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FERK Athos.png
Artwork of Athos from The Blazing Blade.

An archsage. One of the eight legendary heroes.







Starting class



The Blazing Blade

The world is full of mysteries. Solve one, and along comes another...
— Athos

Athos (Japanese: アトス Atos) is one of the Eight Legends that defeated the Dragons during The Scouring. He appears in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, assisting Eliwood and Hector on their quest to stop Nergal from once again releasing the dragons.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade


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Athos is one of the Eight Legends who fought against the dragons during the Scouring. Afterward, he met Nergal travelling through the Nabata desert. They both came across Arcadia, which was a town inhabited by both dragons and humans.

After Nergal left to plan his attempt do get a dragon under his control, Athos remained in arcadia. 500 years after, when Uther told Hector to go to Nabata to seek aid, Athos met with Hector and his party. Athos instructs them to go to Bern to find the Fire Emblem.

After Chapter 27 of Eliwood's tale or Chapter 29 of Hector's tale, Athos teleports them to the place where Bramimond, another of the Eight Legends, resides. Athos asks him to lift the seals on the Legendary weapons so that they can be used to fight against Nergal.

After the legendary blade Durandal was taken, Athos attempts to fight Nergal after Nergal tricked Eliwood and made him kill Ninian. Athos realizes Nergal's power has grown too much, and they head for Ostia to regroup.

After Hector and his party defeat the last of Nergal's Morphs, Athos joins them in the fight in the Final Chapter, bringing the legendary tomes Forblaze and Aureola, along with the companion sword to the Mani Katti, the Sol Katti. After the battle was finished, Athos succumbed to his old age and died peacefully. However, before he died he revealed that the world would fall into chaos once again, hinting at the events in the sequel, The Binding Blade.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait athos fe07.png
Ma gba archsage playable.gif Archsage
Level 20
Affinity Is gba animaaffin.png
Recruitment: Final Chapter, Automatically at preparations

Stats Growth Rates

Sol Katti
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic S Light magic S Dark magic S Staves S


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Athos is the last unit to join the player's army in The Blazing Blade, in the final chapter of the game, and as such is a part of the Gotoh archetype. Athos comes at level 20 with high bases in every area, besides maybe his somewhat mediocre speed and HP, along with an S rank in all types of magic and an S rank in staves as well, not to mention the powerful Aureola and Forblaze tomes. While the tomes are heavy, Athos is able to wield any lighter tome if he wishes to, or use a staff and heal instead, in particular, he makes great use of the Fortify staff. Athos can also be given 2 speedwing or 2 body rings to fix his speed issues and allow him to one round the fire dragon with a Luna tome. Athos is also the only unit, along with Canas, able to one shot the fire dragon with a critical hit from a Luna and a Filla's Might from Nils.

However, on Hector Hard, it is possible for the Dragon to roll exactly 40 damage due to randomized growths, enabling it to OHKO Athos by the skin of its teeth. If this happens, Athos will need an Angelic Robe to survive the Dragon, so it may be wise to save one from an earlier map in case it is needed.

Overall, Athos is a great unit for the final chapter, who will be able to carry even the weakest teams to victory with just a bit of help from stat boosting items and boosts from Nils.


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Athos is a wise old man, knowing that if he does not stop Nergal, the whole continent would be destroyed.


Archsage Athos
Athos died in a foreign land. Those who saw his face said that he seemed as though he had at last found true peace.


Battle quotes

Athos: Nergal...
Nergal: Heh heh... Athos... Take a good look at me! At my tremendous power!
Athos: Already...words are useless. As an old friend... I will fulfill my duty.

— Against Nergal.

Defeat quote

Athos: Not yet... This cannot be where I am meant to fall...
Eliwood: Lord Athos!
Athos: Do not worry about me... Fight on, brave warriors.

— Athos, in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
Eliwood: Lord Athos, how are you?
Athos: Do not trouble yourself. My time has not yet come. There is still so much I need to do...

— Athos, if he was defeated in the final chapter.

Other appearances

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Cg fe09 fe07 athos.png

Athos's official artwork from The Blazing Blade can be viewed in Path of Radiance's extras menu if a copy of The Blazing Blade is connected to a copy of Path of Radiance.

Fire Emblem Cipher

Athos is featured on one card in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Athos
TCGCipher P07-003PR.png Living Legend, Athos


"An evil star…rises in Bern… But do not fear. Once again, Lycia brings hope."
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 5
Class: Archsage Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 4
Prophecy of Hope: [Activate] [Flip one bond card] [Destroy this unit] Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Select a Elibe card among the revealed cards and add that card to your hand. Discard the remaining cards afterwards.
Card #P07-003PR • Artist: Ippei Soeda
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Athos .

Flavor text

Game Text
The Blazing Blade
An archsage. One of the
eight legendary heroes.

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
326 Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Portrait athos fe07 cyl.png
The Blazing Blade
Total results This character has 8 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 8,753


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Either from the fictional character Athos, Count de la Fère, from The Three Musketeers;[1] or from one of the Gigantes of Greek mythology, who created the eponymous Mount Athos.[2]



Officially romanized as Atos in a song name in The Blazing Blade. Romanized instead as Athos in Fire Emblem Characters: The Sword of Seal & The Sword of Flame, the now defunct Fire Emblem Museum website, and the art gallery in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.



As above



As above



As above



As above



Mentioned in Heroes.

Traditional Chinese


Athos; mentioned in Heroes.


Small portrait athos fe07.png Sprite Gallery
Portrait athos fe07.png Ma gba archsage other.gif Arch Sage Ma gba archsage playable.gif
Bs fe07 npc athos archsage magic.png
Bs fe07 athos archsage staff.png
Magic, staff


  1. Athos (character), Wikipedia, Retrieved: August 22, 2018
  2. Athos (mythology), Wikipedia, Retrieved: August 22, 2018
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Playable characters AlenAstolfoBartheBartreBorsCathCeciliaChadClarineDayanDieckDorothyDouglasEchidnaElenElffinFaeFirGarretGeeseGonzalezGwendolynHughIgreneJunoKarelKleinLanceLarumLilinaLotLughMarcusMerlinusMeladyNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSinSophiaSueTheaTrecWardWoltYoderZelotZeiss
Trial Map characters BrunnyaEliwoodGalleGuinivereHectorMurdockNarcianZephiel
Non-playable characters EliwoodGuinivereHectorMaryMordred
Bosses ArcardoBorsBrakulBrunnyaChanDamasDebiasDoryEinErikFlaerGalleGuerreroHenningIdunnKabulKelKudokaJahnLeganceMaggieMarralMartelMonkeMorganMurdockNarcianNordOatesOrloPeresRaithRandyRoartzRobertsRoseRuudScollanScottSiguneSlaterThorilTickWagnerWindhamZephielZinque
Background characters AthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ApocalypseArmadsAureolaBinding BladeDurandalEckesachsForblazeMaltetMulagirRapierStaff of the Saint
Chapters Tutorial • 1: Breath of Destiny • 2: Princess of Bern • 3: Latecomer's Sorrow • 4: Crumbling League • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Ensnared • 7: The Ostian Revolt • 8: Reunion • 8x: The Blazing Blade • 9: The Misty Isles • 10A: Western Resistance • 11A: The Hero of the West • 10B: Amidst a Struggle • 11B: Flight Toward Freedom • 12: The True Enemy • 12x: The Thunder Axe • 13: Rescue Mission • 14: Arcadia • 14x: The Infernal Truth • 15: The Dragon Child • 16: Storming the Capital • 16x: The Glorious Ascension • 17A: Ocean's Parting • 18A: The Frozen River • 19A: Bitter Cold • 20A: Ilia's Salvation • 20Ax: The Freezing Lance • 17B: The Bishop's Teachings • 18B: The Laws of Sacae • 19B: Battle in Bulgar • 20B: The Silver Wolf • 20Bx: The Bow of Swift Wind • 21: The Binding Blade • 21x: The Elder Revelation • 22: Unattained Dream • 23: The Ghosts of Bern • 24: Legends and LiesF: Beyond Darkness
Trial Maps Valley of DeathRainy IslandSnowy DefensivePirate's ChallengeRoy's Trial
Locations ElibeBern (Dragon TempleShrine of Seals) • Etruria (Aquleia) • IliaLycia (AraphenLausOstiaPheraeThria) • Missur (ArcadiaNabata) • Sacae (BulgarTaras) • Western Isles
Groups, objects and concepts Disturbance of BernEnding WinterFire EmblemGenerals of EtruriaThe ScouringWar Dragons
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Elibe DisturbanceHasha no TsurugiName chart • Other games (The Blazing Blade) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Playable characters AthosBartreCanasDartDorcasEliwoodErkFarinaFioraFlorinaGeitzGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLouiseLowenLuciusLynMarcusMatthewMerlinusNilsNinianNinoOswinPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaRenaultSainSerraVaidaWallaceWil
Non-playable characters BramimondDesmondElbertEleanoraEphidelFaeFargusGuinivereHannahHausenHelleneHelmanIgorJahnJakeJanKishunaLeilaLilinaMarkMurdockNatalieReissmannRoySophiaUtherZephiel
Bosses AionBattaBaukerBernardBeyardBoiesBoolBrendanBugCameronCarjigaDamianDarinDenningDragonEaglerErikEubansFargusGeorgGlassGroznyiHeintzJasmineJermeKaimKennethKishunaLimstellaLinusLloydLundgrenMaximeMigalNergalOlegPascalPaulPuzonSealenSoniaTeodorUhaiUrsulaVaidaWireYogiZaganZoldamZugu
Background characters AenirAeshaAthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutHassarKellesMadelynRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ArmadsAureolaBasilikosDurandalEreshkigalExcaliburForblazeGespenstLuceMani KattiRapierRegal BladeRex HastaRienflecheSol KattiWolf Beil
Chapters Lyn's Tale P: A Girl from the Plains • 1: Footsteps of Fate • 2: Sword of Spirits • 3: Band of Mercenaries • 4: In Occupation's Shadow • 5: Beyond the Borders • 6: Blood of Pride • 7: Siblings Abroad • 7x: The Black Shadow • 8: Vortex of Strategy • 9: A Grim Reunion • 10: The Distant Plains
Eliwood's Tale 11: Taking Leave • 12: Birds of a Feather • 13: In Search of Truth • 13x: The Peddler Merlinus • 14: False Friends • 15: Noble Lady of Caelin • 16: Whereabouts Unknown • 16x: The Port of Badon • 17: Pirate Ship • 18: The Dread Isle • 18x: Imprisoner of Magic • 19: Dragon's Gate • 20: New Resolve • 21: Kinship's Bond • 22: Living Legend • 22x: Genesis • 23: Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd, Linus) • 24: Unfulfilled Heart • 25: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth, Jerme) • 26: Battle before Dawn • 26x: Night of Farewells • 27: Cog of Destiny • 28: Valorous Roland • 29: Sands of Time • 29x: Battle Preparations • 30: Victory or DeathF: Light (part 1part 2)
Hector's Tale 11: Another Journey • 12: Birds of a Feather • 13: In Search of Truth • 13x: The Peddler Merlinus • 14: False Friends • 15: Talons Alight • 16: Noble Lady of Caelin • 17: Whereabouts Unknown • 17x: The Port of Badon • 18: Pirate Ship • 19: The Dread Isle • 19x: Imprisoner of Magic • 19x pt 2: A Glimpse in Time • 20: Dragon's Gate • 21: New Resolve • 22: Kinship's Bond • 23: Living Legend • 23x: Genesis • 24: Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd, Linus) • 25: Crazed Beast • 26: Unfulfilled Heart • 27: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth, Jerme) • 28: Battle before Dawn • 28x: Night of Farewells • 29: Cog of Destiny • 30: The Berserker • 31: Sands of Time • 31x: Battle Preparations • 32: Victory or Death • 32x: The Value of LifeF: Light (part 1part 2)
Locations ElibeBern (Shrine of Seals) • EtruriaIliaLycia (AraphenCaelinCornwellKhatheletLausOstiaPheraeSantaruz) • Nabata Desert (Arcadia) • Sacae (Bulgar) • Valor (Dragon's Gate) • Western Isles
Groups, objects and concepts Black Fang (Four Fangs) • Fire EmblemGenerals of EtruriaMorphsQuintessenceThe Scouring
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics List of version differencesMario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus discName chart • Other games (The Binding Blade) • Pre-release information (Pre-release build 0206Pre-release build 0219Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline