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Corrin/Supports (male)

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This page contains all data pertaining to male Corrin's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait gunter fe14.png
2 pts.
5 pts.
9 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C Support

Corrin: Hello, Gunter. What are you up to today?
Gunter: Ah, greetings, Lord Corrin.
Corrin: What's that in your hand, Gunter? It looks like a piece of paper...covered in black circles on one side?
Gunter: Oh, you saw this? Don't worry yourself over it. It is nothing important. Just a relic from the past.
Corrin: A relic...from a past filled with black circles?
Gunter: Just an odd hobby of mine, milord. Nothing more.
Corrin: I see... Honestly, I didn't think serious old Gunter would have any strange hobbies.
Gunter: Even at my age, I still hold a surprise or two.
Corrin: It does seem so! Hmmm, now that I think about it, though... I recall some of the fortress residents talking about you behaving oddly...
Gunter: Hahaha, you were so young then. How do you even remember that?
Corrin: It's one of the few memories I have from my early years... No one would say such things about you now, of course.
Gunter: Indeed, that is true. How much of your younger days do you remember, Lord Corrin?
Corrin: Not a lot at all, I'm afraid.
Gunter: It is possible that that is for the best...
Corrin: Gunter?

B Support

Corrin: Hello, Gunter...
Gunter: Ah, Lord Corrin. What's the matter?
Corrin: I searched my memories and recalled some of what the servants used to say about you.
Gunter: Oh? What did you remember?
Corrin: I remember them talking about some of the things you used to do. One such thing was wandering the fortress late at night.
Gunter: Ah yes, I recall doing that. What else did they speak of?
Corrin: It had to do with your meals...
Gunter: Oh...
Corrin: They talked about how you'd often request two or more portions at mealtime. But you'd never finish either and would end up taking some back to your quarters. And despite this extra food, you'd do the same thing the next meal, too. So, wandering around rather than sleeping, and forgetting how much food you had... It was actually a bit worrying to remember this, you know.
Gunter: There is nothing to worry about, milord. I do not have those habits any longer.
Corrin: Really? They've simply gone away?
Gunter: Indeed.
Corrin: Gunter, I get the feeling you are hiding something from me. And I suspect it has something to do with that paper you were holding the other day.
Gunter: Milord, I appreciate your concern, but there are some things I want to keep to myself.
Corrin: If you insist, Gunter... I'm sorry. I feel like I may have brought up something I shouldn't have.
Gunter: No need to apologize. Perhaps someday we may talk about it.
Corrin: But not today?
Gunter: Some other time. When we do, it will be a long conversation.
Corrin: Oh. All right. Well, I'll make sure to set aside plenty of time.

A Support

Gunter: Milord, I asked you here because I've decided to explain my old habits.
Corrin: Oh? I'm all ears!
Gunter: You may not remember, but you were very shy when you were first brought to Nohr. Because of how King Garon regarded you, you were treated like a prisoner. Including your diet. I was charged with your care, but the king would not let me improve your situation. I was forced to take matters into my own hands, starting with your meals.
Corrin: Wait, are you saying that the food you brought back to your quarters...?
Gunter: Indeed. I couldn't stand to see you suffer on third- rate leftovers. When you took that first bite of fresh bread, well... I nearly cried at the smile on your face.
Corrin: What about your random wanderings around the fortress?
Gunter: I could tell when I would visit you that you were not sleeping all that well. Whenever I could, I would make my way to your quarters after hours. I'd read stories to you until you fell asleep, then watch over you as you slept. It looked like I was wandering because no one at the fort could risk the king's anger. They would have reported my visits had they seen me come directly to you.
Corrin: I had no idea, Gunter... But wait—what were the black circles for?
Gunter: That day when I brought you bread for the first time... It was also the first time I saw you smile since you arrived in Nohr. I resolved to keep track of each time I saw you smile. For some reason I can't imagine, I decided to do that by drawing a circle each time. Of course, I don't have to anymore. You're almost always smiling these days.
Corrin: You know, Gunter, hearing all this... It helps me understand why I care about you. You've always been like a father to me, and now I know where that comes from. Thank you, Gunter. You've done so much for me. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you in full.
Gunter: I have one suggestion, milord. Give me a reason to draw one last big circle.
Corrin: How would I do that?
Gunter: It's simple. Bring an end to this war. Then you'll smile your biggest smile yet.
Corrin: All right, Gunter. I believe I can honor your request.
Gunter: Thank you, Lord Corrin.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait felicia fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

Felicia: *sniffle* Why does this sort of thing always happen to me? I've ruined ANOTHER meal! I thought I followed the recipe perfectly this time...
Avatar: Hey, Felicia. What's the matter? Oh, no. Did you start another fire? That's the third time this month...
Felicia: Lord <Avatar>! N-no, not this time... This time I just ruined another meal.
Avatar: Felicia...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Please, cheer up! You're plenty helpful to everyone. I promise.
Felicia: Sorry, but I don't believe that at all.
Avatar: Well, what about that last battle, when you got the enemy's attention by screaming? And then, you not only got them to come after you, but you took them all out too! I've never seen such a bold strategy! And such bravery!
Felicia: ...
Avatar: Felicia?! What's wrong? Why are you curling up on the floor again?!
Felicia: You really don't understand, do you? That wasn't a strategy, <Avatar>! I was just trying to run away from them, and then I got surrounded. I had to fight my way out or die! I wasn't being brave. I was terrified.
Avatar: Oh, really? Could have fooled me...
Felicia: I don't want to be a good warrior anyway! We have plenty of soldiers already. I want to be a good maid. I want to be able to mend clothes and make food and wash dishes and the like. Have you seen camp lately? We need that more than we need extra muscle.
Avatar: Yeah, I guess so. I suppose you don't have to join us on the battlefield.
Felicia: But then I'd be COMPLETELY worthless!
Avatar: No! Don't say that! You You could help with... Oh, look! A Faceless! I have to go.
Felicia: ... I'm going back to my corner...

B support

Felicia: Ouch! That really stings.
Avatar: Hey, Felicia. I just saw a big pile of broken dishes. Did you...? Oh, wow, that's a big cut on your forehead. Are you all right? Here, let me take a look... Hm. We should put some ointment on this.
Felicia: I'm so useless I can't even carry a few stupid dishes around... I wish I could serve you like a proper maid. Or at least stop breaking things... Then you wouldn't have to look after me all the time.
Avatar: Aw, come on, Felicia. We're practically family. And family helps each other out. Besides, it's the least I could do for someone who saved my life.
Felicia: I saved your life?
Avatar: Don't you remember? It was when I had that terrible fever, years ago. I just kept getting sicker and sicker.
Felicia: Oh! Yes! I do remember. It was around the same time Flora and I started serving as you maids, correct? But even then, I was a mess. I couldn't care for you properly at all! I had no idea what to do when you fell ill...
Avatar: Well, you didn't know the normal ways to treat an illness, it's true... But that didn't matter. You kept my fever down for days using your ice powers. Drawing the heat out of me and into yourself... They said it was extremely dangerous. You could have died.
Felicia: It was the only thing I could think to do at the time...
Avatar: Did you even stop to consider what might happen to you? I'm grateful, of course, but I don't want you sacrificing yourself for my sake, OK? I want you to look out for yourself, too.
Felicia: Lord <Avatar>, you don't understand. I WAS looking out for myself.
Avatar: What do you mean?
Felicia: Heehee, never mind. Forget I said anything!
Avatar: Felicia? Wait!

A support

Felicia: *gulp* You can do it, Felicia! Just put the pot back in the cabinet... Gently...gently... I'm not the same old Felicia I've always been! I'm Super Felicia! I'm transforming into an elegant maid, like a caterpillar into a butterfly! NO! Argh! I-I'm gonna slip! ... Huh? Why does nothing hurt? I could have sworn I slipped...
Avatar: Felicia... Try to be more careful when you're on a ladder.
Felicia: Lord <Avatar>? You caught me!
Avatar: I'm just glad I arrived in time. Now, Felicia, you need to pay more attention to what you're doing. No wonder you get distracted all the time, talking to yourself like that.
Felicia: Ack! You heard that? Having you catch me was bad enough, but hearing me talk to myself... I'm never going to live this down.
Avatar: Haha, don't worry about it too much. Let's get you back on the ground. Are you all right?
Felicia: Y-yes, I'm fine.
Avatar: So, you know... I might consider keeping this incident to myself if you were to tell me something.
Felicia: Oh? And what's that?
Avatar: Remember how I was scolding you for always putting others before yourself? And you said that you did look out for yourself? What did you mean by that?
Felicia: Oh...that. Do I have to tell you?
Avatar: Yes. I've been wondering about it ever since.
Felicia: OK then. I just meant that I look after myself by looking after others.
Avatar: Huh? What do you mean?
Felicia: You were worried that I'd neglect myself by trying too hard to help out. But the thing is...I'd only be neglecting myself if I didn't help everyone. If I stopped, I'd just feel terrible and useless... I wouldn't be happy. I know I'm a big klutz, but I take pride in working as hard as I can to serve others.
Avatar: But don't you find that exhausting?
Felicia: Very much so. But that's a meaningful kind of exhaustion. And that makes it all worth it.
Avatar:'re a very inspiring person, you know that?
Felicia: Oh, stop! You're making me blush!
Avatar: But I don't want you to push yourself too hard. Remember, you can't help others very effectively if you're exhausted all the time.
Felicia: I know that! I promise not to overwork myself.
Avatar: Haha, good. Now if only you could promise to keep away from the dishes too...
Felicia: <Avatar>!! Why did you have to go and spoil a perfectly beautiful moment like that?
Avatar: Hahaha. Sorry, Felicia. I couldn't help myself. But I do hope you'll always be there to help us--on and off the battlefield.
Felicia: Of course, milord!

S support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait jakob fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait kaze fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait azura fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait silas fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait shura fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C Support

Corrin: Shura! I just wanted to say that I'm glad you joined us.
Shura: Thank you, milord. I promise I won't let you down.
Corrin: I believe it. I had a question for you, though. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. Why did you become an outlaw? You seem an honorable enough type now...
Shura: ...
Corrin: ...I understand. Well, if you ever feel comfortable sharing, I'm all ears.
Shura: No, wait. The reason is...I needed money. There is a dream I must make a reality.
Corrin: A dream?
Shura: Yes. I dream of someday rebuilding Kohga, my home.
Corrin: I see. It must have been marvelous, to inspire such ardor.
Shura: It was. It was a beautiful, mountainous land, lush with greenery. And our people...they were so joyous—so cheerful. The laughter never truly ceased. In truth, it may not have been too different from other small countries... Nostalgia could easily have clouded my judgment in such matters. But for me it will always be an earthly paradise... one that must be restored at all costs.
Corrin: I wish I could have seen it. You make it sound so lovely.
Shura: That it was. And maybe someday you will see it, once it has been rebuilt. It would only be fitting; it was you, after all, that made me dare to hope once more. If Kohga stands tall once again, it will only be because this outlaw met so noble a man. Which is why I vow to serve you until my dream might be realized.
Corrin: I am glad to know I have such a valuable and steadfast ally at my side. I'll be counting on you, Shura.
Shura: Aye, milord. I will not disappoint.

B Support

Shura: Hmm...
Corrin: Shura! You look upset. Is something troubling you?
Shura: Corrin...? No. I'm all right.
Corrin: Are you sure? You look like you could use someone to talk to.
Shura: It's just...I am beginning to feel my dream of rebuilding Kohga will remain just that.
Corrin: Don't say that. I'm sure you will make it happen.
Shura: I wish I could have that same faith.
Corrin: But you were so hopeful just the other day. What's changed since then?
Shura: Nothing. Just thinking... Suppose we do win this war. Even if we reclaim our territory, the people of Kohga are no more. Perhaps what made Kohga beautiful was not the lands but the spirit of the people. And perhaps others, living in the same way, in the same homes, will be...different.
Corrin: I see.
Shura: I could rebuild a Kohga a thousand times as grand, and it would not change this. Perhaps I am simply a child at his mother's wake, wailing for her to return.
Corrin: Shura...
Shura: On some level, I must have always known this. Perhaps I never became an outlaw for my dream. Perhaps it was to escape reality. Outlaws only have to think about how they are going to survive each day. That life has a way of pushing aside one's larger doubts. It makes them irrelevant. But now they return to me. And they will not go back to sleep.
Corrin: I don't know what to say.
Shura: Bah. You needn't worry yourself over this, Lord Corrin. Even if I cannot hope to achieve my dream, I will still serve you loyally. If only to repay the debt I owe you for plucking me from the darkness. Now, I'll trouble you no more about this. Good day, milord.
(Shura leaves)
Corrin: W-wait! Don't go...

A Support

Corrin: Shura, we need to talk.
Shura: Eh? What's with the serious tone? Something wrong?
Corrin: Are you still worried that your dream of restoring Kohga will never be fulfilled?
Shura: Yes. Why?
Corrin: I see. Then Kohga is truly lost.
Shura: What do you mean? My homeland was destroyed long ago.
Corrin: It's true that Kohga is no longer the land it once was. And it is also true that many of its people no longer draw breath...
Shura: Yes, yes. And?
Corrin: However, the spirit of Kohga—the spirit you prize so highly—lives on inside you.
Shura: Hmph. Kohga's spirit, eh?
Corrin: Yes. As long as you believe in it, its fire will continue to blaze. However, if you give up, then there is nothing in this world that can restore it.
Shura: Heh. You sure know how to make a sappy speech, boy. But you're not wrong. Thank you. I will never allow myself to waver again. I WILL see Kohga restored.
Corrin: Yes. You will. And I'll do whatever I can to help you, my friend.
Shura: Thank you, Lord Corrin. I will not forget the kindnesses you have done me.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait izana fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Monk, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait rinkah fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal resistance.png Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shove.png Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 counter.png Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 salvage blow.png Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

Avatar: Rinkah? Over here.
Rinkah: Did you need something done?
Avatar: Sort of. I'd like to ask your opinion on something. Take a look at this map. If we're positioned here, and the enemy attacks from here...what should we do?
Rinkah: ...
Avatar: If a unit detached and came at them from the you think they'd cluster? If so, we could hit them with a volley...but if we fail, the attacking force might rout.
Rinkah: ...
Avatar: Rinkah? Are you listening to me?
Rinkah: You know as well as I that I am not a tactician. Why are you here? Hoping to make friends? I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm just here to carry out orders. Nothing more. Farewell.
Avatar: Hey! Hey, wait! I'm not done talking yet!
Rinkah: I have nothing to discuss with you. Leave me alone.
Avatar: You know I can't do that. We're allies! I have to be able to communicate with you.
Rinkah: That's not what I meant. I will still listen to and follow any orders you want to give. But otherwise, do not speak to me!
Avatar: What is wrong with you?
Rinkah: *sigh* My apologies. Perhaps I went too far. That is no way to talk to one's superior. I am grateful you spared my life when I was your prisoner. And I will follow you wherever you decide to lead us. However I neither need nor desire your attention. Please leave me alone.
Avatar: Hm...

B support

Avatar: Hey! Rinkah!
Rinkah: ...
Avatar: Rinkah! Did you hear me?
Rinkah: What is it this time? I told you to leave me alone.
Avatar: I wanted to ask you why you insist so much on remaining aloof.
Rinkah: If I do, will you leave me be?
Avatar: I...I guess I can do that.
Rinkah: *sigh* Very well. I keep my distance because it is the law of the Flame Tribe. As you know, we worship the God of the Flame. To honor our God, we keep a fire in the village burning at all times. This is a challenge, and so in order to keep it burning we have effected many laws. One such law directs us to avoid contact with outsiders as much as possible. This is why we live isolation--and why I would prefer you quit prying.
Avatar: How does living in isolation keep the flame burning?
Rinkah: It's always an outsider that extinguishes the flame of life. They don't respect it, and so foolishly they run headlong into taboo acts.
Avatar: Like putting out the flame?
Rinkah: That is one of them, yes. And it has terrible consequences for the transgressor. Once, a long time ago, the sacred flame was extinguished by an enemy tribe. They only wished to cause us harm, but they angered the God of the Flame. The holy mountain then erupted, and fire fell from the sky. Lava decimated the enemy tribe, and by the end of it, there was no trace of them left. The stories say our own tribe suffered greatly as well, however.
Avatar: I see. But then why were you siding with Hoshido against Nohr?
Rinkah: Because our chief--my father--decided we should cooperate with Hoshido. A fighter should fully commit themselves to every battle, it's true. But to be honest, I had grave misgivings about this whole venture. Bad omens. And those feelings turned out to be well-founded. as you know, I was taken captive.
Avatar: I see. You must feel very vindicated.
Rinkah: I feel the same as I did before. So. Now you understand. I expect you will stick to your end of the bargain. farewell.
Avatar: Rinkah... There must be something I can do.

A support

Avatar: Rinkah.
Rinkah: Heh. Lord <Avatar>. You really don't know how to take a hint, do you? I'm starting to lose count of all the time I told you to stay away.
Avatar: Er. sorry.
Rinkah: Well? What is it this time?
Avatar: Is there no way I can convince you to be a little more friendly with the others?
Rinkah: Why?
Avatar: When we spoke of your capture at Nohr's seemed angry. Do you hate having been caught so much?
Rinkah: Of course I do. Being captured is far more shameful a fate than death to a warrior. I wished I had perished that day. I would have retained my dignity, at least.
Avatar: But if you'd died, we'd never have met and worked together.
Rinkah: What?
Avatar: We're at war. Nothing is certain. One day we celebrate, the next we may be mourning. But I have to believe there's some kind of order to things. And so I think we were fated to meet as we did, and that we should be grateful for it.
Rinkah: I see. I AM grateful we met. but I still feel regret and anger at my capture. It is difficult to be grateful for a misfortune, is it not?
Avatar: But in the end it wasn't a misfortune, right? It all worked out. We should thank fate for that--for all the ways it sees fit to connect us. All of us. And I think fate has given you a unique and incredible opportunity.
Rinkah: How so?
Avatar: It's rare the Flame Tribe interacts with outsiders, right? Then perhaps you should take advantage of this chance to learn about the world. About other people, other cultures, lands, arts, history, technologies... Your people may not have an opportunity like this again for a long, long time. And I think it would be a terrible shame were you to let it slip past you. but...I admit I may feel this way because I spent my entire life trapped in isolation. So the choice is yours. I won't press you further.
Rinkah: I see. Very well. I will have to think on it, but your argument has a certain weight. I' my best to warm up to the others. All right?
Avatar: Thank you, Rinkah!
Rinkah: No. Thank you.

S support

Rinkah: <Avatar>. I've been looking for you.
Avatar: Oh! I've been looking for youi too! I hear you've been warming up to everyone. I know it couldn't have been easy for you. Thank you.
Rinkah: S-sure. No problem.
Avatar: So, you had something you wanted to talk to me about?
Rinkah: No, never mind. It's not important.
Avatar: Are you sure?
Rinkah: Maybe we can talk some other time.
Avatar: W-wait! Rinkah! What's wrong? You can tell me. You've finally started to open up. Don't close yourself off now! Please. Let's talk.
Rinkah: Hmph.
Avatar: Huh? are you all right? Your face is burning up! Do yiou have a fever? Are you sick? Let me get you a healer!
Rinkah: N-no!
Avatar: Are you sure? You're sweating a lot too...
Rinkah: I wanted to tell you...
Avatar: Yes? Go on.
Rinkah: I'm sorry. My pride prevented me from telling you before. I swore I'd never do this. Every time I saw you, I felt ashamed. You were a reminder of my capture. A reminder of my weakness.
Avatar: I'm so sorry.
Rinkah: But over time, the shame over my capture has weakened, and been replaced. I began to wrestle not with my weakness, but a new feeling.
Avatar: A new feeling?
Rinkah: Yes. Love.
Avatar: Love?!
Rinkah: I could not accept that I had feelings for you. You are a foreigner, an outsider--and a constant reminder of my capture.
Avatar: I see. Well, the truth is, I have had feelings for you too. Ever since the day I saw you.
Rinkah: Huh?!
Avatar: I made excuses to myself, saying I just wanted you to make friends and learn. But the truth is, I really only wanted to get closer to you, Rinkah.
Rinkah: <Avatar>...
Avatar: Hahaha. When you think about it, we really met in the worst possible way, ddin't we?
Rinkah: Don't say that! From now on, I will remember it as one of the happiest days of my life. As you said, we should be grateful for everything fate did to connect us.
Avatar: Haha. yes. Thank you, Rinkah.
Rinkah: There is no need to thank me. I should be the one thanking you-for saving my life. And for igniting this fire in my heart.


...I love you. The flame in my heart will never die. Thanks to you... I now know what true love is...


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait sakura fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Monk, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait hana fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait subaki fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait saizo fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait orochi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait hinoka fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait azama fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Monk, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait setsuna fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait hayato fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait oboro fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Spear Fighter (Spear Master or Basara)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal defense.png Seal Defense Spear Fighter, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 swap.png Swap Spear Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed Spear Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Spear Master, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait hinata fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait takumi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

Avatar: Hello, Takumi.
Takumi: ...
Avatar: Takumi? I said hello.
Takumi: Yeah, I heard you. Do you need something?
Avatar: Well, I guess I don't NEED anything, but I was hoping we could chat...or something.
Takumi: Yeah, the thing is...I'm busy right now. Practicing. Can't you see?
Avatar: Yes, I can see that. But it seems you just don't care to get to know me at all.
Takumi: You hit the nail on the head. I know I SHOULD trust you, since we're siblings. But we were raised worlds apart, so we don't really have much in common after all.
Avatar: I see. You remember, of course, our shared history. And that we are fighting for the same cause.
Takumi: And YOU remember, of course, that you grew up with the enemy.
Avatar: Be that as it may, surely I have proven my loyalty by now. There's got to be a way to convince you... Hmm. How would you feel about training me on the bow?
Takumi: I don't see the point.
Avatar: Well, it'll give us a chance to get to know each other a little bit. And then, in the next battle, I can more effectively demonstrate my loyalty.
Takumi: Very well. You get one shot at this, understand? If you start slowing me down, I'm outta here.
Avatar: I'll do my best to keep up. Thank you, Takumi.
Takumi: Hmph, we'll see.

B support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait kagero fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait reina fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C Support

Corrin: Reina, wait! You dropped something!
Reina: Hm? Oh! My apologies. I should be more careful.
Corrin: Is that an apron?
Reina: Yes. I've been asked to help out with chores, so...
Corrin: Chores?
Reina: Yes. You know—cooking, cleaning, laundry, waste disposal, all that.
Corrin: Oh? I can see why they'd ask for your help. You look like you could handle anything. But are you sure you're OK with doing that? You're not obligated to...and it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd enjoy.
Reina: Thank you for looking out for me, but it's really no trouble.
Corrin: All right. If you say so...
Reina: Now, if you'll excuse me. I've some stews to prepare.
Corrin: Good luck!

B Support

Reina: Lord Corrin? You have a strange look on your face.
Corrin: Oh, sorry. I guess I was just thinking this is so different from my image of you.
Reina: Your image of me?
Corrin: Yeah. Usually I think of you as fierce and bloodthirsty, like you are in the field. But after the fighting's over, you put on an apron and it's like you're everyone's mom. The change is so sudden that it's a little jarring sometimes.
Reina: Ah, I see. It's true—I find no greater joy in life than that I feel when I am fighting. Some say I become battle crazed, and I can't say they are wrong. But I do still like to serve others in this way too.
Corrin: Any particular reason?
Reina: ...I am the daughter of some well-known magistrates in Hoshido. They never wanted this life for me. They wanted me to live a peaceful, domestic one. I wasn't allowed to touch toy weapons, let alone real ones.
Corrin: So you lived a sheltered life, then?
Reina: I suppose you could put it that way. But I was quite the tomboy. One of my favorite pastimes was watching the soldiers practice. Sometimes when my parents were busy, I'd get them to let me come with them. It wasn't long until I was slaying Faceless with the best of them. I loved it.
Corrin: I believe it. You're a force to be reckoned with.
Reina: But when my parents found out about it, they sent me to serve in the castle. My parents gave this apron to me before I left, as a parting gift. They'd hoped I would learn to become a proper lady and forget about fighting. However, when I got to the castle, I told the guard captain I wanted to be a knight.
Corrin: I see.
Reina: Oh no! I can't believe it's already this late. I need to start preparing dinner. My apologies, Lord Corrin. Perhaps we could pick this up some other time.
Corrin: Sure, I'd love to.

A Support

Corrin: Reina, do you have a moment?
Reina: Certainly, Lord Corrin.
Corrin: I was wondering if we could pick up where we left off the other day.
Reina: Oh, about my becoming a knight? Of course. It's not a very interesting tale, but I'm more than happy to share. It didn't take long for me to be accepted into the guard as a knight. Once accepted, I devoted my entire being to my training. I started as a pegasus knight, but quickly distinguished myself from my peers. I soon began serving Lady Mikoto and was assigned to the kinshi knights. I felt it was the greatest honor that could ever be bestowed upon me. However, my parents felt...differently.
Corrin: Really?
Reina: Yes. When they received the news, they felt confused and betrayed. They told me they cried and cried until they could cry no longer.
Corrin: I see...
Reina: They've refused to talk to or see me ever since. However, I still have a tremendous amount of gratitude for everything they did for me. Which is why I still use this apron whenever I perform my more domestic duties.
Corrin: You've had a hard time of things. I'm so sorry. Thank you for sharing, Reina.
Reina: It's nothing. Thank you for listening to my boring tale. Sharing it with you has helped me a little, I think.
Corrin: I'm glad to hear that. And please know, if you ever want to talk, I'm willing to listen.
Reina: Thank you, Lord Corrin.

S Support

Corrin: There you are! Er—what's wrong? You look sad.
Reina: It's nothing worth sharing, milord. In fact, it's a little embarrassing.
Corrin: Come now. You can tell me anything, Reina. You know that.
Reina: Yes, I suppose I can. I was just thinking about our discussion the other day. More specifically, I was wondering whether or not I should stop using my apron.
Corrin: Huh?
Reina: What I mean is that whenever I do domestic work, I feel like a fraud. Because the truth is that I'm terrible at it. I can't cook, I can't clean, and I can only just barely wash my own clothes. I do my very best, but I'm starting to think I should just leave the work to others. Much as I'd like to continue, to honor my parents, I should recognize my limits. Maybe it's time to put this old apron to rest.
Corrin: Well, I don't think you need to use that apron anymore.
Reina: Huh?
Corrin: I visited and spoke with your parents.
Reina: You did what?
Corrin: I told them everything. How bravely you fight and how hard you work for everyone. And how you try to honor them even to this day.
Reina: And how did they react?
Corrin: They cried. But, they weren't tears of sadness. They were tears of joy. They told me they were very proud of you and that they missed you terribly.
Reina: ...
Corrin: So, if you don't want to, I don't think you need to wear that apron anymore. But...I didn't just go there to tell them that.
Reina: You didn't? What else did you say?
Corrin: I asked them for your hand.
Reina: My hand? What do—
Corrin: Reina, will you marry me?
Reina: What?!
Corrin: Er—I mean—it's OK if you don't want to! I just had to ask you... I couldn't hide my feelings any longer.
Reina: No...don't be silly. I was just taken off guard. Of course I'll marry you. You've grown to be someone I depend on every day. I can't imagine what I'd do without you.
Corrin: Then you'll accept this ring?
Reina: Yes. I will.
Corrin: Whew. I'm so happy you said yes. I love you, Reina.
Reina: And I you, Corrin.

(Confession Scene)
Reina: It's wonderful to know that you love me, too. It feels like a dream...We must go tell everyone at once.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait kaden fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait ryoma fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

Avatar: Hello, Ryoma. I have a favor to ask of you.
Ryoma: Certainly. How can I help?
Avatar: Well, I don't have many memories from before I was taken to Nohr. I was just wondering if you had any that you wouldn't mind sharing with me...
Ryoma: Hmm. Yes, I suppose I do. They're not all happy, I'm afraid.
Avatar: That's OK. I just feel as though there's my mind. I'd like to hear a little bit about what it was like growing up in Hoshido. And stories about the whole family... Hinoka, Takumi, Azura, and Sakura.
Ryoma: Very well. I anticipated this day would come, actually. And I have something for you.
Avatar: Oh? What is it?
Ryoma: I think I'll hang on to it for a little while longer. It will hold more meaning if I give it to you later.
Avatar: All right. I suppose I can be patient.
Ryoma: I'm glad to hear it. Because our conversation will also have to wait, I'm afraid. I have something I must attend to shortly.
Avatar: I understand. Thank you, Ryoma. Let's chat again soon.

B support

Avatar: Good Day, Ryoma. Would now be a good time to chat?
Ryoma: Ah, <Avatar>. Yes, I suppose I have some time right now. But where to begin? Hmm... Ah! Perhaps I could start with the siblings. Like little Hinoka...the crybaby.
Avatar: Hinoka...a crybaby? I can't see it.
Ryoma: Yes, well, she has matured tremendously. Now she's an excellent model soldier. Takumi, on the other hand...has not reached the same level of maturity.
Avatar: But Takumi seems so strong and self-assured.
Ryoma: Perhaps, but remember that very hard substances are often brittle. Takumi's emotions are fragile. He needs to work on his mental fortitude. That said, I believe in him. I think he has a promising future ahead.
Avatar: I see.
Ryoma: As for Azura, she's always been a bit distant. Even as a child. She's kind and wise, but I wish she knew how to open up a little bit.
Avatar: It's fascinating to hear your perspective like this. Please, continue!
Ryoma: Certainly. Let's see, where was I... Ah, Sakura. She's a gentle soul. Always worrying about others. My hope for her is that she can learn to be a bit more selfish. It would serve her well.
Avatar: Thank you, Ryoma. I really appreciate your insights. I think it's wonderful that you've spent so much time thinking about your family.
Ryoma: Well, as the eldest, I suppose I feel a certain responsibility. And, of course, I spend a great deal of time in self-reflection. I'm not without my faults.
Avatar: Well, you're human. Nobody's perfect. But you are a wise and caring older brother, Ryoma. Everyone looks up to you.
Ryoma: Thank you, <Avatar>. That means a lot coming from you.
Avatar: I just wish I knew more about my own background.
Ryoma: Yes. Your story is a troubling one. I hope that I can help you put a few of the pieces together. But I'm afraid even I don't know nearly the whole of it.
Avatar: Thank you, Ryoma. I really appreciate it.
Ryoma: Anytime, <Avatar>.

A support

Ryoma: Hello, <Avatar>. I've noticed that you seem a bit down lately. Is anything the matter?
Avatar: Hmm? No, I'm fine. Why do you ask?
Ryoma: Are you sure? You can confide in me. You seemed a bit...forlorn...when we last spoke.
Avatar: Well, if I'm being totally honest... I have truyly enjoyed hearing your stories about the past. But they've also made me sad. I feel like I've missed out on so much.
Ryoma: So that's what's weighing you down. It's important to remember that we can't change the past. We can only try to shape our future. So, if you don't have any memories, you just have to make new ones. And we're all here together now.
Avatar: Thank you, Ryome. Those are wise words.
Ryoma: You're welcome. And here's something else that my cheer you up. Remember how I said I had something for you? Well, I think the time is right. This is from all of us.
Avatar: Whoa. That's quite a ring.
Ryoma: Indeed. The four of us had it made for you a long time ago. We vowed to give it to you upon our eventual reunion. And here you are, safely returned to us.
Avatar: Ryoma... I'm so glad to be a part of this family. Thank you!
Ryoma: And we are happy to have you. Our ties can only grow stronger as we move forward!


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait scarlet fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C Support

Scarlet: One more whack oughtta do it... HEAVE—
Corrin: Scarlet, what's all this racket?
Scarlet: Hey, Corrin! What's it look like? I'm busting up rocks.
Corrin: You're breaking rocks? For fun, or...?
Scarlet: Yep! Come in closer and I'll show ya. You see those sparkly bits mixed in with all the dirt and rubble?
Corrin: They look like jewels...
Scarlet: I'm smashing these rocks apart to get at the good stuff inside.
Corrin: You make your own jewelry? Interesting.
Scarlet: Hah! You think I turn these little gems into a necklace or what have you? Have you MET me? That's not my style at all, Corrin.
Corrin: Oh! I see now. These are the rocks you use to decorate your weapon.
Scarlet: Give the man a prize! I'd show you how it works, but...I'm out of the most important material.
Corrin: What's that, if I might ask?
Scarlet: My magic gunk. It sticks to anything! Too bad. It'd be fun to give you a demonstration.
Corrin: "Magic gunk," eh...

B Support

Corrin: Scarlet!
Scarlet: Hey, if it ain't Corrin!
Corrin: That magic gunk you mentioned... Is this it?
Scarlet: It sure is! But how'd you know? And where'd you get some?
Corrin: The shop in town had some. I picked it up while I was running errands.
Scarlet: I owe ya one. Thanks. How about a live demonstration for your troubles? I've got some rocks all set to go.
Corrin: There are so many tiny fragments here...
Scarlet: Amazing, aren't they? They shine like tiny stars. OK, first we set the weapon down here. Then we slather on some of that gunk. Once it's fully coated, we stick on a bunch of those shiny rocks. The gal who taught me the technique called it mosaic. It's probably my favorite hobby.
Corrin: Is there an outline of some sort near the hilt? It's faint, but I can just barely see...
Scarlet: That's my rough sketch.
Corrin: You sketch it out beforehand?
Scarlet: Yep. It helps to lay down a design first before you fill it in with the rocks. Makes it look like a painting, huh?
Corrin: It's exquisite!
Scarlet: You have to be reaaaaal patient... Place each rock slowly... Carefully... And you're done!
Corrin: This design... Did you...?!
Scarlet: Yep! It's your face!
Corrin: That's a stunning likeness. You're very skilled to get it so lifelike. I wouldn't have guessed it of you, Scarlet.
Scarlet: Haha, right? Came out pretty fine, if I do say so myself. Though...
Corrin: Hmm?
Scarlet: It's nice to hear someone else appreciate it, too.
Corrin: Why, Scarlet...I didn't think you were the type to blush.
Scarlet: Heh, I surprised you once today already. Why not twice?

A Support

Corrin: Did you call for me, Scarlet?
Scarlet: Yep! I thought we could take a few minutes to spruce up your weapon today.
Corrin: Huh? I...don't quite see the point...
Scarlet: What, you don't like my mosaics?
Corrin: Oh, no—I mean, yes, I do. I'm just not sure a sparkly weapon is my style... It doesn't really instill fear in one's enemies, does it?
Scarlet: Yeah...makes sense. All right, we'll go with my other idea then. Lie down over there.
Corrin: Sorry?
Scarlet: If I can't pretty up your weapon, I'll sparklize your outfit instead.
Corrin: What?!
Scarlet: Oh, relax. It's not like I'm fastening this stuff to your bare skin. It's just some clothes. This won't hurt a bit.
Corrin: B-but why me...?
Scarlet: 'Cause I like ya, I guess. So I wanna see you sparkle!
Corrin: That's very kind of you, but—
Scarlet: Hurry up and lie down. Don't make me knock you flat.
Corrin: All right! All right! Just promise you'll keep it small and tasteful.
Scarlet: How small are you thinking?
Corrin: Maybe you can keep it to the wrist of my sleeve.
Scarlet: Oooh... That'd make it look like a bracelet, kinda. Not a bad idea! Let's get started.
Scarlet: How do you like that? I went with a color that I thought would go good with your eyes.
Corrin: I thought when I asked you to keep it small that it would be easily hidden... But this is actually very nice.
Scarlet: Didn't quite catch that. Care to repeat it?
Corrin: N-no, it's fine!
Scarlet: Take good care of that, OK? It's got sentimental value.
Corrin: That it does. Thank you, Scarlet.
Scarlet: There's that smile I love to see. Say, what would you think of a matching design on the other wrist?
Corrin: Oh, er, one is enough. But I appreciate the thought.

S Support

Scarlet: You wanted to talk, Corrin?
Corrin: Yes... I called you out here... to see if you would decorate me.
Scarlet: Finally getting into the spirit of it, huh? Just so happens I have a fresh pile of rocks here, so let's—
Corrin: W-wait.
Scarlet: Chickening out already?
Corrin: I wasn't clear. Let me start over.
Scarlet: Huh...?
Corrin: Scarlet, I want you to decorate me... with your love...
Scarlet: ... ...What? What does that even mean?
Corrin: I'm asking if you'll marry me.
Scarlet: Seriously?
Corrin: Completely. I don't think I can live without you.
Scarlet: ... No, wait, go back to the "decorate me with your love" part. How long did you spend coming up with that?
Corrin: *sigh* You're so cool about everything that I worried I wouldn't measure up. So I thought long and hard...and tried to come up with something cool sounding...
Scarlet: ... HAHAHAHAHA!
Corrin: Was it really that bad? I meant it seriously!
Scarlet: Haha, sorry. It's had that long, and that's the best you could do?
Corrin: Fine. I'm no poet—I admit it.
Scarlet: Hey, I didn't say I hated it. I mean, at least you tried! If anybody else tried a line like that on me, they'd probably get a slapping. But you? I'll let it slide.
Corrin: Really? Does that mean...
Scarlet: Yeah, I think you know what it means. You and me go together like sparkly rocks and sticky gunk.
Corrin: I'm tempted to ask which of us is which in the relationship... But I've learned by now to keep my mouth shut and appreciate what I have.

(Confession Scene)
Scarlet: I love you and I'll spend the rest of my life with you...even if your proposal was pretty weak.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait yukimura fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Apothecary (Merchant or Mechanist)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 potent potion.png Potent Potion Apothecary, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick salve.png Quick Salve Apothecary, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 profiteer.png Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 spendthrift.png Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait elise fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait arthur fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait effie fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Knight (Great Knight or General)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait odin fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait niles fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

Avatar: Oh, hello, Niles. What are you up to?

Niles: Ah, Lord Avatar. What a pleasant surprise. Tell me, what do you suspect I am up to?

Avatar: Well, I can't really tell from here.

Niles: Then you should come a little closer. Don't worry, I don't bite.

Avatar: Ok...

Niles: Meow!

Avatar: Gah! What was that for?

Niles: Sorry, I just felt like teasing you. I'm all done now. So if you are genuinely curious about what I'm doing... Please, feel free to come a little closer...

Avatar: Well...

Niles: Scared of what I might do next? I don't blame you. I havent yet earned your trust. It's smart of you to be skeptical.

Avatar: No, no... I trust you.

Niles: You do> How foolish! After all, I don't yet trust YOU.

Avatar: What?! Why not?

Niles: Because we barely know each other, milord. Trust is often borne out of a violent confrontation or traumatic experience. I suppose you must have had some kind of blessed childhood, free from worry.

Avatar: I don't remember anything of my childhood.

Niles: My apologies. Clearly a sore subject. Of all people, I should know better than to bribe the secrets of a troubled history.

Avatar: What do you mean by "of all people"? What happened to you?

Niles: Oh ho! You offer nothing and expect juicy gossip in return. Sorry, child, but you'll have to do better than that.

B support

Avatar: Niles, do you have a moment?

Niles: Still fishing for a story about my sordid past, are you?

Avatar: No, it's not that. I think because my memories are so limited... I'm always curious to hear about other people's backgrounds.

Niles: I see. You know, I do believe you are genuinely curious.

Avatar: I am. So, would you be willing to share a little bit of your past with me?

Niles: Very well. But you should know up front that it's not all lollipops and puppy dogs. Since I was a child, I've had to do a lot of unsavory things just to survive. Steal, beg, kill--just another Tuesday for li'l Niles, sadly.

Avatar: Gods...

Niles: Surprised? I haven't even gotten to the good stuff.

Avatar: I'm so sorry. I think I've heard enough for now. I should have known better than to pry.

Niles: Please, it's all in the past. But you should know that if we continue, there is a nonzero chance you may faint.

Avatar: I'm so sorry. You're putting on a brave face, but I can't imagine...

Niles: No. If anything, I should apologize to you. You asked so sweetly, and here I am teasing you again. My past was troubled, and I certainly suffered a great deal. But it is all in the past, and I don't mind sharing. At least, I don't mind sharing with someone whose motives are pure. As I believe yours are.

Avatar: Well, thank you. Perhaps we could chat again another time...

Niles: Certainly, Lord Avatar. Let me know when you're in the mood for another trust-building session.

A support

Niles: Hello, Lord Adam.

Avatar: Niles? Is something wrong?

Niles: No, of course not. I just thought I'd offer you the pleasure of my company.

Avatar: Oh. Heh! Yeah, that sounds good. It's been a while since we've chatted.

Niles: Oh? A chat? With a near-infinite array of more stimulating activities available to us?

Avatar: Do I dare ask for an example?

Niles: Oh, let's see... How about low-friction tactical grappling and strategy?

Avatar: Uh...I've never heard of that. What's involved?

Niles: Oh, it's a valuable training technique. First, we simulate the conditions of low friction by applying oil to our bodies. Then we practice various situational grappling techniques.

Avatar: Niles, that just sounds like oil wrestling. I don't think I'm ready for that.

Niles: Very well! Then I suppose we'll just have to have a VERY stimulating chat.

Avatar: Yes, that sounds good.

Niles: Hmm...

Avatar: ... Niles?

Niles: You know, I'm afraid I'm fresh out of stimulating topics of conversation.

Avatar: Oh...I see.

Niles: Isn't that peculiar? There's nothing I wish to discuss, and yet I approached you today. Why is that?

Avatar: I...I couldn't tell you.

Niles: Perhaps I just wanted to see that flustered look on your face again. No, that's not it... Perhaps, in a twisted sort of way... I wish to connect with you as a person.

Avatar: Heh, Niles, there's nothing twisted about that. It's normal.

Niles: Well! That's the first time anyone's ever used that word to describe me. Would you mind terribly if we try this whole "human connection" thing again later?

Avatar: Of course not. Please, be my guest.

S support

Niles: Good day, Lord Avatar.

Avatar: Hello, Niles. how can I help you?

Niles: Well, this might seem out of character, but I was hoping we could have a serious chat.

Avatar: Oh, that doesn't sound good. Is something the matter?

Niles: Hmm. I suppose it depends. On how you respond to the topic at hand.

Avatar: All right... So what did you want to talk about?

Niles: I was just wondering...if you believe a person can be irreparably damaged.

Avatar: You're talking about yourself. Is that how you feel about yourself?

Niles: No. But I was wondering if that's how you perceive me.

Avatar: Where is this coming from?

Niles: Do you believe a person with a broken past can build a real future?

Avatar: Well, I certainly hope so. If you'll recall, my past isn't exactly a fairy tale.

Niles: Oh, I know! So given two people with equally complex histories... What do you think would happen if they joined to create a new future together? As a married couple.

Avatar: A married couple?!

Niles: Yes. I've done a lot of thinking about this. You and I have so much in common. You're the first person I've ever met who has shown genuine empathy for me. And I don't believe that's a coincidence.

Avatar: This is a lot to take in.

Niles: Do you think you could marry me? I want you to take this ring.

Avatar: Niles...

Niles: You seem hesitant. Very well, I was aware that my chances were slim...

Avatar: You speak too soon, Niles.

Niles: Hmm?

Avatar: In truth, I've become fascinated with you. You've overcome so much. Our past is out of our control and irrelevant. You've shown me how to love forward. So...yes. I will marry you.

Niles: Ah, I knew I was right about you. How splendid! Well, not that the boring, snappy part is out of the way... We don't have to act so reserved.

Avatar: Wait, this is your "reserved"?

Niles: Oh ho! You haven't seen anything yet.


Do you have any idea what you're getting into? I sure hope not...


File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait nyx fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait camilla fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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B support

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A support

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S support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait selena fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait beruka fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait laslow fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait peri fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait benny fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Knight (Great Knight or General)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait charlotte fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait leo fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait keaton fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait xander fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait flora fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait fuga fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait anna fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C Support

Corrin: Hello, Anna.
Anna: Oh, Corrin. I'm glad I ran into you! I just got some nice weapons in. Piping hot, fresh off the forge.
Corrin: New weapons...? Sorry, but I think I'm all set with weapons at the moment.
Anna: Oh... How about some armor, then?
Corrin: I just got this armor last week. Sorry... I think I'm good there, too.
Anna: I see... ...Oh, I know! I also got something totally new and truly amazing!
Corrin: Truly amazing?
Anna: Yes... It's this... flower!
Corrin: It's extraordinarily beautiful, but what makes it so amazing?
Anna: So glad you asked! It's the meaning behind this flower's name—opulary. Opulary literally means "good fortunes."
Corrin: "Good fortunes"?
Anna: Yes. The more of these you have, the more good things will be drawn to you.
Corrin: Hrm. If that's true, it certainly would be amazing!
Anna: So...have I piqued your interest? Would you like one?
Corrin: You know what? Sure, I'll buy one.
Anna: Heehee, thanks for the sale. Good things are coming your way!

B Support

Anna: Hey, Corrin. I just got some nice weapons in. Piping hot, fresh off the forge.
Corrin: Hrm? Like I mentioned the other day, I'm all set for weapons right now.
Anna: The other day? ...I don't know what you're talking about, but if you're set, you don't need any. How about some armor instead?
Corrin: I... No, I'm fine in the armor department too. I'm having the most intense feeling of déjà vu...
Anna: Huh? I definitely didn't ask you... ...Oh, I just remembered! I also have something amazing in stock. Just look at this flower!
Corrin: That flower...
Anna: It might seem like your average, ordinary flower, but it's not! Its name...
Corrin: I know. It means "good fortunes," and good things will happen to me if I have a bunch, right?
Anna: That's it exac—wait, how...?
Corrin: You know how! You told me the other day. I even bought this one from you!
Anna: ... ...Ah, I see. I know exactly what happened. Corrin, you met one of my sisters.
Corrin: One of your sisters?
Anna: This might come as a shock to you, but... My sisters and I... We all look the same, have the same name, and do the same job. There are many, many Annas, just like me, all over the world.
Corrin: What?! Wait...wait just a second. How is that even...
Anna: Don't worry; I'm the Anna you saved from the brigands. The rest is up to you to believe or not.
Corrin: No, I believe you... Now that you mention it, I feel like I've seen you in many different places before...
Anna: I'm sure you have. Now then, back to business! Would you like to buy a flower from me? You haven't bought one from me yet, after all.
Corrin: ...I suppose you're right. Sure, I'll buy one.
Anna: Heehee, thanks for the sale. Good things are coming your way!

A Support

Anna: Corrin, thanks for taking time to talk with me today.
Corrin: Of course. What's on your mind?
Anna: ...I need to apologize. I wasn't completely honest the other day.
Corrin: Huh?
Anna: I do have many sisters that look like me and share the same name, but... the Annas who sold you the first flower and the second flower...were both me. Corrin: ... You're making my head hurt.
Anna: I'm really sorry, Corrin. When it comes to making money, some of my ideas can get a little...shady.
Corrin: Shady how?
Anna: You see, I thought...if I pretended to be my sisters, I could keep selling you flowers. ...I'm sorry. I'm really truly sorry.
Corrin: Why did you decide to come clean? You could have kept quiet about all this.
Anna: A merchant who has to lie to her friends to make a profit isn't worthy of her job. I'll return your money, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
Corrin: You can keep the money. There's nothing that needs forgiveness. I think it was an honest sale.
Anna: What?
Corrin: I liked the flowers you offered me, so I paid you fairly for them. I didn't buy the second flower just because I thought you were a different Anna.
Anna: Hmm... I suppose if you look at it that way...
Corrin: Besides, aren't good things supposed to happen if I collect more of them? Thanks to those sales, I got to see a softer side of you. I consider myself lucky.
Anna: Really? You're kind to say that, but... now I'm starting to worry you might be a little...too kind...for your own good. Corrin. I'm going to share some tricks to always avoid making bad deals.
Corrin: Really? You'd do that for me? That's great!
Anna: Annnd that's step one: don't be so quick to trust people! Oh well. Consider this a special one-time offer. I'll teach you all you need to know.

S Support

Anna: Corrin, I received a letter that said "good fortunes." Was it from you?
Corrin: Hello, Anna. Take a look over there.
Anna: These...are the same type of flower that I sold you. You've filled an entire planter with them? It's gorgeous!
Corrin: Yep. I bought a few more after the two from you and then learned how to grow them. Look—I was even able to make a bouquet.
Anna: It's so pretty.
Corrin: I'd like for you to have it, since you taught me the meaning behind these flowers.
Anna: Really? You're sure? Oh, thank you, thank you!
Corrin: ...
Anna: Corrin, what's wrong?
Corrin: Well, I mentioned the meaning behind these flowers...
Anna: That having a lot of them will draw good things to you!
Corrin: Exactly, and look at all the flowers I've got. I'm going to need all of the positive energy they can attract today. Ehem. Anna, will you marry me?
Anna: Hmmmmm.
Corrin: that a no?
Anna: ... Corrin.
Corrin: Y-yes?
Anna: You are brilliant. I love you.
Corrin: Huh?
Anna: Rings are so old fashioned. We can make flowers the only proper way to propose. We'll...gently...remind people that it takes a lot of flowers to really make things work! People will start competing with each other over who proposed with a larger bouquet. Once we get our flower garden growing, we'll start a trend that'll rake in the dough! Corrin, I accept your proposal. Let's become the world's best merchants!
Corrin: Thank you...I think? Are we still talking about the same thing?
Anna: We'll need to have lots of children, too. They'll all be merchants, of course. Working together, we'll really make bank!
Corrin: OK...
Anna: With that settled, we'll need to set a date for the wedding next... No, wait! I need to contact all of my sisters first. But what is the least expensive way to contact that many people...
Corrin: This is going to be an interesting ceremony...

(Confession Scene)
Anna: Being with you makes me feel like nice things will keep happening. Is it OK that I still love money a little more than you?

Kana (F)

This support is available as long as Corrin can be Kana's father (i.e. not if Corrin marries Niles).

File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
Kana (F)
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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Shigure (as parent and child)

File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (M) is Shigure's father.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait sophie fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

C support

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A support

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S support

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait midori fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Apothecary (Merchant or Mechanist)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 potent potion.png Potent Potion Apothecary, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick salve.png Quick Salve Apothecary, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 profiteer.png Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 spendthrift.png Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait shiro fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Spear Fighter (Spear Master or Basara)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal defense.png Seal Defense Spear Fighter, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 swap.png Swap Spear Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed Spear Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Spear Master, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait kiragi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait asugi fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait selkie fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait hisame fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait mitama fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Monk, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait caeldori fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait rhajat fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait siegbert fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 elbow room.png Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 shelter.png Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 defender.png Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 aegis.png Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait forrest fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 resistance +2.png Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gentilhomme.png Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally resistance.png Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 inspiration.png Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 live to serve.png Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomebreaker.png Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait ignatius fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Knight (Great Knight or General)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait velouria fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait percy fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait ophelia fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait soleil fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
Support information: Small portrait nina fe14.png
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Corrin's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 2
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 10
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15
The above additional skill listing is assuming Corrin doesn't already have access to these skills via his own secondary class tree.

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Growth rates for class trees available via support

Main article: Corrin/Stats § Neutral growth rates for non-primary class trees