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Revolt at Carcino

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Revolt at Carcino

Cm fe08 10A.png


Teraz Plateau

New units

Innes, Gerik, Tethys, Marisa



Previous chapter(s)

Distant Blade

Next chapter(s)

Creeping Darkness

Revolt at Carcino (Japanese: カルチノの内乱 Rebellion at Carcino) is the tenth chapter of Eirika's route in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


Main article: Revolt at Carcino/Script

As Eirika proceeds to Carcino to rescue Innes, Emperor Vigarde orders Glen to capture Eirika, who he claims massacred citizens and leads a rebellion in Carcino. Glen accepts his orders but, he expresses his doubts on the veracity of Vigarde's claims about Eirika to his brother Cormag; Glen notes that he has met Eirika once, and thinks her incapable of doing what Vigarde claims she has. Valter then approaches the two, and chastises Glen for doubting the emperor. Glen accuses Valter of lying his way into a pardon and a promotion, but Valter claims that he, Caellach, and Riev were promoted to compensate for the unreliability of the Imperial Three. Cormag threatens Valter, but Valter reminds him that fighting a general would mark him a traitor. Glen departs with his brother, after telling Valter that his crimes are "neither forgotten nor forgiven".

In Carcino, Innes assesses his situation with Gerik and Tethys between assaults from Pablo's forces. Innes is determined to reach Jehanna and refuses to surrender. Tethys relays that the group has no more weapons in reserve and the enemy is making preparations to attack again. Innes attempts to save the lives of Gerik and Tethys by firing them, giving them the choice to flee or surrender; they refuse to flee, however, believing that Innes will die without their help. As Innes begins to concoct a strategy to escape, Tethys notices an approaching force of reinforcements: Eirika's company. Eirika and her forces immediately join the battle.

Once the battle begins, Pablo muses to himself over the good fortune his plan to displace Klimt has yielded, and orders soldiers to kill Innes. Meanwhile, in a hidden location, Klimt laments that Pablo is destroying Carcino's bond with Frelia, and that he powerless to stop Pablo.

In the battle, Eirika or Tana can speak to Innes, and they join forces; Innes can then inform Gerik and Tethys that reinforcements have come. Later, Gerik can talk to Marisa on the battlefield; though a member of his mercenary group, she has been assigned to his enemies—Gerik is concerned for her reputation if she were to abandon her employers, but Marisa does so unquestioningly.

After Pablo is defeated and the gate has been seized by Eirika, Valter identifies Eirika and muses to himself how fun it will be to fight her; however, for the time being, Valter declines his opportunity to attack and moves on.

Eirika and Innes enter the castle where Klimt was hiding himself, prompting him to come out of his hiding place and greet the two. Klimt announces himself as a member of Carcino's Council of Elders, clarifying that the orders to capture Innes were purely those of Pablo. Klimt explains that Carcino has been divided into two factions: Klimt's faction wishes to retain their alliance with Frelia, while Pablo's seeks to endear his nation to Grado; Pablo began to seize power through violence and assassination, driving Klimt and his allies into hiding. Klimt warns that Pablo will almost certainly send more soldiers after them through Carcino, and that it would be best to return to Frelia.

If Gerik and Tethys survived the battle, Innes thanks them, and hires them for the rest of their journey at double the pay of their previous contract; the two immediately accept the offer. Later, Tethys finds her brother Ewan, who asks her to allow him to accompany her on her adventures; Tethys initially refuses, but Ewan responds that he could protect with magic he learned from his teacher, and Tethys relents and promises to speak to Eirika on his behalf.

Seth suggests that the group return to Frelia as Klimt suggested, but Innes emphasizes that time is of the essence to prevent Grado's plans. Eirika agrees with Innes but acknowledges that recklessly pressing on will invite more attacks; Ewan then appears and announces that he knows of a mountain pass that leads straight to Jehanna. At Eirika's behest, Ewan elaborates that the pass leads through Caer Pelyn and is home to his teacher, Saleh. Eirika then requests that Ewan guide them to Saleh, which Ewan gladly agrees to do.

Chapter data

Easy/Normal Difficult

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Seize the gate Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Eirika dies 1–12+4 {{{partner}}} 3−3 34+17−1
Cm fe08 10A.png

Character data

New units
Portrait innes fe08.png
Silver Bow
White Gem
NPC, talk to with Tana or Eirika, or automatically at the end of the chapter if he survived
Portrait gerik fe08.png
Steel Blade
Hero Crest
NPC, talk to with Innes or Tethys, or automatically at the end of the chapter if he survived
(Leaves if Tethys dies this chapter)
Portrait tethys fe08.png
Goddess Icon
NPC, talk to with Gerik or Innes, or automatically at the end of the chapter if she survived
(Leaves if Gerik dies this chapter)
Portrait marisa fe08.png
Enemy, talk to with Gerik
Required characters
Eirika ​
Available characters
Seth ​Franz ​Gilliam ​Vanessa ​Moulder ​Ross ​Garcia ​Neimi ​Colm ​Artur ​Lute ​Natasha ​Joshua ​Forde ​Kyle ​Tana ​Amelia ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba guiding ring.png Guiding Ring Dropped by Pablo
Is gba longbow.png Longbow Dropped by enemy Archer
Is gba door key.png Door Key Dropped by enemy Soldier
Is gba lancereaver.png Lancereaver Dropped by enemy Mercenary
Is gba killer axe.png Killer Axe Dropped by enemy Fighter (drops unequipped item)
Is gba hand axe.png Hand Axe Dropped by enemy Fighter (drops unequipped item)
Is gba torch staff.png Torch Dropped by enemy Priest
Is gba red gem.png Red Gem Steal from enemy Myrmidon
Is gba vulnerary.png Vulnerary Steal from Marisa or recruit her
Is gba talisman.png Talisman Steal from enemy Pegasus Knight (reinforcement)

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Easy Normal Difficult

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Pablo Sage 7 1 36 13 9 12 9 7 17 7 6 Divine Guiding RingThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Does not move; stands on a gate, the chapter's seize point.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Sellsword Archer 10 1 22~24 6~7 5~7 4~6 2~3 3~5 0~2 7 5 LongbowThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Mans a Ballista.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Sellsword Archer 10 1 22~24 6~7 5~7 4~6 2~3 3~5 0~2 7 5 Iron Bow
Mans a Ballista.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Sellsword Soldier 10 3 24~27 6~7 1~3 2~3 1~2 0~1 0~2 6 5 Iron Lance
The two not guarding the door immediately begin moving unprovoked.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Sellsword Soldier 10 1 24~27 6~7 1~3 2~3 1~2 0~1 0~2 6 5 Iron Lance Door KeyThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Does not move.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Sellsword Mercenary 10 1 22~25 6~8 10~12 9~11 1~3 5~6 1~2 9 5 LancereaverThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Sellsword Mage 9 2 18~20 3~5 4~5 4~6 1~2 3~4 4~6 6 5 Fire
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Sellsword Mercenary 10 4 22~24 6~7 10~11 9~11 1~3 4~6 1~2 9 5 Iron Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Sellsword Myrmidon 10 3 20~22 6~7 11~13 11~13 1~3 2~4 1~2 8 5 Slim Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Sellsword Myrmidon 11 1 20~23 6~8 11~13 11~13 2~3 3~4 1~2 8 5 Steel Sword Red Gem
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Sellsword Fighter 10 1 25~27 8~10 4~5 5~7 0~2 2~4 0~2 11 5 Hand Axe Killer AxeThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Sellsword Myrmidon 11 1 20~23 6~8 11~13 11~13 2~3 3~4 1~2 8 5 Steel Sword
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Sellsword Soldier 10 1 24~27 6~7 1~3 2~3 1~2 0~1 0~2 6 5 Steel Lance
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Sellsword Archer 9 1 21~23 5~7 5~6 4~6 1~3 3~5 0~2 7 5 Iron Bow
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Sellsword Fighter 10 2 24~26 7~9 3~5 5~7 0~2 2~4 0~2 11 5 Iron Axe
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma gba myrmidon female enemy.gif Marisa Myrmidon 5 1 23 7 12 13 9 4 3 5 5 Shamshir Vulnerary
Begins moving if a unit enters the area south of the NPC fortress.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Sellsword Soldier 10 2 24~27 6~7 1~3 2~3 1~2 0~1 0~2 6 5 Slim Lance
Begins moving if a unit enters the area south of the NPC fortress.
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Sellsword Myrmidon 10 2 20~22 6~7 11~13 11~13 1~3 2~4 1~2 8 5 Iron Sword
Begins moving if a unit enters the area south of the NPC fortress.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Sellsword Archer 9 1 21~23 5~7 5~6 4~6 1~3 3~5 0~2 7 5 Steel Bow
Begins moving if a unit enters the area south of the NPC fortress.
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 10 2 25~27 8~9 2~4 6~7 0~2 3~4 0~2 12 5 Iron Axe Hand Axe
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 10 1 25~27 8~9 2~4 6~7 0~2 3~4 0~2 12 5 Steel Axe Hand Axe
Ma gba priest enemy.gif Sellsword Priest 11 1 21~23 3~4 3~5 4~5 3~5 1~2 8~10 5 5 Sleep Heal TorchThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Begins moving if a unit enters the area south of the NPC fortress.
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba brigand enemy.gif Bandit Brigand 10 8 25~27 8~9 2~4 6~7 0~2 3~4 0~2 12 5 Iron Axe
Ma gba pegasus knight enemy.gif Sellsword Pegasus Knight 10 3 17~20 6~7 7~9 7~9 2~3 3~4 4~5 5 7 Slim Lance
Ma gba falcoknight enemy.gif Sellsword Falcoknight 1 1 20 6 7 7 0 5 4 6 8 Steel Lance
Ma gba pegasus knight enemy.gif Sellsword Pegasus Knight 10 1 17~20 6~7 7~9 7~9 2~3 3~4 4~5 5 7 Slim Lance Talisman
Ma gba cavalier enemy.gif Sellsword Cavalier 10 3 24~26 7~8 4~6 6~8 1~3 6~8 0~2 9 7 Steel Lance
Ma gba ranger enemy.gif Sellsword Ranger 1 1 21 7 6 7 0 6 3 9 7 Steel Bow


NPC data

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba sniper other.gif Innes Sniper 1 1 31 14 13 15 14 10 9 9 6 Silver Bow White Gem Vulnerary
Ma gba mercenary other.gif Gerik Mercenary 10 1 32 14 13 13 8 10 4 13 5 Steel Blade Vulnerary Hero Crest
Ma gba dancer tethys other.gif Tethys Dancer 1 1 18 1 2 12 10 5 4 5 5 Elixir Vulnerary Goddess Icon

Boss data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Main article: Pablo

Easy/Normal Difficult

Portrait pablo fe08.png
Ma gba sage enemy.gif Sage
Level 7
Affinity Is gba iceaffin.png
Max HP 36 Luck 9
Magic 13 Defense 7
Skill 9 Resistance 17
Speed 12 Constitution 7
Movement 6 Aid 6
Guiding RingThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Anima magic B Light magic C Dark magic -- Staves C


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

This chapter presents a chain of timed objectives: recruit Innes's squad before their AI gets them killed, recruit Marisa who will start moving once your army moves south, and fend off the reinforcements. Be sure to also avoid the enemy Ballista range with any fliers you bring.

The enemy Archer on the edge of the map does not move, making it easy to sneak in Tana or Eirika if Vanessa Rescues them past the rest of the enemies to Innes. Afterwards however, Marisa's squad will start moving.

Marisa is among the weakest units in the game and her Shamshir provides little advantage over the Killing Edges you already have, therefore ignoring or killing her is a viable option. Alternatively, if you can spare a Pure Water and a weak sword for Gerik, he can enter her range without being targeted by the Priest with the Sleep staff. You could also bring a staff user with Restore, have Innes use the Ballista on the Priest, or just choke a point with him or Gerik until you've already beaten Pablo.

Most of the reinforcements are weak, but on Difficult mode, the Falcoknight may present a problem. Innes can use the Ballista along with a second attack from Tethys's Dance to address this issue. There is also a Ranger reinforcement, but it spawns far away from your starting position and therefore you will have more time to react.

The main threat Pablo poses is his high critical hit rate. Seth and Innes, who have high Luck, may face 0 Crit which is guaranteed for either after using Tethys's Goddess Icon.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Revolt at Carcino




Rebellion at Carcino


Rebelión en Carcino

Rebellion at Carcino


Révolte à Carcino

Revolt at Carcino


Revolte in Carcino

Revolt at Carcino


Rivolta a Carcino

Revolt at Carcino

← Distant Blade • Revolt at Carcino • Creeping Darkness →
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Playable characters AmeliaArturColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFordeFranzGarciaGerikGilliamInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteMarisaMoulderMyrrhNatashaNeimiRennacRossSalehSethSyreneTanaTethysVanessa
Creature Campaign characters CaellachFadoGlenHaydenIsmaireLyonOrsonRievSelenaValter
Non-playable characters DaraKlimtMansel
Bosses AiasBanditBazbaBeranBinksBoneBreguetCaellachCarlyleFomortiisGhebLyonMorvaMurrayNovalaO'NeillOrsonPabloRievSaarSelenaTiradoValterVigardeZonta
Background characters GradoLatonaMacGregorMonicaNada Kuya
Sacred Twins and personal weapons AudhulmaExcaliburGarmGleipnirIvaldiLatonaNidhoggRapierReginleifSieglindeSiegmundVidofnir
Chapters Pre-split P: The Fall of Renais • 1: Escape! • 2: The Protected • 3: The Bandits of Borgo • 4: Ancient Horrors • 5: The Empire's Reach • 5x: Unbroken Heart • 6: Victims of War • 7: Waterside Renvall • 8: It's a Trap!A New Journey
Eirika's Route 9: Distant Blade • 10: Revolt at Carcino • 11: Creeping Darkness • 12: Village of Silence • 13: Hamill Canyon • 14: Queen of White Dunes
Ephraim's Route 9: Fort Rigwald • 10: Turning Traitor • 11: Phantom Ship • 12: Landing at Taizel • 13: Fluorspar's Oath • 14: Father and Son
Post-split 15: Scorched Sand • 16: Ruled by Madness • 17: River of Regrets • 18: Two Faces of Evil • 19: Last Hope • 20: Darkling WoodsF: Sacred Stone (part 1part 2)
Locations MagvelCarcino (Caer Pelyn) • Darkling WoodsFrelia (Tower of Valni) • Grado (Renvall) • Jehanna (Jehanna HallLagdou Ruins) • Rausten (Melkaen Coast) • Renais (Za'ha Woods)
Groups, objects and concepts Five heroesGerik's MercenariesImperial ThreeLegend of the Sacred StonesMonstersSacred StonesSacred TwinsWar of the Stones
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
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