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Portrait homasa fe09.png
Homasa's portrait in Path of Radiance.







Starting class



I hope they are prepared to pass into oblivion. For this will be their final resting place!
— Homasa

Homasa (Japanese: ホマサ Homasa) is a commander in the Daein army who fought in the Mad King's War, and a subordinate to Petrine of the Four Riders. He led a defense of Daein's border territory against an attack from Ike and the Crimean army, aiming to stop them their victory over Kayachey at Tor Garen, and he worked with Naesala and the ravens of Kilvas.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance


Homasa is one of two bosses of Chapter 19, along with Naesala. The chapter's objective is to defeat Homasa.


See also: Entrusted
Medium portrait homasa fe09.png
Level 11
Attribute Is gcn lightaffin.png
Build 11
Max HP 32 Speed 20
Strength 13 Luck 12
Magic 12 Defense 11
Skill 16 Resistance 12
Movement 7 Weight 11
Inventory Skills
Sonic Sword
Silver Sword
Weapon Levels
Swords A Lances -- Axes -- Bows --
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- Wind magic -- Staves --


Homasa has dedicated his life to combat and swordsmanship, and is thrilled by opportunities to observe the fighting styles of other swordsmen and to test himself in duels against them. He learned the art of the sword from his own father, and believed that he could not afford to let his father down by failing against another sworsdman, also acknowledging that the same was true for his swordsman foes.[1] He is confident enough in his own skills with the sword to offer to teach others techniques, although in Stefan's opinion he is actually only a mediocre swordsman.[2] He is very experienced in fighting beast laguz and hopes to see something new from fighting them, and was excited by the opportunity to fight hawks. After the ravens abandoned the Daein army he cursed the "sub-humans" and claimed they should never have been trusted.[3]


Battle quotes

My sword is lightning! Do you think you can follow its dance?
— Homasa, as the boss of Chapter 19 in Path of Radiance.
I've fought many of your kind before, and I know all of your techniques. Will you challenge me even so?
— Homasa, when fighting any beast tribe laguz in Chapter 19 in Path of Radiance.
We face hawks, too? Oh, what a test this will be!
— Homasa, when fighting any bird tribe laguz in Chapter 19 of Path of Radiance.
Cutting one who carries no blade lacks style...and yet it cannot be avoided on the battlefield.
— Homasa, when fighting Reyson in Chapter 19 of Path of Radiance.
Homasa: Your fighting style is... unique. It is rough and awkward, yet terribly strong. Who was your teacher?
Ike: My father.
Homasa: Really? Then we are the same. My father taught me to wield a sword as well. Neither of us can afford to lose.

— Homasa, when fighting Ike in Chapter 19 of Path of Radiance.
Homasa: You are a swordsman as well. And, it appears, quite skilled! May I ask for a duel?
Zihark: I dislike contests with strangers, but I don't think I can refuse. Can I?
Homasa: Ki-yah!

— Homasa, when fighting Zihark in Chapter 19 of Path of Radiance.
Homasa: It seems you're quite a fencer. Shall I teach you something?
Stefan: Sheathe your blade. If that's all the skill you possess, you're not ready to challenge me.
Homasa: What? Have at you!

— Homasa, when fightin Stefan in Chapter 19 of Path of Radiance.

Death quotes

...The shame...
— Homasa, as the boss of Chapter 19 in Path of Radiance.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Romanized as HOMASA in his internal file name.



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



  1. "Homasa: Your fighting style is... unique. It is rough and awkward, yet terribly strong. Who was your teacher?
    Ike: My father.
    Homasa: Really? Then we are the same. My father taught me to wield a sword as well. Neither of us can afford to lose.
    " — Homasa and Ike, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  2. "Homasa: It seems you're quite a fencer. Shall I teach you something?
    Stefan: Sheathe your blade. If that's all the skill you possess, you're not ready to challenge me.
    Homasa: What? Have at you!
    " — Homasa and Stefan, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
  3. "Homasa: Kilvas has betrayed us?
    Soldier: I think "abandoned" would be more accurate, but--
    Homasa: Idiot! It's the same thing! Aaaargh! Accursed sub-humans! We should never have trusted them.
    " — Homasa and a Daein soldier, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Playable characters AstridBastianBoydBromCalillDevdanElinciaEnaGatrieGiffcaGeoffreyHaarIkeIlyanaJanaffJillKieranLargoLetheLuciaMakalovMarciaMiaMistMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNasirNepheneeOscarRanulfReysonRhysRolfShinonSorenSotheStefanTanithTauroneoTibarnTitaniaTormodUlkiVolkeZihark
Trial Map characters AshnardBryceOliverPetrineShiharam
Non-playable characters AimeeCaineghisDanielDeghinseaGarethGreilHetzelIzukaJorgeKurthnagaLeanneLekainLotzMustonNealuchiRajaionSanakiSephiranSigrunZelgius
Bosses AshnardBalmerBertramBlack KnightBoydBryceDakovaDanomillEmilEnaGashilamaGreilGromellHafeddHavettiHeddwynHomasaIkanauKamuraKasataiKayacheyKimaarsiKotaffMackoyaMaijinMuarimNaesalaNedataNorrisOliverPetrineRikardSchaefferSeekerShiharamTomenamiZawana
Background characters AltinaAsheraElenaLilliaLoraziehRamonRenningShanty Pete
Regalia and personal weapons AlonditeAmitiAshera StaffDouble BowGurgurantRagnellRegal SwordRexauraRexboltRexcaliburRexflameRolf's BowUrvanVague KattiWishblade
Chapters P: Mercenaries • 1: The Battle Begins • 2: Rescue • 3: Pirates Aground • 4: Roadside Battle • 5: Flight! • 6: A Brief Diversion • 7: Shades of Evil • 8: Despair and Hope • 9: Gallia • 10: Prisoner Release • 11: Blood Runs Red • 12: A Strange Land • 13: A Guiding Wind • 14: Training • 15: The Feral Frontier • 16: The Atonement • 17: Day Breaks (stage 1stage 2stage 3stage 4) • 18: Crimea Marches • 19: Entrusted • 20: Defending Talrega • 21: Without a King • 22: Solo • 23: The Great Bridge • 24: Battle Reunion • 25: Strange Lands • 26: Clash! • 27: Moment of Fate (stage 1stage 2) • 28: Twisted TowerE: Repatriation
Trial Maps Hillside BattleLonely IsleStrange TurnDesperationEscapeTrapped
Locations TelliusBegnion (SienneTower of Guidance) • CrimeaDaein (NevassaTalrega) • GalliaGoldoaGrann DesertGritnea TowerKilvasPhoenicisSerenes Forest
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