa justa

Just cause


Juste cause

Just cause


Mit gutem Grund

With a good cause


Una giusta causa

A just cause


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← The Heart of Crimea • Just Cause • The Price →
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Playable characters Part I AranBlack KnightEdwardFionaIlyanaJillLauraLeonardoMegMicaiahMuarimNailahNolanRafielSotheTauroneoTormodVikaVolugZihark
Part II AstridBromCalillDanvedElinciaGeoffreyHaarHeatherKieranLeanneLetheLuciaMakalovMarciaMordecaiNealuchiNephenee
Part III BoydGatrieIkeJanaffKyzaLyreMiaMistOscarRanulfReysonRhysRolfShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaUlki
Part IV BastianCaineghisEnaGarethGiffcaKurthnagaLehranNaesalaNasirOliverPelleasRenningSanakiSkrimirStefanTibarnVolke
Non-playable characters AimeeAlderAlmedhaAmyAshuneraDanielJorgeLargoMustonNicoYuneZelgius
Bosses Part I AgonyBurtonDjurIsaiyaJarodLavertonPainPugoRadminWystanZaitan
Part II LudveckMarajTashoriaYeardleyZeffren
Part III CallumGoranIkeIstvanLethe/KezhdaLombrosoMicaiahRoarkRommitSeptimusSergeiSigrunSilvanoVeyona
Part IV AsheraBlack KnightCatalenaDheginseaHetzelIzukaLekainLevailNumidaOliverSephiranValtomeYuma
Background characters AltinaElenaGreilLanvegaLilliaLoraziehMisahaRajaionRamonSoan
Regalia and personal weapons AlonditeAmitiAshera StaffBalberithBaselardCaladbolgCreiddyladCymbelineDouble BowEttardFloreteLughnasadhMatronaRagnellRexauraRexboltRexcaliburRexflameTarvosThaniUrvanVague KattiWishblade
Chapters Part I P: Under Gray Skies • 1: Maiden of Miracles • 2: The Dispossessed • 3: A Faint Light • 4: A Distant Voice • 5: The Lost Heir • 6: Raise the Standard (stage 1stage 2) • 7: A Gathering Hope • 8: Glory Unwanted • 9: One SurvivesE: Daein, Arise!
Part II P: On Drifting Clouds • 1: Winds of Rebellion • 2: Tides of Intrigue • 3: Geoffrey's ChargeE: Elincia's Gambit
Part III P: The Great Advance • 1: Laguz and Beorc • 2: Stormclouds • 3: River Crossing • 4: The General's Hand • 5: Retreat! • 6: A Reason to Fight • 7: Rivals Collide • 8: Incandescent Glow • 9: Marauders • 10: The Heart of Crimea • 11: Just Cause • 12: The Price • 13: Blood ContractE: From Pain, Awakening
Part IV P: Chaos Named • 1: Road to the Empire • 2: Silent World • 3: Distortions • 4: Revelations • 5: Unforgivable SinE: Rebirth (1)E: Rebirth (2)E: Rebirth (3)E: Rebirth (4)E: Rebirth (5)
Locations TelliusBegnion (SienneTower of Guidance) • CrimeaDaeinDesert of DeathGalliaGoldoaGrann DesertHatariKilvasPhoenicisSerenes Forest
Groups, objects and events Ancient languageBlood pactDawn BrigadeDisciples of OrderGreat FloodGreil MercenariesLaguz AllianceLehran's MedallionMad King's War • Races (BeorcBrandedLaguzZunanma) • Serenes MassacreWarp Powder
Lists Base conversationsChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsWeapons
Related topics Data transferList of version differences (Name chart) • Other games (Path of Radiance) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline