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Archanea (country)

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Ss fe12 guidearchanea.png









The kingdom Adrah forged was pronounced holy; its kings were esteemed. With Archanea's aid, six more independent kingdoms sprang up in their own time. But Archanea was always the greatest [...].
— Shadow Dragon narration, on Archanea

The Holy Kingdom of Archanea (pronounced /⁠ɑɹkəˈneɪə⁠/[key][1]; Japanese: アカネイア聖王国 Holy Kingdom of Akaneia), briefly the Holy Empire of Archanea (Japanese: アカネイア神聖帝国 Holy Empire of Akaneia), was the grandest and most powerful of the Seven Kingdoms of the continent of the same name. It occupied much of the southeastern peninsula of the continent, bordering Aurelis to the north, and neighboring Talys to the east. Through a succession of twenty-four kings, the kingdom held a powerful influence over the affairs of the rest of the land throughout the centuries of its existence.


Foundation and the War of Liberation

Millennium Court, the holy capital.

Millennia after the collapse of the dragonkin civilization which once dominated the continent, the territory which would become the Kingdom of Archanea was little more than assortment of isolated city-states set among the dragon's ruins. This changed when the thief Adrah stole the Binding Shield from the Fane of Raman and used the funds from selling the five spheres to raise an army of his own. Wielding three stolen weapons which would later become the regalia of his kingdom, within ten years he had conquered the entire region and unified the city-states under his rule, declaring himself king. This was the birth of the holy kingdom of Archanea.[2] The orbless remains of the Binding Shield became the crest of the kingdom, now known as the Fire Emblem. Such was the new nation's power that its foundation became the central point of the calendar of Archanea, with the years counted relative to the kingdom's foundation in year 0.

The rise of Archanea finalized the continent's shift into the hands of humanity, many of whom persecuted and abused the manakete survivors of the dragonkin. Five hundred years after its foundation, it was followed by the rise of Medeus and his Dolhr Empire, who engaged Archanea in a war of vengeance which would later be known as the War of Liberation. The Archanea royal family was exterminated save for Princess Artemis, who took refuge in the Altea region. One of the kingdom's dukes, Caldas, had come into possession of the Fire Emblem and rallied a liberation army at the capital along with General Ordwin; their army successfully challenged the forces of Dolhr while Anri, wielder of Falchion, eventually slew Medeus and brought an end to the war. Afterward, Artemis reluctantly married Caldas at the request of the Archanean people, and he became the king. Caldas's younger brother, Marlon, forged the plains north of the country to form the kingdom of Aurelis, a close ally of Archanea.

Resurrection, empire and unification

Hardin becomes the King of Archanea.

A century of peace followed the end of the War of Liberation, during which numerous new kingdoms were forged primarily by heroes of the War of Liberation, resulting in the modern Seven Kingdoms of which Archanea was a part. Archanea resumed its role as the most powerful kingdom of all. The era of peace was soon broken ninety-nine years later, when Medeus was revived by the Dark Pontifex Gharnef, igniting the War of Shadows. Having coerced Macedon, Gra and Grust into alliance with it, Archanea was again struck by a devastating invasion, and despite its best efforts the kingdom fell. The entire royal family was wiped out save for Princess Nyna, who attempted to flee the palace according to her father's wishes, but was captured as Grust's knights seized it. Dolhr and its allies seized control of almost every corner of the former kingdom, with Grust's Sable Order occupying the palace and guarding the imprisoned Nyna, until its leader Camus spirited her to refuge in Aurelis.

Archanea spent three years languishing under Dolhr misrule, finally seeing freedom with the emergence of Altea's Prince Marth. Working with Nyna and Hardin, Marth united his Altean knights with Hardin's to form the Archanean League, and the liberation of Archanea was their second action after victory in Aurelis. In the war's conclusion, the kingdom was returned to Nyna's custody, and on the advice of her attendant Boah she married Hardin to give the kingdom a new king. Although Archanea had been wounded deeply, like almost every other of the Seven Kingdoms, Hardin directed an aggressive restoration effort which succeeded in rebuilding the entire kingdom swiftly, and reconstituted a new army for the land. His era of progress and redevelopment culminated in Hardin restyling Archanea as the "Holy Empire of Archanea", with himself and Nyna as emperor and empress.[3]

Despite his actions seemingly setting the world on the path to a lasting peace, within three years Hardin had spiralled into a depression as a result of his loveless marriage to Nyna, and with a final push from Gharnef, he descended into a brutal, conquest-hungry madness and sought to force all of Archanea under his control. He re-hired the disgraced noble Lang to execute a brutal occupation of Grust and tricked Marth into assisting Lang. When Marth caught onto the true nature of the Grust situation and defeated Lang, Hardin declared war on Altea and had it invaded, beginning the War of Heroes between the two former friends. Symbolizing her wish for Hardin's madness to be ended, Nyna secretly had the Fire Emblem delivered to Marth before she was abducted by Gharnef, who sought to use her to resurrect Medeus.

Marth leads the final battle against Hardin, the "dark emperor".

After travelling north through Anri's Way on a mission to restore the Fire Emblem, Marth finally returned to recapture Altea before leading an invasion of Archanea. Marth emerged victorious in a duel with Hardin at Millennium Court, taking the Darksphere from him and restoring the Binding Shield. Hardin was released from Gharnef's control in his final moments, regretting being twisted into his misrule. After defeating Medeus for the second and final time, Marth's army rescued Nyna, who in the war's aftermath ceded rule of Archanea to Marth before vanishing. Other rulers followed suit, bringing all of the Seven Kingdoms under Marth's control. Marth united the continent into the Archanean Alliance (Japanese: アカネイア連合王国 United Kingdom of Akaneia) and ruled from Millennium Court as its "Hero-King".

After Marth

Main article: Ylisse

Long after Marth's era, the Alliance fell apart again into several minor kingdoms under unknown circumstances. The direct successor to the former holy kingdom was the Halidom of Ylisse, which was ruled by Marth's descendants and continued to bear Falchion and the Binding Shield as its sacred relics.

Notable locations in Archanea


Millennium Court in Shadow Dragon.

The capital, also known as the palace (Japanese: 王都パレス the royal capital of Palace), is Archanea's capital city whose history goes back six hundred years[4] to the founding of Archanea. It houses Archanea's capital palace and seat of government, nicknamed the Millennium Court or Ageless Palace (Japanese: 千年王宮 Thousand-Year Palace) because of how legend says that it has stood for a millennium.[5]

The term パレス Palace is used to refer to a city in Japanese, but the English localization interpreted as referring to the building specifically, hence the localization of "The Palace". When necessary to refer to the building, the terms パレス城 Palace Castle, or sometimes パレスの王宮 Palace of Palace, are used.

Other than 王都パレス the royal capital of Palace, terms used to refer to the city are 聖都パレス Palace, the holy capital and 黄金の都パレス Palace, the golden capital.

パレス has traditionally been translated as "Pales" (a Roman deity) in fan translations, and the term can indeed either be a transcription of the English word "palace" or a transcription of the name of the Roman deity "Pales" (along with an asteroid named after the deity, 49 Pales).


Knorda (Japanese: ノルダ Norda) is a major market town situated close to Millennium Court, located to its south-east. Its stores stock rare goods,[6] and after Archanea's fall in the War of Shadows, slave traders moved in.

In Shadow Dragon, the slave market was changed to a man holding hostages.

In New Mystery of the Emblem Katarina says she was born in Knorda and suffered a lot of abuse there as a child, suggesting the rough nature of the area predates the invasion of Medeus.


Lefcandith Valley in Shadow Dragon.

The state of Lefcandith (Japanese: レフカンディ Lefcandy) is primarily comprised of of Lefcandith Valley, the primary road between Aurelis and the Archanean capital region. The route is guarded by countless fortresses. Its last known governor prior to the War of Shadows was Duke Caldas, who was caught in the confusion of the Dolhr invasion and unable to properly contribute to defending Archanea.[7]


The state of Deil (Japanese: ディール Deal) is situated in the south-eastern region of the Archanean coast. Maria of Macedon was held hostage by the forces of Dolhr in Castle Deil during much of the War of Shadows, until Marth freed her at Minerva's request. Its last known governor prior to the War of Shadows was Duke Charon, Midia's father, who died fighting his traitorous peers.[7]


The Samsooth Mountains in Shadow Dragon.

The state of Samsooth (Japanese: サムスーフ Samsooth) is a northern territory which contains the Samsooth Mountains, a feared mountain range also known as the "Ghoul's Teeth" and which is infested by the Soothsire brigand clan. Its last known governor prior to the War of Shadows was Duke Bent, who betrayed the kingdom to Grust's invasion force.[7]


The state of Menedy (Japanese: メニディ Menedy) is a north-western territory which borders Gra by a series of bridges, on the western side of which lies Fort Menedy. It also houses the Menedy River, which was the site of Gra's betrayal of Altea and the death of King Cornelius.[8] Its last known governor prior to the War of Shadows was Duke Noah, Jeorge's father, who died fighting his traitorous peers.[7] According to Jeorge, the Menedy family was not a particularly powerful one, but won its significant influence in the kingdom through its nobles being talented at scheming, manipulating others, and possessing a knack for foresight for the outcomes of conflicts.[9]

Port Warren

Port Warren in Shadow Dragon.

Port Warren (Japanese: 港町ワーレン Port Town Warren) is a harbor town on the eastern coast of Archanea, to the north-east of Castle Deil. Under Dolhr occupation during the War of Shadows, its citizens paid high taxes to Dolhr in order to keep their freedom. Warren is self-governing.[10]

Playable characters Caesar, Radd and Phina are from this area.


The state of Adria (Japanese: アドリア Adria) is a central territory known mainly for Adria Pass, a major path to the capital through the territory's central mountain range. Prior to the War of Shadows, it was governed by Duke Lang, who betrayed Archanea but nonetheless survived to enter Emperor Hardin's service prior to the War of Heroes.[7]

Characters from Archanea

Character Description Appears in
Adrah Founder of the Holy Kingdom of Archanea. None
Artemis Princess of Archanea and sole survivor of the royal family as of the first rise of Medeus. None
Caldas A former Archanean duke who became the king through marriage to Artemis after Medeus's defeat. None
Marlon Younger brother of Caldas, who later founded Aurelis and became its first king. None
Portrait nyna fe12.png
Princess of Archanea, saved from execution by Camus the Sable. Aided Marth in the War of Shadows. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait hardin 02 fe12.png
The 24th king of the Kingdom of Archanea. In recent years he has become a ruthless ruler. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait boah fe12.png
Archanea's court bishop, Nyna's political aide. Fought for Archanea in the War of Shadows. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait midia fe12.png
Captain of the Archanean knights. Unafraid and strong-willed, her loyalty to Nyna is absolute. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait dolph fe12.png
Former general of Archanea. An honest man who left the army after the War of Shadows. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait macellan fe12.png
Leader of Archanea's watchmen. An aggressive man who once served in the army. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait tomas fe12.png
An eccentric Archanean archer. Left the army after the War of Shadows. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait jeorge fe12.png
Knight of Archanea; the greatest bowman in the continent. His loyalty to Nyna is absolute. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait astram fe12.png
Captain of Archanea's free company; the most skilled hero in the land. Loyal to Nyna. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait horace fe12.png
General of Archanea. In the War of Shadows, he was blackmailed to serve Dolhr to protect his people. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait beck fe12.png
A ballistician from Deil. Once famous for subduing a rebellion with his ballista; now rides as a Horseman with a horse named Bonnie. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait ogma fe12.png
Born in Pyrathi. Was kidnapped and became a gladiator slave at Knorda; later saved by Caeda. It is said his father was a low-ranking noble of Archanea. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait samuel fe12.png
Once a slave in Knorda, was later saved by Ogma. Known to impersonate Navarre for coin. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait caesar fe12.png
A skilled mercenary from Warren; known for his intellect and tactics. Fights to aid his sick little sister Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait radd fe12.png
A earnest mercenary from Warren; relies on pure instinct in battle. Wants to help Caesar as much as he can. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait phina fe12.png
A cheerful dancer from Warren. May have a connection to royalty. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait lang fe12.png
Archanean noble; Hardin's direct subordinate during the War of Heroes and leader of the Grustian occupation. The Grustians suffer under his command. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait torus fe12.png
A skittish member of the Grust occupation tasked by Lang with the defense of Olbern Keep. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait eibel fe12.png
A ruthless Archanean commander tasked with subjugating Altea. He held Est hostage to force Abel to fight. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait willow fe12.png
An Archanean commander tasked with the occupation of Altea Castle; prides himself on his cunning and magic. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait nehring fe12.png
An Archanean commander tasked with the defence of Millennium Court in the closing days of the War of Heroes. Mystery of the Emblem, New Mystery of the Emblem

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Melee

According to Masahiro Sakurai, a stage called the Kingdom of Archanea was planned for Super Smash Bros. Melee; he states that it was intended to feature onagers bombarding the castle, with dragons and Mages also appearing in unstated roles. Although he didn't specify why, Sakurai said that the stage had to be cut during development, and in the finished game its sole surviving remnant is the non-functional unused stage AKANEIA.[11]

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
New Mystery of the Emblem


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Archanea
• Akanea

• As of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. An alteration of the Japanese name possibly invoking the prefix arch-, "highest". Used by PAL English releases since Heroes.
• Used in the Fire Emblem anime.



Used prior to Fire Emblem Heroes; a transliteration of the Japanese name.



Officially romanized as Akaneia. May be derived from Acarnania, a region of ancient Greece.


















Used in multiple places in Heroes, such as Jeorge: Perfect Shot's help text description.




Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Alteration of the Japanese name.



Officially romanized as Lefcandy. From Lefkandi, a Greek village on the island of Euboea notable in archaeology.






















Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese





  1. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Fire Emblem Warriors dialogue
  2. "The holy kingdom of Archanea had come into being six centuries earlier, when the region's numerous city-states were unified under one monarch. The first king, Adrah, had fought valiantly to accomplish this, wielding the three weapons he came to call his regalia- gifts from the gods, some said." — Opening narration of Chapter 12, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  3. "Among the nations that made up the "Seven Kingdoms of Archanea", Gra and Grust were devastated. Altea, Aurelis, Macedon and Talys were left deeply scarred, and even the mighty Kingdom of Archanea was undergoing restoration. However, in the palace still shaken by war, one important event took place. Hardin, the younger brother of King Aurelis, was married to Princess Nyna, becoming the twenty-fourth king of House Archanea. After ascending the throne, Hardin aggressively restored the country in the twinkling of an eye, and formed a powerful army by gathering many soldiers. He then proclaimed the restoration of the Holy Archanean Empire, and himself Emperor. One year has passed since the war with Dolhr. The world seemed to be moving towards an era of peace. However, unbeknownst to man, the cogs of destiny had started spiralling out of order." — Opening synopsis, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  4. "Saint Archanea is the largest kingdom on the continent. The palace, the golden capital, boasts a history lasting six centuries." — Opening narration of Chapter 20, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  5. "Wooow! So this is the fabled palace. They say it's been standin' for a millennium. It's huuuuge!" — Rickard, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  6. "This here is Knorda, Archanea's closest market town. Drop by the armories and vendors if you've an interest in rare goods" — A villager, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Kaga, S. (translation by Serenes Forest), Designer's Note #1, Intelligent Systems (archived by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine), Published: 1997, Retrieved: April 22, 2015
  8. "Altea's army, which was heading for the palace to its rescue, and Grust's army lead by General Camus, confront at Menedy River. Despite having the upper hand in battle, Altea's army is defeated due to the betrayal of its sworn ally, the Kingdom of Gra." — Perfect ending timeline, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  9. "...I'm from House Menedy, which is a rather well-known family in Archanea. It wasn't particularly famous for martial prowess or anything. However, it excelled at foresight and trickery. Which side to bet on to win or how to get ahold of somebody's heart... That's how House Menedy managed to retain their political influence.... Thus, cementing it as one of the Five Houses of Archanea." — Jeorge, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  10. "A city granted the right to govern its own affairs. Its port is known as a hub of trade." (Legacy of Archanea (Nintendo of America), pg. 11)
  11. Sakurai, M. (translation by Source Gaming), アンケート集計拳!!, 速報スマブラ拳!!, Published: 2002, Retrieved: April 22, 2015
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Playable characters AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstGordinGotohHardinJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXane
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BentheonCamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AnriArtemisCorneliusLizaLudwikSalamander
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: The Ghoul's Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 25: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonsEarth Dragons) • DragoonsFire EmblemSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ArmoriesCharactersClasses (Class change) • ItemsScriptsSecret ShopsTerrainVendorsWeapons
Related topics Hakoda manga adaptationName chart • Other games (GaidenMystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Sound Test ModeTimeline
Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Playable characters Book 1 AbelArranAstramBantuBarstBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDolphDraugEliceEstGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreOgmaPallaRaddRickardRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfXane
Book 2 AbelArlenArranAstramBantuCaedaCainCastorCatriaCecilDraugEliceEstPhinaGordinJeorgeJubeloJulianLenaLindeLukeMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPallaRickardRoderickRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWarrenWendellXaneYuliya
Non-playable characters Book 1 GotohMalledusNynaTalys King
Book 2 Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenzMichalis
Bosses Book 1 CamusEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerHarmeinHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Book 2 ArlenDallEibelFire DragonGailGharnefHardinHereticIce DragonJeorgeLangLorenzLumelLykkeMage DragonMedeusNehringSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasCorneliusIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumAuraExcaliburFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlight
Chapters Book 1 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Champions of Aurelis • 5: Fire Emblem • 6: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 7: Port Warren • 8: Princess Minerva • 9: Knorda Market • 10: The Ageless Palace • 11: Land of Sorrow • 12: An Oasis of Magic • 13: The Battle for Altea • 14: Star and Savior • 15: Manakete Princess • 16: Camus the Sable • 17: A Knight-Filled Sky • 18: Dark Pontifex • 19: The Dragonkin Realm • 20: Chosen by Fate
Book 2 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • E1: The Wyvern's Dale • E2: The Dragon Altar (part 1part 2part 3)
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueCoyote's MenDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsHereticsSable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Anime adaptationName chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenGenealogy of the Holy WarArchanea SagaNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound MuseumTimeline
Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga
Playable characters Episode I BoahDolphMacellanMidiaNynaTomas
Episode II CatriaEstFrostHardinMinervaRosheaWolf
Episode III CastorDiceLenaMaliceNavarreRickard
Episode IV BelfCamusNynaReidenRoberto
Non-playable characters King of ArchaneaMedeusPalla
Bosses BrzakGouberRubenVaam
Regalia Gradivus
Episodes 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
Locations ArchaneaAurelisEmpire of ArchaneaMacedon
Groups, objects and concepts Sable OrderWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemNew Mystery of the EmblemShadow DragonAwakening) • Timeline
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Playable characters AbelArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBoahBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCordDarrosDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyGordinGotohHardinHoraceJagenJakeJeorgeJulianLenaLindeLorenzMacellanMariaMarthMatthisMerricMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneOgmaPallaRaddRickardRogerRosheaSamsonSedgarTikiTomasVylandWendellWolfWrysXaneYmir
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingMalledusNynaTalys King
Bosses BathysBentheonCamusCaptainDactylDejaniraEmereusGazzakGharnefGomerGrigasHarmeinHeimlerHollstadtHymanJiolKannivalKhozenLarissaMannuMedeusMerachMichalisMorzasOrridyonSternlinTikiVolzhinXemcelZharov
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLizaLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwinShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionFire EmblemGradivusImhulluHauteclereMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters P: Prologue I • P: Prologue II • P: Prologue III • P: Prologue IV • 1: Marth Embarks • 2: The Pirates of Galder • 3: A Brush in the Teeth • 4: Battle in the Lea • 5: Champions of Aurelis • 6: Fire Emblem • 6x: In War's Grip • 7: Lefcandith Gauntlet • 8: Port Warren • 9: The Pyrathi Dragon • 10: Princess Minerva • 11: Knorda Market • 12: The Ageless Palace • 12x: A Traitor's Worth • 13: The Wooden Cavalry • 14: Land of Sorrow • 15: An Oasis of Magic • 16: The Battle for Altea • 17: Star and Savior • 17x: Helena Castle • 18: The Sable Order • 19: Manakete Princess • 20: Camus the Sable • 20x: The Lair of Fire • 21: Clash in Macedon • 22: A Knight-Filled Sky • 23: Dark Pontifex • 24: The Dragonkin Realm • 24x: The AlterspireE: Chosen by Fate
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAurelisDolhrGraGrustKhadeinKingdom of ArchaneaMacedonPyrathiTalysThabes
Groups, objects and concepts Archanean LeagueDragons (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • DragoonsSable OrderWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • ConversationsItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics List of version differences (Name chart) • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenNew Mystery of the EmblemAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline
Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow
Playable characters AbelArlenArranAstramAthenaBantuBarstBeckBelfBordCaedaCaesarCainCastorCatriaCecilCordDarrosDiceDolphDraugEliceEstEtzelFreyFrostGordinHoraceJakeJeorgeJubeloJulianKatarinaKrisLenaLindeLukeMacellanMaliceMariaMarishaMarthMatthisMerricMichalisMidiaMinervaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRaddReidenRickardRobertoRoderickRogerRosheaRyanSamsonSamuelSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiTomasVylandWarrenWendellWolfWrysXaneYmirYuliya
Non-playable characters Aurelis KingBoahCamusGotohJagenLangLorenz
Bosses ArlenAthenaCaedaCainClarisseDallDraugEibelEremiyaEstGailGharnefHardinIce DragonJagenJeorgeKatarinaLangLegionLorenzLumelLukeLykkeMedeusNehringOgmaRoderickSheenaTorusWillowWyvernYodel
Background characters AdrahAnriArtemisCaldasIoteLudwikMarlonMarcelusNagaOrdwin
Regalia and personal weapons AumFalchionGradivusHauteclereImhulluMercuriusParthiaRapierStarlightWing Spear
Chapters Main story P1: MeetingP2: Young SquiresP3: Training BeginsP4: New Companions (Jeorge, Athena) • P5: March DutyP6: Bonds (Ogma, Draug) • P7: The Final Test (Est, Cain) • P8: Assassination of the Hero-King • 1: The Grustian Expedition • 2: Rebellion at Macedon • 3: Abducted Princess • 3x: Shadows Behind the Scenes • 4: Joy and Sorrow • 5: Liberation of Grust • 6: The Nest of Evil • 6x: Mercenary Squad • 7: The Scarlet Sword • 8: Soulful Bridge • 9: Sanctuary of Sorcery • 10: Two Sorcerers • 10x: The Mask Laughs • 11: Anri's Way • 12: Graveyard of Fire Dragons • 13: Frozen Land • 13x: Within the White Darkness • 14: A Mystery Revealed • 15: Return of the Prince • 16: Regaining the Capital • 16x: Reunion • 17: Gra's Sun Sets • 18: Battle of the Pass • 19: The Last Decisive Battle • 20: Dark Emperor • 20x: Bottom of the Deep Abyss • 21: The Wyvern's Dale • 22: The Dragon Altar • 23: The Dark Pontifex LivesE: Light and Shadow
New Archanea Saga 1: The Capital Falls • 2: Red Dragoon • 3: Righteous Thieves • 4: The Beginning
DLC bonus chapters 1: Wind and Thunder • 2: Three Assassins • 3: That Which Was Done by the Sword Shall Be Undone by the Sword
Locations ArchaneaAlteaAnri's WayAurelisDolhr (Dragon Altar) • Empire of ArchaneaGraGrustKhadeinMacedonTalys
Groups, objects and concepts Coyote's MenDragon (Divine DragonEarth DragonManakete) • HereticsSable OrderFire Emblem/Binding ShieldWar of HeroesWar of LiberationWar of ShadowsWhitewinged Order
Lists Base conversationsChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Name chart • Other games (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of LightGaidenMystery of the EmblemArchanea SagaShadow DragonAwakening) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Sound RoomTimeline