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Is fewa2 impregnable.png
Icon of the Impregnable skill in Warriors: Three Hopes.

Prevents the unit from being knocked back when performing a strong attack.

  • Personal (Path of Radiance)
  • Class (Warriors: Three Hopes)
  • Engage skill (Engage)


First game

Path of Radiance

Impregnable (Japanese: 鉄壁 Impregnable) known as Impenetrable in Engage, first appeared as an unused skill in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. It has no proper English name or description, with the former being left in Japanese and the latter being a dummy placeholder caused by its lack of a proper description. Judging by its icon and name, it may have been intended to be an incarnation or relative of Pavise. In the final game, the skill has no functionality associated with it whatsoever and does nothing if one hacks the game to equip it on a unit.

Its proper debut would be in the spin-off game Warriors: Three Hopes where it is a class skill associated with the armored classes which are the Armored Knight, the Fortress Knight, and the Great Knight. Its effect is similar to the Warriors's rendition of the Armored Blow skill as it prevents the user from being knocked back by enemies's attacks when performing strong attacks.

In Engage, it is the engage skill of Emblem Hector, which grants the user enhanced defense and resistance if the foe initiates combat. As an engage skill, it can have additional effects depending on the unit type of the user.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Path of Radiance Is gcn impregnable.png No effect. -- 5 Unused.
Engage Is ns02 impenetrable.png +30% defense, +30% resistance when active. If foe initiates combat -- --
(Dragon units)
Is ns02 impenetrable.png +30% defense, +30% resistance, +50% dodge when active. If foe initiates combat -- --
(Cavalry units)
Is ns02 impenetrable.png +30% defense, +30% resistance when active.
User is immune to Is ns02 status freeze.png freeze status when active.
If foe initiates combat -- --
(Armored units)
Is ns02 impenetrable.png +50% defense, +30% resistance when active. If foe initiates combat -- --
(Flying units)
Is ns02 impenetrable.png +30% defense, +50% resistance when active. If foe initiates combat -- --

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 impregnable.png Prevents user's strong attacks from being interrupted by enemy attacks. -- -- --


Path of Radiance

Unused Accessible only through game modification.

Warriors: Three Hopes

Classes Armored KnightFortress KnightGreat Knight


Emblem Bracelets Hector, when engaged

Flavor text

Game Text
Path of Radiance
Warriors: Three Hopes
Prevents the unit from being knocked back
when performing a strong attack.
If foe initiates combat, grants
Def/Res+30% during combat.
(Dragon units)
If foe initiates combat, grants
Def/Res+30% during combat.
[Dragon] Ddg+50%
敵から攻撃を受けた時、守備・魔防130% 【竜族】必避150%
(Cavalry units)
If foe initiates combat, grants
Def/Res+30% during combat.
[Cavalry] Grants immunity to
敵から攻撃を受けた時、守備・魔防130% 【騎馬】フリーズ状態を無効化する
(Armored units)
If foe initiates combat, grants
Def/Res+30% during combat.
[Armored] Grants Def+50%
instead of +30%
敵から攻撃を受けた時、守備・魔防130% 【重装】守備の上昇率が150%になる
(Flying units)
If foe initiates combat, grants
Def/Res+30% during combat.
[Flying] Grants Res+50%
instead of +30%.
敵から攻撃を受けた時、守備・魔防130% 【飛行】魔防の上昇率が150%になる


  • While several other unused skills are present in Path of Radiance, Impregnable is the most complete, having an icon associated with it and being accessible through hacking.[1] Impregnable also has a complete scroll item associated with it, which also lacks a proper name string and is known as IID_IMPREGNABLE.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Impregnable
• Impenetrable

• Used in Warriors: Three Hopes.
• Used in Engage.


Iron Wall

Popularized by Serenes Forest in its listing for the unused version of the skill.



Impregnable; literally "iron wall".[2]



  1. Unused Content - Serenes Forest,, Retrieved: 6 March 2023
  2. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Part #87 - Trial Maps - Addendum,, Retrieved: 6 March 2023
Skills in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Experience-related skills BlossomParagon
Low-HP skills MiracleResolveWrath
Mobility skills CelerityCantoMove AgainSaviorShoveSmite
Miscellaneous skills AdeptCorrosionCounterGambleGuardInsightNihilParityProvokeReinforceRenewalSerenityShadeTempestVantageVigilance
Class skills KnifeLuminaMove AgainShoveSteal
Mastery skills AetherAstraBlessingBoonCancelColossusDeadeyeFlareLethalityLunaRoarSolStunVortex
Enemy-exclusive skills DisciplineDaunt
Skills in Fire Emblem Engage
Inheritable skills Art FocusAvoid +Axe GuardAxe PowerBow AgilityBow FocusBow GuardBuild +Defense +Dexterity +Dodge +Hit +HP +HP/Lck +Knife GuardKnife PrecisionLance AgilityLance GuardLance PowerLuck +Magic +Mag/Dex +Mag/Res +Magic GuardMovement +1Resistance +Special GuardSpeed +Spd/Dex +Spd/Res +Staff MasteryStrength +Str/Def +Str/Dex +Sword AgilitySword FocusSword GuardSword PowerTome Precision
Personal skills AdmirationAlabaster DutyAspiring HeroBig PersonalityBlinding FlashBlood FuryCharmerContemplativeCrimson CheerCurious DanceDisarming SighDivinely InspiringEnergizedExpertiseFair FightFairy-Tale FolkFell ProtectionFriendly BoostGenerosityGentle FlowerGet Behind Me!Knightly CodeKnightly EscortMeditationMoved to TearsNot *Quite*Party AnimalProtectiveRacket of SolmSeconds?Self-ImproverShare SpoilsSingle-MindedStunning SmileSurvival PlanTrained to KillVerdant FaithWeapon InsightWill to WinWounded Pride
Class skills Air RaidAllied DefenseBack at YouBrave AssistCareful AimChaos StyleClear the WayConvoyDark SpiritDiffuse HealerDivine SpiritEnchantFell SpiritFrost DomainGolden LotusGrasping VoidHobbleIgnisLet FlyLunaMercilessMiasma DomainNo DistractionsPack HunterPassPincer AttackPivotReforgeResist EmblemsRun ThroughSandstormSelf-HealingSmash+Special DanceSpur EmblemsSolSoulbladeSpell HarmonySwapWorld Tree
Sync skills AdaptabilityAdvanceAlacrityAnima FocusArms ShieldAssign DecoyBlock RecoveryBook of WorldsBraveryBreak DefensesBrute ForceCanterCharmClericDecisive StrikeDemolishDetoxifyDivine PulseDraconic HexDragon VeinDual AssistDual StrikeDual SupportEclipse BraceFavorite FoodFlame GambitFriendly RivalryGentilityGeosphereGroundswellHeadlong RushHealing LightHeavy AttackHold OutHoly StanceKeen InsightLevel BoostLifesphereLightsphereLineageLost & FoundLunar BraceMentorshipMomentumNight and DayPair UpPerceptivePiercing GlarePoison GambitQuick RiposteRally SpectrumRepositionReprisalResolveResonanceSacred TwinsShield GambitSilence WardSolar BraceSP ConversionSpeedtakerStarsphereSurprise AttackQuality TimeUnyieldingVantageWeapon SyncWrath
Engage skills AdaptableAtrocityAttunedAugmentBlue SkiesBond ForgerBonded ShieldBoon of ElyosCall DoublesCombat ArtsContractDivine SpeedDraconic FormDreadful AuraEchoEclipse BraceFallen StarFlareGallopHoly AuraHoly ShieldImpenetrableInstructLaguz FriendOther HalfRaging StormRise AboveSoar
Engage attacks All for OneAstra StormBlazing LionCataclysmDark InfernoDivine BlessingGoddess DanceDragon BlastGiga Levin SwordGreat SacrificeHouses UniteLodestar RushOverrideGreat AetherQuadruple HitStorm's EyeSummon HeroTorrential RoarTwin StrikeWarp Ragnarok
Bond Ring skills BaneBattlewiseBushidoChivalryDeadly BladeDire ThunderDraw BackFlickering FlowerFortify DefGiga ExcaliburGreat ThunderHealtouchLethalityMercyMiracleParaseleneRaging FireRenewalRightful RulerShoveSpur AttackSpur ResStrong ArmSure StrikeSympatheticWind AdeptWind GodWindsweep
Enemy-exclusive skills AnchorArmored BlowArtbreakerAxebreakerBond BreakerBowbreakerCertain BlowCornered BeastDark BarrierDarting BlowDarting StanceDeath BlowDuelist's BlowFell BarrierFierce StanceKnifebreakerLancebreakerLife and DeathPoison StrikeSavage BlowSeal DefenseSeal MagicSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal StrengthSigil ProtectionSpirit StrikeStalwartSteady StanceSwordbreakerTomebreakerTriangle AdeptUnbreakableUnwaveringVeteranVoid CurseWarding BlowWarding Stance
Abilities in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Class and skill level abilities Personal abilities
Action abilities Archer's PloyArcher's WisdomArmored Cavalry's PloyArmored Cavalry's WisdomArmored Infantry's PloyDark Mage's PloyDark Mage's WisdomDual Wielder's PloyEmperor's PloyEssence of DarknessEssence of FireEssence of IceEssence of LightEssence of LightningEssence of WindFiendish BlowKing's PloyKnight's PloyLeader's PloyMage's PloyMage's WisdomMage Knight's PloyMercenary's PloyMercenary's WisdomPegasus Knight's PloyPerspectivePriest's PloyPriest's WisdomSavior of the MeekSeeker of GreatnessStormer of the LandThief's PloyThief's WisdomWarrior's PloyWyvern Rider's Ploy Azure LightningCamaraderieCareful StudyCold CalculationCourageous AriaCursed ExpulsionDark ConjurationDeceitDemolisherDivine CapriceDivine PulseDreamer's PaintbrushDualityDustcloudEasy BreezyGalvanic SurgeGoddess's BlessingGolden FistsGordian StrokeIcy PlungeIntense VelocityLightning BoundLuminous PrayerMartial ProwessMaximum AmbulationNether SighOne for the BooksPersonal SpacePersonality ShiftPrismatic ResonancePure BrawnPurifying RainQuietusRadiant LoveRondo of RosesShadowflashSnowslipSolar ProminenceThunderous RefrainTwofold RuinWicked ImpulseWind StanceWindstormWindswept
Support abilities -- Adept FlirtAdvocateAgarthan ArcanaAnimal FriendAshen DemonBlade BreakerCaptain's GritCatnapDistinguished HouseEmergent MagicEmperor's PrestigeFighting SpiritFists of JusticeGoody BasketHeavensentHunter's BoonInfirmary MasterKing of GrapplingKing's MightKnight's WisdomLeader's AcumenLily's PoiseLive to ServeLockpickLone WolfMonstrous AppealMortal CoilMurderous IntentName DropNatural WarriorNothing to ReportOverachieverPerceptionPersecution ComplexPower of the SaintsRight-Hand ManRivalrySacrosanctShrewd OperatorSongstressStaunch ShieldSurvival InstinctSwift AwakeningUnsought PowerWatchful Eye
Tactical abilities -- AmbitionBorn FighterCenter StageDeadly AimDelicate FlowerDevotionEager BladeForesightHand of TimeHealthy CuriosityHeart's DesireHonorable SpiritKing's LanceKnight's OathLife and LimbLogicianMakings of a MercMaster of ConcealmentMercenary CreedMerciful AuspicesNature's WrathNoble DutyNoble PrideObliterationOfficer DutyOutland TechniquePerfect MemoryPolymathPower of NightRaging TempestRay of SunshineReignResolute PathReverenceSecond-in-CommandSoldier's HonorSworn LanceTrue ChampionUnbending SpiritUnfeeling BladeValiant BloodlineVeteran CommanderVigilant GazeVirtuoso
Awakening-related abilities Awakening AssistBattalion VantageDarting BlowPegasus Knight's WisdomSwift AwakeningVantage Adept FlirtHunter's BoonName DropPower of the SaintsSongstressUnsought Power
Stun Gauge-related abilities Brawler's PloyBrawler's WisdomDeath BlowHeaviest HitterHeavy HitterPatienceWarrior's WisdomWyvern Rider's Wisdom Fists of JusticeNatural WarriorPerception
Warrior Gauge-related abilities Battalion VantageBlessed BreathKnight's WisdomVantageWarrior Assist HeavensentMortal CoilRivalrySurvival InstinctUnsought Power
Weapon-related abilities Apex AxeApex BowApex GauntletApex LanceApex SwordApex TomeAxebreakerAxe BusterAxe ProwessBowbreakerBow BusterBowfaireBow ProwessBrawling ProwessCavalry BusterFaithGauntletbreakerGauntlet BusterLancebreakerLance BusterLance ProwessReasonSwordbreakerSword BusterSwordfaireSword ProwessTomebreakerTome Buster --
Battalion abilities Resist ArmorResist AxesResist BowsResist CavalryResist FliersResist GauntletsResist LancesResist MonstersResist SwordsResist Tomes --
Bonus damage abilities Armored Infantry's WisdomNullify Armored EffectNullify Cavalry EffectNullify Flying EffectNullify Magic Monstrous Appeal
Healing abilities Battalion RenewalCharmLifetakerRenewalSeasoned Tactics Animal FriendCatnapInfirmary MasterLily's PoiseLive to ServeSongstress
Adjutant-related abilities Adjutant's BenefitAwakening AssistDark AssistFire AssistIce AssistLight AssistLightning AssistOne Heart One MindRally CharmRally DefenseRally DeluxeRally DexterityRally LuckRally MagicRally ResistanceRally SpeedRally StrengthVanguard's BenefitWarrior AssistWind Assist AdvocateLily's Poise
Stat-boosting abilities Absorb CharmAbsorb DefenseAbsorb DexterityAbsorb LuckAbsorb MagicAbsorb ResistanceAbsorb SpeedAbsorb StrengthApex AxeApex BowApex GauntletApex LanceApex SwordApex TomeBoost CriticalCarpe DiemDefense +Defensive TacticsDefiant DefDefiant MagDefiant ResDefiant SpdDefiant StrDexterity +Grievous BlowHP +LifeforceLucky SevenMagic +MusterOffensive TacticsPomp & CircumstanceResistance +SchemerSpeed +Strength +TableturnerTransmuteTrustWild Abandon Ashen DemonDistinguished HouseEmergent MagicFighting SpiritKing of GrapplingLone WolfMurderous IntentOverachieverPersecution ComplexStaunch ShieldWatchful Eye
Miscellaneous abilities AegisAlert StanceAnchorAppraisalArmsthriftBackboneBattalion DesperationBattalion WrathBlack Magic MasteryBlack Magic+CounterattackCounterbreakCounterstrikeDark Magic MasteryDark Magic+Deadly ScytheDefiant CritDesperationDespoilExpert GuardFireFlareHealImpairImpregnableKinshipKnucklebreakerLethalityLocktouchLunaMagic Attack Range+MastermindMiasma ΔMiraclePassPavisePoison StrikeProvokeQuick RiposteRange MasterRebellious SpiritSerene StanceShatterSmiteSolSpecial DanceStalwart StanceStealTerrain ResistanceWhite Magic MasteryWhite Magic+Wrath
Enemy-exclusive abilities Ancient DragonskinAncient Dragon WrathCrestological WisdomImmune StatusSeal MagicSeal StrengthTenacityUnsealable Magic