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Sumia/Quotes (Awakening)

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Event tile and Barracks event quotes

You can learn a lot about this world from a pegasus's back. I see new things every day.
— Sumia, when gaining experience from an event tile or in the Barracks.
I snuck in some practice. If anyone needs it, it's me...
— Sumia, when gaining weapon experience from an event tile.
What's this? Ooh, I can't wait to show Chrom...
— Sumia, when finding an item in an event tile or in the Barracks.
I haven't tripped in at least an hour! …That's amazing. Was it something I ate?
— Sumia, when getting a surge in the Barracks.
Could it be true that pegasus feathers are the key to divining the future...?
— Sumia, when failing to get a reward in the Barracks.

Barracks greeting quotes

Hello, Robin. You're up early this morning.
— Sumia, during the morning.
Hello, Robin. Is it time for a break?
— Sumia, during the afternoon.
Hello, Robin. We had a hard day today.
— Sumia, during the evening.
Hello, Robin. It's getting late.
— Sumia, at night.
Happy birthday, Robin!
— Sumia, on Robin's birthday.
Hello, Robin. It's a beautiful morning.
— Sumia, during the morning if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. What's in store for us today?
— Sumia, during the afternoon if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. The day just zooms by, doesn't it?
— Sumia, during the evening if married to Robin.
Hello, Robin. Why don't you get some sleep?
— Sumia, at night if married to Robin.

Event tile and Barracks conversation quotes

General quotes

What a nice smile! I guess you were happy with what my flower-petal fortune said.
— Sumia, when asking a question about mood
Oh, you know... I used the flower petals to tell my fortune, and things are looking up.
— Sumia, when answering a question about mood
So, what's the first thing you do after a long battle?
— Sumia, when asking a question about hobby
I make sure everyone else is safe and sound. Nothing hurts like losing a comrade.
— Sumia, when answering a question about hobby
The flower-petal fortune said your dreams will come true! What do you dream about?
— Sumia, when asking a question about dreams
Well… I'd like to tell a fortune with griffon feathers for a change. Does that count?
— Sumia, when answering a question about dreams
I know I have a ways to go, but why don't we try fighting together in the next battle?
— Sumia, when asking a question about fighting together
I'd love to. I just hope I don't trip or get in the way.
— Sumia, when answering a question about fighting together

Quotes specifically with a lover

I love you, <lover>. It warms my heart whenever you're close.
— Sumia, her "I love you" quote
I love you too! Promise me you'll be mine and mine alone, forever.
— Sumia, responding to her lover's "I love you" quote
You're so dashing, <lover>. I'm lucky you don't find some prettier girl.
— Sumia, her "You're beautiful" quote
Oh, you're just saying that! Hee hee! ...Sorry, I'm not good with compliments.
— Sumia, responding to her lover's "You're beautiful" quote
Your hands are so warm, my love. Promise I'll never lose you.
— Sumia, asking her lover not to leave her
No foe could ever drive us appart. And anyway, I'm tougher than I look.
— Sumia, answering her lover when asked not to leave him
What have you got there, my love? You seem eager not to lose it.
— Sumia, when offering her lover a gift
Oh, this? I made you a lunch. Sorry if it's squished. I dropped it. ...Twice.
— Sumia, when her lover offers a gift

Quotes specifically with a child

What kind of things did you do in the future, <child>?
— Sumia, when asking a question about a child's life in the future
I struggled for a long time to keep up with the rest of the Shepherds. I must have picked every last flower in court trying to divine my place in the world. But eventually, things clicked and I fit in. You'll find a home here, too. I know it.
— Sumia, when answering a child's question about her life
Are you all right, <child>? You must be more careful out there.
— Sumia, asking a child if she is ill
I'm doing just fine, I promise. Okay?
— Sumia, answering a child asking if she is ill
Need anything, <child>? Your trip through time must have been hard on you.
— Sumia, when offering her child a gift
Thanks, but just the thought is enough. You're the greatest gift I could ask for.
— Sumia, when her child offers a gift
You're such a strong child, <child>. Want to go train together?
— Sumia, when asking a child to train
I'd never say no to my beautiful daughter, even if I do make a buffoon of myself.
— Sumia, when a child asks to train

Paired battle quotes

We can do it!
— Sumia
Could be trouble.
— Sumia
Stay strong!
— Sumia
Be careful!
— Sumia
— Sumia
Get ready!
— Sumia
Stay with me!
— Sumia
Stand tall.
— Sumia
I'll look after you.
— Sumia
Coming through!
— Sumia, performing a Dual Strike.
Pardon me!
— Sumia, performing a Dual Strike.
Don't trip!
— Sumia, performing a Dual Strike.
My turn!
— Sumia, performing a Dual Strike.
Let me!
— Sumia, performing a Dual Strike.
Are you alright?
— Sumia, performing a Dual Guard.
Are you okay?
— Sumia, performing a Dual Guard.
I've gotcha!
— Sumia, performing a Dual Guard.
I'll get the next one!
— Sumia, if her partner defeated the enemy.
Oh, thank you!
— Sumia, if her partner defeated the enemy.
That was amazing!
— Sumia, if her partner defeated the enemy.

Critical quotes

For Ylisse!
— Sumia
— Sumia
Here goes!
— Sumia
I'll end this now!
— Sumia

Level up quotes

I just can't do anything right, can I?
— Sumia, when one or no stats grow in a Level Up.
About time I made some progress.
— Sumia, when two or three stats grow in a Level Up.
Maybe I can finally make a difference!
— Sumia, when four or five stats grow in a Level Up.
If I can come this far, I can do anything!
— Sumia, when six or more stats grow in a Level Up.
Look at all that you can accomplish if you try!
— Sumia, when her stats are mostly capped and one or no stats grow in a Level Up.

Class Change quote

I'll give it my best shot.
— Sumia, when changing class.

Shop quotes

Oh no! You're spending our gold and it's all my fault...
— Sumia, when buying items at a shop.
I wish I had more valuable things to offer...
— Sumia, when selling items at a shop.
It's a shame they can't forge a less clumsy me.
— Sumia, when forging weapons at a shop.

Defeat quotes

— Sumia's defeat voice clip
Ungh... C-can't this...just taking up space... Sorry to...let you down...again... I'll try...not to fall...on my way out...
— Sumia's retreat quote in Classic Mode
Ugh, it's always ME who goofs up... Sorry, guys, gotta go...
— Sumia's retreat quote in Casual Mode

Battle quotes

Victory quotes

— Sumia

Endgame: Grima quotes

Robin, remember all the days we spent together!
— Sumia
I wish [he/she] could have stayed with us long enough to see me grow stronger... But all the more reason to work hard between now and [his/her] return!
— Sumia, if Robin sacrifices him/herself to kill Grima.
We owe our victory to the world's finest captain and prince!
— Sumia, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima.
If you had met your end atop that dragon, I...I could not bear it. I need you here, with me! We have so many more books to read!
— Sumia, if Chrom lands the final blow on Grima, and if she is married to Robin.

Against Caeda in Lost Bloodlines 2

Caeda: Tell me: Do you believe in love? ...Oh, listen to me. This is silly.
Sumia: No, it's not! I do believe in love! It's very kind of you to ask. Are you in love also, my lady?
Caeda: Me? Well, yes, of course. I have my betrothed.
Sumia: Oh, that's wonderful! Isn't love grand?
Caeda: (It seems I tried the love ploy on the wrong woman...) Er, what would be grander is if you surrendered! But if you will not...

Against Catria in Lost Bloodlines 3

Catria: Away with you, visitor! Return to your own world!
Sumia: I wish that I could...
Catria: Then enough words. Defend yourself!

Against Elincia in Smash Brethren 1

Sumia: I fight in the name of peace! So, uh...okay then.
Elincia: You can be bolder than that. I am no delicate flower that wilts at a threat.
Sumia: N-no, it's not you. It's definitely me.

Against Elincia in Smash Brethren 3

Elincia: Stranger from afar, I demand that you leave this place! Answer now, or we will settle this with steel!
Sumia: As you c-command, milady! ...I-I mean, no! We can't!
Elincia: Very well. Steel it is, then!

Against Julia in Rogues & Redeemers 2

Julia: Why do you insist on tormenting us?
Sumia: "Torment"?! That's kind of a strong word, don't you think? We have our reasons; you have yours. Can't we just leave it at that?

Against Julia in Rogues & Redeemers 3

Sumia: Milady, work with me. Help me find some way to avoid this fight.
Julia: I don't want to avoid it. I'm tired of running!
Sumia: That's a shame... I would have rather not come to blows.

DLC battle quotes

G-give me back my gold! That's all I have to pay for the stuff I break when I trip! And I trip a LOT...
— Sumia, in The Golden Gaffe.
Wait! Y-you shall not pass! I may not be the deftest knight in the group, but I can put you in your place! Now regurgitate those vegetables, or...Ew, wait. No! Don't do that!
— Sumia, in EXPonential Growth.
Were you really brought back from a c-corpse? It must be awful having to fight the same battle for all eternity. I wish I could save you from this Outrealm prison...but I'm no savior...
— Sumia, in Infinite Regalia.
We were too late... It's no wonder no one survived. I know what-ifs are a waste of breath and all, but still... I can't help but wonder what might've been if we'd only arrived sooner...
— Sumia, in Death's Embrace.
Whew... I consulted the flowers, and yes, it seems all the Annas will be rescued. Oh, but that doesn't mean I'm going easy on you, buster! After all, MY survival is still up in the air. Now prepare yourself!
— Sumia, in Five-Anna Firefight.
I don't care one bit what saucy tales are written about me... But I won't stand for you spreading nasty rumors about my comrades! Now return the roster or face my wrath! I mean it!
— Sumia, in Roster Rescue.
As a Shepherd, it's my sworn duty to defend those in need. There was a time I doubted myself—when one like you might have cowed me. Unfortunately for you, rogue, that time has passed!
— Sumia, in Summer Scramble.
The haze of sunset... Vermilion leaves... This place is just stunning! But I'd better be extra careful walking around here. I trip enough already WITHOUT the rocks being slippery...
— Sumia, in Hot-Spring Scramble.