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Chosen by Fate

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Chosen by Fate

Cm fe11 25.png


Dolhr Keep

New units

Gotoh,[Note 1] Nagi[Note 2]



Previous chapter(s)
Come, my friends! We have a dragon to tame! Help me confine Medeus to the shadows for all eternity and bring light back into the world!
— Marth

Chosen by Fate (Japanese: 選ばれし者たち The Chosen Ones) is twenty-fifth chapter of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, and the twentieth chapter of Book I of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem; it is the final chapter of each, and is termed "Endgame" in Shadow Dragon. The Archanean League storms Dolhr Keep to defeat Medeus and end the War of Shadows.


Main article: Chosen by Fate/Script

Joined by either Gotoh or Nagi, Marth and his companions engage Dolhr in a harrowing final battle and finally slay Medeus, bringing an end to the War of Shadows. Peace finally returns to the land. If Caeda survived the war, Marth (with a little helpful prodding from Nyna) asks her to accompany him back to Altea, and she happily agrees. If Caeda is dead, Marth laments his inability to protect her, and Nyna attributes it to a curse on the Fire Emblem.

Chapter data

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Mystery of the Emblem Shadow Dragon

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat Medeus Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Marth dies 1–15+1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 27+49
Cm fe11 25.png
Map dimensions:
30 columns by 28 rows

Throughout the chapter, doors will close on various predetermined player phases:

  • The northeast and northwest doors close on turn 3
  • The southwest door closes on turn 4
  • The center-west door closes on turn 5
  • The center-east door closes on turn 6
  • The northernmost door closes on turn 9
  • The center-most door closes on turn 10

Character data

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Mystery of the Emblem Shadow Dragon

New units
Portrait gotoh fe11.png
Automatically from turn 1, if the player did not visit Chapter 24x
Portrait nagi fe11.png
Automatically from turn 1, if the player visited Chapter 24x
Required characters
Marth ​
Available characters
Abel ​Frey ​Jagen ​Cain ​Gordin ​Draug ​Norne ​Caeda ​Wrys ​Ogma ​Barst ​Bord ​Cord ​Darros ​Castor ​Julian ​Lena ​Navarre ​Merric ​Matthis ​Wolf ​Sedgar ​Roshea ​Vyland ​Hardin ​Wendell ​Rickard ​Athena ​Bantu ​Caesar ​Radd ​Roger ​Jeorge ​Maria ​Minerva ​Linde ​Jake ​Dolph ​Macellan ​Tomas ​Boah ​Midia ​Horace ​Astram ​Beck ​Catria ​Palla ​Arran ​Samson ​Xane ​Etzel ​Est ​Tiki ​Lorenz ​Ymir ​Elice ​

Item data

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Mystery of the Emblem Shadow Dragon

Name Obtainment Method
Is ds wyrmslayer.png Wyrmslayer Dropped by enemy Paladin
Is ds silver sword.png Silver Sword Dropped by enemy Hero
Is ds levin sword.png Levin Sword Dropped by enemy Hero
Is ds vulnerary.png Vulnerary Dropped by enemy Manakete
Is ds door key.png Door Key Dropped by enemy Bishop
Is ds dragonpike.png Dragonpike Dropped by enemy Dracoknight

Shop data

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Shadow Dragon

Armories and vendors

Swords Lances Axes Bows Tomes Staves Items Secret


Enemy data

Enemy data

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Mystery of the Emblem Shadow Dragon

Stats with a decimal can vary randomly; the decimal represents the chance for the stat to increase to the nearest integer, or otherwise be truncated.

Normal Hard-1 Hard-2 Hard-3 Hard-4 Hard-5

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ds01 earth dragon enemy.gif Medeus Earth Dragon 25 1 60 24 0 26 21 0 25 23 -- Earthstone
• Stands on a throne.
• Appears as a Manakete during preparations.
• Immune to the Geosphere.
Ma ds01 paladin enemy.gif Dolhr Paladin 13 1 35.6 11.2 1 10.6 13.4 0 12.6 8.4 10 Silver Lance
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 paladin enemy.gif Dolhr Paladin 13 1 35.6 11.2 1 10.6 13.4 0 12.6 8.4 10 Javelin
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 paladin enemy.gif Dolhr Paladin 13 1 35.6 11.2 1 10.6 13.4 0 12.6 8.4 10 WyrmslayerThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 hero enemy.gif Dolhr Hero 13 1 35.6 10.6 1 14.4 16.4 0 12.6 5.4 8 Silver SwordThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 hero enemy.gif Dolhr Hero 13 1 35.6 10.6 1 14.4 16.4 0 12.6 5.4 8 Levin SwordThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 curate enemy.gif Dolhr Curate 15 1 21.6 0 3.8 5.2 8.2 0 5.8 11.6 5 Fortify
Ma ds01 curate enemy.gif Dolhr Curate 15 1 21.6 0 3.8 5.2 8.2 0 5.8 11.6 5 Physic
Ma ds01 sniper enemy.gif Dolhr Sniper 13 2 37.6 10.4 1 13.6 14.6 0 10.4 5.4 7 Silver Bow
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 ballistician enemy.gif Dolhr Ballistician 13 2 30.8 11 0 2.2 5.4 0 20 0 4 Pachyderm
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 manakete enemy.gif Dolhr Manakete 20 1 37 9.5 11.9 16.25 15.2 0 21.5 13.85 6 Magestone VulneraryThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 manakete enemy.gif Dolhr Manakete 20 2 37 17.5 4.9 19.25 20.2 0 19.5 7.85 6 Firestone
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 manakete enemy.gif Dolhr Manakete 20 1 37 9.5 11.9 16.25 15.2 0 21.5 13.85 6 Magestone
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 bishop enemy.gif Dolhr Bishop 13 1 30.8 1 8.6 8.6 8.6 0 5.4 14 6 Bolganone Door KeyThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 bishop enemy.gif Dolhr Bishop 13 1 30.8 1 8.6 8.6 8.6 0 5.4 14 6 Swarm
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma ds01 dracoknight enemy.gif Dolhr Dracoknight 13 1 34.8 11 1 7.2 12.8 0 13.6 4.2 10 DragonpikeThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 general enemy.gif Dolhr General 13 3 41.8 12.6 1 9.6 7.4 0 17.4 5.4 6 Silver Lance
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 hero enemy.gif Dolhr Hero 13 1 35.6 10.6 1 14.4 16.4 0 12.6 5.4 8 Silver Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 dracoknight enemy.gif Dolhr Dracoknight 13 2 34.8 11 1 7.2 12.8 0 13.6 4.2 10 Silver Axe
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ds01 paladin enemy.gif Dolhr Paladin 13 2 35.6 11.2 1 10.6 13.4 0 12.6 8.4 10 Silver Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ds01 ballistician enemy.gif Dolhr Ballistician 13 6 30.8 11 0 2.2 5.4 0 20 0 4 Pachyderm
Ma ds01 bishop enemy.gif Dolhr Bishop 13 6 30.8 1 8.6 8.6 8.6 0 5.4 14 6 Thoron
Ma ds01 hero enemy.gif Dolhr Hero 13 6 35.6 10.6 1 14.4 16.4 0 12.6 5.4 8 Silver Axe
Ma ds01 manakete enemy.gif Dolhr Manakete 20 6 37 9.5 11.9 16.25 15.2 0 21.5 13.85 6 Magestone
Ma ds01 dracoknight enemy.gif Dolhr Dracoknight 13 10 34.8 11 1 7.2 12.8 0 13.6 4.2 10 Javelin
Ma ds01 paladin enemy.gif Dolhr Paladin 13 5 35.6 11.2 1 10.6 13.4 0 12.6 8.4 10 Dragonpike
Ma ds01 manakete enemy.gif Dolhr Manakete 20 5 37 17.5 4.9 19.25 20.2 0 19.5 7.85 6 Firestone
Ma ds01 hero enemy.gif Dolhr Hero 13 5 35.6 10.6 1 14.4 16.4 0 12.6 5.4 8 Silver Sword


Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Mystery of the Emblem
  • On turn 6, continuing until 1 of each has appeared; halted when Medeus is defeated
Shadow Dragon

Boss data

Main article: Medeus
Boss data

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Mystery of the Emblem Shadow Dragon

Stats with a decimal can vary randomly; the decimal represents the chance for the stat to increase to the nearest integer, or be otherwise truncated.
Shadow Dragon

Earth Dragon Manakete

Normal Hard-1 Hard-2 Hard-3 Hard-4 Hard-5

Portrait medeus fe11.png
Ma ds01 earth dragon enemy.gif Earth Dragon
Level 25
Movement --
Max HP 60 Speed 21
Strength 24 Luck 0
Magic 0 Defense 25
Skill 26 Resistance 23
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes --
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Throughout the chapter, doors will close at the start of certain player phases:

  • The northeast and northwest doors close on turn 3
  • The southwest door closes on turn 4
  • The center-west door closes on turn 5
  • The center-east door closes on turn 6
  • The northernmost door, near the convoy, closes on turn 9
  • The center-most door, at the top of the stairs into Medeus's chamber, closes on turn 11

Note that, so long as you move your units into the center in a timely manner, these doors will prevent most of the enemy reinforcements from being able to reach you.

Due to his Earthstone, Medeus is immune to both ranged and magical attacks (including the Levin Sword), and he has a massive 35 Defense. With the maximum Strength being only 20, very few weapons are at all capable of harming him. If you lack the Falchion, your highest damage options are Gradivus or a Devil Axe, each dealing a maximum of 5 damage per attack at 20 Strength. The other remaining options are Mercurius at 3 damage, Devil Sword at 2, or Bantu's Firestone at 1.

Shadow Dragon Hard-5

The fastest way of dealing with this chapter is to use Warp staves to send your best units to assassinate Medeus on turn 1. A Speed-capped Swordmaster, Horseman, or possibly Thief with 50 attack obtained from a forged Wyrmslayer can one-round the Manakete standing in front of Medeus. If you're using a Manakete incapable of surviving combat with Medeus, warp her to Medeus, attack and let her get killed, revive her with the Aum staff, and warp her back to Medeus to finish him off. If your Manakete does survive Medeus's retaliation, kill her with the Geosphere. Alternatively, warp in another powerful unit or two to soften him up with the Gradivus and Parthia before sending in your Manakete to finish him off.

If you plan to tackle this chapter with conventional strategy, there are several notable stat benchmarks you should consider. 57 Might allows you to two-shot Medeus; Tiki and Nagi reach this benchmark with a Divinestone under all circumstances, while Marth can do so with the true Falchion and 18-21 Strength depending on his sword rank. Since Marth and Tiki cannot accumulate enough Speed to avoid being doubled by Medeus on H5 mode, they need HP and Defense such that (50 − Def) × 2 < HP in order to survive combat with him; a level 30 Tiki can comfortably reach this mark with a couple of Seraph Robes, while Marth's Defense is poor enough that he will typically need several Dracoshields and a few Seraph Robes to make it. Nagi's join time and base stats make surviving Medeus a pipe dream for her. If neither Marth nor Tiki is capable of going toe-to-toe with Medeus, you need to be a Swordmaster, Sniper, Horseman, or Berserker to have the 27 Speed needed to survive two rounds with Medeus and still have enough power to one-shot him with a critical hit. A Swordmaster, Sniper, or Horseman with 24 Strength and A weapon rank can reach the 47 Might needed to one-shot him with a critical hit by the skin of their teeth with a +10 Might Silver weapon (and have a point or two to spare), while the Berserker's 30 Strength cap gives them plenty of breathing room to forge a powerful axe or, with 29 Strength, just grab Hauteclere. Regarding the generic goons, 23 Speed allows you to double enemy Bishops, Generals, and Paladins while protecting you from being doubled by everything other than Medeus himself, and is a good general benchmark to aim for. As far as bulk is concerned, most enemies have 34 attack and Brave weapons, so aim to have (34 − Def) x 2 < HP. Sell off all of your surplus weapons and items and use the money to forge one last ultimate uber-weapon for use in this chapter.

The enemy wields forged brave weapons and Thoron tomes, and all specialist weapons are now forged to have +8 Might, so watch out. If you have a Speed-capped Paladin, you might want to reset until the Levin Sword Hero in the northwest room has 21 Speed so you can double him. You start off split into four groups – Marth is in the southeast, and you have groups in the northeast, northwest, and southwest. Your immediate objective is to kill everyone in the west and east rooms, plug up the staircases in said rooms to stop the reinforcements, and have everyone regroup in the south hallway near the first save point. The northeast group has it relatively easy – if you have a Horseman who has either 19 Strength and the Parthia or 27 Speed to one-round the Dracoknight and can survive combat with the General, you should be fine. The Swarm Bishop is easy. Marth's group needs a door key, but only has to fight one measly Paladin. The southwest group is well-positioned to immediately neutralize both enemy Ballisticians with an 18-Might Thunderbolt, but is under extreme pressure from several enemies who can corner them in a chokepoint. If Marth's group can spare some cavalry to reinforce them, so much the better. The northwest group wants to quickly take out the Hero and Manakete and fight their way out of their room. They might be able to draw some fire away from the southwest if they're fast enough. Leave three men to stop the enemy reinforcements and regroup.

The hard part is behind you – it's time to end this. Push north towards the entrance to Medeus's chambers. Reinforcements will come from the far southeast and inside Medeus's room, but are removed enough from the front lines that they can be handled safely. Hammer your way to the throne and send your strongest units to slay the Shadow Dragon and bring peace back to Archanea.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Chosen by Fate




The Chosen Ones. Officially romanized as The Chosen Ones in the Mystery of the Emblem guide.


Los elegidos

The Chosen Ones


Les élus

The Chosen Ones



Chosen One


Il prescelto dal destino

The One Chosen by Fate


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← The Alterspire (Shadow Draon) •
Chosen by Fate
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Playable characters AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstGordinGotohHardinJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXane
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BentheonCamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AnriArtemisCorneliusLizaLudwikSalamander
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: The Ghoul's Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 25: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonsEarth Dragons) • DragoonsFire EmblemSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ArmoriesCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSecret ShopsTerrainVendorsWeapons
Related topics Hakoda manga adaptationName chart • Other games (GaidenMystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Sound Test ModeTimeline
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Playable characters Book 1 AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDolphDraugEliceEstGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfXane
Book 2 AbelArlenArranAstramBantuCaedaCainCastorCatriaCecilDraugEliceEstPhinaGordinJeorgeJubeloJulianLenaLindeLukeMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPallaRickardRoderickRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWarrenWendellXaneYuliya
Non-playable characters Book 1 GotohMalledusNynaTalys King
Book 2 Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenzMichalis
Bosses Book 1 CamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerHarmeinHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Book 2 ArlenDallEibelFire DragonGailGharnefHardinHereticIce DragonJeorgeLangLorenzLumelLykkeMage DragonMedeusNehringSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasCorneliusIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters Book 1 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Champions of Aurelis • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 7: Port Warren • 8: Princess Minerva • 9: Knorda Market • 10: The Ageless Palace • 11: Land of Sorrow • 12: An Oasis of Magic • 13: The Battle for Altea • 14: Star and Savior • 15: Manakete Princess • 16: Camus the Sable • 17: A Knight-Filled Sky • 18: Dark Pontifex • 19: The Dragonkin Realm • 20: Chosen by Fate
Book 2 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • E1: The Wyvern's Dale • E2: The Dragon Altar (part 1part 2part 3)
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueCoyote's MenDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsHereticsSable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Anime adaptationName chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenGenealogy of the Holy WarArchanea SagaNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound MuseumTimeline
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Playable characters AbelArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyGordinGotohHardinHoraceJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXaneYmir
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BathysBentheonCamusCaptainDactylDejaniraEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenLarissaMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwinShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluHauteclereMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters P: Prologue I • P: Prologue II • P: Prologue III • P: Prologue IV • 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 6x: In War's Grip • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 12x: A Traitor's Worth • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 17x: Helena Castle • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 20x: The Lair of Fire • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 24x: The AlterspireE: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • ConversationsItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics List of version differences (Name chart) • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline