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Giant Crawler

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Giant Crawler

Ss fe16 giant crawler battle.png
An enemy Giant Crawler in Three Houses.

This massive worm has grown to an unnatural size through the absorption of magic.

Unit type(s)



Crest Stone


Seal Speed, Seal Defense

The Giant Crawler (Japanese: 巨虫 Giant bug) is a monster class which debuted in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is an uncommon monster type, being a desert worm that has grown to enormous proportions from the power of a Crest Stone.

Though the Giant Crawler lacks proper programmed stats, they tend to be fast and mobile, and are capable of moving through deserts unimpeded. Their abilities make them rather dangerous, as they can weaken a unit's speed and defense after combat. They have two large health bars, and are very resilient against magic, though they are vulnerable to physical attacks due to their weaker defense and weakened barriers. Like most monsters in the game, their large size prevents them from moving through one-space-wide areas, limiting their mobility.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Three Houses 0/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 -- --
The Giant Crawler takes up a 2×2 area on the battlefield.

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Three Houses 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class modifiers

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Movement
Three Houses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
Three Houses Seal Speed Innate.
Three Houses Seal Defense Innate.
Three Houses Enclosing Wall Barrier ability.
Three Houses Keen Intuition Barrier ability.
Three Houses Monster Effect Null Latent ability; active when only one health bar remains.
Three Houses Sandstorm Staggering blow; innate.

Class change

Three Houses

Special class
Ma ns01 giant crawler enemy.gif
Giant Crawler

Flavor text

Game Text
Three Houses
This massive worm has grown to an unnatural
size through the absorption of magic.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Giant Crawler




Giant bug


Gusano gigante

Giant worm


Ver géant

Giant Worm



Giant worm


Verme gigante

Giant worm


거대 곤충

Giant insect

Simplified Chinese


Giant worm

Traditional Chinese


Giant worm


Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Unique classes Armored LordBarbarossaCommonerDancerDeath KnightEmperorEnlightened OneGreat LordHigh LordNobleWyvern Master
Beginner classes FighterMonkMyrmidonSoldier
Intermediate classes ArcherArmored KnightBrawlerBrigandCavalierDark MageLordMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestThief
Advanced classes AssassinBishopDark BishopFortress KnightGrapplerHeroPaladinSniperSwordmasterWarlockWarriorWyvern Rider
Special classes Dark FlierTricksterValkyrieWar ClericWar Monk
Master classes Bow KnightDark KnightFalcon KnightGreat KnightGremoryHoly KnightMortal SavantWar MasterWyvern Lord
Monster classes Altered Demonic BeastAltered GolemBlack BeastDemonic BeastExperimental Demonic BeastFlying Demonic BeastGiant BirdGiant CrawlerGiant Demonic BeastGiant WolfGolemGuardian GolemHegemon HuskThe Immaculate OneLord of the DesertLord of the LakeTitanusUmbral BeastWandering BeastWhite BeastWild Demonic Beast
Other classes AgastyaArchbishopFlame EmperorKing of LiberationRuffianSaintVerrat
Classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Base classes FighterMonkMyrmidonSoldier
Intermediate classes ArcherArmored KnightBrawlerBrigandCavalierMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestThief
Unique Intermediate classes Armored LordFluegelHigh LordSilverheartWyvern Master
Advanced classes AssassinBishopDark MageFortress KnightGrapplerPaladinSniperSwordmasterWarlockWarriorWyvern Rider
Master classes Bow KnightDancerDark BishopDark KnightFalcon KnightGreat KnightGremoryHoly KnightMortal SavantTricksterWar MasterWyvern Lord
Unique Master classes AsuraBarbarossaDeath KnightEnlightened OneEmperorGreat LordSaint
Monster Classes Altered Demon BeastAltered GolemDemonic BeastExperimental Demon BeastGiant CrawlerGiant WolfGolemThe Immaculate OneTitanusWild Demon Beast
Other enemy/NPC classes AgastyaAvestaCommonerGurganLordNoblewomanPrionsa