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Wolf Queen Fang

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Wolf Queen Fang

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First game


Wolf Queen Fang (Japanese: 狼女王の牙 Wolf Queen's Fang) is a weapon skill in the beast category which debuted in Fire Emblem Heroes; it is a personal weapon of Nailah. Wolf Queen Fang reduces the cooldown for the user's special skills, boosts the user's attack and speed based on the number of nearby allies, and boosts the user's damage with a special skill when the user transforms.


Game Icon Type Might Range SP cost Refine cost Prerequisites Usable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(refine: Unrefined)
Is feh skill weapon.png Beast weapons 14 1 400 -- Adult (Infantry) Infantry Grants −1 special cooldown count.
Grants +⁠([number of allies within 2 spaces] × 2; maximum: 6) each to attack and speed to user during combat.
If user is not adjacent to human allies (i.e. allies with non-breath or -⁠beast weapons) at start of turn, user transforms; otherwise, user reverts.
If user transforms, grants +2 attack to user and user deals +10 damage when special triggers.
(refine: +Effect)
Is feh wpn wolf queen fang refined.png Beast weapons 14 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- Infantry Grants −1 special cooldown count.
If foe's HP ≥ 75% or user is within 3 spaces of ally at start of combat, grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and if foe's HP ≥ 75% and user is within 3 spaces of ally, inflicts −5 each to attack and defense on foe during combat.
If user is not adjacent to human allies (i.e. allies with non-breath or -⁠beast weapons) at start of turn, user transforms; otherwise, user reverts.
If user transforms, grants +2 attack to user, user deals +7 damage when special triggers, and neutralizes effects that increase foe's special cooldown charge or reduce user's special cooldown charge.
Grants +3 HP.
Enables Canto (Rem. +1) (Unit can move (remaining movement + 1) spaces after using an attack or assist skill or destroying an Aether Raids structure, but cannot attack or use an assist skill during that movement and cannot use a warping effect (e.g. Wings of Mercy) to warp a distance greater than (remaining movement + 1) spaces) while transformed.
If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, grants +4 each to attack, speed, defense, and resistance to user during combat, and when user deals damage to foe during combat (including 0 damage), restores 7 HP to user.
(refine: +Atk)
Is feh wpn atk refined.png Beast weapons 16 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- Infantry Grants −1 special cooldown count.
If foe's HP ≥ 75% or user is within 3 spaces of ally at start of combat, grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and if foe's HP ≥ 75% and user is within 3 spaces of ally, inflicts −5 each to attack and defense on foe during combat.
If user is not adjacent to human allies (i.e. allies with non-breath or -⁠beast weapons) at start of turn, user transforms; otherwise, user reverts.
If user transforms, grants +2 attack to user, user deals +7 damage when special triggers, and neutralizes effects that increase foe's special cooldown charge or reduce user's special cooldown charge.
Grants +5 HP.
(refine: +Spd)
Is feh wpn spd refined.png Beast weapons 14 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- Infantry Grants −1 special cooldown count.
If foe's HP ≥ 75% or user is within 3 spaces of ally at start of combat, grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and if foe's HP ≥ 75% and user is within 3 spaces of ally, inflicts −5 each to attack and defense on foe during combat.
If user is not adjacent to human allies (i.e. allies with non-breath or -⁠beast weapons) at start of turn, user transforms; otherwise, user reverts.
If user transforms, grants +2 attack to user, user deals +7 damage when special triggers, and neutralizes effects that increase foe's special cooldown charge or reduce user's special cooldown charge.
Grants +5 HP and +3 speed.
(refine: +Def)
Is feh wpn def refined.png Beast weapons 14 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- Infantry Grants −1 special cooldown count.
If foe's HP ≥ 75% or user is within 3 spaces of ally at start of combat, grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and if foe's HP ≥ 75% and user is within 3 spaces of ally, inflicts −5 each to attack and defense on foe during combat.
If user is not adjacent to human allies (i.e. allies with non-breath or -⁠beast weapons) at start of turn, user transforms; otherwise, user reverts.
If user transforms, grants +2 attack to user, user deals +7 damage when special triggers, and neutralizes effects that increase foe's special cooldown charge or reduce user's special cooldown charge.
Grants +5 HP and +4 defense.
(refine: +Res)
Is feh wpn res refined.png Beast weapons 14 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- Infantry Grants −1 special cooldown count.
If foe's HP ≥ 75% or user is within 3 spaces of ally at start of combat, grants +5 each to attack and speed to user during combat, and if foe's HP ≥ 75% and user is within 3 spaces of ally, inflicts −5 each to attack and defense on foe during combat.
If user is not adjacent to human allies (i.e. allies with non-breath or -⁠beast weapons) at start of turn, user transforms; otherwise, user reverts.
If user transforms, grants +2 attack to user, user deals +7 damage when special triggers, and neutralizes effects that increase foe's special cooldown charge or reduce user's special cooldown charge.
Grants +5 HP and +4 resistance.



Method Data
Unit (★★★★★) Nailah: Unflinching Eye

Flavor text

Game Text
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
During combat, boosts unit's Atk/Spd by
number of allies within 2 spaces × 2. (Maximum
bonus of +6 to each stat.) At start of turn, if
unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or
if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms
(otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms,
grants Atk+2 and deals +10 damage when
Special triggers.

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75% or unit is
within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to
unit during combat, and also, if both conditions
are met, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe during combat.
At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast
or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any
ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If
unit transforms, grants Atk+2, deals +7 damage
when Special triggers, and neutralizes effects
that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe
or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit.

(Refined: +effect)
Enables【Canto (Rem. +1)】while transformed.

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants
Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 during combat, and also,
when unit deals damage (even 0 damage) to
foe during combat, restores 7 HP to unit.

【Canto (Rem. +1)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure
destruction, unit can move again.

The distance of the movement is the remaining
movement the unit had before the actions listed
above+1 (If unit used a movement skill that warps
them, the remainder is 0).

(Unit moves according to movement type. Once
per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest
value applied. Does not stack. After moving,
if a skill that grants another action would be
triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will
trigger after the granted action. Unit's base
movement has no effect on movement granted.
Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy)
a distance greater than unit would be able to
move with normal Canto movement.)





Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Wolf Queen Fang




Wolf Queen's Fang


Colmillo lupino

Lupine fang


Croc de reine

Queen's fang



Wolf Fang


Zanna regale

Regal fang


Presa lupina

Lupine fang

Traditional Chinese


Wolf queen's fang

Beast skills in Heroes
Basic beast skills Beast skills with secondary effects Personal beast skills
Infantry subtype Adult (Infantry)Whelp (Infantry)Yearling (Infantry) Bride's FangFiery FangGroom's WingHeralding HornHorn of OpeningIlluminating HornNectar HornPolished FangRenewed FangResolved FangRoyal Hatari FangSabertooth FangWild Tiger FangWolf Queen FangWolfpup FangWolfskin Fang
Armor subtype Adult (Armored)Whelp (Armored)Yearling (Armored) Dosing FangLion King FangRavagerTwin-Crest Power
Cavalry subtype Adult (Cavalry)Whelp (Cavalry)Yearling (Cavalry) Arcane Nihility Brazen Cat FangBrightmare HornBunny FangCovert Cat FangCute Paper CraneDream HornFoxkit FangGuardian FangHorn of the LandKeen Rabbit FangKitsune FangLove of NerþuzNew Foxkit FangNightmare HornQuieting AntlerRaydream HornRefreshed FangSparkling FangTaguel FangWary Rabbit FangWorld-Tree Tail
Flier subtype Adult (Flier)Fledgling (Flier)Hatchling (Flier) Bat FangClosing FloretsCrossbones ClawEbon-Pirate ClawEnclosing ClawFang of ClosureFang of FinalityHawk King ClawHeron WingQuieting ClawRaven King BeakSky-Pirate Claw