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Portrait djur fe10.png
Djur's portrait in Radiant Dawn.








Captain of the Begnion Occupation Army

Starting class

Armored Sword


Hmph. They seek to free their men? My elite guard shall stay here with me. Take the rest to squash these "rebels"!
— Djur

Djur (Japanese: ズール Dzur) is a captain in Begnion's Imperial Occupation Army in Daein. He was stationed at the Umono Prison Camp, one of the largest work camps operated by Begnion in Daein, where former Daein soldiers were held prisoner. He defended the camp from an attack by Micaiah and the Daein Liberation Army as they raided it to rescue soldiers and increase the size of their army.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


Djur is the boss of Part I, Chapter 7 and acts as the commander of the Occupying Army units in this chapter. The chapter's objective is to seize the objective point, which Djur stands upon, so he must be defeated to clear the chapter.


See also: A Gathering Hope
Small portrait djur fe10.png
Armored Sword
Level 18
Affinity Is wii fireaffin.png
Constitution 14
Max HP 38 Speed 13
Strength 19 Luck 7
Magic 2 Defense 20
Skill 13 Resistance 9
Movement 5 Weight 22
Inventory Skills
Storm SwordThis item or skill is locked to this unit.
Weapon Levels
Swords B Lances -- Axes -- Bows -- Knives -- Strike weapons --
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- Wind magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


Djur was confident in both his own abilities and those of his elite guard, believing that the Daein Liberation Army would have no chance of succeeding, and so he refused to reinforce the front lines of the defense even though it was understaffed.[1] He believed that the people of Daein were destined to remain slaves to Begnion and that they had no hope of successfully challenging Begnion.


Battle quotes

Errrrrrgh...! Blundering through like a bull in a china shop... Come closer, so I can shatter your ambition like glass! I will beat into your very bones just who rules this land!
— Djur, as the boss of Part I, Chapter 7 in Radiant Dawn.
Micaiah: We are the Daein Liberation Army! We demand you free these hostages...or face the consequences!
Djur: Of all the ridiculous... All of you pigs from Daein will be our slaves 'til you die! It's your destiny. What need have swine for freedom? Swine are happier being kept...and consumed.
Micaiah: If that's how you really feel, then...

— Djur, when fighting Micaiah in Part I, Chapter 7 of Radiant Dawn.

Death quotes

They were...worthless, trivial... Only...scum of Daein... How? How...could that filth have...
— Djur, as the boss of Part I, Chapter 7 in Radiant Dawn.

Other appearances


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Romanized as DZUR in his internal file name.



As above.



As above.






As above.



  1. "Djur: What!? An enemy attack?
    Begnion Soldier: Yes, sir! The Liberation Army has mounted an assault on the gate! We require reinforcements!
    Djur: Hmph. They seek to free their men? My elite guard shall stay here with me. Take the rest to squash these "rebels"!
    Begnion Soldier: But, sir, if your guard remains here, we'll have barely enough men to–
    Djur: Who do you think you're talking to, soldier? With my guard and me at the ready, this camp need fear no attack. Understood? Now go! You have your orders!
    " — Djur and a Begnion soldier, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Playable characters Part I AranBlack KnightEdwardFionaIlyanaJillLauraLeonardoMegMicaiahMuarimNailahNolanRafielSotheTauroneoTormodVikaVolugZihark
Part II AstridBromCalillDanvedElinciaGeoffreyHaarHeatherKieranLeanneLetheLuciaMakalovMarciaMordecaiNealuchiNephenee
Part III BoydGatrieIkeJanaffKyzaLyreMiaMistOscarRanulfReysonRhysRolfShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaUlki
Part IV BastianCaineghisEnaGarethGiffcaKurthnagaLehranNaesalaNasirOliverPelleasRenningSanakiSkrimirStefanTibarnVolke
Non-playable characters AimeeAlderAlmedhaAmyAshuneraDanielJorgeLargoMustonNicoYuneZelgius
Bosses Part I AgonyBurtonDjurIsaiyaJarodLavertonPainPugoRadminWystanZaitan
Part II LudveckMarajTashoriaYeardleyZeffren
Part III CallumGoranIkeIstvanLethe/KezhdaLombrosoMicaiahRoarkRommitSeptimusSergeiSigrunSilvanoVeyona
Part IV AsheraBlack KnightCatalenaDheginseaHetzelIzukaLekainLevailNumidaOliverSephiranValtomeYuma
Background characters AltinaElenaGreilLanvegaLilliaLoraziehMisahaRajaionRamonSoan
Regalia and personal weapons AlonditeAmitiAshera StaffBalberithBaselardCaladbolgCreiddyladCymbelineDouble BowEttardFloreteLughnasadhMatronaRagnellRexauraRexboltRexcaliburRexflameTarvosThaniUrvanVague KattiWishblade
Chapters Part I P: Under Gray Skies • 1: Maiden of Miracles • 2: The Dispossessed • 3: A Faint Light • 4: A Distant Voice • 5: The Lost Heir • 6: Raise the Standard (stage 1stage 2) • 7: A Gathering Hope • 8: Glory Unwanted • 9: One SurvivesE: Daein, Arise!
Part II P: On Drifting Clouds • 1: Winds of Rebellion • 2: Tides of Intrigue • 3: Geoffrey's ChargeE: Elincia's Gambit
Part III P: The Great Advance • 1: Laguz and Beorc • 2: Stormclouds • 3: River Crossing • 4: The General's Hand • 5: Retreat! • 6: A Reason to Fight • 7: Rivals Collide • 8: Incandescent Glow • 9: Marauders • 10: The Heart of Crimea • 11: Just Cause • 12: The Price • 13: Blood ContractE: From Pain, Awakening
Part IV P: Chaos Named • 1: Road to the Empire • 2: Silent World • 3: Distortions • 4: Revelations • 5: Unforgivable SinE: Rebirth (1)E: Rebirth (2)E: Rebirth (3)E: Rebirth (4)E: Rebirth (5)
Locations TelliusBegnion (SienneTower of Guidance) • CrimeaDaeinDesert of DeathGalliaGoldoaGrann DesertHatariKilvasPhoenicisSerenes Forest
Groups, objects and events Ancient languageBlood pactDawn BrigadeDisciples of OrderGreat FloodGreil MercenariesLaguz AllianceLehran's MedallionMad King's War • Races (BeorcBrandedLaguzZunanma) • Serenes MassacreWarp Powder
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