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This page contains all data pertaining to Dwyer's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin m fe14.png
Corrin (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Dwyer access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Dwyer's Troubadour or Cavalier class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother.
This support grants Dwyer access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Dwyer's Troubadour or Cavalier class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: Hmm. I have the strangest sensation that someone's following me…
Dwyer: Hi there.
Corrin: Dwyer? Are you stalking me?
Dwyer: Not you. Your sleeve.
Corrin: What?
Dwyer: If you wouldn't mind...? Your sleeve... has a little hole...right... ...there. May I?
Corrin: Fix it? Uh, sure.
Dwyer: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. There. That should do it.
Corrin: Thanks. I didn't even know my shirt had a hole—or that you could sew.
Dwyer: It was nothing. Less than nothing. Infinitely less than nothing. I'm sure my father makes a huge deal out of mending torn sleeves. But I? In like the wind. Out like a whisper.
Corrin: So I see.
Dwyer: I heard my father sing your praises. May I...?
Corrin: Er, may you what?
Dwyer: Sing your praises. Nothing would make me happier.
Corrin: I suppose. But I haven't really done much worth praising so highly.
Dwyer: Then I will sing that to the heavens! He has done so little! ♪
Corrin: Please, that's not necessary. But thank you.
Dwyer: Now, to make you tea. Now, I'm sure my father has made you tea in his buttling duties. But his tea is the water from the pot of your chamber compared to mine. Prepare to be carried away on a magic carpet ride of tea excellence. Just take a seat over there, if you will, and I'll get the water boiling.
Corrin: Uh, thanks?

B Support

Dwyer: Hi there, Lord Corrin. I'm ready to lavish more superior buttling on you.
Corrin: There's really no need, Dwyer. I've already got—
Dwyer: Observe! A covered cart of pastries! And here the cover comes off... Behold! A mélange of muffins! A panorama of cheesecakes! A scone or two. All baked for your pleasure. By me. Your humble servant.
Corrin: Oh, Dwyer. Thank you. But I can really eat only one—
Dwyer: Eat one? Of course. That's not insulting at all. Why, I should have better gauged the capacity of your stomach. You can eat the rest later. I had prepared a flight of teas to match your full course of pastries. But you leave me no choice. I'll make you ONE cup of perfect tea. Watch the master at work...
Corrin: Oh, Dwyer! That actually smells amazing. What's in that tea?
Dwyer: The finest leaves. The freshest water. Boiled, brewed—and then tickled.
Corrin: You...tickled the tea?
Dwyer: Anything for you.
Corrin: But you know you're not my butler, right? We're friends.
Dwyer: ......
Corrin: Uh, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Are you firing me?
Corrin: What? No! I just feel bad that you're going to all this trouble. I could never do all this for you.
Dwyer: Don't worry yourself with how to ever repay me. It's my pleasure.
Corrin: All right, Dwyer. Keep the muffins coming. If you insist.
Dwyer: I do. And I will. But I feel like I must outdo myself tomorrow. Ah! I know. I will make you the perfect cup of tea.
Corrin: I think this is perfect enough.
Dwyer: That?! That is FILTH. The perfect cup requires mint from a nearly unclimbable cliff near here. How will I get it though? It's hardly ever at the market in town. Hmph!
Corrin: Well, don't put yourself out too much. Like I said, this tea is good.
Dwyer: Good, eh? I will bear that insult in the best of spirits. Think nothing of it. I will get that mint for you somehow. I swear it on my life.
Corrin: Th-thanks, Dwyer.

A Support

Corrin: Hi, Dwyer. Can I bother you for a moment?
Dwyer: Do you have to ask, Lord Corrin? No, you don't.
Corrin: I have something for you.
Dwyer: For me?
Corrin: I wanted to do a little something for you. Since you go above and beyond for me.
Dwyer: Unnecessary. You shouldn't have. I will pen you a thank-you note. With paper I will make from fresh pulp. With a feather plucked from a goose. And ink squeezed from a squid. I'll just go do that now.
Corrin: No, wait. I haven't even given you my gift yet, Dwyer. Here, open it.
Dwyer: But these... Are these...? They can't be... These are the mint leaves for the perfect cup of tea.
Corrin: You did want these, didn't you?
Dwyer: Please tell me you found these at the town market. Please!
Corrin: No. I had to find them in the wild.
Dwyer: Not atop the nearly unclimbable cliffs! No, you didn't!
Corrin: I did. I have to admit, it was a little scary getting up there.
Dwyer: ......
Corrin: So, you like it, right?
Dwyer: Are you kidding? NO! Who in their right mind would like this?!
Corrin: Excuse me?
Dwyer: You put yourself in terrible danger to get this mint. It makes me sick. Get this mint AWAY from me!
Corrin: I...I don't know what to say.
Dwyer: Just to be clear—I've pledged myself to your happiness. Muffins galore! Cheesecake beyond compare! Scones, if you must. I'll shine your shoes so bright, you'll blind yourself looking at them. And, of course, I'll make you tea. But I can't do any of that if you're lying in a broken heap at the bottom of a cliff.
Corrin: I'm sorry.
Dwyer: Sorry doesn't cut the mustard. Promise me, Lord Corrin. Tell me you'll never do anything so utterly idiotic ever again.
Corrin: Oh. I promise?
Dwyer: Well, now that we've settled that, care for a cup of mint tea?
Corrin: What? But you just—
Dwyer: What's done is done. Still, it'd be a tragedy to let this mint go to waste. I'll get the water on the boil right away, Lord Corrin...

Corrin (F)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin f fe14.png
Corrin (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Dwyer access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Dwyer's Troubadour or Cavalier class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother.
This support grants Dwyer access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Dwyer's Troubadour or Cavalier class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Dwyer: Good day, Lady Corrin. Can I ask you for a small favor?
Corrin: Of course. How can I help you, Dwyer?
Dwyer: I just made a pot of tea, and I was wondering if you would sample it.
Corrin: Well, that's easy! Sure, let me have a sip. Mmm. It's really good.
Dwyer: I see. Any further detail you care to offer?
Corrin: Oh! Sure. Let's see... It's a bit floral. And do I detect hints of vanilla? In any case, it's delicious, Dwyer! Just the way I like my tea!
Dwyer: Yes, your perception is correct. How would you say it compares to my father's tea?
Corrin: Um, well... It's pretty similar, to be honest. Perhaps that's why I like it so much!
Dwyer: I see... I should have you know that when it comes to my skills as a butler... I have no intention of taking second place to my father. So, please understand that I will be redoubling my efforts to please you.
Corrin: Um, that's really not necessary...

B Support

Dwyer: Hello, Lady Corrin. I have another favor to ask of you.
Corrin: Certainly. How can I help?
Dwyer: I've baked some cookies. Would it be too much trouble for you to try one?
Corrin: Dwyer, I'd be more than happy to try one of your cookies. But don't need to ask me like it's some big favor.
Dwyer: I don't know. What if they're terrible? It's a new recipe—completely untested.
Corrin: Well, let's see. *munch* *munch* They're unbelievable, of course.
Dwyer: Thank you, Lady Corrin. Do you have any suggestions or other feedback for me?
Corrin: Yes, actually.
Dwyer: Oh...this doesn't sound good.
Corrin: Relax, Dwyer. It's just...well, I need you to relax in general, actually.
Dwyer: I don't understand. I'm quite relaxed. Whenever I'm not working, you'll find me sleeping.
Corrin: Maybe so, but I feel like you're trying too hard to impress me...or defeat your father. There's no competition. You don't need to do that.
Dwyer: ...
Corrin: I want you to think of us as friends. Please treat me as you would any other friend.
Dwyer: I'm afraid that isn't possible. You're my boss.
Corrin: That's not really true. And even if it WERE true, I'd ask that you treat me as a friend.
Dwyer: I think I understand. I'm being a nuisance. I'll do my best to stay out of your way.
Corrin: No! That's not it! Dwyer, I want you to treat me as an equal. I want us to be comrades fighting together. Nothing more, nothing less.
Dwyer: Equals? Comrades? You and I?
Corrin: Yes!
Dwyer: Understood. However, I hope that you'll allow me to continue assisting you as a butler.
Corrin: If you insist. However, I insist that you allow me to assist YOU as a butler sometimes, too.
Dwyer: Uh...OK. As long as my father never sees you acting as my butler...I think I'm OK with that.

A Support

Dwyer: Hello, Lady Corrin. Would you be interested in a pot of tea?
Corrin: Hey, Dwyer. Sure, that would hit the spot right now!
Dwyer: Excellent. I'll have it ready in a moment. By the way, I just wanted to say that it's always my pleasure to serve you. You are a kind and fair master, and—
Corrin: Dwyer, I thought I told you to lay off that whole "master" thing.
Dwyer: apologies. It's just that you have such a pleasant disposition... And Father always says—
Corrin: What does your father have to do with this?
Dwyer: Everything, I'm afraid. Ah, the tea is ready. Please, have a sip before we continue.
Corrin: Thank you, Dwyer. Mmm, it's perfect, as always.
Dwyer: And how is it compared to my father's?
Corrin: Dwyer, for the last time... Jakob is very skilled at what he does. And so are you. Both of you make a wonderful pot of tea. Why does it have to be a competition?
Dwyer: I...I don't know. But, for your sake, I will try to refrain from competing with my father.
Corrin: That's good to hear. Now, how would you like some fresh-baked cookies?
Dwyer: What?!
Corrin: It's like I told you before. We're friends. Friends can do nice things for each other.
Dwyer: Well...thank you, I guess. *crunch* *crunch* These are amazing. How did you get such depth of flavor?
Corrin: Ha! It's an old trick. I browned the butter before I mixed it into the batter.
Dwyer: I see... Wait until my father tastes my next test batch... I mean, thank you, Lady Corrin.

S Support

Dwyer: Sorry to bother you, Lady Corrin, but would you like anything to eat?
Corrin: Oh, hello, Dwyer. No, thanks. I'm not hungry.
Dwyer: Hmm, I see. Not even a small trifle? I actually have something perfect in mind...
Corrin: No, really, I'm fine at the moment. Thank you, though.
Dwyer: Um...
Corrin: What's wrong, Dwyer?
Dwyer: It's just...I've been working on a new recipe that I thought you would like...
Corrin: Well, why didn't you say so? I'd be happy to try a small bite.
Dwyer: Excellent! Yes, a small bite should suffice, I think. You should also probably avoid biting down with excessive force... Just a very small nibble,!
Corrin: What the hell did you put inside my cookie, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Please...just break it in two if you'd rather be on the safe side.
Corrin: You didn't bake a ring into it or anything clichéd like that, did you? Haha!
Dwyer: Well...
Corrin: Oh, Dwyer...
Dwyer: Lady Corrin...will you marry me? I promise to take care of you for the rest of my life.
Corrin: No.
Dwyer: I see. Well then, I'll
Corrin: What I mean is that I won't have you taking care of me for the rest of my life. I will only marry you if we can have an equal partnership. I want to do things for you, Dwyer! I want to cook, and do laundry, and make tea... Because I love you. Isn't that normal for husbands and wives? Wanting to do things for each other?
Dwyer: Yes, I think so. Does that'll actually marry me?
Corrin: Yes. I want to work together to build a future with you.
Dwyer: So, I won't have to do as much work...and I also get to marry you? You're the best, Lady Corrin.

(Confession Scene)
Dwyer: I don't lift a finger for just anyone... but I would do anything in the world for you.

Corrin (F) (as parent and child)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait corrin f fe14.png
Corrin (F)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Nohr Prince (Hoshido Noble or Nohr Noble)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 nobility.png Nobility Nohr Prince, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 dragon fang.png Dragon Fang Nohr Prince, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 dragon ward.png Dragon Ward Hoshido Noble, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 hoshidan unity.png Hoshidan Unity Hoshido Noble, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 draconic hex.png Draconic Hex Nohr Noble, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 nohrian trust.png Nohrian Trust Nohr Noble, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Hello, Mother. I made you some coffee.
Corrin: How sweet. Thank you, Dwyer. Wow, this is excellent. You have a true gift for brewing!
Dwyer: Really? I'm so happy that you like it!
Corrin: It has a wonderful aroma and a unique flavor too. Almost like chocolate. You certainly know how to make a perfect pot of coffee. Honestly, I think it's even better than the kind your father makes.
Dwyer: That's high praise! But umm, maybe I should keep that to myself. He might get mad at me.
Corrin: You think so? I suppose he can be a bit jealous from time to time. It's not ideal to be on his bad side.
Dwyer: That sounds even worse...
Corrin: Heehee, right? I bet if he overheard us talking, he'd make me try cup after cup of coffee. I'm sure your father wouldn't let up until I said his brew tasted better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, yeah, that's not hard to imagine. I still have more coffee in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Corrin: Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: *sigh*
Corrin: What's on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: N-nothing in particular...
Corrin: You're obviously upset about something. Why are trying to hide things from me? I'm your mother, silly.
Dwyer: Oh, sorry.
Corrin: Just tell me what's on your mind. You'll feel better if you get it off your chest.
Dwyer: I've been thinking a lot... I'm just afraid that I'm not suited for war.
Corrin: Why do you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Corrin: Oh, Dwyer, that's not true.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler or something.
Corrin: No, you can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh? Why?
Corrin: This is your home, Son. You should be fighting here, with us.
Dwyer: But why?
Corrin: Because you're sweet and compassionate.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Corrin: You are. You just tried to hide your troubles to keep me from worrying, right? No matter what, you're always thinking of other people first.
Dwyer: That's just more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Corrin: You're wrong about that, Dwyer. I've seen you help your friends even when it puts you in a difficult position. That's a very thoughtful thing to do, and it certainly isn't easy. When I look into your eyes, I can see that it's as natural as breathing to you. You're selfless.
Dwyer: I never thought of it like that. Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Corrin: That's the spirit, dear. You should be proud of yourself. Just know that I'll always be here to protect you.

A Support

Corrin: What was I thinking...
Dwyer: Is something wrong, Mother?
Corrin: It's nothing, Dwyer. Don't worry about me. I'm just feeling a little tired today.
Dwyer: You know that I can see right through your lies, right? After all, I'm your son!
Corrin: Heehee, is that right? Maybe I shouldn't be so surprised...
Dwyer: I'm happy to lend you an ear if you feel like talking.
Corrin: That's sweet of you to offer.
Dwyer: So? What is it?
Corrin: I feel like I've failed you as a mother...
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's not true at all.
Corrin: But I told you to fight. To put yourself in danger on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was feeling worried the other day?
Corrin: Yes. A good mother should always be thinking of their child's safety first and foremost. But I encouraged you to run into battle. To put yourself in harm's way. I'm a terrible mother.
Dwyer: Please, don't say that. Sure, you encouraged me to fight. But it was my decision to stay. Not yours.
Corrin: I suppose that's true.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your advice. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Corrin: Dwyer, I had no idea.
Dwyer: You haven't failed me in the slightest. In fact, you're the best mother anyone could ask for.
Corrin: That means so much to me. Thank you.
Dwyer: Would you like some coffee? It might help you unwind.
Corrin: That sounds lovely. I'm so lucky to have such a thoughtful son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait felicia fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Felicia is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Felicia: Wow! Thank you, Dwyer! *sigh* This is amazing. So delicious! You've gotten awfully good at making coffee.
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so happy you're enjoying it.
Felicia: I do! You're really talented. Honestly, I think this coffee is even better than your father's.
Dwyer: Wow, that's high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Felicia: Oh dear, really? I don't think he'd be angry necessarily... He might get a little envious. I'll admit that he's prone to bouts of jealousy.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Felicia: Heehee. Yeah, you might be right. I bet if he heard me talk about his coffee... he'd make me drink cup after cup of his brew. And he probably wouldn't stop 'til said his was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh... Yeah, I can imagine that. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Felicia: I will! Thank you, Dwyer!

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Felicia: Dwyer, is something bothering you?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Felicia: There's no use trying to hide things. I'm your mother. You really think you can keep secrets from me? I know you, sweetie.
Dwyer: I'm sorry.
Felicia: Why don't you just tell me what's bothering you? Who knows? Maybe I can do something to help out.
Dwyer: Well... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Felicia: WHAT?! Why would you think that? Why DO you think that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Felicia: Dwyer, that's not fair.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler or something.
Felicia: No, don't say that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Felicia: Dwyer, you belong here, with me.
Dwyer: Why do you say that?
Felicia: Because you're such a kind child.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Felicia: Yes, you are. Don't deny it. Just a moment ago, you tried to hide your troubles to save me from worrying, right?
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Felicia: You're wrong, Dwyer. We need kindness most on the battlefield. That kindness gives you the courage to aid your friends, regardless of danger. That type of courage is very rare. It's also very important. Dwyer, you understand, right?
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Felicia: That's the spirit, Dwyer! Just know, I'll always be watching over you.

A Support

Felicia: *sigh*
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Felicia: Oh, Dwyer! I-it's nothing! I think I'm just a little tired. No need to worry about me.
Dwyer: Mother, you know I can see through your lies, right?
Felicia: Ah. You're right.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I can at least lend you an ear.
Felicia: That's very kind, Dwyer.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Felicia: Have I... Have I failed you as a mother?
Dwyer: No, of course not. Don't say that. It's simply not true.
Felicia: B-but I... I pushed you toward war. I said you belong on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Felicia: Yes, precisely. A mother should always consider her child's safety above all else. And yet... I encouraged you to fight. If that doesn't make me a failed parent, then I don't know what does.
Dwyer: That's simply not true.
Felicia: Huh?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Felicia: Oh.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Felicia: Dwyer, really?
Dwyer: Yes. I promise, you're not a failure. In fact, you're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Felicia: Thank you so much, Dwyer!
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Felicia: I'm very lucky to have such a kind son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait jakob fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Dwyer: This smells wonderful. Now to pour it into the carafe and serve everyone…
Jakob: Hello, Dwyer. Did you make coffee too?
Dwyer: I did. Let me guess...
Jakob: I'll be serving everyone the coffee I painstakingly prepared. You can go ahead and enjoy whatever it is that you brewed.
Dwyer: There must be a mistake. I'm going to serve the espresso I made. You know I make better coffee than you. Admit it.
Jakob: What?! How dare you hurl that cheeky nonsense at your father!
Dwyer: I wasn't trying to talk back or be rude. It's a simple statement of fact.
Jakob: That your coffee is superior to mine? You really think that's true? I've got some news for you, Son. That is utter hogwash. Especially considering the fact that you haven't bothered to even try mine yet.
Dwyer: There's no need. I can smell it. And I think I'll pass.
Jakob: What?!
Dwyer: You realize it too, don't you? If you'll pardon me. We wouldn't want my coffee to get any colder, now would we?
(Dwyer leaves)
Jakob: Damn! Much as I hate to admit it, he's right. This time, and ONLY this time, Dwyer made better coffee than me. But, I'll show him. Just you wait and see, Son...

B Support

Jakob: Hello, Dwyer. I made you some fresh coffee.
Dwyer: Oh, really? Did you see some pigs flying as well?
Jakob: How amusing. Listen. The other day, I just so happened to make a mistake. It's a curious and rare occurrence, I assure you. But now it's time to really see who is the coffee king of this castle. You... Or me.
Dwyer: Ohh, I understand.
Jakob: Now be grateful and drink up. You can even cry on my shoulder after you taste your bitter defeat.
Dwyer: The only bitter thing here is this terrible brew. There's no love.
Jakob: What do you mean?
Dwyer: The cup itself is cold.
Jakob: Th-the cup?
Dwyer: You didn't even bother to warm up the cup before pouring the coffee, right? That means the hot java cools down the moment it's poured inside.
Jakob: I... I can't believe I made such a thoughtless mistake.
Dwyer: I'm sorry, Father. But it seems I've won this battle without even taking a sip.
Jakob: Grrrrrrrrr. Even competing with my own son, I didn't expect to feel this frustrated. No, I'm just angry because I lost to you. That must be it.
Dwyer: While we're on the topic...I've been thinking. I'm confident that I could handle any task as a butler better than you can.
Jakob: Is that right? Well, my arrogant boy, what say we step into the practice field? It's been a while since you and I have gone head-to-head. Just know one thing: I won't hold back this time. Now go get your things.
Dwyer: W-wait... What does this have to do with combat?
Jakob: Silence! It's so I can reclaim my peace of mind, obviously. If you don't want to take a good thrashing, then I'd recommend defending yourself.
Dwyer: You're horrible...

A Support

Jakob: Good morning, Son. You're looking well today.
Dwyer: Aren't you in awfully good spirits...
Jakob: Hahaha. Did you enjoy our sparring session the other day? I believe I made my superiority clear.
Dwyer: I've never seen you so focused before. A drunken bear would have fought with more dignity than you did...
Jakob: Oh, don't be so jealous. I know it must be hard when you can't compete with my striking combat acumen.
Dwyer: I'll catch up to you soon enough. Just like how I surpassed you already as a butler...
Jakob: Hmph. There you go again. With your cheeky attitude.
Dwyer: I have to say, it's been nice spending more time together lately... I'm surprised to admit that I have been enjoying myself on the whole.
Jakob: Oh?
Dwyer: Yeah. We didn't get to do much of that when I was little.
Jakob: Feel free to complain. There is no chance I will apologize. Ever. I simply did what I thought best for you. It was only after much deliberation that we decided to raise you in the Deeprealms.
Dwyer: I know, Father... You didn't want us to grow up in the shadow of war, right?
Jakob: Something like that...
Dwyer: I don't resent you for being absent when I was a child. Now that we actually have time to spend together, I've been thinking. I'd like to enjoy every moment that I can with you.
Jakob: Hmph... You're certainly rather sentimental for a young man.
Dwyer: Haha... I suppose I do sound a little childish...
Jakob: That being said, you will always be my boy.
Dwyer: Father, I...
Jakob: How about a cup of coffee, hmm? Just make sure it's the finest brew you've ever made.
Dwyer: Heh, sure thing. Just wait here.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait azura fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, here is the coffee you requested.
Azura: Thank you very much, Dwyer. Yum! It's delicious. You must work magic getting this flavor from regular coffee beans.
Dwyer: I'm glad to hear that you like it.
Azura: It really is very good! I may regret saying this, but I think your coffee is better than your father's.
Dwyer: I...I don't know what to say. Better than Father's? Seriously? That's awfully high praise. But...I probably should not go and tell him that you said such a thing. He'd be mad.
Azura: Do you think so? I don't think he would be angry. Envious of you, perhaps. Incredibly envious.
Dwyer: Ahhh... I think that could actually be worse.
Azura: Heehee. He can be a bit competitive. I'm sure if he heard what I said about your coffee, he'd start making cups right away. And then I'd be forced to judge them for hours on end until one surpassed yours.
Dwyer: That does indeed sound like Father. Anyway, let me know if you'd like more coffee. I have enough for another cup.
Azura: All right. Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hrm...
Azura: Hello, Dwyer. You look like you've got something on your mind...
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, I'm just relaxing. Nothing really to think about...
Azura: You know mothers can see right through every lie their sons tell, right?
Dwyer: I... Oh. Well then.
Azura: So, talk to me. Tell me what it is that's bothering you. Maybe I can offer some helpful advice!
Dwyer: *sigh* I don't believe I'm suited for the battlefield.
Azura: What makes you think that?
Dwyer: I'm certain you know why; I really don't like to get into fights. On the battlefield, the kind of person I am will only weigh down everyone else. Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler...
Azura: You can't do that. You belong here, Son.
Dwyer: I don't know, Mother. It seems like I really don't. Why do you think I do?
Azura: Because you're so kind. Don't even begin to deny it. You tried to spare me from worrying about you by lying just a minute ago.
Dwyer: Even if that is true... it's just more proof that I shouldn't be on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Azura: You're wrong, Dwyer. Kindness is important on the battlefield exactly because it's so dangerous. Being willing to put your life in danger for your friends... That is not something that everyone can do, when it comes down to it. Can you think of a kinder, braver thing that you could do for people you care about?
Dwyer: Thank you, Mother. Your words... They really help. I will try my best to help my friends.
Azura: Don't worry; I'll always be here to watch over you.

A Support

Azura: Did I really do the right thing...?
Dwyer: Mother? I heard you from the other room. What's the matter?
Azura: Oh, Dwyer... It's nothing—don't worry. I'm just feeling very tired, is all.
Dwyer: You know, sons can see whenever their mothers are lying...
Azura: Heehee... I suppose that is true, isn't it...
Dwyer: I may not be able to help a great deal, but I can at least listen.
Azura: Thank you, dear. I really do appreciate it. I suppose I just feel like I've failed as a mother...
Dwyer: Why would you feel that way? It's not even remotely true.
Azura: But I told you that you should go out onto the battlefield.
Dwyer: Ah, you mean the other day when I was feeling really worried?
Azura: Exactly. But a mother should always think first and foremost about her child's safety. What kind of mother encourages her child to go off into danger, to potentially die? I'm a horrible mother...
Dwyer: Mother, you may have suggested that I stay here to fight with my friends... But it was my choice to stay or to leave, and I was the one who decided to stay.
Azura: That is true...
Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and gotten your advice... Well, hearing you talk about kindness and bravery on the battlefield changed me. If we hadn't talked, I may have put my friends in danger on the battlefield.
Azura: Oh, Dwyer...
Dwyer: So, don't worry. You're not a failure! You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Azura: Thank you, dear. It truly is reassuring to hear you say that.
Dwyer: Now, I suppose I could make you some coffee to help you relax...
Azura: So young, and yet so thoughtful. I couldn't have a better son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mozu fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Mozu is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Villager (Master of Arms or Merchant)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 aptitude.png Aptitude Villager, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 underdog.png Underdog Villager, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 profiteer.png Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 spendthrift.png Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Mozu: Oh, really? Thanks, Son. Wow! This is delicious. You've developed quite the flair for brewing coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you're enjoying it.
Mozu: Honestly, it might be the best cup that I've ever had. I think you might be better at making coffee than your father.
Dwyer: That's awfully high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Mozu: Huh? You think? I don't know about that. Then again, he sure doesn't like playing second fiddle to anyone. It might make him jealous.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Mozu: Ahahaha! Yeah, I agree. If he heard us talking, I bet he'd probably make me drink cup after cup of his brew. At least until I caved and told him that he made the best coffee.
Dwyer: Heh. Yeah, I can imagine that. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Mozu: Thanks!

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Mozu: Got something on your mind, Son?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Mozu: Why try to hide things from me? I know everything there is to know about you. I'm your ma, after all.
Dwyer: Fair enough.
Mozu: Do you wanna talk about it? Maybe I can give you some advice. I'd love to help any way I can.
Dwyer: I've just been thinking. I'm not suited for the battlefield.
Mozu: Huh? Why would you ever think that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Mozu: Oh, Dwyer, don't say that.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler somewhere.
Mozu: Don't say another word. That's nonsense.
Dwyer: Huh?
Mozu: This is where you belong, Son.
Dwyer: Why do you say that?
Mozu: Because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Mozu: There's no point in arguing. Moments ago you tried to keep me from worrying about you. You've always watched out for everyone.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Mozu: That just ain't true, Dwyer. We need kindness on a battlefield more than anything. Even when things get tough, you have the courage to watch out for your friends. I know what you're capable of. And that's a kind of courage few possess.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to assist my allies.
Mozu: That's the spirit. Just know that your ma will always be around to watch over you.

A Support

Mozu: *sigh*
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Mozu: Oh no, it's nothing. I think I'm just a little tired. Don't you worry about me.
Dwyer: I'm your son. You know I can see through your lies, right?
Mozu: Heehee. Fair enough.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I can at least lend you an ear.
Mozu: That's very kind. Thank you.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Mozu: Do you think... Son, am I a horrible mother?
Dwyer: No, of course not. Don't say that. That's not true at all.
Mozu: But, Dwyer. I said you belong on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Mozu: Yeah. A parent is supposed to worry about their kid's safety, right? But not me. No, I tell you to go out and fight. To put yourself in danger. I've failed you as a mother.
Dwyer: That's not true at all.
Mozu: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Mozu: Oh.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Mozu: Oh, Dwyer. I didn't realize.
Dwyer: So please, stop saying you've failed me. It couldn't be further from the truth. You're the best mother I could ever ask for.
Mozu: Thank you, Son.
Dwyer: Now why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Mozu: I'm sure lucky to have a thoughtful son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rinkah fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Rinkah is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal resistance.png Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 shove.png Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 death blow.png Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 counter.png Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 salvage blow.png Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancebreaker.png Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Rinkah: Oh, really? Thanks, Dwyer. Hmm. Wow, this is wonderful. You've gotten awfully good at making coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm glad you like it so much.
Rinkah: I may not know much about coffee, but this brew is excellent. I'd say it's even better than your father's.
Dwyer: That's high praise. Maybe I should keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Rinkah: You think? It seems a little silly for a grown man to get upset over something so silly. He can be prideful. And very jealous, from time to time.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Rinkah: Haha! Yeah, you may be right about that. If he heard us talking, I bet he'd make me sample cup after cup of his brew. At least until I said his coffee tasted better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, yeah, I can imagine that. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Rinkah: I will. Thanks, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Rinkah: Is something on your mind?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Rinkah: Don't underestimate me, Son. I am your mother, after all. You think you can fool me?
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Rinkah: Just tell me what's going on. Getting it off your chest might make you feel better.
Dwyer: Well, it's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Rinkah: Why do you think that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Rinkah: Dwyer, don't say that.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler somewhere.
Rinkah: No, you shouldn't do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Rinkah: Dwyer, you belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Rinkah: Because you're so kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Rinkah: Don't be silly. Of course you are. Just now you tried to obscure your troubles to keep me from worrying about you.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Rinkah: You're wrong, Dwyer. It's on the battlefield that kindness is needed most of all. Without compassion and unity, we can't see this conflict through 'til the end. You think of others, regardless of danger. We need that kind of heart in this fight. Just know, you're truly suited for battle.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Rinkah: Good. I'll always be here, watching out for you.

A Support

Rinkah: *sigh*
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Rinkah: Oh, Dwyer... It's nothing. Don't worry. I'm just feeling tired today. Nothing for you to worry about.
Dwyer: I'm your son. You know I can see through your lies, right?
Rinkah: Heheheh... I suppose you're right.
Dwyer: I may not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Rinkah: Thanks, Dwyer. I really appreciate it.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Rinkah: Honestly, I just feel that I've failed you as a mother.
Dwyer: That's not true at all. Don't say that.
Rinkah: But I said that you belonged on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Rinkah: Yes. But a mother should always be most concerned with their child's safety. But I've told you to risk your life. To run directly toward danger. That must make me a failure.
Dwyer: That's not true.
Rinkah: Huh? What do you mean?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Rinkah: Oh.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Rinkah: Dwyer, I had no idea.
Dwyer: So please, stop worrying. You're not a failure at all! You're the best mother anyone could ever hope for.
Rinkah: That's ridiculous. But thank you.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Rinkah: You sure are a sweet kid. I'm lucky to have such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sakura fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Sakura is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Monk, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Sakura: Oh! Thank you, Dwyer! This is wonderful. It has a lovely aroma. You have a real gift for brewing.
Dwyer: You mean it? It makes me really happy to hear that you like it so much.
Sakura: It's incredible...*sigh* You're probably better at making coffee than your father these days.
Dwyer: Better than Father? That's the best praise I could ever hope for! I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Sakura: Huh? You think so? I don't think he'd be that upset. Ah, on second thought I guess I can picture him getting a little bit jealous.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Sakura: Heehee. Right? Yeah, maybe this should just be our little secret. I can imagine him forcing me to drink cup after cup of coffee. Keeping them coming until I said his brew was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh. That's not all that hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Sakura: I think I might! Thank you, dear.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Sakura: Something on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Sakura: Don't try to hide things from me. I know you forward and backward. I am your mother, after all.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Sakura: Just talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. I'd love to help, even if you just want me to listen.
Dwyer: Well, it's just that... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Sakura: Huh? What makes you say a thing like that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Sakura: Oh, Dwyer. You're being way too hard on yourself.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler.
Sakura: You can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Sakura: You don't weigh down anyone, Son.
Dwyer: How do you know?
Sakura: Because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Sakura: Yes, you are! Don't deny it. Like when you told a little white lie to try and keep me from worrying about you.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Sakura: You're wrong, Dwyer. Kindness absolutely has a place in wartime. The valor and compassion that drives you to face danger and help others is unique. That doesn't come easily to most people, but it's very important. I think you know exactly what I mean.
Dwyer: I'd never thought about it like that. Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Sakura: That's what I like to hear! Let's do our best to protect those we care about. I may not be the strongest warrior, but know that I will always look out for you.

A Support

Sakura: What was I thinking...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Sakura: Dwyer? N-nothing's wrong! I'm just a little tired. Please, don't worry about me.
Dwyer: You're aware that a son can always see through their mother's lies, right?
Sakura: Oh, is that so?
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen. Please, talk to me.
Sakura: Thank you very much.
Dwyer: So?
Sakura: I just realized... I'm an awful mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. There's not a shred of truth to that.
Sakura: I basically told you... that you belong on the battlefield.
Dwyer: Ah, you mean when I was worried the other day?
Sakura: Yes, exactly. A mother's foremost concern should always be the safety of her children. And here I am pushing you into war. I'm a horrible parent.
Dwyer: Stop it.
Sakura: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Sakura: Oh. That's true.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Sakura: Oh, Dwyer. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So, please, stop calling yourself a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Sakura: That's so kind. Thank you!
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can unwind.
Sakura: OK. I'm so lucky to have such a thoughtful son like you, Dwyer.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hana fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Hana is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 duelist's blow.png Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 vantage.png Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 astra.png Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordfaire.png Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal strength.png Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 life and death.png Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Hana: Oh! Thank you, Dwyer. Mmm! Wow, it's delicious! You really know how to make good black coffee.
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so glad that you like it.
Hana: The aroma is divine. Honestly, you might be even better than your father at brewing coffee.
Dwyer: B-better than Father? That's the best praise I could hope for. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Hana: Oh, I don't think he'd be upset. He might get jealous. And gripe about it a whole bunch.
Dwyer: That actually sounds much worse.
Hana: Ahaha! True! If he heard us, he'd probably make me drink cup after cup of coffee. At least until I said his brew was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh. That's not all that hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe, if you want another cup later.
Hana: All right! Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Hana: Something on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Hana: You can't hide things from me, Son. I'm your mother. I can see right through your lies!
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Hana: Spill your guts. What's up? Maybe I can give you some advice.
Dwyer: Well, it's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Hana: What? Why is that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Hana: Don't say that.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.
Hana: You can't do that!
Dwyer: Huh?
Hana: This is where you belong.
Dwyer: Why?
Hana: Because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Hana: You sure are! A second ago you proved it by trying to keep me from worrying about you.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Hana: You're wrong about that. Kindness is needed more than ever during wartime. In times of great pain and suffering, we must show compassion. It won't be easy, but I know you can do it. And I think you know that as well.
Dwyer: I'd never thought about it that way. Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Hana: That's the spirit! Let's both do our best! I will always be here for you. Right next to you every step of the way.

A Support

Hana: What was I thinking...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Hana: Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little tired. Don't you worry about me.
Dwyer: You know a son can always see through their mother's lies, right?
Hana: Hahaha. Can they now?
Dwyer: I might not be able to do all that much, but I can at least listen.
Hana: That's very kind, Dwyer.
Dwyer: So? Talk to me.
Hana: I've just been wondering. Am I an awful mother?
Dwyer: Of course not! That's not even a little bit true.
Hana: I pushed you to participate in the war, Dwyer. To run into battle.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Hana: Yes, exactly. Mothers should always aim to protect their children. Not encourage them to risk their lives in wartime. But I selfishly wanted to fight side by side. I'm a horrible parent!
Dwyer: That's simply not true.
Hana: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Hana: I didn't think of it like that.
Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice... I would have put my friends in greater danger. Your advice moved me.
Hana: Dwyer, I had no idea.
Dwyer: So, you're not a failure. In fact, you're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Hana: You mean it? Thank you.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.
Hana: That sounds great! I'm sure lucky to have a thoughtful son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait orochi fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Orochi is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Orochi: Well, that's very thoughtful of you. Mmm, oh my. It's delicious! You've got a real gift for brewing coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.
Orochi: I do. It's got a rich aroma, yet it's not too bitter. You might be even better than your father at making coffee.
Dwyer: Wow, better than Father? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get angry.
Orochi: You think so? I don't think he's that narrow minded. I bet he would just get incredibly jealous. Kind of like a persistent snake.
Dwyer: Ahhh. That actually sounds much worse.
Orochi: Keekeekee! Right? If he heard me say that, I bet he'd make me drink coffee until I was fit to burst. He'd keep the cups coming unless I said his was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, that does sound like Father. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Orochi: Thanks, I'd love one.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Orochi: Is something on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Orochi: So young, so naive. As your mother, you know I can see through your lies, right?
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Orochi: Tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can cast away your worries, or even give you some sage advice.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Orochi: What? Why do you say that?
Dwyer: Mother, you know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Orochi: Oh, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.
Orochi: That sounds like a terrible idea.
Dwyer: Huh?
Orochi: Dwyer, you belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Orochi: Well, because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Orochi: Are you really trying to lie to me again? You are very kind. Just moments ago, you did everything in your power to keep me from worrying.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Orochi: You're wrong, Dwyer. Kindness is needed precisely because it's a battlefield. Thinking about your friends regardless of danger is an important type of kindness. It's called bravery. A lot of people don't understand that. But I know what type of person you are.
Dwyer: I never thought about that. Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Orochi: That's the spirit. Believe in yourself and keep pressing forward. I will always be here to watch over you.

A Support

Orochi: What have I done?
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Orochi: N-nothing. I'm just a wee bit tired. Nothing you need to worry about.
Dwyer: You know, sons can always see through their mothers' lies.
Orochi: Heh, can they now?
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Orochi: Awww.
Dwyer: So?
Orochi: Dwyer, do you think I'm a horrible mother?
Dwyer: That's not even a little true. Don't say that.
Orochi: But, I basically told you to run out into battle.
Dwyer: Ah, you mean when I was worried the other day?
Orochi: Yes, exactly. A mother's job is to keep her children safe. But I encouraged you to fight on the battlefield. If that doesn't make me an awful mother, I don't know what does.
Dwyer: Don't say that.
Orochi: Hmm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay.
Orochi: That's true.
Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice... Well, your words moved me. Without your wisdom, I might have put my friends in real danger.
Orochi: I feel terrible.
Dwyer: Please, don't worry. You're absolutely not a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ask for.
Orochi: R-really? Thank you.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.
Orochi: How did I get so lucky? You're such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait hinoka fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Hinoka is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Hello, Mother. I made you some coffee.
Hinoka: Ah, why thank you, Dwyer. Yum. Delicious as always. Your coffee just keeps getting better and better.
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so glad that you're enjoying it.
Hinoka: It has a divine aroma. The body is mellow, yet it still has a full-bodied taste. I think your brew has gotten even better than your father's.
Dwyer: Really? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Hinoka: You think? I doubt that alone would make him angry. More likely he'd probably get jealous and annoy me about it to no end.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Hinoka: Hahaha! True! I can see it now. Your father forcing me to try cup after cup of coffee. At least until I relented and said his brew was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, you're probably right about that. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Hinoka: Thanks, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Hinoka: Is something on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Hinoka: I don't like when you hide things from me. A mother can always tell. I can see right through your lies.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Hinoka: Tell me what's troubling you. Maybe we can come up with a solution together.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Hinoka: Why would you ever think that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Hinoka: Oh, Dwyer, come on. That's not true.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler or something.
Hinoka: I can't let you do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Hinoka: You belong here, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Why?
Hinoka: The truth's because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Hinoka: You are. You're a very kind young man. There's no point in denying it. Just moments ago, you tried to keep me from worrying about you. You're always concerned with the feelings of others.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Hinoka: You're wrong, Dwyer. Kindness is needed because it's a battlefield. Being able to think of others while in harm's way is very important. Most people simply can't do that. You're not like most people. I think you already know that.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Hinoka: That's the spirit. Just know that I will always be here to watch out for you.

A Support

Hinoka: What was I thinking...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Hinoka: Oh, it's nothing. I think I'm just tired. Please, don't worry about me.
Dwyer: Every son can see right through their mother's lies.
Hinoka: Haha. I suppose that makes sense.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen. Please, talk to me.
Hinoka: That's very sweet, Dwyer.
Dwyer: So?
Hinoka: I've been thinking that... I'm a horrible mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's totally untrue.
Hinoka: But, I basically told you to fight. To risk your life on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Hinoka: Yeah, exactly. A normal mother thinks of their child's safety before everything else, right? Yet I nearly forced you to keep battling. What kind of parent does that?!
Dwyer: That's simply not true.
Hinoka: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Hinoka: Oh, I understand.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Hinoka: Oh, Dwyer. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So please, stop calling yourself a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Hinoka: I-I see. Thank you.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax.
Hinoka: That sounds great. I'm so lucky to have such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait setsuna fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Setsuna is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Setsuna: Thanks, Dwyer. Mmm. It has such a rich aroma. You sure have a gift for making coffee.
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so glad you like it.
Setsuna: I do—it's amazing. Honestly, you might be better than your father at brewing coffee.
Dwyer: Better than Father? That's the best praise I could ever hope for! I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Setsuna: Really? You think he would get mad? He might get jealous. Yeah, probably nasty and jealous...
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Setsuna: Heehee. I can imagine him making me drink cup after cup of coffee. He probably wouldn't stop until I said his was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh. That's not all that hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Setsuna: All right. Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Setsuna: Is something on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Setsuna: Why try to hide it? I'm your mother. I can see right through your lies.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Setsuna: Come on—tell me what you're worrying about. I'm more than happy to talk. Who knows? Maybe I can help.
Dwyer: Well, it's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Setsuna: What? Why would you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Setsuna: Oh, Dwyer, that's not true.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler somewhere.
Setsuna: You can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh? Why?
Setsuna: Because you belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Setsuna: Because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Setsuna: You are. Don't fight it. Just a second ago, you tried to keep me from worrying about you.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Setsuna: Stop, you're wrong. Kindness is needed because it's a battlefield. You have the strength to think of your allies even when surrounded by danger. That is both incredibly important and very difficult to do. I think you understand what I mean.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Setsuna: Good. And don't you worry. I'll always be here to watch over you.

A Support

Setsuna: Ugh.
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Setsuna: Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little tired. No need to worry about me.
Dwyer: You know, as your son, I can see right through your lies.
Setsuna: Heehee. I suppose you can.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen. Please, talk to me.
Setsuna: That's very kind, thank you.
Dwyer: So?
Setsuna: I've been wondering... Am I a horrible mother?
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's totally untrue.
Setsuna: But I told you to fight. To risk your life on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Setsuna: Yes, exactly. A mother should never encourage their child to face danger. To fight. And yet... I encouraged you to do just that. What kind of parent am I?
Dwyer: Don't say that.
Setsuna: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Setsuna: Oh, I understand.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Setsuna: Oh, Dwyer. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So please, stop calling yourself a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Setsuna: That's very kind of you to say.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can unwind.
Setsuna: I'm so lucky to have a thoughtful son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait oboro fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Spear Fighter (Spear Master or Basara)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 seal defense.png Seal Defense Spear Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 swap.png Swap Spear Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed Spear Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lancefaire.png Lancefaire Spear Master, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15

C support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.

Oboro: Wow, how thoughtful. Thank you, Dwyer. Mmm, delicious. Gee, you sure do know how to brew one mean cup of java.

Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.

Oboro: Yeah, it's top notch. You might be even better than your father at making coffee.

Dwyer: Wow. Better than Father? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get angry.

Oboro: You really think so? I don't know that he'd be upset, necessarily. He might get jealous though. Like, insufferably jealous.

Dwyer: Ahhh… That actually sounds much worse.

Oboro: Ahaha, right? Yeah, he is a bit competitive. If he heard me say that, he'd probably have me trying brew after brew of his coffee. At least until he made a cup better than you.

Dwyer: Ha. That does sound like Father. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.

Oboro: Thanks, Dwyer.

B support

Dwyer: Hmm.

Oboro: Is something on your mind, Dwyer?

Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular…

Oboro: Ha. That's cute. You really think you can stand there and lie to your mother?

Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.

Oboro: So, what's wrong? Maybe I can give you some advice if you talk to me.

Dwyer: It's just… I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.

Oboro: Why do you think that?

Dwyer: Mother, you know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.

Oboro: Oh, Dwyer.

Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.

Oboro: You can't do that.

Dwyer: Huh?

Oboro: You belong here, Son.

Dwyer: Why?

Oboro: Because you're so kind.

Dwyer: No, I'm not.

Oboro: No need to blush. It's true—you are. Just a moment ago, you were trying your best to keep me from worrying.

Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.

Oboro: You're wrong, Dwyer. Kindness is one of the things needed most during a fight. There wouldn't be any teamwork if everyone was fending for themselves. I'd wager that you'd think of others even if you were in danger. Right? Some people might not realize it, but that's incredibly important.

Dwyer: … Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.

Oboro: That's the spirit. Do your best. I'll always be hee to watch over you.

A support

Oboro: What was I thinking…

Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?

Oboro: N-nothing. Maybe I'm just tired. That's it.

Dwyer: You know, sons can always see through their mothers lies.

Oboro: Heh. All right.

Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.

Oboro: That's very sweet. Thank you.

Dwyer: So? What's up?

Oboro: I was just thinking. I realized that I'm an awful mother.

Dwyer: That's not even a little true. Don't say that.

Oboro: I basically told you to run out into battle.

Dwyer: Ah, you mean when I was worried the other day?

Oboro: Yes, exactly. First an foremost, a mother should always be trying to keep her child free from harm. But I told you to fight. To put yourself in great danger. That's not something any mother should say.

Dwyer: That's not true at all.

Oboro: Hmm?

Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay.

Oboro: That's fair.

Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice… Well, your words moved me. I would have put my friends in real danger if we hadn't spoken before.

Oboro: Oh, Dwyer.

Dwyer: So please, don't worry. You're absolutely not a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever hope for.

Oboro: Hee. Stop, you're gonna make me blush.

Dwyer: Now, how about I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.

Oboro: Thank you. I'm very lucky to have such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kagero fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Kagero: How thoughtful. Thank you, Dwyer. Wow, it's delicious. You have a real knack for brewing.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.
Kagero: Seriously, it's amazing. You might be even better than your father at making coffee.
Dwyer: Wow, better than Father? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Kagero: You think so? I doubt he would be angry. Maybe jealous, though. Ridiculously jealous.
Dwyer: Ahhh. That actually sounds much worse.
Kagero: Heheh. You're right. If he heard us, he'd probably make me drink cup after cup of coffee. Until I relented and told him his was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, I can imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Kagero: Sure. Thanks, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Kagero: Dwyer, is something troubling you?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Kagero: Don't lie, dear. A mother can always tell when their son isn't telling the truth.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Kagero: Come on then—tell me what the problem is. I'll give you some advice if I can.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Kagero: What? Why do you say that?
Dwyer: Mother, you know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Kagero: That's not true, dear.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.
Kagero: You're wrong.
Dwyer: Huh?
Kagero: Dwyer, you belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Kagero: Because you are kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not...
Kagero: Yes, you are. Always have been. Just now, you tried to cover up your sadness to keep me from worrying, right?
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Kagero: Wrong again, Dwyer. We need kindness more than ever during wartime. Even in the middle of danger, you're only concerned with protecting allies. It's so simple, yet most people would never understand. That's something you get. Isn't it, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Thank you, Mother. I'll do my best to help my friends.
Kagero: Good. Have faith in yourself, Dwyer. Know that I will always be watching over you.

A Support

Kagero: What was I thinking.
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Kagero: Dwyer... No, nothing is wrong. I'm just a bit tired. Don't worry about me.
Dwyer: You know, a son can always see through their mother's lies, right?
Kagero: Heh. Is that right?
Dwyer: I might not be able to do all that much, but I can at least listen.
Kagero: Thank you, that's very sweet.
Dwyer: So? Talk to me.
Kagero: Have I failed you as a mother?
Dwyer: No, of course not. That's not even a little bit true.
Kagero: But, I told you to go out onto the battlefield. I told you to fight.
Dwyer: Ah, you're talking about when I was worried the other day.
Kagero: Yes, exactly. As a mother, my first and foremost concern should be your safety. And yet, I drove you to fight, to risk your life. I'm an awful mother.
Dwyer: That's not true at all.
Kagero: What?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay.
Kagero: ...
Dwyer: More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice... Well, your words moved me. I would have put my friends in real danger if we hadn't spoken before.
Kagero: Oh. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So, you're not a failure. In fact, you're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Kagero: Thank you, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Now why don't I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.
Kagero: You're such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait elise fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Elise is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Elise: Oh, really? Thanks, Dwyer! Wow, this is amazing! You make such remarkable coffee!
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so glad you like the brew.
Elise: I really do! Honestly, I think it's even better than the kind your father makes.
Dwyer: That's high praise! I should probably keep that to myself. It might make Father angry.
Elise: Really? I don't think he'd get mad. But... I bet he'd get really crazy jealous.
Dwyer: That sounds much worse.
Elise: Hahahaha! True! I bet if he heard us talking, he would make me sample cup after cup of his brew. At least until I said I liked his coffee much better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh. Yeah, that's not too hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Elise: OK! Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: *sigh*
Elise: Why the long face, Dwyer? Are you worried about something?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular. I'm fine.
Elise: Ha! I'm your mother. I can always tell when you're lying.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Elise: Just spit it out! Maybe I can even give you some advice.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Elise: Why do you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Elise: Oh, Dwyer, don't say that.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and go off to be a butler or something.
Elise: You can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Elise: You belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Elise: Because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Elise: Yes, you are! Moments ago you lied only to keep me from worrying about you. You can't help but think of other people.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there...
Elise: You're wrong about that, Dwyer. Kindness is needed especially because it's a battlefield. Protecting your friends in spite of danger is very noble. It's a skill that doesn't come easy to most people, but it's incredibly important. You understand what I mean, right?
Dwyer: Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to assist my allies.
Elise: That's what I like to hear! I'll always be here to watch out for you.

A Support

Elise: Hmm...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Elise: Huh? Oh, nothing at all. I'm great! I think I'm just tired. Don't you worry about me.
Dwyer: As your son, I can see right through your lies.
Elise: Heehee... Is that right?
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Elise: Thank you, Dwyer. That's very kind.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Elise: I just... I might be a horrible mother.
Dwyer: Don't even say that.
Elise: I basically told you... that you belong on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Elise: Yeah. A real mother's first and foremost concern should be her child's safety, right? But I tell you to risk your neck in the war. No decent parent does that.
Dwyer: That's not true.
Elise: Huh?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Elise: Oh.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Elise: I had no idea.
Dwyer: So stop worrying. You have not failed me. You're the best mother any child could ever hope for.
Elise: Really? You mean it? Thanks, Dwyer!
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Elise: I'm so lucky to have a thoughtful son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait effie fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Effie is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Knight (General or Great Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 defense +2.png Defense +2 Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 natural cover.png Natural Cover Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 wary fighter.png Wary Fighter General, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pavise.png Pavise General, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 luna.png Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 armored blow.png Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Effie: Oh, thank you. Mmm... It's so flavorful. You've got a real knack for brewing coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.
Effie: I admit that I wouldn't mind a nice piece of carrot cake along with it, but still... This is good black coffee. Honestly, it might even be better than your father's.
Dwyer: Wow. Better than Father? Really? That's very high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get angry.
Effie: You really think he'd get upset over a silly thing like that? Jealous. Incredibly jealous, maybe.
Dwyer: Ahhh... That actually sounds much worse.
Effie: Heehee. He can be a bit competitive. I bet if he heard me say that, he'd brew coffee all day long and force me to judge it. He'd probably keep going until he surpassed your cup.
Dwyer: Ha. That does sounds like Father. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Effie: Will do. Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hrm...
Effie: Hello, Dwyer. Is something on your mind?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Effie: You know that I can always tell when you're lying, right?
Dwyer: Oh. You can always read me so well...
Effie: Talk to me. Who knows? Maybe I can offer you some handy advice.
Dwyer: It's just that...I don't believe I'm suited for the battlefield.
Effie: Why do you say that?
Dwyer: Mother, you know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Effie: Oh, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler...
Effie: You can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Effie: You belong here, Son.
Dwyer: Why?
Effie: Because you're so very kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Effie: You are. Don't try to deny it. Just a moment ago, you tried to spare me from worrying by telling a lie.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Effie: You're wrong about that, Dwyer. Kindness is needed there because it's a battlefield. For instance, it's kindness that propels one to sacrifice themselves for a friend... I know it comes naturally to you, but it doesn't to many others. And it's important. There is nothing braver in this world.
Dwyer: Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Effie: Don't worry; I'll always be here to watch over you.

A Support

Effie: What have I done...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Effie: Oh, Dwyer. No, no, I'm fine. Just a little tired. You don't need to worry about me.
Dwyer: You know, a son can always see through their mother's lies.
Effie: Heehee. I suppose that's true.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Effie: That's very sweet, thank you.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Effie: I just... I feel like I've failed you as a mother.
Dwyer: That's not even a little true. Don't say that.
Effie: I told you to go out onto the battlefield.
Dwyer: Ah, you mean when I was worried the other day?
Effie: Yes, exactly. But a mother's first and foremost concern should always be her child's safety. What kind of person encourages her son to run into danger, to risk their life? I'm an awful mother.
Dwyer: That's not true at all.
Effie: Hmm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. More importantly, if I hadn't talked to you and received your advice... Well, your words about courage and bravery moved me. I may have put my friends in real danger if we hadn't spoken before.
Effie: Oh, Dwyer.
Dwyer: So please, don't worry. You're absolutely not a failure. You're the best mother that anyone could ever hope for.
Effie: ...Thank you. It's very reassuring to hear you say that.
Dwyer: Now, how about I make you a hot cup of coffee to help you relax.
Effie: You're such a thoughtful son.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nyx fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Nyx is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Nyx: Well, thank you, Dwyer. Oh my, it has a wonderful aroma. This is fantastic. You are very skilled at brewing coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you like it.
Nyx: I do. In fact, I think you make coffee even better than your father.
Dwyer: Better than Father? That's the best praise I could ever hope for! I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Nyx: Really? I'd like to think your father wouldn't stoop so low. He would be a little jealous, probably. And I doubt he would let it go.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Nyx: Teeheehee. You're right. If he heard us talking, he'd probably force me to drink coffee until I got sick of it. Or at least until I told him his brew tasted better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh. Yeah that's not too hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Nyx: Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: *sigh*
Nyx: What's on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. Um, nothing in particular.
Nyx: There's no use trying to hide things from me. I can see right through you. And that's not even because of my fortune-telling skills. A mother can always see when something is wrong with their child.
Dwyer: Oh, I'm sorry.
Nyx: Just tell me what's on your mind. I may look young, but I have oodles of life experience. I can probably even give you some good advice!
Dwyer: Well, it's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Nyx: Why do you think that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Nyx: Dwyer, that's not true.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler or something.
Nyx: No, you can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Nyx: Dwyer, I think you belong here.
Dwyer: Why?
Nyx: Why? Because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Nyx: You are. You're a very sweet boy. Moments ago, you tried to keep me from worrying about you. You're always concerned with the well-being of other people.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Nyx: That's where you're wrong, Dwyer. A battlefield needs kindness most of all. You've always put your friends before yourself. That takes strength and innate courage. You can bring those qualities to the battlefield, Son.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Nyx: Good. Have confidence in yourself. I'll always look after you.

A Support

Nyx: Oh no...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Nyx: No, I'm fine. I must be tired. Nothing for you to worry about.
Dwyer: I might not be a fortune-teller, but I am your son. I can tell when you're lying.
Nyx: Heehee. Is that so?
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen. Please, talk to me.
Nyx: I appreciate the thought.
Dwyer: So? What's going on?
Nyx: I've just been thinking. I believe I've failed you as a mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's simply not true.
Nyx: But... I told you to run into the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was concerned the other day?
Nyx: Yes, exactly. A mother should always worry about the safety of their children first and foremost. And I convinced you to fight. To risk your life. I'm an awful parent.
Dwyer: Don't say that. That's not true.
Nyx: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Nyx: Hmm.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Nyx: Really?
Dwyer: Yes. So, you're not a failure at all. You're the best mother I could ever ask for.
Nyx: Oh thank you, Dwyer. That's very kind of you to say.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can unwind.
Nyx: OK, that sounds wonderful. I really am fortunate to have a kind son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait camilla fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Camilla is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Camilla: How sweet. Thank you, Dwyer! What a lovely aroma. This is delicious! You sure know how to make a flavorful pot of coffee.
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so glad it tastes good.
Camilla: I do—it's really exceptional. Honestly, I think I prefer it to the coffee your father makes.
Dwyer: Really? That's the best praise I could ever hope for! I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Camilla: You think so? I don't know. Knowing him, I'd say it's more likely that he might act stubborn and jealous.
Dwyer: That actually sounds worse.
Camilla: Heehee. Right? I bet a never-ending stream of coffee would appear right before my eyes. He would keep the cups coming until I said his brew was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh. That's not all that hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Camilla: Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Camilla: Something on your mind, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Camilla: Are you really trying to hide things from me? Your own mother? I can see right through you, dear.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Camilla: How about you let me hear what's on your mind, darling. Maybe I can help you out.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Camilla: Why do you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Camilla: Oh, Dwyer, that's not true.
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and go off to be a butler.
Camilla: You can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh? Why?
Camilla: This is your home, Son. You should be fighting here, with us.
Dwyer: Why?
Camilla: Because you're sweet and kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Camilla: You are. You just told a little white lie to try and keep me from worrying about you.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Camilla: You're wrong about that, Dwyer. Your kindness is needed on the battlefield most of all. I've seen you helping your friends even when it put you in danger. That's a very important thing to do, and it certainly isn't easy. When I look into your eyes, I can see that it's as natural as breathing to you.
Dwyer: I never thought of it like that. Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Camilla: That's the spirit, dear. You should be proud of yourself. Just know that I'll always be here to protect you.

A Support

Camilla: What was I thinking...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Camilla: Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little tired, is all. It's making my mind wander.
Dwyer: You know I can see right through your lies, right?
Camilla: Oh, my. Heehee. I suppose I shouldn't be all that surprised.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Camilla: Thank you, dear.
Dwyer: So? Talk to me.
Camilla: I just... I feel like I'm a failure as your mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. There's not a shred of truth to that statement.
Camilla: But I... I told you to fight. Said you belonged on the battlefield.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Camilla: Yes. Mothers shouldn't encourage their children to fight. But I spurred you to run into the fray. To run toward danger. I have failed you.
Dwyer: Please, don't say that.
Camilla: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Camilla: That's true.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom desperately. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Camilla: Oh, Dwyer. I had no idea.
Dwyer: You haven't failed me in the slightest. In fact, you're the best mother I could ever ask for.
Camilla: That means so much to me. Thank you.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can unwind.
Camilla: How did I end up with such a thoughtful son? I'm sure lucky to have you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selena fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Selena is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Selena: Huh, how thoughtful. Thank you. Oh my. It's delicious! Like, super delicious! You're fantastic at brewing coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm so glad you're enjoying it.
Selena: I am... *sigh* The rich aroma and robust flavor almost make the war feel far away. Honestly, I think this is even better than the coffee your father makes.
Dwyer: That's high praise! I should probably keep that to myself. It might make Father angry.
Selena: I don't think he'd get that upset. Maybe just a little jealous. Your father can be very childish sometimes.
Dwyer: Yeah, I would rather not deal with that.
Selena: Hahaha! True! I bet if he heard us talking, he would make me sample cup after cup of his brew. At least until I said his tasted better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, yeah, that's not hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Selena: All right. Thank you, Dwyer.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm...
Selena: What are you worrying about, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. Nothing in particular. I'm fine...
Selena: You really think you can pull the wool over my eyes? I'm your mother. Mothers can always tell when something is wrong.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Selena: Just tell me what's happening. I bet I can help you deal with whatever is troubling you.
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Selena: Huh? Why do you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Selena: Oh, Dwyer, that's not true.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler somewhere.
Selena: You CAN'T be serious.
Dwyer: Huh?
Selena: Dwyer, you belong here.
Dwyer: But why?
Selena: Well, the truth is... it's because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Selena: You are. The only reason you told that little white lie before was to keep me from worrying.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Selena: You're wrong about that, Dwyer. Kindness is needed specifically because it's a battlefield. That compassion and grace within you will be important, even when danger is near. Without that, it's impossible to get through the horrible pain of war. I think you understand what I mean.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Selena: I'm glad you understand. Believe in yourself, Dwyer. After all, you are my son!

A Support

Selena: *sigh*
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Selena: N-nothing, Son. I think I'm just a little tired. It's got nothing to do with you.
Dwyer: I'm your son. You know I can see through your lies, right?
Selena: Is that right? You sure are a cheeky boy.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen.
Selena: A-all right. Thank you.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Selena: Well... Do you think... Have I failed you as a mother?
Dwyer: Of course not. Don't even say that.
Selena: But, I all but told you... that you belong on the battlefield.
Dwyer: Oh, you mean when I was worried the other day?
Selena: Yes. A decent mother would think of their child's safety first and foremost. And yet I told you to fight, to risk your life in combat. I'm a horrible mother.
Dwyer: That's not true.
Selena: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Selena: Oh.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Selena: Oh, Dwyer. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So stop worrying. You have not failed me. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Selena: I don't know about that. But I am the only one you'll ever get!
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Selena: That sounds great. I'm lucky to have a thoughtful son like you.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait beruka fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Beruka is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Beruka: Oh, thank you. Wow, it's excellent. You have a true talent for making coffee.
Dwyer: Really? I'm happy you like it.
Beruka: I do. So rich and full bodied. Honestly, it might be even better than your father's coffee.
Dwyer: Wow, that's high praise. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Beruka: Why do you say that? Ehhh, wait. He can be pretty jealous from time to time.
Dwyer: That sounds even worse.
Beruka: Heh. It's a good thing your father didn't overhear us talking. He'd probably make me drink cup after cup of his brew. At least until I agreed that his coffee tasted better.
Dwyer: Heh... Yeah, I can imagine that. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Beruka: Thanks.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Beruka: Something on your mind?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Beruka: Dwyer, I'm your mother. It's obvious to me when you're lying.
Dwyer: Oh, sorry.
Beruka: Why don't you just talk to me? I'd really like to help. If I can, of course.
Dwyer: Well... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Beruka: Why would you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Beruka: Dwyer, I don't believe that.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler or something.
Beruka: No. You can't do that.
Dwyer: Huh?
Beruka: You belong here. I know it.
Dwyer: Why?
Beruka: Because you're a kind boy.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Beruka: You are. Like how you tried to hide your concerns to keep me from worrying.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Beruka: You're wrong, Dwyer. I think your kind nature is needed on the battlefield most of all. Compassion gives you the strength to help others, regardless of danger. That's a strength I don't possess. It's why I want to keep fighting by your side.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Beruka: I'm glad to hear that, dear. Don't worry. I'll always be here to watch out for you.

A Support

Beruka: *sigh*
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Beruka: Oh, hello, Dwyer. No, nothing's wrong. I think I'm just tired. It doesn't have anything to do with you, dear.
Dwyer: I'm your son. You know I can see through your lies, right?
Beruka: Heh. Fair enough. I suppose that makes sense.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I can at least lend you an ear.
Beruka: That's very kind. Thank you.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Beruka: I just... I feel like a terrible mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's not true at all.
Beruka: But I told you... that you belong on the battlefield. In war.
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Beruka: Yes, exactly. A mother's foremost concern should always be their child's safety. Yet I asked you to fight by my side. I have no business calling myself a mother.
Dwyer: That's simply not true.
Beruka: What?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Beruka: Oh.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Beruka: Dwyer, really?
Dwyer: Yes. I promise, you're not a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever hope for.
Beruka: R-really? Thank you.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Beruka: You're such a thoughtful son. I'm very lucky.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait peri fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Peri is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 13
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 14
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Peri: Wow, thank you, Dwyer! How thoughtful. Mmm. This is tasty, Dwyer! You're really really good at making coffee!
Dwyer: You mean it? I'm so happy you like it.
Peri: *sigh*... What a lovely aroma... It really is delicious. I think I like this brew better than the one your father makes.
Dwyer: Really? That's the best praise I could ever hope for. I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Peri: Really? I hope he wouldn't get angry over something so trivial. He might get a little jealous. Really jealous, probably.
Dwyer: That sounds much worse.
Peri: Hahaha! No kidding. He'd probably make me drink countless cups of coffee if he overheard us. At least until I relented and said his brew was better than yours.
Dwyer: Heh, you're probably right about that. That's not too hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup later.
Peri: OK! Thanks, Dwyer!

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Peri: Are you worrying about something, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Oh, hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular.
Peri: Hmpf! You can't hide anything from me! After all, I am your mother.
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Peri: I hate seeing you so gloomy. What's wrong?
Dwyer: It's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Peri: Huh? Why would you say that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Peri: Oh, Dwyer. Please, don't say that!
Dwyer: Maybe I should leave the army and be a butler or something.
Peri: No! That's not right at all.
Dwyer: Huh?
Peri: I can just feel that you need to be here.
Dwyer: Why?
Peri: Well, because you're kind.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Peri: Yes, you are. Don't fight it. Earlier, you lied just to try and keep me from worrying.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no place for kindness there.
Peri: You're wrong about that, Dwyer. We need thoughtful people like you on the battlefield. Being able to think of others while in harm's way is very important. That's a rare quality in this world. I don't even know how to say it, but... I can just tell that you're supposed to be here.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll try my best to help out my friends.
Peri: Really?! That makes me so happy! Let's just do our best! I'll protect you, Son.

A Support

Peri: *sigh*...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Peri: Oh, Dwyer. It's nothing. I'm just feeling a little worn out. Don't worry about me.
Dwyer: Every son can see right through their mother's lies.
Peri: I guess that makes sense. You're right.
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen. Please, talk to me.
Peri: Thanks, Dwyer. That's sweet.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Peri: I've been thinking... I let you down as a mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's totally untrue.
Peri: But... I said you belong on the battlefield.
Dwyer: Oh, you mean when I was worried the other day?
Peri: Yeah, exactly... A good mother would never encourage her own son to rush into danger. But I want to be with you! I'd be so sad if you went far away. But that's so selfish... I'm a terrible parent!
Dwyer: That's simply not true.
Peri: Huh?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Peri: Oh...
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Peri: Dwyer, really?
Dwyer: Yes. I promise, you're not a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Peri: R-really?! Oh, thank you, Dwyer!
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make some fresh coffee so you can relax and unwind.
Peri: Sure! I'm lucky to have such a sweet son!


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait charlotte fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Charlotte is Dwyer's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 16
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15

C Support

Dwyer: Mother, I made you some coffee.
Charlotte: How thoughtful, Dwyer. Thank you. My, how delicious! You sure have a talent for brewing coffee. This is wonderful!
Dwyer: You really mean it? I'm so glad that you're enjoying it.
Charlotte: I do—it's very full bodied. In fact, I think it tastes better than what your father makes.
Dwyer: Better than Father? That's the best praise I could ever hope for! I should probably keep that to myself. He might get mad.
Charlotte: Really? I'd like to think he wouldn't be that narrow minded. Then again, I could easily see him grumbling and complaining.
Dwyer: That sounds even worse.
Charlotte: Ahahaha! True! I can imagine him forcing me to drink a million cups until I said his was better. I'd probably never want coffee again!
Dwyer: Heh. That's not all that hard to imagine. I still have more in the carafe. Let me know if you'd like another cup.
Charlotte: Heehee, thank you. I'm awfully lucky to have a thoughtful son like you.

B Support

Dwyer: Hmm.
Charlotte: What is it, Dwyer? You have something on your mind?
Dwyer: Hello, Mother. No, nothing in particular...
Charlotte: Oh, come now. Don't try and hide things from me. I'm your mother. Don't you know that I see right through your lies?
Dwyer: Oh. Sorry.
Charlotte: Now spill the beans. I'll even give you some amazing advice too!
Dwyer: Well, it's just... I don't think I'm suited for the battlefield.
Charlotte: What?! That's insane. Why would you ever think something like that?
Dwyer: You know why. I hate getting into fights. All I would do is weigh everyone else down in the heat of battle.
Charlotte: Oh, Dwyer, that's absurd.
Dwyer: Maybe I should just leave the army and be a butler somewhere.
Charlotte: Don't you dare say that.
Dwyer: Huh? Why?
Charlotte: You belong on the battlefield, Son.
Dwyer: Why?
Charlotte: Because, you're super kind and thoughtful.
Dwyer: No, I'm not.
Charlotte: You are! Just a bit ago, you were trying to keep me from worrying. You're always looking out for others.
Dwyer: All the more proof that I have no business on the battlefield. There's no room for kindness there.
Charlotte: Do me a favor. Shut your mouth and listen up. Kindness is needed because it's a battlefield. It gives you the strength to think of your friends, even when surrounded by danger. That's no small feat. Most people simply can't think that way. You can, Dwyer. Don't lose sight of that.
Dwyer: ... Thank you, Mother. I'll do what I can to help my friends.
Charlotte: That's what I like to hear. Quit worrying so much and move on. No matter what, I'll always be there to protect you.

A Support

Charlotte: Ughh...
Dwyer: Mother? Is something wrong?
Charlotte: Eh, nothing. I'm just tired. Nothing for you to worry about.
Dwyer: You're aware that a son can always see through their mother's lies, right?
Charlotte: Oh, is that so?
Dwyer: I might not be able to help, but I'm more than happy to listen. Please, talk to me.
Charlotte: You're right. Thank you, Dwyer.
Dwyer: So? What's up?
Charlotte: I just realized... I've failed you as a mother.
Dwyer: Don't say that. It's totally untrue.
Charlotte: I told you to risk your life. That you belonged on the battlefield...
Dwyer: You mean when I was worried the other day?
Charlotte: Yes. A decent mother would think first and foremost of her child's safety. And yet, I encouraged you to fight. To go throw yourself into war. Seriously, what sort of mother does that? I'm a monster...
Dwyer: Don't say that.
Charlotte: Hm?
Dwyer: You may have suggested that I stand and fight, but it was my choice to stay. Not yours.
Charlotte: Oh. I guess that's true.
Dwyer: More importantly, I needed your wisdom. I feel like I might have put my friends in danger without your encouragement.
Charlotte: Oh, Dwyer. I had no idea.
Dwyer: So please, stop calling yourself a failure. You're the best mother anyone could ever ask for.
Charlotte: That's a bit much, don't you think? But I appreciate you saying so.
Dwyer: Now, why don't I make you some fresh coffee so you can unwind.
Charlotte: I sure am lucky to have you.

Kana (M) (as siblings)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Dwyer's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Hey, Dwyer! Wanna go on patrol with me?
Dwyer: Huh? You mean right now?
Kana: Mhm! I want to help everyone out as much as possible! Which for now means patrolling as much as possible! Are you in?
Dwyer: Sure, I think I can do that.
Kana: Yay! Let's go!
Dwyer: Er—wait. You mean just us?
Kana: Yup! You'll be OK, though. I've been training a whole lot.
Dwyer: I'm not worried about myself...
Kana: It's fine, it's fine! With our special sibling powers, we can take on anything!
Dwyer: Heh. All right. Fine. But you better stick close to me, OK? I guess it'd be a pretty big pain to get more people to help, anyways...
Kana: Woohoo! We should go patrolling every day!
Dwyer: E-every day?
Kana: Yeah! I mean, patrols need to be done every day anyways. Why not by us?
Kana: Is something the matter?
Dwyer: Oh, no. Just thinking of how terrible it'll be to go patrolling every day, is all.
Kana: So you will? Yay! Thank you so much, Dwyer! Now let's go!

B Support

Kana: Thanks for coming on patrol with me today, Dwyer!
Dwyer: No problem, Kana. I've been enjoying it. It's nice watching my little brother grow into a capable young man.
Kana: Really? You mean it?!
Dwyer: Sure. I bet you don't even need me. You've got a natural talent for this sort of thing.
Kana: Heehee. Thanks! What about you? Do you have any special talents?
Dwyer: Me? Well...I dunno about special talents... But I've done some training in unarmed combat, so I'm pretty good at that.
Kana: Wow, Dwyer, that's amazing! I bet if we combined our talents, we'd be unstoppable!
Dwyer: I'm not so sure about that. But who knows?
Kana: I do! Now, we should get moving. We're burning daylight here! We've still got a long ways to go if we're gonna be the best patrollers in camp.
Dwyer: K-Kana? Kana! Hey, wait for me!

A Support

Kana: Dwyer! Guess what time it is! That's riiiiiiiiight! It's patrol time!
Dwyer: OK, sure. Let's go!
Kana: Er, but...first, I wanted to ask you for a favor.
Dwyer: A favor? What kind of favor?
Kana: I want you to teach me how to be like you!
Dwyer: Huh? What do you mean?
Kana: Like, that stuff about unarmed combat you were talking about before! 'Cause I'm the youngest kid in camp, right? So there's a lot I still can't do. But if I learn a bunch of new skills, maybe I'll be of more use to everyone! Besides, I've always wanted to learn something from my big brother! I used to wonder a lot about what it would be like to spend more time with you.
Dwyer: Kana...
Kana: So now that I can, I want to learn as much from you as possible! ...Is that OK?
Dwyer: Of course it's OK. I'm glad you asked. I'll teach you everything I know.
Kana: Thank you so much!
Dwyer: But I'm not gonna let you get ahead of me that easy. I want to learn from you too. Let's make it a competition. To see who can grow stronger the fastest.
Kana: OK, but I'm not gonna be the one to lose! That's a promise!
Dwyer: Heh. Me either! All right, then. Today is patrol duty. Tomorrow, the real training begins.
Kana: Sounds good to me!

Kana (M) (as parent and child)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana m fe14.png
Kana (M)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Dwyer is Kana (M)'s father.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Hey, Papa? Can I talk to you about something?
Dwyer: Hey, Kana. What's wrong?
Kana: It's Mama. I feel like she's always treating me like a child.
Dwyer: Well, that's only natural, right? You're her son, after all. And last I checked, you WERE still pretty young.
Kana: I know, I know. I just mean I'm not as young as I used to be. I want to help out with stuff. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.
Dwyer: I see. You want some responsibilities of your own, huh? Not sure why anyone would want that, but hey, to each their own.
Kana: Yeah! I want to show her that she can count on me. Can you think of any special things I could do for her?
Dwyer: Good question. Usually, I brew her rare teas or bake some special sweets for her.
Kana: Oh... But those are special things from you. I can't just copy you... Maybe there's another way to make her even happier... Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!
Dwyer: A contest?
Kana: Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things. Whoever Mama thanks the most wins!
Dwyer: A little friendly father-son competition, hm? Sounds like it could be fun. All right. I'm in.
Kana: Really? Yay!
Dwyer: But remember, I'm Corrin's husband. I know her better than anyone else. And I'm not going to go easy on you. All right?
Kana: That's OK with me, Papa. I'm gonna beat you fair and square!
Dwyer: Heh. Well then, may the best man win.

B Support

Kana: Hey, Papa! I've been making a ton of progress on our contest! How about you?
Dwyer: Well, I haven't done anything too special yet, but I've gotten a lot of thanks already. Let's see, now... I've got a tally here somewhere... Ah! Here it is.
Kana: WOW! That's a lot! And you got all of these already?
Dwyer: Yeah, I was surprised too. I guess I do more for your mother than I'd thought. Maybe I'm not such a bad husband after all, huh?
Kana: Hmph... Well, I'm still not gonna lose! Here, see! I recorded all mine too! And the total
Dwyer: Y-you got just as many as I did!
Kana: I did? I did! Haha! Kana's gonna beat you big-time, Papa!
Dwyer: How did you even get all these?
Kana: Mostly I've been trying to help out around camp. I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then, at lunch, I slice the bear meat and hand out food to the soldiers. Oh, and at night I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little things whenever I have the time!
Dwyer: That's...that's so much work. I don't know how you do it, Kana. You really have been growing up, though, haven't you?
Kana: Huh?
Dwyer: Oh, just a thought. It wasn't so long ago you were still in your swaddling clothes. Now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army. Maybe I've been treating you like too much of a child too...
Kana: Heehee. Yeah, I've been working real hard. Soon there'll be nothing I can't do!
Dwyer: I believe it. And I bet your mother is very proud of you for all your hard work.
Kana: I hope so. And I'm gonna work even harder for her tomorrow! I won't let this end in a draw, Papa!
Dwyer: Heh. I guess I can't afford to get careless. This might be harder than I thought...

A Support

Kana: *grumble*
Dwyer: Hey, Kana.
Kana: Hi, Papa...
Dwyer: Something wrong? I'd have thought you'd be in a better mood after winning our contest the other day. Or has beating your old man already lost its charm?
Kana: Oh, no. I'm still happy about that, I guess. It's just that I was trying to do things for Mama earlier, and she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I'm old enough to help out around camp?
Dwyer: Ah, so that's it. I wouldn't worry. It's not you. You're doing good work, I promise.
Kana: Then why doesn't she want me to help with anything?
Dwyer: I think your mother knows full well you're capable of handling the work. But seeing you acting so grown up makes her feel sad.
Kana: Huh? Why?
Dwyer: Well, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. She is very, very proud that you're growing up and working so hard. But at the same time, she's worried it means you won't need her anymore. It's a little contradictory, but it's true. Parents can be funny like that.
Kana: So...what should I do?
Dwyer: I'd say to keep doing things around camp, but don't work yourself so hard. Take breaks to see your friends, play games, go on adventures. You know. And try to spend some quality time with your mother every now and then. Think you can handle that?
Kana: But...
Dwyer: Hm? Do you not want to spend time with your mother?
Kana: No, that's not it! It's just... I feel like that stuff is for babies.
Dwyer: No, Kana, it's not for babies. It's for children. And your mother wants you to stay a child for just a little while longer. We both do.
Kana: Papa...
Dwyer: Kana, we know that you're growing and that you want more responsibilities. And we know that you're going to be a fine young man someday. But for now...relax. Enjoy yourself. At least a little bit, here and there.
Kana: OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you've said.
Dwyer: Good. You know... I think it would be good if you spent the night in with your mother. I'll go talk to her about it now.
Kana: Wait! What about you?
Dwyer: Me? No, I've got to—
Kana: But, Papa! Don't you need a break sometimes too? And don't you want Mama and me to be happy?
Dwyer: W-well, when you put it that way... All right, all right. I'll stay in with you two.
Kana: Yaaay!
Dwyer: Heh. So this is fatherhood, huh? I gotta admit, it's not so bad...

Kana (F)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kana f fe14.png
Kana (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Dwyer access to Kana's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Dwyer's Troubadour or Cavalier class trees, nor with any other classes acquired via inheritance.
This support grants Dwyer access to the skills learned by Kana's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Dwyer's Troubadour or Cavalier class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Kana: Dwyer! Dwyer! Dwyer!
Dwyer: Uh, er, whuh?
Kana: You're good in a fight, right?
Dwyer: Depends.
Kana: Depends on what?
Dwyer: On whom you ask. Are you asking me? Then, yes—I'm good in a fight. I'm a master of flailing wildly. But one must use that power wisely.
Kana: Aw, come on. I heard you were trained in martial arts. Teach me! Teach me!
Dwyer: Must I?
Kana: I want to be strong enough to protect everyone. You have to!
Dwyer: Well then, here's the one thing I have to teach. Never confront anyone in battle. Stay back. Out of harm's way. Think long and hard before you get involved. Only then will you be enlightened... to let others do the dirty work.
Kana: Are you saying I should be a tactician? But I want to battle! Please, Dwyer? Teach me. I'll be the best martial-arts dragon ever!
Dwyer: You don't take a hint, do you? I don't want to get involved with this.
Kana: Pretty please? I know I can do it, whatever you throw at me!
Dwyer: Whatever, eh?
Kana: Anything to be a master of the martial arts!
Dwyer: You're not going to let this go, are you? Then it is time that I step out of the shadows and take a student.
Kana: Yay, thanks! See you tomorrow!

B Support

Kana: Master Dwyer! Master Dwyer! I'm ready for my first martial-arts lesson!
Dwyer: Heh. Then commence running.
Kana: Sure thing, Master Dwyer! How far?
Dwyer: Until you get tired?
Kana: Until I get tired! Yes, Master! See you later, Master!
(Dwyer leaves)
Kana: I'm...I'm...I'm back, Master!
Dwyer: Zzzzzz...
Kana: Master? Are you sleeping?
Dwyer: Zzz-znorfle?! Wha-wha—? Are you back already?
Kana: You were napping!
Dwyer: No, my student. I was practicing the ancient art of maximum shut-eye.
Kana: What? How's that not a nap?
Dwyer: Napping anywhere is easy. But on a battlefield? That takes practice. That was today's lesson.
Kana: I see! You're the best, Master! I can't wait to learn even more!
Dwyer: Wait! Is it past dinner? How did it get SO late?!
Kana: You said to run until I got tired. It's been...hours.
Dwyer: Hmm. You really follow orders to the letter, don't you?
Kana: Yes, Master! To the letter!
Dwyer: That changes everything. You'll be ready to learn slappyface sooner than I thought.
Kana: Slappyface? Is that a martial-arts technique?
Dwyer: Uh, yes. And yet, no. One thing you must learn, Kana, is that slappyface is neither slappy nor face.
Kana: Yes, Master!
Dwyer: You are well on your way. Next time, I will reveal more.
Kana: Thank you, Master Dwyer!

A Support

Kana: Master Dwyer! Master Dwyer!
Dwyer: You again?
Kana: I'm ready for my next lesson.
Dwyer: Listen closely, Kana. You have already achieved all you need to. Today is your last day of training.
Kana: Yes, Master. But no, Master! I've hardly learned a thing yet.
Dwyer: You have. And yet you haven't. Do you see now? Have your eyes opened?
Kana: No! They haven't. I won't stand for this. You've got to teach me the martial arts.
Dwyer: Huh. You're smarter than you look.
Kana: Yes! So start my next lesson.
Dwyer: Ah, the lesson has already begun. I put up a wall of indifference. You broke through it. Now you're one step closer to being ready to learn slappyface. It is a technique passed from master to student for ages untold. My father taught it to me. I will teach it to you.
Kana: Ready, Master.
Dwyer: Oh, not today.
Kana: Whatever it takes! Whatever steps I must climb, Master! I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Dwyer: It does cut into my nap time. But you're worth it.
Kana: I'll do my best.
Dwyer: Good, good—I know you will. Now, begin running.
Kana: Wait a second. Are you just going to take another nap?
Dwyer: Running is the key to the door that is you being elsewhere. As soon as you return though, I'll teach you something or another.
Kana: Yes, Master. I'll go run around the lake once. Back in a flash.
Dwyer: Make it twice, Kana... No, three times... Or even...zzzzz...

S Support

Dwyer: Hi, Kana.
Kana: What's wrong, Master Dwyer? You look more...?
Dwyer: More shady than usual? Well, it's been quite a lesson getting to know you. You're just too nice to keep fooling. I'm really sort of a lazy fool.
Kana: No, Master!
Dwyer: Drop that Master stuff. You're not my student. I've been deceiving you.
Kana: I know.
Dwyer: You do? Then why did you do all that running to learn slappyface?
Kana: I'm hoping that if we become real friends, maybe you'll teach me real things.
Dwyer: Really? Oh, look, Kana! There's a giant house made of candy over there!
Kana: Candy house? Where?!
Dwyer: Yes, see? Made you look. I'm a liar. I won't teach you real things.
Kana: You didn't make me look. I decided to look to make you feel like a jerk.
Dwyer: You what now?
Kana: Did it work?
Dwyer: Hmm, yes. It did.
Kana: Sorry. I said that I wanted to protect everyone. I'm starting with you.
Dwyer: Protecting me from what?
Kana: Yourself! You're your own worst enemy. You need a good friend.
Dwyer: And, what, you think you can do the job?!
Kana: I have been. You feel like a big jerk for making me run laps for no point, right?
Dwyer: Yes, I admit it!
Kana: There then. You'll be less of a jerk from now on.
Dwyer: I didn't realize you were on to me.
Kana: Ha! Of course! I can tell there's a heart of gold underneath all that murky goo!
Dwyer: You won't tell anyone, will you?
Kana: No, you can act like you're a jerk if you want—just not to me.
Dwyer: It's a deal, Kana.
Kana: And I'll be me too. I'm not as ditzy as you thought.
Dwyer: (Wish I'd known that earlier.)
Kana: What was that?
Dwyer: Wish I'd known you earlier!
Kana: Now let's put away all this master and student silliness, OK? We're best friends from now on.
Dwyer: Was this your plan this whole time? To ensnare me as your bestie?!
Kana: Heh. YES!

Shigure (as siblings)

Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait shigure fe14.png
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Dwyer's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Dwyer: Hmm... Where did Shigure run off to? I doubt that he's out here in the hills or fields, but I couldn't find him at camp... It's probably worth it to look, at least.
Shigure: *singing*
Dwyer: Wait, is that him? Why is he sitting on that tree stump all the way out here? And who are all those peop— No, those aren't people... They look like forest animals... Bears, rabbits, squirrels... Is that a wolf? How can they all be sitting together so calmly?
Shigure: I think that's enough for one day. How did you all enjoy it?
Dwyer: ...It looks like he's trying to hold a conversation with them.
Shigure: Ah! Who's there?! Oh no! Come back!
Dwyer: Um... Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make them all run away... That was my fault, Shigure.
Shigure: They were just startled, Dwyer. Frankly, I was too! But don't worry about it. They can't help being a little shy. So tell me, what are you doing all the way out here?
Dwyer: Well, I came here looking for you. Even though we're siblings, we didn't get to grow up together, right? You're my brother, but I don't know the first thing about you. I thought we could talk.
Shigure: O-oh, I see... I don't know what to say. I'm really not the most interesting person around... You might have a better time talking with someone more outgoing.
Dwyer: Don't say that...
Shigure: Please, you shouldn't feel obligated to be my friend just because we're related. Honestly, I'm not in the most social mood right now. Please, excuse me...
(Shigure leaves)
Dwyer: H-hey, don't leave... What's with him?

B Support

Dwyer: *sigh*... I wonder where Shigure is today... Maybe he went back to that clearing again. He's probably surrounded by all those forest animals... Yeah, looks like I was right. Hello, Shigure…
Shigure: Dwyer?! What are you doing out here? Ah! No! Don't go!
Dwyer: Those critters sure are fast. I'm sorry, Shigure. I didn't mean to scare them off again...
Shigure: N-no, don't worry about it. They aren't used to other people being around here. It's easy to startle them.
Dwyer: Oh... It's amazing how well you get along with all of them. We may have the same parents, but I could never do what you do.
Shigure: Why were you looking for me again? Did you need something?
Dwyer: Yes. I still want to know more about you. We are brothers, but you treat me like I'm some stranger. Don't you get lonely out here?
Shigure: Occasionally... Listen, I'm sorry for being cold the other day. The truth is, it makes me happy that you care so much. I'm your brother, and I don't want to let you down.
Dwyer: You really mean it? Would you mind if I stuck around here with you for a while? Maybe you could call back those animal friends of yours.
Shigure: Honestly, I don't think they would be comfortable around you.
Dwyer: Oh, they won't? But they seem so fond of you... Maybe if I'm really nice and work hard, I can win them over too...
Shigure: Hmm... I'm not sure if this will help, but... Animals are highly attuned to the feelings of people around them. Most likely, they detected something in you that drove them off.
Dwyer: But why would I be angry at a bunch of cute animals?
Shigure: They can sense what you were thinking. Were you sizing them up to figure out which one might make a tasty dinner? Even just for a moment?
Dwyer: Shigure, are you trying to make fun of me?
Shigure: Of course not, I'm sorry. That's just the biggest reason I could think of for them to run away. I appreciate how sincere you are about befriending them. I'll try to think of what can be done to make them feel safe around you. There has to be a way to help out my kindhearted brother.
Dwyer: I hope you're right...

A Support

Dwyer: Hello, Shigure...
Shigure: What's wrong, Dwyer? You look troubled.
Dwyer: Erm... I wanted to talk about the animals from the other day...
Shigure: Oh? Did you want to go pay them a visit? I was just about to head in that direction if you want to come along... Are you ready to prove that you don't mean them any harm?
Dwyer: Yeah, about that... I've given it a lot of thought. The truth is, I think you were right about me feeling upset when I saw them...
Shigure: What do you mean?
Dwyer: When I noticed how well you got along with them, I couldn't help being jealous. In that moment, I just wanted them to go away so that we could hang out... That's why they thought I was a threat. I feel terrible for being so mean...
Shigure: Dwyer, I'm glad you thought about this and talked to me.
Dwyer: The point is, I can't go back out there again. I would be so embarrassed...
Shigure: Don't say that! You should absolutely go back. By opening up, you've changed, and the animals will be able to tell. I think they'll be more welcoming.
Dwyer: I'm not sure...
Shigure: Well I am. You didn't have to say that you were feeling jealous. But you did anyway. That tells me that you've got a good soul. They'll be able to see that, too. Look! There's a rabbit hopping this way.
Dwyer: Ahh... What do I do?
Shigure: Just calm down... Relax, and take a breath. Quiet your mind and be peaceful... Just think about how you want to be friends with the furry critter.
Dwyer: Uh, sure, OK. I'll try... Wow, he's letting me pet him... This rabbit is so friendly.
Shigure: See? Everything worked out just fine.
Dwyer: Yeah... Just like you said it would.
Shigure: Now you can meet all of the other animals! I think you will get along with everyone. Let's wander to the clearing in the woods. I bet your friends will be waiting there.
Dwyer: Thanks, Shigure...


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait sophie fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
This support does not give Dwyer access to another class tree via Partner Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Cavalier, is already available to Dwyer as his own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Dwyer access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Dwyer access to additional skills.

C Support

Dwyer: Mind telling me what you're doing, Sophie?
Sophie: Huh? What's it look like? I like to fix a big pot of vegetable soup for the whole troop after a big battle. Helps to have something warm after getting tired out, you know?
Dwyer: No, that part was clear...but are you sure you know what you're doing?
Sophie: Heck yeah! I've got the veggies cooked, so now it's time to add the water.
Dwyer: Yes, but...maybe don't get your water from the horses' trough...
Sophie: What?! Aw, dang it!
Dwyer: Did you not know what this was for? How long have you been a cavalier...?
Sophie: C-come on. It's not like it's a big deal! Anyone could make that mistake! Besides, uh, the soup was for Avel!
Dwyer: But...then why did you seem so flustered when I told you?
Sophie: Ha...haha... You must've imagined it, I guess! Better get some sleep, Dwyer!
Dwyer: Besides, I can't see how a horse would eat a bowl of piping-hot soup.
Sophie: W-well, that's why you're not a cavalier! Avel will eat just about anything! I'll show you! Avel, it's dinnertime! S-see?! He's slurping it right up— N-nooooo!
Dwyer: I'm no equestrian, but when a horse stamps like that, it's angry, right?
Sophie: Calm down, Avel! It's me, your pal Sophie!
Dwyer: Interesting. He didn't like the soup, but he only bolted when you said your name...
Sophie: W-wait! Avel! I'm really, really sorry! Please get back here!
(Sophie leaves)
Dwyer: Both horse and its master are impossible. They're two of a kind...

B Support

Dwyer: That horse looks familiar... Is that Sophie's feral horse? He's coming this way...
Dwyer: Avel, please stop biting me. It's very painful...
Sophie: AAAAH! I'm SO sorry, Dwyer! Avel, you naughty boy! What have I told you about biting people? He didn't hurt you too bad, I hope. Did he break the skin?
Dwyer: Don't worry about it. It wasn't that deep.
Sophie: Oh, but look! Your sleeve is torn! Ugh, I'm really sorry about this! Let me fix that for you right now!
Dwyer: It's really not a problem. I can mend my own clothes.
Sophie: Nope! It's Avel's fault, so I have to take responsibility for him.
Dwyer: Well, if you must...
Sophie: I'll have this all sewn up in a jiffy!
Dwyer: I have to up after all of your feral horse's messes must be a lot of work.
Sophie: "Feral" is a pretty strong word for it! I like to think of him as "excitable." I do wish he was tamer, though. He never listens to a word I say...
Dwyer: I guess there's not much you can do about it. They say a horse resembles its master...
Sophie: H-hey, what? I don't cause half the trouble that Avel does!
Dwyer: Be that as it still have a lot in common.
Sophie: How so? Let's hear some specifics!
Dwyer:'s hard to say. Just, in some nebulous, undefinable're alike.
Sophie: Hmph! Saying I'm "somehow like" an out- of-control horse is a fine how-do-you-do. But that's OK. I can overlook a little rudeness. See? I finished fixing your sleeve.
Dwyer: did a good job of it, too.
Sophie: I did? Hooray for me!
Dwyer: Yes, I can barely see the seam. Though that's not to say the repairs are unnoticeable... Seeing as you managed to sew the sleeve to the undershirt beneath it...
Sophie: Whaaaaat?! Are you kidding me?! Geez...why do these things always happen to me...?
Dwyer: Um...didn't it technically happen to me?
Sophie: Huh. I guess it did! I got off just fine. That's a nice way of looking at it. Thanks, Dwyer!
Dwyer: No, that...wasn't my point. But suit yourself. It doesn't really matter, because Avel's acting up again.
Sophie: WHAAAAAT?! Bad Avel! Bad! Stop this right now!
(Sophie leaves)
Dwyer: She's got her work cut out for her...

A Support

Dwyer: Uh-oh. Avel's on the loose again... I'd better hide my valuables.
(Dwyer leaves)
Sophie: Avel! What will it take to calm you down?! Do you want a carrot? Some sugar cubes? Ack! Now look what you've done!
Dwyer: Looks like you've got your hands full again. Do you need any help cleaning up?
Sophie: Nah! He's my horse, so it's my problem.
Dwyer: I don't mind. Besides, it'll go a lot faster with some help.
Sophie: Gosh, thanks, Dwyer! All righty then, I'll start putting these weapons back on the rack. Can you pick up the pot Avel knocked over? It's on the floor by the table. I'm amazed it didn't break from the fall. Things are looking up, huh? A-Avel! Wait!
Dwyer: ...So much for things looking up.
Sophie: Awww...I can't take him anywhere. I'm so sick of this always happening! Why can't I get my own horse under control?!
Dwyer: Well, there's nothing we can do about that jar now, short of giving it a proper burial. Let's just get back to cleaning.
Sophie: That's OK... I can finish the rest on my own. You must be fed up with me by now, right? You can go.
Dwyer: I'm not going anywhere...
Sophie: Why not? I'd ditch me, if I was you.
Dwyer: ...I don't think that's true. If Avel was my horse, I doubt you'd leave me to clean up his catastrophes.
Sophie: Huh...?
Dwyer: Just look at Avel. He's a huge problem for you, but you'd never abandon him.
Sophie: Well, yeah...
Dwyer: So I wouldn't abandon my friends either. And that means you. No matter how much disaster follows you around...I'll never turn my back on you. And neither would your other friends, right? So don't go tearing your hair out.
Sophie: ...OK.
Dwyer: Leave the cleaning up here to me. It's what I do best. Besides, you should see to your partner in crime. He's making a scene again...
Sophie: Avel! UGH! Some days I swear you're a demon in horse's clothing. Thanks, Dwyer. Be right back! AVEL! STOP! THOSE CROPS ARE FOR THE WHOLE ARMY!
(Sophie leaves)
Dwyer: Heh... Good luck, Sophie...

S Support

Dwyer: Sophie, um...
Sophie: Give me ooooone second while I finish doing this laundry.
Dwyer: Should I come back later...? I'm sure there are things in that basket you'd rather I didn't see...
Sophie: Oh uh, no, it's fine! It's just a bunch of hankies and things.
Dwyer: Oh...that makes it doubly odd, then. Why do you have so many pink handkerchiefs...?
Sophie: Don't be silly. I don't have handkerchiefs... AAAAAAH! The dye from my new red one bled out into all my white ones!
Dwyer: Very unfortunate...
Sophie: UGH! Whatever. I'll just pretend they've been pink all along!
Dwyer: That's a clever spin on it. You always manage to find the bright side of things.
Sophie: Hey, being depressed all the time is bad for your health! Anyway, what brings you here?
Dwyer: Oh, I almost forgot. There actually was something I meant to bring up with you... I, uh...I want to go steady.
Sophie: Huh?!
Dwyer: I love you, Sophie...
Sophie: WHAT?!
Dwyer: Your dauntless optimism gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning... I see things totally differently now that I've met you.
Sophie: But...I'm a walking disaster...
Dwyer: Yes, but now you're a walking disaster with this. Here...
Sophie: I-is this a RING?!
Dwyer: I hope this helps prove to you that my feelings for you are real.
Sophie: Y-yeah, it definitely does that... Dwyer, are you sure I'm the woman for you? You wouldn't prefer someone more... together?
Dwyer: That doesn't bother me at all...
Sophie: Thank you, Dwyer. You could have had a lot of girls, but you went with me. Heehee... You found a really pretty ring for it, too... AAAAH! AVEL, NO! DON'T EAT MY RING!
(horse whinnies)
Dwyer: Hey...he actually spit it out. Maybe abject desperation is the key to getting through to him...


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait midori fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Apothecary (Merchant or Mechanist)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 potent potion.png Potent Potion Apothecary, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick salve.png Quick Salve Apothecary, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 profiteer.png Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 spendthrift.png Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Apothecary class tree from his mother.

C Support

Midori: Hi there, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Please tell me you didn't just wake me just to say hello.
Midori: Well, the fact is that I did. But as long as you're awake, you should know something. You'll catch a cold if you sleep here. It's drafty and wet.
Dwyer: Here's just fine. Leave me be.
Midori: If you get sick, I'll have to make you drink some bitter medicine.
Dwyer: I'll cross that bridge when I never get to it.
Midori: Oh, Dwyer. So petulant! So lazy!
Dwyer: So sleepy. Good night. Or good day. Or whatever good time it is.
Midori: I could mix you up some medicine that will put the pep back in your step.
Dwyer: I have all the pep I need.
Midori: I think I can tinker with the recipe too. Add something to give you vigor.
Dwyer: You're not listening to me. Besides, aren't vigor and pep the same? Sounds like double the trouble to me.
Midori: Sorry. I need to be going. Research to do! Medicines to mix! I'll have a cure for you soon.
(Midori leaves)
Dwyer: A cure for what? Being me? I'll never drink any sort of anti-Dwyer potion!

B Support

Midori: I've finished your medicine, Dwyer!
Dwyer: What medicine?
Midori: That pep-and-vigor potion!
Dwyer: Oh. You know I have less than zero interest in drinking that.
Midori: You'll be much more interested in drinking it after you've drunk it.
Dwyer: Uh, what? But I'm not going to. Besides, it looks disgusting. What is that color? Gray? Off gray? Off-off gray?
Midori: Don't judge a potion by its color.
Dwyer: The smell—it's putrid. And what's that sticking out of the froth? Are those insect legs?
Midori: Yes, but just the legs, mind you. It's good roughage. Down with it. Here, I'll help!
Dwyer: Midori! NO! Keep back!
Midori: Why? I worked so hard to create this concoction just for you. But if you won't drink it, I'll just drink it myself.
Dwyer: Ugh. Fine. I can't stand to see you blubber, Midori.
Midori: Yay! Then down the hatch!
Dwyer: *sip* Hmm. Not bad. *slurp* *gulp*
Midori: Yes? Yes? Tell me!
Dwyer: Tell you what? How I'm feel— URK!
Midori: Is it working? Sense any extra pep in your step, Dwyer?
Dwyer: My feet feel like they're on FIRE! a good way? I feel like I could run around the WORLD!
Midori: That seems...extreme. I'll need to tweak the recipe next time.
Dwyer: No, don't change a thing! Go make me more of this stuff!
Midori: Is the energy only in your feet though?
Dwyer: Yes! I could dance all day and night!
Midori: I meant it to make a more rounded peppiness, actually. Maybe instead of beetle legs, I should use seaweed. Or something. Yes, that's it exactly. Sorry, Dwyer. I need to be going. The next potion will be perfect.
(Midori leaves)
Dwyer: Hurry, Midori. I'm already feeling my medicine wear off...

A Support

Midori: I've got your new and improved medicine, Dwyer!
Dwyer: At last, Midori. Fork it over.
Midori: I figured out just how to tweak the formula.
Dwyer: Yes, yes. Thank you. And gimme.
Midori: I did all the proper research. I'm sure it will be perfect this time.
Dwyer: Let me be the judge of that.
Midori: You might need to...uh...gulp the whole thing down at once.
Dwyer: Why? It doesn't look any more disgusting than last time. The smell is smellier though.
Midori: Take my word for it. Gulp it fast. Don't look too closely.
Dwyer: Oh, wait... Are those...?
Midori: Heh, yes.
Dwyer: There are eyeballs in this.
Midori: That's the secret ingredient. Does it help to think of them as jelly spheres?
Dwyer: Not really. I'm not sure that I'll be able to drink this.
Midori: Oh. I see. Then don't. I understand.
Dwyer: Please, not your blubbering face, Midori. I'll drink it.
Midori: I knew you would!
Dwyer: Here goes... *guh-guh-glurp* Gah! Do I need to...swallow those?! *chew, chew, chew* *pop*
Midori: All done? It should take only a few moments to kick in.
Dwyer: Whoa. It is different this time. I feel all tingly from top to bottom.
Midori: Tingly? Or alert? Zippy?
Dwyer: All of the above. This might be better than coffee for pep factor.
Midori: You don't look very different.
Dwyer: I look just the same whether I'm sleeping or awake.
Midori: Oh, good. As long as it worked. Sorry it was unpleasant.
Dwyer: It's not your fault. I blame the eyeballs for being so...textural.
Midori: Well, the fact is that the most effective medicines are the most icky.
Dwyer: Compliments to the chef then. It was perfect, Midori.
Midori: You're the perfect patient, Dwyer! So, uh... Can I try out all of my new medicines on you from now on?
Dwyer: Your personal test subject, eh? Hmm, yes. Just hold the gross stuff. Maybe I'm being a baby, but I can't stomach eyeballs.

S Support

Dwyer: Excuse me? Midori?
Midori: Oh, Dwyer! Let's get right to it. What are your symptoms?
Dwyer: I'm not sick. I just wanted to ask... I mean, I've just been thinking... I mean, do you like anyone?
Midori: Everyone!
Dwyer: Hmm. Anyone more than everyone else?
Midori: Obviously. My father is the best!
Dwyer: Besides him?
Midori: Well, the fact is that there IS someone. But that's a secret.
Dwyer: Oh. I'll just leave it alone then.
Midori: Leave what alone?
Dwyer: I was hoping that you...I mean... might like... Er, me.
Midori: You?!
Dwyer: Me. I like you—a lot. You're nice. You're caring.
Midori: B-but...Dwyer!
Dwyer: I know. I'm a rat. I'm unlikable. I'm a lazy good-for-nothing. Shall I go on?
Midori: No, don't! That's not what I was saying.
Dwyer: You didn't need to.
Midori: I'm only upset because you're not following proper procedure. You can't just blurt out your feelings like that!
Dwyer: I can't?
Midori: There's a method! A system!
Dwyer: Are those two things or one? I'll do them both. I just need to know.
Midori: Look, it's easy, Dwyer. First you pass me a note today saying "Hi." That's all.
Dwyer: I have to pass you notes? Where? Here? On the battlefield?
Midori: On the second day, you pass a note saying "How's it going?" A month later, maybe you broach the topic of going out on a stroll. But only with all of our friends surrounding us. Then they can all get together and say whether we're a good fit. And then we completely ignore their advice and run off on a date. That's the proper procedure.
Dwyer: That will take a month. And my hand will cramp up from writing all those notes! But if that's what you require, I'll be glad to get things going. I'll just be on my way to fetch paper and pen.
Midori: Yay! I'll write you back, of course. We're going to be the best pen pals ever, Dwyer!


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait kiragi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Archer (Kinshi Knight or Sniper)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 skill +2.png Skill +2 Archer, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 quick draw.png Quick Draw Archer, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 certain blow.png Certain Blow Sniper, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowfaire.png Bowfaire Sniper, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Archer class tree from his mother.

C Support

Kiragi: Phew. I guess I should finish up for today pretty soon. Man, butchering animals is dirty work. This tent's gotten pretty filthy. Oh well. It'll be fine. I'll clean it up after dinner. Now-time is chow-time!
Dwyer: ...Yo.
Kiragi: Oh, Dwyer! What's up?
Dwyer: ... It stinks like dead animal in here.
Kiragi: Oh, right. Sorry about that. I was just butchering today's spoils. But I'll clean it up right after dinner. Don't worry! Be riiiiight back.
(Kiragi leaves)
Dwyer: Wait.
Kiragi: Huh?
Dwyer: You won't be back after dinner. You're just going to fall asleep.
Kiragi: What? N-no, I promise! I'll be back to straighten everything up after dinner.
Dwyer: Nope. You're going to sleep. No doubt about it. I can see into the future, y'know.
Kiragi: Knock it off, Dwyer.
Dwyer: All right. I can't. But you know what they say. A man's character is his fate. All that. And your character says you're gonna saw some logs after dinner. So let's just give the tent a quick once-over, huh?
Kiragi: What? Hang on! No! I'm going to have dinner first.
Dwyer: Shut it! You're not having dinner at all if you don't clean your tent first. Got it?
Kiragi: Fine, whatever, MOTHER.
Kiragi: There. It's all done. Finally. Now, time for dinner.
Dwyer: Nope.
Kiragi: Wh-what?
Dwyer: Strip.
Kiragi: WHAT?
Dwyer: Then head straight for the baths. Your clothes need washing.
Kiragi: Oh. B-but what about dinner?
Dwyer: You can eat after you're clean. Don't you even think of going to dinner smelling like that.
Kiragi: Hey, come on! This isn't fair! I cleaned up just like you told me to. And since when are my affairs any of your business, huh?
Dwyer: Stop complaining. You are a prince, and you had best begin to act like it. Every good prince needs a good butler. I intend to fill this function.
Kiragi: What?! Why? Since when?
Dwyer: Since now. Your slovenly lifestyle has convinced me you are in need of my aid. Call it my butler senses. You can blame my father for them. He always taught me never to put up with this kind of behavior in nobles.
Kiragi: Grrrr. Well, fine then! But if you're going to buttle me, you'd best buttle right! Which right now means getting me food! I'm starving!
Dwyer: That's not how this works. To the baths with you. Now.
Kiragi: O-OK. Yes, sir.

B Support

Kiragi: All right, I think I'm just about ready to go hunting. Bow is and water are packed...snares are good... Oh! That's right! I forgot to grab some bait!
Dwyer: ...
Kiragi: Oh, Dwyer! I was just about to go hunting. Did you want to tag along?
Dwyer: You're leaving? Don't you think you should clean up a bit first?
Kiragi: Huh? No, I wasn't really planning on it. Uh...your butler senses aren't getting overactive again, are they? ...Dwyer?
Dwyer: Bingo. You're not going hunting until this place has been cleaned.
Kiragi: But it's not even messy! My tools are all just out like this because it's how I like them. There's a method to the madness, I swear!
Dwyer: Yes, yes. A favorite excuse of slovenly princes the world over. Now, it's time to begin! I will have this room sparkling in no time!
Kiragi: Um...OK... And while you're doing that, I'll just be out hunting...
Dwyer: Oh, no. I am only here to direct you. You will be doing the cleaning.
Kiragi: What?! You just said that YOU'D be the one to have the room cleaned!
Dwyer: Yes, and I will. We do not credit the hands with the work of the mind. Besides, you need to learn how to do this kind of thing for yourself.
Kiragi: I— But I— I don't want to! This is so dumb! Lazy old grumpy snot-breathing—
Dwyer: What did you say?!
Kiragi: N-nothing, sir!

A Support

Kiragi: All right, just need to get this back on the shelf, and I should be just about done.
Dwyer: ...Yo.
Kiragi: Hey, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Your tent appears to be clean today. You did this yourself?
Kiragi: Oh, yeah. Thanks to you, I think I'm getting the hang of this neatness stuff. DWYER RULE NO. 1: Discard all items you have not touched for six months. DWYER RULE NO. 2: Especially food. DWYER RULE NO. 3: All items you do use must be returned to their original places. DWYER RULE NO. 4: Do not interrupt Dwyer's nap time. Heh. I memorized all of them, just like you said!
Dwyer: Very good.
Kiragi: You know, I never thought I'd say it, but it's made preparing for a hunt way better! It's not just easier. It's so...relaxing now.
Dwyer: Of course. Enrich your environment, and you enrich your soul.
Kiragi: I'm sorry if I frustrated you. If I'd just listened to you from the start, I'd have saved myself a lot of pain.
Dwyer: No worries. You understand now. That's enough. I've also learned something in this process. You aren't who I thought you were. I hereby revoke your title of Slovenly Prince. You are now...the Immaculate Prince!
Kiragi: Woohoo! Thanks! You know, you might come off as gruff, but I bet you're a softie on the inside.
Dwyer: D-don't be such an idiot.
Kiragi: Ha! I knew it! You're turning red!

A+ support


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait asugi fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 poison strike.png Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 golembane.png Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 replicate.png Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lethality.png Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenfaire.png Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Ninja class tree from his mother.

C Support

Dwyer: Oh. Looks like I won this round. You all right though, Asugi?
Asugi: Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just...winded. And surprised. You're usually so lazy... I wasn't expecting you to be such a good fighter. What gives?
Dwyer: I'm better than I look, huh?
Asugi: Yeah, you are. But I'm gonna knock that smug look off you next time! C'mon, Naps! Time for round two!
Dwyer: Nah... I'm good. Too much work.
Asugi: Hey! You can't just quit while you're ahead like that!
Dwyer: I'm not quitting. I'm just, uh...quitting. Sorry. Too sleepy. Can't think.
Asugi: Grrr. Well, what if I offer you one of my special peach cobblers? They're amazing! Practically melt in your mouth.
Dwyer: Nah. I can bake my own sweets.
Asugi: F-fine! I'll let you off. But on one condition! You've gotta tell me how you got so good! I never see you doing any training. And... to be honest, you don't look that tough.
Dwyer: Eh. Yeah. You're right. This was probably just a fluke. Now, I think it's nap time. Later, sweet cheeks.
(Dwyer leaves)
Asugi: Urgh! That lazy old bindle-buncher! I've got to know what his secret is! Maybe if I follow him around for a bit, I can find out...

B Support

Dwyer: *yawn*
(Dwyer leaves)
Asugi: Perfect. He's just getting back from breakfast. Let's see what he does all day...
(Asugi leaves)
Dwyer: Aw, man. Breakfast really has me beat. Maybe I'll have myself a little lie-down.
Dwyer: *yawn*
(Dwyer leaves)
Asugi: Back already? He just left for lunch an hour ago.
(Asugi leaves)
Dwyer: Whoo. All that healing has me pooped. Time for an after-lunch napperino.
(Dwyer leaves)
Asugi: Uggghh...
(Asugi leaves)
Dwyer: *yawn*
(Dwyer leaves)
Asugi: C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon...
(Asugi leaves)
Dwyer: Well, dinner was nice. And for dessert... Aw, you guessed it, pillow! I love you too.
Asugi: Hey! Naps! What's the deal?!
Dwyer: What the—? Asugi?! How long have you been there?
Asugi: Since this morning!
Dwyer: Wh-why? Are you...trying to spy on my sleeping?
Asugi: Er— Not...really. I just want to know how you're such a good fighter! But you didn't even train! You barely even left your bed!
Dwyer: Course I didn't train. That's way too much effort. I'm no fool.
Asugi: Grrr. And how can you be so tired when you spend the entire day sleeping, anyway?
Dwyer: Eh...I dunno. I guess it's just how I feel. Sorry to disappoint.
Asugi: How are you so good?
Dwyer: My old man sort of beat it into me back when I was younger. Guess I just never lost the instinct for it. I worked pretty hard back then. All there is to it, really.
Asugi: Well, I'm jealous. Not many people can live so lazily and maintain skills like yours.
Dwyer: Yeah. Life is cruel. So anyway, I need to get some shut-eye. Big day tomorrow. Just like today. So if you could just see yourself out...
(Dwyer leaves)
Asugi: Damn him... This might have been my worst recon mission yet...

A Support

Dwyer: Asugi...
Asugi: Yeah, Naps?
Dwyer: ...Why are we having a tea party? Thought you wanted a rematch.
Asugi: Bingo. And that's exactly what we're doing.
Dwyer: I'm pretty sure we're just eating pastries and drinking tea... Is this what the kids call rematches these days? Huh... That's new... Neat.
Asugi: Look, I gave up on trying to nab the secret to your fighting abilities. Wasting a whole day watching you sleep was enough. I'm not subjecting myself to more of that. Which is why I decided to have a different type of competition with you. I call it the... WHOSE-BAKED-SWEETS-ARE-BETTER SHOWDOWN!
Dwyer: ...Oh. OK.
Asugi: Heh. So now you understand?
Dwyer: Yep. I'd say this is your win.
Asugi: Huh?
Dwyer: I mean, your stuff is way better than mine. Check out these little bean fish things. What did you call them? Taiyaki? They're great. And these rice cakes...oh man. You're pretty amazing at this stuff, Asugi. Where'd you learn it all?
Asugi: Feh. I can't tell you that. Maybe if you spied on me, you could find out...
Dwyer: Eh... Nah. Too much effort...
Asugi: Ngh...
Dwyer: And, you know...I think this is probably more of a draw anyways.
Asugi: Wh-what?! But you said I won! You can't take that back!
Dwyer: Well, I didn't just bring sweets. I brewed some coffee as well. I don't know how you tasted it through all that sugar, but you seemed to like it a lot. You kept going on about how good it was. And isn't that your eighth cup?
Asugi: Hm...I suppose you've got a point.
Dwyer: So, how 'bout it. Do you know how to make coffee? Let's have another rematch.
Asugi: D-dammit! Enough! No! I'm not going to spy on you again to get your coffee-brewing secrets!
Dwyer: could always play fair. But if you really want to know, you can just ask.
Asugi: Really?! Then I'll take you up on that!
Dwyer: Yeah, no problem. It's pretty easy to do. Way easier than sparring, anyway. But I have one condition. You gotta teach me how to make that taiyaki stuff.
Asugi: I see... All right, Naps. You're on.
Dwyer: Sweet. Well, I'm full, so I'm gonna go lie down.
Asugi: Huh? So you're not going to teach me now?
Dwyer: Well, to quote a wise man, "I would prefer not to."
Asugi: You— You— Fine! I'll wait until you wake up! But you're teaching me as soon as you do! All right?!
Dwyer: Fiiiiiine. *yawn* *smack smack smack*

A+ support


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait selkie fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Diviner class tree from his mother.

C Support

Selkie: Hey, get back here! I'm talking to you, mister!
Dwyer: Ugh. What's with all the racket, Selkie? Are you yelling at me?
Selkie: No, dum-dum. I'm chasing a bird!
Dwyer: I know I'm going to regret asking... But why?
Selkie: Why? That's a silly question. Why not?
Dwyer: How deep.
Selkie: I guess if I have to have a reason... I'm chasing it because it's flying. So there.
Dwyer: Have you considered the possibility of actually catching the bird? That is...what would you actually do with it? Eat it?
Selkie: What else do you do with birds?
Dwyer: No, I don't WANT you to eat it, Selkie. I'm just speculating about the possible endgame of your frivolous activity.
Selkie: Huh? Anyway, I might eat it.
Dwyer: How splendid for you. Anyway, I'm going to leave now.
Selkie: Yeah, me too. This is boring. Here, birdie, birdie, birdie! Wait up, you little dum-dum!
(Selkie leaves)
Dwyer: Gods...

B Support

Selkie: Aha! We meet again!
Dwyer: Oh... It's you.
Selkie: I have a name, you know. It's Selkie. You should use it.
Dwyer: Fair enough. My name's Dwyer.
Selkie: Yeah, I already knew that. So, anyway, Dwyer...let's play!
Dwyer: Why?
Selkie: What do you mean, "why"? Don't you like horsing around?
Dwyer: No, that sounds like it would require effort.
Selkie: You're silly. Play isn't work. Play is fun!
Dwyer: In your opinion.
Selkie: Meh, whatever, Captain Boring Pants. You can just sit there, but I'm gonna jump out of that tree!
Dwyer: Is this the part where I'm supposed to stop you?
Selkie: Heh...nope! Here we go. One, two, three... JUMP! OW! Stupid branch!
Dwyer: What a surprise.
Selkie: Aww...this really hurts! And I'm bleeding!
Dwyer: Stay put. I'll get some bandages.
Selkie: Really? Thank you! But...wouldn't that be work?
Dwyer: I suppose so. But what sort of gentleman would ignore a pretty lady in distress?
Selkie: Dwyer...
Dwyer: Yes?
Selkie: You just called me pretty.
Dwyer: Hmm. Indeed I did. Perhaps I should have used a less suggestive term. What sort of gentleman would ignore a not-ugly lady in distress?
Selkie: Aww, I liked it better when you said pretty.

A Support

Selkie: Hey, Dwyer! Are you watching? I'm gonna do a backflip off this building!
Dwyer: That seems ill advised.
Selkie: Oh yeah? Just watch me!
Dwyer: You're just going to get hurt again when you land...
Selkie: But you'll take care of me if I do, right? It's a total win-win!
Dwyer: Doesn't it hurt when you...get hurt? Do you not feel pain or something?
Selkie: Yeah, I guess it kinda hurts. Hmm. Maybe I won't try it after all.
Dwyer: Thank you. It hurts me to watch you hurt yourself.
Selkie: Really? Why?
Dwyer: Well...because we're friends. Aren't we?
Selkie: Oh, yeah! We're friends! But friends play together. So, let's go play, Dwyer!
Dwyer: You're unbelievable.
Selkie: Wait, is that a compliment? Bah, who cares? Let's go play in the mountains! Wheeee!
Dwyer: What would we do up there?
Selkie: I birds or something. Frolic! C'mon, let's go!
Dwyer: That sounds more like work than fun.
Selkie: Aww, don't say that!
Dwyer: Let me put it this way. It sounds like fun if you enjoy running around until you pass out. Which I don't.
Selkie:'re not coming? Even though we're friends?
Dwyer: No, I'm coming. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself out in the middle of nowhere.
Selkie: Yay! Thanks, Dwyer!

S Support

Dwyer: Selkie. We need to talk.
Selkie: Hey, Dwyer. That's a weird face you're making...
Dwyer: I just need to know. Are you planning on chasing after things and attempting risky stunts...forever?
Selkie: Well, of course! I can't imagine a life without play.
Dwyer: So...a lifetime of reckless play...
Selkie: Yeah! Sounds amazing, right?
Dwyer: That's not the word I'd use, but... You'll probably be getting injured with some regularity, it seems fair to assume...
Selkie: Yeah, probably. I can get carried away sometimes. But I can't think about a little spill here or a tumble there. That ruins the fun!
Dwyer: Well, I suppose that settles it. I'll be spending my life tending to your scrapes and bruises.
Selkie: Hey, I didn't ask you to do that.
Dwyer: No, but I can't stand by and watch you get hurt.
Selkie: But forever is such a long time! Like, sometimes when I have to wait an hour for something, I can't even do it. And how many hours are in forever? It hurts my brain to think about!
Dwyer: Well, you don't need to worry about it. I'll just take care of you.
Selkie: But why? You hate doing work, don't you?
Dwyer: I have my reasons.
Selkie: Because we're friends?
Dwyer: Er...yes.
Selkie: So, you're going to stay by my side for the rest of your life?
Dwyer: That's my intent.
Selkie: Well, then we're more than just friends, Dwyer. It's more like we're husband and wife, wouldn't you say?
Dwyer: I...I guess?
Selkie: Oh, don't be shy! Should we just get married and make it all official?
Dwyer: I guess if that were to happen someday, I wouldn't be disappointed...
Selkie: Someday? Pfft. Let's do it today! Yaaay!
Dwyer: Very well. I promise never to leave your side.
Selkie: Woohoo! We're married! This was my plan all along. I can't believe it worked! Bwahaha!
Dwyer: You're cleverer than you let on, aren't you?
Selkie: Duh! Heehee!


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait mitama fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 miracle.png Miracle Monk, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 rally luck.png Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 renewal.png Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 countermagic.png Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Monk class tree from his mother.

C Support

Dwyer: Well, that's that. Walked a half-dozen feet. Time for nap.
Mitama: Sleep interrupted. / The slumbering volcano. / Ready to explode.
Dwyer: Oh, sorry to trip over you, Mitama. Were you sleeping there?
Mitama: I have napping rights to this spot. Move along—or else.
Dwyer: You don't have any such rights. This is a public space. And please, spare me your haiku temper tantrums.
Mitama: The lava bubbles. / The volcano will explode. / The fool doesn't run.
Dwyer: I refuse to be baited into a haiku battle. I just want to take a nap here!
Mitama: Lava splatters him. / The volcano blows its top. / Still the fool stays put.
Dwyer: Oh, fine. I'll leave if only to stop the pain of your dreadful poetry.
Mitama: Coward!
Dwyer: I just want to sleep. I thought you of all people would understand that.
Mitama: I was sleeping until you came along.
Dwyer: I said I was sorry. I'll just go sleep right over there.
Mitama: The volcano fumes. / It demands a sacrifice. / That pillow you hold.
Dwyer: You must be joking. This is my favorite nap-time pillow!
Mitama: Give it to me, Dwyer, or I swear that you'll never wake from that nap.
Dwyer: Ha. A direct threat? Have your powers of poetic persuasion failed you? Fine, here. My pillow.
Mitama: You may pass. Vanish from my sight. Take your nap elsewhere.
Dwyer: You have crossed a line today, Mitama. One that cannot be uncrossed.

B Support

Dwyer: Hello? Injured people? You here? Huh. I'm either too late or in the wrong place.
Mitama: What you are doing here, Dwyer?
Dwyer: I could ask you the same.
Mitama: I heard there were people here who needed healing. Though I was walking in dream, sleeping peacefully, I couldn't say no to healing.
Dwyer: Well, you're too late. I got here first. You can leave.
Mitama: You came for this? You have a reputation for giving less a damn than I.
Dwyer: I was ordered to come. I can't turn down a direct command.
Mitama: You can in the future. I will tend to the wounded while you can slack.
Dwyer: No, you can sleep while I work. Like now. Go away.
Mitama: Two healers enter / Both of us seeking patients / I lose my patience.
Dwyer: That wasn't half-bad.
Mitama: I may have arrived last, Dwyer, but I am best suited for healing the injured. Now, exactly where are these poor, wounded souls?
Dwyer: Oh, there's one. We're practically standing on him. So much for bedside manner.
Mitama: Hmm, yes. Right there. Now leave this all to me, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Aren't two healers better than one?
Mitama: Not when one is you.
Dwyer: Oh, fine. Get to healing, or else our patient will slip away.
Mitama: Stand off—and watch how it's done.
Dwyer: You're not half-bad at this either.
Mitama: I'm half-good times two.
Dwyer: Was that math poetry? Well, I'll just find more wounded to tend to. Oh, look. There's another body.
Mitama: Your turn.
Dwyer: All right, Mitama. Thanks. You're not half-bad.
Mitama: Yes, you've said that thrice. You'd make a terrible poet.
Dwyer: Let's get everyone here healed up so we can get back to our naps.
Mitama: Now that is poetry to my ears.

A Support

Mitama: Zzzzz...
Dwyer: Huh, it's Mitama. She really can sleep just about anywhere. Hey, Mitama. You asleep?
Mitama: ......
Dwyer: That's a pretty comfy-looking pile of hay you found to sleep on. Mind if I rake half of it over there? Out of snoring distance, of course.
Mitama: Sleep interrupted / The slumbering volcano / Ready to explode.
Dwyer: Yes, yes. Volcano haiku. Didn't you unleash that one on me before? Anyway, you were awake.
Mitama: No I wasn't. You woke me.
Dwyer: Quibbles.
Mitama: The volcano fumes / It demands a sacrifice / Five hundred croissants. I will expect them to be freshly baked and hot from the oven, Dwyer. Why did you wake me?
Dwyer: More people need healing.
Mitama: Oh. Why didn't you just say so? Let's make haste.
Dwyer: Sorry...
(fade to black)
Dwyer: Well, we've healed them all up, Mitama. I think? Yes.
Mitama: Then I'll be off, back to my lovely hay pile of sweet dreams.
Dwyer: Er, Mitama? I brought this for you. Here, it's yours.
Mitama: A blanket?
Dwyer: A quilt. I sewed it. And stitched all the haiku I've heard you say on it too.
Mitama: You did what?
Dwyer: I can't quite match your calligraphy, not with a needle and thread.
Mitama: Patchwork of poems / Scraps of the best intentions / Sewn with love and care.
Dwyer: I did my best.
Mitama: Why?
Dwyer: I thought a haiku quilt might make your dreams all the more sweet. Besides, I knew if I woke you, you'd demand a sacrifice. Easier than baking you five hundred croissants, anyway.
Mitama: Sacrifice accepted. I mean...thank you. This quilt grants you permission to wake me up at any and all times in the future.
Dwyer: I'll keep that in mind.
Mitama: Yes, do.

S Support

Dwyer: Mitama? You can't sleep here. Vermin abound.
Mitama: Zzzzz...the heat...zzzzz...the sizzle... Dwyer, Dwyer, Dwyer...
Dwyer: Wake up, Mitama.
Mitama: *snork* Whuh? Why are you here?
Dwyer: You summoned me.
Mitama: But...I didn't!
Dwyer: I just heard you: "Dwyer, Dwyer, Dwyer..."
Mitama: The volcano wakes / But why won't my lava gush? / This time it's a blush. Well, what else did I say?
Dwyer: You muttered something about heat and sizzling—then my name, over and over.
Mitama: I was dreaming that you were standing at the edge of a volcano.
Dwyer: Clearly.
Mitama: Being sacrificed.
Dwyer: To you, the volcano. I'm comfortable with that. Anyway, moving on... I'm not sure you should be sleeping any old place around here.
Mitama: Why not?
Dwyer: I saw a rat scurry over your foot as you slept, Mitama.
Mitama: It did? That must be lucky.
Dwyer: No, it's disgusting. And what if it hadn't been a rat—maybe a bear?
Mitama: But I must sleep when the urge to nap moves me.
Dwyer: Well, I have a bunk bed. Don't worry. It's all on the up and up. That is, it's all very decent. You could choose the up—or down—bunk.
Mitama: That's nice, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Anyway, I'm just saying don't sleep in disgusting places with vermin.
Mitama: I'll sleep where I like.
Dwyer: You really must think of your safety.
Mitama: Some have called you a vermin.
Dwyer: Oh. Have they really?
Mitama: Besides, if we bunk together and you fall asleep, what good does that do? A rat could scurry there as well as here.
Dwyer: I won't fall asleep then.
Mitama: My snore is soothing.
Dwyer: I'll pinch my leg to stay awake.
Mitama: You'd pinch yourself all night long, week after week, month after month?
Dwyer: To keep you from rats? Yes.
Mitama: That's dedication. Or perhaps it's... devotion?
Dwyer: Tomato, tomato.
Mitama: What? You said it the same way twice. To-MAY-toe, to-MAH-toe. That's how you say that, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Oh, all right. You want a confession of my affections? Fine. My heart has been seared by standing too near the volcano that is you, Mitama.
Mitama: Now you're speaking my language, Dwyer. And, by the way...? I love you too.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait caeldori fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 darting blow.png Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 camaraderie.png Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally speed.png Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 warding blow.png Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 air superiority.png Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 amaterasu.png Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Sky Knight class tree from his mother.

C Support

Caeldori: *pluck* Perfect I will be... *pluck* Perfect will never be... *pluck* Perfect I will be... EEEP! *pluck* Perfect I will...NEVER be?! *sigh*
Dwyer: Oh, Caeldori. What did that poor flower do to deserve such brutality?
Caeldori: How long have you been lurking, Dwyer? You didn't hear what I...?
Dwyer: About being perfect? Or not? No. Not the slightest peep. And I wasn't lurking. I was here napping. You were so bent on perfection that you failed to even notice me.
Caeldori: I...I'm not.
Dwyer: Not, she says. Tell that to the flower you just mauled.
Caeldori: It's just a child's game, plucking a flower to divine the future.
Dwyer: Oh, is that what you call the slaying of that defenseless bloom?
Caeldori: *sob* Dwyer, please don't tell anyone what you saw. I couldn't live it down!
Dwyer: I'm only joking. Do you know how many dead flowers I've left in my wake? But I've learned there's no point in plucking petals. Just be you. You'll get what you deserve.
Caeldori: Well, whatever. Just don't tell anyone. It was only a moment of weakness. I'm myself again—perfection.
Dwyer: Oh, really.
Caeldori: I can tell by your sour puss that you doubt me. Maybe I'm not perfect. But I'm close. I'll give you proof.
Dwyer: I'm barely interested.
Caeldori: Oh, no. You started this.
Dwyer: Don't go to any trouble for my sake. I recant any skepticism.
Caeldori: You sullen clod! I'm going to give you proof if I have to rub it in your face. Next we meet, I'll show you how perfect I winning affection.
Dwyer: That's hardly proof of anything. Well, besides being dependent on others for approval.
Caeldori: I'll show you. Next time we meet, you'll see me in a new light.
Dwyer: I'll be sure to shield my eyes, lest I be blinded by your brilliance.

B Support

Caeldori: Ah! Found you!
Dwyer: Hmm. I should really try this hiding thing I've heard so much about.
Caeldori: Let my perfection commence—with a demonstration of being winsome.
Dwyer: You know what they say: you win some, you lose some. And I'll be the one to lose my mind if I stick around. I find you tiresome.
Caeldori: Tiresome? I see what you're saying.
Dwyer: Uh, what?
Caeldori: How much it must drain you to hear people yammer on and on.
Dwyer: Yes, exactly. I'm glad you...understand.
Caeldori: You see? It's working!
Dwyer: ...... What is?
Caeldori: Lesson Number One: You'll win people over if you're perfectly agreeable. The distance between us, Dwyer, has been halved. You see? Winsome.
Dwyer: I feel used. Good-bye.
Caeldori: You need more proof?
Dwyer: Less. None. Negative proof. Can we turn back time?
Caeldori: You just hold on. I will now show you Lesson Number Two!
Dwyer: You mean from that, er, thing you're hiding behind your back?
Caeldori: What thing?
Dwyer: That book. I would recognize that fuchsia cover from a mile away. It's a guide to winning a man, isn't it?
Caeldori: This? No. Oh, is it? Never mind. It's just some garbage I picked up.
Dwyer: Garbage, indeed. I could never be hooked by tips from a book. Besides, you'll just come across as tiresome if you try so hard.
Caeldori: I give up. You're right. I'll be heading home now, Dwyer. Good-bye.
Dwyer: Oh, all right. See you later.
Caeldori: Heh.
Dwyer: What, heh? Don't heh me! Weren't you going to leave?
Caeldori: No. I was merely stimulating the male's instinct to chase. It's in the book.
Dwyer: Oh, what piffle. That tactic doesn't work on me. It doesn't work on anyone!
Caeldori: You're right, Dwyer. I'll go throw out this book now. Good-bye.
(Caeldori leaves)
Dwyer: Hmm. She's not half-bad.

A Support

Caeldori: Hello, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Allow me to tip my head in passing. As I pass, Caeldori.
Caeldori: But, uh, I need advice.
Dwyer: I have a moment.
Caeldori: It's more like I need you for a little experiment. Remember that book you told me to throw away? I did, of course. It was crammed of bad tips for winning over a man. You were so right! But one tip was absolute trash. I'd like to prove that. Can you help?
Dwyer: But I'm glad to assist, if it will help put the final nail in that fuchsia coffin.
Caeldori: I'll do exactly what the book said. You tell me if it has any effect on your heart.
Dwyer: My heart? I doubt it will. But please, continue.
Caeldori: I'll be *pat pat* Why, hello there, Dwyer! *pat* The weather is sure *pat* nice today! *pat pat pat*
Dwyer: Caeldori, I'm not a dog.
Caeldori: The book said that when one talks to a man, one ought to touch him casually. It will get the man's heart beating.
Dwyer: That was casual patting? I thought you were trying to pick my pocket.
Caeldori: No effect on your heart though? All right. Let's try this... *turn* *glance over shoulder* *flip hair* *flutter flutter flutter flutter*
Dwyer: Do you have an eyelash stuck in your eye? You should rinse that out.
Caeldori: I was batting my lashes at you over my shoulder! Did it succeed?
Dwyer: At making me uncomfortable? Yes. It succeeded wildly.
Caeldori: Aw, I guess I made a mess of it.
Dwyer: Please tell me this wasn't all some ruse to actually win me over. That book IS junk. The truth is, you of all people don't need a book of tips to be winsome.
Caeldori: But how else will I make a man's heart skip a beat?
Dwyer: Ugh. How awful. Heart failure? What a thing to inflict on someone. Just be yourself, Caeldori. You really will get what's coming to you. And it will be as lovely as you are.
Caeldori: Really? Did you just say that? You, Dwyer?!
Dwyer: Keep it between us.
Caeldori: Then I really will throw away that stupid book. I guess I got a little more perfect, thanks to you. Mind if I come to you for more advice from time to time?
Dwyer: As long as it's you I'm dealing with and not that book? Of course. It's been a pleasure, Caeldori.

S Support

Dwyer: Hi, Caeldori.
Caeldori: Oh, hello, Dwyer. What can I help you with?
Dwyer: I need advice.
Caeldori: My advice? Have pigs developed wings and now require pig knights?
Dwyer: Er, what? Anyway, I need advice about love.
Caeldori: No! You? Love?! Well, you and I have circled this topic before. You know it's not my field.
Dwyer: I think you'll have an informed opinion about this.
Caeldori: All right, out with it.
Dwyer: What kind of gift makes a woman really, really happy?
Caeldori: I don't know. I can only say what tickles me. Just about anything though. It's really and truly the thought that counts.
Dwyer: That's not very helpful. How about flowers?
Caeldori: What girl doesn't love to receive flowers?
Dwyer: Noted. Another question—what's the best way to offer one's heart to a woman?
Caeldori: Personally, I think it doesn't matter much what he might say. He needs only look into my eyes and speak from the heart. I hope that helps whomever is the lucky target of your affections. As for me, I've always thought it'd be wonderful for it to go just like that. Perhaps it's trite, but for a suitor to drop to his knee...? I'd simply die!
Dwyer: Well, don't do THAT.
Caeldori: Huh? Dwyer, why are you dropping—? To your—? Knee?
Dwyer: Caeldori.
Caeldori: Wh-what?
Dwyer: I've taken a liking to you.
Caeldori: What?!
Dwyer: And if you're not too opposed, would you please take this flower?
Caeldori: WHAT?!
Dwyer: I'm serious.
Caeldori: But I never guessed— I mean, maybe I guessed, but I never dreamed...
Dwyer: So are you going to take this flower? My knee is starting to hurt.
Caeldori: NO!
Dwyer: Urk. Why?
Caeldori: What kind of proposal was that?! It was like a proposal FOR a proposal! It has to be spontaneous. You have to fully open your heart.
Dwyer: That was from my heart. But if you want me to pop out of a cake or something...? I'll surprise you at some point.
Caeldori: Really? You promise?
Dwyer: I give you my vow.
Caeldori: Oh, Dwyer! This is exactly how I always pictured this happening! Or at least how I'll picture it when it eventually happens! I give you my vow. When the time comes, I will say...yes.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait rhajat fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Basara or Onmyoji)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 magic +2.png Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 future sight.png Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rend heaven.png Rend Heaven Basara, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 quixotic.png Quixotic Basara, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally magic.png Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 tomefaire.png Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Diviner class tree from his mother.

C Support

Rhajat: You there. Hold on a minute.
Dwyer: Pardon me? Did you need something?
Rhajat: *pluck*
Dwyer: Gah! My hair! What are you doing?!
Rhajat: You looked gloomy.
Dwyer: And you thought yanking a tuft of hair out of my head would help?
Rhajat: Well, I suppose it won't help you. But it will help me. I'm working on a potion that calls for the "hair of a gloomy person." I figured you'd do.
Dwyer: I see.
Rhajat: Great. See ya.
Dwyer: One question, though. Why didn't you just use some of your own hair?
Rhajat: Because I'm not gloomy. I'm downright gleeful.
Dwyer: Riiight. At least you can tell a joke.
Rhajat: Um...I'm not joking. Nothing makes me happier than working on a new potion.
Dwyer: Well...good luck with that, I guess.
Rhajat: Thanks. Muhahaha...
(Rhajat leaves)
Dwyer: Um...wait a second. What exactly does this potion do?
Rhajat: Oh. I thought it was obvious. It will help me animate an evil doll with your personality. Bwahaha! It's going to be sooooo evil!
Dwyer: Um...can I get that hair back after all?

B Support

Rhajat: Ah! This is good timing.
Dwyer: You... Good timing for what, exactly? Some kind of evil spell?
Rhajat: No, but we can do one of those, too. Maybe I can cast one that will make you less anxious all the time. Shall we begin? What troubles you?
Dwyer: Believe it or not, I'm content.
Rhajat: Ugh, boring. How about a wish? What do you desire? Anything will do.
Dwyer: Well, if you insist... There's a particular tea set used by the royal family. I must admit...I covet it desperately. But, of course, it's under lock and key...
Rhajat: Understood. Leave it to me.
Dwyer: What are you going to do? You can't just STEAL it!
Rhajat: Sure I could. But that's not what I'm going to do. Heh heh...
Dwyer: I'm not sure about this...
Rhajat: Muhahah! Heehee!
Dwyer: Well, at least one of us is having fun.
Rhajat: Indeed, I am! Now, to complete this spell, I'll need both of your eyeballs. No, wait. That's crazy. I can get by with one eyeball. I guarantee a 10 percent chance of success. So...make with the eyeball.
Dwyer: Heh. Now I know you're pulling my leg.
Rhajat: No. Hopefully, I'm pulling your eyeball. Clean out of the socket. If we offer the tongue too, I believe we could have a 30 percent chance of success.
Dwyer: I'm sure you're joking around...but no thank you.
Rhajat: Ugh, you're so boring.
Dwyer: Uh, I'm sorry? No, wait...I'm not. But thanks for totally weirding me out.
Rhajat: Oh, you're welcome. If you ever want something that seems impossible, just let me know. I love a good challenge...
Dwyer: I'll keep that in mind...

A Support

Dwyer: Hello, Rhajat. What's that you're working on?
Rhajat: Oh, just a little research for another spell.
Dwyer: You sure are...prolific...with those spells. You're not doing anything too wild, are you? It's not good to play gods...
Rhajat: Play gods? What do you mean?
Dwyer: You know... Messing with people's lives, or creating a new type of animal... Stuff like that.
Rhajat: ...Oh. I suppose I'll have to be discreet.
Dwyer: Right. Well, I'll leave you to it.
Rhajat: Hmph.
Dwyer: What's wrong?
Rhajat: Do I creep you out?
Dwyer: Well...
Rhajat: I knew it. You're just like everyone else.
Dwyer: Hey! You didn't give me a chance to answer you. I was going to say that I find you fascinating, if a little quirky.
Rhajat: Oh? That's rare.
Dwyer: What do you mean?
Rhajat: Most people just dismiss me. But that's fine, I suppose. Makes it easier to concentrate on my spells. But you seem to show a genuine interest in me. I wonder why...
Dwyer: Maybe it's because I see you as a fellow gloomy person.
Rhajat: I already told you—I'm cheerful.
Dwyer: Right. Anyway, I should probably mind my own business.
Rhajat: No, I could actually use some help. Are you up for it?
Dwyer: depends. What do you need?
Rhajat: Excellent. What I need is for you to source some ingredients for me. First, I need 50 stinkworms. You can tell them apart from regular worms by the way they smell. Also, they bite. And I could really use some fresh mandrake root. The best parts of the root are about eight feet underwater and as strong as steel. Any questions?
Dwyer: Yes. Will you just kill me now and save me the trouble?

S Support

Dwyer: Hey, Rhajat. Remember how I got you all those ingredients for your spells? I was wondering if you could do something for me.
Rhajat: Yeah. I already told you I could get you anything you wanted, didn't I? Just name it.
Dwyer: Great. there any such thing as a matchmaking spell?
Rhajat: Matchmaking? You mean, like, with another person?
Dwyer: Yeah, I guess that's what I mean. Is it possible?
Rhajat: ...No.
Dwyer: Really? Damn. I thought for sure...
Rhajat: Well, there might be a spell like that... But who exactly are you hoping to be matched with? I'll curse you for eternity if you don't tell me!
Dwyer: Yeesh! When you put it like that, I guess I'll tell you. It's you, Rhajat.
Rhajat: Me?! Are you serious?
Dwyer: Yeah... Is that weird?
Rhajat: I don't know yet. What is it you like about me, exactly?
Dwyer: Gah! How am I supposed to answer a question like that? I just like you, OK? I like that you're a little bit mysterious and dangerous.
Rhajat: Oh, man... This is a problem.
Dwyer: Damn. I figured as much.
Rhajat: No, you don't get it. The problem is that I don't even need a matchmaking spell. Because I like you too.
Dwyer: Really?
Rhajat: Well, if I had to choose between hate and like...the slight edge goes to like.
Dwyer: That's not good enough. I like you a LOT.
Rhajat: All right, you want the truth? The truth is that I didn't want to do a matchmaking spell for you... because I didn't want to see you matched up to anyone else. I really like you. Like, a lot. I've been getting kind of obsessed. Muhahaha...
Dwyer: Wow, this is awkward.
Rhajat: Well, you started it! As punishment, I'm going to stick with you until one or both of us are dead! It may not be as long as you think!
Dwyer: Heh. I'm OK with this.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait velouria fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 hp +5.png HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 gamble.png Gamble Fighter, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally strength.png Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axefaire.png Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Fighter class tree from his mother.

C Support

Dwyer: Oh, darn it—dropped one of my cookies. And I just got done baking these!
Velouria: Oooh! Dirt cookie! *gulp*
Dwyer: Hey, that was mine.
Velouria: It was a dirt cookie. You didn't mark it as yours.
Dwyer: I didn't think I needed to.
Velouria: Now you know.
Dwyer: But you can't just eat a cookie that someone drops.
Velouria: Are you calling me a thief?
Dwyer: No, I would never, ever, not in a million years call someone a thief. I'm only saying you shouldn't eat anything that falls on the ground.
Velouria: It wasn't there long. I ate it right away, fresh as a dirt cookie gets.
Dwyer: Freshness IS a virtue.
Velouria: I can smell when someone's being sarcastic.
Dwyer: I can smell when a cookie is too gross to eat because it's fallen in the dirt.
Velouria: If it bothers you so much, then give me one of your other cookies.
Dwyer: But I made these for me.
Velouria: So I can't eat dropped food. Or not-dropped food. I wish I had my dear, sweet, gentle papa here to set you straight. You're a monster.
Dwyer: I? A monster? And if your father is responsible for your filthy dirt-cookie habits...? I say he has much to answer for.
Velouria: *sniff, sniff* Yum. Too yum. ......
(Velouria leaves)
Dwyer: Wait, Velouria? Huh. She's gone. Why didn't you just give her a darn cookie, Dwyer?

B Support

Velouria: *sniff* *sniff, sniff*
Dwyer: Smelled me coming, did you?
Velouria: Ha! Take THIS!
Dwyer: Wh-whoa, no need to swipe at me like that, Velouria!
Velouria: To make dirt cookies, yes I do. I can smell what you're hiding.
Dwyer: I've got a new batch of freshly baked cookies. But I'm not hiding them.
Velouria: Take THAT!
Dwyer: Stop it. There's simply no need—
Velouria: But I want those cookies. They have to fall so they're dirt cookies. I'm no thief. I won't take them from you.
Dwyer: What a circuitous way to get a cookie. Too much trouble. Here, have one.
Velouria: Huh?
Dwyer: I baked a batch for us to share.
Velouria: Gimme. *munch, munch* Oooh! Delicious!
Dwyer: Your waggity tail is compliment enough for me, Velouria.
Velouria: Oh, you notice things like that? You're not the monster I thought you were.
Dwyer: I only fussed last time because you were eating my cookies off the ground. I take pride in my work.
Velouria: The dirt cookie was almost as delicious though. You shouldn't care. Now, I need to find you something nice to show my appreciation.
Dwyer: Unnecessary. Your tail-wagging is plenty appreciative.
Velouria: A gift for a gift. How about a teacup? I've heard you like tea. I have a nice cup in my treasure chest.
Dwyer: Your treasure chest? No, no, no. I only baked cookies.
Velouria: Wait here. I'll fetch the cup.
(Velouria leaves)
Dwyer: She really oughtn't...
(Dwyer leaves)
Velouria: Back again.
Dwyer: My, that was fast.
Velouria: Here, that teacup. Have you ever seen a cup so beautifully broken?
Dwyer: Er, broken? Hmpf. I mean, yes. I do see.
Velouria: The handle, cracked just so. Chipped all around. The hole in the bottom of the cup is the most gorgeous thing of all! It's one of my finest treasures. Now, all yours.
Dwyer: I'm...I'm flattered. Thank you, Velouria.

A Support

Dwyer: Have a moment, Velouria?
Velouria: For you? Sometimes.
Dwyer: Well then, I was just about to sit down to a nice cup of tea. Join me?
Velouria: Oh! A moisture ritual. I would be delighted to participate!
Dwyer: Here. Careful. It's hot.
Velouria: Thank you, Dwyer— OH! Spilled some. It's hot.
Dwyer: I...think I said that? Are you all right? Scalded anywhere?
Velouria: Kind of you to care. But I spilled only a little. I was startled, is all.
Dwyer: My fault entirely. Wait here. I'll get something to cool the tea a tad.
Velouria: Sorry to be a bother.
(fade to black)
Dwyer: There you go. A touch of chilled cream.
Velouria: ......
Dwyer: What's wrong?
Velouria: You're not who I heard you are. It's said you don't like to be put out.
Dwyer: Oh, yes. I don't go to much effort for anyone.
Velouria: But you're baking me cookies and inviting me to tea. Then fetching cream to cool my cup. That is much effort.
Dwyer: You're not anyone.
Velouria: I am Velouria.
Dwyer: Er, what I mean is that I never raise a finger for anyone I don't like. Besides, I think we're kindred spirits. I've heard you're a little on the lazy side.
Velouria: Oh, yes. Work is for fools.
Dwyer: But remember that teacup you ran off to get me from your treasure chest? You found the cup. You put it in your chest. You ran off. You gave it to me.
Velouria: None of that was work. It was enjoying what life brought me. Like you.
Dwyer: Oh? Like me? I see.
Velouria: *sniff, sniffity*
Dwyer: Erm...
Velouria: I detect the scent of awkwardness in the air. Where is it coming from?
Dwyer: Us, I think.
Velouria: Cover up the odor with something. Flowers. Or scatter dirt.
Dwyer: How about the tea? It's quite fragrant. Here, may I refresh your cup?
Velouria: Mmm-hmm. Oh, yes. The odor goes away. Thank you, Dwyer.

S Support

Dwyer: Velouria, may I waylay you for a moment?
Velouria: What do you want, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Just to give you this. I found it.
Velouria: A tattered scarf? How wonderful!
Dwyer: Do you like it? Good, I'm glad. I found it in the dirt just over there.
Velouria: Truly, I can't tell you how happy this makes me.
Dwyer: I'm happy that you're happy.
Velouria: *sniff* But, wait... *sniff, sniff* Dwyer... I smell something. Odd. Out of place. Doesn't fit.
Dwyer: Er, yes? Wh-what could it be?
Velouria: I smell a lie. You said you found it in the dirt—just over there.
Dwyer: Did I? I did. Yes, just over. Right about...there.
Velouria: The dirt on this isn't from here. It's from far, far off.
Dwyer: Oh. I forget how well you smell.
Velouria: *sniff sniff* Dwyer... This is from the mountain of treasure. What others call the heap. Where fools throw everything away. Did you get this from there? You'd never walk so far, Dwyer. It is a long way. You have lied to me.
Dwyer: Yes, yes. I confess. I went to the treasure mountain.
Velouria: Why? You can barely drag yourself from one side of camp to the other.
Dwyer: I heard that's where you can find many of your prized items—like that teacup.
Velouria: Why would you go to so much trouble to fetch me a treasure from the mountain? Wait! You smell like Dwyer. But you are not Dwyer! Give me back Dwyer!
Dwyer: It's me, Velouria. I did it so I could see a smile on your face.
Velouria: You want me to bare my teeth at you? B-but why?
Dwyer: I hope it might be the first of many smiles I see from you.
Velouria: I see. Is this how your people do this? You sniff my smile? I sniff yours?
Dwyer: Er, not exactly. I just wanted to show you how much I like being with you.
Velouria: You didn't have to travel all the way to the treasure mountain for that. Just show me you treasure ME.
Dwyer: How should I do that?
Velouria: Your people complicate everything. Here, just stand by my side.
Dwyer: All right. Done.
Velouria: Yes. And now don't ever leave it. See? Easy.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait percy fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 strength +2.png Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 lunge.png Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally defense.png Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 swordbreaker.png Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 savage blow.png Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 trample.png Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Wyvern Rider class tree from his mother.

C Support

Dwyer: There you go... Drink it up, Ace... You really like my coffee, huh? (dragon roar)
Percy: Ace! There you are!
Dwyer: Hello, Percy. Nice dragon you've got there. He's got excellent taste.
Percy: I'm sorry that I left you alone for so long, Ace! My pop needed me. And you know what happens when Pop starts talking—he never stops! Hey! What's that you're drinking, Ace?
Dwyer: A bucket of my best coffee.
Percy: C-coffee?!
Dwyer: Who knew dragons liked it? Maybe they don't. But my coffee is irresistible.
Percy: Ace is usually really picky. Only water from the purest rivers and lakes! Coffee is so icky. Why'd he want to drink something that looks like muddy water?
Dwyer: My coffee? Muddy?
Percy: How did you force Ace to drink it? Did you put a hunk of raw meat in the bucket?
Dwyer: Perish the thought! I was simply pouring myself some coffee when your dragon blundered in. His stomach was growling, and he licked the back of my neck. Ace was going to eat me. As I said, he does have excellent taste. But I gave him something better than me. Which is my coffee. That was that.
Percy: Thanks, Dwyer! I haven't seen Ace make the happy face in a long time!
Dwyer: Don't mention it.
Percy: But I'm sad that I can't get Ace to make his happy face anymore. I know, Dwyer! Teach me how to make that coffee stuff!
Dwyer: No need. I'll make it for him anytime you want. Just ask.
Percy: Ace is my partner in justice. I should know how to make him happy. Besides, everyone is always talking about coffee. I should know how to make it.
Dwyer: But it took me years to learn the secrets of making coffee...
Percy: I can do it! Please, please, please?
Dwyer: It seems I have no choice. Your dragon is giving me threatening looks.
Percy: I swear that I'll do my best.
Dwyer: Fine. Anything to spare myself the indignity of being an appetizer.
Percy: Thanks! You won't regret this. I'll be the best coffee apprentice ever!
Dwyer: All right, Percy. See you in class.

B Support

Dwyer: All right. Next step. Watch carefully. Pour the water over the coffee grounds...
Percy: Pour it! Yes! Understood!
Dwyer: No, Percy, watch and listen. Pour the water slowly, clockwise... then counterclockwise. Keep pouring until the water rises to the top of the strainer, over the grounds. Wait several minutes as the coffee trickles into the pot below.
Percy: Um, and you warmed up the cup beforehand. Right?
Dwyer: Yes. Otherwise the cup cools the coffee from its ideal serving temperature. Now you try it all. Warm the coffee cup first.
Percy: Take THAT, cup!
Dwyer: Whoa, whoa, whoa! You don't throw the cup into the open flame! You heat water first, then pour it into the cup to warm it.
Percy: Oh, that's right. Lemme just get that cup back out of the— OW! HOT HOT HOT!
Dwyer: Yes, Percy. If you stick your hand into an open flame, it's hot. Did you burn yourself?
Percy: I'm...I'm all right.
Dwyer: Let me fetch some salve for that, to be safe. Just one moment.
Percy: Sorry I'm such a pain, Dwyer...
(fade to black)
Percy: Making coffee is hard, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Sure it is, but don't kick yourself too hard. I flubbed my first five hundred cups.
Percy: I always rush into things. I didn't know it would be this difficult. I'll never be any good at this.
Dwyer: No? Well then... You'll save me a lot of trouble if you just give up.
Percy: Huh?
Dwyer: Time is precious. Mine more than most. I'd prefer not to waste it.
Percy: Then I'm not giving up! I wouldn't want any of the time you've already spent on me going to waste!
Dwyer: That's...not exactly what I meant. But all right. Let's start over from the beginning.
Percy: I'll do it right this time, Dwyer!

A Support

Percy: The coffeepot is warmed up... The coffee grounds are in the filter...
Dwyer: Yes, excellent. Now pour the hot water just right, Percy...
Percy: Right. Clockwise...
Dwyer: Take it nice and slow. You mustn't rush steeping the grounds.
Percy: Then counterclockwise... Please be delicious...please be delicious... please be delicious... Now, wait a few minutes...
Dwyer: All right. That's enough. How time flies when you're brewing! Now pour from the pot into the cup.
Percy: And...perfect!
Dwyer: Let me be the judge of that. *sip* Hmm. *sip, sip* Not bad.
Percy: Really?! Gimme! Hey! You're right! Not bad! I just hope that Ace will like it.
Dwyer: Your dragon knows nothing if he can't tell your coffee passes muster.
Percy: I'll never be able to do it without you watching over me, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Perhaps. Just brew a few hundred more cups. Then you'll have the ol' Dwyer touch.
Percy: I never could have done it without you though.
Dwyer: True. But I could have never done it without you either.
Percy: Done what?
Dwyer: Learned that it's worth hanging in there. Even when you really don't want to.
Percy: I really need to repay you somehow. How about I teach you something that I'm good at?
Dwyer: Sure, I'm game. Like what?
Percy: I'll show you how to ride Ace.
Dwyer: Thanks, but no.
Percy: Why? You can do it! You're good at everything.
Dwyer: I'm good at not putting my life in your dragon's hands—er, wings.
Percy: Ha! Ace would never eat you. He knows you're my friend.
Dwyer: Does he? Let's give him a while more to figure that out. He still looks at me like I'm a Dwyer doughnut to dunk in his bucket of coffee. Thanks anyway, Percy.

A+ support


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait ophelia fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Dark Mage (Sorcerer or Dark Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 heartseeker.png Heartseeker Dark Mage, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 malefic aura.png Malefic Aura Dark Mage, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 vengeance.png Vengeance Sorcerer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 bowbreaker.png Bowbreaker Sorcerer, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 seal magic.png Seal Magic Dark Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 lifetaker.png Lifetaker Dark Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Dark Mage class tree from his mother.

C Support

Dwyer: It's about that time for coffee, isn't it? I'll just whip some up…
Ophelia: What an opulent array of scents!
Dwyer: Hi, Ophelia. It does smell good, doesn't it? Want some? My coffee is exceptional, as you might have heard.
Ophelia: No, thank you. What my entire being needs at this moment is something far better. I need the amber libation brewed from the leaves of life itself!
Dwyer: I...I've never heard of that.
Ophelia: Tea, I mean. Tea.
Dwyer: Why didn't you say so? All that "amber libation" stuff sounds so silly. I'll be glad to brew you a cup of tea though. Wait here.
Ophelia: Wait?! But every second passes in painful increments of torture!
Dwyer: There you go, Ophelia. One cup of tea, brewed to perfection. Blow on it a bit. It's piping hot.
Ophelia: I am unafraid of the agony that comes before ecstasy, Dwyer. *slurp* Oh! Ouchie! DWYER!
Dwyer: I warned you that it was hot!
Ophelia: That's not it. It''s...divine! What scent IS this that tickles the inside of my nose? It feels as if a thousand petals are blowing through me on a heavenly breeze! There's no mistaking it. This is the tea of legend—the libation offered to the chosen ones!
Dwyer: Legendary tea? Well, thanks. But it's really just run-of-the-mill tea.
Ophelia: Perhaps, but in your hands, Dwyer? You've made it legendary! Which might be a chosen one too, like me!
Dwyer: Really, it's just regular tea. My coffee is actually much better.
Ophelia: Dwyer! Let us rejoice in who you are and the legends you brew! And now... Let me challenge you to rise to your true potential as a legendary brewer. You are but a chosen bud. Bloom, Dwyer. BLOOM!
Dwyer: Sheesh, Ophelia. Can you take it down a notch? You're giving me a headache.

B Support

Ophelia: Salutations, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Back for another cup of tea, I see.
Ophelia: You degrade it with such a name.
Dwyer: What?
Ophelia: Names must expand to encapsulate a thing's grandness.
Dwyer: I like the sound of "tea." It's short and sweet. Saves me time.
Ophelia: That word is an insult to what you are able to brew.
Dwyer: Are you about to draw me into another one of your Ophelia tirades?
Ophelia: You brew a miracle that makes all other miracles ordinary! You brew a drink of legend that rises from dry leaves like the queen of phoenixes!
Dwyer: I...I think you mean phoenixi. I hate to correct you there. Anyway, tea is tea.
Ophelia: Let us come up with a fitting name for your miracle amber brew. What do you think of...Ambrus Miraculus?
Dwyer: How about tea?
Ophelia: How about... Divinitius Aquatiqus? That sounds more like it has been poured by the gods!
Dwyer: It is poured by me.
Ophelia: Volcanicus Florambia Nectaris?
Dwyer: Volcan-what?! Now you're just being ridiculous.
Ophelia: Then why don't YOU come up with a name, Dwyer!
Dwyer: Tea.
Ophelia: You have much to learn about imparting a chosen sound to names.
Dwyer: Chosen?
Ophelia: Fine, I guess I'll do this all by myself. Next time we meet, I will have made a binding name for your "tea." Expect much—and then more. I always deliver the extraordinary!
Dwyer: What a pain.

A Support

Ophelia: Salutations, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Oh, no. What now?
Ophelia: I would like your finest cup of Maiden's Tears.
Dwyer: I don't have that.
Ophelia: All out? Then how about something else... I'd like a cup of Fallen Stars, sweetened with a drop of Moonlight Glitter.
Dwyer: I don't have that.
Ophelia: Has anyone ever told you that you're hard to work with? Then give me a cup of Pure Sublimity brewed from water of a holy tree.
Dwyer: ......
Ophelia: Oh, fine! Tea! I want tea!
Dwyer: Tea? Oh, yes. That I have.
Ophelia: Why do you have to be so stubborn?!
Dwyer: Tea is tea. No need to pad it with all your overfluffery.
Ophelia: But tea isn't in the lexicon of the chosen!
Dwyer: Tea by any other name is just as tasty, isn't it?
Ophelia: I suppose so.
Dwyer: Then don't waste my time by asking for the Floressence of Nimbus Past and Present. For example.
Ophelia: Tea—how dull.
Dwyer: Pardon? Still complaining? Then I won't make you that tea.
Ophelia: Fine! Tea is tea! I'll say it in reverse if you wish it. Tea is tea! I just want that delicious beverage only you can brew, Dwyer.
Dwyer: The honor is mine. Here you go. One cup of the hot stuff.
Ophelia: *slurpity-slurp* Ah! Even better than the last.
Dwyer: Then look forward to the next one. As they say—it always gets better with Dwyer.
Ophelia: Mmmm. I definitely will.

S Support

Ophelia: Greetings, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Ophelia?!
Ophelia: Why so surprised to see me? You're my one and only for tea brewing.
Dwyer: It''s nothing.
Ophelia: Are you quite sure about that? There's something different about you. Are you lost in an unfathomable darkness? Or a labyrinth prowled by onyx beasts?
Dwyer: Uh, what?
Ophelia: I'm trying to ask if you're troubled by something, Dwyer.
Dwyer: You really circle the point, don't you?
Ophelia: I'm glad to keep it simple if it eases your burden, Dwyer. What's wrong?
Dwyer: I...I don't know the right way to put this, Ophelia.
Ophelia: Out with it!
Dwyer: The truth is... I am bound by unbreakable chains that wrap the secret in my soul.
Ophelia: What say you?! Unbreakable chains?!
Dwyer: They bind an invisible treasure chest in which I keep my unspeakable secrets.
Ophelia: Invisible treasure chest?! Unspeakable secrets?!
Dwyer: But your approach is shaking the chains. Turning them to rust. My deepest secret is about to take wing from the dark, Ophelia. Cover your ears, or forever be changed by what I will now say... You're a goddess to me.
Ophelia: Who? Me? I am the chosen maiden, yes. But a goddess?
Dwyer: Can a mere mortal like Dwyer reach for the heavenly creature? Can even his words approach her sacred ears? The wrong utterance might chase her into the most faraway constellations.
Ophelia: Slow down, Dwyer! Your meaning eludes me!
Dwyer: I...
Ophelia: Yes, yes?
Dwyer: I think you're the most radiant flower in existence—alone in a wasteland.
Ophelia: You're scaring me, Dwyer. Just state it plainly. Please!
Dwyer: All right. I love you.
Ophelia: Ugh! Too plainly.
Dwyer: I'll try somewhere in the middle then, if you prefer.
Ophelia: No need. I understand, and I'm happy to hear it.
Dwyer: Really? That I love you?
Ophelia: Yes, because I have come to think of us... as two moons in the night, caught in a spiraling dance of destiny.
Dwyer: Er, what?
Ophelia: Dwyer! I can't bring myself to be as plainspoken as you. But you must understand, right? You and I...
Dwyer: Say no more.
Ophelia: Then you realize that I too feel...
Dwyer: Why, yes. Yes, I do.


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait soleil fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 good fortune.png Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 strong riposte.png Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 sol.png Sol Hero, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 axebreaker.png Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Mercenary class tree from his mother.

C Support

Soleil: Haaaah! HRAH!
Dwyer: Stop shouting. I'm trying to nap over here.
Soleil: Oh, gosh! I'm sorry; did I wake you up? I'll try to be quieter about my sword drills.
Dwyer: That'd be great.
Soleil: You know...napping is great and all, but why don't you practice with me? There's nothing like working up a good sweat!
Dwyer: Pass. My regular work is hard enough without exerting myself in my free time.
Soleil: So lazy, Dwyer! You'll never be a hit with the girls if you lounge around all day.
Dwyer: What business is it of yours?
Soleil: Whewwww... Maybe I should take a breather myself. clothes are soaked through with sweat. Well, that's an easy fix!
Dwyer: W-wait! Soleil! Don't change clothes here!
Soleil: Why not? I really want to get these gross clothes off now that I'm done training.
Dwyer: But...I'm right here. I'll...see...
Soleil: Oh, is that all? I don't care.
Dwyer: You should care! Because even if you don't, I do!
Soleil: Hahah! Hey, no one's forcing you to look!
Dwyer: That's... Well, that's technically true. Still, though...
Soleil: Suit yourself. I'll just go change over there instead.
(Soleil leaves)
Dwyer: Why am I feeling embarrassed when she's the one taking her clothes off in public...?

B Support

Soleil: I'm supposed to turn and step, not step and turn? But in that case... what do I do with my arms? Ugh, why does this have to be so hard?
Dwyer: Hm? Is that you, Soleil?
Soleil: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Dwyer! What are you doing here?! Did you see me just now?!
Dwyer: Settle down. What's got you so worked up, anyway?
Soleil: Answer the question! Did you, or did you not, see me just now?
Dwyer: Yes, I saw you...spinning around in a circle, for some reason. Were you performing some sort of ritual?
Soleil: No! That was me practicing my dancing!
Dwyer: You're...serious? That was a dance? It looked like some kind of demon- summoning ritual to me.
Soleil: Shut up! That's why I practice in SECRET! *sigh* I can't believe you saw that. I could just about die of embarrassment...
Dwyer: You didn't care that I saw you change clothes, yet you're mortified by this?
Soleil: Well, YEAH! I'd much rather people see me in my undies than them see me try to dance!
Dwyer: I can't help but think the first scenario would be the more embarrassing one...
Soleil: I have zero sense of rhythm. Which is why I practice in private. You'd better own up to this, Dwyer.
Dwyer: What?
Soleil: You know, for what you did!
Dwyer: Are you insinuating I was at fault for... whatever you're upset over?
Soleil: I'm upset that you were peeping on me and my terrible dancing!
Dwyer: Peeping?! Get over yourself! I just happened to walk by and—
Soleil: It doesn't matter how it happened! Just own up to it, OK? You have to help me practice now.
Dwyer: That doesn't sound like something I'd want to do.
Soleil: Oh, I think you'd regret not doing it. Especially after I tell everyone I caught you looking at me in a moment of weakness.
Dwyer: You wouldn't... Yes, you would. Fine. You leave me no choice.
Soleil: S-so you'll help?! Yay! Then let's get right to it!
Dwyer: Yes, let's. The sooner we get this over with, the better...

A Support

Dwyer: Ready, set... One and two, and one and two...
Soleil: Yes! Got it! Doing good so far!
Dwyer: Spin... Spin... And freeze!
Soleil: Spinning...and...TA-DA! *pant* *wheeze* Wh-what did you think? Am I getting better?
Dwyer: Yes... I could see some improvements.
Soleil: Yesss! I knew it! I could feel the rhythm in my feet that time.
Dwyer: Instead of summoning a demon, now it looks more like you're calling down rain.
Soleil: ... Is that really better?
Dwyer: Probably...?
Soleil: Ugh! Why did you say that like it's a question?! Eh, but getting mad at you won't fix anything. If I haven't improved, that's on me. Sorry...I just never seem to get any better at this. Even WITH all the time you take to help me practice.
Dwyer: Don't worry about it.
Soleil: But I'm still as bad as I was when we started. Isn't that frustrating for you? You can quit if you want. I'll understand.
Dwyer: I won't deny this is unbearably tedious. But even I wouldn't abandon a friend who's trying her hardest...
Soleil: Thanks, Dwyer. Also, sorry...
Dwyer: No need to apologize to me. You're trying to better yourself. Stick with it, and I'll stick with you.
Soleil: OK! I'll keep at it, then. I really might have given up if you hadn't said something, though!
Dwyer: Ready to get back to practice now?
Soleil: I will in just a minute. Gotta change into some less sweaty clothes first!
Dwyer: No! Stop! We've TALKED about this!
Soleil: Ahaha! Sorry, sorry! I'll be back in a minute!

S Support

Dwyer: One and two, one and two, and TURN!
Soleil: OK! One and two, three and four aaaand... turn! Whew...
Dwyer: You've been working hard. Here, have some cold tea.
Soleil: Thanks. So? How was my dancing?
Dwyer: I think it really...showed your unique personality...
Soleil: That's not an answer! Just come out and tell me what you thought.
Dwyer: It's less like a rain dance now and more like a pigeon's courtship dance...
Soleil: Ugh...that's not much of an improvement.
Dwyer: Don't be too hard on yourself. I think your determination in the face of failure is noble.
Soleil: Thanks for trying, but... I'd feel better if any of this practice seemed to be helping at all. *sigh* Guess I was just born with two left feet.
Dwyer: Nonsense. I'll stay and help you practice until you get good, if I must.
Soleil: Ahahaha! Better be careful what you promise. You might end up regretting it.
Dwyer: Why's that?
Soleil: Think about what you're saying. You'll stay to help me until I get good? You could be stuck watching me practice for the rest of your life.
Dwyer: Eh. If that's what it takes.
Soleil: ...Seriously?
Dwyer: Yeah. We're friends, right? A real friend would do that for you.
Soleil: Wow. You're giving me a lot of credit. I don't know if I'd be that good a friend if the tables were turned.
Dwyer: Sure you would. I have total faith in you. We've been together this long, after all.
Soleil: I hope you're right... Heh. You know, whatever anyone else says, you have your moments, Dwyer.
Dwyer: I do? Wait, what do other people say?
Soleil: Oh! But there's a problem. If I did get good at dancing, you wouldn't need to hang around anymore, huh?
Dwyer: ...You don't need to worry about that.
Soleil: Because I'll never get good?!
Dwyer: ...
Soleil: I was afraid of that...
Dwyer: Soleil! I was just kidding. Even when you learn to dance, I'll still stick by you.
Soleil: Oh! Well, that's a relief. Then let's get back to it! Watch closely, Dwyer—here I go!


Small portrait dwyer fe14.png
Support information: Small portrait nina fe14.png
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Outlaw (Bow Knight or Adventurer)
Click here to find Dwyer's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
Is 3ds02 locktouch.png Locktouch Outlaw, starting from level 11
Is 3ds02 movement +1.png Movement +1 Outlaw, starting from level 12
Is 3ds02 rally skill.png Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 shurikenbreaker.png Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
Is 3ds02 lucky seven.png Lucky Seven Adventurer, starting from level 5
Is 3ds02 pass.png Pass Adventurer, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Dwyer did not inherit the Outlaw class tree from his mother.

C Support

Dwyer: All right, that's it for my chores. Someone else can do the rest. Now, to find a nice dark spot for a nap...
(Dwyer leaves)
Nina: Hee hee! *stare*
(Nina leaves)
Dwyer: Something's off. It feels like someone else is in here…
Nina: (Uh-oh... I think he can hear me...)
Dwyer: Oh, hey, Nina. Did you need something?
Nina: Gah!
Dwyer: Or, can you at least come up with a good lie as to why you're hiding in that barrel?
Nina: Shh! There is no Nina...
Dwyer: Nina! I know it's you. Get out of there and tell me what's going on.
Nina: I, uh, was just practicing being stealthy. You got a problem with that?
Dwyer: Meh, not really. I just want to nap. So, who are you stalking?
Nina: I'm not stalking anyone... Like I said, I'm just practicing.
Dwyer: Fine, forget I asked. See you later, Nina.
(Dwyer leaves)
Nina: Dang. I thought my hiding spot was pretty good. Maybe I underestimated Dwyer... Well, this isn't over. Oh, if Dwyer only knew what I had in store for him... Hee hee!

B Support

Dwyer: All right, that's the last of the laundry. Finally. Maybe I'll brew a little tea.
Nina: *stare*
Dwyer: Would you care for a mug, Nina?
Nina: Ack! I can't believe you found me again.
Dwyer: I have a keen sense of space, and I can tell when I'm not alone. So, who are you stalking today? Don't tell me that I'm your intended target.
Nina: It's not stalking! And why would I be stalking you, anyway?
Dwyer: Whatever. So, would you like some tea or not?
Nina: *sigh* I suppose so.
Dwyer: Very well. Please, remove yourself from the wardrobe, and have a seat.
Nina: You're pretty talented, you know that, Dwyer? I think you deserve a raise. I mean, look at that laundry. How do you get it so white?
Dwyer: Eh, anyone can do that. It's simply a matter of following directions.
Nina: Well, I think it's fabulous. Have you ever thought of taking on an apprentice? Because I know a guy who might be interested. And he's really cute...
Dwyer: If my role in life is to be some kind of laundry master... Go ahead and run me through with a sword right now.
Nina: Geez, Dwyer! Lighten up a little bit, why don't you? I'm just trying to give you a compliment.
Dwyer: Sorry. I guess. Anyway, tea's ready. Drink it while it's hot.
Nina: Thanks. Gods...this tea is amazing! What'd you put in it?
Dwyer: Your voice sounded a little hoarse, so I added some cardamom and cinnamon.
Nina: That's really thoughtful, Dwyer! You're not such a bad boy after all.
Dwyer: Uh, thanks? But how'd you ever get the idea that I was a "bad boy"?
Nina: Oh, I've been stalking you for a while. I know allllll about you. URP! I mean...forget I said that.
Dwyer: Heh...

A Support

Dwyer: Ugh…
Nina: What's the matter, Dwyer?
Dwyer: Nina? Gods. For the first time, you got the drop on me. I wasn't expecting you to pop out of that crate.
Nina: Yeah, well...never mind that. I've been watching you all day, and you really seem out of sorts.
Dwyer: Watching me...ALL DAY? Argh... You know what? I don't even care. Watch me all you want. And yeah, you could say I'm a bit out of sorts. I kind of messed something up.
Nina: Messed up? What happened?
Dwyer: I don't want to talk about it.
Nina: All right, I won't force you. But if you ask me, it's really not a big deal...
Dwyer: How can you even say that? You don't know what I did. you? You do, don't you?
Nina: Let's not worry about that right now. We're talking about YOU, not ME! And you, Dwyer, are really something else. I've been watching you enough to know!
Dwyer: I suppose this is my life now... Some kind of creature on display in a zoo...
Nina: Oh, please. You're being melodramatic. Look, I've taken an interest in you because you're a great person. You have the strength and skills to do anything in life. So cheer up, Dwyer! Your father will forgive you for accidentally napping on the job. Er...or for whatever it is you've done. That just seems like something you'd do...
Dwyer: If you say so.
Nina: That's the spirit. I want to see the peppy, outgoing Dwyer we all know and love!
Dwyer: What in the devil are you talking about? When have you EVER seen that Dwyer? And furthermore, why do you continue stalking me?
Nina: Don't call it stalking! But seriously, I have seen you singing in the bath. It's charming, really. And your voice is so lovely. In fact, there's someone I'd like to introduce you to. He's head of the local choir in town. He makes a cracking cup of tea, just like you.
Dwyer: Well, I don't know about that, but thank you for all the compliments you've paid me. I'm unusually happy for someone who just found out his bath time is regularly stalked.
Nina: Hee hee! I'll take that as a maybe. Things are getting exciting...
Dwyer: They are?

S Support

Dwyer: Yes...these look nice.
Nina: Hey, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Gah! I thought I'd finally lost you this time. What are you doing here?
Nina: I was stalk—I mean, I was people-watching you, of course.
Dwyer: Right. Well, I'm surprised I didn't notice you. You've upped your game.
Nina: Thanks! So, what are you doing with those flowers?
Dwyer: Oh, um...
Nina: Are they for a girl?
Dwyer: I can't keep a single secret from you, can I?
Nina: Hee hee! So, who are they for?
Dwyer: Well...
Nina: Was it that girl who asked you to repair her blouse? She seemed nice. Or was it the tea merchant you chatted with at the market? I didn't like her.
Dwyer: Nina...I don't know what to say. You've caught me completely by surprise.
Nina: I'm sorry. I didn't really think about how my spying could affect you. I was just so caught up in this weird little fantasy...but that's become secondary. Dwyer... I kind of like you.
Dwyer: do?
Nina: Yes. I've fallen for your quiet dignity, your kindness...and your dry wit. you're going to give some lucky girl those flowers, and...
Dwyer: Nina, these flowers were for you.
Nina: Oh my gosh.
Dwyer: You've been watching me for so long now. You might as well step out of the shadows and stand side by side with me.
Nina: Dwyer...I'm speechless.
Dwyer: Nina, will you accept these flowers?
Nina: Of course! But...why me? Haven't I been annoying you with all the spying?
Dwyer: Ha. Do you really not understand your own charms?
Nina: How could I? I can't spy on myself!
Dwyer: Uh...never mind.
Nina: Wait, are you taking back the flowers? Noooooo!
Dwyer: No, of course not. Tell you what. I'll begin spying on YOU, and then I'll give you a full report. Then perhaps you'll see what makes you so attractive.
Nina: Hee hee! Deal.