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Footsteps of Fate

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Footsteps of Fate

Cm fe07 1.png


Plains outside of Bulgar

Required units

Lyn, Kent, Sain

New units

Sain, Kent



Previous chapter(s)

A Girl from the Plains

Next chapter(s)

Sword of Spirits

And now for these knights of Lycia. You were going to share your story with me?
— Lyn to Kent and Sain.

Footsteps of Fate (Japanese: 運命の足音 Footsteps of Fate) is the first chapter in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. In this chapter, Lyn learns of her heritage and the player learns about the weapon triangle, and terrain advantages.


Main article: Footsteps of Fate/Script
Kent and Sain formally introduce themselves to Lyn and Mark.

Lyn and Mark stop by Bulgar to stock up for their journey, and briefly make conversation with two knights of Caelin: the flirtatious Sain and the serious Kent. Outside of Bulgar, Lyn and Mark are accosted by bandits, whose leader Zugu refers to her by the name "Lyndis". The two are reinforced by Sain and Kent, and together they rout the bandits.

After the battle, Sain and Kent relay the details of their mission to Lyn: they were tasked to find the daughter of Lady Madelyn of Caelin, who eloped with a nomad of Sacae nineteen years ago. Marquess Hausen initially disowned Madelyn for her actions, but after receiving a letter from Madelyn detailing her life and her daughter—who bears the name of his deceased wife, Lyndis—Hausen wanted to meet his daughter's family at least once, hence why Kent and Sain are in Sacae. Kent confirms that Lyn is indeed Madelyn's daughter, as they bear an extreme resemblance and Lyn was always called "Lyndis" in private with her parents.

Lyn is initially overjoyed to still have some family alive but soon remembers that Zugu called her Lyndis too. Kent then informs Lyn that the bandits were most likely sent by Lundgren—the next in line to inherit the title of Marquess Caelin—to kill her and prevent her from challenging his right to the throne. Despite Lyn's assertions that she has no interest in becoming Marchioness of Caelin, Sain speculates that Lundgren will not believe such assertions and will continue to make attempts on her life. Lyn, not wanting to reject an opportunity to meet the last of her living family, decides to make for Caelin with Kent, Sain, and Mark accompanying her.

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Lyn dies 3 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 5
Cm fe07 1.png

Character data

New units
Portrait sain fe07.png
Iron Lance
Automatically from turn 1
Portrait kent fe07.png
Iron Sword
Iron Lance
Automatically from turn 1
Required characters
Lyn ​
Available characters

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba iron sword.png Iron Sword Automatically after Sain's first attack (Normal mode only)

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 1 2 20 3 1 4 0 3 0 12 5 Iron Axe
The southern one moves to attack units in range; otherwise, on turn 1, moves onto the forest three tiles west.
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 2 2 20~21 3~4 1~2 4~5 0 3~4 0~1 12 5 Iron Axe
The eastern one moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Zugu Brigand 4 1 23 6 2 4 0 4 0 11 5 Iron Axe
Does not move.

Boss data

Main article: Zugu
Portrait zugu fe07.png
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Brigand
Level 4
Affinity --
Max HP 23 Luck 1
Strength 6 Defense 4
Skill 2 Resistance 0
Speed 4 Constitution 11
Movement 5 Aid 10
Iron Axe
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes D Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


This chapter has no augury. Hannah will offer her services beginning in Chapter 14.
This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

In this chapter, you recruit two solid cavaliers, Sain and Kent. Kent generally specializes in speed and swords while Sain favors strength and lances; they are both very reliable units, and it typically falls to the RNG to determine which one is better on any given playthrough.

In normal mode, this chapter will be partially scripted - guiding the player through the first few turns while explaining more mechanics of the game. On the first turn, Sain will attack the nearest brigand with an Iron Lance, miss his attack, and then get hit. Then Sain will receive an Iron Sword, Kent will attack the brigand, the game will explain the weapon triangle, and Lyn will kill the brigand. On the second turn, Sain will attack another brigand using an iron sword and miss again - the game will then explain how terrain affects combat and that units in a forest are harder to hit. Kent will then attack the brigand, leaving him wounded but alive, and Lyn will move forward on to a forest tile. On the third turn, the game will introduce the player to trading by having Sain move next to Lyn, trade a vulnerary, and consuming it to regain health points. After this point, the tutorial ends and the player is given control of the game.

This chapter is relatively simple to beat at this stage. Have Kent finish off the weakened brigand to the south and Lyn attack the brigand to the north - if Lyn gets hit, use a vulnerary next turn. For the few next turns, just keep moving your units east towards the enemy to finish them off. Depending on your random-number generation Lyn can kill the boss by herself, but if you want to be safe then attack with Lyn and finish him with either Kent or Sain.

In hard mode, this chapter is no longer scripted and Sain will not receive an Iron Sword. The level is still simple enough to beat, but you will primarily be using Kent and Lyn to attack. There will be the same number of enemy units, but the chapter may take longer to beat. On turn 1, have Lyn injure and Kent finish the nearby brigand, then send Sain to the northeast. On turn 2, have Kent trade his Iron Sword to Sain, who attacks the brigand; Lyn should head into the nearby forest. Your goal is to have Lyn clear out the southern bandits while Sain and Kent wipe out the northern ones, including the boss. Sain needs one point of strength to start two-rounding brigands, while Kent needs one point of speed to start doubling them. Played optimally, this map can be cleared in 4 or 5 turns, depending on how much HP and Defense the northern brigand has.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Footsteps of Fate




Footsteps of Fate


Pasos del destino

Steps of destiny


L'empreinte du destin

The imprint of destiny


Spuren des Schicksals

Trails of Fate


Tracce del destino

Traces of destiny



Images from the Fire Emblem 0206 and 0219 prototypes.
← A Girl from the Plains • Footsteps of Fate • Sword of Spirits →
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Playable characters AthosBartreCanasDartDorcasEliwoodErkFarinaFioraFlorinaGeitzGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLouiseLowenLuciusLynMarcusMatthewMerlinusNilsNinianNinoOswinPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaRenaultSainSerraVaidaWallaceWil
Non-playable characters BramimondDesmondElbertEleanoraEphidelFaeFargusGuinivereHannahHausenHelleneHelmanIgorJahnJakeJanKishunaLeilaLilinaMarkMurdockNatalieReissmannRoySophiaUtherZephiel
Bosses AionBattaBaukerBernardBeyardBoiesBoolBrendanBugCameronCarjigaDamianDarinDenningDragonEaglerErikEubansFargusGeorgGlassGroznyiHeintzJasmineJermeKaimKennethKishunaLimstellaLinusLloydLundgrenMaximeMigalNergalOlegPascalPaulPuzonSealenSoniaTeodorUhaiUrsulaVaidaWireYogiZaganZoldamZugu
Background characters AenirAeshaAthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutHassarKellesMadelynRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ArmadsAureolaBasilikosDurandalEreshkigalExcaliburForblazeGespenstLuceMani KattiRapierRegal BladeRex HastaRienflecheSol KattiWolf Beil
Chapters Lyn's Tale P: A Girl from the Plains • 1: Footsteps of Fate • 2: Sword of Spirits • 3: Band of Mercenaries • 4: In Occupation's Shadow • 5: Beyond the Borders • 6: Blood of Pride • 7: Siblings Abroad • 7x: The Black Shadow • 8: Vortex of Strategy • 9: A Grim Reunion • 10: The Distant Plains
Eliwood's Tale 11: Taking Leave • 12: Birds of a Feather • 13: In Search of Truth • 13x: The Peddler Merlinus • 14: False Friends • 15: Noble Lady of Caelin • 16: Whereabouts Unknown • 16x: The Port of Badon • 17: Pirate Ship • 18: The Dread Isle • 18x: Imprisoner of Magic • 19: Dragon's Gate • 20: New Resolve • 21: Kinship's Bond • 22: Living Legend • 22x: Genesis • 23: Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd, Linus) • 24: Unfulfilled Heart • 25: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth, Jerme) • 26: Battle before Dawn • 26x: Night of Farewells • 27: Cog of Destiny • 28: Valorous Roland • 29: Sands of Time • 29x: Battle Preparations • 30: Victory or DeathF: Light (part 1part 2)
Hector's Tale 11: Another Journey • 12: Birds of a Feather • 13: In Search of Truth • 13x: The Peddler Merlinus • 14: False Friends • 15: Talons Alight • 16: Noble Lady of Caelin • 17: Whereabouts Unknown • 17x: The Port of Badon • 18: Pirate Ship • 19: The Dread Isle • 19x: Imprisoner of Magic • 19x pt 2: A Glimpse in Time • 20: Dragon's Gate • 21: New Resolve • 22: Kinship's Bond • 23: Living Legend • 23x: Genesis • 24: Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd, Linus) • 25: Crazed Beast • 26: Unfulfilled Heart • 27: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth, Jerme) • 28: Battle before Dawn • 28x: Night of Farewells • 29: Cog of Destiny • 30: The Berserker • 31: Sands of Time • 31x: Battle Preparations • 32: Victory or Death • 32x: The Value of LifeF: Light (part 1part 2)
Locations ElibeBern (Shrine of Seals) • EtruriaIliaLycia (AraphenCaelinCornwellKhatheletLausOstiaPheraeSantaruz) • Nabata Desert (Arcadia) • Sacae (Bulgar) • Valor (Dragon's Gate) • Western Isles
Groups, objects and concepts Black Fang (Four Fangs) • Fire EmblemGenerals of EtruriaMorphsQuintessenceThe Scouring
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
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