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Falling Short of Heaven

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Falling Short of Heaven

Cm fe16 falling short of heaven.png


Brionac Plateau


Fog of war



Your adoptive father, Lord Lonato, had connections to the Western Church. I understand that you want answers. But our objective is to punish, not to investigate. We can't let you jeopardize the mission.
— Catherine

Falling Short of Heaven (Japanese: ともに天を戴かず Neither Side submits to Heaven's Rule) is a paralogue chapter in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is available from Chapter 9 to Chapter 11. In order to attempt this paralogue, the player must have recruited Ashe or Catherine and neither one must have fallen in battle previously. In this chapter, Rhea and Catherine set out to subdue the Western Church, and Ashe accompanies them to avenge Lonato.


Main article: Falling Short of Heaven/Script

Catherine asks Byleth and their students to accompany Rhea and the Knights of Seiros to subdue the Western Church and execute their bishop. Ashe overhears the conversation and begs to accompany them, bent on getting revenge for their role in Lonato's death. Byleth agrees, and the group sets out for the Western Church's territory. However, the Western Church ambushes them using a fog as cover. The Knights of Seiros and Byleth's class manages to drive off the enemies and slay the bishop. Afterwards, Catherine sends Byleth back to Garreg Mach Monastery while she and Rhea handle the cleanup and install a new bishop. Ashe reveals he has been given some papers regarding his family.

Beginning log

When Catherine and the Knights of Seiros ride out to seek retribution against the Western Church for their attack on the archbishop, Ashe is eager to accompany them.

Chapter data

Normal Hard Maddening

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy or survive for 10 turns Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Byleth or Edelgard Black Eagles/Dimitri Blue Lions/Claude Golden Deer dies*, or Ashe, Catherine, or Rhea die 3–11 {{{partner}}} 1 26+5

Initial No fog

Cm fe16 falling short of heaven.png
Map dimensions:
22 columns by 21 rows

Character data

Black Eagles Black Eagles Blue Lions Blue Lions Golden Deer Golden Deer

New units


Required characters
Byleth f ​Ashe ​Catherine ​
Available characters
Edelgard ​Hubert ​Ferdinand ​Linhardt ​Caspar ​Bernadetta ​Dorothea ​Petra ​Felix ​Sylvain ​Mercedes ​Annette ​Ingrid ​Lorenz ​Raphael ​Ignatz ​Lysithea ​Marianne ​Leonie ​Constance 02 ​Balthus ​Hapi ​Yuri ​Anna ​Shamir ​Flayn ​Hanneman ​Manuela ​
Other characters may be available if the paralogue is attempted later.

This paralogue only requires Ashe or Catherine to be in Byleth's class. If one of them is not a member of Byleth's class, they will be temporarily controllable for this map with the following stats.

Ashe, Normal Ashe, Hard Ashe, Maddening Catherine, Normal Catherine, Hard Catherine, Maddening

Small portrait ashe fe16.png
Ma ns01 archer ashe playable.gif Archer
Level 18
Movement 5
Crest --
Max HP 31 Luck 17
Strength 17 Defense 8
Magic 9 Resistance 12
Dexterity 21 Charm 10+1
Speed 18
Inventory Abilities
Steel Bow
Bowrange +1
Bow Prowess Lv 2
Close Counter
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- -- Church of Seiros Soldiers Lv 3
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
E E E C E E E E E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is ns01 shield.png Steel Shield Dropped by Bishop
Is ns01 stat booster.png Secret Book Dropped by Vice Bishop
Is ns01 torch.png Torch Dropped by enemy Mage
Is ns01 stat booster.png Shoes of the Wind Automatically at the end of the chapter
Is ns01 ring.png Critical Ring Automatically at the end of the chapter
Is ns01 ore.png Umbral Steel Automatically at the end of the chapter
Is ns01 battalion armored silver.png Gaspard Knights Automatically at the end of the chapter if Ashe is a party member

Enemy data

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns01 dark bishop enemy.gif Bishop Dark Bishop 19 1 34 8 21 14 14 10 12 21 10+1 - Banshee Θ Steel ShieldThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat. Miasma Δ Death Γ
Miasma Δ Fiendish Blow Heartseeker Reason Lv 2
West Church Sages Lv 3: Group Lightning
Ma ns01 dark bishop enemy.gif Vice Bishop Dark Bishop 17 1 32 8 21 14 14 10 12 18 9+1 - Banshee Θ Secret BookThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat. Miasma Δ Death Γ
Miasma Δ Fiendish Blow Heartseeker Reason Lv 2
West Church Sages Lv 3: Group Lightning
Ma ns01 bishop enemy.gif Priest Bishop 17 2 32 8 17 13 14 10 12 20 11+1 - Seraphim Nosferatu
White Magic Uses x2 White Magic Heal +10 Terrain Resistance Faith Lv 2
West Church Sages Lv 3: Group Lightning
Ma ns01 pegasus knight enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Pegasus Knight 17 4 33 17 8 15 18 10 12 13 12 7 Steel Lance
Canto Lancefaire Avo +10
The eastern two immediately begin moving unprovoked.
Ma ns01 mage enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Mage 17 1 30 8 11 9 12 8 6 10 11 4 Fire TorchThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ns01 mage enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Mage 17 5 30 8 11 9 12 8 6 10 11 4 Fire
• The western two immediately begin moving unprovoked.
• The southwestern three begin moving unprovoked on turn 8, or if any of them are provoked.
Ma ns01 armored knight enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Armored Knight 17 3 35 11 7 8 5 8 17 1 11 4 Steel Axe
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma ns01 assassin enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Assassin 17 3 33 17 8 15 21 11 12 8 10 6 Steel Sword
Swordfaire Locktouch Stealth
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 5, or if any of them are provoked.
Ma ns01 cavalier enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Cavalier 17 6 33 13 7 10 11 8 10 3 11 7 Steel Lance
• The southeast three immediately begin moving unprovoked.
• The southernmost three all begin moving if any of them are provoked.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns01 pegasus knight enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Pegasus Knight 17 3 33 17 8 15 18 10 12 13 12 7 Steel Lance
Canto Lancefaire Avo +10
Ma ns01 assassin enemy.gif Western Church Soldier Assassin 17 2 33 17 8 15 21 11 12 8 10 6 Steel Sword
Swordfaire Locktouch Stealth


  • Turns 3, 6, and 9; halted if the eastern Bishop is defeated
    • 1 (Normal)/2 (Hard)/3 (Maddening) Pegasus Knights from the east, near the Bishop
  • Turns 5 and 8; halted if the western Bishop is defeated
    • 1 (Normal)/2 (Hard)/3 (Maddening) Assassins from the west, near the Bishop

NPC data

Normal/Hard Maddening

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Dex Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma ns01 archbishop other.gif Rhea Archbishop 10 1 37 19 16 14 14 12 16 17 19+10 - Agnea's Arrow Seiros Shield Fire Bolganone Heal Recover Nosferatu
Sacred Power Charm Commander Terrain Resistance Faith Lv 3
Indech Sword Fighters Lv 3: Retribution
Bears the Crest of Seiros.

Boss data

Normal Hard Maddening

Generic small portrait dark bishop fe16.png
Ma ns01 dark bishop enemy.gif Dark Bishop
Level 19
Movement -
Crest --
Max HP 34 Luck 10
Strength 8 Defense 12
Magic 21 Resistance 21
Dexterity 14 Charm 10+1
Speed 14
Inventory Abilities
Steel ShieldThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat. Miasma Δ
Fiendish Blow
Reason Lv 2
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- Banshee Θ
Miasma Δ
Death Γ
West Church Sages Lv 3
Group Lightning
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
E E E E E A E E E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

Rhea is basically capable of sitting still and taking care of herself, so set out into the fog and take the fight to the Western Church. Split your forces into hunter-killer pairs - one guy goes into the fog to scout out the enemy, and the other darts in and kills them. Buying Torches or using the one dropped by an enemy Mage makes your life much easier. Be very careful when dealing with the Assassins in the northwest corner, as they are extremely fast and can rip you apart if you are too reckless. You can always use Divine Pulse to undo problems that arise from you getting hit from the fog.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Falling Short of Heaven




Neither side submits to heaven's rule


El obispo díscolo

The disobediant bishop


Aux portes du paradis

At the gates of paradise


An der Himmelspforte

At the Heavenly Gate


Il paradiso mancato

The missed paradise


공존할 수 없는 하늘

Neither can coexist under heaven

Simplified Chinese


The sworn enemies

Traditional Chinese


The sworn enemies



Falling Short of Heaven
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Playable characters Black Eagles BernadettaCasparDorotheaEdelgardFerdinandHubertLinhardtPetra
Blue Lions AnnetteAsheDedueDimitriFelixIngridMercedesSylvain
Golden Deer ClaudeHildaIgnatzLeonieLorenzLysitheaMarianneRaphael
Other AloisAnnaDLCBylethCatherineCyrilFlaynGilbertHannemanJeritzaManuelaSetethShamir
Ashen WolvesDLC BalthusConstanceHapiYuri
Non-playable characters AbysskeeperDLCDuke AegirFlecheGatekeeperDuke GerthIonius IXJeraltJudithLadislavaNaderRandolphRheaRodrigueSothis
Bosses AcheronAelfricDLCAloisLord ArundelBiasBlaiddydCasparCatherineCharonChilonClaudeCorneliaDaphnelDedueDeath KnightDimitriDominicBaron DominicEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynFraldariusGautierGloucesterGonerilGwendalHubertIngridThe Immaculate OneThe ImmovableJudithKostasKronyaLadislavaLamineLinhardtLonatoLorenzMercedesMetodeyMiklanMysonNaderNemesisBaron OchsDLCOdessePallardóPittacusRandolphRheaRieganRodrigueSetethShamirSolonSylvainThalesWandering BeastThe Wind Caller
Background characters Lord ArundelCount BergliezCorneliaMargrave GautierGlennCount GloucesterCount HevringHolstLambertMonicaPatriciaRufusSeirosSitriTomasTianaCount Varley
Personal weapons and regalia Aegis ShieldAreadbharAsclepiusAthameAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBlutgangCaduceus StaffCirce StaffCrusherFailnaughtFetters of DromiFreikugelThe InexhaustibleLance of RuinLúinOchain ShieldRafail GemScythe of SarielSeiros ShieldSpear of AssalSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorTathlum BowThunderbrandThyrsusVajra-Mushti
Chapters Part I
White Clouds
P: An Inevitable Encounter • 1: Three Houses • 2: Familiar Scenery • 3: Mutiny in the Mist • 4: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth • 5: Tower of Black Winds • 6: Rumors of a Reaper • 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion • 8: The Flame in the Darkness • 9: The Cause of Sorrow • 10: Where the Goddess Dwells • 11: Throne of Knowledge • 12: To War Black Eagles, if Byleth sides against EdelgardBlue LionsGolden Deer / Outset of a Power Struggle Black Eagles, if Byleth sides with Edelgard
Part II Silver Snow
Silver Snow
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: A King Without a Kingdom • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: The Impregnable Fortress • 18: The Chaos of War • 19: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads • 20: The City Without Light • 21: Following a Dream
Azure Moon
Azure Moon
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: The Delusional Prince • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: Blood of the Eagle and Lion • 18: The King's Triumphant Return • 19: The Golden Deer's Plea • 20: The Impregnable Fortress • 21: Our Chosen Paths • 22: Oath of the Dagger
Verdant Wind
Verdant Wind
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: The Alliance Leader's Ambitions • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: Blood of the Eagle and Lion • 18: The Golden Scheme • 19: The Chaos of War • 20: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads • 21: The City Without Light • 22: Fódlan's New Dawn
Crimson Flower
Crimson Flower
13: Beyond Escape • 14: The Master Tactician • 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields • 16: Lady of Deceit • 17: Field of Revenge • 18: To the End of a Dream
Paralogues Paralogues Part I Black Market SchemeDLCA Cursed RelicDLCDeath TollDividing the World Black Eagles, if Byleth sides against EdelgardBlue LionsGolden DeerFalling Short of HeavenThe ForgottenLand of the Golden DeerAn Ocean ViewOil and WaterRumored NuptialsThe Secret MerchantDLC Blue LionsGolden DeerSword and Shield of SeirosTales of the Red CanyonTrue ChivalryWar for the Weak Blue Lions
Part II Darkness Beneath the Earth Crimson FlowerDividing the World Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindEternal Guardian Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindThe Face Beneath Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindForeign Land and SkyForgotten HeroInsurmountable Crimson FlowerLegend of the LakeRetribution Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindThe Secret MerchantDLC Crimson FlowerThe Silver Maiden Azure MoonThe Sleeping Sand Legend Verdant WindWeathervanes of Fódlan Azure Moon
Cindered Shadows
Cindered Shadows
1: The Fourth House • 2: What Lies Beneath • 3: The Rite of Rising • 4: Danger in the Dark • 5: Betrayal • 6: Return to Me • 7: Wolf Pack
Locations FódlanAdrestiaFaerghusGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • LeicesterAlmyraBrigidDagdaSrengZahras
Groups, objects and concepts 10 ElitesAshen WolvesBlack Eagles (Black Eagle Strike Force) • Blue LionsChildren of the GoddessChurch of Seiros (Knights of Seiros) • Crests (Crest Stone) • Divine PulseGolden DeerHeroes' RelicsInsurrection of the SevenMonstersThose who slither in the darkTragedy of DuscurWar of Heroes
Lists AbilitiesChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItems (Monastery items) • QuestsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Class masteryDownloadable contentMusic LibraryName chart • Other games (Warriors: Three Hopes) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Timeline