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Unused content in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

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Numerous pieces of unused content are present within Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Many discoveries on this page are from and Unless otherwise specified, the content on this page was documented with the North American (NTSC) release.


Debug text

There are two sets of text strings which may be leftovers from removed debug functions, since some of them line up with the functions of the leaked prototype. The first set occurs very early in the data, while the second is located later on between the movement commands and their help descriptions. While some of them make sense, like "SRAM info" and "This unit has no SRAM information", others are strange and unintelligible lines like "very bear" and "blanket100". Some lines reference characters from the previous two Game Boy Advance Fire Emblem games, since The Sacred Stones used them as a base. The full set of these strings, including the formatting markers in brackets, is as follows:

First set

 Release Entry[X]
 Continue Chp.[X]
 Manual Cont.[.][X]
 Initialize File[X]
 World Map[X]
Viwer Map[.][X]
Viewr Face[X]
Viewr BG[X]
  MODE  Tutorial[X]
  MODE  Normal[X]
  MODE  Hard[X]
  BASE  Capture[.][X]
  BASE  Devil A[.][X]
  BASE  Devil B[.][X]
  BASE  Devil C[.][X]
move off100[.][X]
move off80[X]
move off50[X]
Natasha off[.][X]
11b citizen off[.][X]
gate keeper[.][X]
cure move off[.][X]
door Open[.][X]
Ruthea off[X]
Leyvan off[X]
Demon King[X]
near Clarine[X]
loot abscise[X]
2 Clarine[.][X]
to Eirika[.][X]
to Ephraim[X]
to bases[X]
break wall[X]
ignore near[.][X]
1T loot wait[X]
1T near wait[X]
very bear[.][X]
vert strong[.][X]
Dance Attack[X]
Dance Defence[.][X]
Dance Skill[.][X]
Dance Avoid[.][X]
stone counterattack[.][X]
Total S[.][X]
Total P[.][X]
CP Attack[.][X]
CP Move[.][X]
Trust Level[.][X]
SRAM info[.][X]
This unit has no SRAM information[.][X]
mastery levels[X]

Second set

 Manual Save[X]
 Erased files are[.][X]
 gone forever![X]

Unused preparations menu text

Text for Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade's tactics rank, as well as the Augury remains in The Sacred Stones. It is located with with other text related to the preparations menu. There is also a text string for yet another removed debug function, presumably in this instance it would relate to the preparations menu.

Augury Menu[.][X]

The Blazing Blade data transfer text

Leftover text from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade's data transfer and the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disc transfer is present.

Send data from
Chapter 2+[X]
This data[.]
can't be used[.]
on a trial map.[.][X]
Sacred Dragon[.]
added to
Sound Room[X]
Palace Silezia
added to
Sound Room[X]
Select cleared save data.[.][X]

The Japanese version of the game contains more unused text for the data transfer.

Chapter labels

While there are no unused chapter titles, there are text strings after the main story chapter names and before the Lagdou Ruins floor labels for a ninth and tenth floor of the Tower of Valni. In the final release, the Tower of Valni only has eight floors. Also of note, Phantom Ship and Creeping Darkness are at the very end of the chapter name list, after Lagdou Ruins, and not sorted in chronological order like the rest of the chapter names, this, and these chapters not being in the prototype, may imply those two chapters were late additions.

Tower of Valni 9[X]
Tower of Valni 10[.][X]

Terrain labels

There exist four labels with the rest of the terrain labels that do not seem to be used anywhere.


Unused names

A boss, that would later be called Breguet in the final game, known by the placeholder name "Evil" イビル from the Japanese official website.

There are six unused names among the other character names in the game.

  • Nate, (Japanese: ネイト Nate) appears between Dozla and Rennac.
  • Deni, (Japanese: デミ Demi) appears between Caellach and Riev.
  • Entombed, appears near the end of the name list.
  • Maelduin, appears near the end of the name list.
  • Cyclops, appears near the end of the name list.
  • Mark, (Japanese: マーク Mark) appears near the end of the name list. There are a handful of references to Mark throughout The Sacred Stone's text that are leftover from The Blazing Blade.
  • Evil, (Japanese: イビル Evil) also near the end of the name list. Used for placeholder bosses in the prototype and is also seen in some early Japanese gameplay screenshots.
  • Summonern, (Japanese: サマナーン Summonern) used by a unit that appeared in the prototype. This unit still exists with this name assigned to it.
  • Summon, (Japanese: サモン Summon) used by a unit that appeared in the prototype, appears to be the very last name in the character names. This unit still exists with this name assigned to it.

There are also two strings for class names which are not assigned to any class.

Unused help descriptions

In The Sacred Stones there are a handful of help text descriptions never seen in normal gameplay, mainly because they either never appear as units, or, in the case of the Gorgon Egg, their status screen is inaccessible. There are also help descriptions presumably leftover from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.

Character or class Text
An old woman of Caer Pelyn. Over 100
years in age, she is a font of wisdom.
百歳を越える この世の生き字引
A member of Carcino's Council of
Elders and an opponent of Grado.
議会の一員で 反グラドを提唱
A pegasus knight of Frelia. She
serves as their message bearer.
Gorgon Egg
Eggs of lovely and deadly gorgons.
Mounted plainsmen with good
movement. Armed with bows.
弓を使い 移動力にすぐれる
Nomadic Trooper?
An honorific given to nomads of
great skill. Equip: Bows, swords.
弓と剣を たくみに使い分ける
Musicians whose melodies aid
allies. Unable to attack.
優しい音色で 仲間を助ける

There is also a placeholder help description for temporary bosses appearing in the prototype and some early pre-release materials. Unlike the above help descriptions, this help description does not have any assigned character slot, and only exists as stand-alone text. It is between the rest of the character help descriptions and before class names.

Temp.: Enemy Boss[.][X]

Unit and class list

With a hex editor a list of character names (these are generally their NoJ official romanizations) and some of their classes are listed, along with a large amount of slots labeled "EMPTY". This character and class list is just before The Binding Blade's credits. Right before the names start there is also a short dummy message.

The names are in the opposite order of the unit index.

Some of the names and classes correspond to earlier development versions; some of those are able to be seen in the May 31, 2004 build of the game. Amelia is said to be a "PROBATION_FLY_F", Neimi is called "MARY", Garcia is called "BORBA", Ephraim is called "IRZARK", the Wight is called "HELLSKELETON" instead of "Hellbone", the Elder Bael is called the "DETHBAEL" instead of "Elder Bael", and the Arch Mogall is called "DETHBIGL" instead of "Arch Bigl". The cut character Deni (labeled as "DEMI") is included in this list, but Nate isn't. The bosses of both Chapter 11s are listed as being the bosses of a Chapter 10x, and bosses in later chapters whose chapter numbers are in their listings are off by a chapter. Several other parts of the game data points to both Chapter 11s being added late in development, such as their chapter IDs, the location of their name strings and title cards, and their locations on the world map being shared with those of the Chapter 12s.

This list starts at offset 0x1C1EC0 in the NTSC-U release and offset 0x1B1878 in the Japanese version.


While displayed here as spaces, the separators are actually null characters (codepoint 0x0).

The Binding Blade credits

When viewing the ROM's data in a hex editor, the complete credits of The Binding Blade can be found starting at offset 0x1C2BD4 (NTSC-U) or 0x1B258C (NTSC-J). These credits were also present in The Blazing Blade and could be found in the same way.

Atsushi Takeda.Hiroya Takeda.Hisashi Takizaki.Yoshikazu Tanaka.Mari Ueda.Satoru Uno.Yuichiro Ushijima.Hiroyuki Yamaoka..Hiroyuki Murata.Kei Nadabe.Tomohiro Nishigaki.Keiichiro Nishimoto.Ryuichiro Sakima.Masaharu Shima.Syogo Tachibana.Shigeo Takada.Masaru Ikeshita.Haruka Kato.Masami Kato.Junko Komaki.Nobuaki Maeda.Katsunori Masutani.Akiko Matsumoto.Naotaka Matsumoto.SUPER MARIO CLUB....Tomonori Sumiya.Hiroshi Izawa.Kotaro Yamada.Masahiro Sakurai.         &.Smash Brothers DX.       Team         ..Masao Yamamoto.Kyoko Watanabe.Yutaka Takehisa.Toshihiro Toza....Masanobu Matsunaga.Ryuichiro Koguchi.Yuka Hongou.Katsuyoshi Koya....Ryoichi Kitanishi.Kozo Ikuno.Toshiyuki Nakamura.Masahiro Nakamori.Toshio Sengoku....SPECIAL THANKS.. Kenji Imai.PROCESS MANAGER.....Kenji Nakajima..TECHNICAL SUPPORT...Yusuke Kitanishi.Tetsuro Oe.PUBLISHMENT.....Yasuo Inoue.Takashi Itou....ART WORK.... Eiji Kaneda....IMAGE ILLUSTRATION..Susumu Ishihara.Yusuke Murakami.PROGRAM SUPPORT.....Kouhei Maeda....SCENARIO SUPPORT....Minoru Noda.Ryo Hirata.Tuyoshi Nakatuka.Masaru Nishimura....GRAPHIC SUPPORT.....Kenichi Nishimaki.Noritaka Misawa...SOUND EFFECT ...Yuka Tsujiyoko..SOUND COMPOSITION...Makoto Shimojo..LAYOUT..Sumiko Miki.MAP DESIGN..Maki Takemori.Yoko Nakai....BATTLE ANIMATION....Motomu Chikaraishi..BATTLE PROGRAM..Naotaka Ohnishi.BATTLE DESIGN...Chikara Yamamoto....A.I. PROGRAM....Makoto Katayama.EVENT & SUPPORT.....Takanori Hino...EVENT PROGRAM...Masahiro Higuchi....GRAPHIC CHIEF....Sachiko Wada...MAIN DESIGN.FACE DESIGN.Taeko Kaneda....ART DIRECTOR.....Takafumi Kaneko....SYSTEM DIRECTOR.MAIN PROGRAM.....Masayuki Horikawa..GAME DIRECTOR.SCENARIO..Kentaro Nishimura...SUPER VISOR.....Tohru Narihiro..DIRECTOR....Takehiro Izushi.PRODUCER....Hiroshi Yamauchi....EXECUTIVE PRODUCER..

Debug menu text

The prototype's chapter select labels are still present in the final release. This list can be found at offset 001C32C7 in the NTSC-U release, just after The Binding Blade's credits.

This list differs slightly from the known leaked prototype, "E10x" and "I10x" are not present in the prototype. It is likely these two labels refer to Creeping Darkness and Phantom Ship, respectively, as those are absent from the leaked prototype entirely. E20B and I20B are also not in the prototype.

Numbers prefixed with L refer to chapters before the route split (I05, is also before the route split, being chapter 5x). Numbers prefixed by an E are chapters from Eirika's route. Numbers prefixed with I (for Irzark, presumably Ephraim's name earlier in development) are chapters from Ephraim's route.

Chapter numbers prefixed with T are the Tower of Valni maps, and numbers prefixed with R are for Lagdou Ruins.



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Many other miscellaneous text exists and can be viewed with a hex editor that at one point seem to have been relevant to the game's development.

Build times

At offset 0xDC110 in the Japanese release, 0xD74D0 in the North American release, and 0xD8090 in the European release, the game's build time can be found.


2004/09/09(THU) 13:12:56

North American:

2005/02/04(FRI) 16:55:40


2005/07/12(TUE) 19:24:55

The Japanese and North American build dates are followed by the text _2003, while the European build date is followed by AGBFE3.

Magic animation names

Something that seems related to magic and other special animations, presumably filenames of some sort. Starts at 000DC860 in the NTSC-U release.


There are thirty-five known unused items in The Sacred Stones, many of which are leftovers from the previous Game Boy Advance game, Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, or are obvious placeholders. The majority of these items do not have proper names and descriptions in any version of the game, having replaced them all with the word Dummy (Japanese: ダミー Dummy) to reflect their unused status.

Icon Weapon name Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth Exp Description
Is gba mani katti.png Dummy Swords Prf 8 3 80 20 1 45 Cannot be sold 2 DUMMY
Deals bonus damage to mounted and armored units.
(Item index #0A)
Is gba forblaze.png Dummy Anima magic S 14 11 85 5 1-2 20 Cannot be sold 1 DUMMY
Has no special effect. Has no spell animation, but is otherwise functional.
(Item index #3D)
Is gba luce.png Dummy Light magic B 6 10 85 0 1-2 20 4,000 3 DUMMY
Has no special effect. Has no spell animation, but is otherwise functional. Has the icon of Luce from the previous game, but its stats are different.
(Item index #44)
Is gba gold.png Gold -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 Cannot be sold -- A bag full of money.
Has no functionality programmed.
(Item index #77)
Is gba mine.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 500 -- DUMMY
Sets a mine on one space next to the user. If a unit of any affiliation steps onto the set space, they take 10 damage.
(Item index #7A)
Is gba light rune.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 800 -- DUMMY
Sets a barrier on one space next to the user. The space the barrier is set onto cannot be traversed for 3 turns.
(Item index #7B)
Is gba filla's might.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 Cannot be sold -- DUMMY
+10 calculated attack power to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Dance command.
(Item index #7D)
Is gba ninis's grace.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 Cannot be sold -- DUMMY
+10 defense and resistance to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Dance command.
(Item index #7E)
Is gba thor's ire.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 Cannot be sold -- DUMMY
+10 critical rate to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Dance command.
(Item index #7F)
Is gba set's litany.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 15 Cannot be sold -- DUMMY
+10 avoid to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Dance command.
(Item index #80)
Is gba heaven seal.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 20,000 -- DUMMY
Initiates class change for Eirika and Ephraim at Level 10 or higher. Functions properly.
(Item index #8A)
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 6,000 -- A medicinal solution used for healing minor wounds.
Restores 10 HP to its user. A variation of the basic Vulnerary with many more uses.
(Item index #A1)
Is gba green note.png Vulnerary -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 6,000 -- A medicinal solution used for healing minor wounds.
Has no functionality programmed.
(Item index #A2)
Is gba red note.png Vulnerary -- -- -- -- -- -- 60 6,000 -- A medicinal solution used for healing minor wounds.
Has no functionality programmed.
(Item index #A4)
Is gba iron sword.png Dance -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 Cannot be sold -- A dance that allows allies to move again.
Has no functionality programmed. Help text is shared with the dance command when choosing between a regular dance and one of the ring dances.
(Item index #A5)
Is gba red gem.png Stone Shard -- 11 0 65 0 1 Infinite Cannot be sold -- DUMMY
A monster weapon which can be used by Manaketes, Revenants, Bael, Mauthe Doogs, and related classes. If used while battle animations are enabled, the game will freeze.
(Item index #A7)
Is gba killer ballista.png Alacalibur Anima magic B 8 2 85 0 1-2 20 1,100 1 --
Deals bonus damage to Is gba pegasus.png flying units. Has a spell animation, but it plays no sound effects and cuts off the background music.
(Item index #B6)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Swords N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #BC)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Axes N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #BD)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Dark magic N/A 11 10 80 0 1-2 0 0 1 DUMMY
Has magic animation 21 set, which locks the game. In The Blazing Blade, that magic animation value was Aureola. With animations off, turns target's map sprite yellow.
(Item index #BE)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Dark magic N/A 11 10 80 0 1-2 0 0 1 DUMMY
Has magic animation 18 set. In The Blazing Blade, that magic animation value was Forblaze. With animations off, turns target's map sprite red.
(Item index #BE)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Swords N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C0)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- DUMMY
Set to be a promotion item, but cannot actually be used as no classes are assigned to it.
(Item index #C1)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Swords N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C2)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Lances N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C3)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Axes N/A 11 10 80 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C4)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Axes N/A 11 10 80 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C5)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Swords N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C6)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Bows N/A 11 10 80 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
Does not deal bonus damage to fliers.
(Item index #C7)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Lances N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #C8)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Light magic N/A 11 10 80 0 1-2 0 0 1 DUMMY
Has magic animation 38 set, which locks the game. In The Blazing Blade, that magic animation value was Luce. With animations off, turns target's map sprite yellow.
(Item index #C9)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Swords N/A 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 DUMMY
(Item index #CA)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy Dark magic N/A 0 0 0 0 1-2 0 0 1 DUMMY
Has magic animation 36 set, which locks the game. In The Blazing Blade, that magic animation value was Gespenst. With animations off, turns target's map sprite black.
(Item index #CB)
Is gba emblem seal.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- DUMMY
An item that cannot be used. Has the icon of the Emblem Seal from The Blazing Blade.
(Item index #CC)
Is gba iron sword.png Dummy -- -- -- -- -- -- 0 0 -- DUMMY
Considered a dancer ring, but it does nothing.
(Item index #CD)

Event items

Five more items are unavailable in international releases, though they were available in the Japanese version through a one-time only distribution event.[1] Since those events have not run in over a decade, the items are effectively unused for the majority of players in Japan as well.

Other item leftovers

There are also item icons that are not assigned to any item, unused or otherwise. Most of them were carried over from The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade, but there are also eleven copies of a placeholder icon.

Additionally, there is a string for the Emblem Seal after the names of the weapons that are effective against monsters (which were modified from the Emblem weapons from The Blazing Blade). There is also a string for a "Play" item, which is after the string for the name of the unused "Dance" item.

Every staff has assigned hit and weight stats, carried over from The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade.

Staff Hit Weight
Heal 100 2
Mend 100 4
Recover 100 6
Physic 100 5
Fortify 100 7
Warp 100 5
Rescue 100 6
Restore 100 4
Silence 70 7
Sleep 65 8
Torch 100 5
Hammerne 100 7
Berserk 60 8
Unlock 100 7
Barrier 100 7
Latona 100 5
Nightmare 70 8

Gameplay mechanics


The Prologue modified to have rain present.
The fire 'weather' effect from The Binding Blade Chapter 8x.

All the weather effects from The Blazing Blade are present, as well as their movement penalties. The rain, snow and sandstorm, effects are all present. The aesthetic-only fire 'weather', (seen left) used in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade's Chapter 8x: The Blazing Blade and in cutscenes in The Blazing Blade is also present.

Mine functionality

Eirika using a mine.
Eirika's mine successfully damaging an enemy.

Mines are, as mentioned above in the unused items section, present under the name "Dummy". If placed into a unit's inventory, they are fully functional. They can be placed on the map and will damage any unit to pass over them.

As in The Blazing Blade, it is possible for units with the Silencer skill[2] (in other words, a unit of the Assassin class) to safely pick up Mines and place them in their inventory. Since Mines are completely unused, Rogues were not programmed to be able to do this and do not react to set Mines at all.

Light Rune functionality

Eirika placing a light rune.
Eirika's light rune blocking the path.

Like the mine, the Light Rune item is also present under the name "Dummy". They are also fully functional, they can be placed and prevent any unit from moving over the tile they are placed on.

Dancer ring status effects

Tethys has used Ninis's Grace on Lute. The marker on Lute's window indicating this was not translated, still reading マモリ.

The four stat-increasing status effects caused by the dancer rings are still present and functional in the game, complete with descriptions which refer to the ring items by their proper names. However, the text marking the status effect on the unit window when hovering over a unit was not translated and left in Japanese in all localizations.

"Sick" status effect

There appears to be an unused status conditon called "sick". It can be inflicted on units through hacking, but it doesn't seem to actually do anything. Its help description is also blank.[3]

Triangle attacks

Franz, Seth, and Eirika hacked into the knight class and given the 'triangle attack' ability at 0x40.

The animation and functionality for the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade Knight trio's (Bors, Gwendolyn, and Barthe) triangle attack is present. To assign this triangle attack to a trio of units, set their third ability slot to the ability at 0x40. If the units assigned this ability are not of the Knight class the game will instead play the Falcoknight triangle attack animation.

The ability slot location is unchanged from its appearance in The Binding Blade. The animation and functionality for the General triangle attack is also present and working.

Magic Seal

An Entombed set to have the magic sealing ability.

The functionality of the Magic Seal class from The Blazing Blade is still present, and works if a class or unit is set to have this ability.


Map sprites

In The Sacred Stones there are several unused map sprites, most of them originate from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.

Ma fe08 wyvern lord female unused.gif Assigned to the unused female Wyvern Lord. The movement frames are identical to those of the male Wyvern Lord, but there are new frames for both the idle animation and for the animation that is used in the status screen and when hovering over the unit.
Ma gba mercenary female playable.gif A complete "female Mercenary" map sprite set, which went unused in both The Binding Blade and The Blazing Blade, still exists in The Sacred Stones. This sprite was seen in The Binding Blade pre-release materials.
Ma gba hero female playable.gif A complete female Hero map sprite set from The Binding Blade is present. It also went unused in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.
Ma gba bard playable.gif Complete map sprites of Nils's Bard class are present.
Ma gba princess playable.gif Complete map sprites for the Princess class, which originates from and also goes unused in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, are present.
Ma gba prince playable.gif Complete map sprites for Zephiel's Prince class are present.
Ma gba transporter playable.gif Merlinus's tent-form Transporter sprites are present.

Battle sprites

Bs fe06 playable shaman female dark.png The female Shaman battle sprite set from The Binding Blade is present and functional, but unused; it is tied to the unused female Shaman class slot and will appear properly if that class is hacked into gameplay. Their matching map sprites were not imported.
Bs fe06 playable druid female dark.pngBs fe06 playable druid female staff.png The female Druid battle sprite set from The Binding Blade is present and functional, but unused; it is tied to the unused female Druid class slot and will appear properly if that class is hacked into gameplay. Their matching map sprites were not imported.
Bs fe07 playable archer ballista.pngBs fe07 playable archer iron ballista.pngBs fe07 playable archer killer ballista.png A battle sprite set for male Archers using ballistae is still present, leftover from The Binding Blade with the modified hair from its unused The Blazing Blade reappearance. If a ballista is hacked directly into the inventory of a male Archer, this battle animation will play instead of the usual map animation caused by the map object ballistae.

Unlike the previous two games, there are no equivalent sprites remaining for Snipers or for female Archers, and attempting to use an inventory-hacked ballista with battle animations turned on with any of these will cause the game to hang.

Bs fe08 mogall critical frames unused.pngCompliled sheet of the missing frames
Ss fe08 mogall critical.gif
A hacked instance of a Mogall performing a critical hit for demonstration.
The Mogall and Arch Mogall each have some frames that do not seem to display properly in-game, which appear to have been intended for their critical hit animations. Specifically, the missing frames are the ones that loop during a cast spell animation. During the critical animation, their eye's sclera turns black, and their iris red. However, in-game, the loop frames revert to the classes' usual white sclera and a pink iris. The failure to display these frames is possibly some sort of oversight.


There are several unused portrait elements in The Sacred Stones. There are also two generic class portraits for some of the classes introduced in The Sacred Stones that go unused due to the class never appearing as a generic enemy unit, as well as some generic portraits left over from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.

Portrait question fe08.pngSmall portrait question fe08.png A placeholder portrait, a black silhouette featuring a "?". A similar portrait also appears in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade as well as in the The Sacred Stones prototype. The small version also functions as a placeholder for units that have a portrait but never appear on a map. There are several versions of both portraits within the game using different palettes.

Internally, the convoy uses the large "?" portrait, but has a custom small portrait to display when the player uses the convoy.

Portrait novala recolor unused fe08.png A recolor of Novala's portrait. Likely to be used by a generic Dark Magic user, or royal mage.
Portrait vigarde 02 fe08.pngSmall portrait vigarde 02 fe08.png An alternate version of Vigarde's portrait, complete with a small portrait, depicting him as alive and healthy. A graphic identical to this portrait is used in the opening when booting up the game.
Small portrait bandit 01 fe08.png Bandit's small portrait graphic ends up unused as he has a variable set to use a generic small portrait.
Portrait bandit unused fe08.pngSmall portrait bandit unused fe08.png Full portrait set for a bandit, is associated with a character slot, though the character slot is similar to Bandit's, as he is simply given the name Bandit despite having a personal portrait. The unit that this portrait is assigned to has a variable set to use a generic small portrait.
Small portrait myrrh winged fe08.png Myrrh's winged portrait has a small version instead of using the small "?" for some reason.
Generic portrait wyvern knight fe08.png A generic portrait for the Wyvern Knight class. In the final game, the only enemy Wyvern Knight to ever appear is Valter.
Generic portrait rogue fe08.png A generic portrait for the Rogue class. In the final game, the only enemy Rogue to ever appear is Rennac.
Generic portrait nomad fe06.png A generic portrait for the Nomad class from previous games is present.
Generic portrait nomadic trooper fe06.png A generic portrait for the Nomadic Trooper class from previous games is present.
Generic portrait manakete fe06.png A generic portrait for the Manakete class from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade is present.


Ss fe08 spike trap.png The graphics for Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade's spike traps are present, though trap functionality is not.[4]
Ss fe08 world map unused highlights.png During the game's introduction every country on the continent is highlighted in glowing blue. If one looks through The Sacred Stones with an image viewer, is one unused highlight. It simply says "?", though if one lines up the images it matches up with Darkling Woods on the world map.[5]
Ss fe08 binding blade unused data transfer background.png(Correct palette data was unable to be located.) Graphics from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade's Data transfer feature are still present. Example of what it should look like.
Ss fe06 larum heart graphic.png The heart from Larum's dance animation in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade is still present.


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Placeholder units

There are several unused placeholder units.

Notably, however, there is a placeholder unit located among the playable characters at index number 1B, between Dozla and Rennac. The "Nate" string, which is located between Dozla and Rennac's name strings, would have presumably been used for this unit. The corresponding spot in the unit list contains "EMPTY_023".

Additionally, index number 55 appears to be a slot meant for the "Deni" character. This is supported by the corresponding spot in the unused unit list being listed as "DEMI". Caellach, whose name string appears before Deni's, is index number 53, and Riev, whose name string is after, is index number 57. Index numbers 54 and 56 are used for a second version of Pablo and a monster boss, respectively, who reuse other strings, which is why their name strings are not next to Deni's.


A unit called "Summon" (Japanese: サマン Summon), which appears to be a generic Summoner, is found at character slot 3C. This unit was also present in the prototype, where they were deployed on the debug map. What makes this generic particularly interesting is that there are no enemy Summoners in The Sacred Stones at all. This slot is just after Lyon's phantom's character slot. Its portrait is assigned as generic, which in this case would default to the Druid's class portrait. It has no base stats, and shares its growth rates with Summonern, the only differences between Summon and Summonern are their base levels. The help text associated with them is the Summoner class help text.

Generic portrait druid fe06.png
Ma gba summoner playable.gif Summoner
Level 18
Affinity --

Stats Growth Rates

Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic D Staves C


A unit called "Summonern" (Japanese: サマナーン Summonern), which appears to be a second generic Summoner, is found at character slot 3D. This unit was also present in the prototype, where they were deployed on the debug map. Their associated name string may have been a typo in Japanese, but the typo was carried over into the localization. This slot is after "Summon" and just before Knoll's phantom's character slot. Its portrait is assigned as generic, so it also uses the generic Druid portrait. The help text associated with them is the Summoner class help text.

Generic portrait druid fe06.png
Ma gba summoner playable.gif Summoner
Level 9
Affinity --

Stats Growth Rates

Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic D Staves C


Dara has unused unit data as a male Druid.[6] The slot uses her portrait, name slot, and the relevant unused help description detailed above. She does not have any custom base stats, only placeholder growth rates—she shares these growth rates with Klimt, the Frelian messenger, and a number of used NPCs including Mansel. Her character slot is at CA.

Portrait dara fe08.png
Ma gba druid playable.gif Druid
Level 1
Affinity Is gba darkaffin.png

Stats Growth Rates

Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic D Light magic -- Dark magic C Staves E


Klimt also has unused character data as a male Bishop. The slot uses his portrait, name slot, and the unused help description detailed above. Like Dara he has no base stats, only placeholder growth rates. This character is located at slot C9.

Portrait klimt fe08.png
Ma gba bishop playable.gif Bishop
Level 1
Affinity Is gba animaaffin.png

Stats Growth Rates

Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic D Dark magic -- Staves C


What seems to be the Frelian messenger Pegasus Knight that appears in some cutscenes has a character slot with data. The slot has the same placeholder growth rates as Dara and Klimt; however, this slot does actually have custom base stats. It also has an unused help description associated with it. This character is located at slot CC, near Dara and Klimt, among other used NPCs.

Portrait messenger fe08.png
Ma gba pegasus knight playable.gif Pegasus Knight
Level 1
Affinity Is gba windaffin.png

Stats Growth Rates

Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances D Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


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There is an extra Manakete class slot at 0E. Morva's Manakete class is at 3B and Myrrh's is at 3C. It uses the name Manakete and the Manakete help description. If a character is modified into this class, the standing map sprite is blank, but its selected and movement frames use Morva's Manakete sprites. This class uses the flying movement type and flying weaknesses. It uses the 'regular' walking sound effects, which are normal-sounding footseps. It is able to use Myrrh's Dragonstone and Monster weapons. Its stats are mostly identical to Myrrh's Manakete class, though this class has more base Movement.

This class's moving map sprites are used for when Myrrh transforms with animations turned off.

If a unit of this class attempts to use a Dragonstone the game loads Myrrh's human form before failing to transform and then softlocks. Using any monster weapons, including Wretched Air, defaults to map animations. Assigned the Generic Manakete portrait from The Binding Blade.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 12 0 -- 0 2 0 2 2 8 5 --

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 20 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 95% 40% -- 30% 20% 25% 0% 10% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Mercenary

At slot 10 there is a class that appears to be a female Mercenary, and is assigned the female Hero as its promotion. It uses the map sprite above.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 16 3 -- 5 6 0 2 0 5 8 Swords D

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 20 Swords A

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 80% 40% -- 40% 32% 30% 18% 30% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Hero

At slot 12 there is a class that appears to be a female Hero. It uses the map sprite above.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 22 6 -- 10 11 0 6 3 6 9 Swords C Axes D

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 24 -- 30 26 30 24 24 15 25 Swords S Axes S

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 75% 30% -- 30% 20% 25% 20% 20% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Wyvern Rider

At slot 20 there is a class that appears to be a female Wyvern Rider. While it is possible for there to be female Wyvern Knights in The Sacred Stones, due to the Pegasus Knight's split class change, there are no Female Wyvern Riders or Wyvern Lords. It is actually assigned separate map sprites, but those map sprites are a duplicate of the male Wyvern Rider.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 19 6 -- 5 5 0 7 0 7 9 Lances D

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 25 Lances A

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 85% 45% -- 35% 30% 25% 20% 17% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Wyvern Lord

At slot 22 there is a class that appears to be a female Wyvern Lord. While it is possible for there to be female Wyvern Knights in The Sacred Stones, there are no Female Wyvern Lords. It actually assigned separate map sprites, and this is detailed above.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 24 8 -- 7 7 0 9 2 8 10 Swords D Lances C

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 25 -- 26 24 30 27 23 15 25 Swords S Lances S

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 75% 40% -- 30% 20% 20% 20% 17% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Shaman

At slot 2E there is a class that appears to be a female Shaman. Unlike the Wyvern Rider and Lord, it is assigned the exact same map sprites as the male Shaman instead of using a different slot with duplicate map sprites.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 15 -- 3 1 1 0 1 5 5 3 Dark magic D

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 -- 20 20 20 30 20 20 15 25 Dark magic A

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 50% -- 45% 32% 20% 20% 10% 40% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Druid

At slot 30 there is a class that appears to be a female Druid. Like the female Shaman, it is assigned the exact same map sprites as the male Druid instead of using a different slot with duplicate map sprites.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 17 -- 7 3 4 0 3 7 6 4 Anima magic D Dark magic C Staves E

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 -- 29 26 26 30 20 29 15 20 Anima magic S Dark magic S Staves S

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 45% -- 55% 30% 25% 20% 10% 35% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Female Summoner

At slot 32 there is a class that appears to be a female Summoner. Like the female Shaman and Druid, it is assigned the exact same map sprites as the male Summoner instead of using a different slot with duplicate map sprites. Like the male Summoner its default class portrait is the Druid's.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 18 -- 5 3 4 0 3 5 6 4 Dark magic C Staves E

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 -- 27 27 26 30 20 28 15 20 Dark magic S Staves S

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 45% -- 50% 30% 25% 20% 8% 35% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.


There is a class slot for the Bard at slot 46, it uses the above unused map sprites and help description. It uses the generic Brigand portrait, which actually is not unusual for classes that usually do not make generic appearances. It does not have an associated battle animation. In terms of stats and stat caps, it is identical to its Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade appearance, having more constitution than it did in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. It still has the Play skill assigned to it. It also does not have any associated Class changes.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 14 1 -- 2 7 0 1 0 5 6 --

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 10 -- 10 30 30 24 26 15 20 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 45% 45% -- 30% 60% 70% 0% 13% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.


This class, which is likely to be Merlinus's Transporter class from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, is located at slot 79. The assigned class name and help description are both assigned to blank slots, its assigned class portrait is the "?" silhouette pictured above. It uses the tent map sprite pictured above. It also has identical stats to the The Blazing Blade Transporter. It has the convoy 'functionality' associated with it, but it is not actually able to be used for the convoy. This is most likely due to The Sacred Stones changing how the convoy functionality works due to Eirika or Ephraim having the convoy depending on route chosen.[7] It also does not have any associated Class changes.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 15 0 -- 3 3 0 3 0 0 25 --

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 60 20 -- 20 20 30 20 20 15 25 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Sacred Stones 10% 0% -- 0% 0% 0% 0% 10% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.


Map fe08 V-8.png Map ID 2C. Uses the map of Tower of Valni 8 but has nothing else set. Presumably a placeholder for a ninth Tower of Valni map.
Map fe08 V-8.png Map ID 2D. Uses the map of Tower of Valni 8 but has nothing else set. Presumably a placeholder for a tenth Tower of Valni map.
Cm fe08 castle frelia.png Map ID 38. This is the chapter map loaded in Castle Frelia, so it is technically not unused, but it cannot be seen because it is always obscured by dialogue backgrounds.
Cm fe08 unused 3B.png Map ID 3B. Probably a test map of some kind. Has some strange character, class, inventory, etc. assignments on both sides. The chapter objective is displayed as a rout map, but the chapter cannot actually be cleared. Calls an empty event at the start of every turn from "turn 0" to turn 19.
Cm fe08 unused 3C.png Map ID 3C. Duplicates of the Creature Campaign bonus units are placed in this map as playable characters (the data for Creature Campaign units is stored elsewhere). Among those units also exists Morva as an enemy unit. The chapter objective is displayed as a rout map, but the chapter cannot actually be cleared.

Waiting on the houses tells you what the respective house is for with a popup in the upper left corner. The left house is "Viwer Map", the middle house is "Viewr Face", and the right house is "Viewr BG".

  • Visiting the left house goes through every map in the game, saying the map's name in a popup in the upper left corner. Pressing the B button goes to the next map.
  • Visiting the middle house goes through every portrait in the game while also cycling through every dialogue background. Pressing the B button goes to the next portrait and background.
  • Visiting the right house goes through every dialogue background in the game. Pressing the B button goes to the next background.


Game options

There are a few unused game options, some of which are leftovers from the previous titles.

  • CPU Level: Display is bugged, and this setting cannot actually be changed. Can be set from 1 to 3. Defaults to "1". It has the description "Set enemy AI".
  • Unit Color: Can be turned on or off. Defaults to "on". It has the description "Set colors for individual units". Disables custom battle animation palettes; however, it does not work for most classes.
  • Controller: Can be turned on or off. Defaults to "off". It has the description "Set Control Window display". Does nothing.
  • Rank Display: Can be turned on or off. Defaults to "on". It has the description "Rank Window". Does nothing.

Battle backgrounds

The Sacaen plains, snow, and town battle backgrounds from the previous game still exist but are unused. The Sacred Stones uses new town battle backgrounds, there are no snow maps, and maps using the Sacaen tileset use the normal battle backgrounds.

The Binding Blade ROM header

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade's ROM header can be found twice in the ROM of The Sacred Stones. In the Japanese version, it is located at offsets 0xBB130C and 0xBBDC3C. In the North American version, it is located at offsets 0xB1A038 and 0xB247F4.

Character battle sprite palettes

Bs fe08 playable ewan bishop magic.png
Bs fe08 playable knoll sage magic.png

There is an unused palette for Ewan at index number 0F, among the other characters' Bishop palettes. However, it is not assigned to be used, so it cannot be seen without hacking of the ROM. Similarly, there is an unused palette for Knoll at index number 4A, located among the other characters' Sage palettes, which is also not assigned to be used. The images to the right are what these palettes would look like if they were assigned to the Bishop and Sage classes.

The bosses O'Neill, Breguet, and Bone erroneously have their custom palettes set to be used when they are playable and not when they are enemies. O'Neill and Breguet instead use the generic enemy palette, while Bone uses Bazba's palette.

Character Palette
O'Neill Bs fe08 o'neill fighter axe.png
Breguet Bs fe08 breguet knight lance.png
Bone Bs fe08 bone brigand axe.png

Debug features

The offsets listed here apply only to the North American version.

Some debug features still remain within the ROM, and can be re-enabled through hacking. The bootup debug screen is mostly functional, although "Manual Cont." is unable to be selected. Compared to the May 31, 2004 build, it is missing the world map option and the ability to select a chapter map. It can be reenabled by changing three bytes starting at offset 0xAD8 from 1B F0 DA to 09 F0 16.

The map menu's debug command can be re-enabled as well, at 0x1BB1D, but "Map" always sends the player to the Prologue no matter what map is selected, and "D.Info" and "Weather". "Fog" (which toggles fog of war in maps that have it), "Clears" (which sets the amount of times the game has been beaten), and "G'Night!" (which puts the console into sleep mode) still function. Compared to the May 31 build, the tactician and sound test options were removed. Additionally, the map selection displays "TUTO" (for chapters before the route split), "EIRIK" (for Eirika's chapters after the route split), or "EPHRAIM" (for Ephraim's chapters after the route split) on a second row below, which was not shown in the May 31 build (although it was shown on the map selection on the bootup screen). "Erased" also functions if "OK" is selected in its submenu; this option resets the game and the save file advances a chapter, though Chapter 5x is skipped. It does not advance a chapter if the player saved on the preparations menu, instead saves the data and goes back to the preparation screen when reloading.

The "Manual Save" command still has parameters set at offset 0xD7D00, as command ID 10. However, it is impossible to access this as nothing is set to display the menu. It is set to have its usability point to offset 0x1C309 and its effect to point to 0x1C30D. If this is put into another menu, it will be unable to be selected; even if it is set to be able to be selected, it will still not enable "Manual Cont." on the bootup debug menu. Even if "Manual Cont." is set to always be able to be selected, it will still not function properly.

Two commands are defined at offsets 0x59BF18 and 0x59BF3C (command IDs 8 and 9), both set to be the same thing. The menu they are intended for is inaccessible. Unlike "Manual Save", they have no labels set. These were the "[in] charge" commands from the May 31 build. Enabling one of these in another menu will allow the player to set "Deck" to "CPU", "Decked", or "Blocked", like the command in the May 31 build. However, these commands do not actually do anything.

The removed world map and chapter select options still have code in the game and can be reenabled, but they are nonfunctional and crash the game.

A command to go to the bootup debug screen can be enabled by setting a command to point to offset 0x1C0901. It is extremely buggy, however.

A "danger zone" command for the map menu can be enabled by setting a command to point to offset 0x226F9. It is somewhat akin to the feature that would be added to games from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon onward, but the player must press the B button to turn it back off in order to continue gameplay. Pressing A toggles between attack and staff ranges.


  1. VincentASM, Download Events, Serenes Forest, Retrieved: April 12th, 2016
  2. "Did you know it's possible to pick up mines? I didn't!
    When a unit ends its turn on a mine tile:
    If unit has lethality and an empty inventory slot: remove mine, add mine to inventory
    If unit has lethality and a full inventory: nothing happens
    If unit has steal ability (and not lethality): nothing happens
    Otherwise, BOOM!"
    — Gryz, Do hallway traps exist in FE7? (webpage),, Published: April 7th, 2016, Retrieved: April 12th, 2016
  3. "I was memory hacking some statuses with the help of @Crazycolorz5 , when I suddenly tried 0x59 and...
    This happened: [image of unit with sick status effect]"
    — AlfredKamon, "Sick" status and other stuff about statuses in FE8 (webpage),, Published: September 4th, 2014, Retrieved: April 13th, 2016
  4. "We don't have functioning wall spear traps. I just figured out how to get the animation to play. [...] I'm going to see if I can add the wall spear trap. I will probably just copy the routine list from instant-fire and swap out the animation routine." — Gryz, Do hallway traps exist in FE7? (webpage),, Published: April 7th, 2016, Retrieved: April 12th, 2016
  6. "Dara, Saleh's grandmother, has stats as a (male…) Druid and a rather nifty profile description." — VincentASM, Unused Content (webpage),, Published: ?, Retrieved: April 12th, 2016
  7. jjl2357, [1], , Published: January 17th, 2015, Retrieved: April 16th, 2016
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Playable characters AmeliaArturColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFordeFranzGarciaGerikGilliamInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteMarisaMoulderMyrrhNatashaNeimiRennacRossSalehSethSyreneTanaTethysVanessa
Creature Campaign characters CaellachFadoGlenHaydenIsmaireLyonOrsonRievSelenaValter
Non-playable characters DaraKlimtMansel
Bosses AiasBanditBazbaBeranBinksBoneBreguetCaellachCarlyleFomortiisGhebLyonMorvaMurrayNovalaO'NeillOrsonPabloRievSaarSelenaTiradoValterVigardeZonta
Background characters GradoLatonaMacGregorMonicaNada Kuya
Sacred Twins and personal weapons AudhulmaExcaliburGarmGleipnirIvaldiLatonaNidhoggRapierReginleifSieglindeSiegmundVidofnir
Chapters Pre-split P: The Fall of Renais • 1: Escape! • 2: The Protected • 3: The Bandits of Borgo • 4: Ancient Horrors • 5: The Empire's Reach • 5x: Unbroken Heart • 6: Victims of War • 7: Waterside Renvall • 8: It's a Trap!A New Journey
Eirika's Route 9: Distant Blade • 10: Revolt at Carcino • 11: Creeping Darkness • 12: Village of Silence • 13: Hamill Canyon • 14: Queen of White Dunes
Ephraim's Route 9: Fort Rigwald • 10: Turning Traitor • 11: Phantom Ship • 12: Landing at Taizel • 13: Fluorspar's Oath • 14: Father and Son
Post-split 15: Scorched Sand • 16: Ruled by Madness • 17: River of Regrets • 18: Two Faces of Evil • 19: Last Hope • 20: Darkling WoodsF: Sacred Stone (part 1part 2)
Locations MagvelCarcino (Caer Pelyn) • Darkling WoodsFrelia (Tower of Valni) • Grado (Renvall) • Jehanna (Jehanna HallLagdou Ruins) • Rausten (Melkaen Coast) • Renais (Za'ha Woods)
Groups, objects and concepts Five heroesGerik's MercenariesImperial ThreeLegend of the Sacred StonesMonstersSacred StonesSacred TwinsWar of the Stones
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Creature CampaignThe Sacred Stones ComicNovelizationList of version differences (Name chart) • Pre-release information (Pre-release buildUnused content) • Sound RoomTimelineWorld map
Preliminary data and content
Pre-release information Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemGenealogy of the Holy WarThracia 776The Binding BladeThe Blazing BladeThe Sacred StonesPath of RadianceRadiant DawnShadow DragonNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakeningFatesTokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FEEchoes: Shadows of ValentiaHeroesWarriorsThree HousesWarriors: Three HopesEngage
Unused content Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemGenealogy of the Holy WarThracia 776The Binding BladeThe Blazing BladeThe Sacred StonesPath of RadianceRadiant DawnShadow DragonNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakeningFatesTokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FEEchoes: Shadows of ValentiaHeroesWarriorsThree HousesWarriors: Three HopesEngage
Pre-release builds The Blazing Blade pre-release build 0206The Blazing Blade pre-release build 0219The Sacred Stones pre-release build 040531_2253
Other Fire Emblem 64Fire Emblem Wii