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Byleth/Supports (female)

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This page contains all data pertaining to the female Byleth's supports in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait edelgard fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported on the Black Eagles and Crimson Flower routes

C Support

C+ Support

B Support

A Support

S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait dimitri fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported on the Blue Lions and Azure Moon routes

C Support

Dimitri: Perfect timing, Professor. If you don't mind, I have a favor I'd like to ask of you.

What's the favor?

Dimitri: It's in regard to sword training. Not for myself, but... Well... To be honest, I've been teaching swordsmanship to the orphans at the monastery for a while now.

Choice 1 Choice 2
How unexpected. How did that come to be?
Dimitri: I must agree. Frankly, I'm not great with children.

Dimitri: Some of them saw me sparring with the knights one day. They started pestering me to teach them. They were so earnest... I couldn't help but oblige. There's much I wish to show them, but due to my own studies and training, I'm afraid my time is rather limited. Which brings me to my favor. Your swordsmanship is unmatched. I hate to ask this of you, but... Would you consider lending me a hand?

Choice 1 Choice 2
You can count on me. You leave me no choice.

Dimitri: Thank you, truly. I am in your debt. And I always repay my debts, I'll have you know. All of these children lost their families and homes to war or illness. This may sound a bit arrogant, but...I feel it's my responsibility to help them. I lost my parents without warning too. In that way, we're the same. In Duscur, I lost my father, stepmother, and closest friends. I didn't have many allies at the castle after that. In truth, I had only Dedue for companionship.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Have you no other family? Is there no one else you can trust?
Dimitri: I'm afraid not. My birth mother fell ill and died shortly after I was born. And my uncle... suffice to say we don't get along.

Dimitri: I once had people I could confide in. Family, friends, instructors, even the royal soldiers. But they were all taken away from me four years ago. Ah, but there were those outside the castle walls I was close to. Such as Rodrigue!


Dimitri: Heh, pardon my rudeness. I meant Lord Rodrigue. He is my father's old companion, and the father of Felix. On the occasions he would visit the capital, he'd take me out hunting or on long horse rides. While Dedue is like a brother to me, Rodrigue is more like a second father. It might sound ridiculous, but...he's the kind of man I hope to become one day. Someone who helps others... Someone who can reach out and save a lost soul. Oh... Please accept my apologies for boring you with my life story. In any case, don't forget your promise, Professor. I'm counting on you.

B Support

Dimitri: Thank you for your help the other day, Professor. Please, allow me to express my gratitude by taking you to dinner.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It was nothing. I would be delighted.
Dimitri: Nonsense. Your guidance was magnificent. Just what I'd expect from a professor at this esteemed academy. Dimitri: Fantastic. Please think about what you'd like to eat. After all, such magnificent guidance must work up

quite an appetite.

Dimitri: I've studied swordsmanship for some time, but your mercenary skills are something else entirely. Speaking of which, there's...another question I must ask you. Were you reconciled with the reality of battle from your first foray? With...the killing part, I mean.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I hadn't the luxury of questioning it. No. It's never easy.

Dimitri: I see.

And you?

Dimitri: No... I do not carry that burden well. I doubt that will change, no matter how many years come and go. The first time I led on the battlefield, I was sent to quell a rebellion in the west. It was not a difficult fight. The enemy was not well-trained and their morale was low. A swing of the lance, and your opponent falls. A flash of your blade, and a path opens up. That's the sort of battle it was. Easy...right?

Choice 1 Choice 2
You did what you had to do. What caused the rebellion?
Dimitri: That's one way to look at it. Dimitri: The noble family from that area sought to seize the throne after my father's untimely death.

Dimitri: The leader of the rebel army was defeated and the rebellion quelled. This was at the height of the post-war period. I recall coming across a dead soldier's body. He was clutching a locket. Inside was a lock of golden hair. I don't know to whom it belonged. His wife, his daughter...mother, lover... I'll never know. He was a soldier. An enemy. Someone we had cut down without hesitation. But in that moment, I realized he was also a real person, just like the rest of us. Of course, we cannot stand idly by and allow anyone to commit senseless acts of violence. Yet in dispensing what we call justice, we take the lives of cherished family members. Beloved friends. Killing is part of the job, but even so... There are times when I'm chilled to the bone by the depravity of my own actions.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's normal to feel that way. I've felt the same way.
Dimitri: Is it? Perhaps you're right. I pray that you are. Dimitri: That you feel the same way is more comforting than you could know.

Dimitri: Professor? May I speak freely? When we first met, I thought of you as someone who felt no strong feelings about killing your enemies. I could never trust someone who kills without batting an eye. My heart won't allow it. But after speaking with you and getting to know you better, I can see you're not like that. Now I know, with all my heart, that I can trust you. Thank you for that.

A Support

Dimitri: ...

Choice 1 Choice 2
What are you doing? Still training?
Dimitri: Sleep evades me, so I thought I'd get in some extra training. I was just about to finish. Dimitri: Indeed. But I was thinking about ending it here.

Dimitri: Perhaps it is the gloomy weather, but I am feeling the sting of wounds that should have healed long ago...

What wounds?

Dimitri: The injury I got when that girl stabbed me after the battle at Gronder. Her eyes were filled with revenge...just as mine once were.

Who was she?

Dimitri: I don't know... But I have a guess. ... Ah, I suppose I haven't told you about that yet.

What are you talking about?

Dimitri: I was attacked inside the monastery the other day. It caused quite the uproar. The ones who attacked me...were some of the youths we taught swordsmanship to, once upon a time.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Are you OK? Why did they do it?
Dimitri: Of course. I could capture the lot of them with my eyes closed.

Dimitri: It seems they were raised by a group of thieves who we put down five years ago. I heard Lady Rhea took custody of them, claiming that the children were innocent. I have taken so many lives...and with each one, I face hatred. During the last five years especially. My life was not so different from that of a wild beast... And that young girl's brother... At some point, I must have... That is why I thought it only natural that someone would retaliate someday. Because I hated, because I stole, and... because I killed. But with those children, it's different... We drew our blades with the best of intentions, only to hurt them in the end. I suppose this is yet another thing we will just have to live with.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's part of the job. I feel the same way.

Dimitri: Yes... As one who chose to fight, it is my responsibility to confront this anguish and the true nature of war... Until the day my life comes to an end.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It is mine as well. We can confront it together.
Dimitri: Perhaps... Dimitri: Thank you...

Dimitri: You know, Professor... There is something that I only recently realized. I never knew it could be so...comforting to have someone standing by my side...

S Support

Dimitri: Come now, my friend. You must stop staying up so late. Tomorrow is yet another early morning. Then again, I know that matters little. You cannot sleep, can you? Neither can I, of course. I... I want you to know I am sorry for making you do so much when your battle wounds aren't even completely healed yet.

Choice 1 Choice 2
And what of yours? It's awful.
Dimitri: Do not worry about me... My shoulder has healed nicely. I still have some numbness in my hand, but it should not hinder me too much. Dimitri: Well, I am truly sorry. I only ask that you do not overexert yourself. But I am afraid our burdens will only grow in number. I hope you are prepared for that.

Dimitri: ... It is a lovely night... Is it not? How many years has it been since I was kept awake by hopes for the future, rather than by nightmares of the past...


Dimitri: I have had the same nightmare for nine long years. A nightmare in which I am constantly tormented by those who have died... They ask me why I have not avenged them... Why I got to live, yet they had to die... No matter how many corpses I piled up for them, in the end, their voices only grew louder. Voices loathing me, calling out to me... Their inescapable death cries ringing in my ears...clinging to my soul... Even now, I can always hear them. I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die. But I will not cover my ears. I will go on living... and their voices will serve as a warning. As a king...and as a wretch who claimed countless lives...I will build a Kingdom where the people can live in peace. I am sure she would laugh and call such talk foolish... But I wish to change this world in my own way. Well, Your Grace, things will be busy from now on. Our first order of business is tomorrow's coronation. Once a professor and student... Now an archbishop and a king. How very far we have come.

Choice 1 Choice 2
We're still the same. Only our titles have changed.

Dimitri: That is true. To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly. My ally through all. My beloved... beloved.


Dimitri: Listen... There is something I wish to give you before the coronation. Give me your hand.
(Dimitri presents a ring)


Dimitri: Please... I beg of you. Say something! If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me. If so, I will face the truth and walk away.

That's not it at all...

(Byleth presents Jeralt's ring)
Dimitri: What is this?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I love you, Dimitri. Marry me. You beat me to it...

Dimitri: ... Yes, I see. Right. In that case, let us exchange them, shall we? Your hands... Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are. These hands that have saved me countless times... Thank you, my beloved. Your kind, warm hands... May they cling to my own forevermore...


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait claude fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported on the Golden Deer and Verdant Wind routes

C Support

Claude: Hey, Teach. I see you’re as stony-faced as usual. Hmm. I can’t tell if you’re feeling resigned or if you’re just lost in thought. Or maybe you simply don’t care about anything that’s going on. Oh… Sorry. I really didn’t mean to be rude. I just find you fascinating. Actually, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about. Can you spare some time?


Choice 1: Sure.

Choice 2: I’m busy.


Choice 1 response: That’s just the sort of attitude I’d expect from a new teacher!

Choice 2 response: Is that right? Maybe this is new to you, but teachers are supposed to display an active interest in the well-being of their students. Students…like me.

Claude: Speaking of, before you came here, you were a mercenary, right? Always getting your hands dirty on the battlefield and whatnot? It’s a bit unusual that you suddenly decided to become a teacher one day. In any case, I’ve been meaning to ask. Did your father teach you how to fight?


Choice 1: Yes, he did.

Choice 2: No, he didn’t.


Choice 1 response: I figured. Your father used to lead the knights, didn’t he? And I hear he was a legendary mercenary as well.

Choice 2 response: Is that so? Well, I’m sure you grew up watching his fighting style, even if he didn’t teach you directly.

Claude: It must have been hard on your mother when you followed in your father’s footsteps and became a mercenary too.

Byleth: I never knew my mother.

Claude: I see. I suppose you grew up moving from battlefield to battlefield with your father then. You know, for someone who’s right around the same age as me, you certainly have an unusual amount of composure. I guess it’s only natural that you’d be different from young nobles who grew up in the lap of luxury.

Byleth: You don’t seem like a noble either.

Claude: Ha! Well, even so, I am heir to House Riegan, the leading family of the Alliance. But I didn’t exactly grow up in luxury like most people of noble blood. Hey, maybe that’s why you and I get along so well. Folks like us should stick together. As house leader, I’ll do all I can to help you out. We can stand by making time for more little chats like this.

B Support

B+ Support

A Support

S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait hubert fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported on the Black Eagles and Crimson Flower routes

C Support

B Support

A Support

S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait ferdinand fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Ferdinand: Hello, Professor. May I speak with you?

On the Black Eagles route

Ferdinand: You seem to hold Edelgard in high esteem. That is my impression, at least.

On other routes

Ferdinand: I was just wondering, what do you think of Edelgard? You seem to hold her in high esteem.

Choice 1 Choice 2
She's a good student. She's got a lot to learn.
Ferdinand: Hm. She is certainly talented. No doubt about that. But I wonder... What is your opinion of me? I am quite talented too, am I not? Ferdinand: Well now! That is not what I expected you to say. You clearly have high standards. And what is your opinion of me? I am at least her equal, am I not?

Ferdinand: Be honest. Do not hold back. Pretend that I am just a regular person, not the scion of a noble house.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I think you two are evenly matched. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but...
Ferdinand: Evenly matched?! Me? With her?! Ferdinand: You think she is better than me?!

Ferdinand: I was just being modest before. Honestly, I have always prided myself on being superior to Edelgard. But evidently that is not your perspective. Hmm... I suppose there is only one thing to do. I must demonstrate my excellence!

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's not necessary. I can't stop you.
Ferdinand: Precisely! You cannot stop me! I will prove that you have drastically underestimated me.

Ferdinand: You think I could ignore such a slight upon my honor? Not likely. Come, Professor!
Byleth: ...

Ferdinand: We will begin with battle. Edelgard's skills in combat are no match for mine. I heard that, just the other day, she defeated a Demonic Beast without assistance. Well, anything Edelgard can do, I can do better—and in half the time! Professor, you can be my eyewitness and timekeeper. Here we go!
(Two Demonic Beasts appear)
Ferdinand: Two at once? That's... Well, it will be fine.
(Ferdinand engages)
Ferdinand: Argh! I can't do it!
(Byleth intervenes)
Ferdinand: It seems you have saved my life. I... Thank you, Professor.

B Support

Ferdinand: Hah! Haagh! Take that! Yaa! Aaargh!

Choice 1 Choice 2
You're fighting more intensely than usual. What's up?
Ferdinand: Yes. I am in a hurry. Ferdinand: Oh, you know. There is always something. It never ends. Lately I have been feeling uneasy. Impatient.

Ferdinand: Edelgard claims victory after victory. She never stops. Five years ago, she ascended the throne and swept away the corrupt nobles. My father included. I always thought I would be the one to unseat him. But she did it instead—with all the ease and indifference of someone cracking an egg. She put my father under house arrest. She stripped House Aegir of its power.

On any route but Crimson Flower

Ferdinand: Rather than accepting a role as her puppet, I left. Now I fight to topple the Empire.

On Crimson Flower Now, as the head of House Aegir, I serve Edelgard. I have to accept that I am her subordinate, working beneath her to reunify Fódlan.

Ferdinand: The disparity between Edelgard and myself is...obvious. She never stops moving forward. Single-minded. Never wavering. But where does that leave me? Here, flailing about, going nowhere, contributing nothing...

That's not true.

Ferdinand: But it is! That is the reality. Not once, since our days at the academy, have I exceeded Edelgard's abilities. I saw her as a worthy opponent. She did not even see me as a contender. She did not even consider me at all. As the head of the noble House Aegir, I must be able to achieve results. But all my efforts have come to nothing. Results are everything. I have not shown results, so I will be stagnating here forever.

Choice 1 Choice 2
But you have achieved results! It's the journey, not the destination.
Ferdinand: I appreciate your kind words, but you are wrong. Ferdinand: I appreciate that, but it is not enough to persuade me.

Ferdinand: I know that I have a massive wall to climb, and I must climb it alone. Even so...may I ask a favor?


Ferdinand: Professor, please keep an eye on my progress. I would appreciate if you were always by my side, bearing witness to my accomplishments.

A Support

Ferdinand: Hmm. What an interesting way of looking at life. Ah, it is you! Just at the right time.

Choice 1 Choice 2
You're working late. The right time?
Ferdinand: Oh, is it nighttime already? I must have gotten carried away.

Ferdinand: There is something I wanted to discuss. Something about you... I am starting to believe that you are a true hero. You hold the lost Crest, you wield the Sword of the Creator, and you lead everyone in battle against great enemies. Not only that, but you are a strategist. You stand alongside rulers, supporting them, advising them. You do not seem particularly ambitious. And yet, you accomplish so much.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's high praise. That's true. I'm not ambitious.
Ferdinand: I am not exaggerating. Everything I said is true. Ferdinand: I am amazed that you can say so.

Ferdinand: I have been reading about the history of Faerghus, you know. The Kingdom's founder, Loog, the "King of Lions," had two advisors. One of them was Pan, the "undesiring strategist." According to historical records, Pan wanted nothing for himself. He devoted himself entirely to Loog. He had tremendous power, but he never seemed concerned about his legacy. So, in the old chronicles, there is hardly any mention of Pan's deeds. All that we know is that he helped Loog, his friend and leader.

Choice 1 Choice 2
To think, someone could be so virtuous. I've never heard of Pan.

Ferdinand: It is not surprising that you have never heard of him. I did not even know his name until recently. But when I watch how you conduct yourself, I feel that I am seeing the unknown deeds of Pan. It is only a thought, of course, but it makes me feel rather happy. Even if it is not in the pages of a history book, a life can be full of achievement!

On Crimson Flower

Ferdinand: I know that I will never be greater than Edelgard. She will always surpass me.

On any route but Crimson Flower

Ferdinand: I know that I will never prevail over Edelgard. Even if I defeat her on the battlefield...

Ferdinand: I am what I am. Like you and this "undesiring strategist." I will do what I'm called to do, even if no mark of me remains in the history books.

S Support

Goddess Tower

Ferdinand: It has been a long, hard road. Would you agree?

Choice 1 Choice 2
No, not really. It certainly has.
Ferdinand: Haha! You cannot humor me even a little? Perhaps we can agree that every long road comes to an end. Ferdinand: Every long road comes to an end.

Ferdinand: That is when friends who have walked together must go their separate ways. You will guide Fódlan. I will return to my position as Duke Aegir. Life will go on. It must.

So it seems.

Ferdinand: I once asked something of you. I asked you to bear witness to my achievements. But even if I achieve nothing and there is nothing left of me after I am gone... I still want you to see me.

What do you mean?

(Ferdinand presents a ring)
Ferdinand: I mean that I want you to be my wife! I need you as much as I need my next breath. More, perhaps. I hope that you need me too.

I understand.

Ferdinand: That is it? You hear noble Ferdinand von Aegir declare his love for you, and all you say is "I understand"? This is torture! Please, if you are going to refuse my proposal, simply tell me.

Need isn't a strong enough word.

Ferdinand: I am not sure I understand...

I love you, Ferdinand.

Ferdinand: You do? Does that mean...

Let's get married!

Ferdinand: Really?! Ah, my head is ringing with pure joy! Like a thousand bells! It is even greater than the joy of victory in battle. It is victory in life itself!
Byleth: ...
Ferdinand: Ahem. Apologies. I got a little carried away there. I am shaking... I cannot control it. It would be no exaggeration to say that my whole life, everything I have done, has led me to this moment. I am overjoyed! Oh dear, I might faint...

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'm happy too. You look pretty unsteady.
Ferdinand: Give me a minute or two to regain my balance before you say anything too fantastic... Ferdinand: Who me? Not at all! I am better now. Really.

Ferdinand: Imagine, making our way through life, side by side. The whole world has taken on a rosy hue. Ah, it is no use. I cannot stay upright. Please, let me lean on your shoulder.
(S-support illustration)
Ferdinand: That is better. We are as close as can be. From now on, we will lean on each other. Thank you, my love.


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait linhardt fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Linhardt: Well, hello, Professor. You came all the way to my room to— Oh. You've brought the materials from your lecture I slept through. I appreciate it. Thank you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I won't do this again. Don't miss the lectures.
Linhardt: It's rare for a nice professor like you to be so strict. Please, Professor. You must understand how difficult it is for me to fight the demon of drowsiness. Linhardt: It's not that I want to miss lectures...exactly. Drowsiness is my archnemesis. For some reason I just can't seem to win against it.

Linhardt: Just talking about it makes me sleepy...

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
Let's wake you up with a bit of training, then. A trip to town might help your mood. You're not motivated enough.
Linhardt: Oh no, I couldn't possibly. I would certainly injure myself if I tried to train while drowsy. Linhardt: It's not that I don't have enough motivation. The problem is that I don't have any at all. Not for useless things.

Linhardt: I must compliment you though. By this point in most conversations, I'm bored senseless. But I'm enjoying this. I wonder why... What is it about you that fascinates me so? You're definitely a strange one.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'm not strange. Maybe so.

Linhardt: In truth, your very nature is odd. You're definitely not a commoner, but you don't seem like a noble, either. You're...something else.

After Chapter 4

Linhardt: And yet you can wield one of the Heroes' Relics. You're like a hero in some silly legend.

Linhardt: Or you could be a villain who came here to enact some evil plot. That wouldn't surprise me either.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'm not a villain. Is that what you think?

Linhardt: Hey, Professor... Will you ever allow me to investigate that Crest of yours? It won't hurt a bit, I swear. I'm sure I could find out all sorts of things about your Crest...and you. Of course, I'm not as experienced with such research as Professor Hanneman, but I do what I can. Someday, I think I might like to become a Crest scholar. You never know.


Linhardt: Oh, don't trouble yourself. I didn't mean now. I've got a lot of other research I'm working on at the moment. I tend to start a project, get bored, and then leave it be. I might be ready to investigate your Crest soon. I'd have to tidy up a bit first. On that note... Goodnight, Professor.

B Support

Linhardt: ...

Choice 1 Choice 2
What are you doing? Are you thinking about the battle?

Linhardt: It's just... I was wondering why it seems as if no one values their own lives. Why do we fight until we die? Why do we kill without hesitation? I hate it. I don't like taking lives or even the sight of blood. In the last battle, some of the soldiers under my command died for foolish reasons. Those soldiers could have pulled back... Instead, they kept fighting...and were overrun. Am I supposed to be satisfied with the victory alone? Even at the cost of such life?

Choice 1 Choice 2
No, I couldn't be satisfied with that. Yes, I could be satisfied with that.
Linhardt: Exactly. I don't see the point. Honor? That's a foolish reason to give your life. Glory? Even worse. Linhardt: Really? I— Trading someone's life for a bit of honor and glory... You'll pardon me if I say I find that repulsive.

Linhardt: Just the thought frightens me. I'm not suited for battle, Professor.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's not something you can control. There are some fights you can't run from.
Linhardt: I'm happy you feel that way, but... It seems like so much in our world is decided by who wins or loses a fight. Very little is accomplished via diplomacy or even simple decency. Linhardt: I suppose that's the nature of the world, isn't it?
In Part I

Linhardt: Professor, you take the time to lead me and teach me like this every day...

In Part II

Linhardt: Professor, you take the time to lead me and guide me like this every day...

Linhardt: Could the reason be that you don't want me to die on the battlefield?

Choice 1 Choice 2
As long as I'm here, I won't let you die. We'll make it through together.

Linhardt: That's a bold statement, Professor. But for whatever reason, I want to believe you... You really are a strange person, you know. Professor, I wish to ask something of you. I...I don't want to kill. I don't want blood on my hands. I just want to lie on my back and soak up the sun filtering down through the trees... And I want you to help me make that a reality. And I want you to help me make a world where that's possible.

A Support

Linhardt: Hmm... Ah, yes... Professor. What brings you out so late?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I heard a strange voice. I could ask you the same.
Linhardt: Oh, um... That was likely my voice.

Linhardt: I've been worrying about something... I once asked you to help me make this the sort of world where I can simply nap my days away. Then I thought, if the world becomes a peaceful place, all my Crest research might be for naught...

Why's that?

Linhardt: Well, I don't see how Crests have much use in times of peace. Certainly there are Crests that make you stronger and could be used in engineering. And I suppose Crests that increase magical abilities might help doctors heal injuries... Still, the possibilities seem limited. It's as if Crests were designed to be used only in times of war. Their power meant to bring about death and destruction.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Maybe you're right. I don't really understand.

Linhardt: I cannot prove what I say is true, but suppose for a moment that it is... The longer this war goes on, the more useful my Crest research becomes. But if the war were to end today, we would go on living, perhaps not using the power of our Crests at all. It is truly my dream to be a Crest scholar, but I also dream of all the wonderful naps peace would bring. Saying it all out loud, it feels a rather stupid thing to worry over. Knowledge or peace? Sleep or war?

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's not stupid. You sh ouldn't worry about it if it's stupid.
Linhardt: Thank you, Professor. I appreciate the sentiment. Linhardt: You know, you're right. In the end, maybe it's not that stupid after all. It certainly isn't to me...

Linhardt: Although, if I stop researching Crests, I'll have one less excuse to spend time with you. Professor. Don't make faces like that. People like you who listen to my blathering and then nod and smile as though what I say matters? People like you are very precious to me.

S Support

Goddess Tower

Linhardt: Professor, I've been waiting for you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
How did you know I was coming here? You're livelier than normal.
Linhardt: How much time do you suppose we have spent together? Enough that I believe I can predict how you'll feel about something.

Linhardt: The truth is...I want to ask you a once-in-a-lifetime question.


Linhardt: Um... Yes. I know that the end of the war hasn't granted you limitless free time... But you must have more time on your hands than you did during the war, yes? Would you spend that time with me? I want to know more about you. I want to solve the mysteries that surround you. I don't think I'll ever meet anyone more intoxicating than yourself. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours.
(Linhardt presents a ring)
Linhardt: Here is proof of my desire. Will you accept it?

Of course. I love you, Linhardt.

Linhardt: Oh, thank goodness! I don't know what I would have done with myself had you turned me down. Though, I feel like I've come to understand rather a lot about you. So I didn't honestly think you'd reject me.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Wow, you're very confident. Hmm...
Linhardt: You doubt me? But I was proven correct the very moment you took the ring. You'll see. I will come to understand you even more.

Linhardt: Our future together has only just begun. Before I become bored of this business, I wish to learn all there is about your Crest and your strength. And perhaps we'll even come up with ways I could help you guide Fódlan. I as a Crest scholar and you as a leader of Fódlan... We will take our first steps together into this new world, the two of us working as one. Once things settle down, we can retire to the countryside. A place where the air is fresh, the lakes are full of fish, the sun is warm, and where we may nap deeply.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I should've known this was about naps. I'm not into napping...

Linhardt: Without naps, life is nothing but work! I value you too much to let you spend your whole life laboring for others. You're the hero of Fódlan after all. Besides, naps are the entire point of retirement!
(S-support illustration)
Linhardt: It may be some time until we can nap beneath a tree, peaceful sunlight filtering through the branches... But when that day comes? To have you there lying by my side... Paradise. And we will have made it so.


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait caspar fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Byleth: ...
Caspar: Hey, Professor! What's going on?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Quiet. There's a suspicious man...
Caspar: Uh, OK. Why are we being so quiet though? Ah! Look at that guy! He looks pretty suspicious. Caspar: A suspicious man? Where? Oh! Is that him?

Caspar: What do you think he's up to? Never mind that, let's get him!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Let's keep watch for now. Suspicion isn't enough to go on.
Caspar: Keep watch? So boring. Caspar: Why not? We can figure out what he's up to after we capture him.

Caspar: My instincts tell me that he's up to no good, and my instincts are never wrong. C'mon, let's get him before he has a chance to strike!

Choice 1 Choice 2
You need to calm down... That path he's walking leads to...
Caspar: There's no time to calm down! I'm just gonna— Oh no! The path he's walking down leads to the plaza where the kids play... Caspar: Huh? Ahh! It leads to the plaza where the kids play!

Caspar: There's no way I'm letting this guy get anywhere near those kids!

Caspar: Urgh...
Knight of Seiros: Caspar. Why did you disobey your professor?
Caspar: Ah. Well, I—
Knight of Seiros: I am not seeking excuses from you. I asked because I want you to consider your actions and apologize for them. It just so happens that you were correct in your assumption that this man was a villain. If that were not so, he would not have chosen to take his own life upon seeing you advancing toward him.
Caspar: Great! So I was—
Knight of Seiros: But because of your actions, that is all we know. There is no way for us to know who he was, what he was planning to do, or if he has allies lurking about. The only lead we have is a scorpion tattooed on his arm. If this indicates that he was a member of an underground organization, we have no way of dealing with it! Are you prepared to be held responsible if his group commits a serious crime?

Choice 1 Choice 2
It was my fault for failing to stop him. As his professor, I will take responsibility.

Knight of Seiros: Oh, I couldn't possibly—
Caspar: What are you talking about, Professor? We didn't do anything wrong! Those kids might've been in danger if we didn't act. I couldn't just stand by and let that happen!
Byleth: ...

B Support

Caspar: Hey, Professor. Something's been bothering me... Remember that suspicious guy I chased after back when I was a student? A knight scolded me for it, but at the time, I really thought I was doing the right thing. Now that I've had more experience on the battlefield though...
Knight of Seiros: I've been looking for you. There isn't much time, so I'll keep this brief. The knights encountered a band of brigands while out marching. It was hard fought, but we prevailed. Our soldiers are highly trained, but the enemy was formidable and we weren't expecting combat... There were a number of casualties among our troops.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I pray for their souls. Why report this to me?
Knight of Seiros: Much appreciated, but there's a reason I need to bring this to your attention... Knight of Seiros: There is something I wanted to bring to your attention...

Knight of Seiros: Do you recall the incident five years ago involving a suspicious individual in Garreg Mach?

In any route but Crimson Flower

Knight of Seiros: These brigands all bore the same scorpion tattoo that we found on the arm of that man.

In Crimson Flower

Imperial General: The brigands all bore identical tattoos of a scorpion on their arms. Please keep an eye out for that mark in the future.

Caspar: Oh no...
Knight of Seiros: I thought that might be of interest to you.

Thank you.

Knight of Seiros: Don't mention it. If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my duties.
Caspar: Heh. Heck of a coincidence, right? Soon as I mention that suspicious guy, this happens...

Choice 1 Choice 2
... It's good to hear they've finally been dealt with.

Caspar: But some of the knights died in combat. They died because of what I did five years ago. This is my fault... If I'd stayed quiet and tracked the guy down like you said, we would've stopped those brigands sooner. And I wouldn't have blood on my hands...

Choice 1 Choice 2
Not necessarily. But he might have harmed the children.
Caspar: It's no use trying to comfort me. You know I'm right. Just say it. Those poor knights... It's all my fault... Caspar: But he probably wouldn't have! Now those knights... They're not coming back... We both know it... This is all my fault...
Note: In Crimson Flower, the Knight of Seiros is replaced with an Imperial General.

A Support

Caspar: Do you have a minute, Professor? I gotta talk to you. I've been thinking a lot about those brigands with the scorpion tattoos, and I realized something... I mean, I'll feel better if I get this off my chest, right?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Let's hear it. You don't have to tell me.
Caspar: No, I really want you to hear this. I've never thought about something so hard in my life!

Caspar: OK. Listen. I think... I can't deny who I am. I know you were right five years ago when you told me not to chase after that suspicious guy... But I still can't get over the possibility that he might have hurt those kids. I would have regretted not stopping him for the rest of my life. There's no way I could forgive myself. It sounds awful to say, but the safety of those kids is more important to me than the knights we lost. I'm sorry, Professor, but I can't promise that I won't disobey your orders in the future.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's OK. It's my job to take that into account.

Caspar: I know. It's too big a risk to keep me around... I won't cause a fuss. I'll just pack my bags and— Wait. What?

I think you misunderstood.

Caspar: I-I guess so! You're really OK with me sticking around? Even if I might not always follow orders? People could get hurt if you let me keep doing things my way.

We'll make it work.

Caspar: Just like that? I almost can't believe it... I really struggled to come to this decision, you know! I want to stand by your side, but I won't stop standing up for what I believe in. I know I might cause trouble for everyone, but... I just... You know, I... Oh, I give up. I've got nothing else to say. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

It's OK. I'm counting on you.

Caspar: Yeah, I know. Thanks, Professor. Thanks for accepting me for who I am... I'm glad I get to keep fighting by your side.

S Support

Goddess Tower

Caspar: Yes! We did it!

Do you really need to shout?

Caspar: Huh? Oh! Professor! Um, what are you doing here? Don't you have a lot of important stuff to do? Unlike me, who obviously has a little too much free you can see...

Choice 1 Choice 2
I can't stay away. I ran away for a bit.
Caspar: You can't stay away? What's that supposed to mean? I know I can be a little reckless, but I don't need a babysitter!

Caspar: Oh... Do you mean that you snuck out here 'cause you wanted to see me? We can go train, if you want. The training ground isn't too far, and—

I love you, Caspar. I want to marry you.

(Byleth presents Jeralt's ring)
Caspar: You...what? ...
Byleth: ...
Caspar: ... I don't... I don't really know what to say. I guess I never thought about marriage. I mean, I never really had a reason to. Ugh, now I'm babbling. I always secretly hoped I could spend my life with you, but this is so unexpected. Come on! You can't just spring something like this on me! Now I'm flustered and I can't think of the right thing to say. I'm happy. And I can't stop grinning. I bet I look like a real fool right now!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Just a little. You have a lovely smile.
Caspar: Well, whose fault is that?! I'm just...this is all a bit much. Caspar: Ugh. I knew it. I do have a silly grin on my face.

Caspar: All right. Now that I've pulled myself together, I want to tell you the same thing you told me. I love you, and I want to marry you! Listen, I know I can be reckless, stubborn, and generally difficult to be around at times... But you once said you'd accept me, even with all of my flaws. When you said that, I made a promise to myself. I promised that I'd always protect you. And, well, sometimes you might have to protect me from myself, but I intend to keep my promise.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Thank you. Now I'm going to start grinning too...
Caspar: Hah! I'm the one who should be thanking you! Putting up with me and all... Caspar: Well, let's see it! I shouldn't be the only one who has to look so ridiculous!

Caspar: Phew! OK! I gotta let all these emotions out... I know! You should shout with me! Ready?

One, two, and...three!

(S-support illustration)
Caspar: I LOVE YOU FOREVER! Aww, come on! You didn't do it!


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Traveler: Thank you, Lady Bernadetta. I will take my leave.
Bernadetta: Oh, good. Bye! Uh, good-bye! Finally... Oh, that was awful. Just terrifying.

Choice 1 Choice 2
What's going on? What's terrifying?
Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! It was nothing big. That lady just wanted me to show her around a bit. But strangers are just so nerve-racking. Bernadetta: Ah! Please don't sneak up on me like that! That lady asked me to show her around. I tried to be polite, but strangers are just so nerve-racking.

You've never seemed scared of me.
In the Black Eagles

Bernadetta: Oh yeah? How about when I first met you and I wouldn't come out of the corner or even uncover my face? Actually, now that you mention it, it's funny. Once I started talking to you, I stopped feeling scared.

In another house

Bernadetta: Now that you mention it, I think you're right. I don't know if I ever have felt scared around you.

Bernadetta: I wonder why... You know, Professor, you might be the first person I've been able to speak to normally since I got here, and I have no idea why.

I'm glad, regardless.

Bernadetta: I'm happy about it too! When we first started out here, we had to do drills... outside. I skipped those every chance I got. It's a terrible idea—going out in the forest with all these people you don't even know! Thanks to you, though, I can actually make it through class now. I'm grateful for that. I don't know what I'd do...if you weren't here...

It's all right.

Bernadetta: Sorry... I'm OK... I am OK. I'm doing just fine. I feel safe here, thanks to you.

By the way, was that you singing in the greenhouse?

Bernadetta: What? Y-you saw that? Why would you see that?! You were watching me?! That crosses the line, Professor! Singing? Me?! Why would I be singing? I'd never be singing! Ah! I've never been so humiliated! Useless! Worthless! Unmarriageable! Augh!
Byleth: ...

B Support

Bernadetta: Great weather today. Perfect for shutting yourself inside, don't you think?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I think I'll head outside, actually. Definitely.
Bernadetta: Oh, you go right ahead. I'll be right here. The better the weather, the less crowded it is in here. I can't pass up having all this space to myself. Bernadetta: I'm glad you get it. With great weather like this, there'll be no one inside to bother us. I love feeling like I'm all alone in the world...

What made you such a recluse?

Bernadetta: Oh, that. Well, I guess I can tell you, Professor. My father's obsessed with money. He's only ever seen me as bait for a rich husband. To train me to be a good wife, he'd do things like tie me to a chair. I tried hard to do as he asked. Honestly, I did. But before I knew it, I just couldn't bring myself to leave my room anymore.

Why not?

Bernadetta: I just had this overwhelming feeling of fear all the time. No matter how hard I tried, my father never thought I was good enough. After that, it was just constant scolding. He couldn't say two words to me without mentioning how useless I was. An unmarriageable girl. My life was isolated to say the least. I wasn't allowed to play with other kids, let alone make friends. Soon, I stopped wanting that. I was happiest alone. But even that made him mad. And when he tried to drag me outside, I kicked and screamed so much I seriously hurt myself. He's calmed down a bit in recent years. His constant torment was replaced with complete indifference. He mostly acts like I don't exist now.

How did you end up at the monastery?

Bernadetta: If you can believe it, I was basically kidnapped. My mother ordered an attendant to stuff me in a bag while I was sleeping. By the time I figured out what was going on, I was already here. For a while, I was sure I was going to die. But here I am. Look at me...still breathing. Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you down, talking like that about my past! Just forget everything I told you. There's no point in talking about myself anyway. Idiot! Oh, this is why everyone hates you, Bernie!

Choice 1 Choice 2
Don't worry about it. Thank you for confiding in me.
Bernadetta: You're the only one who would ever say such a kind thing to me, Professor... Bernadetta: What? N-no, it's not... Oh, Professor! How can you be so kind to me?! I don't deserve it...

Bernadetta: I'm sorry! Please don't look at me!

A Support

Bernadetta: I can't believe how long it's been since I left home. Since I was dragged out of the house, I mean. Five whole years. It's weird to think about.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Weird in what way? Do you want to go back?
Bernadetta: At first, I remember I was desperate to go back, but now, it's the opposite.

Bernadetta: I have friends here, and I have you. The monastery's become a second home to me. Back then, I never would've dreamed a day like this would come.

I'm happy for you.

Bernadetta: It's all thanks to you! You've given me a second chance at life! If not for you, I never would have gotten used to leaving my room, let alone the monastery. Maybe the battlefield's just dulled my senses. I'm much better with strangers and new places now though. I don't panic nearly as much as before.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Could you go somewhere new by yourself? I have some independent work for you, then.
Bernadetta: A new place? All on my own? Bernadetta: What? Independent? As in, alone?

Bernadetta: That sounds like a tough assignment. Where did this come from all of a sudden? Hey, hold on... You're teasing me, aren't you?! Please don't joke around like that anymore! It's torture for me!

Choice 1 Choice 2
All right, all right. I can't commit to that...
Bernadetta: You're still not taking me seriously! I mean it. Promise me you won't do that again! Bernadetta: Come on, Professor! I'm begging you! Please promise me you won't do that again.

Bernadetta: Friends respect each other's feelings, don't they?

OK. I promise.

Bernadetta: Good... I'll hold you to that. You're absolutely not allowed to send me out anywhere on my own! Got it? You would need to come with me. If you're with me, I can go anywhere in the world.

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
I'll follow at a distance. I'll be with you in spirit. We can ask another professor.

Bernadetta: No, that defeats the purpose! Why can't you get what I'm saying?! Oh, that's enough. I need some time alone...


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait dorothea fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Dorothea: Well, I had fun today. Of course, you'll want to see me again, yes?
Knight: O-of course! I'd love to, Dorothea!
Dorothea: Well, until we meet again! Oh! Hello, Professor. Were you...watching that?

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's a different guy than I saw you with yesterday. ...
Dorothea: Yes... Is there a problem with that? Dorothea: You look like you have something to say, Professor.

Dorothea: Look, I know what I'm doing. My acclaim as a diva won't last forever, after all. I must look to the future. As a man, you may not feel so rushed about these things, but I know my beauty will eventually fade. You might think about doing the same thing. Your beauty—and you're gorgeous—won't last forever.

Choice 1 Choice 2
We all feel anxiety about aging. Getting older doesn't bother me at all.
Dorothea: You? Really? I never would have guessed. Dorothea: I wish I could be that easygoing.

Dorothea: Anyway, I'm not just playing games with these boys. This is for my future. You have no right to object. I very much want to find a good partner here at the academy. Someone who will take care of me for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Do what you will. Is that really what you want?
Dorothea: I'm glad you understand. Not everyone appreciates the necessity of taking the initiative while you're still in your prime. Or are you just saying that? Dorothea: Finding someone to take care of me? Of course it is! Who could ask for anything more?

Dorothea: Anyway, I value your opinion, Professor, but I won't have you interfering with my life plans. Unless you'd like to take care of me into my old age? That'd be something, eh? How about it, Professor?

Choice 1 Choice 2
OK. I don't think so.

Dorothea: I wasn't— You aren't being serious, are you? I was just teasing. Or did you really just consider spending your whole life with me? The thought hadn't crossed my mind before, but come to think of it...that might sound pretty nice. You've gotten awfully quiet... You might even be blushing a bit. Have I embarrassed you? If so, I'm very, very sorry. I should be going anyway. I'll see you later... Professor.

B Support

Dorothea: ...

Choice 1 Choice 2
What's wrong? Troubles with love?

Dorothea: Professor?! I— Oh...don't worry. It's nothing. ... Actually, could we talk for a bit? Somewhere a little more...private?

Dorothea: ... I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I find you a little difficult to be around. I know, I know. I'm your student and you're just trying to watch out for me. But the way you look at me's like you're seeing right through me.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'm sorry. Seeing through you?
Dorothea: No, don't apologize. I know you don't mean anything bad by it. I'm just self-conscious, I guess. Dorothea: Don't worry. I know you don't mean anything bad by it. I'm just too self-conscious, I guess.

Dorothea: The thing is, I don't have anything to call my own. No land, no birthright, no fortune. Little knowledge or battle skill. I think that's why I always clung to my popularity as a diva. Even after leaving the stage behind, I sort of kept up the act. When I look at you, it's like your eyes are accusing me... Telling me that you see right through it. That's what I mean when I say it's difficult being around you. Hey, uh, this might be nuts, but maybe you could show me some kind of weakness of yours?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Excuse me? I have no weaknesses.
Dorothea: You know my biggest fear. If I know one of yours, maybe I'll feel less, I don't know...vulnerable. Dorothea: Oh, come on, Professor. Everyone has some kind of weakness. You know mine. If I know one of yours, maybe I'll feel less, I don't know...vulnerable.

Well, if it would really help...

Dorothea: Excellent. Well then, don't mind me. I bet I know your weakness. It's not mental, is it? It's physical! You're ticklish! Here, I'll prove it. That's right. The next time you gaze into my soul, I know just how I'll retaliate! Um... Professor? What's with you? Why aren't you reacting to anything I'm doing? Come on! I thought that was funny. I swear, it's like your heart isn't even beating.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Sorry. Actually, my heart isn't beating.
Dorothea: That's all right. I didn't really think a little tease like that would be enough to get to you, anyway. Though I was giving it my all. You're pretty tough to resist that. Dorothea: Ha, don't be so silly... Huh? It really isn't beating?! Is what I'd say if I were more gullible. You're just fooling around, Professor. I'm not sure how you did it, but that was a good one.

A Support

Dorothea: This may seem a bit sudden, but...I want to thank you, Professor. That is, for letting me live my life the way I want. I've noticed you've been giving me fewer of those soul-revealing gazes lately. I appreciate you making an effort to not trouble yourself over who I spend my time with.

Choice 1 Choice 2
So, you found me out... I don't know what you mean.
Dorothea: Well, of course. Did you think I wouldn't notice? It's kind of sweet, in its own way. Dorothea: If you say so... But I notice you doing it all the same. It's kind of sweet, in its own way.

Dorothea: Professor, may I tell you a story about when I was younger? I was an orphan, living in the back alleys of Enbarr, until one day I was overheard singing... That was when my new life began. I was suddenly a songstress in the Mittelfrank Opera Company. Performers, nobility... I met so many people. But none of them ever really knew me. I was just some young, pretty girl who could sing, a spectacle to be admired. Even though everyone praised my looks and my voice, and they showered me with gifts... I knew, one day, I'd be old. My looks would fade, my voice would change, I wouldn't sound the same. And I started to wonder, when I did get old, what would I have left? I'd be old, alone...and back on the streets of the capital, right where I'd started.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I don't believe that's true. I won't let you be alone.
Dorothea: You can never be certain about what the future will bring. Dorothea: That's sweet of you, even if you are just flirting.

Dorothea: I never had much to begin with in life, and I worry that one day, I'll be that way again... That's why I keep searching for someone who will love me. Someone unaware of the songstress, who can love a girl that used to be scared and alone on the streets of the capital... I wonder if such a strange person can even exist.

S Support

Goddess Tower

Dorothea: Oh, is this where you've been? Everyone's looking for you. With the war over, I'd like to think they'd at least give you a few days' rest. Don't worry, I won't tell them you're here. It's a rare occasion for me to have you all to myself.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Not looking for a guy to share the victory with? Did you ever find your "strange person"?
Dorothea: No, I've given up on that. I realized there was no point. Besides, maybe the person I've been looking for is closer than I realized. Dorothea: See...there is one person I must confess I'm just little bit interested in.

In that case...

(Byleth presents Jeralt's ring)
Dorothea: What? Is that— That's a ring. It would be very embarrassing if I had the wrong idea, so I have to ask... Are you proposing? Here? Now? T-to me?
(Byleth nods)
Dorothea: I don't know what to say. Are you sure? You want to spend your life Even though I'm not a songstress anymore? And I don't come from a noble family or have any wealth or land to my name? You won the war. You could pick anyone in the world. Why would you... OK. I mean, yes. Yes! I love you madly, and I'd be happy to marry you! But if we're going to be married, I had better think up a cute nickname for you. Don't you think? Oh, I wonder what I should call you now... Darling? My beloved? So many options! I starred in so many operas where I captured the heart of my beloved... But I never dreamed that it would feel this wonderful when it actually happened.
(S-support illustration)
Dorothea: A life singing for you in a peaceful world... I imagine that life will be more wonderful than I ever could have hoped. I love you. I could never sing anything as pure as those three little words.


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait petra fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Petra: Professor. I am not understanding where the meaning is here... When and how is this expression used..."I fell for it."

Choice 1 Choice 2
I fell in love? I fell ill?
Petra: No, that is what you say when you meet the mate of your soul. Petra: No, that is what you say when your body is feeling unwell.

Petra: The expression is, "I fell for it!"

Choice 1 Choice 2
I don't understand... Allow me to explain...
(Support up with Petra)
Petra: Are you a stump? I mean...are you stumped? That makes me surprised!
Petra: Thank you, Professor! I finally have understanding.

Petra: Can I ask you about another word? The one that is written here... Hm? Is something on my face?

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
You're so enthusiastic. I admire you. Your cheeks are on your face.
Petra: I am without much time to study. I must use my time with wisdom. (Support up with Petra)
Petra: Yes, I know about that! That is a joke of Fódlan! Right?

Petra: Is that really what you are thinking? Or maybe you have curiosity about the mark on my face...

The mark?

Petra: You are already knowing that I am from Brigid. This is a mark from Brigid. It is a prayer to the forest spirits. A prayer to be protected. Hunters ask the forest spirits to have safe and bountiful hunting. There are many spirits in Brigid. I have more marks on my arms and back. They are prayers for my family's health and triumph. Are you wanting to see them?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I would love to. No, but thank you.
(Support up with Petra)
Petra: That gives me happiness. If there is ever the chance, you will see them. That gives me happiness. I will be showing them to you soon.
Petra: Oh. I have understanding.

Petra: I have much gratitude for you, Professor. You always listen with patience. I can read and understand the language of Fódlan, but to speak me difficulty. I hope I will keep having your support. And I will give you my support too, with my whole heart. I have things that I cannot fail to accomplish.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Let's do our best. Don't overdo it.
Petra: Yes. We will keep walking forward. Petra: Overdo... Yes. I will not overdo.

B Support

Petra: Hiya! Hm? Professor?

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's very late... What are you doing?

Petra: Please take my apologies. I lost time while I was training. There are not many chances for real fighting here. My body is more weak than it was. Weaker, I mean.

In Part II

Petra: War is life and death. Training has great importance.

Petra: I will keep training now. I hope your night is good!

Choice 1 Choice 2
You should get some rest. You're overdoing it.

Petra: I need to have more training. There are things that I have not done yet. Things that have to be done. For the future, I have to try with hardness. Training, studying, socializing... I will not always be having time to do those things. And speaking the language of Fódlan... I worry I will never be doing it just right.

Why do you try so hard?

Petra: Why? Because...the position of Brigid is weak. Fódlan and Dagda are big. Brigid is a small island in the middle of them. Brigid has great beauty...but little power. We will not have...will not survive, unless we get more strength. I will lead Brigid, and so I have responsibility. I have to have more strength than anyone.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It doesn't have to be that way. Perhaps you're right.
Petra: Having more strength than anyone might be un...impossible. But I have to give it my best try. Petra: Yes. That is why I have to give it my best try.
In Part I

Petra: I am an ally of everyone, and I have belonging at the Officers Academy.

In all Part II routes except Crimson Flower

Petra: I am an ally of everyone, and I have belonging with our army.

In Crimson Flower

Petra: I am an ally of everyone, and I have belonging with our squad.

Petra: That is also why I try with hardness. You can always be counting me. I mean...counting on me. But you should know that one of these days will be when I return to Brigid. Before that day, do not try stopping me from trying. And please, keep watch...watching over me. With you, I can try with more hardness than I could alone.

A Support

Petra: Professor... Please do not be concerned. I just did too much overworking and lost my strength.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Are you OK? You were overdoing it...
Petra: Yes! I have no problems. Accept my apology for giving you worry. Petra: Yes... That is the truth. Please accept my apology.

Petra: I have sorrow... I mean, I am sorry to be fainting at a time like this. Even though I was not asking for your care and attention, you gave it willingly...

Choice 1 Choice 2
It was the least I could do. You must stop pushing yourself too hard.
Petra: I am thinking that is incorrect... Petra: Um...

Petra: Will you have a listen to me? There is something that I must be saying. I am thinking you already have knowledge of why I came to Fódlan... Not for studying but as a hostage for the Empire, so that Brigid would not be rebelling anymore. It feels like...a knife against my throat. That I am making my grandfather obey the Empire.

In Crimson Flower

Petra: Because I am a hostage, it is not an option to be giving up. I must be fighting and winning and staying alive. I must do anything to be making life better for Brigid. To be making Brigid and the Empire stand as equals.

In any route but Crimson Flower

Petra: If I were running away from the Empire, then Brigid would be defeated. I am not having any options. To be living, I must be fighting to win... For Brigid to be living, the Empire needs to be crushed. So I must be crushing the Empire.

Petra: That is what my people are wanting from me...and what my grandfather, the king of Brigid, is wanting!

Choice 1 Choice 2
And what do you want? You must take care of yourself to succeed.
Petra: My want? I...I am not knowing of that. The wants of my people are something I have power to achieve. Their wants are my own. Petra: That is a truth. I wonder what I should be doing... I want to be granting the wants of my tribe... So, their wants are my own, correct?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Only you can know what you want. If that's how you really feel...
Petra: What I really want... Petra: How I really feel...

Petra: I have understanding. Wait... No, I...I actually do not have understanding. Yet. What I am understanding is that there is something I am not understanding. When I know what my true want is, I give you my promise that I will be telling you first.


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait dedue fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported on the Blue Lions and Azure Moon routes

C Support

Byleth: ...
Dedue: Did you want something?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Just to look at the flowers. Nothing in particular.

Dedue: I see. If you have the time, then please assist me. I am to water the flowers in the greenhouse.
(Byleth nods)
Dedue: Thank you. Only do not water the ones in that corner.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Understood. What kind of flowers are those?

Dedue: They are from Duscur. They require a dry environment. The roots will rot otherwise.

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
They're beautiful. You seem to know a lot about them. They sound difficult to care for.
Dedue: Yes, they are. Dedue: I know enough. Dedue: That is what makes them worthwhile.

Dedue: ...


Dedue: I owe you a debt of gratitude. In both the extracurricular activities here at the academy, and on the battlefield... Your presence has been instrumental in the defense of His Highness. You have my sincerest thanks.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I only did what anyone would do. Think nothing of it.
Dedue: I see. Dedue: To me, it is not nothing.

Dedue: ...


Dedue: Was there something else you wanted?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'll go fetch the water. No, that's all.

Dedue: Then please, excuse me.
Byleth: (He's difficult to hold a conversation with...)

B Support

Dedue: ...
Byleth: ...
Dedue: Here you are again.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I came to check on the flowers. I was just passing through.

Dedue: I see. The flowers you helped to water are in bloom now. Have a look.

Aren't they lovely?

Dedue: Indeed. My sister was fond of this one in particular.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Where is your sister now? I didn't know you had a sister.
Dedue: Dead. Dedue: It never came up.

Dedue: Duscur is a dead land. Its flowers were all trampled under the boots of soldiers. But seeing this blossom brings back memories. ... I do not know why I am telling you all of this.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'd like to hear more. You are unusually talkative today.
Dedue: There is little to tell. Dedue: It surprises me as well.

Dedue: But if you are from Fódlan, you must know what became of the people of Duscur. The people who betrayed their allies from Faerghus. The ones who were punished for regicide. The Duscur are shunned for their crimes, even now. It would be in your interest not to spend any more time around me than necessary.

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
Dimitri doesn't shun you. I don't care what other people think. I'll spend my time however I like.
Dedue: His Highness is an exception. Dedue: You may think little of it now, but your reputation will eventually suffer. Dedue: You may think little of it now, but your reputation will eventually suffer.

Dedue: be completely candid... It pleases me to be able to speak with you like this. If you truly do not mind, I would be glad to receive more visits from you in the future.

A Support

Dedue: ...
Byleth: ...
Dedue: Here for the flowers again?

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's right. Not particularly.
Dedue: I see. Dedue: You might as well have a look, while you are here.

Byleth: ...
Dedue: ... I have two things to say. First, I thank you for supporting His Highness in my absence. But I must also admonish you for taking your own well-being too lightly. On several occasions, I have seen you protect others by putting yourself in harm's way. I am grateful for your efforts, but I feel you should place a higher value on your own life. His Highness relies on do I.

Choice 1 Choice 2
You need not worry. I understand.

Dedue: Then show that with your actions. We cannot afford to lose an invaluable asset like you. And...


Dedue: This greenhouse would be a more lonely place without you in it. It would not be fair to the flowers, to leave me their only caretaker. Hm. Someday, I hope to show you a whole landscape of these flowers in full bloom.

You mean Duscur?

Dedue: Yes. Once this conflict is over, and His Highness ascends the throne, I believe it can be done. You must live at least until then. Understood?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Understood. Same to you.
Dedue: That's true enough.

Dedue: I had not thought much of my own life, until now. Except that I would gladly cast it aside for His Highness. That is still true, but now I desire to see the end of this war. Until I can show you the fields of Duscur in bloom... I will go on living.

S Support

Dedue: I've finally found you. It is a fine night. The stars seem closer than usual. Just like last time...

Choice 1 Choice 2
What are you doing here? I thought you were in Fhirdiad.

Dedue: I needed to speak with you.

With me?

Dedue: Yes. When I left the capital, I told His Majesty that I would be leaving his service.
Byleth: What?!
Dedue: He accepted my decision with a smile. I do not think I have fully accepted it myself yet, to be honest.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I can't believe it. Why would you leave him?

Dedue: It was all so that I could give you...this.
(Dedue presents a ring)
Dedue: I have come to ask for your hand in marriage... I adore you. I understand that, as the new archbishop, you cannot take marriage lightly. But even in the face of rejection, I cannot leave these words unspoken. May I have your answer?

I accept.

Dedue: You do? You...will marry me?
(Byleth nods)
Dedue: ...
Byleth: ...
Dedue: I am not good with words. Would you really have me, uninteresting as I am?

Choice 1 Choice 2
I would have you just as you are. I appreciate your brevity.
Dedue: I see. Dedue: Strange, but flattering.

Dedue: Why are you making that face? Is it so odd to see me laugh?

Choice 1 Choice 2
You have a wonderful smile. Not at all.

Dedue: I see. Well then... I have one more request. I know it is sudden, but will you prepare to depart on a journey?

Choice 1 Choice 2
A journey? This is so sudden.

Byleth: I told you once before that I would like to show you the fields of Duscur in bloom. I know that you cannot leave the monastery for long due to your position, but...

I can't wait to see them.

Dedue: I am excited also. To show you the flowers as they are meant to be seen, in my homeland... And to be by your side in all the days to come. Yes... It is a fine night, indeed.


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait felix fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Felix: I thought I heard someone. Are you here to train?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Yes. No, just watching.

Felix: Care to train with me? Waving this sword around alone is boring. And I'm tired of crossing swords with worthless opponents. But you seem like a worthy adversary.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Sure, why not? You think I'm a worthy adversary?
Felix: I don't know for certain, but you seem skilled.

Felix: I've always been interested in your technique. You learned from the former captain of the Knights of Seiros, and traveled Fódlan fighting as a mercenary.

After Chapter 4

Felix: On top of that, you wield a Hero's Relic, the legendary Sword of the Creator.

Felix: Good sparring partners like you don't grow on trees. But know that I will beat you, and I will surpass your strength.

Why are you so focused on becoming stronger?

Felix: Why? Hm. I never really thought about that. I learned to thrust a sword before I learned to write my name. Of course, my upbringing wasn't unique. That's how it is for all children in my country. You're no use if you can't swing a sword, however mighty your Crest may be. It was the perfect environment for me. I could live free of stodgy values and virtues. Grow strong so you may live, and live to grow stronger. That's what I was taught.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Do you have any other ambitions? You remind me of myself.
Felix: Why should I? Nothing's as important as the pursuit of strength. Felix: Now I'm intrigued by your fighting style, and by who you really are...

Felix: But that's enough idle chatter. Take out your sword. My mind is emptied of all but the thrill of the challenge!

B Support

Felix: You're certainly not going easy on me. You fight like a mercenary, not a knight. You hunger for victory, pure and simple. You may not be aware of it yourself, but I see it.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Should I take that as a compliment? Should I take that as a criticism?
Felix: Indeed. Felix: No.

Felix: Knights ought to have some hunger. I've always thought so. They depend too much on their swords. Only when they're wrested away do knights consider their hands and feet as weapons. That's not how it was for warriors of old. They weren't limited by their tools. Victory is what matters, not the method of achieving it. That's the attitude to adopt. I detect that in your style. It is plain to see.

That doesn't seem like praise...

Felix: You may take it however you like. I believe the difference between us lies within that hunger. But where does it come from? From the start, I was aiming to win, yet I couldn't defeat you. Then I remembered something you said before...

Choice 1 Choice 2
About your aspirations? About your upbringing?

Felix: Indeed. I was raised to value strength above all else. Whereas you had a reason, an ambition, pushing you toward that hunger. So, tell me. What was the reason? Why were you driven to become so strong?

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
To survive. To protect the people of Fódlan. To stop this war.
Felix: That's a mercenary's answer, to be sure. Felix: Hah! Spoken like a knight. That's not what I would have expected. Felix: Hah! Spoken like a knight. That's not what I would have expected.

Felix: So that is the source of your hunger. I suppose I must find my own.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'll help you. We can find it together.

Felix: Ah, if we're to get along, I think not. I'll be content if you continue to train with me. Perhaps it will come to me as I swing my sword.

A Support

Felix: Finally, I notched a win against you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
You crushed me. I almost had you.
Felix: Oh, please. I scraped by. Felix: True. It was a narrow victory.

Felix: When we spar, I feel like I'm revisiting my past.


Felix: It's like training with my brother. He always won—always—and died before I could win a single bout. From the first time I held a sword, all I wanted was to surpass him. And that's what drove me to become so strong. Perhaps it's absurd to say such a thing, but... I've spent all these years training for a duel with a corpse.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's not absurd. You found an answer to my question.
Felix: Perhaps not. Felix: Yes. I suppose I did.

Felix: I can never again spar with my brother. Not unless he climbs out of his grave. Still, I continue my endless pursuit of strength. Maybe because I have a new opponent to measure myself against.


Felix: You. Obviously. I beat you this time, but when we next cross swords, who knows what might happen? It was a close match, not a crushing victory. I know that I can do better. I will surpass you in strength, and then I'll become stronger still.

Choice 1 Choice 2
And then? Don't count me out yet.
Felix: And then, when this war is over, I won't have as many chances to swing my sword. I can hardly imagine that. Felix: Ha. Just what I was hoping you'd say.

Felix: Anyway, thank you...for helping me find an answer to the question you asked, all those years ago.

S Support

Training Grounds

Felix: Finally, you came. Wars begin and end, but this place never changes. And you don't change either.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's not true. Neither do you.
Felix: Hmph... If there's been any change, it's just that you're so busy, your sword has grown dull. Felix: That's true, except that the boar has thrust the bombastic title of "duke" upon me.

Felix: We fought to bring peace to Fódlan, but peace is so boring. No more chances to swing my sword at enemies. No more life-threatening battles. I know that these are positive developments, but I'm still a warrior at heart. Here I am, watching sadly as my blade grows dull.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's selfish. I feel the same.
Felix: You're right. Damn, I can be a fool sometimes... Felix: You do? That's a relief. We're cut from the same cloth, you and I.

Felix: And on that note, I'll tell you why I asked you to come here. Take this.
(Felix presents a ring)


Felix: Without a worthy opponent like you at my side, not only will my sword grow'll rust. So I had to think of a way to make sure you'd always be with me. This is what I came up with. And...


Felix: You're pretty slow on the uptake. Don't you know what this ring means?

Choice 1 Choice 2
No, I don't. I want to hear you say it.

Felix: If you keep messing around, I'll... I'll... Fine! Listen carefully. I'm not going to say this more than once. I want you to be my wife. Please say yes. Let's get married and stay together until we die. I love you. ... That's all.


Felix: What? You have something to complain about?

I love you too, and I accept.

Felix: Oh... OK, then. In that case, I'd better start planning for the future. My future...with you.


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait ashe fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

B Support

A Support

S Support

(Location:Goddess Tower)

Ashe: Professor! So, this is where you went off to. You've been working so hard, you deserve a break. Is there any way I can lighten the load?


Choice 1: You're already a big help.

Choice 2: Don't worry about me.


Choice 1 response: Maybe, but I'm sure there's more I could do.

Choice 2 response: Easier said than done! Anyone can tell you're pretty worn out. It's practically written on your face.

Ashe: You need all the rest you can get. It's only going to get more hectic from here. Even I'm tired, and I haven't done nearly as much. It's been a long struggle.


Choice 1: Indeed it has.

Choice 2: It's all happened so fast.


Choice 1 response: Yeah...

Choice 2 response: Really? At times I felt like the war would never end.

Ashe: So many people have died. And far too many of them were civilians. But with the state we're in now, it might actually be the survivors who have it hardest. I want to help them. Like Lonato helped me. And now that I'm a knight, I feel like I actually can.


Choice 1: Together, we can do anything.

Choice 2: Let's take care of ourselves too.

Ashe: Definitely! When I'm by your side, I'm full of hope for the future. And on that note...there's something I've been meaning to give you.

(Image: Ashe's Ring)

Byleth: This is...

Ashe: I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to be there for every important moment. Every smile. Every hardship. I know I'm just a commoner and nothing special. I know I don't have a Crest or a prestigious family legacy. And I've done things I'm not proud of. But if you'd be willing to look past all that...I also know we'd be great together.

Byleth: You mean...

Ashe: Yes! Sorry, I'm...I'm struggling for the right words. It's funny. I've rehearsed this so many times. But when the moment actually came, it all just ran right out of my head. What I mean to say is... I love you and I want to marry you.

Byleth: I feel the same way.

(Byleth Presents her Ring)

Ashe: You have a ring for me too?! Am I dreaming? You really feel the same way about me... Sorry, I'm kind of giddy. This doesn't feel real. To go from a life of stealing on the streets, to marrying a wonderful person like you... Am I even allowed to be this happy? I'm worried it could all come crashing down at any moment.


Choice 1: I guess it could.

Choice 2: Don't be.


Choice 1 response: Even so, as long as we're together, I think I can handle just about anything.

Choice 2 response: You're right. We should enjoy what we have, for as long as we have it.

Ashe: I'm looking forward to our future. I know I have my shortcomings, but I promise you I'll do everything I can to make you happy!


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait sylvain fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

B Support

A Support

S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait mercedes fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

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S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait annette fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

B Support

A Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait ingrid fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

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A Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait lorenz fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait raphael fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait ignatz fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait lysithea fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait marianne fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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A Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait hilda fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

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A Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait leonie fe16.png
Available prior to completing Chapter 9
Available in both parts
Available in both parts after completing Chapter 9
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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A Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait seteth fe16.png
Available in Part I
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait flayn fe16.png
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait hanneman fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait manuela fe16.png
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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A Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait gilbert fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported on the Blue Lions and Azure Moon routes

C Support

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A Support

S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait alois fe16.png
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Available in both parts
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Available in both parts
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Available in Part II
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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait catherine fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait shamir fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait cyril fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait rhea fe16.png
Available between Chapters 5 and 9
Available in both parts
Available between Chapters 6 and 9
Available in both parts
Available in Chapters 11 and 12
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Only available in Silver Snow

C Support

B Support

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S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait sothis fe16.png
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Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be S-Supported

S Support


Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait jeritza 02 fe16.png
Available in Part II
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Available in Part II
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only be supported in Crimson Flower

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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait yuri fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait balthus fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait constance fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
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Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Byleth (F)
Support information: Small portrait hapi fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
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