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Bonus damage

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
(Redirected from Anti-Fliers)
Louise attacks a Wyvern Rider with a Silver Bow. Most bows are effective against flying units; this is indicated by her bow's blinking white weapon icon.

Across the Fire Emblem series, there are a number of weapons which possess the ability to deal extra damage to certain classes which possess a particular vulnerability to them. This bonus damage, also known as effective damage or effectiveness, is in most games handled by multiplying the might of the attacking weapon by 3 in the damage calculation, but some games vary the method of effectiveness application.


Effectiveness against a class or set of classes is normally either specific to a particular weapon or, as is almost always the case with bows against flying classes, applied to an entire weapon type. Conversely, classes which possess similar physical attributes are often grouped together into a "unit type", sharing vulnerabilities to the same effective weapons. For example, Cavaliers and Troubadours are both classes involving a unit riding on horseback, so they are often collectively considered "mounted" or "cavalry" units and are all vulnerable to the same effective weapons, like the Rapier and Ridersbane. In games prior to Path of Radiance, unit types do not technically exist as an attribute of the class; rather, weapons are assigned a list of classes that they are effective against. Later games assign classes types and define the weapon as being effective against said types.

Depending on the game, some unit types are marked as such by small icons appearing in their profile. This practice started in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, although the three GBA games had a similar feature where a class's mount type (horse, pegasus, or wyvern) was indicated with an icon.

Negating bonus damage

Some items and skills have effects that negate bonus damage. Holding or equipping these items or skills will neutralize some or all—depending on the skill or item—of the bonus damage a unit takes. Items and skills like the Rafail Gem in Three Houses or Nullify in Radiant Dawn nullify all bonus damage the user may take; others such as the Iote's Shield in the DS games or Conquest in Awakening nullify only bonus damage targeting certain unit types, so a unit of multiple types may take bonus damage targeting another type—for instance, a Pegasus Knight in Awakening (beast and flying types) equipped with Conquest (negating beast and armor effectiveness) will not take bonus damage from a Beast Killer as it normally would, but will still take bonus damage from bows or wind tomes.

Effectiveness data by game

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Knights CavalierPaladinKnightGeneral Rapier
Mounted Cavalier Ridersbane
Armored KnightGeneral RapierArmorslayerHammer
Flying Pegasus KnightWyvern Knight All bowsArrowspate
Ballistician Ballistician Thunderbolt
Dragons Wyvern KnightManakete* Wyrmslayer
Manaketes Manakete* Divinestone
Medeus Manaketes equipped with Earthstones Falchion
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.


Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Gaiden
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Mounted CavalierPaladinGold Knight Ridersbane
Flying Pegasus KnightFalcon KnightGargoyleNecrodragon Steel BowSilver BowBlessed Bow
Monsters RevenantBonewalkerMogallDeathgoyleNecrodragon Blessed SwordFalchionBlessed BowBlessed LanceSeraphim
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

Additionally, when a Falcon Knight attacks a monster unit, they ignore the might of their equipped weapon and attack with triple (3×) strength.

Mystery of the Emblem

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Knights CavalierPaladinArmored KnightGeneral Rapier
Cavaliers CavalierPaladin Ridersbane
Armored Armored KnightGeneral Armorslayer
Flying Pegasus KnightDracoknightWyvern All bowsCutting GaleExcaliburArrowspateHoistflamme
Mercenaries MercenaryHero Swordslayer
Tribes ThiefBrigandBarbarianPirate Ladyblade
Dragons DracoknightFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonWyvern FalchionFog BreathWyrmslayer
Fire Dragons Fire Dragon BlizzardIce Breath
Ice Dragons Ice Dragon FireElfireBolganoneFire Breath
Medeus Earth DragonShadow Dragon FalchionFog Breath
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

The Iote's Shield and the Lightsphere negate all bonus damage targeting their holders.

Genealogy of the Holy War

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Mounted Knight LordCavalierTroubadourPaladinLance KnightDuke KnightFree KnightRangerAxe KnightGreat KnightArch KnightBow KnightMage KnightMaster Knight Ridersbane
Armored Armored AxeKnightArmored SwordBow ArmorGeneralBaronEmperor Armorslayer
Flying Pegasus KnightFalcon KnightDragon RiderWyvern RiderWyvern Lord All bowsWing Clipper
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to always deal a critical hit.

As Nihil negates critical hits, it also negates bonus damage.

Thracia 776

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Cavalry/Armored CavalierTroubadourPaladinLance KnightDuke KnightFree KnightRangerAxe KnightGreat KnightArch KnightBow KnightMage Knight*Armored AxeArmored LanceArmored SwordBow ArmorGeneralBaron Rapier
Cavalry CavalierTroubadourPaladinLance KnightDuke KnightFree KnightRangerAxe KnightGreat KnightArch KnightBow KnightMage Knight* Blessed SwordRidersbanePoleax
Armored Armored AxeArmored LanceArmored SwordBow ArmorGeneralBaron Bragi SwordArmorslayerHammer
Flying Pegasus RiderPegasus KnightDragon RiderWyvern Rider All bowsWindGrafcaliburForsetiTornado
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

The Binding Blade

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Cavalry/Armored CavalierPaladinKnightGeneral Rapier
Cavalry CavalierPaladin RidersbanePoleax
Armored KnightGeneral ArmorslayerHammer
Flying Pegasus KnightFalcoknightWyvern RiderWyvern Lord All bows except MulagirAircalibur
Dragons (1) Wyvern RiderWyvern LordManakete (male) • Fire Dragon* WyrmslayerDurandalMaltetArmadsMulagirForblazeAureolaApocalypse
Dragons (2) Manakete (male) • Fire Dragon*Divine Dragon*Demon Dragon Binding BladeDivinestone
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

The Delphi Shield negates bonus damage that targets its holder's flying weakness.

The Blazing Blade

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Cavalry/Armored Knight LordCavalierPaladinTroubadourValkyrieNomadNomadic TrooperGreat LordKnightGeneral Mani KattiRapierWolf Beil
Cavalry Knight LordCavalierPaladinTroubadourValkyrieNomadNomadic Trooper LongswordHorseslayerHalberd
Armored Great LordKnightGeneral ArmorslayerHeavy SpearHammer
Swords MercenaryHeroMyrmidonSwordmasterBlade Lord Swordslayer
Flying Pegasus KnightFalcoknightWyvern RiderWyvern Lord All bows except the Emblem Bow
Dragons Wyvern RiderWyvern LordFire Dragon WyrmslayerDragon AxeDurandalArmadsForblazeSol Katti
Dragons and Nergal Wyvern RiderWyvern LordFire DragonDark Druid Aureola
In the international versions of this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to double (2×) the weapon's might. In the Japanese version, bonus is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might, except for anti-dragon weapons (other than Aureola), which double (2×) the weapon's might.

The Delphi Shield negates bonus damage that targets its holder's flying weakness.

The Sacred Stones

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Cavalry/Armored Great LordCavalierPaladinGreat KnightTroubadourValkyrieMage Knight*RangerTarvos*Maelduin*KnightGeneral RapierReginleif
Cavalry Great LordCavalierPaladinGreat KnightTroubadourValkyrieMage KnightRangerTarvosMaelduin ZanbatoHorseslayerHalberd
Armored KnightGeneralGreat Knight ArmorslayerHeavy SpearHammer
Swordfighters MercenaryHeroMyrmidonSwordmaster Swordslayer
Flying Pegasus KnightFalcoknightWyvern RiderWyvern LordWyvern KnightManaketeGargoyleDeathgoyleDraco Zombie All bowsAlacalibur*Wind Sword
Dragons Wyvern RiderWyvern LordWyvern KnightManaketeDraco Zombie WyrmslayerDragonspearDragon Axe
Monsters RevenantEntombedBonewalkerWightMauthe DoogGwyllgiTarvosMaelduinGargoyleDeathgoyleManakete (Morva)MogallArch MogallBaelElder BaelCyclopsGorgonGorgon EggDraco ZombieDemon King ShadowkillerFiendcleaverBright LanceBeacon BowSieglindeAudhulmaSiegmundVidofnirGarmNidhoggExcaliburIvaldi • All attacks from a unit with Slayer
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might. The exceptions are the Sacred Twins, which only double (2×) the weapon's might (except for Gleipnir, as it does not deal any bonus damage); the 2× multiplier from the Sacred Twin weapons overrides the 3× multiplier from the Slayer skill.

The Fili Shield negates bonus damage that targets its holder's flying weakness.

Path of Radiance

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is gcn beorc.png Beorc All classes not in the laguz category None*
Is gcn laguz.png Laguz Beast TribeCatTigerLionBird TribeHawkRavenHeronDragon TribeRed DragonWhite Dragon LaguzslayerLaguz LanceLaguz AxeLaguz Bow
Is gcn horse 01.png Knight Sword KnightLance KnightAxe KnightBow KnightPaladin Regal SwordLongswordKnight KillerPoleax
Is gcn armor.png Armor KnightGeneral Regal SwordArmorslayerHeavy SpearHammerStiletto
Is gcn pegasus.png Flying Pegasus KnightFalcon KnightPrincess CrimeaWyvern RiderWyvern LordKing DaeinHawkRavenHeron All bowsSonic Sword • All wind magic
Is gcn beast.png Beast CatTigerLion Flame Lance • All fire magic
Is gcn bird.png Bird HawkRavenHeron None*
Is gcn dragon.png Dragon Red DragonWhite Dragon Bolt Axe • All thunder magic
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to double (2×) the equipped weapon's might.

Additionally, all axes deal bonus damage when breaking down doors.

The Beorcguard negates bonus damage that targets laguz. The Full Guard negates all bonus damage targeting its holder.

Radiant Dawn

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is wii horse.png Mounted HorseSword KnightLance KnightAxe KnightBow KnightBlade PaladinLance PaladinAxe PaladinBow PaladinGold KnightSilver KnightValkyrie HorseslayerThani
Is wii armor.png Armored Armored SwordArmored LanceArmored AxeSword GeneralLance GeneralAxe GeneralMarshallBlack Knight HammerThani
Is wii flying.png Flying Pegasus KnightFalcon KnightSeraph KnightQueenHawkRavenHeron (LeanneReyson) All bows • All wind magic except Wind Tail
Is wii beast.png Beasts CatTigerWolfLion Beast Killer • All fire magic except Fire Tail • All attacks from a unit with Beastfoe
Is wii bird.png Birds HawkRavenHeron All attacks from a unit with Birdfoe
Is wii dragon.png Dragons DracoknightDragonmasterDragonlordRed DragonWhite DragonBlack Dragon Wyrmslayer • All thunder magic except Thunder Tail • All attacks from a unit with Dragonfoe
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might. Bird, Beast, and Dragon weaknesses do not apply to non-transformed laguz.

Additionally, all axes deal bonus damage when breaking down doors and walls.

Nullify negates all bonus damage targeting its user.

Shadow Dragon

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is ds horse.png Cavalry CavalierPaladinHorseman RapierWing SpearRidersbanePoleax
Is ds armor.png Armored KnightGeneral RapierWing SpearArmorslayerHammer
Is ds pegasus.png Is ds dragon.png Flying Pegasus KnightFalcoknightDracoknight All bowsExcaliburArrowspate
Is ds ballistician.png Ballistician Ballistician Thunderbolt
Is ds manakete.png Dragons Manakete FalchionDivinestoneWyrmslayerDragonpike
Is ds earth dragon.png Medeus Earth Dragon FalchionDivinestone
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

Iote's Shield negates bonus damage targeting its holder's flying weakness. In multiplayer battles, the Apotrope card negates all bonus damage on both teams.

New Mystery of the Emblem

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is ds horse.png Cavalry CavalierPaladinHorseman RapierWing SpearRidersbanePoleax
Is ds armor.png Armored KnightGeneral RapierWing SpearArmorslayerHammerCleave Bow
Is ds swordsman.png Swordsmen MercenaryHeroMyrmidonSwordmaster Swordslayer
Is ds pegasus.png Is ds dragon.png Flying Pegasus KnightFalcoknightDracoknightWyvern All bowsFlycatcherExcaliburCutting GaleMerric's TomeArrowspate
Is ds ballistician.png Ballistician Ballistician Thunderbolt
Is ds manakete.png Dragons ManaketeFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonWyvernEarth Dragon FalchionDivinestoneWyrmslayerDragonpike
Is ds earth dragon.png Medeus Shadow Dragon Falchion
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

Iote's Shield negates bonus damage targeting its holder's flying weakness. In multiplayer battles, the Apotrope card negates all bonus damage on both teams.


Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Awakening
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is 3ds01 beast.png Beasts CavalierPaladinGreat KnightBow KnightDark KnightTroubadourValkyriePegasus KnightFalcon KnightDark FlierGriffon RiderTaguelConqueror
Additionally, if Panne or any of her descendants is reclassed, they retain their beast weakness in other classes.
RapierNoble RapierBeast Killer • All attacks from a Taguel with Beastbane
Is 3ds01 armor.png Armored KnightGreat KnightGeneralConqueror RapierNoble RapierArmorslayerHammer
Is 3ds01 pegasus.png Flying Pegasus KnightFalcon KnightDark FlierWyvern RiderWyvern LordGriffon Rider Volant Axe • All bowsWindElwindArcwindRexcaliburForsetiExcaliburWilderwindCelica's Gale
Is 3ds01 monster.png Monsters RevenantEntombed Blessed LanceBlessed Bow
Is 3ds01 dragon.png Dragons Wyvern RiderWyvern LordManakete
Additionally, if Nowi, Tiki, or any of their descendants is reclassed, they retain their dragon weakness in other classes.
FalchionExalted FalchionParallel FalchionWyrmslayerBook of Naga • All attacks from a Manakete with Wyrmsbane
Is 3ds01 fell dragon.png Fell Dragon Grima Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might.

Conquest negates bonus damage targeting its user's beast or armor weaknesses. Iote's Shield negates bonus damage targeting its user's flying weakness.


In Fates, effective weapons are weakened when used against units who are not vulnerable to them. A unit wielding a specific effective weapon takes a -4 attack, -10 hit rate penalty when using it against a unit who does not share that weakness.[1] This does not apply to bows or yumi when used on non-flier units, although the Hunter's Bow is affected.

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Fates
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is 3ds02 beast.png Beasts CavalierPaladinGreat KnightBow KnightDark KnightTroubadourStrategistWolfskinWolfssegnerSky KnightFalcon KnightKinshi KnightKitsuneNine-TailsDark Falcon
Additionally, Kaden, Keaton, and all of their descendants will retain their beast weakness when reclassed.
Beast KillerHunter's BowHunter's Knife • All attacks from a Wolfskin, Wolfssegner, Kitsune, or Nine-Tails with Beastbane
Is 3ds02 armor.png Armored KnightGeneralGreat Knight ArmorslayerHammerSting Shuriken
Is 3ds02 pegasus.png Flying Wyvern RiderWyvern LordMalig KnightSky KnightFalcon KnightKinshi KnightDark Falcon All bows except the Hunter's Bow • All yumiExcaliburBallista
Is 3ds02 monster.png Monsters FacelessStoneborn Spirit KatanaBlessed LanceBlessed BowKris Knife
Is 3ds02 dragon.png Dragons Nohr Prince/PrincessNohr NobleHoshido NobleWyvern RiderWyvern LordMalig KnightFeral DragonAstral Dragon
Additionally, Corrin and their children retain their dragon weakness when reclassed.
FalchionParallel FalchionWyrmslayerDragon Spirit
Is 3ds02 puppet.png Puppets* MechanistAutomatonStoneborn All attacks from a unit with Golembane
Sword wielders Units with a sword equipped Swordcatcher
Lance wielders Units with a lance equipped Pike-Ruin Club
Axe wielders Units with an axe equipped Axe Splitter
Tome wielders Units with a tome equipped Spellbane Yumi
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might. The exception is the Ballista, which only doubles (2×) the might.

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

In Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, bonus damage categories have other functions than simply having bonus damage be able to be dealt. Additionally, the game lists a unit's bonus damage categories in their arts list.

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is 3ds03 mounted.png Mounted CavalierPaladinGold KnightSkogulBow KnightOliphantier RapierRidersbane
Skills: Knightkneeler
Is 3ds03 flying.png Flier Pegasus KnightFalcon KnightHarrierGargoyleDeathgoyleMogallNecrodragonWhite DragonMila's ServantDuma's ApostleGarudaBalor All bows except Rusted Bow and Venin Bow
Skills: Grounder
Is 3ds03 armored.png Armored KnightBaronSpartanFiendGuardian Rapier
Skills: ArmorcrushDeath Blow
Is 3ds03 terror.png Terror RevenantEntombedTomb LordBonewalkerGargoyleNecrodragon Blessed SwordBlessed LanceBlessed BowFalchionSeraphim
Skills: Celestial Bow
Is 3ds03 terror.png Great Terror FiendLichDeathgoyleWhite DragonMogallDraculTitanGarudaGuardianFafnirBalorDeimos Blessed SwordBlessed LanceBlessed BowFalchionSeraphim
Skills: Celestial Bow
Unlike regular Terrors, Great Terror units are immune to Expel.
Is 3ds03 dragon.png Dragon DagonFire Dragon While there is a bonus damage category, no weapons deal bonus damage to dragons.
Is 3ds03 god.png God (Duma) Fell God While there is a bonus damage category, no weapons deal bonus damage to gods.
Gods can only be killed by weapons with Deicide.
Is 3ds03 god 02.png God (Creation) Fell Dragon While there is a bonus damage category, no weapons deal bonus damage to gods.
In this game, for weapons, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might. For combat arts, the bonus is instead to triple (3×) the combat art's additional might.

Three Houses

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons and gambits effective against this unit type Abilities and combat arts effective against this unit type Equipment and skills negating effectiveness against this unit type
Is ns01 eff cavalry.png Cavalry Bow KnightCavalierDark KnightDeath KnightGreat KnightHoly KnightPaladinValkyrie Dark Spikes ΤHorseslayerLine of LancesRapierSpear of Assal Beast FangKnightkneeler Cavalry Effect NullChalice of BeginningsDark Rafail GemLampos ShieldRafail Gem
Is ns01 eff armored.png Armored Armored KnightArmored LordEmperorFlame EmperorFortress KnightGreat Knight ArmorslayerAxe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanHammerMaceRapierWave Attack Foudroyant StrikeHelm Splitter Armored Effect NullChalice of BeginningsDark Rafail GemKadmos ShieldRafail Gem
Is ns01 eff flying.png Flying BarbarossaDark FlierFalcon KnightFlying Demonic BeastGiant BirdPegasus KnightWhite BeastWyvern LordWyvern MasterWyvern Rider All bows except the Mini BowAshes and DustBallistaExcaliburFlash-Fire ArrowsFusilladePoisoned Arrows All bow-based combat arts • GrounderRuined Sky Aurora ShieldChalice of BeginningsDark Rafail GemFlying Effect NullRafail Gem
Is ns01 eff dragon.png Dragon Black BeastExperimental Demonic BeastFlying Demonic BeastGiant Demonic BeastLord of the DesertLord of the LakeThe Immaculate OneUmbral BeastWandering BeastWhite BeastWild Demonic Beast Dragon Claws Apocalyptic FlameBeast FangBurning QuakeFallen StarFoudroyant StrikeRuined SkySublime HeavenRuptured Heaven Chalice of BeginningsDark Rafail GemDragon Effect Null (Unused)Rafail Gem
Is ns01 eff monster.png Monster Altered Demonic BeastAltered GolemBlack BeastExperimental Demonic BeastFlying Demonic BeastGiant BirdGiant CrawlerGiant Demonic BeastGiant WolfGolemHegemon HuskLord of the DesertLord of the LakeThe Immaculate OneTitanusUmbral BeastWandering BeastWhite BeastWild Demonic Beast Blessed BowBlessed LanceSeraphim Bane of MonstersMonster BreakerMonstrous AppealMonster PiercerMonster BlastMonster Crusher Chalice of BeginningsDark Rafail GemMonster Effect NullRafail Gem
Is ns01 eff all.png All All classes None AtrocityWar Master's Strike Air of Intimidation (Unused)Chalice of BeginningsDark Rafail GemEffect Null (Unused)Rafail Gem
In this game, for weapons and gambits, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon or gambit's might. For bonus damage granted by an ability, combat art, or status effect, the bonus is to double (2×) the equipped weapon's might.

Monsters may have an indefinite status making them weak to swords, lances, axes, or bows.

Additionally, many classes are of the infantry class type, and the Infantry Effect Null skill negates bonus damage against this type; however, no bonus damage effects target this type, and the Infantry Effect Null skill is unused.


Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Engage
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Is ns02 cavalry.png Cavalry Noble (Alfred) • AvenirSentinel (Fogado) • CupidoRoyal KnightBow KnightSword CavalierLance CavalierAxe CavalierPaladinWolf KnightMage KnightEmblem (Sigurd) RapierNoble RapierMani KattiBlutgangRidersbanePoleaxeWolf BeilThani
Is ns02 armor.png Armored Sword ArmorLance ArmorAxe ArmorGeneralGreat KnightEmblem (Hector) • Mage Cannoneer ArmorslayerRapierNoble RapierMani KattiHammerWolf BeilThani
Is ns02 flying.png Flying Wing TamerLindwurmSleipnir RiderMelusineSword FlierLance FlierAxe FlierGriffin KnightWyvern KnightEmblem (Camilla) • Phantom Wyvern All bowsWind SwordHurricane AxeWindElwindExcaliburRexcaliburTornado Blast
Is ns02 corrupted.png Corrupted Corrupted Wyrm • All Corrupted units SieglindeOligoludiaSeraphim
Skills: Twin Strike
Is ns02 dragon.png Dragons Dragon ChildDivine DragonWing Tamer (Ivy) • LindwurmMelusineWyvern KnightPhantom WyrmEmblem (CorrinTiki) • Phantom Wyvern
Additionally, if Alear is reclassed, they retain their dragon weakness in all other classes
WyrmslayerFalchionParallel FalchionBlutgangSword of the CreatorLúinAymrArmadsMulagirFailnaughtFog Breath
Is ns02 fell dragon.png Fell Dragons Fell ChildFell MonarchGreat Fell DragonCorrupted Wyrm
Additionally, if a Fell Child is reclassed, they retain their fell dragon weakness in all other classes
All attacks from a unit under the effect of Holy Aura
Is ns02 medeus.png Shadow Dragon All units synced with Emblem Shadow Dragon All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Marth
Is ns02 duma.png War Father All units synced with Emblem War Father All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Celica
Is ns02 loptous.png Dark God All units synced with Emblem Dark God All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Sigurd
Is ns02 veld.png Dark Bishop All units synced with Emblem Dark Bishop All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Leif
Is ns02 idunn.png Demon Dragon All units synced with Emblem Demon Dragon All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Roy
Is ns02 nergal.png Dark Druid All units synced with Emblem Dark Druid All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Lyn
Is ns02 fomortiis.png Demon King All units synced with Emblem Demon King All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Eirika
Is ns02 ashnard.png Mad King All units synced with Emblem Mad King All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Ike
Is ns02 ashera.png Judgment All units synced with Emblem Judgment All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Micaiah
Is ns02 grima.png Despair All units synced with Emblem Despair All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Lucina
Is ns02 anankos.png Mad Dragon All units synced with Emblem Mad Dragon All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Corrin
Is ns02 nemesis.png Liberation King All units synced with Emblem Liberation King All attacks from a unit synced with Emblem Byleth
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to triple (3×) the equipped weapon's might. For bonus damage granted by skills, the bonus is to double (2×) the equipped weapon's might.

All variants of Fell Barrier negate bonus damage targeting its user's Fell Dragon weakness. Stalwart and Veteran reduce the bonus for any bonus damage targeting the user to double (2×) the foe's equipped weapon's might. Unwavering, Veteran+, and Holy Shield negate all of its user's weaknesses.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

In Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, should a session start from a skill effective against the Mirage, all of the following attacks will ignore the Resist, Null, Repel, and Drain resistances. This is true for the enemy Mirages as well, as Touma and Mamori are considered Mounted and Armored units respectively.

Bonus damage groups in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Unit type Classes of this unit type Skills effective against this unit type
Is tmsfe horse.png Mounted CavalierPaladinDark Knight HorseslayerDual DispatchEspada
Is tmsfe armor.png Armored KnightGeneralBerserker ArmorslayerDual DispatchDiamondsplitter
Is tmsfe dragon.png Dragon Wyvern KnightShadow Dragon WyrmslayerWyrmicideNagaFirm Resolve
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to double (2×) the attack and any session skill that follows it.


Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Heroes
Unit type Skills effective against this unit type Skills negating effectiveness against this unit type
Is feh infantry.png Infantry Poison Dagger None
Is feh armor.png Armored Armorpin DaggerArmorslayerArmorsmasherAxe of VirilityBinding ReginleifBrilliant RapierBun-Bun BatonConjurer CuriosDauntless LanceDawn SuzuDeep-Blue BowDemonic BreathDestiny's BowDew DragonstoneDolphin-Dive AxeFeather SwordFlorina's LanceFrederick's AxeFujin-Raijin YumiGeirdrifulHammerHana's KatanaHeavy SpearJoyful VowsJubilant BladeLight of DawnLordly LanceMermaid BowMirage FeatherMoonlight DropNew DawnOboro's SpearPegasus CarrotPure-Wing SpearRandgríðrRapierReginleifRhomphaiaSelena's BladeSilver of DawnSky MaiougiSlaying HammerSlaying SpearSworn LanceThaniWar-God MjölnirWarrior PrincessWhitewing SpearWing SwordWing-Lifted SpearZephyr Breath Byleth: Frosty Professors's Duo Skill • Dew DragonstoneIdunn: Dragonkin Duo's Duo Skill • Maltet (refined)Svalinn Shield
Is feh cavalry.png Cavalry Binding ReginleifBlárwolfBlue-Crow TomeBrilliant RapierBunny FangCaltrop DaggerDark Spikes TDawn SuzuDusk UchiwaGronnwolfHermit's TomeHyperion LanceJoyful VowsKeen BlárwolfKeen GronnwolfKeen Rabbit FangKeen RauðrwolfLaid-Back BladeLight of DawnMasking AxeMirage FeatherMoonlight DropNew DawnObsessive CursePoleaxePure-Wing SpearRapierRauðrwolfReginleifRhomphaiaRidersbaneSilver of DawnTaguel FangThaniThief's HonestyWary Rabbit FangWing SwordWing-Lifted SpearZanbato Grani's Shield
Is feh flying.png Flying All bowsExcaliburGrafcaliburTender ExcaliburTome of OrderWinds of Change Ashera's ChosenBushido IIDragoon ShieldDragonscaleDragonskinDragonskin IIFrelian Lance (to allies)GurgurantHeired GungnirHel's ReaperIote's ShieldMyrrh: Spring Harmony's Harmonized Skill • Pastel PoleaxeTempest's ClawThracia Kinglance
Is feh sword.png Sword-users Dolphin-Dive AxeFeather Sword None
Is feh lance.png Lance-users Dolphin-Dive AxeFeather Sword None
Is feh axe.png Axe-users Dolphin-Dive AxeFeather Sword None
Is feh colorless bow.png Colorless bow-users Dolphin-Dive AxeFeather Sword None
Is feh red tome.pngIs feh blue tome.pngIs feh green tome.pngIs feh colorless tome.png Mages AureolaKitty PaddleRadiant Aureola None
Is feh red breath.pngIs feh blue breath.pngIs feh green breath.pngIs feh colorless breath.png Dragons Awoken BreathBinding Blade (refined)Blazing PolearmsBreath of BlightBreath of FogCloud MaiougiDemonic TomeDivine BreathDivine Fang (to allies)Divine MistDivine NagaDracofalchionDragonbindDragonslasherEthereal BreathExalted FalchionFalchion (Alm)Falchion (Chrom, Lucina, Marth)Frostfire BreathGeirskögul (refined)Genesis FalchionHero-King SwordÍfingrMirage FalchionNagaNinis's Ice LanceRazing BreathRemote BreathSealed FalchionSpirit Forest WritSplashy BucketSummer's BreathTwin DivinestoneVirtuous Naga Breath of BlightEerie ScriptureIdunn: Dragonkin Duo's Duo Skill • Sublime SurgeSnow's Grace
Is feh red beast.pngIs feh blue beast.pngIs feh green beast.pngIs feh colorless beast.png Beasts Blazing PolearmsBreaker BowDemonic TomeEldhrímnirFlame LanceGusty War BowHunting BladeNinis's Ice LanceSæhrímnir None
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is to multiply the attacker's attack (before defense or resistance are factored in) by ×1.5.

Swift Slice allows its user to conditionally deal effective damage when facing a unit of any weapon type while in combat.

Additionally, two weapon skills grant a source of bonus damage to their users:

  • Loptous makes its user receive bonus damage from weapons that deal bonus damage to breath units.
  • Tempest's Claw makes its user receive bonus damage from blue tomes.


In Warriors, players can forge up to two different effective attributes onto any of their weapons (including any that are already built into it). However, doing so will also decrease the weapon's might by 20% unless it also has the True Power, Divine Power, or Legendary attributes. Any unremovable attributes built into the weapon, like Wingslayer on bows, are also not subjected to this penalty.

Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Warriors
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type
Mounted CavalierPaladinCrown PrinceGreat KnightGuardian KnightDark KnightDark CrusaderTroubadourStrategist Wing SpearZanbatoHorseslayerHalberdHunter's BowUnsaddler TomePiked Dragonstone • All weapons with Mountslayer
Armored KnightGeneralGreat KnightGuardian Knight Wing SpearArmorslayerHeavy SpearHammerCleave BowPiercing TomeIronbanestone • All weapons with Plateslayer
Flying Pegasus KnightSky KnightFalcon KnightWyvern RiderWyvern LordMalig KnightMalig Master All bowsWing ClipperFlycatcherVolant AxeWingbane TomeRisestone • All weapons with Wingslayer
Dragon Nohr Princess/PrinceNohr NobleHoshido NobleWyvern RiderWyvern LordMalig KnightMalig MasterManaketeFafnirDivine Dragon FalchionParallel FalchionExalted FalchionSol KattiDivinestoneWyrmslayerDragonpikeDragon AxeDragonkiller BowCondragon TomeUndragonstone • All weapons with Dracoslayer
Monster Outrealm Fiend EnlironFacinnaSpirit KatanaBlessed LanceBlessed AxeBlessed BowBlessed TomeBlessedstone • All weapons with Beastslayer
In this game, the bonus for bonus damage is about 2000% damage increase to the user's attack.

Iote's Shield negates all bonus damage targeting its user.

Warriors: Three Hopes

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Bonus damage groups in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Unit type Classes of this unit type Weapons effective against this unit type Abilities and combat arts effective against this unit type
Is ns01 eff cavalry.png Cavalry Bow KnightCavalierDark KnightDeath KnightGreat KnightHoly KnightPaladin Defender's TomeHorseslayerRapierSpear of AssalWolf Fangs Beast FangDark Spikes TFlash StrikeKnightkneeler
Is ns01 eff armored.png Armored Armored KnightArmored LordEmperorFortress KnightGreat Knight ArmorslayerAxe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanDefender's TomeHammerHeavy SpearMaceRapier Drill ArrowFoudroyant StrikeHelm SplitterLightning FistMagic BladeThunder Rush
Is ns01 eff flying.png Flying BarbarossaFalcon KnightPegasus KnightWyvern LordWyvern MasterWyvern Rider All bowsFlycatcherWingthresher All bow-based combat arts • ExcaliburGrounderRuined SkyShredderStormbladeWhirlwind Kick
Is ns01 eff monster.png Monster Altered Demonic BeastAltered GolemDemonic BeastExperimental Demonic BeastGiant CrawlerGiant WolfGolemThe Immaculate OneTitanusWild Demonic Beast Blessed BowBlessed Lance Seraphim
Is ns01 eff all.png All All classes None AtrocityEviscerateSwift SliceWar StrikeWind God


  • Despite Longswords and Armorslayers not actually being items in Radiant Dawn, they are mentioned in the bonus damage tutorial in the English version of the game.[2] In the Japanese version of Radiant Dawn, Horseslayers and Hammers are mentioned instead of Longswords and Armorslayers.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Bonus damage

Known by this name from Path of Radiance onward; The Blazing Blade gives no name. The tutorial for bonus damage is known as "weapon effectiveness" in The Sacred Stones and Three Houses.





  1. アイテム/剣・刀,, Retrieved: May 31, 2015
  2. "Longswords work well against units on horseback, and Armorslayers help you mow down knights." — Anna, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Turn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unitSubstitute character) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus