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FESK Njörun.png
Artwork of Njörun from Treasure.







Genealogy of the Holy War

Supposedly the founder of the Leonster Kingdom, Crusader Njörun, was Dáinn's younger sister.
— A North Thracian villager

Njörun (Japanese: ノヴァ Noba), dubbed the "Lance Knight" (Japanese: 槍騎士 Lance Knight), was a member of the Twelve Crusaders, the original wielder of the lance Gáe Bolg, and the co-founder of the Kingdom of Thracia alongside her elder brother and fellow Crusader Dáinn. Her descendants comprise the royal family of the small Kingdom of Leonster, in the Munster District.


As with the other Crusaders, Njörun was a warrior fighting in a revolution against the tyranny of the Loptrian Empire, and was one of the survivors barricaded in Dahna Fortress when the tide turned against their movement. It was at this fortress that the Miracle of Dahna occurred, changing the tide of the war: Njörun was chosen by an unidentified member of the twelve dragon "gods" who descended upon the fortress, to undergo a blood-bond with said dragon, transforming her into one of the Crusaders. She was granted Gáe Bolg, sealed to her new holy lineage, by this dragon.

With the other Crusaders, Njörun fought in the rest of the Holy War and contributed to the downfall of the Loptrian Empire. At the war's conclusion, Njörun and Dáinn settled in the Thracian Peninsula and founded the Kingdom of Thracia, then encompassing the entire peninsula. Some time afterward, Njörun was married to one of Dáinn's friends, a fellow knight, and the two aided Dáinn in governing their new kingdom. Ten years after Thracia's foundation, an event known in Leonster mythology as the "Tragedy of the Gáe Bolg" occurred: Dáinn and the husband entered a dispute over an unknown subject and resorted to combat in a bid to settle the matter. Njörun attempted to break them up, but instead she inadvertently killed her husband with the Gáe Bolg. Njörun committed suicide shortly afterward, and following Dáinn's own mysterious death, this led to the secession of the Munster District from Thracia, under the leadership of Njörun's son in opposition of the tyranny of Dáinn's son.[1]

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


As of Fire Emblem Heroes. Njörun is a goddess of debated role and history mentioned in the Prose Edda. "Draum-Njörun" is mentioned by the Poetic Edda as a word from dwarf language for the night, possibly referencing the star based etymology of the Japanese name. She is also sometimes speculated to represent the earth, tying into the "Earth Lance" epithet of Gáe Bolg.


• Noba
• Nova

• Used in older versions of the Genealogy of the Holy War fan translation.
• Used in the Thracia 776 fan translation and the "Project Naga" patch.



Officially romanized as Noba. May come from Latin nova, the feminine form of novum, new. Nova is a term generally used to refer to stars.
















Traditional Chinese





  1. "A: Njörun married a knight who was friends with her brother Dáinn and lived a happy life with him. One day, her husband and King Dáinn fought each other over some dispute. Njörun tried to stop the two fighting, but accidentally killed her beloved husband (the weapon that took his life was her lance). That was the beginning of events, Later, Njörun committed suicide and King Dáinn died a mysterious death."Designers' notes from a Genealogy of the Holy War playing guide, translated by Serenes Forest, Retrieved: November 21, 2013
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Playable characters First gen. AlecArdenAyraAzelleBeowolfBrigidChulainnClaudDeirdreDewEdainErinysEthlynFinnJamkeLachesisLewynLexMidirNaoiseQuanSigurdSilviaTailtiu
Second gen. AltenaAresArthur/AmidCed/HawkCoirpre/CharlotDiarmuid/TristanFebail/AsaelloFee/HerminaFinnHannibalIucharIucharbaJuliaLana/MuirneLarcei/CreidneLeifLene/LayleaLester/DeimneNanna/JeanneOifeyPatty/DaisyScáthach/DalvinSeliphShannanTine/Linda
Non-playable characters First gen. AidaAlvaAnnandArvisAzmurBatuByronCalfCigyunEldiganEthniaEvaEveGrahnyeImcaKurthManananMariccleOifeyLahnaRingShannanTravantVictor
Second gen. AnnaFelipeJakeLewynPalmarch
Bosses First gen. AndreyBeowolfBordeauxChagallCimbaethClementCuvuliDaccarDiMaggioDíthorbaDonovanDuvallElliotEldiganErinysGerrardJacobiJamkeLamiaLombardMacbethMagornMyosMunnirPamelaPapilioPhilipPizareReptorSandimaSlayderVajaWaltzZane
Second gen. AltenaAnguillaArionArvisBanbaBaranBlegBloomBovisBoyceBramselBrianCanisCoulterDagonDanannDistlerDracoEquusEriuFisherFotlaGallusHannibalHaroldHildaIshtarIshtoreIucharIucharbaJavarroJudahJuliaJuliusJuphielKanatzKutuzovLepusLizaMabelManfroyMaykovMengMorriganMuhammadMusMusarOvisOvoPorcusRiddellRobertoRodanSchmidtScipioSimiaTine/LindaTigrisTravantZagam
Background characters BaldrBragiCedDáinnFjalarGairHeimHoðrForsetiLoptousMaeraNagaNálNjörunOdSalamanderThrudUllr
Holy Weapons BalmungForsetiGáe BolgGungnirHelswathLoptousMjölnirMystletainnNagaTyrfingValflameValkyrieYewfelle
Chapters First gen. P: Birth of a Holy Knight • 1: Lady of the Forest • 2: Crisis in Agustria • 3: Eldigan, the Lionheart • 4: Dance in the Skies • 5: Doorway to Destiny
Second gen. 6: Inheritors of Light • 7: Beyond the Desert • 8: The Wyvern Knights of Thracia • 9: For Whose Sake • 10: Light and DarkE: End of the Holy War
Locations JugdralAed Desert (Dahna) • Agustria (Bragi TowerNordionOrgahil) • Grannvale (BelhallaChalphyDozelEddaFriegeVelthomerYngvi) • Isaach (Tirnanog) • Munster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • MiletosSilesseThraciaVerdane
Groups, objects and events 12 crusadersAed MassacreBattle of BelhallaChild huntsCross KnightsFall of LeonsterFinal Holy WarHoly BloodHoly WarKnight brigades of GrannvaleLanceritterLoptr Church (DeadlordsLoptrian Empire) • Miracle of DahnaQuintessence
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden map eventsItemsScriptsSkillsWeapons
Related topics TreasureGenealogy of the Holy War ExceedŌsawa manga adaptationFujimori manga adaptationSuzuki novelizationHeir of LightName chart • Other games (Mystery of the EmblemThracia 776Awakening) • Timeline