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Flame Emperor redirects here. For the class, see Flame Emperor (class).
Edelgard von Hresvelg

FETH Edelgard 02.png
Artwork of Edelgard in Part I, from Three Houses.

Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire



  • 17–18 (Part I)
  • 23–24 (Part II)

22nd of the Garland Moon (June 22nd)
Imperial Year 1162

  • Patricia (mother)
  • Ionius IX (father)
  • Lord Arundel (uncle, deceased)
  • Lambert (stepfather)
  • Dimitri (stepbrother)
  • Five older brothers (all deceased)
  • Three older sisters (all deceased)
  • Two younger siblings (both deceased)


  • Princess of Adrestia (Part I)
  • Adrestian Emperor (Part II)
Starting class
Voiced by


Still, we have no choice but to eliminate those who cling to unreasonable ideas of justice. Even if our enemies are the gods themselves...we must never lose sight of our goal.
— Edelgard

Edelgard von Hresvelg (pronounced /⁠ˈeɪdəlɡɑɹd vɑn ˈhɹɛsvɛlɡ⁠/[key]; Japanese: エーデルガルト=フォン=フレスベルグ Edelgard von Hresvelg) is one of the three main characters, alongside Dimitri and Claude,[2] appearing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. She is the heiress apparent to the Adrestian Empire and the leader of the Black Eagles house at the Officers Academy. During the events of Part I, Edelgard disguises herself as the Flame Emperor (Japanese: 炎帝 Flame Emperor), an entity working against the Church of Seiros.


Edelgard was born the ninth child of Emperor Ionius IX of the Adrestian Empire. In Imperial Year 1171, Edelgard was taken to Faerghus by her uncle, Lord Arundel, and she quickly befriended her maternal stepbrother Dimitri. When she returned to the Empire in 1174, he gave her a dagger as a parting gift. At some point in her childhood, she and all ten of her siblings were imprisoned by a conspiracy of nobles including Arundel, Duke Aegir, and Lord von Vestra, with Ionius IX helpless to stop them. The siblings were subjected to horrific experimentation in order to implant them with the Crest of Flames, and ultimately Edelgard was the sole survivor and successful test subject. Developing a hatred of the Crest system that had dominated Fódlan for a millennium, Edelgard swore to destroy the Crests and the Church of Seiros which upheld their power by any means necessary and unite Fódlan under the Adrestian banner to create world peace.

In Imperial Year 1180, Edelgard enrolled at the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery along with several of her friends and people from her kingdom. In order to facilitate her campaign against the Church, she took up the disguise of the Flame Emperor, a masked individual conducting terrorist operations against the Church, and made a reluctant alliance with a group known only as "those who slither in the dark". Her identity as the Flame Emperor was known only by a select few, including an Adrestian general known only as the Death Knight and her loyal vassal Hubert. She hired a group of bandits led by Kostas to assassinate Dimitri and Claude, heirs apparent of Faerghus and Leicester, in order to make her eventual conquest of Fódlan easier. However, this was thwarted by the mercenaries Byleth and Jeralt, and Byleth took up a teaching position at the Academy. Their choice of which house to lead would have far-reaching consequences for all of Fódlan.

In all routes, Edelgard spends the next year studying at the Officers Academy along with the Black Eagles and orchestrating attacks on the Church as the Flame Emperor. Eventually, she convinces Ionius IX to abdicate and assumes the Adrestian throne. After being unmasked as the Flame Emperor in the Holy Tomb, Edelgard formally declares war on the Church. She launches a full-scale invasion of Garreg Mach Monastery, and the monastery is overrun and Byleth goes missing. In all routes other than Crimson Flower, Edelgard and "those who slither in the dark" spend the next five years battling Faerghus and Leicester. With the aid of Cornelia, a member of "those who slither in the dark", Edelgard is able to bring western Faerghus under her control.

Black Eagles

If Byleth chooses to lead the Black Eagles, Edelgard and her classmates become their pupils. Edelgard accompanies Byleth directly throughout their time teaching at the Officers Academy and occasionally acts against her own interests as the Flame Emperor, either to protect her cover or to oppose the more extreme actions of her "allies". As the school year progresses, Edelgard becomes attached to Byleth and hopes to sway them to her way of thinking. Eventually, Edelgard is unmasked as the Flame Emperor in the Holy Tomb, and Byleth is forced to make an ultimate choice regarding their loyalties.

Silver Snow

If Byleth chooses to remain with the church, Edelgard accepts that they have now become an obstacle to her ambitions. Five years after the fall of Garreg Mach, she returns to the monastery and reunites with Byleth. She asks them to return to the Empire, but they refuse, prompting her to draw the Sword of Seiros and clash with them. Declaring that one of them will meet their end, she bids Byleth farewell. Afterwards, Byleth forms a resistance army to defeat Edelgard and rescue Rhea. A few months later, she engages both the remnants of the Kingdom army and the Alliance forces at Gronder Field and sustains heavy injuries, though it is reported she successfully killed Dimitri and drove Claude into exile. She retreats to Enbarr, and the resistance army pursues her all the way to the Imperial palace and defeats her in battle. She begs Byleth to be the one to finish her off and formally bring an end to the war, a request they grant. Should Dedue survive during his mission in the Imperial Palace, he destroys her corpse afterwards as a final act of spite and vengeance for Dimitri before departing to parts unknown.

Crimson Flower

If Byleth chooses to desert the Church to remain with Edelgard, she and Hubert are extremely grateful. Edelgard organizes her former classmates into an elite task force known as the Black Eagle Strike Force. After the Battle of Garreg Mach, Archbishop Rhea takes refuge in Fhirdiad and Edelgard spends the next five years locked in a bitter stalemate with the Kingdom and the Alliance. Eventually, Byleth returns, and with their aid Edelgard is swiftly able to conquer Leicester and either kill Claude or force him into exile. After beating back an attempt by the Church to retake Garreg Mach, Edelgard begins military operations against Faerghus in earnest. She first conquers Arianrhod, a fortress on the western border between Adrestia and Faerghus. Afterwards, she begins a direct march for Fhirdiad. Dimitri and Rhea move to intercept her at the Tailtean Plains, but Rhea is driven off and Dimitri is slain in battle. The group finally arrives in Fhirdiad, and Rhea orders the city burned to the ground in order to slow them down and transforms into her ultimate form, the Immaculate One. Edelgard, Byleth, and the Black Eagle Strike Force engage her in a climactic final battle. Ultimately, the Empire emerges victorious and Rhea is slain. With all of Fódlan under Adrestia's dominion, Edelgard finally begins the reforms she always wanted to bring to the nobility and the Crest system and begins a silent war against "those who slither in the dark" now that they have outlived their usefulness to her.

Azure Moon

If Byleth chooses to lead the Blue Lions, Byleth returns to Dimitri's side and tips the scale of the war decisively in the Kingdom's favor. Edelgard personally leads an elite detachment to battle Dimitri and Claude at Gronder Field, but is defeated and driven off. After Dimitri recovers from the mental trauma he suffered during his five-year exile, he offers to parley with Edelgard. Accompanied by Hubert and Byleth, the two have a heartfelt conversation about the future of Fódlan, but ultimately conclude that their views of the world cannot coexist and they must settle their differences in battle. Edelgard returns to the Imperial palace in Enbarr. While Hubert stalls for time and is ultimately slain, Edelgard uses the power of her twin Crests to transform into a Demonic Beast of extreme power. In this form, she faces Dimitri in a climactic final battle, but is defeated and returned to human form. Dimitri makes one last attempt to reconcile with her, but Edelgard attacks him with the dagger he once gifted her. Dimitri stabs her in the heart with Areadbhar, killing her instantly.

Verdant Wind

If Byleth chooses to lead the Golden Deer, Edelgard is encountered at Gronder Field and engages both the remnants of the Kingdom army and the Alliance forces; Leicester emerges victorious, and Dimitri is slain by retreating Imperial troops. She retreats to Enbarr, and Claude and Byleth pursue her all the way to the Imperial palace and defeat her in battle. She begs Byleth to be the one to finish her off and formally bring an end to the war, a request they grant. Should Dedue survive during his mission in the Imperial Palace, he destroys her corpse afterwards as a final act of spite and vengeance for Dimitri before departing for parts unknown.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses


Edelgard is one of the game's lord characters, and her defeat under the player's control is grounds for an immediate game over. She is a major antagonist on the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind routes, the main antagonist and final boss of the Azure Moon route, and a temporary playable character and recurring boss on all three. She is also the primary protagonist of the Crimson Flower route.

Starting stats and growth rates


Main story Cindered Shadows

Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Ma ns01 noble edelgard playable.gif Noble
Level 1
Movement 4
Crest Is ns01 minor crest of seiros.png
Recruitment: Prologue, automatically from turn 1. Leaves party if the Black Eagles are not chosen, or if Byleth chooses to side with the Church of Seiros in Chapter 11 of the Black Eagles route, and cannot be re-recruited.

Base Stats Growth Rates Max Stats

Inventory Abilities
Iron Axe
Imperial Lineage*
Sword Prowess Lv 1
Axe Prowess Lv 1
Authority Lv 1
Combat arts Spells Battalion
Smash -- --
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying
E+ E D E E E E D D E E
Strength -- Strength Weakness -- Budding Talent Weakness Strength Strength -- --
Upon reaching a C+ support with Byleth, Edelgard gains access to the Crest of Flames.
At the beginning of Part II of the Crimson Flower route, Edelgard is automatically reclassed into Armored Lord and gains 2 level-ups.


Enemy - Chapter 1
See also: Rivalry of the Houses

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Ma ns01 noble edelgard enemy.gif Noble
Level 3
Movement 4
Crest Is ns01 minor crest of seiros.png
Max HP 30 Luck 5
Strength 14 Defense 6
Magic 7 Resistance 4
Dexterity 6 Charm 11
Speed 9
Inventory Abilities
Training Axe Blue Lions only
Hand Axe Golden Deer only
Imperial Lineage
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- -- --
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
E E E/D E E E E E E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png
Enemy - Chapter 7
See also: Battle of the Eagle and Lion (Blue Lions) and Battle of the Eagle and Lion (Golden Deer)

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Ma ns01 lord edelgard enemy.gif Lord
Level 15
Movement 5
Crest Is ns01 minor crest of seiros.png
Max HP 36 Luck 9
Strength 21 Defense 10
Magic 10 Resistance 7
Dexterity 11 Charm 20+1
Speed 13
Inventory Abilities
Accuracy Ring
Steel Axe
Imperial Lineage
Hit +20 Blue Lions only
Axe Prowess Lv 3
Authority Lv 2
Seal Strength Golden Deer only
Seal Magic Golden Deer only
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- -- Seiros Mercenaries Lv 3
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
D+ E B E E E E C E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png
Enemy - Chapter 11
See also: Conflict in the Holy Tomb

Normal Blue LionsGolden Deer Hard Blue LionsGolden Deer Maddening Blue LionsGolden Deer Normal Black Eagles Hard Black Eagles Maddening Black Eagles

Small portrait flame emperor fe16.png
Ma ns01 flame emperor enemy.gif Flame Emperor
Level 23
Movement -
Crest Is ns01 crest of flames.png
Max HP 51 Luck 10
Strength 18 Defense 22
Magic 14 Resistance 8
Dexterity 12 Charm 24+5
Speed 6
Inventory Abilities
Steel Axe Charm
Seal Strength
Seal Magic
Axe Prowess Lv 3
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- -- Flame Emperor Co. Lv 3
Raging Flames
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
E E B E E E E B E E E FE16ClassMasteryComplete.png
Enemy - Church of Seiros/Blue Lions/Golden Deer Chapter 12
See also: The Battle of Garreg Mach

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Ma ns01 flame emperor enemy.gif Flame Emperor
Level 25
Movement 5
Crest Is ns01 crest of flames.pngIs ns01 minor crest of seiros.png
Max HP 52 Luck 10
Strength 19 Defense 22
Magic 14 Resistance 8
Dexterity 12 Charm 28+5
Speed 7
Inventory Abilities
Silver Axe Imperial Lineage
Seal Strength
Seal Magic
Authority Lv 3
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- -- Flame Emperor Co. Lv 3
Raging Flames
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
E E B E E E E B E E E FE16ClassMasteryComplete.png
Enemy - Azure Moon/Verdant Wind Chapter 17
See also: To War at Gronder (Azure Moon) and To War at Gronder (Verdant Wind)

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy - Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20
See also: Confrontation at the Palace

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait edelgard 02 fe16.png
Ma ns01 emperor enemy.gif Emperor
Level 40
Movement -
Crest Is ns01 crest of flames.pngIs ns01 minor crest of seiros.png
Max HP 58 Luck 12
Strength 33 Defense 25
Magic 22 Resistance 14
Dexterity 17 Charm 33+10
Speed 14
Inventory Abilities
Imperial Lineage+
Armored Effect Null
Hit +20
Axe Prowess Lv 5
Combat arts Spells Battalion
Raging Storm -- Supreme Armored Co. Lv 5
Raging Flames
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
A C A C C B+ E A A E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png
Enemy - Azure Moon Chapter 22
See also: Clash at the Imperial Capital

Normal Hard Maddening

Growth rates when reclassed

Myrmidon Soldier Fighter Monk Dancer Armored Lord Emperor

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Cha
Myrmidon 50% 55% 45% 45% 45% 30% 35% 30% 65%

Lord Mercenary Thief Armored Knight Cavalier Brigand Archer Mage Priest Pegasus Knight

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Cha
Lord 60% 55% 45% 55% 40% 30% 35% 35% 70%

Swordmaster Assassin Fortress Knight Paladin Wyvern Rider Warrior Sniper Warlock Bishop

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Cha
Swordmaster 65% 65% 45% 45% 60% 30% 35% 30% 65%

Falcon Knight Wyvern Lord Mortal Savant Great Knight Bow Knight Dark Knight Holy Knight Gremory

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Cha
Falcon Knight 70% 65% 45% 45% 60% 30% 35% 40% 70%

Trickster War Cleric Dark Flier Valkyrie

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Cha
Trickster 60% 55% 45% 60% 60% 40% 35% 40% 60%


Ability set
Ability Learned at
Is ns01 imperial lineage.png Imperial Lineage Personal ability, innate and unremovable (Part I)
Is ns01 imperial lineage+.png Imperial Lineage+ Personal ability, innate and unremovable (Part II)
Is ns01 sword prowess lv 1.png Sword Prowess Innate; replaced with higher levels at Swords D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Wrath Strike Swords D
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Grounder Swords C
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Haze Slice Swords C+
Is ns01 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Swords B
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Hexblade Swords A
Is ns01 sword crit +10.png Sword Crit +10 Swords S
Is ns01 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swords S+
Is ns01 lance prowess lv 1.png Lance Prowess Lances E+; replaced with higher levels at Lances D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Tempest Lance Lances D
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Knightkneeler Lances C
Is ns01 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Lances B
Is ns01 lance crit +10.png Lance Crit +10 Lances S
Is ns01 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Lances S+
Is ns01 axe prowess lv 1.png Axe Prowess Innate; replaced with higher levels at Axes D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Smash Innate
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Helm Splitter Axes C
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Monster Breaker Axes C+
Is ns01 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Axes B
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Lightning Axe Axes A
Is ns01 axe crit +10.png Axe Crit +10 Axes S
Is ns01 axefaire.png Axefaire Axes S+
Is ns01 bow prowess lv 1.png Bow Prowess Bows E+; replaced with higher levels at Bows D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Curved Shot Bows D
Is ns01 close counter.png Close Counter Bows C
Is ns01 bow crit +10.png Bow Crit +10 Bows S
Is ns01 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Bows S+
Is ns01 brawling prowess lv 1.png Brawling Prowess Brawling E+; replaced with higher levels at Brawling D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 combat art brawling.png Fading Blow Brawling D
Is ns01 combat art brawling.png Rushing Blow Brawling C
Is ns01 combat art.png Healing Focus Brawling B
Is ns01 brawl crit +10.png Brawl Crit +10 Brawling S
Is ns01 fistfaire.png Fistfaire Brawling S+
Is ns01 black magic crit +10.png Black Magic Crit +10 Budding Talent: Reason
Is ns01 reason lv 1.png Reason Reason E+; replaced with higher levels at Reason D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 dark magic range +1.png Dark Magic Range +1 Reason S
Is ns01 dark tomefaire.png Dark Tomefaire Reason S+
Is ns01 faith lv 1.png Faith Faith E+; replaced with higher levels at Faith D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 white magic range +1.png White Magic Range +1 Faith S
Is ns01 white tomefaire.png White Tomefaire Faith S+
Is ns01 authority lv 1.png Authority Innate; replaced with higher levels at Authority D+, C+, B+, and A+
Is ns01 battalion vantage.png Battalion Vantage Authority C
Is ns01 model leader.png Model Leader Authority C+
Is ns01 defensive tactics.png Defensive Tactics Authority B
Is ns01 battalion renewal.png Battalion Renewal Authority A
Is ns01 rally charm.png Rally Charm Authority S
Is ns01 offensive tactics.png Offensive Tactics Authority S+
Is ns01 weight -3.png Weight -3 Heavy Armor C
Is ns01 combat art.png Smite Heavy Armor B
Is ns01 weight -5.png Weight -5 Heavy Armor A+
Is ns01 armored effect null.png Armored Effect Null Heavy Armor S+
Is ns01 dexterity +4.png Dexterity +4 Riding C
Is ns01 movement +1.png Movement +1 Riding A+
Is ns01 cavalry effect null.png Cavalry Effect Null Riding S+
Is ns01 alert stance.png Alert Stance Flying B
Is ns01 alert stance+.png Alert Stance+ Flying A+
Is ns01 flying effect null.png Flying Effect Null Flying S+
The above ability list does not include class abilities, or abilities and combat arts that are granted by items.

Spell list

Spell Learned at
Fire Reason D
Bolganone Reason C
Luna Λ Reason B
Hades Ω Reason A
Heal Faith D
Nosferatu Faith D+
Recover Faith C
Seraphim Faith B


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Edelgard is a top-tier unit. She has excellent growth in strength, ranking second in the game and first among the Black Eagles, as well as speed, magic, and dexterity. Her high base strength and access to Smash allow her to deal massive damage early on and throughout the game. Edelgard's personal skill Imperial Lineage increases her EXP growth by 20%, ensuring she remains a dominant force in your army. Because her high strength reduces her weapons' weight, Edelgard's AS is often enough to avoid enemy double attacks. Due to her high charm, Edelgard can also reliably hit and dodge enemy gambits, making her useful in both offensive and defensive situations. Due to her magical combat arts Hexblade and Lightning Axe, Edelgard can deal massive damage to enemies with high defense. You'll need Edelgard's combat skills even if you're going the Silver Snow route.

Edelgard has two Crests, the first a minor Crest of Seiros, and the second a major Crest of Flames, unlocked by viewing her C+ Support. The Crest of Seiros increases Edelgard's might by five when using a combat art. The effect is usually beneficial when it occurs, but it is not reliable and should not be relied upon. The true benefit of Edelgard's Seiros Crest is that it unlocks Aymr's exclusive combat art of Raging Storm, the game's best combat art. The attack gives Edelgard the ability to move again if it lands, in addition to dealing bonus damage to dragons and having fourteen extra might. Unlike previous iterations of this effect, Edelgard can keep using Raging Storm and reaping the benefits until Aymr breaks, giving her a total of five extra actions per map and a maximum of six actions per turn. With Raging Storm, Edelgard can solo all maps in Crimson Flower in one turn, including the final boss Rhea. Unfortunately, Aymr has a repair cost of three Agarthium, which is only obtained by inflicting armor break on Giant Crawlers in random skirmishes and the Titanus in Chapter 16. Aymr also has a low base accuracy, which can be fixed by giving Edelgard the Archer class for Hit +20.  The Crest of Flames has a 20% chance to restore HP relative to normal weapon attacks and combat arts. The healing effect of the Crest of Flames, combined with its rarer effect of cancelling counterattacks, allow Edelgard to stay on the front lines longer without constant healing. Although Edelgard's Crest of Flames does not allow her to use the Sword of the Creator or its associated combat arts, it is still one of the best Crests in the game.

Edelgard stands out among the game's units because she can excel in nearly any class thanks to her good strength and magic growth; however, one promotion path stands out above the rest. The easiest path is Fighter to Brigand, then Warrior, then keep Edelgard in her unique classes of Armored Lord and Emperor. Her personal classes are essentially better versions of the Fortress Knight class, with lower speed penalties, increased defense, and five movement instead of four. They lack the Fortress Knight's innate Weight -5, but the Fortress Knight's harsh speed penalties negate the benefit. Not having a class modifier bonus to her attack stat is a major flaw of these classes, as is the movement of five, which is too low for an axe class. To improve enemy phase tanking as an Emperor, use defensive battalions like Supreme Armored Co. and get a B rank in authority to unlock Defensive Tactics. Edelgard also has a unique spell list containing Luna Λ and Hades Ω, making the idea of turning Edelgard into a Warlock appealing on the surface, but there are many disadvantages to this path. First, Edelgard's Black Magic Crit +10 budding talent only affects half of her spells, Fire and Bolganone, which have no inherent crit bonus; second, Dark Tomefaire is out of reach until part two, limiting her damage potential with her best spells; third, she lacks three-range spells without the Caduceus Staff or Thyrsus, and she also lacks Physic; lastly, tying down one of the player's best combat units with 4 movement until a Dark Knight or Gremory promotion is a great hindrance. One could also train Edelgard in Swords to become a Myrmidon, then a Mercenary or Lord, then a Swordmaster or a Pegasus Knight to learn Darting Blow. The best promotion path for Edelgard comprises the Wyvern-mounted classes of Wyvern Rider and Wyvern Lord. The Wyvern Lord's superior offense, unparalleled mobility of flying classes, access to Canto, high class modifiers to strength, speed, and defense, Axefaire and Raging Storm render Edelgard utterly broken, making the Wyvern Lord her best promotion option.

Fire Emblem Engage


Edelgard appears as an equippable Bond Ring. She can be summoned by using Byleth's Emblem Ring. In addition, Edelgard is one of the Emblem Bracelets added through DLC; she, Dimitri, and Claude all share one Emblem Bracelet. They be recruited by visiting the Lockout Ridge at the Somniel from Chapter 7 onward.

Emblem Bracelet data

Stat modifiers

Small portrait edelgard fe17.pngSmall portrait dimitri fe17.pngSmall portrait claude fe17.png
Stat modifiers
Bond level Str Dex Def
1 +2 +1 +1
2–3 +2 +2 +1
4–6 +2 +2 +2
7 +3 +2 +2
8–13 +3 +3 +2
14–15 +3 +3 +3
16–17 +4 +3 +3
18 +4 +4 +3
19–20 +5 +4 +3

Bond effects

Small portrait edelgard fe17.pngSmall portrait dimitri fe17.pngSmall portrait claude fe17.png
Bond effects
Bond level Effect Type
1 Is ns02 gambit.png Gambit Sync skill
1 Is ns02 flame gambit.png Flame Gambit Sync skill (Edelgard)
1 Is ns02 shield gambit.png Shield Gambit Sync skill (Dimitri)
1 Is ns02 poison gambit.png Poison Gambit Sync skill (Claude)
1 Is ns02 friendly rivalry.png Friendly Rivalry Sync skill
1 Is ns02 combat arts.png Combat Arts Engage skill
1 Is ns02 raging storm.png Raging Storm Engage skill (Edelgard)
1 Is ns02 atrocity.png Atrocity Engage skill (Dimitri)
1 Is ns02 fallen star.png Fallen Star Engage skill (Claude)
1 Is ns02 houses unite.png Houses Unite Engage attack
1 Is ns02 aymr edelgard.png Aymr Engage weapon
2 Is ns02 str dex +1.png Str/Dex +1 Inheritable skill
3 Is ns02 lineage.png Lineage Sync skill
4 Is ns02 bow guard 1.png Bow Guard 1 Inheritable skill
5 Is ns02 skill inheritance.png Unit can inherit this Emblem's skills.
6 FE17RankAxe.png Adds Axe proficiency to unit.
7 Is ns02 str dex +2.png Str/Dex +2 Inheritable skill
8 Is ns02 bow guard 2.png Bow Guard 2 Inheritable skill
9 FE17RankLance.png Adds Lance proficiency to unit.
10 Is ns02 areadbhar edelgard.png Areadbhar Engage weapon
11 Is ns02 skill inheritance.png Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn.
12 Is ns02 weapon sync.png Weapon Sync Sync skill
12 Is ns02 str dex +3.png Str/Dex +3 Inheritable skill
13 FE17RankBow.png Adds Bow proficiency to unit.
14 Is ns02 bow guard 3.png Bow Guard 3 Inheritable skill
15 Is ns02 failnaught edelgard.png Failnaught Engage weapon
16 Is ns02 str dex +4.png Str/Dex +4 Inheritable skill
17 Is ns02 weapon sync+.png Weapon Sync+ Sync skill
17 Is ns02 bow guard 4.png Bow Guard 4 Inheritable skill
18 Is ns02 str dex +5.png Str/Dex +5 Inheritable skill
19 Is ns02 bow guard 5.png Bow Guard 5 Sync skill
20 Is ns02 skill inheritance.png Unit's engage meter is shortened one step.

Bond Ring data

Small portrait edelgard bond ring fe17.png
Stat modifiers
Ring level HP Str Def
Is ns02 bond ring c.png C +0 +1 +0
Is ns02 bond ring b.png B +0 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring a.png A +2 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring s.png S +2 +2 +1
Flickering Flower

Fire Emblem Heroes


There are seven different variations of Edelgard available to Heroes, all based on her storyline appearance in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The normal variation of Edelgard, based on her Three Houses Part I incarnation, was one of the characters added to the game in the Cohort of the Dead update, and became available for summoning by players on July 22, 2019. A second variation of Edelgard, under her Flame Emperor identity, was added to the game in the Twisted Reality update, and made available to players in the forty-first Grand Hero Battle, which initially ran from March 9, 2020, to March 19, 2020. A legendary variation of Edelgard, based on her Three Houses Part II incarnation as an Armored Lord, was first made available to players on April 30, 2020, as the game's twenty-second Legendary Hero. A Brave variation of Edelgard, based on her Three Houses Part II appearance as an Emperor, was made available on August 18, 2020, as part of the summoning event surrounding the launch of the Lack update. A fallen variation of Edelgard, based on her role as the boss of the final chapter of the Azure Moon route, was first made available to players on May 7, 2021 as part of the summoning event surrounding the launch of the Bound Elsewhere update. A summer variation of Edelgard was first made available to be summoned by players on June 17, 2022 as part of the summoning event surrounding the launch of the Summer Vacation update; this variation is a Harmonized Hero, carrying a dual-credit with Radiant Dawn as a result of being paired up with that game's Altina. A winter variation of Edelgard was added to the game and was first available to summon from December 14, 2023 to January 14, 2024.

Starting stats

Main article: Edelgard/Heroes stats

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes


Edelgard acts as the protagonist of the Scarlet Blaze route, a major antagonist on the Azure Gleam route, the initial antagonist turned supporting character on the Golden Wildfire route, and a two-time temporary party member on both Azure Gleam and Golden Wildfire.

Starting stats and growth rates

Playable - Prologue/Scarlet Blaze

Small portrait edelgard 02 fewa2.png
Ma fewa2 fighter edelgard 02 playable.gif Fighter
Level 1
Movement 6
Crest Is ns01 minor crest of seiros.png
Recruitment: Chapter 1, automatically upon engaging the first enemy Soldier; leaves if the Black Eagles are not chosen

Base Stats Stat Growths Max Stats

Inventory Abilities
Iron Axe Solar Prominence Lv 1
Emperor's Prestige Lv 1
Ambition Lv 1
Lance Buster Lv 1
Combat arts/spells Battalion
Swinging Fury
Returning Axe
Skill Levels
Swords E Lances E Axes E
Bows E Brawling E Tomes E Authority E

Playable - Chapter 16

Edelgard is playable during Chapter 16 if the player chose the Azure Gleam or Golden Wildfire Routes. However, she will not gain experience, her inventory cannot be managed, and she will leave the player's army at the end of the chapter. Notably, this also applies at the Record Keeper and on New Game+.

Azure Gleam Azure Gleam Golden Wildfire Golden Wildfire


Ability set
Ability Learned at
Is fewa2 solar prominence.png Solar Prominence Unique Action ability; Innate and cannot be removed unless another unit's special accessory is equipped.
Is fewa2 emperor's prestige.png Emperor's Prestige Unique Support ability; Innate and unremoveable.
Is fewa2 order attack damage down.png Ambition Unique Tactical ability; Innate and unremoveable.
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Swinging Fury Innate.
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Returning Axe Innate.
Is fewa2 sword prowess lv 1.png Is fewa2 sword prowess lv 2.png Is fewa2 sword prowess lv 3.png Sword Prowess Class Mastery (★★):
Myrmidon, Thief, Mercenary
Increased by one level for each one obtained.
Is fewa2 lance prowess lv 1.png Is fewa2 lance prowess lv 2.png Is fewa2 lance prowess lv 3.png Lance Prowess Class Mastery (★★):
Soldier, Cavalier, Paladin
Increased by one level for each one obtained.
Is fewa2 axe prowess lv 1.png Is fewa2 axe prowess lv 2.png Is fewa2 axe prowess lv 3.png Axe Prowess Class Mastery (★★):
Fighter, Armored Knight, Warrior
Increased by one level for each one obtained.
Is fewa2 bow prowess lv 1.png Is fewa2 bow prowess lv 2.png Is fewa2 bow prowess lv 3.png Bow Prowess Class Mastery (★★):
Archer, Sniper, Bow Knight
Increased by one level for each one obtained.
Is fewa2 reason lv 1.png Is fewa2 reason lv 2.png Is fewa2 reason lv 3.png Reason Class Mastery (★★):
Mage, Warlock, Gremory
Increased by one level for each one obtained.
Is fewa2 faith lv 1.png Is fewa2 faith lv 2.png Is fewa2 faith lv 3.png Faith Class Mastery (★★):
Monk, Priest, Bishop
Increased by one level for each one obtained.
Is fewa2 rebellious spirit.png Rebellious Spirit Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Flash Strike Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 steal.png Appraisal Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 swordfaire.png Thief's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Lightblade Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Sneak Attack Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 steal.png Despoil Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Assassinate Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 pass.png Pass Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Electric Grounder Class Mastery (★): Trickster
Is ns01 renewal.png Medical Expertise Class Mastery (★★):
Is fewa2 skill awakening fill.png Burst of Resolve Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 battalion vantage.png Battalion Vantage Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Firesweep Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 swordfaire.png Mercenary's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 rebellious spirit.png Expert Guard Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 heartseeker.png Provoke Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Mortal Struggle Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Astra Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Haze Slice Class Mastery (★):
Mortal Savant
Is fewa2 rebellious spirit.png Counterstrike Class Mastery (★★):
Mortal Savant
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Dual Onslaught Class Mastery (★★★):
Mortal Savant
Is ns01 combat art sword.png Sword Dance Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 special dance.png Special Dance Class Mastery (★★):
Is fewa2 skill warrior fill.png Charm Catalyst Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 defiant def.png Backbone Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Wheelsweep Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 skill awakening fill.png Pegasus Knight's Wisdom Class Mastery (★):
Pegasus Knight
Is fewa2 tableturner.png Tableturner Class Mastery (★★):
Pegasus Knight
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Stormblade Class Mastery (★★★):
Pegasus Knight
Is ns01 desperation.png Desperation Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Glowing Ember Class Mastery (★★):
Is fewa2 skill warrior fill.png Knight's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 aegis.png Aegis Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Tempest Lance Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Lance Jab Class Mastery (★):
Falcon Knight
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Harmonious Specials Class Mastery (★★):
Falcon Knight
Is fewa2 tableturner.png Muster Class Mastery (★★★):
Falcon Knight
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Dark Lance Class Mastery (★):
Dark Knight
Is fewa2 skill warrior fill.png Cyclical Specials Class Mastery (★★):
Dark Knight
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Vengeance Class Mastery (★★):
Dark Knight
Is fewa2 skill warrior fill.png Driven Spirit Class Mastery (★★★):
Dark Knight
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Lightstrike Class Mastery (★):
Holy Knight
Is fewa2 mastermind.png Adjutant's Benefit Class Mastery (★★):
Holy Knight
Is ns01 combat art lance.png Airshaker Class Mastery (★★):
Holy Knight
Is fewa2 skill team buff.png Shining Guardian Class Mastery (★★★):
Holy Knight
Is fewa2 skill warrior fill.png Spirited Seize Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Smash Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 defensive tactics.png Defensive Tactics Class Mastery (★):
Armored Knight
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Lightning Axe Class Mastery (★★):
Armored Knight
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Armored Infantry's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Armored Knight
Is fewa2 luck +.png Pomp & Circumstance Class Mastery (★):
Armored Lord
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Shredder Class Mastery (★):
Armored Lord
Is fewa2 emperor's prestige.png Emperor's Prestige Class Mastery (★★):
Armored Lord
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Perspective Class Mastery (★★★):
Armored Lord
Is ns01 defiant crit.png Boost Critical Class Mastery (★):
Fortress Knight
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Smite Class Mastery (★★):
Fortress Knight
Is fewa2 apex axe.png Apex Axe Class Mastery (★★★):
Fortress Knight
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Focused Strike Class Mastery (★★★):
Fortress Knight
Is ns01 axefaire.png Armored Cavalry's Wisdom Class Mastery (★):
Great Knight
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Armor Smasher Class Mastery (★):
Great Knight
Is fewa2 luna.png Luna Class Mastery (★★):
Great Knight
Is fewa2 nullify armored effect.png Nullify Armored Effect Class Mastery (★★★):
Great Knight
Is ns01 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Armored Strike Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 distinguished house.png Seasoned Tactics Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Flickering Flower Class Mastery (★★):
Is fewa2 emperor's prestige.png Stormer of the Land Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 defiant str.png Wild Abandon Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Spike Class Mastery (★★):
Is fewa2 skill stun gauge.png Warrior's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 skill stun gauge.png Heavy Hitter Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 wrath.png Wrath Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art axe.png War Strike Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 offensive tactics.png Offensive Tactics Class Mastery (★):
Wyvern Rider
Is fewa2 skill stun gauge.png Wyvern Rider's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★):
Wyvern Rider
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Crush Class Mastery (★★★):
Wyvern Rider
Is ns01 combat art axe.png Helm Splitter Class Mastery (★):
Wyvern Lord
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Howl Class Mastery (★★):
Wyvern Lord
Is fewa2 nullify flying effect.png Nullify Flying Effect Class Mastery (★★★):
Wyvern Lord
Is ns01 bowfaire.png Archer's Wisdom Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Tracking Shot Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Drill Arrow Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 rally movement.png One Heart One Mind Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Point-Blank Volley Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Flame Volley Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Hide Presence Class Mastery (★★):
Is ns01 rally movement.png Warrior Assist Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Hunter's Volley Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Waning Shot Class Mastery (★):
Bow Knight
Is ns01 combat art bow.png Precision Volley Class Mastery (★★):
Bow Knight
Is fewa2 skill double fill.png Battle Instincts Class Mastery (★★★):
Bow Knight
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Trust Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 support magic.png Heal Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 mastermind.png Kinship Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 support magic.png Recover Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 white tomefaire.png Priest's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 skill warrior fill.png Luck Catalyst Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 black magic.png Seraphim Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 battalion renewal.png Battalion Renewal Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 defiant str.png Lifeforce Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 black magic.png Bolganone Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 defiant mag.png Mage's Wisdom Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 fiendish blow.png Fiendish Blow Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 dark magic.png Luna Λ Class Mastery (★):
Is fewa2 essence of fire.png Essence of Fire Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 dark magic.png Hades Ω Class Mastery (★★★):
Is fewa2 flare.png Flare Class Mastery (★):
Is ns01 rally movement.png Fire Assist Class Mastery (★★★):
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Nullify Magic Class Mastery (★★★):
Innate ability, hidden until unlocked.
The above ability list does not include class abilities, or abilities and combat arts that are granted by items.

Preferred class line

Like all units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Edelgard will gain more class experience if she is using classes from a specific class line. In Edelgard's case, the following classes will grant her additional class experience:

Additionally, Edelgard's Innate Ability is obtained from the Gremory class.


Edelgard comes off as a refined, cold and sometimes hostile woman at first glance.[3] Due to the horrific experimentation she endured as a child in order to implant a second Crest into her body,[4] Edelgard despises Crests and is willing to go to any lengths to remove their influence in Fódlan,[5] including triggering a world war and cooperating reluctantly with the people responsible for her experiments; she has limits regarding what she is willing to tolerate from them however, in particular when it concerns malicious acts which serve no practical purpose in the long term, and swears to Byleth and Jeralt that she would have stopped Solon's actions in Remire Village had she known the extent of his plans.[6]

Due to her access to an exclusive version of the War of Heroes passed on by Wilhelm I to the Hresvelg family line for generations, Edelgard's opinion on the Children of the Goddess is quite negative, believing they are monsters in human guise whose only interests lie in keeping Fódlan under their control. Likewise, her stance towards the Church of Seiros is also cynical, convinced the institution abuses weak and lost souls seeking for salvation, turning them into nothing more than puppets to a goddess who will never answer their pleas; despite this however, on Crimson Flower, her opinion doesn't stop her from adopting a more tolerant stance and refraining from persecuting the faithful as she does in the other routes, and in her supports with Manuela, she admits the institution has done some good for Fódlan as well, even if she's far too biased to not feel contempt towards it.

Edelgard is completely devoted to her cause of leading Fódlan to a better future, and accepts the possibility of driving away, fighting, and sacrificing whoever and whatever she deems necessary in order to accomplish her goals, including her own friends and ideals should she end up cornered; on Crimson Flower however, Edelgard begins showing hesitance towards doing so, as she orders those closest to her to not throw their lives away if it can be avoided. Edelgard is aware that her more questionable acts are morally reprehensible, yet in spite of this, she keeps pressing on, fully convinced that her methods are the best and quickest way to change Fódlan. She also has major trust issues due to the betrayal of her uncle, preventing her from seeking help and support in others outside of Hubert and her own troops, which in non-Crimson Flower routes ultimately leads to her demise.

Edelgard also has a somewhat childish side; her supports with Byleth show her fantasizing about taking a day off to gorge herself on sweets or complaining about Hubert's nagging about work, she often does mocking vocal impressions of people who are irritating her, and she likes toys as gifts. She is also deadly afraid of the sea as she can't swim, which she confesses to Bernadetta.[7] She also has a phobia against rats, which was caused by her time below the Imperial Palace where she was experimented on. In spite of seeking to forcefully impose a new world order and social system in Fódlan, Edelgard does care about the wellbeing of her subjects; one of her goals in starting her war is to prevent the circumstances that led her to cause a world war from being repeated in the future, and she also doesn't desire her people to live in a way which makes them unhappy, which could explain her more tolerant stance on religion in her route as mentioned previously.


Main articles: Edelgard/Supports and Edelgard/Supports (Warriors: Three Hopes)


Edelgard, Flame Emperor (single ending)
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard dedicated her life to reshaping the delicate political structure of Fódlan. With tireless work and great sacrifice, she reformed the class system to ensure a free and independent society for all. In her later years, she entrusted her life's work to a worthy successor before finally vanishing from the public eye.

Byleth, Wings of the Hegemon & Edelgard, Flame Emperor
Byleth and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a godlike being. Byleth was wounded and lost the power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not, as <he/she> and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting peace, the two fought against those who slither in the dark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and fall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming the antiquated class system. They achieved much in their time together, and it is said that they were sometimes spotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world they had created. How they spent those precious moments, none but the two of them will ever know.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Hubert, Emperor's Confidant
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard gave all she had to breathe new life into the government of Fódlan. With tireless work, great sacrifice, and her devoted servant Hubert by her side, she instituted new class reforms and helped to ensure the people's independence. Hubert was always close at hand, ready to dispose of unsavory burdens by any means necessary. In their later years, they passed the fruits of her labor on to Edelgard's successor and vanished from the public eye. Though it is said they spent the rest of their lives together, it is unlikely they ever gave voice to the true depth of their affections.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Ferdinand, Noblest of Nobles
As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand as her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to ruling Fódlan. Their sharply contrasting views made for frequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the perspective of the other, Fódlan was better for it. As they worked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon bound together by marriage as well. Their children, born to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy, were encouraged to choose their own paths.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Linhardt, Sleepy Crest Scholar
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard gave all she had to breathe new life into the government of Fódlan. With tireless work and great sacrifice, she instituted new class reforms to ensure that people could rise on their own merits. During those years, however, there was a period of time in which she simply disappeared. It is said that she went to the research facility of the foremost authority in Crests, Linhardt, who had relinquished his rank and title to live a life of study. There, after confirming the results of Linhardt's experiments, Edelgard was able to enjoy a rare break from her busy life. The respite was brief, but they cherished that time for the rest of their lives.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Caspar, Hotheaded General
Edelgard, the new Adrestian emperor, appointed Caspar as her Minister of Military Affairs, and the two devoted themselves to ruling Fódlan. Caspar quickly developed a reputation for recklessness in his duty, but he compensated for it with successes in the field and was given leeway by the emperor as a result. Privately, the couple's relationship as husband and wife was more tempestuous. Their spats were frequent, but it is said that Edelgard took pleasure in her ability to influence Caspar, and Caspar enjoyed reining the emperor in from time to time. It was a strange but happy union.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Bernadetta, Eternal Loner
When Bernadetta inherited House Varley from her father, she tried to withdraw from politics and remain within the bounds of her territory, but Edelgard, the new Adrestian emperor, would not allow it. Instead, she demanded that Bernadetta counsel her in governing Fódlan. It is said that the emperor made this choice to keep herself from being too detached, and that Bernadetta was all too happy to provide a more emotional perspective now and again. The people of Enbarr could always tell when the two were meeting by the sound of Bernadetta's panicked voice ringing out from the palace.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Dorothea, Mystical Songstress
As Edelgard's reign as the Adrestian emperor began, Enbarr was restored, and with it, a certain opera house. Soon the Mittelfrank Opera Company put together a war drama depicting the journey and sacrifice of the emperor and her companions, and the starring role went to none other than Dorothea. Edelgard initially forbade the company from staging it, but was eventually persuaded by Dorothea's passionate performance to rescind that decree. It is said that the emperor always set aside time to enjoy the opera thereafter.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Lysithea, Scholar of Misfortune
After the war, Edelgard and Lysithea threw themselves into the fight against those who slither in the dark. The struggle was long and arduous, but not without its benefits. With careful analysis of ancient techniques, they discovered ways to recover the years of life that had been stolen from them. Afterwards, the new Adrestian emperor and Lysithea, her trusted officer, devoted the rest of their lives to Fódlan's rule. For her counsel in instituting class reforms and ensuring the independence of the people, Lysithea came to be known as the Wisdom of the Empire. The pair of talented women ushered Fódlan into a new age of innovation and prosperity.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Hanneman, Father of Crestology
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard gave all she had to breathe new life into the government of Fódlan. To that end, Hanneman's research proved invaluable. Seeking to determine the nature of Crests, and to do away with the inequality caused by them, the Father of Crestology produced magical tools that could be used even without the aid of Crests. These were put to eager use by Edelgard, who saw both of their dreams realized. It is not hard to imagine that a pair with such similar ideologies and plans for the future would eventually settle into an affectionate and fulfilling relationship.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Manuela, Divine Songstress
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard gave all she had to breathe new life into the government of Fódlan. Her first objective was to institute new class reforms and ensure the people's independence. For that reason, she sought the counsel of Manuela, whose vast array of contacts, talents, and experience proved invaluable. She became essential to Edelgard, and her skill as a physician kept the emperor in good health for many years. Both remained unmarried, and it is said that the two became extremely close over the years.

Edelgard, Flame Emperor & Constance, Scion of Nuvelle
For her service in the war and her innovations in magic, Constance von Nuvelle was among the first to receive peerage from Emperor Edelgard. Though her noble house was given no guarantee of power on a hereditary basis, Constance made certain that House Nuvelle would be relied upon in helping to achieve Edelgard's vision of a new social order. The emperor kept Constance close at hand and routinely recognized her counsel as valuable, which helped to bolster Constance's own sense of worth. It is rumored that the two were also dear personal friends and that they would frequently slip away from duties of governance to traipse through the capital together.


Three Houses quotes

Main article: Edelgard/Quotes (Three Houses)

Engage quotes

Main article: Edelgard/Quotes (Engage)

Heroes quotes

Main article: Edelgard/Quotes (Heroes)

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

Edelgard is featured on sixteen cards in Fire Emblem Cipher: fifteen under her own identity (including one as "Hegemon Edelgard") and one under her Flame Emperor identity.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Edelgard/Flame Emperor
TCGCipher P16-012PR.png Imperial Princess of Adrestia, Edelgard


"You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person's words."
Attack: 50 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 2
Class: Noble Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Charge in Unison: [Trigger] At the start of your turn, you may choose 2 allies in the Back Line, and move them.
Talent for Leadership: [Activate] [Tap this unit] [Flip one bond card] Choose 2 other allies. Until the end of the turn, the chosen allies gain +20 attack.
Card #P16-012PR • Artist: Kotaro Yamada
TCGCipher B17-110HN.png The Empire's Successor, Edelgard


"Our victory must be matter what it may take."
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
An Eye for the Bigger Picture: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Tap 1 ally] Choose 1 ally. Until the end of the turn, that ally gains +10 attack.
Drawing a Chance at Victory: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip two bond cards] Choose 1 enemy, and move them.
Card #B17-110HN • Artist: Rika Suzuki

Normal SR+

TCGCipher B18-004SR.png

Emperor Overthrowing the Hegemony, Edelgard



"Goodbye, my teacher. When next we meet, one of us will breathe their last."
Attack: 70 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 5
Class: Armored Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 4
Aymr, the Magic Axe: [Trigger] [Flip one bond card] When this unit's attack destroys an enemy, you may pay the cost and if you do: Choose 1 non-Main Character enemy and destroy them, or choose 1 of your opponent's Orbs and destroy it.
The Solitary Imperial Way: [Trigger] When you use a Crest Power belonging to an "Edelgard" in your hand, draw 1 card.
Bloodstained Armor: [Always] During your opponent's turn, this unit gains +10 attack.
Card #B18-004SR(+) • Artist: Rika Suzuki • Autograph: Ai Kakuma
(Autograph credit appears only on B18-004SR+)
TCGCipher B18-005N.png Uniter of the Black Eagles, Edelgard


"Everyone has something that is unacceptable within them. I certainly do, and I'd wager you do as well."
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Crest Power Bloodline of the Emperor: [Hand] [Activate] [Send this card to the Retreat Area] If you have an allied "Edelgard", move your opponent's Main Character. ([Hand] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Card #B18-005N • Artist: I☆LA

Normal P17 Box Promo Nintendo Dream promo

TCGCipher B18-006HN.png

House Leader of the Black Eagles, Edelgard


"That said, know that I have high expectations of you. And high hopes. But I'm certain you can lead the Black Eagle House to greatness."
"I appreciate your help back there. Your skill is beyond question.
Attack: 40 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Noble Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
The Empire's Influence: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip one bond card] Choose 1 enemy with a Deployment Cost of 1 in the Back Line, and move them.
Attack Support Tandem Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this combat, your Fódlan attacking unit gains +10 attack.
Card #B18-006HN, B18-006ST(+), P17-002PR, P17-013PR • Artist: Rika Suzuki (B18-006HN, B18-006ST[+]), Chinatsu Kurahana (P17-002PR), Mari Shimazaki (P17-013PR)
TCGCipher S12-004ST.png Unwavering Will of Flames, Edelgard


"If the Black Eagle House bands together, we won't lose."
Attack: 70 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Successor to History: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Tap 1 other ally] Choose 1 enemy in the Back Line, and move them.
The Professor's Teachings: [Always] During your opponent's turn, if you have an allied "Byleth (Male)" or "Byleth (Female)", this unit gains +10 attack.
Card #S12-004ST(+) • Artist: Chinatsu Kurahana
TCGCipher P18-003PR.png Champion of the Dance Competition, Edelgard


"The inter-house dance competition... I knew victory was inescapable. And... you believed in me too."
Attack: 30 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Dancer Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Dance of the Imperial Princess: [Activate] [Tap this unit] [Flip one bond card] Choose 1 ally who has attacked in this turn, and untap them. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, that ally gains +10 attack.
Card #P18-003PR • Artist: Hatapug

Normal SR+

TCGCipher B19-001SR.png

She Who Turns Her Blade on the Gods, Edelgard



"So you're another of the goddess's vanguard. Come at me, so that I may put you out of your misery!"
Attack: 70 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 5
Class: Emperor Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 4
Raging Storm: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip one bond card] Untap this unit.
The Strength to Unite Fódlan: [Always] If your allies outnumber your enemies, this unit gains +10 attack.
Crest Power "Victory to the Adrestian Empire!": [Hand] [Activate] [Flip two bond cards] Choose as many Fódlan allies as you wish, and tap them. Choose 1 non-Main Character enemy per ally tapped by this skill, and destroy them. ([Hand] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Card #B19-001SR • Artist: Senri Kita
TCGCipher B19-002N.png Black Eagle of Farewells, Edelgard



"Even though our swords may cross as they do now... ...there's no denying that our chosen paths never will."
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Armored Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Crest Power Incised Crest of Flames: [Hand] [Activate] [Send this card to the Retreat Area] Until the end of the turn, non-Main Character enemies are unable to evade allied "Edelgard"'s attacks. ([Hand] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Card #B19-002N • Artist: Tetsu Kurosawa

Normal Promo Pack 19 Comiket 97 Promo P20 Promo

TCGCipher B19-003HN.png

Descendant of Hresvelg, Edelgard


"Have you ever wondered if the only way to create a truly free world is to dispense with the goddess and the Crests? Do that, and people will have no choice but to rise and fall by their own merits."
"Wrong foot, Dimitri! You're supposed to lead with your right!"
"Sometimes I wish I could spend just one day doing absolutely nothing and gorging myself on sweets! ...What? This isn't like me? Even I have moments of self-indulgence, you know."
Attack: 40 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Noble Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Pride of the Black Eagles: [Always] If this unit is being attacked by your opponent's Main Character, this unit gains +10 attack.
Attack Support Command Emblem: [Support] Choose 1 ally other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Card #B19-003HN, P19-006PR, P19-011PR, P20-009PR • Artist: Sachiko Wada (B19-003HN), Tobi (P19-006PR), ERIMO (P19-011PR), INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (P20-009PR)
TCGCipher B19-046HN.png Reforger of the World, Flame Emperor



"We will cross paths again. I am the Flame Emperor... It is I who will reforge the world."
Attack: 70 Support: 0 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Flame Emperor Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Clandestine Masked Knight: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Tap other ally] Choose up to 2 enemies in the Back Line, and move them.
Burn Even the Gods: [Trigger] [Once per turn] When this unit's attack destroys the enemy, until the end of the opponent's next turn, this unit gains +20 attack.
Card #B19-046HN • Artist: Hatapug
TCGCipher P20-011PR.png Burnt-Armored Emperor, Edelgard



"For the Empire!"
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Armored Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Path of the Crimson Flower: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip two bond cards] Until the end of your opponent's next turn, this unit gains +30 attack.
Card #P20-011PR • Artist: Megumi Nagahama
TCGCipher B21-031R.png Determined Princess, Edelgard



"The future of the Empire... of everything... depends on me."
Attack: 50 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Fortress Knight Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Peerless Power: [Activate] [Tap one other Fódlan] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +30 attack.
Armor Expertise: [Always] If this unit is being attacked by any non-Tome enemy, this unit gains +20 attack.
Crest Power Staggering Blow of Flames: [Hand] [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip two bond cards] [Send this card to the Retreat Area] Choose up to 2 Fódlan allies. Until the end of the turn, the chosen allies gain +30 attack. ([Hand] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Card #B21-031R • Artist: Azusa
TCGCipher B21-047HN.png To the End of a Dream, Hegemon Edelgard



"They are here... But my progress cannot be stopped, no matter how many people try. The war's end will spell destruction for one of us. There can only be one ruler of the world..."
Attack: 80 Support: 0 Range: 1-3 Deploy Cost: 7
Class: Hegemon Husk Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Wilted Flower: [Trigger] When this unit's attack is evaded, your opponent chooses 2 cards from their hand, and sends them to the retreat.
Crest Power Gods-Burning Hegemon: [Hand] [Activate] [Flip one bond card] If you have 7 or more bonds, stack this card on top of an allied "Edelgard" to level her up. ([Hand] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Card #B21-047HN • Artist: Koji
TCGCipher B22-090R.png Emperor Chanting Supremacy, Edelgard



"Years ago, we fought here as classmates. But not today."
Attack: 70 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Armored Lord Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Raging Flames: [Activate] [Tap this unit] [Flip three bond cards] Choose up to 3 non-Main Character enemies who are in the Back Line, and destroy them.
Ideals-Trailblazing Magic Axe: [Trigger] At the start of your opponent's turn, if there are more allies than enemies, then until the end of the turn, all allies gain +10 attack.
Card #B22-090R • Artist: Rika Suzuki
TCGCipher B22-091N.png Leader of the Black Eagle House, Edelgard


"No matter the tactics you devise, we will destroy you. The best you can hope for is to learn a thing or two."
Attack: 40 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Noble Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Imperial Princess's Majesty: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Tap 2 other Fódlan allies] Choose 1 enemy, and move them.
Attack Support Authority Emblem: [Support] Choose 1 ally other than your attacking unit. You may move that ally.
Card #B22-091N • Artist: Tomohide Takaya
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Edelgard as well as Flame_Emperor and Hegemon_Edelgard.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Edelgard appears as two spirits, one as her Part I incarnation and the other as her Part II. Edelgard is an Advanced attack-type spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, using her Part I artwork from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. When equipped to a player character, she grants one support spirit slot.

SSBU Spirit Edelgard.png #1382
Fire Emblem Series
Type: SSBU spirit type icon attack.png Attack
Rank: ★★
Number of support spirit slots:
Can be upgraded at level 99 to: Edelgard - Five Years Later
Level 1 stats:

Attack: 704
Defense: 1225
Power: 1929

Level 99 stats:

Attack: 2832
Defense: 4928
Power: 7760

Edelgard can be enhanced when she reaches level 99, becoming Edelgard - Five Years Later. She is an Ace attack-type spirit, using her Part II art from Three Houses. When equipped by a playable character, she grants one support spirit slot and reduces move speed, slightly increases attack, and greatly increases defense.

SSBU Spirit Edelgard - Five Years Later.png #1383
Fire Emblem Series
Edelgard - Five Years Later
Type: SSBU spirit type icon attack.png Attack
Rank: ★★★
Number of support spirit slots:
Trait: Armor Knight
Reduces move speed, but greatly increases defense and slightly increases attack.
Level 1 stats:

Attack: 1245
Defense: 2166
Power: 3922

Level 99 stats:

Attack: 3754
Defense: 6530
Power: 11826

WarioWare: Get It Together!

Edelgard appears in the microgame, Fire Emblem: Three Houses at level 3. Like Dimitri at level 2, the player must choose clearly-written text in order to pass. Unlike it, however, the wrong answers all use letters that resemble those from the correct answer's, and selecting those will result in Edelgard herself not understanding what the player is saying, thus failing the microgame.

Notable merchandise

Image Information Price Release date
Plush Edelgard.jpg Edelgard received a plush in the second batch of the Fire Emblem All-Star Collection toyline. ¥3,300 June 2022JP

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
Three Houses
(Part I)
Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire
Three Houses
(Part II)
Adrestian Emperor
(Bond Ring)
Imperial princess of the Adrestian
Empire, a land in another world.

Leader of the Black Eagle House at
the Garreg Mach Monastery.

She is a noble woman who is
determined to reform the world.

Appears in Three Houses.



(Emblem Bracelet, in battle)
Known as the Emblem of Rivals.
Smashes her enemies to dust with
skilled use of axes.
(Emblem Bracelet, in battle, Fell Xenologue)
An Emblem that awakened from the
Bracelet of Three Houses.[sic]
(Emblem Bracelet, ring reference)
Known as the Emblem of Rivals.
The refined and dignified Imperial
Princess of Flames.

Heir apparent of the Adrestian
Empire in another world.

She fought for her ideals as leader of
the Black Eagle House.


(Edelgard: The Future)
Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian
Empire. Her steadfast ambition is veiled by her
elegant, self-confident demeanor. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Flame Emperor: Bringer of War)
A mysterious individual who instigates conflict,
disturbing the peace in Fódlan. Willing to use
any method to achieve their objectives. Appears
in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Edelgard: Flame Emperor)
Emperor of the Adrestian Empire. Destroyer of
the Church of Seiros and unifier of all Fódlan.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor)
After ascending as Adrestian Emperor, she
defeated the Church of Seiros, solidifying her
reign over all of Fódlan. Appears in Fire
Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Edelgard: Hegemon Husk)
Adrestian Emperor who has chosen to take on
a grotesque form for the sake of pursuing her
ideals. Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Edelgard: Sun Empresses)
Legendary empress of Tellius joins future
emperor of Fódlan for a vacation to the
tropics. They appear in Fire Emblem:
Three Houses / Radiant Dawn.
(『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月・暁の女神』)
(Edelgard: Snowfall Future)
Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian
Empire. Advances on Askr's winter festival
with the intent of ensuring its success.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
Warriors: Three Hopes
Princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire
Warriors: Three Hopes
(Part I and Part II)
Emperor of Adrestia

Meet some of the Heroes entries

The Future Flame Emperor Adrestian Emperor Hegemon Husk Sun Empresses Snowfall Future Flame Emperor: Bringer of War

Edelgard: The Future
FEH mth Edelgard The Future 01.png FEH mth Edelgard The Future 02.png FEH mth Edelgard The Future 03.png FEH mth Edelgard The Future 04.png
Edelgard is the leader of the Black Eagle House, home to students from the Adrestian Empire at the Officers Academy in the continent of Fódlan. She's the only heir to the empire's throne, and she's got a dignified and confident bearing that puts other princes and princesses to shame! *sigh* You can trust me on that one. Edelgard studies history and the art of kingcraft with a passion, and it seems like she has some kind of goal or ambition that drives her. She also has a cool, methodical personality, so whatever her plan is, she'll make sure she sees it through step-by-step. Once she's finished studying with the Black Eagles, I wonder what kind of future she'll make for herself?
Closely Associated Characters
Dimitri Claude {{{Related_name3}}} {{{Related_name4}}} {{{Related_name5}}}
The Prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and heir to the throne. He's known for his bravery and fidelity, but there's a shadow hanging over him. He's the leader of the Blue Lions and a rival of Edelgard. The heir of Duke Riegan, head of the Leicester Alliance. He's a hard man to get a grasp of, and employs means both fair and foul to get his way. Leader of the Golden Deer House and another of Edelgard's rivals. {{{Related_blurb3}}} {{{Related_blurb4}}} {{{Related_blurb5}}}

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
1 Portrait edelgard fe16w cyl.pngPortrait edelgard fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Three Houses (Academy arc)
213 Portrait flame emperor fe16a cyl.png
Flame Emperor
Three Houses (Academy arc)
Portrait flame emperor fe16a cyl.png
Flame Emperor
Three Houses (Academy arc)
CYL 6 onwards Ineligible
Total results This character has 3 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 75,998


  • Cristina Vee voiced Edelgard in the English version of Three Houses's E3 2018 trailer, but does not voice Edelgard in the final game.[8][9]
  • If paralogues are discounted, Edelgard is tied with the Death Knight for the most appearances as an enemy in a single main-series game, with 6 on the Azure Moon and Verdant Wind routes of Three Houses; she is fought in chapters 1, 7, 11, 12, 17, and either 22 (on Azure Moon) or 20 (on Verdant Wind).
  • Disregarding enemy-only abilities, Edelgard bears the Seal Strength and Seal Magic abilities as an enemy despite being unable to obtain them as a playable unit.
  • Edelgard is the only playable character with a Crest of Seiros, and thus the only one who can receive additional healing from the Seiros Shield without New Game +; however, it cannot be obtained in Crimson Flower, the only route where Edelgard is fully available.
  • Edelgard's name appears on a box in the background of the "Hammerbarn" episode of the TV show Bluey, along with Dimitri's and Claude's.

Etymology and other languages

Edelgard von Hresvelg

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Edelgard von Hresvelg

Full name, known by just Edelgard in most menus. Edelgard is a Germanic given name, "Edel-" (Proto-Germanic *aþalaz) meaning "noble" and "-gard" (Proto-Germanic *gardaz) meaning "yard"; surname from Norse mythology, Hræsvelgr or "corpse swallower" in Old Norse, a Jötunn who takes the form of an eagle.



Edelgard von Hresvelg


Edelgard von Hresvelg

As above.


Edelgard von Hresvelg

As above.


Edelgard von Hresvelg

As above.


Edelgard von Hresvelg

As above.



Used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Edelgard von Hresvelg

As above.[10]



Edelgard; used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


에델가르트 폰 흐레스벨그

Edelgard von Hresvelg

Simplified Chinese


Edelgard von Hresvelg

Traditional Chinese


Edelgard von Hresvelg

Flame Emperor

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Flame Emperor




Flame Emperor


Emperador del Fuego

Flame Emperor


Empereur des Flammes

Flame Emperor



Flame Emperor


Imperatore della Fiamma

Flame Emperor


Fogo Soberano

Fire Sovereign



Flame Emperor

Simplified Chinese


Flame Emperor

Traditional Chinese


Flame Emperor

Hegemon Edelgard

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Hegemon Edelgard




Hegemony Corpse Edelgard; could also mean "husk" instead of "corpse".


Hegemona Edelgard

Hegemon Edelgard


Edelgard la Conquérante

Edelgard the Conqueror


Hegemon Edelgard

Hegemon Edelgard


Edelgard egemone

Hegemon Edelgard


패해 에델가르트

Hegemony Corpse Edelgard

Simplified Chinese


Hegemon Corpse Edelgard

Traditional Chinese


Hegemon Corpse Edelgard


Main article: Edelgard/Gallery

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Credits
  2. "Your protagonist meets three main characters—Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude—who play important roles in the story."Fire Emblem: Three Houses revealed for Nintendo Switch,
  3. "Me? Well…some think I'm a bit distant. Arrogant, even. But there's little to be done. One day, I must rise to become Adrestia's next emperor." — Edelgard in Chapter 1, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  4. "Edelgard:'ve undergone a blood reconstruction surgery. Is that the case, Lysithea?
    Lysithea: Correct. It wasn't as though I had a say in any of this.
    Edelgard: I see. So you've lived through that relentless terror and agony...and survived.
    Lysithea: You speak of all of this as though you understand it on a personal level... Edelgard, have you...
    " — Edelgard and Lysithea in their B support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  5. "Lysithea: Is it really true that you intend to create a world in which Crests no longer exist?
    Edelgard: It's true. My aim is to dismantle the current system of aristocracy. The only reason nobles enjoy the status they do is because their bloodlines carry Crests. If Crests lose their value, so will titles of nobility.
    " — Edelgard and Lysithea in their A support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  6. "Jeralt: Oh, we've met him all right. But back to you. You're the one responsible for the destruction of this village.
    Flame Emperor: Do not get the wrong idea.
    Jeralt: What in blazes does that mean?
    Flame Emperor: It is true that I am working with Solon. But that does not mean our objectives are the same. Had I known they planned to do this, I would have stopped it. You have my word.
    " — The Flame Emperor and Jeralt in Chapter 8, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  7. "Bernadetta: But, um, what in the world could possibly frighten you?
    Edelgard: The sea. I find the pitch black of the open sea at night quite frightening. I can't swim, so if the sea were to wash me away, I fear I would never return.
    " — Edelgard and Bernadetta in their C support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  8. "Yes, that is me you hear as Edelgard! This looks amazing, I can't wait. #FireEmblemThreeHouses"Cristina Vee on Twitter, Twitter, Published: June 12, 2018, Retrieved: June 12, 2018
  9. "well that too. it's been a tough year, haha."Cristina Vee on Twitter, Twitter, Published: June 6, 2019, Retrieved: June 6, 2019
  10. "Eu sou Edelgard von Hresvelg, imperatriz de Adrestia. Vou libertar meu povo de suas velhas algemas." — Edelgard: Adrestian Emperor when being summoned, Fire Emblem Heroes
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Playable characters Black Eagles BernadettaCasparDorotheaEdelgardFerdinandHubertLinhardtPetra
Blue Lions AnnetteAsheDedueDimitriFelixIngridMercedesSylvain
Golden Deer ClaudeHildaIgnatzLeonieLorenzLysitheaMarianneRaphael
Other AloisAnnaDLCBylethCatherineCyrilFlaynGilbertHannemanJeritzaManuelaSetethShamir
Ashen WolvesDLC BalthusConstanceHapiYuri
Non-playable characters AbysskeeperDLCDuke AegirFlecheGatekeeperDuke GerthIonius IXJeraltJudithLadislavaNaderRandolphRheaRodrigueSothis
Bosses AcheronAelfricDLCAloisLord ArundelBiasBlaiddydCasparCatherineCharonChilonClaudeCorneliaDaphnelDedueDeath KnightDimitriDominicBaron DominicEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynFraldariusGautierGloucesterGonerilGwendalHubertIngridThe Immaculate OneThe ImmovableJudithKostasKronyaLadislavaLamineLinhardtLonatoLorenzMercedesMetodeyMiklanMysonNaderNemesisBaron OchsDLCOdessePallardóPittacusRandolphRheaRieganRodrigueSetethShamirSolonSylvainThalesWandering BeastThe Wind Caller
Background characters Lord ArundelCount BergliezCorneliaMargrave GautierGlennCount GloucesterCount HevringHolstLambertMonicaPatriciaRufusSeirosSitriTomasTianaCount Varley
Personal weapons and regalia Aegis ShieldAreadbharAsclepiusAthameAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBlutgangCaduceus StaffCirce StaffCrusherFailnaughtFetters of DromiFreikugelThe InexhaustibleLance of RuinLúinOchain ShieldRafail GemScythe of SarielSeiros ShieldSpear of AssalSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorTathlum BowThunderbrandThyrsusVajra-Mushti
Chapters Part I
White Clouds
P: An Inevitable Encounter • 1: Three Houses • 2: Familiar Scenery • 3: Mutiny in the Mist • 4: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth • 5: Tower of Black Winds • 6: Rumors of a Reaper • 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion • 8: The Flame in the Darkness • 9: The Cause of Sorrow • 10: Where the Goddess Dwells • 11: Throne of Knowledge • 12: To War Black Eagles, if Byleth sides against EdelgardBlue LionsGolden Deer / Outset of a Power Struggle Black Eagles, if Byleth sides with Edelgard
Part II Silver Snow
Silver Snow
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: A King Without a Kingdom • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: The Impregnable Fortress • 18: The Chaos of War • 19: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads • 20: The City Without Light • 21: Following a Dream
Azure Moon
Azure Moon
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: The Delusional Prince • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: Blood of the Eagle and Lion • 18: The King's Triumphant Return • 19: The Golden Deer's Plea • 20: The Impregnable Fortress • 21: Our Chosen Paths • 22: Oath of the Dagger
Verdant Wind
Verdant Wind
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: The Alliance Leader's Ambitions • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: Blood of the Eagle and Lion • 18: The Golden Scheme • 19: The Chaos of War • 20: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads • 21: The City Without Light • 22: Fódlan's New Dawn
Crimson Flower
Crimson Flower
13: Beyond Escape • 14: The Master Tactician • 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields • 16: Lady of Deceit • 17: Field of Revenge • 18: To the End of a Dream
Paralogues Paralogues Part I Black Market SchemeDLCA Cursed RelicDLCDeath TollDividing the World Black Eagles, if Byleth sides against EdelgardBlue LionsGolden DeerFalling Short of HeavenThe ForgottenLand of the Golden DeerAn Ocean ViewOil and WaterRumored NuptialsThe Secret MerchantDLC Blue LionsGolden DeerSword and Shield of SeirosTales of the Red CanyonTrue ChivalryWar for the Weak Blue Lions
Part II Darkness Beneath the Earth Crimson FlowerDividing the World Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindEternal Guardian Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindThe Face Beneath Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindForeign Land and SkyForgotten HeroInsurmountable Crimson FlowerLegend of the LakeRetribution Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindThe Secret MerchantDLC Crimson FlowerThe Silver Maiden Azure MoonThe Sleeping Sand Legend Verdant WindWeathervanes of Fódlan Azure Moon
Cindered Shadows
Cindered Shadows
1: The Fourth House • 2: What Lies Beneath • 3: The Rite of Rising • 4: Danger in the Dark • 5: Betrayal • 6: Return to Me • 7: Wolf Pack
Locations FódlanAdrestiaFaerghusGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • LeicesterAlmyraBrigidDagdaSrengZahras
Groups, objects and concepts 10 ElitesAshen WolvesBlack Eagles (Black Eagle Strike Force) • Blue LionsChildren of the GoddessChurch of Seiros (Knights of Seiros) • Crests (Crest Stone) • Divine PulseGolden DeerHeroes' RelicsInsurrection of the SevenMonstersThose who slither in the darkTragedy of DuscurWar of Heroes
Lists AbilitiesChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItems (Monastery items) • QuestsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Class masteryDownloadable contentMusic LibraryName chart • Other games (Warriors: Three Hopes) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Timeline
Fire Emblem Engage
Playable characters AlcrystAlearAlfredAmberAnnaBoucheronBunetCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGregoryHortensiaIvyJadeJeanKagetsuLapisLindonLouisMadelineMauvierMerrinNelNilPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSaphirSeadallTimerraVanderVeyleYunakaZelestiaZelkov
Non-playable characters AnisseAnjeCalneyDurthonÈvePinetSeanSeforiaSommie
Bosses AlcrystAlfredAbymeBylethCamillaCelicaCélineChromCorrinDiamantEirikaFogadoGrissHectorHortensiaHyacinthIkeIvyLeifLucinaLumeraLynMarniMarthMauvierMicaiahMitanMorionNelucceNilPast AlearRobinRodineRoySigurdSombronSorenTerondaTetchieTikiTimerraTotchieVeronicaVeyleZephia
Background characters Nil
Emblems AlearBylethCamillaCelicaChromClaudeCorrinDimitriEdelgardEirikaEphraimHectorIkeLeifLucinaLynMarthMicaiahRobinRoySigurdSorenTikiVeronica
Regalia and personal weapons LibérationMisericordeObscuritéWille Glanz
Chapters Main story P: The Emblems • 1: Awake at Last • 2: Queen Lumera • 3: Hostilities • 4: A Land in Bloom • 5: Retaking the Castle • 6: The Stolen Ring • 7: Dark Emblem • 8: The Kingdom of Might • 9: A Clash of Forces • 10: The Fell Dragon Sombron • 11: Retreat • 12: The Sentinels • 13: Heroes of the Oasis • 14: The Battle for Solm • 15: Dancer in the Ruins • 16: Seashore Travels • 17: Serenity in Ruin • 18: The Cold Voyage • 19: The Dead Town • 20: The Kingless Castle • 21: The Return • 22: The Fell & the Divine • 23: The Four Hounds • 24: Recollections • 25: The Final Guardian • 26: The Last Engage
Paralogues Budding TalentMysterious MerchantThe ExaltThe Lady of the PlainsThe Radiant HeroThe InstructorThe Crux of FateThe Azure TwinThe Holy KnightThe Sage LordThe Dawn MaidenThe Young LionThe Caring PrincessThe Hero-KingThe Connector
Divine Paralogues The AncestorThe Brash GeneralThe Lonely HeirThe Radiant StrategistThe Doting SisterThe Shepherd Exalt
Fell Xenologue 1: Dragons from Afar • 2: Seeds of Unrest • 3: Path to War • 4: Clash of Queens • 5: The Fell Heir • 6: Seven Bracelets
Locations ElyosBrodiaElusiaFireneGradlonLythosSolmSomniel
Groups, objects, and concepts CorruptedEmblem RingsFour HoundsFour WindsFirst Fell Dragon War
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Downloadable contentMangaName chart • Other games (Fire Emblem series) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • SoundtrackTimelineWorld map
Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters Heroes AlfonseAnnaAshAskrBrunoDagrEikþyrnirEirEitrEitriElmEmblaFáfnirFehFehnixFjormFreyjaFreyrGanglötGinnungagapGullveigGunnthráGustavHeiðrHeiðrúnHelHelbindiHenrietteHræsvelgrHrídKiranKvasirLaegjarnLæraðrLaevateinLetiziaLífLokiMirabilisMúspellNerþuzNiðavellirNíðhöggrNiflNjörðrNóttÓtrPeonyPlumeriaRatatoskrReginnSeiðrSharenaSurtrThórrThrasirTriandraVeronicaYlgrYmir
SDatBoL, MotE, NMotE AbelArlenAstramAthenaBantuBarstCaedaCainCamusCastorCatriaClarisseDarrosDraugEliceEremiyaEstGharnefGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianKatarinaKrisLegionLenaLindeLukeMaliceMarthMariaMatthisMedeusMerricMichalisMinervaNagaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRickardRoderickRosheaSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWolfWrysXaneYuliya
Shadows of Valentia AlmAtlasBerkutBoeyBrigand BossCatriaCelicaClairCliveConradDeenDeltheaDumaFayeFernandForsythGennyGrayHestiaKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMarlaMathildaMilaMycenPallaPythonRineaRudolfSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Genealogy of the Holy War AltenaAnnandArdenAresArionArthurArvisAyraAzelleBrigidCedDeirdreDíthorbaEldiganErinysEthlynFebailFeeHildaIshtarJamkeJuliaJuliusLachesisLarceiLeneLewynLexPattyQuanScáthachSeliphShannanSigurdSilviaTailtiuTineTravantUllr
Thracia 776 AsbelAugustEyvelFinnGalzusKarinKempfLaraLeifLifisMareetaMirandaNannaOlwenOsianPerneReinhardtRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraTanyaTinaVeld
The Binding Blade BartreBrunnyaCathCeciliaChadClarineDieckDorothyEchidnaElimineFaeFirGalleGeeseGonzalezGuinivereGwendolynHughIdunnIgreneJunoKleinLarumLilinaLughMeladyMerlinusMurdockNarcianNiimeNoahPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSophiaSueTheaWoltZelotZephiel
The Blazing Blade BramimondCanasDorcasEliwoodErkFargusFarinaFioraFlorinaGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLeilaLimstellaLinusLloydLouiseLuciusLynMarkMatthewNergalNilsNinianNinoPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaSainSerraSoniaUrsulaWilZephiel
The Sacred Stones AmeliaArturCaellachColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFomortiisFordeGerikGilliamGlenInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMyrrhNatashaNeimiOrsonRennacRievRossSalehSelenaSethSyreneTanaTethysValterVanessaVigarde
Path of Radiance AshnardAstridBertramBlack KnightBoydElinciaGatrieGreilIkeIlyanaJillMarciaMiaMistNepheneeOscarPetrineRolfSanakiSephiranShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaVolkeZihark
Radiant Dawn AltinaAsheraBastianCaineghisDheginseaEdwardElinciaEnaGeoffreyHaarHeatherIkeJarodJorgeKurthnagaKyzaLeanneLeonardoLetheLuciaLudveckLyreMiaMicaiahMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNailahNolanOliverPelleasRafielRanulfReysonRhysSanakiSotheTibarnTormodVikaYuneZelgius
Awakening AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelle"Marth"MorganMustafaMirielNagaNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePhilaPriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeValidarVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Fates AnankosAreteArthurAzamaAzuraBennyBerukaCaeldoriCamillaCandaceCharlotteCorrinDwyerEffieEliseFeliciaFloraForrestFugaGaronGunterHanaHansHayatoHinataHinokaIagoJakobKadenKageroKanaKazeKeatonKiragiLaslowLeoLilithMidoriMikotoMozuNilesNinaNyxOboroOdinOpheliaOrochiPeriReinaRhajatRinkahRyomaSakuraSaizoSelenaSelkieSetsunaShigureShiroSiegbertSilasSoleilSubakiTakumiVelouriaXanderYukimura
Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes AelfricAnnetteArvalAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparCatherineClaudeConstanceCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDedueDimitriDorotheaEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynGatekeeperHapiHildaHolstHubertIgnatzIngridJeraltKronyaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMonicaNemesisPetraRaphaelRheaSeirosSetethShamirShezSolonSothisSylvainYuri
Engage AlcrystAlearAlfredCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFrammeGoldmaryHortensiaIvyKagetsuLapisLumeraMarthMauvierNelRosadoSeadallTimerraVeyleYunakaZephia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore EleonoraItsukiKiriaMamoriTsubasa
Story Maps Book I PrefaceP: World of Zenith • 1: World of Mystery • 2: World of Conquest • 3: World of Binding • 4: World of Awakening • 5: Back to Mystery • 6: World of Birthright • 7: World of Blazing • 8: Back to Awakening • 9: Heroes Invade • 10: World of Radiance • 11: Rite of Shadows • 12: Bitter Enemies • 13: Diabolical BloodlineI: A Power AwakensI: The Rite of Blades
Book II 1: The Flame • 2: Princess of Ice • 3: Guided by a Dream • 4: Fiery Resolve • 5: Blood and Snow • 6: The True Quarry • 7: Snow and Ash • 8: Rite of Frost • 9: Hellfire • 10: The King's Demise • 11: Prince of Ice • 12: Seeping Poison • 13: A Way Home
Book III 1: Death • 2: The Dread Gate • 3: Countdown • 4: A King's Worth • 5: A Father's Legacy • 6: Realm of the Dead • 7: A Home Unknown • 8: Truth of a Name • 9: Cohort of the Dead • 10: Omnicidal Witch • 11: Where It Began • 12: Lethal Swordsman • 13: Marvelous Dream
Book IV 1: The Dream • 2: Missing You • 3: Gullinkambi • 4: On Dark Wings • 5: Twisted Reality • 6: Dreaming Reality • 7: Steeped in Twilight • 8: Wallowing in Love • 9: Violent Fantasies • 10: Lack • 11: Plumeria's Dream • 12: Triandra's Dream • 13: Reality
Book V 1: Machine Dominion • 2: Kingsbrother • 3: Forest of the Sage • 4: The Vital Blade • 5: Night and Day • 6: Treachery • 7: Bound Elsewhere • 8: Serpent's Whispers • 9: Echoes of Truth • 10: Howling Descent • 11: Deceit • 12: What Remains • 13: Specter of Niðavellir
Book VI 1: Darkness • 2: Curse Directive • 3: Calling of Blood • 4: Princess Alone • 5: Evil Ways • 6: Revealing Lies • 7: To Be Emperor • 8: Closing In • 9: Opening a Way • 10: God of Openness • 11: One Last Chance • 12: Princess and Prince • 13: Askr and Embla
Book VII 13: Time • 5: Divine Foretelling • 6: King of Light • 7: Goddess Reunion • 8: Seeing the Present • 2: World of the Past • 3: Within Wheels • 4: Ouroboros • 9: The Innocent • 10: Light's Fading • 11: Without Limits • 12: Seer of the Past • 1: Golden Seer
Book VIII 1: Healing • 2: Traitor • 3: Bait • 4: Imperial Blood • 5: A Royal Target • 6: Hand Reveal • 7: Ceremony Day • 8: The World-Tree • 9: Healing Nectar
Paralogues X1: Detached Princess • 1: Family Bonds • 2: Sibling Bonds • 3: Blazing Shadows • 4: Spring Festival • 5: World of Shadows • 6: Bridal Blessings • X2: The Brink of Chaos • 7: Echoes of Mystery • 8: Ylissean Summer • 9: Nohrian Summer • 10: The Sacred World • 11: Brave Heroes • 12: Performing Arts • 13: World of Holy War • 14: Trick or Defeat! • 15: Farfetched Heroes • 16: Winter's Envoy • 17: Happy New Year! • X3: The People's Hero • 18: Love Abounds • 19: Hares at the Fair • 20: Bridal Bloom • 21: Summer's Arrival • 22: A Sketchy Summer • 23: Festival in Hoshido • 24: Arrival of the Brave • 25: The Land's Bounty • 26: Brave Redux • 27: Adrift • X4: Whispers of Death • 28: Gifts of Winter • 29: New Year's Wish • 30: Hostile Springs • 31: Greil's Devoted • 32: Regal Rabbits • 33: A Season for Picnics • 34: Bridal Belonging • 35: Summer Returns • 36: Summer Refreshes • 37: Brave Echoes • 38: A Splendid Soiree • 39: Treat Fiends • X5: Heavenly Witness • 40: Glorious Gifts • 41: Renewed Spirit • 42: A Star Is Born • 43: Lovely Gifts • 44: Familial Festivities • 45: The Start of It All • 46: Bridal Beloveds • 47: Summer Passing • 48: Overseas Memories • 49: Pirate's Pride • 50: To Stay Dreaming • 51: Dragons Harvest • 52: In the Moment • 53: A Festival Miracle • 54: Beyond Dreaming • 55: Dark Desert Rituals • 56: Love of a King • 57: Willful Rabbits • 58: Childhood Encounter • 59: Bridal Grace • 60: Summer Vibrance • 61: Summer's Dream • 62: Perilous Seas • 63: Scions of Twelve • 64: Shared Bounty • 65: Ninja Training • 66: Winter Dreamland • 67: Like Clockwork • 68: Of Lost Kingdoms • 69: Here with Me • 70: Hop-and-Go-Seek • 71: Unlikely Friends • 72: Bridal Blossoms • 73: Summer Vacation • 74: Taken by the Tide • 75: Risk and Reward • 76: Bite of Flame • 77: Divine Harvest • 78: Wyvern Ninja • 79: Holiday Handoff • 80: Gods Renewed • 81: Sage of Khadein? • 82: A Special Gift • 83: Spring Eternal • 84: No Matter Where • 85: Bridal Dreams • 86: Summer Longing • 87: Summer Firsts • 88: Invitation to Tea • 89: Winds Offered • 90: Merchant's Harvest • 91: Our Path Ahead • 92: Holiday Lessons • 93: Ring In the Year • 94: Nabata's Shield • 95: May This Last • 96: A Place to Rest • 97: Double Vision • 98: Brides to Be • 99: Flush Summer • 100: Loving Sea
Locations The Sacred WorldWorld of AwakeningWorld of BindingWorld of BirthrightWorld of BlazingWorld of ConquestWorld of CrestsWorld of DawnWorld of Holy WarWorld of MysteryWorld of Mystery RenewedWorld of OriginWorld of RadianceWorld of ShadowsWorld of Thracia • World of Zenith (Askran KingdomDökkálfheimrEmblian EmpireHelJötunheimrLjósálfheimrMúspellNiflNiðavellirVanaheimrYggdrasill)
Groups, objects, and concepts BreidablikCurse DirectiveHealing HandsOrbOrder of HeroesRaritySummoning (summoning events)
Game modes Aether Raids (Aether Resort) • Affinity Auto-BattlesBinding WorldsBlessed GardensChain ChallengeColiseum (Allegiance BattleArena AssaultArena DuelsResonant BattleSummoner Duel) • Forging BondsFrontline PhalanxGrand ConquestsHall of FormsHeroes JourneyHeroic OrdealsLost LoreMjölnir's StrikePawns of LokiRøkkr SiegesSeer's SnareSpecial Maps (Bound Hero BattlesEmblem Hero BattlesEvent MapsGrand Hero BattlesHero BattlesLegendary Hero BattlesLimited Hero BattlesMythic Hero BattlesRelay DefenseRival DomainsSpecial Training MapsTrial Maps) • Squad AssaultTactics DrillsTap BattleTempest TrialsTraining TowerUnited WarfrontVoting Gauntlet
Related topics A Hero RisesAncient LettersAnniversary Illustrations‎Artists (0–9, A–LM–Z) • CalendarsChoose Your LegendsFeh PassEvent calendarsFind & Vote Heroes!A Day in the LifeMini Acrylic Figure CollectionList of status effectsList of version differences (Name chart) • Meet some of the HeroesPre-release information (Unused content) • Voting Jubilee
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Playable characters Scarlet Blaze AsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparConstanceDorotheaEdelgardFerdinandHapiHubertIgnatzJeraltJeritzaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMonicaPetraRaphaelShamirShezYuri
Azure Gleam AnnetteAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCatherineConstanceDedueDimitriDorotheaFelixFlaynHapiIgnatzIngridJeraltJeritzaLinhardtLorenzMarianneMercedesPetraRaphaelRodrigueSetethShamirShezSylvainYuri
Golden Wildfire AsheBalthusBernadettaBylethClaudeConstanceDorotheaHapiHildaHolstIgnatzJeraltLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaMariannePetraRaphaelShamirShezYuri
Other ArvalGatekeeperRheaSothis
Non-playable characters AcheronAloisAnnaLord ArundelCount BergliezCaptain BerlingCleobulusCorneliaFlecheMargrave GautierGetzCount GloucesterGonerilGustaveHannemanCount HevringThe Immaculate OneThe ImmovableJudithLadislavaLazleyMiklanRandolphSeirosSolonThalesTomasCount VarleyThe Wind Caller (TBA)
Bosses AcheronDuke AegirAnaximandrosLord ArundelCount BergliezBiasBylethCasparCatherineClaudeCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDimitriDolofonosEpimenidesFerdinandFlaynFlecheMargrave GautierIngridJeraltKostasKronyaLadislavaMetodeyMysonNaderPallardóPittacusRheaRufusSetethShahidShamirShezSolonThalesCount Varley (TBA)
Personal weapons and regalia Aegis ShieldAmaltheaAreadbharAsclepiusAthameAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBlutgangCaduceus StaffCirce StaffCrusherDahakaFailnaughtFetters of DromiFreikugelHrottiIchor ScrollThe InexhaustibleJárngreiprLabraundaLance of RuinLúinOchain ShieldRafail GemRidillScroll of TalosScythe of SarielSeiros ShieldShamshirSpear of AssalSuttungr's MysterySword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorTathlum BowThunderbrandThyrsusVajra-MushtiWind Caller's Genesis (TBA)
Chapters Prologue
0: Crossed Roads • 1: A Chance Encounter • 2: Three Houses • 3: The Shadows of Adrestia Black Eagles / Crisis in Fhirdiad Blue Lions / The Battle for the Locket Golden Deer
Scarlet Blaze
Scarlet Blaze
4: The Struggle Commences • 5: Skirmish in the Fog • 6: Bridge of Betrayal • 7: The Triumph of Valor • 8: The Maiden's Peril • 9: Unrest in Enbarr • 10: Shifting History • 11: Heroic Bloodlines • 12: The Rising Darkness • 13: Severing the Past • 14A: A Clash of Ambitions • 14B: Torment of the Eagle and Lion • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: A Path Forward
Azure Gleam
Azure Gleam
4: To War! • 5: Skirmish in the Fog • 6: Conspiracy in the Air • 7: The King Awakens • 8: The Blood-Stained Lance • 9: Reunion at the Fortress City • 10: Fanaticism • 11: Reprisal • 12: A Trick of the Goddess • 13: Clash of Torment • 14: The Absent Emperor • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: The End of Tragedy
Golden Wildfire
Golden Wildfire
4: To War! • 5: The Golden Guardian • 6: The Leader's Stratagem • 7: A Contest of Beasts • 8: What Makes a King • 9: The End of the Alliance • 10: Love and Loss • 11: The Sword Swings Wide • 12: Two Kings • 13: Darkness Attacks • 14: A Symbol of the Past • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: Field of Beginnings
The Ashen Wolves' ReunionComing CleanCycles of NostalgiaEagles, Lions, and DeerEnshrouded MemoriesEvil's Bane and Love's ProtectionA Grand Day for the Opera CompanyAn Incurable Shut-InLike Cats and DogsLove and Hate in WartimeMercenary ComplicationsA Night of WonderA Noble Among NoblesRaiders from the NorthA Reason to FightRight Where They're WantedThe Saints' ForgeThe Seiros SnareUnder the Protection of the Golden DeerUnsettling TruthsWhat Lies WithinWildflowers for the Future
Locations FódlanAdrestiaBase CampFaerghusGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • LeicesterAlmyraBrigidDagdaSrengZahras
Groups, objects and concepts 10 ElitesAshen WolvesBlack EaglesBlue LionsChildren of the GoddessChurch of Seiros (Knights of Seiros) • Crests (Crest Stone) • Golden DeerHeroes' RelicsInsurrection of the SevenMonstersThose who slither in the darkTragedy of DuscurWar of Heroes
Related topics DocumentsMusic PlayerName chart • Other games (WarriorsThree Houses) • Pre-release information (Unused content)