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Gambit (Engage skill)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
(Redirected from Shield Gambit)
For the skill from Fire Emblem Heroes, see Gambit (Heroes skill).

Is ns02 gambit.png
Icon of the Gambit skill in Engage.

(Varies depending on which emblem is synced to the user)



First game


Gambit is a skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Engage. It is gained by equipping Edelgard's Emblem Bracelet, or inheriting it from her. It has a four different effects depending on whether the user is synced to Edelgard, Claude, Dimitri, or using it through inheritance.


Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
(Flame Gambit)
Is ns02 flame gambit.png Creates flames terrain in a 3x3 square centered on the target for one turn after combat. Command -- Available when synced with Edelgard.
(Shield Gambit)
Is ns02 gambit.png Nullifies damage dealt by a ranged foe's first attack during combat for one turn. Command -- Available when synced with Dimitri.
(Poison Gambit)
Is ns02 gambit.png Inflicts Is ns02 status poison 01.png poison status on the target and foes adjacent to target after combat. Command -- Available when synced with Claude.
(Assembly Gambit)
Is ns02 gambit.png At the end of combat, user moves one space backward while the primary target moves into user's previous space. Command, if user is adjacent to a foe -- Available when not synced with Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude.
Cost: 1,500 SP



Emblem Bracelets Edelgard (bond level 1)

Flavor text

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Game Text
(Description, Flame Gambit)
Use when synced with Edelgard to
attack a foe, then set the target foe's
space and nearby spaces on fire.
(Description, Shield Gambit)
Use when synced with Dimitri to
negate damage from first attacks of
ranged foes targeting unit in next
enemy phase.
(Description, Poison Gambit)
Use when synced with Claude to
attack a foe, then poison target and
all foes adjacent to it after combat.
(Description, Assembly Gambit)
Use to attack an adjacent foe, then
move 1 space away after combat.
Target foe moves to unit's previous
(Use screen, Flame Gambit)
Set foe's space and nearby
spaces on fire after combat.
(Use screen, Shield Gambit)
First long-range attacks do
no damage.
(Use screen, Poison Gambit)
Poison a target and foes
adjacent to it after combat.
(Use screen, Assembly Gambit)

Etymology and other languages

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Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes



Flame Gambit

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Flame Gambit




Stratagem: Raging Flames Plan; a reference to the Raging Flames gambit from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.


See also


Skills in Fire Emblem Engage
Inheritable skills Art FocusAvoid +Axe GuardAxe PowerBow AgilityBow FocusBow GuardBuild +Defense +Dexterity +Dodge +Hit +HP +HP/Lck +Knife GuardKnife PrecisionLance AgilityLance GuardLance PowerLuck +Magic +Mag/Dex +Mag/Res +Magic GuardMovement +1Resistance +Special GuardSpeed +Spd/Dex +Spd/Res +Staff MasteryStrength +Str/Def +Str/Dex +Sword AgilitySword FocusSword GuardSword PowerTome Precision
Personal skills AdmirationAlabaster DutyAspiring HeroBig PersonalityBlinding FlashBlood FuryCharmerContemplativeCrimson CheerCurious DanceDisarming SighDivinely InspiringEnergizedExpertiseFair FightFairy-Tale FolkFell ProtectionFriendly BoostGenerosityGentle FlowerGet Behind Me!Knightly CodeKnightly EscortMeditationMoved to TearsNot *Quite*Party AnimalProtectiveRacket of SolmSeconds?Self-ImproverShare SpoilsSingle-MindedStunning SmileSurvival PlanTrained to KillVerdant FaithWeapon InsightWill to WinWounded Pride
Class skills Air RaidAllied DefenseBack at YouBrave AssistCareful AimChaos StyleClear the WayConvoyDark SpiritDiffuse HealerDivine SpiritEnchantFell SpiritFrost DomainGolden LotusGrasping VoidHobbleIgnisLet FlyLunaMercilessMiasma DomainNo DistractionsPack HunterPassPincer AttackPivotReforgeResist EmblemsRun ThroughSandstormSelf-HealingSmash+Special DanceSpur EmblemsSolSoulbladeSpell HarmonySwapWorld Tree
Sync skills AdaptabilityAdvanceAlacrityAnima FocusArms ShieldAssign DecoyBlock RecoveryBook of WorldsBraveryBreak DefensesBrute ForceCanterCharmClericDecisive StrikeDemolishDetoxifyDivine PulseDraconic HexDragon VeinDual AssistDual StrikeDual SupportEclipse BraceFavorite FoodFlame GambitFriendly RivalryGentilityGeosphereGroundswellHeadlong RushHealing LightHeavy AttackHold OutHoly StanceKeen InsightLevel BoostLifesphereLightsphereLineageLost & FoundLunar BraceMentorshipMomentumNight and DayPair UpPerceptivePiercing GlarePoison GambitQuick RiposteRally SpectrumRepositionReprisalResolveResonanceSacred TwinsShield GambitSilence WardSolar BraceSP ConversionSpeedtakerStarsphereSurprise AttackQuality TimeUnyieldingVantageWeapon SyncWrath
Engage skills AdaptableAtrocityAttunedAugmentBlue SkiesBond ForgerBonded ShieldBoon of ElyosCall DoublesCombat ArtsContractDivine SpeedDraconic FormDreadful AuraEchoEclipse BraceFallen StarFlareGallopHoly AuraHoly ShieldImpenetrableInstructLaguz FriendOther HalfRaging StormRise AboveSoar
Engage attacks All for OneAstra StormBlazing LionCataclysmDark InfernoDivine BlessingGoddess DanceDragon BlastGiga Levin SwordGreat SacrificeHouses UniteLodestar RushOverrideGreat AetherQuadruple HitStorm's EyeSummon HeroTorrential RoarTwin StrikeWarp Ragnarok
Bond Ring skills BaneBattlewiseBushidoChivalryDeadly BladeDire ThunderDraw BackFlickering FlowerFortify DefGiga ExcaliburGreat ThunderHealtouchLethalityMercyMiracleParaseleneRaging FireRenewalRightful RulerShoveSpur AttackSpur ResStrong ArmSure StrikeSympatheticWind AdeptWind GodWindsweep
Enemy-exclusive skills AnchorArmored BlowArtbreakerAxebreakerBond BreakerBowbreakerCertain BlowCornered BeastDark BarrierDarting BlowDarting StanceDeath BlowDuelist's BlowFell BarrierFierce StanceKnifebreakerLancebreakerLife and DeathPoison StrikeSavage BlowSeal DefenseSeal MagicSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal StrengthSigil ProtectionSpirit StrikeStalwartSteady StanceSwordbreakerTomebreakerTriangle AdeptUnbreakableUnwaveringVeteranVoid CurseWarding BlowWarding Stance