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Boo Camp

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Boo Camp

Cm fe14 boo camp.png



In fact, I did hear an interesting rumor the other day. A tale of fearsome monsters who lurk upon a haunted mountain in another world... Few survive to the next morning there, but those who do come out all the stronger.
— Felicia

Boo Camp (Japanese: 恐怖の霊山 Sacred Mountain of Fear) is a downloadable content xenologue chapter in Fire Emblem Fates. Boo Camp is part of the first series of DLC releases in all regions.

This chapter was first made available on July 23, 2015 in Japan; February 25, 2016 in North America; May 26 in Europe; and May 27 in Australia.

In this chapter, Corrin's retainer suggests they lead their army onto a haunted mountain to fight against the local monsters in the hopes of potentially coming out stronger. This chapter is notably the only situation in Conquest that is not a storyline chapter or a My Castle invasion that allows the player to grind experience and weapon levels.


Main article: Boo Camp/Script
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The above page quote and below plot correspond to the use of a male Corrin. If you refresh this page, it is possible to get an alternate reading using a female variant instead.

We cut to the inside of a haunted forest, where Felicia tells Corrin that she's noticed they've been facing off against stronger enemies as of late, and asks him if he's worried that their own strength might be falling behind that of their foes; Corrin states it hadn't occurred to him but then asks Felicia for any suggestions. As Felicia begins to explain, Corrin then asks why he feels like he's just sprung a trap; Felicia states that they and the rest of the army go on a test of courage together, to which Corrin asks Felicia if she's already got such a test in mind already. Felicia states she heard an interesting rumor the other day—one of a tale of fearsome monsters who lurk upon a haunted mountain in another world, where few survive to the next morning but those that do come out all the stronger; Corrin states he finds the idea a bit fishy and Felicia agrees, prompting Corrin to ask Felicia why she even brought up the idea. Felicia states that, if this haunted mountain were real, to think of the possibilities, that a slim chance is better than none, then asks Corrin if he's curious to find out if the rumor's true; Corrin reluctantly agrees and notes Felicia's mind is set on this challenge regardless, and thus they're off—but also notes that if what Felicia states is true, it could be just the boost they need, to which Felicia notes the prospect as exciting and thanks Corrin.

We cut to the haunted mountain, where Corrin asks Felicia if they're there to which Felicia confirms; Felicia starts to shudder, after which Corrin notes the mountain has sort of a grim resonance, which Felicia states is putting it mildly. Felicia then asks Corrin whose idea it was to come to this place and that they go home, the sooner the better; Corrin states they'll go home in due time, but first they've got to prove their mettle on the mountain. Felicia tells Corrin he must be joking and attempts to play along, but Corrin states that it's no joke and he sincerely feels this will be a good opportunity for everyone—even if the rumors about strange monsters are false, it's something to bond over; Felicia states it doesn't make it any less scary, but if he wants her to do it, it will be done. Corrin tells Felicia to never fear, he's sure everything will be just fine; Felicia states there's no time like the present to start, then asks everyone if they're ready for the rest to begin. The battle begins at this point.

Once the battle ends, Corrin tells Felicia that she was right and the battle was a hard-fought victory, to which Felicia states that the victory may have been too hard-fought, as she could see her life flashing before her eyes; Corrin takes Felicia's point and states that they may want to rest up before returning, prompting a shocked reaction from Felicia. Corrin states that fighting these Faceless seems like an ideal training exercise and everyone came out stronger for it, and again thanks Felicia for coming to him with the idea; Felicia, appearing shocked that Corrin would put her through this experience again, tells Corrin she'd follow him through fire or flood or even up a creepy haunted mountain, after which Corrin states he knew he could rely on Felicia, who suggests getting as far away from this mountain as they can—the sooner they're back in their bright, warm, clean camp, the better.

Website summary

It is said that there is another world where one can get plenty of experience…[1][2][3]

North American eShop summary

Muster your courage and spend a night combating spooks...if you dare.
Reward: Experience points

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Corrin dies* or the player's army is routed 1–12 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 10+25
Cm fe14 boo camp.png
Difficulty rating:
Map dimensions:
26 columns by 26 rows
Block sizes:
Japan: ??
North America: 18
PAL region: ??
Map phase music: The music handling normally used by skirmishes is used in this chapter.
Battle phase music: The battle mix for the chosen skirmish theme plays in battles in this chapter.
Japan: ¥300
United States: $2.49
Europe: €2.49
United Kingdom: £2.29
Australia: $3.25
New Zealand: $4.25
Also available in: Series 1 (Japan)
Map Pack 1 (international) Pack
Japan: ¥2000
United States: $17.99
Europe: €17.99
United Kingdom: £16.19
Australia: $23.40
New Zealand: $30.60

Character data

Birthright Conquest Revelation

New units


Available characters
Corrin m ​Kaze ​Rinkah ​Sakura ​Azura ​Felicia ​

Note: The returning characters list represents the minimum characterbase recruitable by the point the player can first access the Dragon's Gate. Felicia is only a returning character if Corrin is male, while Jakob is only a returning character if Corrin is female. If more chapters along the chosen main story path are cleared, or if any paralogues are cleared, the player can have access to characters not listed here by the point the chapter is first started. As bonus units are recruitable at the player's discretion, the returning characters list does not list them either.

Item data

There are no items available in this chapter.

Event tile and Dragon Vein data

There are no event tiles or Dragon Veins in this chapter.

Level scaling data

This chapter's enemy units are subject to level scaling mechanisms that increase their levels as the player makes progress along the main story path. The tables below show the differences between the initial levels of the units and the levels of the units at each particular main story path chapter position.

Chapter 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Levels from previous chapter 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Total levels gained 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +2 +4 +5 +7 +8 +10 +12 +14 +16 +18 +20 +22 +24 +26 +28

Enemy data

Note: The following enemies' levels are those assuming the player plays this chapter closer to Chapter 7 than to the final chapter. Levels may be higher depending on progress along the main story path.
The total number of initial number of enemies is 10, distributed at random.
Reinforcements appear in five groups of five each out of each of the stage's graves, but in randomized formations. Not all varieties appear in every playing of the stage, reinforcements may have additional skills not listed below, and the reinforcement listing may be incomplete.
Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 5 Random Shackled Fist
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 8 Random Shackled Fist
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 9 Random Shackled Fist
Natural Cover Heartseeker
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 10 Random Shackled Fist
Natural Cover Heartseeker
Ma 3ds02 faceless golden enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 9 Random Shackled Fist
Pass Resist Status
Ma 3ds02 faceless golden enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 11 Random Gauntlet
Wary Fighter Pass Resist Status
Name Class Lv # Inventory and Skills Notes
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 5 Random Shackled Fist
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 5 Random Shackled Fist
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 9 Random Shackled Fist
Natural Cover Heartseeker
Ma 3ds02 faceless enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 10 Random Shackled Fist
Natural Cover Heartseeker
Ma 3ds02 faceless golden enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 9 Random Gauntlet
Pass Resist Status
Ma 3ds02 faceless golden enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 11 Random Gauntlet
Wary Fighter Pass Resist Status
Ma 3ds02 faceless golden enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 12 Random Gauntlet
Demoiselle Miracle Pass Resist Status
Ma 3ds02 faceless golden enemy.gif
Monster Faceless 13 Random Gauntlet
Quixotic Sol Pass Resist Status
Ma 3ds02 stoneborn enemy.gif
Monster Stoneborn 8 Random Rock

Boss data

There is no formal boss in this chapter. What is normally the boss shield icon denotes the strongest of the golden Faceless, which may appear in multiples in some playings of the chapter and not at all in others.


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

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The first thing to note is that unlike EXPonential Growth in Fire Emblem Awakening, non-golden Faceless will attack player units if they are within range. All of them will try to run for the sigil at the top of the mountain to leave, which is covered by mist tiles only they can pass through. The golden Faceless will never actively engage in battle, outside joining green ones for Dual Strikes.

Depending on difficulty, the enemies will possess various skills to make them tougher and more numerous in battle: some green Faceless will have debuff skills such as Seal Defense to endanger some rather frail units, while others will come with Seal Speed to expose non-Wary Fighters into being doubled. One of each reinforcement will also have either Odd Shaped or Evenhanded to increase attack power on the respective turn.

The Stoneborn on this map are another great threat as they come with Immobilize to freeze units on successful hit unless Dual Guarded, on Hard they get Certain Blow to negate the speed of certain characters, while on Lunatic they come with Lunge to send whoever they froze in-between golden Faceless and increase risks of units getting doubled.


Units who possess Lunge can use it to bypass the mist tiles and stand on the sigil, preventing the enemies from fleeing the map. Golden Faceless will not attack the player unit blocking the tile but can surround them.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Boo Camp




Sacred Mountain of Fear


Die Mutprobe

The Test of courage


공포의 영산

Sacred mountain of fear


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  1. DLC - Fire Emblem™ Fates for Nintendo 3DS - Revelations, Maps, (archived by the Wayback Machine), Retrieved: November 2, 2016
  2. Fire Emblem Fates,, Retrieved: November 2, 2016
  3. Fire Emblem Fates, (archived by the Wayback Machine), Retrieved: November 2, 2016
Boo Camp
Fire Emblem Fates
Playable characters Birthright
DLC Anna
amiibo IkeLucinaMarthRobin
Non-playable characters CassitaLaylaLilithRainbow Sage
Bosses ???AnankosAnthonyAreteCandaceDaichiDanielaFunkeGaronGazakHaitakaHansIagoKilmaKotaroKumageraLlewelynLloydMikotoNicholOmozuSennoSumeragiTakumiTarbaZharaZola
Background characters CadrosIkonaKaterinaMoroShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons Astral BlessingAurgelmirBifröstBölverkBrynhildrChakramExcaliburFujin YumiGanglariHagakure BladeMissiletainnPursuerRaijintoSiegfriedSkadiWaterwheelYato
Chapters Prologue P: Ties That Bind • 1: Nohr • 2: Gift of Ganglari • 3: Journey Begins • 4: Hoshido • 5: Mother • 6: The Path Is Yours
6: In the White Light • 7: A Vow Upheld • 8: Fierce Winds • 9: Land of Gods • 10: Ninja Village • 11: To the Sea • 12: Dark Reunion • 13: Another Hope • 14: Light Scatters • 15: Wolfskin Peak • 16: Pleasure Palace • 17: Lost in the Ice • 18: Leo • 19: Rainbow Sage • 20: Fort Dragonfall • 21: Burning Falls • 22: Hidden Capital • 23: Camilla • 24: Tears of a Dragon • 25: Traitor Revealed • 26: Xander • 27: King GaronE: Dawn Breaks
6: Embrace the Dark • 7: A Dragon's Decree • 8: Cold Reception • 9: Another Trial • 10: Unhappy Reunion • 11: Rainbow Sage • 12: Bitter Intrigue • 13: Uprising • 14: Voice of Paradise • 15: The Black Pillar • 16: Invasion • 17: Den of Betrayal • 18: Black & White • 19: Kitsune Lair • 20: Winds of Change • 21: Eternal Stairway • 22: Sakura • 23: Possessed • 24: Hinoka • 25: Ryoma • 26: Treason • 27: The Empty KingE: Night Breaks Through
6: Into the Ground • 7: Unspeakable World • 8: Traitor's Brand • 9: Wanderer • 10: Voice of a God • 11: Mutual Enemies • 12: Frozen Sea • 13: A Lost Peace • 14: Orders • 15: Rainbow Sage • 16: White Flames • 17: Black Flames • 18: Veiled Kingdom • 19: Hidden Strings • 20: Seeds of Doubt • 21: Going Forward • 22: Memories • 23: Arete Undone • 24: Days Lost • 25: Blades Drawn • 26: The Vallite King • 27: Hear My CryE: Anankos
Paralogues 1: Tragic Start • 2: Dragon Blood • 3: Surprise Duet • 4: Fight or Flight • 5: Bold Approach • 6: Herbal Remedy • 7: Father & Liege • 8: A Great Hunt • 9: Saizo vs. Saizo • 10: Hunter & Prey • 11: A Long Grudge • 12: Sweet Dreams • 13: Truly Talented • 14: After the End • 15: Hidden Bravery • 16: Abducted • 17: Two Defenders • 18: Nutty Family • 19: Great Heroism • 20: Ultimate Power • 21: Bright Smile • 22: Abrupt Clash
Invasions Birthright: Invasion 1Invasion 2Invasion 3Conquest: Invasion 1Invasion 2Invasion 3Revelation: Invasion 1Invasion 2Invasion 3
DLC chapters Ghostly GoldBoo CampMuseum MeleeBeach BrawlRoyal RoyaleBefore AwakeningHidden Truths 1Hidden Truths 2Vanguard DawnAnna on the RunBallistician BlitzWitches' TrialA Gift from AnnaAnother Gift from AnnaI: In Endless DreamsII: Realms CollideIII: The Changing TideIV: Light's SacrificeV: Endless DawnEnd: Lost in the WavesHoshidan Festival of BondsNohrian Festival of Bonds
Hero Battles Hero-King MarthRadiant Hero IkePrincess LucinaGrandmaster Robin
Locations Deeprealms (My Castle) • Hoshido (Flame TribeIzumoKohgaMokushuWind Tribe) • Nohr (Dragon's GateIce TribeNestra) • Notre SagesseValla (Bottomless Canyon)
Groups, objects, and concepts Ancient TextsDragon VeinMy Castle
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