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FESK Iucharba 02.png
Artwork of Iucharba from Treasure.






Grannvalean (Dozel)


Nobleman of Dozel

Starting class

Axe Fighter


Listen up, men! We're with the liberation army now! We're fightin' in the name of love and justice!
— Iucharba

Iucharba (Japanese: ヨハルヴァ Johalva) is the youngest son of Duke Danann of Dozel. Along with his elder brother Iuchar, he served his father in the Grannvale occupation of Isaach, presiding over Sophara Castle. He came into conflict with his family over the rise of Seliph's liberation army in Isaach, or rather over Larcei/Creidne, one of its warriors.


When Seliph commenced his fight to liberate Isaach, at first Iucharba and his axe warrior unit remained stationed as a defensive perimeter surrounding Sophara Castle; once Ganeishire fell to Seliph, the order came through from Danann for both him and Iuchar to attack, to which Iucharba agreed despite his misgivings about fighting Larcei/Creidne. Upon encountering Larcei/Creidne, he was swayed to side with Seliph's army, provoking Iuchar; otherwise, when Iuchar was recruited to Seliph's side, Iucharba was provoked by him getting to Larcei/Creidne first, and died in battle with Seliph's army.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War


Iucharba is playable character in the second generation. In Chapter 6, Iucharba appears as the commander of Sophara. Iucharba, along with the Sophara army, initially appear as neutral units. Once Ganeishire is seized, they will turn into enemy units. Iucharba is recruited when talked to by Larcei/Creidne, causing the Sophara army and castle to become partner. Iucharba is mutally exclusive with Iuchar: recruiting Iuchar will make Larcei/Creidne unable to recruit Iucharba, and recruiting Iucharba will make Larcei/Creine unable to recruit Iuchar.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait iucharba fe04.png
Ma snes02 axe fighter playable.gif Axe Fighter
Level 12
Holy Blood SNESHolyBloodNál.png
Movement 6
Recruitment: Chapter 6, enemy, talk to with Larcei/Creidne

Stats Growth Rates

Inventory Skills
Steel Axe
Paragon RingThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.*
5,000 Gold
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes A Bows -- Staves --
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- FE4RankWind.png -- Light magic -- Dark magic --

Promotion stat gains

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Mov Weapon level
Warrior +0 +3 +0 +2 +2 +0 +2 +3 +0 Axes A Bows B

Love growths and events

Portrait iucharba fe04.png
Axe Fighter
Ma snes02 priest female playable.gif Ma snes02 priest female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 sword fighter female playable.gif Ma snes02 sword fighter female playable.gif
Initial: 200
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 light priestess playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 0
Ma snes02 pegasus knight playable.gif Ma snes02 pegasus knight playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 thief female playable.gif Ma snes02 thief female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 thief female playable.gif Ma snes02 thief female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 troubadour playable.gif Ma snes02 troubadour playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 dancer playable.gif Ma snes02 dancer playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 2
Ma snes02 mage female playable.gif Ma snes02 thunder mage female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 3
Initial: {{{initialpoints9}}}
Per turn: +
Initial: {{{initialpoints10}}}
Per turn: +
Ma snes02 mage female playable.gif Ma snes02 thunder mage female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: 3
Initial: {{{initialpoints9}}}
Per turn: +
Initial: {{{initialpoints10}}}
Per turn: +
Initial: {{{initialpoints11}}}
Per turn: +
Initial: {{{initialpoints12}}}
Per turn: +
Initial: {{{initialpoints13}}}
Per turn: +
Initial: {{{initialpoints14}}}
Per turn: +
See love for more details on the love system.


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Iucharba suffers from the same problem as most foot units, in his inability to keep up with mounted units. Worse still, he is locked to axes and later bows, the two worst weapon types available, the former due to low accuracy and high weight, and the latter due to the inability to counter at 1 range. While he does have decent base stats and is relatively close to promotion, he suffers from the same problem as most substitute characters and has subpar growth rates and lacks Follow-Up.

Iucharba has some notable strengths over his brother, Iuchar, even if he doesn't have a mount. His Arena performance is better, which, in terms of ranked runs, is useful as he can get more experience out of the Arena, as the source of experience does not actually matter. Additionally, his bow access gives him a niche in that he can one-shot Wyvern Riders in Chapter 8 and Chapter 9, many of whom have Javelins that allow Iucharba to enemy phase a few at a time. If the Paragon Band wasn't inherited, then Iucharba will start with it in his inventory; since it costs 40,000 to buy out of the pawnbroker, he will likely be holding onto it for a while, making it easy for him to get promoted early; his Lv20 promoted averages are high enough to one-round every unpromoted enemy in Chapter 7 with the Brave Axe while taking minimal physical damage in return. However, his lack of a mount limits his ability to reach the front lines and make these contributions quickly.


In contrast to Iuchar, Iucharba is more down-to-earth and straightforward: he presents himself as being rough-hewn and seeks to protect that image, but has no interest in the bullying tactics of his father.[1] A decent person unlike his father, he refused to follow through on performing the more heinous activities of the Grannvale occupation such as the child hunts,[2] and was consistently frustrated by Danann's constant bending over backwards to accommodate the will of the Loptr Church.[3] Even so, he saw himself as nonetheless culpable for the misfortunes of Isaach, seeking to atone by joining Seliph's army.[4] For much of his life, Iucharba held a rivalry with Iuchar and the two constantly quarreled, fuelled partially by their mutual interest in Larcei/Creidne;[5] their rivalry ultimately resulted in the two going head to head as enemies.[6]


Battle quotes

I will not hand over my castle! You rebels... I'll beat the crap out of you!
— Iucharba, as an enemy in Chapter 6 of Genealogy of the Holy War.
W-wait, Larcei/Creidne! I can't fight you!
— Iucharba, when fighting Larcei/Creidne as an enemy in Chapter 6 of Genealogy of the Holy War.
You're the foolish one, but that's irrelevant. I knew that this day would come sometime! Now let's finish this!
— Iucharba, when fighting Iuchar in Chapter 6 of Genealogy of the Holy War.
Sorry... I don't want anything more to do with your evil deeds. It's nothing personal.
— Iucharba, when fighting Danann in Chapter 6 of Genealogy of the Holy War.
Brian... Hmph, don't worry. I'm protecting the duchy. This is what the people want.
— Iucharba, when fighting Brian in the Endgame of Genealogy of the Holy War.

Death quote

Gah! How did you...
— Iucharba, in Genealogy of the Holy War.
Argh... Larcei/Creidne... I'm sorry...
— Iucharba, as an enemy in Chapter 6 of Genealogy of the Holy War.

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Trading Card Game

Iucharba was featured on three TCG cards.

Fire Emblem Trading Card Game data for Iucharba
TCG 1-051.jpg Class: Axe Fighter Level 1 Infantry Direct Attack
Energy: 4 Atk.: 3 / Counter: 1 WLv.: Axes A
Equip: Iron Axe Skills: Accost
Card #051Rarity: ★ • Artist: Mayumi Hirota
TCG 2-028.jpg Class: Axe Fighter Level 10 Infantry Direct Attack
Energy: 6 Atk.: 4 / Counter: 1 WLv.: Axes A
Equip: Steel Axe Skills: Accost
Card #2-028Rarity: ★ • Artist: Katsuyoshi Koya
TCG 3-022.jpg Class: Warrior Level 20 Infantry Direct Attack
Energy: 7 Atk.: 5 / Counter: 2 WLv.: Axes A Bows B
Equip: Steel Axe Skills: Class Change • Skilfulness • Training • Accost
Card #3-022Rarity: -- • Artist: Katsuyoshi Koya
Card scans and information translation provided by Aquantis.

Fire Emblem Cipher

Iucharba is featured on one card in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Iucharba
TCGCipher B08-073N.png Fighter of Love and Justice, Iucharba


"Larcei, the men and I wanna pitch in with your cause. Just say the word, yeah? Listen up, lads! We fight for love and justice!"
Attack: 40 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 2
Class: Axe Fighter Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Love Rival Brothers: [Special] This unit cannot be deployed in the same area as "Iuchar".
"Did you miss me?": [Always] During your turn, if there is a "Larcei" in play, this unit gains +30 attack.
Card #B08-073N • Artist: Nekohayashi
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Johalvier .

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait iucharba fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Total results This character has 8 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 474


  • Iucharba was initially listed as Lucharba on the Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends poll. This was corrected to Iucharba a few days in.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used in official websites. Named in reference to Iucharba, a figure of the Tuatha Dé Danann in Irish mythology whose siblings were Iuchar and Brian.


• Johalva
• Johalvier

• Used in the Genealogy of the Holy War "Reparation" fan translation.
• Used in the "Project Naga" fan translation.



Officially romanized as Johalva; from Iucharba. Romanized instead as Yohalva in the Super Tactics Book.
















Traditional Chinese




Sprite Gallery
Portrait iucharba fe04.png Ma snes02 axe fighter other.gif Ma snes02 axe fighter enemy.gif Axe Fighter Ma snes02 axe fighter playable.gif Warrior Ma snes02 warrior playable.gif
Bs fe04 iucharba axe fighter axe.png
(Iron Axe)
Bs fe04 iucharba warrior axe.png
(Iron Axe)
Bs fe04 iucharba warrior bow.png
(Iron Bow)


  1. "Larcei/Creidne: Hmph. Iucharba, you've got your rough image to protect, but you can't be all that bad. At least, I was relieved that you never hurt any of the women or children. I wish we didn't have to fight...
    Iucharba: Yeah. Well, I was never into pushin' people around like my brothers.
    " — Larcei/Creidne and Iucharba, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  2. "Isaach is better off than most places. It sounds like Danann's two sons didn't go through with any of the child hunts." — Lewyn, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  3. "And I've had about all I can handle of the Loptrians. People say they've been sacrificing children right here in Isaach. My father just lets them walk all over him. I've had it with them!" — Iucharba, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  4. "Yeah, well, I'm no angel. This is my chance to make amends." — Iucharba, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  5. "Iuchar is the lord at Isaach Castle, and Iucharba is the lord at Sophara. They both have a thing for Larcei/Creidne of your army. Always quarreling those two...But they're both basically good boys. I bet they'd even join up with you all." — An Isaach villager, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  6. "You're the foolish one, but that's irrelevant. I knew that this day would come sometime! Now let's finish this!" — Iucharba, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Playable characters First gen. AlecArdenAyraAzelleBeowolfBrigidChulainnClaudDeirdreDewEdainErinysEthlynFinnJamkeLachesisLewynLexMidirNaoiseQuanSigurdSilviaTailtiu
Second gen. AltenaAresArthur/AmidCed/HawkCoirpre/CharlotDiarmuid/TristanFebail/AsaelloFee/HerminaFinnHannibalIucharIucharbaJuliaLana/MuirneLarcei/CreidneLeifLene/LayleaLester/DeimneNanna/JeanneOifeyPatty/DaisyScáthach/DalvinSeliphShannanTine/Linda
Non-playable characters First gen. AidaAlvaAnnandArvisAzmurBatuByronCalfCigyunEldiganEthniaEvaEveGrahnyeImcaKurthManananMariccleOifeyLahnaRingShannanTravantVictor
Second gen. AnnaFelipeJakeLewynPalmarch
Bosses First gen. AndreyBeowolfBordeauxChagallCimbaethClementCuvuliDaccarDiMaggioDíthorbaDonovanDuvallElliotEldiganErinysGerrardJacobiJamkeLamiaLombardMacbethMagornMyosMunnirPamelaPapilioPhilipPizareReptorSandimaSlayderVajaWaltzZane
Second gen. AltenaAnguillaArionArvisBanbaBaranBlegBloomBovisBoyceBramselBrianCanisCoulterDagonDanannDistlerDracoEquusEriuFisherFotlaGallusHannibalHaroldHildaIshtarIshtoreIucharIucharbaJavarroJudahJuliaJuliusJuphielKanatzKutuzovLepusLizaMabelManfroyMaykovMengMorriganMuhammadMusMusarOvisOvoPorcusRiddellRobertoRodanSchmidtScipioSimiaTine/LindaTigrisTravantZagam
Background characters BaldrBragiCedDáinnFjalarGairHeimHoðrForsetiLoptousMaeraNagaNálNjörunOdSalamanderThrudUllr
Holy Weapons BalmungForsetiGáe BolgGungnirHelswathLoptousMjölnirMystletainnNagaTyrfingValflameValkyrieYewfelle
Chapters First gen. P: Birth of a Holy Knight • 1: Lady of the Forest • 2: Crisis in Agustria • 3: Eldigan, the Lionheart • 4: Dance in the Skies • 5: Doorway to Destiny
Second gen. 6: Inheritors of Light • 7: Beyond the Desert • 8: The Wyvern Knights of Thracia • 9: For Whose Sake • 10: Light and DarkE: End of the Holy War
Locations JugdralAed Desert (Dahna) • Agustria (Bragi TowerNordionOrgahil) • Grannvale (BelhallaChalphyDozelEddaFriegeVelthomerYngvi) • Isaach (Tirnanog) • Munster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • MiletosSilesseThraciaVerdane
Groups, objects and events 12 crusadersAed MassacreBattle of BelhallaChild huntsCross KnightsFall of LeonsterFinal Holy WarHoly BloodHoly WarKnight brigades of GrannvaleLanceritterLoptr Church (DeadlordsLoptrian Empire) • Miracle of DahnaQuintessence
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden map eventsItemsScriptsSkillsWeapons
Related topics TreasureGenealogy of the Holy War ExceedŌsawa manga adaptationFujimori manga adaptationSuzuki novelizationHeir of LightName chart • Other games (Mystery of the EmblemThracia 776Awakening) • Timeline