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Birds of a Feather

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Birds of a Feather

Cm fe07 12.png


Border between Pherae and Santaruz

Required units

All living units

New units


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In Search of Truth

I know young Eliwood well. His father, Elbert, and I are old friends. I've no children of my own, and I've always treasured Eliwood... I do not believe I could look him in the eye and... I could not lie to him. I could not.
— Helman to the hooded figure

Birds of a Feather (Japanese: 比翼の友 Closely-Winged Companions) is the twelfth chapter in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.


Main articles: Birds of a Feather/Script (Eliwood) and Birds of a Feather/Script (Hector)

Eliwood arrives at the border of Santaruz and requests an audience with its marquess, Helman. Inside Castle Santaruz, Helman mulls over his options with Ephidel; Helman cannot tell Eliwood the truth about his father, but nor can he bear to lie to Eliwood, whom he considers as precious as a son. Ephidel suggests that Helman simply scare off Eliwood with an attack; Helman reluctantly agrees. Later, at Eliwood's camp, a bandit by the name of Zagan approaches the group and announces that he has come to kill Eliwood, prompting a battle with Zagan and his fellow bandits.

As Hector makes out for Santaruz, Serra suddenly calls out to him. Hector tries to make Serra go home but Oswin catches up and informs him that they have been ordered to accompany him by Uther. Before Hector can protest too much, Matthew (or Serra, if Matthew is dead) spots an ongoing battle in the distance. Suspecting Eliwood might be involved, Hector jumps into battle, with Oswin in tow.

After the last enemy has been defeated, Eliwood and Hector speak. Hector asks why Eliwood did not call him when he departed to look for his father; Eliwood admits that he thought Hector would be too busy with Uther recently becoming the Marquess of Ostia. After Hector introduces his companions, Eliwood and Marcus explain that the bandits they just dispatched were hired to kill Eliwood. Hector, in turn, shares that he observed a knight of Santaruz watching the battle as if he were planning on letting Eliwood die.

If Mark is present, they will advise Eliwood to check on Lord Helman to ensure that he is alright. Mark is then introduced to Hector; if both Matthew and Serra are alive, they also speak to Mark. If Mark is not present, Marcus suggests Eliwood check on Lord Helman.

Chapter data

Eliwood Normal Eliwood Hard Hector Normal Hector Hard

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat all enemy units Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Eliwood or Hector dies 6+2 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 15
Cm fe07 E-12.png

In Eliwood's tale, units are arranged based on their position after Eliwood in the deployment order.

If every unit is alive, deployment order is: Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Rebecca, Dorcas, Bartre

Character data

Eliwood's tale Hector's tale

New units
Portrait hector fe07.png
Wolf Beil
Automatically on turn 4 if Zagan is alive
Portrait oswin fe07.png
Iron Lance
Automatically on turn 4 if Zagan is alive
Required characters
Eliwood ​
Available characters
Marcus ​Lowen ​Rebecca ​Dorcas ​Bartre ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba secret book.png Secret Book Visit village

Shop data

Armories and vendors

Swords Lances Axes Bows Anima Light Dark Staves Items Secret

Name Cost
Is gba iron sword.png Iron Sword 460

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Eliwood Normal Eliwood Hard Hector Normal Hector Hard

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Zagan Fighter 7 1 32 11 4 6 2 6 5 14 5 Steel Axe
Does not move until turn 3, at which point he begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Bandit Soldier 2 2 20~21 3~4 0~1 1~2 0 0~1 0~1 6 5 Iron Lance
• The northern one begins moving if he can attack a unit within two turns.
• The central one moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Bandit Soldier 1 2 20 3 0 1 0 0 0 6 5 Iron Lance
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 1 2 20 5 1 5 0 3 0 12 5 Iron Axe
The easternmost one moves to attack units in range, and begins moving unprovoked on turn 3 if Zagan is alive.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Bandit Mercenary 1 2 18 4 8 8 0 4 0 9 5 Iron Sword
The northernmost one moves to attack units in range, and begins moving unprovoked on turn 3 if Zagan is alive.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Bandit Mercenary 2 1 18~19 4~5 8~9 8~9 0 4~5 0~1 9 5 Iron Sword
Moves to attack units in range; begins moving unprovoked on turn 3 if Zagan is alive.
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 3 1 21~22 5~7 1~2 5~6 0 3~4 0~1 12 5 Iron Axe
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Bandit Fighter 1 1 20 5 2 4 0 2 0 11 5 Iron Axe
Moves to attack units in range; begins moving unprovoked on turn 3 if Zagan is alive.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Bandit Archer 2 2 18~19 4~5 3~4 3~4 0 3~4 0~1 7 5 Iron Bow
Moves to attack units in range; the eastern one begins moving unprovoked on turn 3 if Zagan is alive.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Bandit Fighter 2 1 20~21 5~6 2~3 4~5 0 2~3 0~1 11 5 Iron Axe
Moves to attack units in range; begins moving unprovoked on turn 3 if Zagan is alive.

Boss data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Main article: Zagan

Normal/Eliwood Hard Hector Hard

Portrait zagan fe07.png
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Fighter
Level 9
Affinity --
Max HP 32 Luck 2
Strength 11 Defense 6
Skill 4 Resistance 5
Speed 6 Constitution 14
Movement 5 Aid 13
Steel Axe
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes D Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


This chapter has no augury. Hannah will offer her services beginning in Chapter 14.
This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

Hector and Eliwood's parties unite in this chapter, so there are a lot of potential newcomers. Common to both tales is Oswin, a level 9 Knight. His poor movement makes him a questionable choice for ranked play, but his good combat stats (particularly his stellar bulk) make him a very safe pick for anyone just wanting to get through the game.

Eliwood Hard

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Eliwood's party first meets Hector; like Oswin, he is a slow and sturdy unit with a good weapon specialization (axes) and just enough speed to squeak by. His late promotion harms him, however.

Hector Hard

Hector's party first meets Eliwood, a mediocre sword-locked infantry unit. He promotes very late, but he gets a horse and lances to make him a far more effective combatant. Marcus is a pre-promoted Paladin with spectacular bases and serviceable growths who can remain relevant throughout the game. Lowen is a Cavalier. His offensive growths aren't as good as those of Kent or Sain, but Cavalier is still an amazing class with great mobility and he does hold an undeniable availability advantage. Rebecca is an Archer. Archers are generally awful on the GBA, and Rebecca is no exception; being locked to 2-range in an especially enemy-phase dominated game renders her effectively useless outside of occasional chip damage (and even then, she is outclassed by magic users). Dorcas returns with pretty good bases, but his awful Speed growth makes doubling a dicey prospect later on in the game (and given how weak the enemies tend to be in The Blazing Blade, this is deeply troubling). Bartre is another Fighter. He has poor bases, to the point that he can even be doubled by the faster Brigands in this chapter. However, he needs to become a level 5 Warrior in order to recruit Karla at the end of the game. Karla is an awful unit, so nothing of value is lost if you choose to ignore him in spite of this, but if you want to recruit everyone then you're stuck with Bartre for the foreseeable future. Finally, Serra returns. She's a staff infantry who will act as a filler healer until Priscilla joins in Chapter 14, bringing a mount to the table and rendering her obsolete.

On to the battle. Your biggest problem is the Pegasus Knights flying around poking everyone. Fortunately, their above-average Speed is routinely hampered by their atrocious Constitution, making them far slower than one might expect. On the north side, have Hector and Oswin start carving their way south. Prioritize killing the Pegasus Knights so that you can safely have Serra dart in for a heal if you need her. Matthew has nothing to steal this chapter, but can chip in in combat if you are desperate. Being the only sword user of Hector's group also makes him a good choice against the northern Brigand once everything calms down a bit. If you can make your way to the central armory to sell the Red Gem, so much the better; buy an Iron Axe for Hector and an Iron Sword for Eliwood so you don't tear apart their unique weaponry too fast. On the south side, send Rebecca to hit the village and collect the Secret Book. If a stray Pegasus Knight gets any funny ideas and charges her, she shouldn't have too much trouble shooting them down. Place Bartre on the southern house so he can pull in the first Pegasus Knight and start carving your way north. Lowen will be your primary tank against the Brigands. Try to give kills to Eliwood, Lowen, and Bartre if you can, but don't be afraid to have Marcus delete someone if you need him to. By the time the two parties unite, Zagan will have started moving. Marcus has just the right stat distribution to weaken Zagan with an Iron Sword, softening him up for Lowen or Eliwood to take the kill. Hector or Rebecca can chip him further if necessary.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Birds of a Feather




Closely-Winged Companions


De tal palo, tal astilla

Chip off the old block; lit. "From such a stick, such a splinter"


L'ami retrouvé

The met up friend


Gleich und Gleich...

From "Gleich und Gleich gesellt sich gern" Similar to "Birds of a feather flock together"


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Birds of a Feather • In Search of Truth →
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Playable characters AthosBartreCanasDartDorcasEliwoodErkFarinaFioraFlorinaGeitzGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLouiseLowenLuciusLynMarcusMatthewMerlinusNilsNinianNinoOswinPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaRenaultSainSerraVaidaWallaceWil
Non-playable characters BramimondDesmondElbertEleanoraEphidelFaeFargusGuinivereHannahHausenHelleneHelmanIgorJahnJakeJanKishunaLeilaLilinaMarkMurdockNatalieReissmannRoySophiaUtherZephiel
Bosses AionBattaBaukerBernardBeyardBoiesBoolBrendanBugCameronCarjigaDamianDarinDenningDragonEaglerErikEubansFargusGeorgGlassGroznyiHeintzJasmineJermeKaimKennethKishunaLimstellaLinusLloydLundgrenMaximeMigalNergalOlegPascalPaulPuzonSealenSoniaTeodorUhaiUrsulaVaidaWireYogiZaganZoldamZugu
Background characters AenirAeshaAthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutHassarKellesMadelynRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ArmadsAureolaBasilikosDurandalEreshkigalExcaliburForblazeGespenstLuceMani KattiRapierRegal BladeRex HastaRienflecheSol KattiWolf Beil
Chapters Lyn's Tale P: A Girl from the Plains • 1: Footsteps of Fate • 2: Sword of Spirits • 3: Band of Mercenaries • 4: In Occupation's Shadow • 5: Beyond the Borders • 6: Blood of Pride • 7: Siblings Abroad • 7x: The Black Shadow • 8: Vortex of Strategy • 9: A Grim Reunion • 10: The Distant Plains
Eliwood's Tale 11: Taking Leave • 12: Birds of a Feather • 13: In Search of Truth • 13x: The Peddler Merlinus • 14: False Friends • 15: Noble Lady of Caelin • 16: Whereabouts Unknown • 16x: The Port of Badon • 17: Pirate Ship • 18: The Dread Isle • 18x: Imprisoner of Magic • 19: Dragon's Gate • 20: New Resolve • 21: Kinship's Bond • 22: Living Legend • 22x: Genesis • 23: Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd, Linus) • 24: Unfulfilled Heart • 25: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth, Jerme) • 26: Battle before Dawn • 26x: Night of Farewells • 27: Cog of Destiny • 28: Valorous Roland • 29: Sands of Time • 29x: Battle Preparations • 30: Victory or DeathF: Light (part 1part 2)
Hector's Tale 11: Another Journey • 12: Birds of a Feather • 13: In Search of Truth • 13x: The Peddler Merlinus • 14: False Friends • 15: Talons Alight • 16: Noble Lady of Caelin • 17: Whereabouts Unknown • 17x: The Port of Badon • 18: Pirate Ship • 19: The Dread Isle • 19x: Imprisoner of Magic • 19x pt 2: A Glimpse in Time • 20: Dragon's Gate • 21: New Resolve • 22: Kinship's Bond • 23: Living Legend • 23x: Genesis • 24: Four-Fanged Offense (Lloyd, Linus) • 25: Crazed Beast • 26: Unfulfilled Heart • 27: Pale Flower of Darkness (Kenneth, Jerme) • 28: Battle before Dawn • 28x: Night of Farewells • 29: Cog of Destiny • 30: The Berserker • 31: Sands of Time • 31x: Battle Preparations • 32: Victory or Death • 32x: The Value of LifeF: Light (part 1part 2)
Locations ElibeBern (Shrine of Seals) • EtruriaIliaLycia (AraphenCaelinCornwellKhatheletLausOstiaPheraeSantaruz) • Nabata Desert (Arcadia) • Sacae (Bulgar) • Valor (Dragon's Gate) • Western Isles
Groups, objects and concepts Black Fang (Four Fangs) • Fire EmblemGenerals of EtruriaMorphsQuintessenceThe Scouring
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
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