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Lucina/Quotes (Awakening)

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Event tile and Barracks event quotes

I tried out some of Father's sword moves and smashed a hole in the wall. ...Success?
— Lucina, when obtaining experience from an event tile or in the Barracks.
I snuck in some practice, but will it be enough...
— Lucina, when obtaining weapon experience from an event tile.
Hmm? What have we here?
— Lucina, when finding an item on an event tile or in the Barracks.
Something agrees with me today. I must have at least twice my normal strength!
— Lucina, when getting a surge in the Barracks.
Mother. Father. Let us pray our efforts to stay the future will succeed in the end.
— Lucina, when failing to get a reward in the Barracks.

Barracks greeting quotes

Good morning, Robin. Ready for another day?
— Lucina, during the morning.
Hello, Robin. I'm just on my way out.
— Lucina, during the afternoon.
Evening, Robin. This room always relaxes me so.
— Lucina, during the evening.
Oh, Robin. Something woke me up. How about you?
— Lucina, at night.
Happy birthday, Robin.
— Lucina, on Robin's birthday.
Hello, Robin. The morning air is bracing, isn't it?
— Lucina, during the morning, if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. Best of luck with today's endeavours.
— Lucina, during the afternoon, if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. The days slip away so fast...
— Lucina, during the evening, if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. Sleep well tonight.
— Lucina, at night, if married to Robin.
I am so glad we can celebrate your birthday together, Robin.
— Lucina, on Robin's birthday, if married to him.
Good morning, Mother. Ready for another day?
— Lucina, during the morning if Robin's daughter.
Hello, Mother. Here to rest? I'm just on my way out.
— Lucina, during the afternoon if Robin's daughter.
Good evening, Mother. This room always relaxes me so.
— Lucina, during the evening if Robin's daughter.
Oh, Mother. Something woke me up. How about you?
— Lucina, at night if Robin's daughter.
Happy birthday, Mother. Father and I are both so excited.
— Lucina, on Robin's birthday if her daughter.

Event tile and Barracks conversation quotes

General quotes

What are you smiling about? Did you see me break the training dummies again?
— Lucina, when asking a question about mood
No. I'm just happy for the company and laughter. It's still a new feeling.
— Lucina, when answering a question about mood
I was wondering how you pass your leisure time.
— Lucina, when asking a question about hobby
I often gaze at the stars. They seem brighter now than they did in the future.
— Lucina, when answering a question about hobby
Do you have any dreams for the future?
— Lucina, when asking a question about dreams
Only to undo the dark future to come. I'd give my life to see that dream realized.
— Lucina, when answering a question about dreams
I feel so empowered around you. Have I mentioned that? Why don't we team up?
— Lucina, when asking a question about fighting together
Of course. I will protect you with my life, the same as all my comrades.
— Lucina, when answering a question about fighting together

Quotes specifically with a lover

I love you, <lover>. May we be together always.
— Lucina, her "I love you" quote
I love you as well. Don't you dare think of dying out there.
— Lucina, responding to her lover's "I love you" quote
You look more dashing than ever! To me, you are the finest man in the world.
— Lucina, her "You're beautiful" quote
Oh, thank you! You look dashing as well.
— Lucina, responding to her lover's "You're beautiful" quote
Please take care of yourself out there. I do not want to see another loved one slain.
— Lucina, asking her lover not to leave her
Don't worry. I promise to remain by your side as long as you need me.
— Lucina, answering her lover when asked not to leave him
What is that, my dear? Can I help you store it in the convoy?
— Lucina, when offering her lover a gift
Oh, it's just a lunch I made you for the road. I hope it tastes all right...
— Lucina, when her lover offers a gift

Quotes specifically with her mother

Mother, what was your life like before you met me?
— Lucina, when asking a question about her mother's life before they met
You want to know about the future? I have told you most of what I know. Why don't we talk about the few memories I have of you? We could sit down over dinner. I would like that very much.
— Lucina, when answering her mother's question about her life
Mother, you look pale. Should I get help? Lie down for a bit!
— Lucina, asking her mother if she is ill
I appreciate your concern, Mother. But you need to take care of yourself, too.
— Lucina, answering her mother asking if she is ill
Mother, do you need anything? I finally have the chance to be a good daughter.
— Lucina, when offering her mother a gift
Oh! Thank you. But just being able to spend time with you is a wonderful gift.
— Lucina, when her mother offers a gift
Mother, why don't we have a little contest to see whose cooking Father prefers?
— Lucina, when asking her mother to train
A contest? I'd rather not...but if you insist, I will not hold back.
— Lucina, when her mother asks to train

Quotes specifically with Chrom

I'm so glad we can be together again, Father. Tell me more about your life.
— Lucina, when asking a question about Chrom's life before they met
I remember a little of a more peaceful time when I was very small. I pretended I was captain of my very own Junior Shepherds! Be kind to baby Lucina if she does such silly things. They...may be all she has.
— Lucina, when answering Chrom's question about his life
Father, how are you feeling? Are you hurt? I could not bear to lose you...
— Lucina, asking Chrom if he is ill
That's kind of you to ask, Father. But I worry about you, too.
— Lucina, answering Chrom asking if he is ill
Father, can I get you anything? I rarely get a chance to thank you for all you've done.
— Lucina, when offering Chrom a gift
I just want a brighter future. I can deal with any hardship now in exchange.
— Lucina, when Chrom offers a gift
Father, can I challenge you to another fight? I still have much to learn.
— Lucina, when asking Chrom to train
Of course, Father! I lost the battle in the arena, but much has changed since then!
— Lucina, when Chrom asks to train

Quotes specifically with a female Morgan child

Morgan, was your future more peaceful than mine? I wish you could remember.
— Lucina, when asking a question about Morgan's life in the future
I came from the future, like you. Mine was a dark one, though, and full of despair. I wonder if you returned here for the same reason—to right some terrible wrong. If so, then let us set things right together. We will save all possible futures!
— Lucina, when answering Morgan's question about her life
Morgan, you seem unwell. Is everything all right?
— Lucina, asking Morgan if she is ill
I'm fine, thank you. Don't get so excited.
— Lucina, answering Morgan asking if she is ill
Morgan, is there anything you desire? I wish to spoil my daughter silly.
— Lucina, when offering Morgan a gift
Thank you, but the thing I want most is something I must win by my own strength.
— Lucina, when Morgan offers a gift
Morgan, why don't we train for a bit? I want to see what my daughter is capable of.
— Lucina, when asking Morgan to train
Very well. After all, you will need to learn to wield Falchion one day.
— Lucina, when Morgan asks to train

Paired battle quotes

It's all right.
— Lucina
I'm by your side.
— Lucina
Be ready.
— Lucina
Stay strong.
— Lucina
— Lucina
It won't harm you.
— Lucina
I'm right here.
— Lucina
Seize the chance!
— Lucina
— Lucina
Have faith.
— Lucina
Take this!
— Lucina, performing a Dual Strike.
My turn!
— Lucina, performing a Dual Strike.
Forget about me?
— Lucina, performing a Dual Strike.
You're mine!
— Lucina, performing a Dual Strike.
Allow me!
— Lucina, performing a Dual Strike.
Get back!
— Lucina, performing a Dual Guard.
I'll keep you safe!
— Lucina, performing a Dual Guard.

Critical quotes

I challenge my fate!
— Lucina
I say when it ends!
— Lucina
Hope will never die!
— Lucina
You will not stop me!
— Lucina

Level up quotes

I cannot settle for this!
— Lucina, when one or fewer stats grow in a Level Up.
Good. I must stay this course.
— Lucina, when two or three stats grow in a Level Up.
This strength serves more than me alone.
— Lucina, when four or five stats grow in a Level Up.
I will not watch another Ylissean life be taken!
— Lucina, when six or more stats grow in a Level Up.
All this strength means little unless I succeed.
— Lucina, when her stats are mostly capped and one or no stats grow in a Level Up.

Class change quote

Perhaps change is my best hope.
— Lucina, when changing class in Awakening.

Shop quotes

I long for the day shopping is all we need worry about.
— Lucina, when buying items at a shop.
Go ahead. The gold will serve a greater cause.
— Lucina, when selling items at a shop.
Would you like to name the new weapon for me?
— Lucina, when forging weapons at a shop.

Defeat quotes

I am... bested.
— Lucina's defeat voice clip as "Marth"
Impressive... if not surprising...
— Lucina as "Marth", as the boss of Chapter 4 of Awakening.
Nngh, no! I must keep fighting...or what purpose have I served? [...] All right...nngh... A-as you wish...
— Lucina as "Marth", as a NPC in Chapter 6 of Awakening.
No... I was so...close... Just a step away...from saving...our world... Nngh... Father... My friends... Forgive me...
— Lucina, as an NPC in The Future Past 3.
Must I...fall here?
— Lucina's defeat voice clip
I-I can't die until we've seen this through to the end... Even if I cannot fight—even if I can do nothing. I want to stay with you... Forgive me, Father. I have to live...
— Lucina's retreat quote in Classic Mode in Awakening.
Dammit... I had better pull back... Can't afford to... die l-like this...
— Lucina's retreat quote in Casual Mode in Awakening.

Battle quotes

As "Marth", as the boss of Chapter 4

"Marth": Let us fight with honor. May the best soldier win!

Against Chrom in Chapter 4

Chrom: Who is your father?
Marth: I've said enough for one day, sir.
Chrom: Hmph. Is that how it is? Lissa owes you her life, and for that you have my gratitude. But within these walls, I represent the East-Khan and the interests of Ylisse. I can't promise to stay my blade, but I vow not to shame you.
Marth: Heh, never expected such youthful arrogance... We shall see who shames who!

Against Validar in Chapter 23

Lucina: Die, Validar!
Validar: Impudent meddler! You have failed to change the future at every turn. What makes you think this time will be different?!
Lucina: Perhaps it won't... But either way, it's no reason to spare your miserable life!

Against Grima in the Final Chapter

Lucina: I lost to you once, monster. I shall not lose again! Die now, that our future can live!

As the boss of Princess Lucina

Lucina: Show me how you mete out justice. Don't make me wait any longer!

Victory quotes

— Lucina, after defeating an enemy.
There we are.
— Lucina, after defeating an enemy.
Whatever it takes.
— Lucina, after defeating an enemy.
Our bonds are strong.
— Lucina, if her partner defeated the enemy.
Thank you.
— Lucina, if her partner defeated the enemy.
You have my gratitude.
— Lucina, if her partner defeated the enemy.

Endgame: Grima quotes

You have earned my trust and my love, [sir/milady]. Now return to us!
— Lucina
We have won our future, but we are in debt to so many sad memories... I pray at least one of those sadnesses will yet be undone.
— Lucina, if Robin sacrifices him/herself to kill Grima.
It's over... I'm finally free...
— Lucina, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima.
You saved our future—no small feat. We will use it to find a permanent solution for the fell dragon. And we shall do so together.
— Lucina, if married to Robin, and Chrom landed the final blow on Grima.
I cannot imagine a future without you, Mother. Not anymore. You need to live—for me, and for all those who love you.
— Lucina, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if she is Robin's daughter.

Against Ike in Champions of Yore 2

Ike: You sure you want to face me?
Lucina: If you would do me the honor. I can see you're quite strong.
Ike: I do no honors. But if you come at me, you'll get the bruises you're looking for.
Lucina: So be it!

Against Ike in Champions of Yore 3

Lucina: Your folly ends here, sir.
Ike: I'm not a "sir," and you're not in a position to make bold remarks.
Lucina: Then I'll be sure to try again once I stand over your broken body!

Against Pr. Marth in Lost Bloodlines 2

Pr. Marth: My lady, why are we dressed the same?
Lucina: It's...something of a long story, sire. Right now, our blades must do the talking. Draw!

Against Pr. Marth in Lost Bloodlines 3

Pr. Marth: I do not know why you dress like me, but I demand you stand down.
Lucina: Alas, I cannot. I owe you much, but this fight was quite literally in the cards. Come!

Against Lyn in Smash Brethren 2

Lucina: You move well. I can see you're gifted with a blade.
Lyn: As are you. A shame we have to fight.
Lucina: It is. But I will enjoy trading blows with a true master. Shall we?

Against Lyn in Smash Brethren 3

Lyn: Will nothing convince you to leave? I don't want to fight you. Not while I still have doubts...
Lucina: I respect your feelings, milady... But we cannot leave our business here unfinished. You have honor and character... I shall make this quick!

Against Camus in Rogues & Redeemers 1

Camus: What? Prince Marth? ...No, you're a girl.
Lucina: No, I'm the warrior who will take you down, General. Count on it!

Against Camus in Rogues & Redeemers 3

Camus: Why do you dress like Prince Marth, young lady? Do you think you can deceive us?
Lucina: Certainly not. I have my reasons... But none of them involve avoiding a fight with you!
Camus: Good. Then have at you!

DLC battle quotes

You're lower than the usual Risen if you're plundering gold now. I cannot allow you to carry on like this any longer. You'll die on my blade before you trouble my father again!
— Lucina, in The Golden Gaffe.
Entombed in the Outrealms? They must have come from my future. ...Gods, their journey was rougher than mine if they've turned to vegetables. Such unnatural suffering must be ended with all due haste.
— Lucina, in EXPonential Growth.
One of you Deadlords has the Brand. I saw it. Was he of the exalted bloodline, then? I should very much like to face him. If he's at all like my father, then he must be a warrior worth my time.
— Lucina, in Infinite Regalia.
How could anyone do something so cruel to these poor people? I can only hope that this will bring you some measure of peace... And rest assured, I will cut down the man responsible for this atrocity!
— Lucina, in Death's Embrace.
Rescue attempts like this were quite common in the future. Despite the practice, we rarely managed to save everyone... Unfortunately for you, we're a great deal stronger now. Today, victory will be ours!
— Lucina, in Five-Anna Firefight.
Are you the wretched thief who stole my father's most intimate secrets? How could you? I'm his daughter, and I barely know anything about the man! Sorry. That' issue, isn't it. Anyway... I'll have that roster or I'll have your life!
— Lucina, in Roster Rescue.
A land of pristine beauty, untouched by war. I've dreamed of such a place... And yet you brigands seem completely oblivious to its majesty. Disgusting. Perhaps a nice, hard strike from my blade will help open your eyes.
— Lucina, in Summer Scramble.
I wonder why the Risen always seem to attack places where people gather. Could there be some shred of humanity left within them? A desire to belong? But this is no time for idle speculation. There is work to be done!
— Lucina, in Hot-Spring Scramble.