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Conspiracy in the Air

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Conspiracy in the Air

File:Ci fewa2 conspiracy in the air.jpg

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The King Awakens

Conspiracy in the Air is the sixth chapter of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes on the Azure Gleam route.


Main article: Conspiracy in the Air/Script

Count Rowe surrenders to the Kingdom, and Faerghus reclaims Arianrhod. Adrestian troops amass in the territory of the former Lord Arundel in order to regain the momentum, leading Dimitri to decide to strike first in order to gain the initiative. A soldier reports that unknown mage assailants attacked the convoy escorting Count Rowe to the capital and that the count has vanished. Dimitri speculates that Cornelia instigated the attack, and sends a small force to investigate the matter while he focuses on the Empire.

As the Kingdom prepares to attack Arundel territory, Dimitri reports that Byleth is among the enemy forces and orders Shez to handle them. The two discuss Shez's feelings towards Byleth, and Shez notes that if they sought revenge for every fallen comrade, they would be consumed. Dimitri suggests recruiting Byleth, much to Shez and Arval's shock. The Kingdom engages the Empire and Shez gets the upper hand on Byleth, but Byleth's hair suddenly changes color and they begin speaking in the voice of a young girl. Shez barely escapes when Byleth manages to regain control of their body. Shez laments Byleth's unimaginable power and considers Dimitri's idea of hiring Byleth. Meanwhile, Byleth confronts the being who possessed them, the progenitor god Sothis. Sothis explains that she can forcibly take over Byleth's body at any time she wishes. Jeralt checks up on Byleth and admits that he has complicated personal history with the Church of Seiros and would prefer to avoid them entirely if possible. Back at Arianrhod, Dimitri explains that he has received a report that Sreng forces have breached the northern border and captured Duke Ifan, and Margrave Gautier has vanished. Leaving Arianrhod in the Blue Lions' hands under Felix's command, Dimitri rides out with Dedue and Rodrigue to personally subdue Sreng.

Chapter data

Character data

New units
Small portrait bernadetta fewa2.png
Iron Bow
End of chapter if the Persuade Bernadetta strategy was used during Assault on Arundel Territory
Available characters
Shez m ​Dimitri ​Dedue ​Felix ​Ashe ​Sylvain ​Mercedes ​Annette ​Ingrid ​Rodrigue ​Petra ​Hapi ​Seteth ​Flayn ​Gatekeeper ​Dorothea ​

Item data

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Map data

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This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

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Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Conspiracy in the Air



Verschwörung in der Luft

Conspiracy in the Air


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← Skirmish in the Fog • Conspiracy in the Air • The King Awakens →
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Playable characters Scarlet Blaze AsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparConstanceDorotheaEdelgardFerdinandHapiHubertIgnatzJeraltJeritzaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMonicaPetraRaphaelShamirShezYuri
Azure Gleam AnnetteAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCatherineConstanceDedueDimitriDorotheaFelixFlaynHapiIgnatzIngridJeraltJeritzaLinhardtLorenzMarianneMercedesPetraRaphaelRodrigueSetethShamirShezSylvainYuri
Golden Wildfire AsheBalthusBernadettaBylethClaudeConstanceDorotheaHapiHildaHolstIgnatzJeraltLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaMariannePetraRaphaelShamirShezYuri
Other ArvalGatekeeperRheaSothis
Non-playable characters AcheronAloisAnnaLord ArundelCount BergliezCaptain BerlingCleobulusCorneliaFlecheMargrave GautierGetzCount GloucesterGonerilGustaveHannemanCount HevringThe Immaculate OneThe ImmovableJudithLadislavaLazleyMiklanRandolphSeirosSolonThalesTomasCount VarleyThe Wind Caller (TBA)
Bosses AcheronDuke AegirAnaximandrosLord ArundelCount BergliezBiasBylethCasparCatherineClaudeCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDimitriDolofonosEpimenidesFerdinandFlaynFlecheMargrave GautierIngridJeraltKostasKronyaLadislavaMetodeyMysonNaderPallardóPittacusRheaRufusSetethShahidShamirShezSolonThalesCount Varley (TBA)
Personal weapons and regalia Aegis ShieldAmaltheaAreadbharAsclepiusAthameAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBlutgangCaduceus StaffCirce StaffCrusherDahakaFailnaughtFetters of DromiFreikugelHrottiIchor ScrollThe InexhaustibleJárngreiprLabraundaLance of RuinLúinOchain ShieldRafail GemRidillScroll of TalosScythe of SarielSeiros ShieldShamshirSpear of AssalSuttungr's MysterySword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorTathlum BowThunderbrandThyrsusVajra-MushtiWind Caller's Genesis (TBA)
Chapters Prologue
0: Crossed Roads • 1: A Chance Encounter • 2: Three Houses • 3: The Shadows of Adrestia Black Eagles / Crisis in Fhirdiad Blue Lions / The Battle for the Locket Golden Deer
Scarlet Blaze
Scarlet Blaze
4: The Struggle Commences • 5: Skirmish in the Fog • 6: Bridge of Betrayal • 7: The Triumph of Valor • 8: The Maiden's Peril • 9: Unrest in Enbarr • 10: Shifting History • 11: Heroic Bloodlines • 12: The Rising Darkness • 13: Severing the Past • 14A: A Clash of Ambitions • 14B: Torment of the Eagle and Lion • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: A Path Forward
Azure Gleam
Azure Gleam
4: To War! • 5: Skirmish in the Fog • 6: Conspiracy in the Air • 7: The King Awakens • 8: The Blood-Stained Lance • 9: Reunion at the Fortress City • 10: Fanaticism • 11: Reprisal • 12: A Trick of the Goddess • 13: Clash of Torment • 14: The Absent Emperor • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: The End of Tragedy
Golden Wildfire
Golden Wildfire
4: To War! • 5: The Golden Guardian • 6: The Leader's Stratagem • 7: A Contest of Beasts • 8: What Makes a King • 9: The End of the Alliance • 10: Love and Loss • 11: The Sword Swings Wide • 12: Two Kings • 13: Darkness Attacks • 14: A Symbol of the Past • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: Field of Beginnings
The Ashen Wolves' ReunionComing CleanCycles of NostalgiaEagles, Lions, and DeerEnshrouded MemoriesEvil's Bane and Love's ProtectionA Grand Day for the Opera CompanyAn Incurable Shut-InLike Cats and DogsLove and Hate in WartimeMercenary ComplicationsA Night of WonderA Noble Among NoblesRaiders from the NorthA Reason to FightRight Where They're WantedThe Saints' ForgeThe Seiros SnareUnder the Protection of the Golden DeerUnsettling TruthsWhat Lies WithinWildflowers for the Future
Locations FódlanAdrestiaBase CampFaerghusGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • LeicesterAlmyraBrigidDagdaSrengZahras
Groups, objects and concepts 10 ElitesAshen WolvesBlack EaglesBlue LionsChildren of the GoddessChurch of Seiros (Knights of Seiros) • Crests (Crest Stone) • Golden DeerHeroes' RelicsInsurrection of the SevenMonstersThose who slither in the darkTragedy of DuscurWar of Heroes
Related topics DocumentsMusic PlayerName chart • Other games (WarriorsThree Houses) • Pre-release information (Unused content)