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Silver Knife

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Silver Knife

Is wii silver knife.png
Icon of the Silver Knife from Radiant Dawn.

A finely crafted throwing knife with a razor edge. It can be used on distant enemies, too.



First game

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

The Silver Knife (Japanese: 銀のナイフ Silver Knife) is a knife appearing exclusively in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It is the second-strongest of the basic throwing knives, surpassed only by the far less common Peshkatz, but it requires a high weapon level to use, and is much more expensive, heavier, less accurate, and has lower durability than its bronze, iron, and steel cousins.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Radiant Dawn Is wii silver knife.png Knives A 7 4 60 0 1–2 15 1,800 5 --


Radiant Dawn

Inventory Volke
Armory Part 3: Chapter 12Chapter 13Endgame
Part 4: PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Endgame

Flavor text

Game Text
Radiant Dawn
A finely crafted throwing knife with a razor edge.
It can be used on distant enemies, too.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Silver Knife




Romanized as SILVERKNIFE in its internal file name.


Puñal plata

Silver knife. Abbreviated to P. plata due to space restrictions.


Couteau argent

Silver knife. Abbreviated to Cout. argent due to space restrictions.



Silver knife


Coltello argento

Silver knife



See also

Knives and daggers
Basic knives and daggers Bronze DaggerDaggerIron DaggerJakob's TrayKardKnifePebblePeshkatzQuill PenShort KnifeSilver DaggerSteel DaggerStiletto
Knives and daggers with secondary effects Beast KillerFruit KnifeHunter's KnifeKris KnifeRaider KnifeSacrificial KnifeSoldier's KnifeStale BreadStilettoVotive Candle
Magic-based daggers Felicia's Plate
Ranged knives Bronze KnifeIron DaggerIron KnifePeshkatzShort KnifeSilver DaggerSilver KnifeSteel DaggerSteel Knife
Regalia and personal knives BaselardCarnwenhanCinquedeaMisericorde
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Swords AlonditeAmitiBrave SwordBronze SwordCaladbolgEttardFloreteIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeRagnellSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordStorm SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordTempest BladeVague KattiVenin EdgeWind EdgeWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceBronze LanceIron GreatlanceIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceHorseslayerShort SpearSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSpearSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceVenin LanceWishblade
Axes Brave AxeBronze AxeHammerHand AxeIron PoleaxIron AxeKiller AxeShort AxeSilver PoleaxSilver AxeSteel PoleaxSteel AxeTarvosTomahawkUrvanVenin Axe
Bows Brave BowBronze BowDouble BowIron BowIron LongbowKiller BowLughnasadhRolf's BowSilencerSilver BowSilver LongbowSteel BowSteel LongbowVenin Bow
Crossbows AqqarArbalestBowgunCrossbowTaksh
Knives BaselardBeast KillerBronze DaggerBronze KnifeIron DaggerIron KnifeKardPeshkatzSilver DaggerSilver KnifeSteel DaggerSteel KnifeStiletto
Fire ArcfireBolganoneCymbelineElfireFireFire TailMeteorRexflame
Thunder ArcthunderBoltingElthunderRexboltThoronThunderThunder Tail
Wind ArcwindBlizzardElwindRexcaliburTornadoWindWind Tail
Light CreiddyladEllightLightNosferatuPurgeRexauraShineThaniValaura
Dark BalberithCarreauFenrirVerrineWorm
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller BallistaOnager
Strikes BeakBreathClawFangGreat BeakGreat FangGreat TalonTalon
Staves Ashera StaffElsilenceElsleepFortifyHammerneHealMatronaMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceSleepTorchUnlockWard
Other Judge
Unused Weapons Slim Lance