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Pegasus Carrot

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Pegasus Carrot

Is feh pegasus carrot.png
The Pegasus Carrot as it appears in Heroes.



First game


Pegasus Carrot (Japanese: 天馬のニンジン Pegasus Carrot) is a weapon skill in the dagger category which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes. Pegasus Carrot deals bonus damage to armored foes; and if the user has weapon triangle advantage, it neutralizes effects that prevent the user from making follow-up attacks.


Game Icon Type Might Range SP cost Refine cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(Pegasus Carrot)
Is feh skill weapon.png Daggers 8 2 200 -- Steel Dagger -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
If user has weapon triangle advantage, neutralizes effects that prevent user's follow-up attacks during combat.
Enables Dagger 5 (If unit attacked in combat, after combat, inflicts −5 each to defense and resistance of foe and enemies within 2 spaces of foe through their next actions).
(Pegasus Carrot+; refine: Unrefined)
Is feh skill weapon.png Daggers 12 2 300 -- Pegasus Carrot -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
If user has weapon triangle advantage, neutralizes effects that prevent user's follow-up attacks during combat.
Enables Dagger 7 (If unit attacked in combat, after combat, inflicts −7 each to defense and resistance of foe and enemies within 2 spaces of foe through their next actions).
(Pegasus Carrot+; refine: +Atk)
Is feh wpn atk refined.png Daggers 13 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
If user has weapon triangle advantage, neutralizes effects that prevent user's follow-up attacks during combat.
Enables Dagger 7 (If unit attacked in combat, after combat, inflicts −7 each to defense and resistance of foe and enemies within 2 spaces of foe through their next actions).
Grants +2 HP.
(Pegasus Carrot+; refine: +Spd)
Is feh wpn spd refined.png Daggers 12 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
If user has weapon triangle advantage, neutralizes effects that prevent user's follow-up attacks during combat.
Enables Dagger 7 (If unit attacked in combat, after combat, inflicts −7 each to defense and resistance of foe and enemies within 2 spaces of foe through their next actions).
Grants +2 HP and +2 speed.
(Pegasus Carrot+; refine: +Def)
Is feh wpn def refined.png Daggers 12 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
If user has weapon triangle advantage, neutralizes effects that prevent user's follow-up attacks during combat.
Enables Dagger 7 (If unit attacked in combat, after combat, inflicts −7 each to defense and resistance of foe and enemies within 2 spaces of foe through their next actions).
Grants +2 HP and +3 defense.
(Pegasus Carrot+; refine: +Res)
Is feh wpn res refined.png Daggers 12 2 350 500 Arena Medal
50 Refining Stone
-- -- Deals bonus damage to armored units.
If user has weapon triangle advantage, neutralizes effects that prevent user's follow-up attacks during combat.
Enables Dagger 7 (If unit attacked in combat, after combat, inflicts −7 each to defense and resistance of foe and enemies within 2 spaces of foe through their next actions).
Grants +2 HP and +3 resistance.



Method Data
Pegasus Carrot Pegasus Carrot+
Unit (★★★★★) Palla: Eldest Bun-Bun Palla: Eldest Bun-Bun

Flavor text

Game Text
(Pegasus Carrot)
Effective against armored foes. If unit has
weapon-triangle advantage, neutralizes effects
that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during
combat. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts
Def/Res-5 on target and foes within 2 spaces
of target through their next actions.
(Pegasus Carrot+)
Effective against armored foes. If unit has
weapon-triangle advantage, neutralizes effects
that prevent unit's follow-up attacks during
combat. After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts
Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces
of target through their next actions.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Pegasus Carrot




Pegasus Carrot


Zanahoria pegaso

Pegasus carrot; abbreviated as Zanah. pegaso.


Carotte pégase

Pegasus carrot



Pegasus Carrot


Carota pegasea

Pegasus carrot


Cenoura pégaso

Pegasus carrot

Traditional Chinese


Pegasus carrot


Dagger skills in Heroes
Basic dagger skills Iron DaggerSilver DaggerSteel Dagger
Dagger skills with secondary effects Arcane TempestArcane VoidArmorpin DaggerBarb ShurikenBone CarverBottled JuiceBroadleaf FanBunny's EggCaltrop DaggerThe CleanerClever DaggerCloud MaiougiCourtly FanCourtly MaskDancer's FanDragonslasherDusk UchiwaFlorid KnifeGoodie BootHidden ThornsKagami MochiKitty PaddleLethal CarrotMiasma DaggerMinty CaneOuch PouchPegasus CarrotPoison DaggerPumpkin-a-BoxQuick DaggerRed-Hot DucksRogue DaggerScallop BladeSeashellSky MaiougiSmall SpadeSmoke DaggerSplashy BucketStarfishTemariTropical TreatsUmbra BurstVicious Dagger
Regalia and personal dagger skills Abyssal BladeAsura BladesAthameBlade of JehannaBlade RoyaleBrightwind FansCandied DaggerConstant DaggerDeathly DaggerDreamflakeFelicia's PlateFireman's HookFrozen DelightGöndulHoarfrost KnifeHonorable BladeHunting BladeHurricane DaggerJakob's TrayKagero's DartKaze's NeedleKindling TaikoLevin DaggerLyfjabergNabata KunaiNiðavellir SprigPerspicaciousPeshkatzPlayful PinwheelSæhrímnirSaizo's StarShadowy QuillSilent Yule KnifeSpy's DaggerSpy's ShurikenSummer StrikersSylgrTailwind ShurikenThief's HonestyWildcat DaggerYmir, Everliving