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Edelgard/Quotes (Three Houses)

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Battle quotes

There can be no victory unless I defeat you. So be it!
— Edelgard as an enemy fighting Byleth in Chapter 1.
Edelgard: Dimitri... It's time! We can finally settle the question of who's stronger.
Dimitri: Very well. I accept your challenge. With you as my opponent, I won't hold anything back.
Edelgard: I would expect no less!

— Edelgard fighting Dimitri in Chapter 1.
Claude: Look at that, a real-life princess! I"ll have to be careful not to scar that little face of yours.
Edelgard: Careful, Claude. I'll win no matter what, but you're only making things harder for yourself.
Claude: Losing hasn't even crossed your mind, has it? Ooh, this'll be a bit of shock, then.
Edelgard: To shock was your intention to begin with, was it not?

— Edelgard fighting Claude in Chapter 1.
Kostas: Spoiled little noble! Just die like a good little rich kid!
Edelgard: Do you really think being born a commoner gives you the right to kill? Despicable.

— Edelgard fighting Kostas in Chapter 2.
Edelgard: There's no way around it... I accept your challenge!
Death Knight: Oh? This will be fun...

— Edelgard fighting the Death Knight in Chapter 4.
Edelgard: If you stand in my way, I will cut you down until you have no blood left to bleed.
Byleth: ...
Edelgard: What? I was just trying to rally your spirits. Now, to victory!

— Edelgard, fighting Byleth in Chapter 7.
Dimitri: So, it is time to cross blades... I never imagined such a day would come to pass.
Edelgard: If the Empire and the Kingdom go to war, we'll be able to fight as much as we please.
Dimitri: I am sorry, but that is not something to joke about. The thought of fighting you is troubling at best.
Edelgard: In that case, I wonder when you'll be able to stomach facing me in battle... Do you need a few moments?

— Edelgard fighting Dimitri in Chapter 7.
Claude: Hey, Princess! Heads up! There's a rat right by your Imperial feet...
Edelgard: BAH! I-- Huh. How dare you make a fool of me. You will not rile me with such childish tactics.
Claude: Ah, so the sheer terror in your eyes was...something else entirely. My mistake. Anyway, it was only a joke.
Edelgard: You really hope to unsettle me with childish jokes? It won't work. You must stand and fight!

— Edelgard fighting Claude in Chapter 7.
Edelgard: Tomas! No... Solon. I will stop you.
Solon: What?! If you insist on turning your blade against me, then expect no mercy.

— Edelgard, fighting Solon in Chapter 8.
Death Knight: What are you trying to do here?
Edelgard: You're the one who should be answering that question. Stay out of my way!

— Edelgard fighting the Death Knight in Chapter 8.
Kronya: Huh? What are you- Are you here to kill me?
Edelgard: I am. Prepare yourself for death while you still can.

— Edelgard fighting Kronya in Chapter 10.
Solon: So, this is how it is... I cannot let you live!
Edelgard: You stole the words from my mouth. You lost the moment you failed to kill the professor.

— Edelgard fighting Solon in Chapter 10.
Despite what I said, I have no intention of killing you. So why not stand down and get out of my way?
— Edelgard, as a boss in the Black Eagles version of Chapter 11.
Professor... I will make no excuses. Thank you for all that you did for me. In Let's leave it at that.
— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Byleth in the Black Eagles version of Chapter 11.
You could have had a peaceful life… Why did you have to come to Garreg Mach?
— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Flayn in the Black Eagles version of Chapter 11.
Constance: What has possessed you to go through with this?!
Edelgard: I have considered every angle. I have wavered and suffered, and now my resolve is firm. Now confess... Had I told you, would you have kept my secret?
Constance: Absolutely not! I would have moved against you without a moment's hesitation!
Edelgard: As I thought. That is precisely why I did not tell you. Now get out of my way.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Constance in Chapter 11.
You wish to interfere? Then your life is forfeit.
— The Flame Emperor, as a boss in the Blue Lions and Golden Deer versions of Chapter 11's mission.
You are the one person I did not wish to make an enemy of...
— The Flame Emperor, as a boss fighting Byleth in the Blue Lions and Golden Deer versions of Chapter 11.
Dimitri: Do not try to say you have forgotten... Do you know just how many people died in Duscur?
Flame Emperor: Why bother with this? Stay silent and fight.
Dimitri: So you want to turn your eyes away from the lives you have trampled? Dastard! You are a monster. The lowliest beast I have ever known.

— The Flame Emperor, as a boss fighting Dimitri in Chapter 11.
Claude: So, you're the fabled Flame Emperor? Go ahead and enlighten me. What are you planning to do with the Crest Stones? What did you use Flayn's blood for? Who's Kronya? Who's Solon?
Flame Emperor: Silence. There is no need for you to know.
Claude: Is it that mask that's to blame for your curtness? If so, maybe I should rip it off and ask again.

— The Flame Emperor, as a boss fighting Claude in Chapter 11.
You will come to regret raising your blade against the emperor of the Adrestian Empire!
— Edelgard, as a boss in Chapter 12.
I wish you were someone whose heart could be swayed by my words and deeds. If it were so, I would have done anything to make you my ally...
— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Byleth in Chapter 12.
Dimitri: You're late. I... We are all tired of waiting. Now, let's separate that sick head from your neck, shall we?
Edelgard: Heh. You never were one for patience.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Dimitri in Chapter 12.
Claude: Here she is—Her Majesty—looking pleased as a dog with a stick. What exactly happened to make you this way?
Edelgard: I'm simply seeing through a promise I made to myself a long time ago.
Claude: Isn't this much force excessive? Thanks to you, my own long-held ambitions are nearly destroyed.
Edelgard: If you don't want them to be destroyed completely, I suggest you turn tail and flee.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Claude in Chapter 12.
Edelgard: So, House Nuvelle has chosen the path that will lead to its ultimate demise. How pitiable.
Constance: As you say, I have forfeited my claim on being a noble of the Empire. That is why you must permit me to challenge you in combat, that I may establish a new House Nuvelle.
Edelgard: As you wish. Let's see if your resolve is a match for my own.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Constance in Chapter 12.
Think very carefully about whether you wish to raise your sword against the Empire...or if you will offer it to us in fealty. And after you've thought it through, if you still wish to fight, I won't stop you. I will simply use the full extent of my power...and crush you.
— Edelgard, as a boss fighting members of the Black Eagles in Chapter 12.
Rhea: No matter your reasons, I cannot permit you to go on living any longer!
Edelgard: The feeling is mutual. I must put a stop to your reign of tyranny!
Rhea: You must know what a fool you are. The greatest of sins is to make an enemy of the goddess herself!
Edelgard: I have only made an enemy of the church, not of the faith.

— Edelgard, fighting Rhea in Black Eagles Chapter 12.
Claude: We haven't seen each other since Garreg Mach. You've grown lovelier than ever, Edelgard.
Edelgard: You're not so unfortunate yourself. And as usual, you're here at a most inopportune moment.
Claude: Well, I'm sure we have much to talk about... But how about we settle things first?
Edelgard: No objections here. Prepare yourself, Claude.

— Edelgard, fighting Claude in Crimson Flower Chapter 14.
Edelgard: Lysithea. How unfortunate that a talented woman like you should throw her life away on a pointless battle.
Lysithea: Ha, do not underestimate me. The fight is far from over, Edelgard!

— Edelgard, fighting Lysithea in Crimson Flower Chapter 14.
Nader: The emperor continues fighting at the front line. Is the Empire short on troops?
Edelgard: Unfortunately, I can't deny it. But then, I've heard the Almyran king does the very same. You have traveled far. I do hope it's for a king who would not only lead his army but fight at their side.
Nader: Touché... Yes, he is that sort of king!

— Edelgard, fighting Nader in Crimson Flower Chapter 14.
Dimitri: Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?
Edelgard: Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation? I will not stop. There is nothing I would not sacrifice to cut a path to Fódlan's new dawn!
Dimitri: Enough of this madness! This future of yours is built on a foundation of corpses and tears!

— Edelgard, fighting Dimitri in Crimson Flower Chapter 17
Rhea: An ancestor of the Hresvelgs, who became Adrestia's first emperor... He saved me. Supported me. Gave his all to the cause of defeating Nemesis. That I should find myself here at Tailtean, striking down his scion...
Edelgard: I don't advise presumptions, Rhea. I will not die by your hand.

— Edelgard, fighting Rhea in Crimson Flower Chapter 17.
Edelgard: So it's true. You don't value human life at all. Isn't that right, Immaculate One?
The Immaculate One: Nonsense! Fools who do not accept their own sins are undeserving of salvation! You humans are the ones who betrayed! You betrayed me, and you betrayed my mother!
Edelgard: I did not betray you or her. I never believed in you from the beginning.

— Edelgard, fighting the Immaculate One in Crimson Flower Chapter 18
I will destroy both the Kingdom and the Alliance. Now, with one fell swoop!
— Edelgard, as a boss in Azure Moon/Verdant Wind Chapter 17
I knew when next we met one of our paths would have to come to an end. Your journey ends here, Professor. Forever...
— Edelgard, as a boss when fighting against Byleth in Azure Moon/Verdant Wind Chapter 17
Dimitri: Stab your chest, break your neck, crush your head... I will allow you to choose your own death.
Edelgard: I'm not interested in methods of dying. All that matters is when death takes place, not how. And I have no intention of dying today.
Dimitri: I'm sure all of the people you've slaughtered so far thought the same!

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Dimitri in Azure Moon Chapter 17.
Claude: We haven't seen each other since Garreg Mach. You've grown lovelier than ever, Edelgard.
Edelgard: You're not so unfortunate yourself. And you have the aid of the professor. Frankly, I'm jealous. Now's the chance for you and the professor to leave.
Claude: I'm afraid I must decline. Even if we left, we'd just have to come right back.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Claude in Verdant Wind Chapter 17.
You shall be obliterated! I will take you out so fast you will not have a chance to lament...
— Hegemon Edelgard, as a boss in Azure Moon Chapter 22.
Facing you... I grow weak...
— Hegemon Edelgard, as a boss fighting Byleth in Azure Moon Chapter 22.
So you're another of the goddess's vanguard. You don't have even a shred of self-awareness, do you? Come at me, so that I may put you out of your misery!
— Edelgard, as a boss in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Professor... I suppose you think you can defeat me. Is that right? But I will never give up. Even if my arms and legs failed me, I would still find a way to move forward. I will smash that false goddess and her minion into the ground! I will fight to free this world from her vile grasp!
— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Byleth in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Edelgard: Your ideals, I understand they're not so far removed from my own. But without sufficient knowledge of this land's suffering, I can't entrust Fódlan to you!
Claude: Perhaps. I daresay it's true that I don't fully understand the history of Fódlan. Still, I've seen many things in my life. Don't worry. I'll finish the job for you.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Claude in Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Seteth: Edelgard! Return Rhea! Release your grip on Fódlan!
Edelgard: If you strike me down, they will return. I cannot permit what you desire. You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Seteth in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Flayn: Edelgard! Please! Release Rhea... Release Fódlan!
Edelgard: If you strike me down, they will return. I cannot permit what you desire. You are a child of the goddess. You must not be allowed power over the people!

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Flayn in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Edelgard: Lysithea. You and I are so alike. We could have walked the same path.
Lysithea: We're alike? You don't mean to tell me... It can't be!
Edelgard: Yet now, we are at a crossroads. There's no turning back. Must we fight each other for the things we believe in?
Lysithea: That's exactly what's going to happen. And I will defeat you, Edelgard!

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Lysithea in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Constance: What use are words? We are both set on our paths.
Edelgard: How predictable, But so be it. I will now show you my true power.

— Edelgard, as a boss fighting Constance in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
This has nothing do to with where you were born. That we are fighting now is only a result of the choices you've made. So I'm going to give that the response it deserves. I will crush you with everything I have!
— Edelgard, as a boss against an Adrestian in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
Edelgard: They call you undefeated... Oh, but you've already suffered one defeat, have you not? And on this day, victory will again be ours!
Nader: "The Once Defeated" isn't quite as exciting, is it? I'll just have to claim this victory here to wipe away the shame of defeat!

— Edelgard, fighting Nader in Insurmountable.

Critical quotes

Don't waste my time!
— Edelgard in Part I
I'll strike you down!
— Edelgard in Part I & II
I will prevail!
— Edelgard in Part I
Watch this!
— Edelgard in Part I
You can't stop me!
— Edelgard in Part II
No mercy!
— Edelgard in Part II
This battle is your last!
— Edelgard in Part II
Ready yourself!
— The Flame Emperor
— The Flame Emperor
The end comes!
— The Flame Emperor
— The Flame Emperor

Death/retreat quotes

To be left behind... Unacceptable.
— Edelgard's retreat quote as a playable character in Part I.
My teacher...leave me behind. You must lead the others onward...
— Edelgard's death quote in classic mode as a playable character in Part II.
I've done all I can. I must retreat for now.
— Edelgard's retreat quote in casual mode as a playable character in Part II.
Forced to retreat... Well, things will only get tougher from here on out.
— Edelgard, as a boss in Chapter 1.
I'm sorry, but I must retreat... You should have no trouble winning. Don't give up!
— Edelgard, as a boss in Chapter 7 if there are other Black Eagles active.
I hate to admit it...but it seems this is as far as the Black Eagle House goes.
— Edelgard, as a boss in Chapter 7 if she is the last Black Eagle to be defeated.
So the end has come...
— Edelgard, as a boss in the Black Eagles and Golden Deer versions of Chapter 11.
— The Flame Emperor, as a boss in the Blue Lions version of Chapter 11.
You fought well. But now, your fight is over. Send in our reserve troops! And give my uncle the signal!
— Edelgard, as a boss in the Blue Lions, Golden Deer, and Church of Seiros versions of Chapter 12.
I lost?! Just as expected, you aren't making my path an easy one.
— Edelgard, as a boss in Azure Moon/Verdant Wind Chapter 17.
It looks as path...will end here. My teacher... claim your victory. Strike me down. You must! Even now across this land, people are killing each other. If you do not act now, this conflict...will go on forever. Your path...lies across my grave. It is time for you to find the courage to walk it. If I must fall...let it be by your hand. I walk with you...
— Edelgard, as a boss in Silver Snow Chapter 19/Verdant Wind Chapter 20.
— Hegemon Edelgard, as a boss in Azure Moon Chapter 22.