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Fire Emblem (concept)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
The Fire Emblem in Awakening with all five orbs in place.
There are many relics known as the Fire Emblem across the different worlds... Could this be coincidence?
— Marth

In most Fire Emblem series games, the Fire Emblem (Japanese: ファイアーエムブレム Fire Emblem, or 炎の紋章 Fire Emblem) is an item or object central to the plot of the game, and is the namesake of the series as a whole. Each representation differs from each other, and typically each has a different name with "Fire Emblem" being another name applied to it.


FERK Athos.png

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The Archanean Fire Emblem in New Mystery of the Emblem.
Main article: Fire Emblem (Archanean item)

In Archanea, the Binding Shield was renamed the "Fire Emblem" in its weakened, orb-stripped form. Originally the seal placed upon the Earth Dragons by Naga,[1] it was stolen from the Fane of Raman by Adrah and adopted as a national treasure of his new nation, Archanea.[2] Its true name resumed use following its restoration by Marth, but changed by the era of Ylisse—in Japanese it is known as the Flame Pedestal (Japanese: 炎の台座); in localizations, it is known again as the Fire Emblem.


Valentia does not have a Fire Emblem of its own; as it co-exists with Archanea, the Binding Shield is technically the Fire Emblem of Valentia.


In the ending of Genealogy of the Holy War, which takes place on Jugdral and in the same world as Archanea and Valentia, the inheritor of Velthomer (Azelle's child) mentions that the crest of Velthomer is also known as the "Fire Emblem" and, prior to the events of the game, was regarded as a symbol of justice.[3]


In Elibe, the Fire Emblem is a gem and one of the national treasures of Bern, kept under heavy guard. It serves two purposes: a functional purpose in unlocking the Binding Blade from the Shrine of Seals, and a ceremonial purpose in the coming-of-age ceremonies of members of the Bern royal family.

In The Binding Blade, the Fire Emblem was stolen by Guinivere as she fled Bern at the beginning of the Disturbance of Bern, as she travelled to Lycia to find a peaceful resolution to the war, and she later gave it to Roy to use to obtain the Binding Blade.

In The Blazing Blade, as part of his plans to stop Prince Zephiel from having a legitimate path to ascending the throne, King Desmond had the Black Fang steal the Fire Emblem before Zephiel's coming-of-age ceremony. In response, Queen Hellene tasked Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, Louise, and Pent with its recovery from the Black Fang, in exchange for directions and free passage to the Shrine of Seals.

This Fire Emblem was not explicitly identified as being seen in the games themselves. In the opening of The Binding Blade, however, a crest of some kind appears in the opening sequence on the scene where the narration describes "a sacred emblem of burning light, born of flames..."; this same crest also appears on Roy's cape in the Super Smash Bros. series. This may be the Elibean Fire Emblem; however, the manga Hasha no Tsurugi depicts this Fire Emblem with a very different appearance.


Lyon's experiments with the Fire Emblem turned it into the Dark Stone.
Main article: Sacred Stone (object)

The Sacred Stone of Grado, containing the soul of Fomortiis sealed within, is also referred to as the "Fire Emblem".[4] Prior to the start of the game, its energy was studied by Grado's Prince Lyon and a team of mages.[4] After his father Emperor Vigarde died, Lyon split the Fire Emblem into two parts: the Sacred Stone, and a Dark Stone containing the soul of the Demon King.[5][6] Lyon revived his father with the Dark Stone,[6] then destroyed the Sacred Stone.[7] The Dark Stone corrupted him, leading him to command his resurrected father to start a war against Renais in order to destroy the other stones, which starts the conflict of the game.[citation needed]


Main article: Lehran's Medallion

In Tellius, the Fire Emblem is known as Lehran's Medallion and was created 800 years prior to Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn for the sole purpose of imprisoning the goddess of chaos, Yune. It was created by Lehran of the Heron tribe, and so for most of its history was kept by the Heron royal family, who had the ability to keep Yune calm through their Galdr. Additionally, Lehran and his decendents, the Apostles of Begnion, possessed the ability to sing the Galdr of Release to free her from the Medallion if necessary.

Hoshido and Nohr

Main article: Yato

In Fates, the Yato is known as the "Seal of Flames" in its Shadow and Blazing forms and the "Fire Emblem" in its Omega form. Two divine weapons unlock the Seal of Flames (Brynhildr and Siegfried in Conquest, the Fujin Yumi and Raijinto in Birthright) while all four unlock the Fire Emblem.


In Three Houses, the Fire Emblem is the Crest of Flames, the Crest borne by the goddess Sothis, as well as Edelgard and Byleth. In Silver Snow and Verdant Wind, the Fire Emblem is also the flag bearing the Crest of Flames used by the Resistance Army in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind. This flag represents everyone joining forces to fight, even if it means putting their lives on the line.[8]


Main article: Alear

In Engage, after Alear sacrificed themselves to save Veyle from an attack by Sombron and a brief revival into a Corrupted, the twelve Emblems used their powers to resurrect Alear as the thirteenth Emblem, the Connector, known simply as the "Fire Emblem". Their Emblem Ring is the same ring given to them by Lumera on their Birthday. As an Emblem, Alear's hair and eyes are completely blue, and unlike other Emblems, has a physical body.

In game, they will only engage if they are adjacent to an ally. They also have an unusual way of leveling up their bond, as it only increases if they unlock a support level with another ally, and can even reach level 21 if they unlock an S-support with said ally.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

In Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE, the "Opera of Light: Fire Emblem" is a performance that can summon the Divine Dragon's power. Written as a theater piece, it tells the story of the heroes who rose up against the Shadow Dragon in the Mirages' original world. Only those capable of saving the world are able to perform the Opera. It acts as a counter-ritual to the Opera of Shadows, which was used to revive the Shadow Dragon five years prior to the story.

Aytolis and Gristonne

Main article: Shield of Flames

In Fire Emblem Warriors, the Fire Emblem is an item from Aytolis; it is nearly identical to the Binding Shield from Archanea, containing five orbs that are called Gleamstones and an image of a dragon in the center. It is known as the Shield of Flames (Japanese: 炎の盾 Shield of Flames).

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Fire Emblem
• Seal of Flames
• Crest of Flames

• Used in all games except Three Houses.
• Used in Fates, except when referring to the Omega Yato.
• Used in Three Houses.



• Transliteration of the English words into katakana. In Fates, this is used where the English version uses "Fire Emblem".
• Fire Emblem, literally "crest of flame". In Fates, this is used where the English version uses "Seal of Flames"; in other games, the two terms are interchangeable.


Emblema de Fuego

Fire Emblem; used in The Sacred Stones and Three Houses.


• Fire Emblem
• Emblème du Feu
• Sceau du Feu

• Used in The Blazing Blade.
• Fire Emblem; used in The Sacred Stones, Awakening and Three Houses.
• Seal of Flames; used in Fates, except when referring to the Omega Yato.


• Fire Emblem
• Flammenwappen

• As above. Used in The Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones.
• Flame coat of arms. Used in Three Houses.


• Emblema di Fuoco
• Segno Fiamme

• Fire Emblem; used in The Sacred Stones.
• Flame Sign. Used in Three Houses.



  1. "[Naga] sealed the Earth Dragons underneath Dolhr and sent them to a deep sleep. To prevent the seal's strength from weakening, she created the "Shield of the five orbs" and left it at Raman Temple." — Xane in Book II Chapter 12, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  2. "After stealing [the Binding Shield] from the Fane of Raman, the thief removed its jewels and sold them off as treasures. [...] The thief that went on to become the king of Archanea had the shield, which brought him such good fortune, it became the emblem of his royal family." — Gotoh in Book II Chapter 14, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  3. "Thank you so much, Lord Seliph... The Fire Emblem, House Velthomer's royal crest, was once revered by people the world over as a symbol of justice. I'll work tirelessly until the Emblem's honor and good name are restored." — Azelle's son in Endgame, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  4. 4.0 4.1 "As you know, the Stone of Grado is possessed of...unique powers. It was once used to seal away the Demon King, and it alone held the dark one's soul. It burned within with the Demon King's rage, and we called it the Fire Emblem. Prince Lyon and a team of mages skilled in ancient lore hoped to harness its energies. I remember the joy in Prince Lyon's eyes when he spoke of using it to save lives." — Knoll in Chapter 14 of Ephraim's route, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  5. "By the time I arrived, the deed had already been done. The Fire Emblem had been shattered, split in two. One was a Sacred Stone, and the other..." — Knoll in Chapter 14 of Ephraim's route, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  6. 6.0 6.1 "This? This is the Dark Stone. It bears even more power than any Sacred Stone. I extracted and condensed all of the magic bound within the Fire Emblem. The Dark Stone's power is what gave my father back the spark of life." — Lyon in a flashback in Chapter 14 of Ephraim's route, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  7. "Lyon: Now that the Dark Stone is mine, I have no need for this empty husk.
    Knoll: P-Prince Lyon! The Sacred Stone...What have you done?
    " — Lyon and Knoll in a flashback in Chapter 14 of Ephraim's route, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
  8. "Kusakihara: To me, the Fire Emblem is more of a representation of everyone joining forces, rather than something that has a physical form. And actually, in my opinion, the Fire Emblem is defined in this game as the flag that flies the crest instead of the crest itself that's inherited by blood."Nintendo Dream May 2020, translated by Nintendo Everything, Published: April 12, 2020, Retrieved: November 4, 2021
Fire Emblem series
Main series Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemGenealogy of the Holy WarThracia 776The Binding BladeThe Blazing BladeThe Sacred StonesPath of RadianceRadiant DawnShadow DragonNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakeningFatesEchoes: Shadows of ValentiaThree HousesEngage
Spin-offs Archanea SagaTokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FEHeroesWarriorsWarriors: Three Hopes
Crossover games Super Smash Bros. (MeleeBrawlfor Nintendo 3DS and Wii UUltimate) • Club Nintendo Picross+Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.Project X Zone 2WarioWareDragalia Lost
Unreleased games and prototypes Fire Emblem 64The Blazing Blade pre-release build 0206The Blazing Blade pre-release build 0219The Sacred Stones prototypeFire Emblem Wii
TearRing Saga series Yutona Heroes War ChroniclesBerwick Saga
Vestaria Saga series War of the ScionsThe Sacred Sword of SilvanisterLucca GaidenChronicles of the Norden Civil War
Related titles Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus discLINENintendo Badge Arcade
Versions and releases List of version differencesLocalization of the Fire Emblem seriesVirtual Console
Other References in other mediaReferences to other media