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Smash Brethren 1

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Smash Brethren 1


Outrealms (Dragon's Gate)

New units




Visitors from another world... Why would they come all this way? Just to fight against us...? I pray we're not making a terrible mistake here...
— Elincia

Smash Brethren 1 (Japanese: 紅対蒼 封印編 Red vs. blue: Seals chapter) is a downloadable content xenologue chapter in Fire Emblem Awakening. As a xenologue chapter, it does not officially bear a chapter number; if all xenologues are purchased and its list is viewed at the Outrealm Gate, Smash Brethren 1 is the tenth one from the top in the North American version of the game. Officially in Japan and unofficially in North America, Smash Brethren 1 is part of the first series of DLC releases, a distinction that does not exist in the PAL regions.

This chapter was first made available on May 10, 2012 in Japan, March 14, 2013 in North America, and July 18-19 in the PAL regions.

In this chapter, forces of Tellius have been overwhelming those of Elibe, and as a result, the Shepherds join forces with the Elibean forces to beat back those of Tellius.


Main article: Smash Brethren 1/Script
See also: Smash Brethren 1/Conversations

Old Hubba meets Chrom and the Shepherds at the Outrealm Gate and explains they will be travelling to another Outrealm with two Einherjar armies, though he was not able to gain them allies beforehand. In the Outrealm, the Einherjar are located in an underground ruin. The Tellian army notices the Shepherds, concludes they are an enemy, and begins to fight them; consequently, the Elibian army concludes the Shepherds are their allies. Rooms in the ruin open during the battle, allowing units from Tellius and Elibe to flow into battle. After battle, Chrom and Robin feel that there are no more Einherjar left for them to fight, and Robin gives Chrom the Einherjar of Elincia they found.

Website summary

Roy, the young hero of Elibe, and Ike, the famed mercenary of Tellius, are locked in unending combat in the Outrealm. Chrom decides to aid Roy in a bid to defeat Ike's army.[1]

North American eShop summary

Help Roy's forces defeat Ike's army!
Rewards: Elincia card

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Chrom or Robin dies 1–10 {{{partner}}} 10 20
Cm fe13 smash brethren 1.png
Difficulty rating: ★★★
Map dimensions:
19 columns by 28 rows
Block sizes:
Japan: 33
North America: 34
PAL region: 34
Map based from: Part 1 of the final chapter of Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Map phase music: "The First Fight" from Path of Radiance
Battle phase music: "Clash" from Path of Radiance
Note: Due to known flaws in how the game's downloadable content system handles music, the game may fail to load the music assigned to this chapter. If this happens, the music normally assigned to skirmishes in the base game will play.
Japan: ¥350
United States: $3.00
Europe: €2.49
United Kingdom: £2.29
Australia: $3.25
New Zealand: $4.25
Also available in: Smash Pack

United States: $6.50
Europe: €5.99
United Kingdom: £5.39
Australia: $7.80
New Zealand: $10.20

At the start of certain turns, one or more doors to the rooms will open automatically.

  • Turn 3: two center doors
  • Turn 5: northeastern door, southwestern door

Character data

New units
Small portrait dlc elincia fe13.png
Falcon Knight
Automatically at the end of the chapter if the player accepts her offer
Required characters
Chrom l ​
Available characters
Robin f ​Lissa ​Frederick ​Sully ​Virion ​Stahl ​Vaike ​Miriel ​Sumia ​Kellam ​Lon'qu ​

Note: The returning characters list represents the minimum characterbase recruitable by the point the player can first access the Outrealm Gate. If more chapters along the main story path are cleared, or if any paralogues are cleared, the player can have access to characters not listed here by the point the chapter is first started. As bonus units are recruitable at the player's discretion, the returning characters list does not list them either.

Item data

There are no items available in this chapter.

Event tiles

  • Column 6, row 19: Two squares east of the eastern half of the door to the center left room
  • Column 13, row 9: Four squares south, one square east of the eastern half of the eastern door to the far northern room

Enemy data

Normal Hard Lunatic

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma 3ds01 sage female enemy.gif Micaiah Sage 8 1 44 7 29+5 25 24 28 12+2 19+2 6 Micaiah's Pyre
Focus Tomefaire Rally Luck
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 valkyrie enemy.gif Mist Valkyrie 3 1 34 2 20+2 18 25 23 9 24 8 Elfire Mend
Magic +2 Miracle
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sage enemy.gif Soren Sage 5 1 38 2 23+2 25 24 13 12 20 6 Elwind
Magic +2 Focus
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster female enemy.gif Mia Swordmaster 5 1 36 17 4 28 33 22 12 8 6 Steel Sword
Prescience Vantage
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster enemy.gif Zihark Swordmaster 6 1 41 21 3 27 30 17 16 5 6 Killing Edge
Avoid +10 Tantivy
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 great knight enemy.gif Titania Great Knight 8 1 51 29 12 25 24 19 25 13 7 Titania's Axe
Luna Counter
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 falcon knight enemy.gif Elincia Falcon Knight 6 1 40 16 18 24 25+2 19 12 19 8 Steel Lance Recover
Speed +2 Renewal
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 paladin enemy.gif Geoffrey Paladin 8 1 50 27 6 20 21 11 28 12 8 Silver Lance
Quick Burn Aegis
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster female enemy.gif Lucia Swordmaster 8 1 45 23+5 8 27 30 13 13 11 6 Silver Sword
Swordfaire Astra
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 wyvern lord enemy.gif Ashnard Wyvern Lord 10 1 58 32+2 15 26 23 9 30 18 8 Tomahawk
Strength +2 Renewal Swordbreaker
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 hero enemy.gif Ike Hero 10 1 56 30 11 29 27 20 22 10 6 Silver Sword
Patience Aether Sol
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 swordmaster enemy.gif Edward Swordmaster 3 1 40 18 4 27 28 20 17 6 6 Steel Sword
Avoid +10 Zeal
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sniper enemy.gif Leonardo Sniper 3 1 41 20 3 24+2 23 16 19 11 6 Steel Bow
Skill +2 Prescience
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 general enemy.gif Brom General 5 1 51 29 5 20 17 25 28+2 12 5 Steel Lance
Defense +2 Underdog
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 general enemy.gif Nephenee General 6 1 50 25 10 25 20 18 24 18 5 Steel Lance
Indoor Fighter Wrath
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sage female enemy.gif Sanaki Sage 7 1 34 1 27+2 19 21 30 11 25 6 Arcfire
Magic +2 Luna
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 falcon knight enemy.gif Sigrun Falcon Knight 7 1 45 23 13 24 29+2 14 19 24 8 Silver Lance Physic
Speed +2 Healtouch
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 trickster enemy.gif Sothe Trickster 7 1 43 21 19 32 27 15 21 10 6+1 Silver Sword Levin Sword
Movement +1 Lucky Seven
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 general enemy.gif Black Knight General 10 1 58 34 18 33 26 20 33 23 5 Silver Lance
Luna Pavise
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sage enemy.gif Sephiran Sage 10 1 47 10 31+7 29 27 30 19 26 6 Thoron Physic
Magic +2 Tomefaire Vengeance
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.

NPC data

Normal Hard Lunatic

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma 3ds01 sniper other.gif Wolt Sniper 3 1 41 20 3 19+2 21 12 18 7 6 Wolt's Bow
Skill +2 Focus
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 falcon knight other.gif Shanna Falcon Knight 5 1 40 18 11 23 27+2 20 13 17 8 Steel Lance
Speed +2 Lucky Seven
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sage other.gif Lugh Sage 4 1 37 10 20+2 20 22 18 12 16 6+1 Elfire
Magic +2 Movement +1
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sorcerer other.gif Raigh Sorcerer 4 1 43 8 23 19 18 12 16 11 6+1 Nosferatu
Movement +1 Hex
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sorcerer female other.gif Sophia Sorcerer 6 1 41 3 25 13 16 10 13 25 6 Ruin
Demoiselle Anathema
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 valkyrie other.gif Cecilia Valkyrie 8 1 42 4 27+5 20 22 22 12 21+2 8 Arcwind
Resistance +2 Tomefaire
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 paladin other.gif Perceval Paladin 8 1 52 26 3 22 25 18 25+2 14 8 Silver Lance
Defense +2 Aegis
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 sage female other.gif Lilina Sage 10 1 44 5 32+2 19 23 20 11 20 6 Arcfire
Magic +2 Luna
Will not act until the door to her room is open, at which point she begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 general other.gif Zephiel General 10 1 57 35 8 27 24 18 35+2 22 5 Spear
Defense +2 Pavise Conquest
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 hero other.gif Roy Hero 9 1 52 26 10 28 27 24 23 12 6 Roy's Blade
Patience Sol Aegis
Will not act until the door to his room is open, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.

Boss data

Main article: Micaiah

Normal Hard Lunatic

Small portrait spotpass micaiah fe13.png
Ma 3ds01 sage female enemy.gif Sage
Level 8
Movement 6
Max HP 44 Speed 24
Strength 7 Luck 28
Magic 29+5 Defense 12+2
Skill 25 Resistance 19+2
Inventory Skills
Micaiah's Pyre Focus
Rally Luck
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes --
Bows -- Tomes B Staves E


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

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  • Robin states he/she found Elincia's card in one of the western chambers. Assuming the top of the map is indeed north, this contradicts Elincia's starting position of the center east chamber.
  • Smash Brethren is most likely named after the fighter game; Super Smash Brothers, as both titles are similarly named, Brethren being the archaic plural form of brother, and Fire Emblem having representatives in the series.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Smash Brethren 1



紅対蒼 封印編

Red vs. blue: Seals chapter


Sangre Noble 1

Noble Blood 1


Lutte fratricide

Fratricidal struggle


Die Prügelknaben 1

The Whipping Boys 1


Incudine e martello 1

Anvil and hammer 1


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


  1. Official Site - Fire Emblem Awakening - DLC - Smash Brethren #1, (archived by the Wayback Machine), Retrieved: November 7, 2014
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Fire Emblem Awakening
Playable characters AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelleMirielMorganNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
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Path of Radiance AshnardElinciaGeoffreyIkeLuciaMiaMistSorenTitaniaZihark
Radiant Dawn Black KnightBromEdwardLeonardoMicaiahNepheneeSanakiSephiranSigrunSothe
Others CamusIshtarLinusLloydNarcianOliverPetrineSelenaTravantUrsula
Regalia and personal weapons AmatsuArmadsBalmungBook of NagaDouble BowExcaliburFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • ForsetiGáe BolgGoddess StaffGoetiaGradivusGrima's TruthGungnirHauteclereHelswathMercuriusMissiletainnMjölnirMystletainnNidhoggNoble RapierParthiaRagnellRapierSol KattiTyrfingValflameWolf BergYewfelle
Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
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