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Elder Bael

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Elder Bael

FESS Elder Bael.png

Giant spiders infused with tremendous magical strength. Their venom is lethal.

Unit type(s)



Non-magic monster weapons



The Elder Bael (Japanese: エルダバール Elder Baal) class is an enemy-only class that only appears in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. It is one of the many enemy-only monster classes of that game. They are gigantic spiders with powerful poison.

Elder Baels can use monster weapons not based on dark magic, such as Lethal Talon and Poison Claw. Presumably, it can use other monster weapons such as Fetid Claw.

The Elder Bael class could be considered the promoted form of the Bael class, though the Bael is not actually programmed to actually promote.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 36 8 -- 5 5 0 9 4 6 15 --

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 30 -- 28 26 30 26 22 15 25 --

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
The Sacred Stones -- 3 -- -- -- -- --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 85% 45% -- 25% 20% 10% 21% 17% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class change

The Sacred Stones

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe08 bael monster.png
Promotion defined, but no item assigned. Bs fe08 elder bael monster.png
Elder Bael

Flavor text

Game Text
The Sacred Stones
(class roll)
Giant spiders infused with tremendous
magical strength. Their venom is lethal.
魔の力により 強大な力を得たバール
その鋭い爪には 猛毒を備えている
The Sacred Stones
Magic-infused giant spiders.
Their venom is lethal.
魔の力により 強大な力を得たバール
その鋭い爪には 猛毒を備えている

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Elder Bael

Bael refers to one of the seven princes of hell, also spelled Baal or Baell.[citation needed]



Officially romanized as Elderbael. Literally Elder Baal written in katakana.


Maal antiguo


Grand Bael

Great Bael





Bael antico

Ancient Bael



See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Base classes ArcherBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerFighterFleetJourneymanKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMonkMyrmidonPeerPegasus KnightPhantomPiratePontifexPriestPupilQueenRecruitShamanSoldierThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat KnightGreat LordHeroMage KnightManaketeNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueSageSniperSummonerSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern KnightWyvern Lord
Base monster classes BaelBonewalkerGargoyleGorgon EggMauthe DoogMogallRevenantTarvos
Advanced monster classes Arch MogallCyclopsDeathgoyleDemon KingDraco ZombieElder BaelEntombedGorgonGwyllgiMaelduinWight
Removed class Apprentice