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Distant Blade

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Distant Blade

Cm fe08 9A.png



New units

Tana, Amelia



Previous chapter(s)

A New Journey

Next chapter(s)

Revolt at Carcino

Distant Blade (Japanese: 後背の刃 Blade of the Hinterlands) is the ninth chapter of Eirika's route in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


Main article: Distant Blade/Script

As Eirika makes her way towards Rausten, Emperor Vigarde relays new orders to his generals in Grado Keep. Vigarde sends Glen to capture Eirika and Valter to Ephraim; Caellach to destroy the Sacred Stone of Jehanna and Riev to destroy Rausten's stone; and Duessel to fight Ephraim and Frelia. Vigarde tells Selena to await further orders in the capital.

Outside of Port Kiris in Carcino, Tana catches Eirika and asks to join her army. Eirika initially refuses, but acquiesces when Tana insists.

Once at Port Kiris, Seth ensures Eirika remembers the fake identity they agreed she would use to avoid enemies of Renais. Before they can seek a ship to their destination, Eirika notices L'Arachel nearby; Eirika approaches and greets her. L'arachel offers Eirika a pastry, but explains that ships are afraid to set sail for fear of a "giant ghost ship" in the waters. L'arachel suggests that Eirika instead pass through the longer overland route to reach Rausten, before departing for Rausten with Dozla and Rennac. After they leave, Eirika is approached by a mercenary by the name of Binks; he asks if she is Princess Eirika of Renais, and intends to capture her for a bounty.

During the battle, reinforcements from Grado appear on the battlefield; among their ranks is a fresh recruit named Amelia. Franz or Eirika can approach Amelia, and will assume she is a citizen and attempt to get her to safety; Amelia corrects them, but is persuaded to join them when she no longer believes what Grado has said about Eirika's character. Alternately, the Grado soldiers—with Amelia in tow—will leave the battle when the mercenaries are not winning definitively.

Once the mercenaries are routed, Seth corners one of the remaining mercenaries and interrogates him; the mercenary states that Pablo, one of the members of the Carcino Council of Elders, hired him. Eirika realizes that Innes is in danger as he was going to pass through Carcino to reach Jehanna. Then, a messenger arrives to inform Eirika that Innes has been trapped by Carcino's forces in a siege; Eirika sends the messenger to Frelia and assures them that she will save the prince herself. If the player visited each of the villages, Rennac—one of L'Arachel's attendants—approaches Eirika; he asks if L'Arachel and Dozla have left, and rejoices when Eirika confirms they have.

Chapter data

Easy/Normal Difficult

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defeat all enemies Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Eirika dies 2–11+1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 23+15
Cm fe08 9A.png

Character data

New units
Portrait tana fe08.png
Pegasus Knight
Heavy Spear
Automatically from preparations
Portrait amelia fe08.png
Slim Lance
Enemy, talk to with Franz or Eirika
Required characters
Eirika ​Tana ​
Available characters
Seth ​Franz ​Gilliam ​Vanessa ​Moulder ​Ross ​Garcia ​Neimi ​Colm ​Artur ​Lute ​Natasha ​Joshua ​Forde ​Kyle ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba ocean seal.png Ocean Seal Dropped by enemy Pirate
Is gba killing edge.png Killing Edge Dropped by enemy Myrmidon
Is gba axereaver.png Axereaver Dropped by enemy Soldier
Is gba elfire.png Elfire Dropped by enemy Mage (reinforcement)
Is gba dragonshield.png Dragonshield Visit western village
Is gba rapier.png Rapier Visit eastern village
Is gba speedwing.png Speedwing Steal from Amelia or recruit her (reinforcement)
Is gba angelic robe.png Angelic Robe At the end of the chapter if every village was visited

Shop data

Shop data

Armory (NTSC-J) Armory (NTSC-U/PAL) Vendor (NTSC-J) Vendor (NTSC-U/PAL)

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Easy Normal Difficult

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Binks Warrior 5 1 42 16 10 8 3 12 8 13 6 Steel Axe Steel Bow
Does not move.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Mercenary Mercenary 9 4 22~24 6~7 10~11 9~11 1~3 4~6 1~2 9 5 Steel Sword
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Mercenary Soldier 8 3 21~23 5~7 9~11 9~10 1~2 4~6 0~2 9 5 Iron Lance
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Mercenary Soldier 8 1 21~23 5~7 9~11 9~10 1~2 4~6 0~2 9 5 AxereaverThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba sniper enemy.gif Mercenary Sniper 2 1 21 7 6 5 0 5 2 8 6 Steel Bow
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Mercenary Mercenary 9 4 22~24 6~7 10~11 9~11 1~3 4~6 1~2 9 5 Iron Sword
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Mercenary Myrmidon 9 1 19~21 5~7 11~12 11~12 1~3 2~4 1~2 8 5 Killing EdgeThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Mercenary Fighter 9 1 24~26 7~9 3~5 5~7 0~2 2~4 0~2 11 5 Iron Axe
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Mercenary Fighter 9 1 24~26 7~9 3~5 5~7 0~2 2~4 0~2 11 5 Hand Axe
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Mercenary Archer 8 3 21~22 5~6 4~6 4~5 1~2 3~4 0~1 7 5 Iron Bow
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Mercenary Shaman 8 1 18~19 4~5 2~3 3~4 0~2 2~3 5~6 7 5 Flux
Ma gba pirate enemy.gif Mercenary Pirate 9 1 22~25 6~8 3~5 7~8 0~2 3~4 0~1 10 5 Iron Axe Ocean SealThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Does not move on turn 1.
Turn 2 onwards, moves to raid villages; moves to attacks units if one is in range or all villages are destroyed or visited.
Ma gba pirate enemy.gif Mercenary Pirate 9 1 22~25 6~8 3~5 7~8 0~2 3~4 0~1 10 5 Hand Axe
Moves to raid villages; moves to attacks units if one is in range or all villages are destroyed or visited.
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba pirate enemy.gif Mercenary Pirate 9 1 22~25 6~8 3~5 7~8 0~2 3~4 0~1 10 5 Iron Axe
Moves to raid villages, but prioritizes attacking units if he can do so without moving. If no destroyable villages exist, moves to attack units unprovoked.
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Mercenary Mercenary 9 1 22~24 6~7 10~11 9~11 1~3 4~6 1~2 9 5 Iron Sword
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Mercenary Mage 8 2 18~20 3~5 3~5 4~5 0~2 3~4 4~5 6 5 Fire
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Mercenary Archer 8 2 21~22 5~6 4~6 4~5 1~2 3~4 0~1 7 5 Iron Bow
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Mercenary Soldier 8 1 23~25 5~6 1~2 1~3 1~2 0~1 0~1 6 5 Iron Lance
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Mercenary Mercenary 8 1 21~23 5~7 9~11 9~10 1~2 4~6 0~2 9 5 Iron Sword
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Mercenary Fighter 9 1 24~26 7~9 3~5 5~7 0~2 2~4 0~2 11 5 Iron Axe
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Mercenary Fighter 9 1 24~26 7~9 3~5 5~7 0~2 2~4 0~2 11 5 Steel Axe
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Mercenary Mage 8 1 18~20 3~5 3~5 4~5 0~2 3~4 4~5 6 5 ElfireThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Soldier Soldier 9 3 24~26 5~7 1~3 2~3 1~2 0~1 0~2 6 5 Iron Lance
Leaves the map at the start of turn 12, if Amelia is alive and unrecruited.
Ma gba recruit enemy.gif Amelia Recruit 1 1 16 4 3 4 6 2 3 6 4 Slim Lance Speedwing
• Will not move until provoked.
• Leaves the map at the start of turn 12.


Boss data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Main article: Binks

Easy/Normal Difficult

Portrait binks fe08.png
Ma gba warrior enemy.gif Warrior
Level 5
Affinity Is gba darkaffin.png
Max HP 42 Luck 3
Strength 16 Defense 12
Skill 10 Resistance 8
Speed 8 Constitution 13
Movement 6 Aid 12
Steel Axe
Iron Bow*
Steel Bow*
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes B Bows C
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

The first challenge is to push through the enemies at the top of the map. You will want to move quickly, likely with help from mounted units, if you intend to save the western Village (which yields a Dracoshield). On Difficult mode, bring someone strong to deal with the enemy Sniper.

The other Village only contains another Rapier for Eirika, but saving both will net you an Angelic Robe. In any case Tana, despite her low stats, can reach it in fairly short order without danger by weaving around enemy attack ranges. Once both Villages close their gates, be ready for the enemy Pirates to start acting aggressive!

Even if you do not wish to train her, Amelia's Speedwing is a valuable acquisition. Alternately, Colm can Steal it; if Amelia is not recruited or killed in this chapter, she will appear again in Chapter 13 with another Speedwing. Avoid entering her attack range until you are ready to engage her, as she will attack anyone in range and likely fall to the counter. However, since she has only 4 Move, the Soldiers surrounding her can all be baited to charge at someone outside of her attack range. Even Eirika, positioned six spaces away once the coast is clear, can Talk to Amelia from outside of her range.

Binks is easy to beat once the Mercenaries and reinforcements are dealt with. He is immobile, and the Axereaver dropped by a nearby Soldier puts him at a great disadvantage. Even if no one on your team can tank an attack, Binks does not have a Hand Axe or any form of healing, so as a last resort you could attack uncounterably, Rescue the attacker away to safety using a mounted unit's Canto, and repeat until he is defeated.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Distant Blade




Blade of the Hinterlands


Mal puerto

Wrong Harbor


Lame distante

Distant Blade


Ferne Klinge

Distant Blade


Una lama lontana

Distant Blade


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Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Playable characters AmeliaArturColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFordeFranzGarciaGerikGilliamInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteMarisaMoulderMyrrhNatashaNeimiRennacRossSalehSethSyreneTanaTethysVanessa
Creature Campaign characters CaellachFadoGlenHaydenIsmaireLyonOrsonRievSelenaValter
Non-playable characters DaraKlimtMansel
Bosses AiasBanditBazbaBeranBinksBoneBreguetCaellachCarlyleFomortiisGhebLyonMorvaMurrayNovalaO'NeillOrsonPabloRievSaarSelenaTiradoValterVigardeZonta
Background characters GradoLatonaMacGregorMonicaNada Kuya
Sacred Twins and personal weapons AudhulmaExcaliburGarmGleipnirIvaldiLatonaNidhoggRapierReginleifSieglindeSiegmundVidofnir
Chapters Pre-split P: The Fall of Renais • 1: Escape! • 2: The Protected • 3: The Bandits of Borgo • 4: Ancient Horrors • 5: The Empire's Reach • 5x: Unbroken Heart • 6: Victims of War • 7: Waterside Renvall • 8: It's a Trap!A New Journey
Eirika's Route 9: Distant Blade • 10: Revolt at Carcino • 11: Creeping Darkness • 12: Village of Silence • 13: Hamill Canyon • 14: Queen of White Dunes
Ephraim's Route 9: Fort Rigwald • 10: Turning Traitor • 11: Phantom Ship • 12: Landing at Taizel • 13: Fluorspar's Oath • 14: Father and Son
Post-split 15: Scorched Sand • 16: Ruled by Madness • 17: River of Regrets • 18: Two Faces of Evil • 19: Last Hope • 20: Darkling WoodsF: Sacred Stone (part 1part 2)
Locations MagvelCarcino (Caer Pelyn) • Darkling WoodsFrelia (Tower of Valni) • Grado (Renvall) • Jehanna (Jehanna HallLagdou Ruins) • Rausten (Melkaen Coast) • Renais (Za'ha Woods)
Groups, objects and concepts Five heroesGerik's MercenariesImperial ThreeLegend of the Sacred StonesMonstersSacred StonesSacred TwinsWar of the Stones
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
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