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Divine Dragon

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(Redirected from Divine dragon)
For the class in Engage, see Divine Dragon (Engage class).
Divine Dragon

Cg fe12 c14.png
Artwork of Tiki and her Divine Dragon form from New Mystery of the Emblem.

The form taken by Manakete units once they transform using a Divinestone.

Unit type(s)



Ice Breath, Fog Breath



The divine dragons (Japanese: 神竜 divine dragon) are one of the dragon tribes of Archanea, Elibe, and Elyos. They are widely considered the most powerful of the dragon tribes, rivaled only by the antagonistic earth dragons, and are often found acting as the leaders of the dragonkin. Naga, the "king" of the divine dragons of Archanea, is revered as a god in Archanea/Ylisse, Valm and Jugdral.



Four thousand years before the foundation of the Kingdom of Archanea, the divine dragon clan were the rulers of the advanced dragon civilization which dominated the Archanean continent.[1] This changed one thousand years before Archanea's formation, as the dragons began to show signs of deterioration: the birth rates of dragons plummeted and madness spread across members of all dragon clans. In response, the divine dragons led the other dragons in taking humanoid forms to preserve their lives and sanity, sealing their dragon powers away into dragonstones and becoming Manaketes.[2] Led by their ruler, Naga, the divine dragons later participated in a war to protect mankind from the berserk earth dragons who refused to adopt human forms. At the war's conclusion, Naga sealed her daughter Tiki into a deep sleep to prevent her from degenerating as well, and entrusted guardianship of the world to fellow divine dragon Gotoh before she "died". Gotoh, Tiki and Xane would all later play important roles in assisting Anri and later Marth in opposing the antagonistic Shadow Dragon, Medeus.

In later generations, when Naga's identity as a dragon became better known, the term "Divine Dragon" shifted toward being used primarily as a title for Naga herself as opposed to its broader use as referring to all divine dragons. Tiki—now an adult—is also worshipped by the people of Valm as the Voice of the Divine Dragon, acting as an oracle who knows the will of her mother.


Divine dragons once lived in Elibe in the era preceding the Scouring. Late in the Scouring, as the dragons proved to be losing, other dragons—including Jahn—attempted to convince the divine dragons to assist them in creating a "demon dragon" in order to turn the tide of the war in their favour.[3] The divine dragons refused the proposal, on the grounds of it violating the laws of nature, and almost all of them disappeared before the other dragons could argue the point further.[4] One divine dragon, Idunn, failed to escape and was abducted and transformed into the Demon Dragon. At least 980 years later, another divine dragon still lived in Arcadia in the Nabata Desert: Fae, an infant divine dragon. At the conclusion of the Disturbance of Bern, Idunn was defeated by General Roy of Pherae and returned to Arcadia, where Fae and the elder set about restoring her lost heart.


Physical appearance

Divine dragons in Archanea are typically white, sometimes with accents of green, yellow, or grey, with scales that look like feathers with pure red eyes. They have an average build for dragons in Archanea apart from their large feathery wings.

By the time of Ylisse, divine dragons began to look similar to leafy seadragons. Their bodies are slimmer than in Archanea, and their legs and arms are thinner; they have many protrusions resembling leaves or seaweed, and the feathers of their wings resemble these protrusions.

Divine dragons in Elibe have a more plump build with smaller limbs than those in Archanea, and they resemble birds more than reptiles. Their feathers are more prominent and cover their entire bodies. They have pure blue eyes, unlike the divine dragons in Archanea.

Divine dragons in Elyos are white and reptilian like Archanean divine dragons, but appear to be less feathery and only have grey accents. They also appear to be slightly slender, and have prominent horns on their heads. Parts of their wings have thin blue membranes akin to a bat's. Additionally, the humanoid forms of this variety have normal human ears rather than pointed ears common in other dragons' human forms.


Divine dragons are shown to have control over varying elements depending on the world and time period they come from. Early Archanean divine dragons are able to breathe ice or fog, while their Elibean and later Ylissean counterparts are instead shown breathing blue- or green-colored fire. Divine dragons also appear to have an affinity for light magic, which can be seen most clearly in the Naga tome, which channels the power of its namesake.

Despite their differences, Archanean and Elibean divine dragons are similar to the point where weapons that are effective against divine dragons in Elibe, such as the Binding Blade, are also effective against Archanean divine dragons.

Notable divine dragons


Character Description Appears in
Small portrait naga fe13.png
The leader of the divine dragon clan, widely known and revered as the Divine Dragon King and a deity. Awakening
Small portrait tiki fe13.png
Naga's daughter. Later acted as Naga's Voice in Valm. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening
Portrait gotoh fe12.png
The White Sage of Khadein. A divine dragon who discarded his dragonstone. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait xane fe12.png
A mischievous wanderer with the ability to shapeshift. A divine dragon who discarded his dragonstone. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait nagi fe12.png
A mysterious woman from another realm. Said to be the incarnation of the Divine Dragon King. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Portrait duma human fe15.png
A divine dragon whose ideals are those of power; rules the north of Valentia. Not stated to be a divine dragon in Gaiden. Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Portrait mila fe15.png
A divine dragon whose ideals are those of peace; rules the south of Valentia. Not stated to be a divine dragon in Gaiden. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


Character Description Appears in
Portrait fae fe06.png
A young Elibean divine dragon residing in Arcadia. The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade
Portrait idunn 02 fe06.png
An Elibean divine dragon, transformed into the Demon Dragon by other Manaketes. The Binding Blade


Character Description Appears in
Small portrait alear f fe17.png
An Elyosian divine dragon. Once a Fell Dragon and one of Sombron's many children, they were taken in by Lumera. During their years of comatose after being wounded by Sombron, Lumera used her powers to turn Alear into a divine dragon. Engage
Lumera An Elyosian divine dragon monarch that rules over Lythos. Alear's adoptive mother. Engage

Class data

The Divine Dragon exists as a distinct class only in Mystery of the Emblem, and as an unused class in The Binding Blade. Otherwise, it only exists as the in-battle transformed state of certain Manaketes (Tiki, Fae, Nagi) in Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem, through the use of a Divinestone; however, in Mystery of the Emblem, the Divinestone is instead used from the items menu to transform Tiki into a Divine Dragon both on the field and in battle for five turns, giving her access to Ice BreathBook 1/Fog BreathBook 2. until the transformation reverts.

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Mystery of the Emblem 32 10 -- 10 0 0 10 10 7 -- Breath: 16
The Binding Blade 40 10 -- 5 5 0 12 10 8 25 --
Shadow Dragon 18 10 0 8 5 0 16 12 6 -- --
New Mystery of the Emblem 18 10 0 8 5 0 16 12 6 -- --
(Tiki, untransformed)
125 21 20 16 21 25 24 28 6 -- Stones E
(Tiki, transformed)
125 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8 -- Stones E
The stats for Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem are used to calculate the stats of a Manakete using a Divinestone in combat.

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Mystery of the Emblem 52 20 -- 20 20 20 20 20 20 -- Breath: 20
The Binding Blade 60 30 -- 30 30 30 30 30 15 25 --
Shadow Dragon 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 -- --
New Mystery of the Emblem 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 8 -- --
(Tiki, untransformed)
809 94 85 71 91 110 103 118 6 -- Stones S
(Tiki, transformed)
809 132 107 92 116 110 159 164 6 -- Stones S
The stats for Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem are used to calculate the stats of a Manakete using a Divinestone in combat.

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Mystery of the Emblem 0 -- -- -- -- -- --
The Binding Blade -- 2 -- -- -- -- --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Mystery of the Emblem 50% 10% -- 10% 10% 0% 10% 10% -- -- -- --
The Binding Blade 95% 45% -- 30% 25% 55% 10% 25% -- -- -- --
Shadow Dragon 50% 20% 10% 30% 20% 0% 20% -10% -- -- -- --
New Mystery of the Emblem 50% 20% 10% 30% 20% 0% 20% -10% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class change

All main series appearances

Base class
Bs fe11 divine dragon.png
Divine Dragon


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma fewa manakete tiki playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching Level 15. Ma fewa manakete tiki playable.gif
Divine Dragon

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Divine Dragon
• God Dragon
• Dragon God

• Used in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon onward.
• Used in some dialogue in Fire Emblem Heroes.
• Used in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade's bonus track accessible via the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disc. Also used in Fire Emblem Warriors's sound room for the same song as Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade.



• Divine dragon. It is referred to as "GODDESSDRAGON" in the internal data of Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem; its attacks' visual effect files are referred to with a "god" prefix instead, "Godbreath". This term comes from Chinese mythology's Shenlong (Traditional Chinese: 神龍; Simplified Chinese: 神龙), which is written 神竜 in post-1946 Japanese kanji.
• Divine dragon clan; used for Tiki's promoted class in Warriors.


Dragón divino

Divine dragon


Dragon divin

Divine dragon


• Göttlicher Drache
• Wyrmgöttin
• Wyrmgott

• Divine dragon; used in Shadow Dragon dialogue.
• Wyrm goddess; used in Fire Emblem Heroes, for Tiki's promoted class in Warriors, for Naga's title in Awakening, and in Engage.
• Masculine variant of the above. Used in Engage when referring to a male Alear, and for the unused class name string in Shadow Dragon.


Drago divino

Divine dragon


Dragão divino

Divine dragon; used in Heroes.

Traditional Chinese


Divine dragon; used in Heroes.


Other appearances


  1. "Dragon tribe's golden age; an advanced civilization under the rule of the Divine Dragon tribe is built on the whole continent." — Perfect ending timeline, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
  2. "If you really wanna know... Tens of thousands of years ago, the dragon tribe settled down on this continent, and created a civilization. They possessed intellect and abilities far exceedin' those of humans. But suddenly, outta nowhere, their day of destruction came. At first, they couldn't bear children. Then they began to lose their minds, goin' berserk one after the next. The elders warned that the end of dragons as a species was approachin'. There was no longer any way to prevent it. However, there was one way they could survive: to discard their identities as dragons and live on as humans. The dragons fell into a panic. Those who believed the elders sealed their forms within stones and became humans. But those who couldn't throw away their pride as a dragon; those who adamantly refused to become human... They eventually lost their minds and became naught but beasts..." — Xane, Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
  3. "Jahn: The dragons you speak of are correctly referred to as War Dragons. As I said before, they are different from pure dragons such as I. Indeed, the War Dragons are created by the Demon Dragon. And the Demon Dragon was created out of the Divine Dragon, the most powerful of our kind.
    Roy: Created out of the Divine Dragon? Then the Demon Dragon is actually... The Divine Dragon agreed to become the Demon Dragon?
    Jahn: Agreed? No. We destroyed its soul so that it would follow our leader's every command.
    " — Jahn and Roy, Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
  4. "Jahn: ...No matter how much we fought, you humans just seemed to multiply endlessly. Eventually, we began to lose because of the humans' sheer numbers. Therefore, we created the Demon Dragon that would create War Dragons.
    Roy: War Dragons... Dragons meant only for battle.
    Jahn: That is correct. However, the Divine Dragons did not agree with us. They said that that would be defying the laws of nature. As we were discussing how we could persuade the Divine Dragons to help us, they suddenly disappeared.
    " — Jahn and Roy, Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Races and animals of the Fire Emblem series
Major species BeorcBrandedDragon (ManaketeDivine DragonEarth DragonFell DragonFire DragonFirst DragonIce DragonWar DragonWyvern) • EmblemGodHumanKitsuneLaguz (Black DragonCatHawkHeronLionRavenRed DragonTigerWhite DragonWolf) • MirageMorphNabateanTaguelWolfskinZunanma
Animals and other species CorruptedFabricationGriffinHorseIllusionKinshiMonsterPegasusPhantomRisenWolf
Classes in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Base classes ArcherArmored KnightCavalierClericHunterMageMercenaryPegasus Knight
Advanced classes BishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniper
Dragon classes Divine DragonEarth DragonFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonShadow DragonWyvern
Other classes BallisticianBarbarianBerserkerBrigandDancerDark MageEmperorFighterFreelancerKnightLordManaketePirateSoldierThief
Unused classes Dark KnightGuardianSea Dragon
Classes in Fire Emblem Engage
Base classes ArcherAxe ArmorAxe CavalierAxe FighterAxe FlierDragon ChildLance ArmorLance CavalierLance FighterLance FlierLordMageMartial MonkNobleSentinelSword ArmorSword CavalierSword FighterSword FlierWing Tamer
Advanced classes AvenirBerserkerBow KnightCupidoDivine DragonGeneralGreat KnightGriffin Knight‎HalberdierHeroHigh PriestLindwurmMage KnightMartial MasterPaladinPicketRoyal KnightSageSniperSleipnir RiderSuccesseurSwordmasterTireur d'éliteVidameWarriorWolf KnightWyvern Knight
Special classes BarbarianCorrupted WolfCorrupted WyrmCorrupted WyvernDancerEmblemEnchanterFell ChildFell MonarchGreat Fell DragonMage CannoneerMelusinePhantom WolfPhantom WyrmPhantom WyvernRoyalThiefTrainerVillagerWardenWatcher
Classes in Fire Emblem Warriors
Playable base classes ArcherClericDancerDark KnightDark MageGreat KnightLordMageMalig KnightManaketeMercenaryMyrmidonNohr PrinceNohr PrincessOutlawPaladinPegasus KnightPriestessShrine MaidenSky KnightSongstressSpear FighterSwordmasterTacticianTricksterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Playable advanced classes AdventurerBlade LordCrown PrinceDark CrusaderDivaDivine DragonFalcon KnightGrandmasterGreat LordGuardian KnightHeroHigh PriestessHigh PrinceHoshido NobleLodestarMalig MasterMaster MerchantNohr NoblePrimaPrincessSageSniperSorcererSpear MasterStrategistSwordmasterWar ClericWyvern Lord
Enemy base classes Myrmidon (SamuraiMercenary) • Thief (NinjaOutlaw) • Cavalier (Expert Rider) • Soldier (Spear Fighter) • Pegasus Knight (Sky Knight) • Knight (Armored Knight) • Fighter (Oni SavageAxe Fighter) • Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Warrior) • Great Knight (Steel Knight) • ArcherMage (DivinerDark Mage) • Manakete (Ryujin)
Enemy advanced classes Swordmaster (Hero) • Assassin (Master NinjaAdventurer) • Paladin (Master Rider) • Halberdier (Spear Master) • Falcon KnightGeneral (Shield Master) • Warrior (Oni ChieftainBerserker) • Wyvern Lord (Wyvern Ace) • Guardian Knight (Sturdy Knight) • SniperSage (OnmyojiSorcerer) • Fafnir (Great Ryujin)
Other enemy/NPC classes Outrealm FiendVelezarkVillager