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Growth rate

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(Redirected from Class growth rate)

Growth rates (Japanese: 成長率 growth rate),[1] also known as maturity,[2][3] are a set of hidden stats associated with individual playable units which dictate the probability of a unit's stats increasing during a level-up.


For each character stat that can increase during a level-up, such as strength or skill, there is a growth rate associated with it. Growth rates are the percentage chance of the unit gaining 1 point in a particular stat during a level-up, with the random number generator used to determine whether a stat increases or not. For example, a growth rate of 40% yields on average 2 stat increases per 5 level-ups.

In rare cases, growth rates may exceed 100%. In these case, 100% is subtracted off the growth rate and becomes a guaranteed +1 during a level-up, with the remaining growth rate allowing for a chance to gain another +1 (effectively a +2). Since the maximum growth rate is typically 255% (due to the games' programming), the maximum stat increase during a level-up is +3 (which is possible with Karel in The Binding Blade, as he has a HP growth of 210%).

Growth rates are usually hidden from the player, although some guidebooks may list them or provide growth rankings (such as "A" for growths of 100% to 80%). In most cases, they are obtained by hacking or datamining the games.

Class growth rates

Generic enemy units use a different set of growth rates, known as class growth rates. Enemies do not level-up in the traditional manner, so instead they are auto-leveled upon being generated at the beginning of each chapter, or when they arrive as reinforcements. Starting with Thracia 776 and ending with Awakening, enemy growths are also subject to randomization, meaning enemies will have slightly varying stats each time any given chapter is played. In all other main-series entries, enemy growths are fixed and non-random. Class growth rates are also used to determine Hard Mode bonuses.

In Shadow Dragon onward, a separate set of class growth rates is added to a playable character's personal growth rates as part of the implementation of the reclassing system; effectively, this means that a character's growth rates will be different depending on what class they are in.

In Thracia 776, enemy growths are tied to the unit and not to the class itself.[4] Enemy stats are determined by rolling for each individual growth, and then adding a modifier ranging from 0–3 (except movement which instead has a 10% chance of increasing).

Enemy stat calculation in the GBA titles

The stats of most enemies in the GBA games are based, in part, on growth rates and are somewhat variable. In general, the stats of a generic unit of level n will be the sum of:

  • class bases (stats associated with the class)
  • personal bases (stats associated with the unit; for generic enemies, these are typically 0)
  • (n − 1) × class growths
  • promotion bonus × class growths
  • difficulty bonus × class growths (applied twice for non-reinforcement enemies in Chapters 1–5 of The Binding Blade)

Stats that involve class growths are varied; after the multiplication of class growths, the product is multiplied by a random number between 7/8 and 9/8—the decimal of this new product is then treated as a growth rate and is rolled to see if the product will increase by 1 before the stats are added together. The variance for each source listed above is calculated individually.

For example, take the magic of a level 13 Druid from The Binding Blade Chapter 22:

The male Druid class has a 6 magic base, 55% magic growth, and 29 magic maximum.
This Druid has 0 personal magic.
For being level 13, this Druid gains ([13 − 1] × 55%) magic before variance, or 6.6.
If the random number multiplied into this stat is 1.1, the product will be 7.26, meaning this Druid will have a 26% chance of gaining 8 magic, and a 74% chance of gaining 7. For this example, say that the random number generator selects the chance of gaining 7 magic.
For being in a promoted class, this Druid gains (19 × 55%) magic before variance, or 10.45.
If the random number multiplied into this stat is 1, the product will be 10.45, meaning this Druid will have a 45% chance of gaining 11 magic, and a 55% chance of gaining 10. For this example, say that the random number generator selects the chance of gaining 11 magic.
On Normal mode, this enemy gains no bonuses from difficulty.
On Hard mode in Chapter 22, this enemy gains 14 bonus levels, so (14 × 55%) or 7.7 magic before variance.
If the random number multiplied into this stat is 0.9, the product will be 6.93, meaning this Druid will have a 93% chance of gaining 7 magic, and a 7% chance of gaining 6. For this example, say that the random number generator selects the chance of gaining 7 magic.

This Druid receives 6 magic from their class, 0 from their personal stats, 7 from their level, and 11 from being in a promoted class; in Normal Mode, they will have 24 magic. In Hard mode this druid would receive another 7 magic from difficulty bonuses, and would reach a total of 31 magic; as this exceeds the Druid's maximum magic, their stat is reduced to the maximum of 29 magic.

There are some minute differences between each game:

  • In Chapters 1–5 of The Binding Blade, the difficulty bonus calculation is applied twice to enemies present at the start of a battle. Like with other varying bonuses, these repeated bonuses are calculated separately.
  • In The Binding Blade, the promotion bonus is 19 in all cases. In The Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones, the promotion bonus is 19 in Hard or Difficult, and 9 in lower difficulties.
  • In The Binding Blade and The Sacred Stones, the difficulty bonus varies by chapter. In The Blazing Blade, the difficulty bonus is +5, and only applies in Hard Mode of Hector's tale. In each game, the difficulty bonus only applies to enemy units, not to player or ally units.
    • In The Binding Blade, recruitable enemies that are present at the start of the map do not receive difficulty bonuses, but do receive them if they appear as an enemy after preparations (or after the start of turn 1 in chapters without preparations).
    • In The Blazing Blade, recruitable enemies always receive difficulty bonuses.
    • In The Sacred Stones, recruitable enemies do not gain any difficulty bonuses.
  • The Sacred Stones applies penalties to levels based on difficulty and chapter; these penalties are calculated differently than the difficulty bonus, as they are applied directly to the (n − 1) levels, with an effective minimum of 0. If a penalty exists and reduces a unit's level to 0, that unit does not receive promotion bonuses if they otherwise would.

Additionally, in The Blazing Blade, growth-based sources of luck are not calculated, so the only sources of luck are class and personal bases.

In The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade, non-generic units can auto-level like generic ones, but are rarely set to; Fargus in Chapter 16x of Eliwood's tale is set to auto-level, making his stats much higher than they are in other modes. In The Sacred Stones, non-generic units auto level uniquely—they level-up a number of times equal to the difference between the level they are loaded with and the level saved with their character data, and use their personal growth rates; they do not gain promotion levels, but can gain difficulty levels. Units that join in Chapter 15 do this, as do Cormag and Amelia in Chapter 13 of Eirika's route; Riev in Chapter 20; and the monster bosses in the Tower of Valni, Lagdou Ruins, and skirmishes.

Blank level-up prevention systems

Starting with The Binding Blade, certain games have various additional systems in place meant to prevent blank level-ups, i.e. ones where no stat increased.[5]

In The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, and The Sacred Stones, the game will re-roll any blank level-ups to attempt to generate one with at least one stat increase. If this re-roll fails, a second and final re-roll is done. Should any of the level-up rolls try to increase a stat that has capped, then the level will not be considered blank and thus will not be re-rolled, despite not actually increasing any stats. This system significantly reduces the chances for blank level-ups to occur, but does not prevent them entirely.

In Radiant Dawn, a level-up will always result in at least a single stat increase in a stat that has yet to cap. If a unit with all growth rates set to 0% through hacking levels up, they would still gain this single stat increase in HP specifically.

In Shadow Dragon, a more complex system referred to unofficially as dynamic growths is present. In this system, whenever a specific stat does not increase during a level-up, a hidden dynamic growth value for that stat is increased, adding [(Unit base growth rate + class growth rate) / 10] to it. Conversely, if a stat does increase during a level-up, that stat's dynamic growth rate is decreased by the same amount. If the dynamic growth value is negative, it is treated as 0 for the purposes of stat increase chances, though its true value is still maintained, increasing or decreasing further accordingly. Future level-ups will use the total of the unit's actual growth rate and their dynamic growth value to determine whether the stat increases or not. For example, if Marth failed to gain a point in strength with his 50% growth rate, then on the next level-up, his growth rate in strength would be treated as [50 + (50 / 10)] = (50 + 5) = 55%.[6]

In Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, any level-up that would be blank normally is instead made to give +1 HP to the unit. Once HP reaches the cap of 52, however, actual blank level-ups will begin occurring.

In Three Houses, Byleth and all student units are guaranteed to receive at least two stat increases per level-up. Any unit besides these receives no such blank level-up prevention.

Alternative systems

Path of Radiance and Engage

Main articles: Random and Fixed Modes and Growth point

In Path of Radiance, the Fixed Mode is unlocked upon completing the game for the first time. This is an alternate method of unit growth which revolves around the accumulation of growth points from fighting enemies with certain weapons to dictate a unit's growths. The other option is Random Mode, which is the standard growth rate system used in the rest of the series and in the first playthrough of Path of Radiance. Random and Fixed Modes return in Engage, where weapon choice no longer affects the unit's growths..


In the Lunatic difficulty of Fates, stat growths for all level ups are randomly determined when a character is recruited, which prevents resetting to acquire superior level-ups.


In Heroes, stat growth is not random and a unit's stats at the maximum level of 40 are calculated from their stats at level 1 plus the expected value, or average result, from their growth rates across the remaining 39 levels. A unit's growth rates changes with their rarity, and whether they have an Asset/Flaw. For example, a final growth rate of 68% Atk has an expected value of 39 × 0.68 = 26.52, and since calculations are rounded down in Heroes, this means that the unit will gain 26 Atk points across the 39 levels.

List of growth rates by game

While the majority of games share a similar set of growth rates, as they do stats, some games offer minor variations on the existing growth rates by featuring unique growth rates which don't exist in most other games, or in the case of earlier installments in the series, the stats in question did not exist as of yet.

Stat Exists in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
HP --
Strength In Gaiden, The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones, Strength and Magic are technically the same value and are presented as one or the other depending on the individual unit's class and weapon levels.
Labeled as "Attack" in Shadows of Valentia, and used for both physical and magical units.
Magic In Gaiden, The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones, Strength and Magic are technically the same value and are presented as one or the other depending on the individual unit's class and weapon levels.
Skill Labeled as "Dexterity" in Three Houses and Engage.
Weapon level The weapon level stat was revamped in Genealogy of the Holy War, and is no longer a regular stat able to be increased upon level up.
Speed --
Luck --
Defense --
Resistance While the stat exists in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and Gaiden it has no governing growth rate associated with it.
Resistance was absent in Thracia 776.
Constitution While constitution/build is present in multiple games, Thracia 776 and Engage are the only games in which it has a growth rate, and thus a chance to increase by level.
Movement While movement is present in all games, Thracia 776 is the only game in which it has a growth rate, and thus a chance to increase by level.
Charm --
A means that the stat has a growth rate in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Items and skills affecting growth rates

Throughout the series, there are a number of items and skills which can be used to increase the growth rates of a single unit either temporarily or permanently. Most commonly, these come in the form of items which provide temporary boosts while held in a unit's inventory, and accordingly no longer apply to that unit when removed from their inventory. There are also instances of equippable skills which serve the same function and consumable items which give a single permanent increase to all growth rates.

The Starsphere and its shards
Item Growth increases Games
Is snes01 starsphere.png Starsphere +10% to all growth rates and prevents the durability of the unit's weapons from decreasing when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem
Is snes01 aries shard.png Aries Shard +40% to Luck growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 taurus shard.png Taurus Shard +5% to all growth rates when in inventory.*
+2% to Resistance and +5% to all other growth rates when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 gemini shard.png Gemini Shard +30% to Strength growth rate, -10% to Weapon level growth rate, and +20% to Defense growth rate when in inventory.*
+25% to Strength growth rate, -5% to Skill growth rate, and +20% to Defense growth rate when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 cancer shard.png Cancer Shard -10% to Strength growth rate and +50% to Defense growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 leo shard.png Leo Shard +50% to Strength growth rate and -10% to Defense growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 virgo shard.png Virgo Shard +20% to Weapon level growth rate, -10% to Defense growth rate, and +30% to Resistance growth rate when in inventory.*
+10% to Strength and Skill growth rates, -10% to Defense growth rate, and +5% to Resistance growth rate when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 libra shard.png Libra Shard -10% to HP growth rate, +40% to Speed growth rate, +10% to Luck and Weapon level growth rates, and -10% to Resistance growth rates when in inventory.*
-10% to HP growth rate, +5% to Strength and Skill growth rates, +40% to Speed growth rate, +10% to Luck and -2% to Resistance growth rates when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 scorpio shard.png Scorpio Shard +20% to Strength and Skill growth rates, +10% to Speed growth rates, and -10% to Luck growth rates when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 sagittarius shard.png Sagittarius Shard -10% to HP growth rate, +40% to Skill growth rate, and +10% to Speed growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 capricorn shard.png Capricorn Shard Intended to grant +20% to HP growth rate, -10% to Skill and Speed growth rates, +30% to Weapon level growth rate, and +10% to Defense growth rate when in inventory; has no effect due to a bug.*
+20% to HP growth rate, +15% to Strength, +5% to Skill, -10% to Speed growth rates and +10% to Defense growth rate when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 aquarius shard.png Aquarius Shard +10% to Strength, Skill, Speed, and Weapon level growth rates when in inventory.*
+15% to Strength, +15% Skill and +10% Speed growth rate when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 pisces shard.png Pisces Shard +10% to HP, Luck, Defense, and Resistance growth rates when in inventory.*
+2% to Resistance and +10% to HP, Luck, and Defense growth rates when in inventory.*
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is 3ds03 star jacinth.png Star Jacinth +5% to Resistance and +30% to all other growth rates when in inventory. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Scrolls of the Twelve Crusaders
Item Growth increases Games
Is snes03 baldr scroll.png Baldr Scroll +5% to HP, Strength, Skill, Speed, Luck and Defense growth rates when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 bragi scroll.png Bragi Scroll -10% to Strength growth rate, +10% to Magic growth rate, and +30% to Luck growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 dáinn scroll.png Dáinn Scroll +5% to Strength and Movement growth rates, -10% to Speed growth rate, and +30% to Defense growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 fjalar scroll.png Fjalar Scroll +5% to Strength and Magic growth rates, and +10% to Skill and Speed growth rates when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 heim scroll.png Heim Scroll +30% to Magic growth rate, +10% to Luck growth rate, and -10% to Defense growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 hoðr scroll.png Hoðr Scroll +30% to HP growth rate, +10% to Strength growth rate, and -10% to Luck growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 nál scroll.png Nál Scroll +10% to HP, Strength, Defense and Build growth rates, and -10% to Skill growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 njörun scroll.png Njörun Scroll +30% to Strength growth rate, -10% to Magic growth rate, +10% to Speed growth rate, -5% to Luck growth rate, and +5% to Defense growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 od scroll.png Od Scroll +30% to Skill growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 ced scroll.png Ced Scroll -10% to HP growth rate, +10% to Magic growth rate, and +30% to Speed growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 thrud scroll.png Thrud Scroll +5% to HP, Strength, Magic and Luck growth rates, and +10% to Skill growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 ullr scroll.png Ullr Scroll +10% to Skill, Speed and Luck growth rates when in inventory. Thracia 776
Item Growth increases Games
Is gcn sword band.png Sword Band +5% to Skill and Luck growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn soldier band.png Soldier Band +5% to HP and Defense growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn fighter band.png Fighter Band +5% to HP and Strength growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn archer band.png Archer Band +5% to Skill and Speed growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn knight band.png Knight Band +5% to Strength and Defense growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn paladin band.png Paladin Band +5% to HP and Speed growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn pegasus band.png Pegasus Band +5% to Luck and Resistance growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn wyvern band.png Wyvern Band +5% to Strength and Defense growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn mage band.png Mage Band +10% to Magic growth rate when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn priest band.png Priest Band +5% to Luck and Resistance growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn thief band.png Thief Band +5% to Skill and Speed growth rates when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn knight ward.png Knight Ward +30% to Speed growth rate, and Defense and Resistance +2 when equipped. Knights, Generals, Sword Knights, Lance Knights, Axe Knights, Bow Knights and Paladins only. Path of Radiance
Permanent increase items
Item Growth increases Games
Is gba afa's drops.png Afa's Drops Permanent +5% to all growth rates when used. The Blazing Blade
Is gba metis's tome.png Metis's Tome Permanent +5% to all growth rates when used. The Sacred Stones
Is ds growth drop.png Growth Drop Permanent +20% to HP growth rate and +10% to all other growth rates when used. New Mystery of the Emblem
Skills affecting growth rates
Skill Growth increases Games
Is wii blossom.png Blossom Does not explicitly boost growth rates themselves, but provides an effective boost by giving stats a second chance to increase during a level-up if they fail to do so the first time. In exchange, experience gain is lowered. Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn
Is 3ds01 aptitude.png Aptitude +20%/+10% to all growth rates when active. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses


  • While the vast majority of the series hides character growth rates, Fire Emblem Gaiden's manual has accurate growth rates for a handful of the earlygame cast, including growth rates for Alm and Celica.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Growth rate




Growth rate


  1. Labeled as such in Gaiden's instruction manual.
  2. "Maturity increased." — Message after using Afa's Drops, Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
  3. "Maturity increased." — Message after using Metis's Tome, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  4. Mrkisuke, Zane, et al., Enemy Growths in Thracia 776, Fire Emblem Universe, Published: March 16, 2018, Retrieved: February 21, 2024
  5. Tables, A deep dive into Level Up Mechanics, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: March 13, 2022
  6. Nitrodon, Dynamic, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: March 13, 2022
Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unitSubstitute character) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus