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Roy's Trial

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Roy's Trial

Cm fe06 T-5.png


Missur Peninsula



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Pirate's Challenge

Roy's Trial (Japanese: ロイの試練 Roy's Trial) is a trial map in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. In order to unlock this map, the player player must complete the game with the good ending (i.e. ending at the Endgame rather than Chapter 22) in Hard Mode.

Beginning log

Roy falls into a trap in the Nabata Desert and is separated from his soldiers. Bandits move in to strike. Can Roy survive this onslaught all by himself?

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Roy dies 1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 25+78
Cm fe06 T-5.png

Character data

New units


Required characters
Roy ​
Available characters
Undeployable characters
Marcus ​Alen ​Bors ​Wolt ​Lance ​Merlinus ​Elen ​Ward ​Lot ​Dieck ​Shanna ​Chad ​Lugh ​Clarine ​Rutger ​Saul ​Dorothy ​Sue ​Zelot ​Trec ​Noah ​Astolfo ​Lilina ​Gwendolyn ​Barthe ​Ogier ​Fir ​Sin ​Gonzalez ​Klein ​Thea ​Larum ​Echidna ​Elffin ​Bartre ​Geese ​Raigh ​Cath ​Melady ​Perceval ​Cecilia ​Sophia ​Igrene ​Garret ​Fae ​Hugh ​Zeiss ​Douglas ​Niime ​Juno ​Dayan ​Yoder ​Karel ​Narcian ​Galle ​Hector ​Brunnya ​Eliwood ​Murdock ​Zephiel ​Guinivere ​

Units retain the stats and inventory they had at the end of the final chapter.

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Bandit Warrior 10 1 47~55 18~23 10~14 10~14 3~6 8~11 1~3 13 6 Silver Axe Steel Bow
Does not move; stands on a fort.
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Bandit Warrior 10 1 47~55 18~23 10~14 10~14 3~6 8~11 1~3 13 6 Killer Axe Steel Bow
Does not move; stands on a fort.
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Bandit Warrior 10 1 47~55 18~23 10~14 10~14 3~6 8~11 1~3 13 6 Halberd Steel Bow
Does not move; stands on a fort.
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Bandit Warrior 10 1 47~55 18~23 10~14 10~14 3~6 8~11 1~3 13 6 Silver Bow Steel Axe
Does not move; stands on a fort.
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Bandit Warrior 10 1 47~55 18~23 10~14 10~14 3~6 8~11 1~3 13 6 Killer Bow Steel Axe
Does not move; stands on a fort.
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Bandit Warrior 10 1 47~55 18~23 10~14 10~14 3~6 8~11 1~3 13 6 Longbow Steel Axe
Does not move; stands on a fort.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Bandit Fighter 18 14 32~37 13~16 7~9 8~10 2~3 4~5 1~2 11 5 Steel Axe
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Bandit Mercenary 18 5 29~34 9~12 13~16 12~15 4~6 6~8 2~3 9 5 Steel Sword
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Bandit Fighter 15 78 30~34 11~14 6~8 7~9 1~3 3~5 1~2 11 5 Steel Axe


  • Enemy phase of turns 10–22
    • 1 Fighter from the northwestern fort
  • Enemy phase of turns 12–24
    • 1 Fighter from the northeastern fort
  • Enemy phase of turns 14–26
    • 1 Fighter from the easternmost fort
  • Enemy phase of turns 16–26
    • 1 Fighter from the southernmost fort
  • Enemy phase of turns 18–30
    • 1 Fighter from the southwestern fort
  • Enemy phase of turns 20–32
    • 1 Fighter from the westernmost fort


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

If you have neglected Roy throughout your gameplay, brace yourself for a challenging map. The difficulty does not stem from Roy being easily defeated, but rather from the need to defeat most enemies in a single strike. If Roy cannot manage this, you risk depleting your weapons, making the map extremely hard, if not impossible. However, a well-leveled Roy is less likely to be hit by enemies.

If you have invested in leveling Roy up, arm him with several Silver Swords. With these, and assuming he has decent speed (around 20) and near-maximum strength, he can take out non-promoted enemies in one hit. For promoted enemies, you would typically need two hits with the Silver Sword. Alternatively, you can rely on the Killing Edge or the Durandal and Binding Blade.

Do not forget that using the Sword of Seals as an item can restore 30 HP. If Roy can quickly defeat the first group of Warriors and then position himself atop a fort, he will recover from most damage. This is because the Warriors, with their bows, are the primary threat in inflicting damage. For optimal maneuverability, especially through sand, ensure Roy is equipped with Boots, available at the Secret Shop in Chapter 21.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Roy's Trial




Roy's Trial


← Pirate's Challenge • Roy's Trial
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Playable characters AlenAstolfoBartheBartreBorsCathCeciliaChadClarineDayanDieckDorothyDouglasEchidnaElenElffinFaeFirGarretGeeseGonzalezGwendolynHughIgreneJunoKarelKleinLanceLarumLilinaLotLughMarcusMerlinusMeladyNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSinSophiaSueTheaTrecWardWoltYoderZelotZeiss
Trial Map characters BrunnyaEliwoodGalleGuinivereHectorMurdockNarcianZephiel
Non-playable characters EliwoodGuinivereHectorMaryMordred
Bosses ArcardoBorsBrakulBrunnyaChanDamasDebiasDoryEinErikFlaerGalleGuerreroHenningIdunnKabulKelKudokaJahnLeganceMaggieMarralMartelMonkeMorganMurdockNarcianNordOatesOrloPeresRaithRandyRoartzRobertsRoseRuudScollanScottSiguneSlaterThorilTickWagnerWindhamZephielZinque
Background characters AthosBariganBramimondDurbanElimineHanonHartmutRoland
Regalia and personal weapons ApocalypseArmadsAureolaBinding BladeDurandalEckesachsForblazeMaltetMulagirRapierStaff of the Saint
Chapters Tutorial • 1: Breath of Destiny • 2: Princess of Bern • 3: Latecomer's Sorrow • 4: Crumbling League • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Ensnared • 7: The Ostian Revolt • 8: Reunion • 8x: The Blazing Blade • 9: The Misty Isles • 10A: Western Resistance • 11A: The Hero of the West • 10B: Amidst a Struggle • 11B: Flight Toward Freedom • 12: The True Enemy • 12x: The Thunder Axe • 13: Rescue Mission • 14: Arcadia • 14x: The Infernal Truth • 15: The Dragon Child • 16: Storming the Capital • 16x: The Glorious Ascension • 17A: Ocean's Parting • 18A: The Frozen River • 19A: Bitter Cold • 20A: Ilia's Salvation • 20Ax: The Freezing Lance • 17B: The Bishop's Teachings • 18B: The Laws of Sacae • 19B: Battle in Bulgar • 20B: The Silver Wolf • 20Bx: The Bow of Swift Wind • 21: The Binding Blade • 21x: The Elder Revelation • 22: Unattained Dream • 23: The Ghosts of Bern • 24: Legends and LiesF: Beyond Darkness
Trial Maps Valley of DeathRainy IslandSnowy DefensivePirate's ChallengeRoy's Trial
Locations ElibeBern (Dragon TempleShrine of Seals) • Etruria (Aquleia) • IliaLycia (AraphenLausOstiaPheraeThria) • Missur (ArcadiaNabata) • Sacae (BulgarTaras) • Western Isles
Groups, objects and concepts Disturbance of BernEnding WinterFire EmblemGenerals of EtruriaThe ScouringWar Dragons
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