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This page contains all data pertaining to Kiragi's supports in Fire Emblem Fates.

Corrin (M)

Support information: File:Small portrait avatar m-default fe14.png
Corrin (M)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
at A rank.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Kiragi access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Friendship Seal, provided it does not overlap with Kiragi's Archer or Spear Fighter class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother.
This support grants Kiragi access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Kiragi's Archer or Spear Fighter class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Corrin: Do dee do da da dee-la ♪ Tum te dum de bum boo-ba.
Kiragi: YAHHHHH!
Corrin: Wh-what in the blazes?! BACK, FIEND!
Kiragi: Don't attack! It's just me! Kiragi! Did I scare ya?
Corrin: Yes! Yes you did! Where on earth did you come from?! There's not even anywhere to hide in here!
Kiragi: Heehee. There are plenty of places to hide if you know where to look. For example, there's a foot of space between the ceiling and the bookshelves. If you can climb up fast enough without toppling them, it's a great spot! And if you're in a corner, you can brace yourself against the walls near the ceiling!
Corrin: You what?! That sounds like the sort of thing only ninja can do...
Kiragi: Totally, right? I'm probably a world champ hide-and-seeker!
Corrin: Hide-and-seek, huh? That takes me back. I used to play it a lot when I was younger.
Kiragi: Really?
Corrin: Yeah. I wasn't allowed outside much, but the Northern Fortress was pretty big. There were plenty of places to hide.
Kiragi: Oh! Oh! How about you play hide-and-seek with me sometime? We could play in the forest! I'll even be "it" first!
Corrin: You want to play outside? I mean, I don't mind, but there are so many places to hide in the forest. Wouldn't you be at a disadvantage?
Kiragi: Heh heh heh. I might be good at hiding, but I'm even better at seeking. I've been hunting since I fell out of my swaddling clothes. I'll sniff you out from a league away!
Corrin: All right. You're on!
Kiragi: Oh, boy. This is gonna be fun!

B Support

Kiragi: Haha! There you are!
Corrin: *sigh* You're so quick. I thought covering myself in that much mud would hide me for sure.
Kiragi: Heehee. All the mud in the world can't hide you from Bloodhound Kiragi!
Corrin: Ugh. I'm actually starting to think you might be right... I was pretty confident going into this, but I haven't won even once...
Kiragi: Hey, don't feel bad! You chose some really good hiding spots! It's just that covering yourself up with all that stuff isn't enough.
Corrin: Why not? What do I have to do to make sure you can't see me?
Kiragi: I can't. I smell you!
Corrin: S-smell me?! But I just bathed this morning! I swear!
Kiragi: I know. I can smell the soap on you.
Corrin: What? Even under all that mud? How?!
Kiragi: My nose is wayyyyy more sensitive than most people's. Although even if that weren't the case, you still make too much noise, Corrin.
Corrin: Ugh...yeah, yeah, I know. Whenever I hear you getting close, I get nervous and start shaking. I can't help it!
Kiragi: I know, but staying still is the key to hiding. You just gotta try harder! My ears are almost as gifted as my nose, so if you can't do better, you'll never win!
Corrin: Haha. Maybe I should just accept defeat while I still have some dignity left. You have keener senses than half the animals in this forest! There's no way I can hide from you.
Kiragi: Nuh-uh! Here, to tell you the truth, your biggest giveaway is something else. If you can fix that, you might actually be able to beat me!
Corrin: Huh? What could you possibly be using besides your eyes, ears, and nose?
Kiragi: It's your aura. I can sense it!
Corrin: Aura? I've heard of those before. Are they truly real?
Kiragi: They are. Or...I think they are. People, animals...all living things have them. And I don't know why, but your aura is larger than most people's, Corrin. That's what makes it so easy to find you.
Corrin: So, if I could find a way to quiet my aura, you wouldn't be able to find me?
Kiragi: Yep!
Corrin: Then I guess I'll just have to find a way to do that! Next time you won't beat me so easily!
Kiragi: Ooh! This might actually be a challenge! Heh heh.

A Support

Kiragi: *pant* *pant* I never thought it would be this hard to find you!
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: (Muahahahahahaha!)
Kiragi: Come on! You've got to be here somewhere!
Corrin: (It's been over an hour, and I don't think he's getting any closer.) Hey! Kiragi! Think we can call this one a win for me?
(Corrin leaves)
Kiragi: (Is that Corrin?) Y-yeah, OK, fine. I think it's about time I admit defeat... *sigh*
Corrin: Haha! I did it! I finally won a game of hide- and-seek with you!
Kiragi: I couldn't sense your aura at all today. How did you do it?
Corrin: Well, I tried a lot of things. Facial scrubs, special ointments, essential oils... But what did the trick was learning to suppress my dragon power.
Kiragi: Your dragon power?
Corrin: Yeah. There's a strange source of inner energy I always feel. Even in human form. I never really noticed it until after the first time I transformed. I still don't know what an aura is, but it sounded similar, so I gave it a shot.
Kiragi: Gave it a shot? How?
Corrin: Honestly? It's nothing too mystical. I just relax all my muscles and take deep breaths. Then I try to clear my mind of all thoughts, worries, anxieties, and fears.
Kiragi: Hmm... Do you think you could try it again for me?
Corrin: Huh? Um, sure. It might be a bit hard for me to do it with you watching, though... OK. Here goes. ...
Kiragi: Oh! Oh! Charred chard! That's amazing!
Corrin: D-did you sense something?
Kiragi: You did it! Your aura just disappeared! It was like you weren't even there!
Corrin: Haha. I'm glad to be the one to surprise you for a change! You know...this aura-hiding thing might be useful on the battlefield as well.
Kiragi: Yeah! Especially if you need to be stealthy or to get away!
Corrin: Exactly. Let's try practicing this a bit more, then. You up for another round, Kiragi?
Kiragi: Sure am!

Corrin (F)

Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Kiragi access to Corrin's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Kiragi's Archer or Spear Fighter class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother.
This support grants Kiragi access to the skills learned by Corrin's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Kiragi's Archer or Spear Fighter class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Kiragi: La la la la ♪
Corrin: Hey, Kiragi. Wow! That's a pretty big pheasant. Did you just get back from hunting?
Kiragi: Sure did! Bagged myself a big ol' girl.
Corrin: You seem to be quite good at hunting. Have you been doing this your whole life?
Kiragi: Hm? Oh, yeah, pretty much. Sort of...
Corrin: Why the face? Did I say something wrong?
Kiragi: Huh? Oh, no. I was just thinking about hunting when I was younger. My caretakers always tried to keep me from doing it. "Hunting is too dangerous for a child like you! I swear, if we catch you again—" Yadda yadda. Haha. I still remember the scoldings.
Corrin: Well, you ARE a prince. I'm sure they just wanted to make sure you were safe.
Kiragi: And there is it again! I wish people would stop treating me like some delicate little princeling! But they never will. Even when I tell them I hate it, they just keep right on doing it.
Corrin: I-I'm sorry, Kiragi. I didn't mean to offend you.
Kiragi: No, it's OK. I'm sorry for going off like that. It's just... I mean, well, you're a princess, right, Corrin? Doesn't it bug you when people act like that? You know, with all the polite talk and the kid gloves and stuff?
Corrin: Well, I don't know. A little, I guess. I try to speak politely to everyone, whatever their rank, so I may be a bad example. There are times, however, when I wish people would speak more freely.
Kiragi: Yeah, that's it! I know exactly what you mean. And it's not just that! Doesn't it bug you when people act like royals are dumb? Like, they think we're all just isolated shut-ins that never go outside! Can you imagine what it would be like to even live a life like that?
Corrin: Ah... Yes, actually, I can.
Kiragi: Huh?
Corrin: I spent my childhood as an isolated shut-in that rarely went outside. I was never permitted to leave the castle.
Kiragi: Oh! Seriously? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean you, I meant—ah, gee... Hm...but... That gives me an idea! Does that mean you've never gone hunting?
Corrin: Hunting? Maybe a little, but not much.
Kiragi: Then why don't you come with me sometime? I'll teach you all the ins and outs, so no one can call you a weak little shut-in again!
Corrin: B-but nobody's ever called me that before...
Kiragi: Yeah, I think this'll be great! Woohoo! I can't wait! I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early, OK, Corrin?
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: K-Kiragi! Wait! ...And he's gone. *sigh* I guess I'm going hunting tomorrow.

B Support

Kiragi: Well done, Corrin! You were great out there!
Corrin: I'm just happy I didn't cause you any problems. I'm still so new to this... You, on the other hand, are truly amazing.
Kiragi: Yeah, right? I'm pretty sure I'm the best hunter alive! Of course, I wasn't always so unbelievably skilled. I might never have become a hunter at all if it hadn't been for my caretakers. They were always squawking in my ears, "Princes should stay inside!" "It's too dangerous out there! What would the kingdom do if it lost a prince?!" And one day I just got fed up! I decided I had to start going out into the real world! I think it all turned out all right, if I do say so myself.
Corrin: Aw... Well I'm glad you managed to find a way to do what you love.
Kiragi: It was so fun back then, even when I didn't catch anything. Everything was so fresh and exciting. I snuck out every day to go for a hike!
Corrin: Heehee. I'm pretty impressed, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Huh? Why's that?
Corrin: You know how I said I was kept inside my entire childhood? Well, I longed to see more of the outside world, just like you did. But I never really managed to get away with escaping. Not for lack of trying.
Kiragi: Aren't you out now, though?
Corrin: Well, yes, but through no virtue of my own. That's why I think it's so impressive that you managed to follow your dreams. You got out due to your strength and determination. That's inspiring.
Kiragi: Heehee. Aw, stop. You're making me blush! Well, if you'd like, I'll teach you everything I know about hunting. Just ask!
Corrin: Heehee. OK! I'll keep that in mind.

A Support

Corrin: Hello, Kiragi. About to go hunting again?
Kiragi: Nope! I actually just got back!
Corrin: Oh, then could I borrow you for a second? I wanted to talk to you about something.
Kiragi: Um, sure. What's up?
Corrin: Remember how you told me you hate people treating you like a prince? I don't think you really need to worry about it as much as you think.
Kiragi: Huh?
Corrin: If I understand you correctly, what really bothers you isn't all the conventions. You're worried that others will not see the real you behind "the prince."
Kiragi: Huh?
Corrin: What I mean is...I don't think you're that bothered by fancy talk or special clothing. I think you're afraid people will think you're weak or uninformed because you're royal. You just want people to acknowledge you for yourself and not your title. But the thing is...I think everyone already does that.
Kiragi: Why do you say that? I told you about my caretakers, right?
Corrin: I don't think they were really all that worried about the kingdom. They were worried about you. You were their charge. They didn't want you hurt. The people I grew up around...they all loved me, and not because I was a princess. I'm sure it's the same for those who took care of you.
Kiragi: Corrin... You're probably right, you know? But...I didn't realize it at the time. And I don't think I left on good terms.
Corrin: I'm sure they understand that you had your reasons.
Kiragi: Yeah, maybe... Thanks for taking the time to chat with me, Corrin. Heh. I feel like a huge weight's been lifted off my shoulders. Almost makes me miss the Deeprealms a little bit. Maybe I should write my caretakers a letter sometime...
Corrin: What was it like there?
Kiragi: Oh, it was incredible! We were surrounded by nature on all sides! It was the perfect place for a natural-born hunter to grow up! When this war is over...I wanna go back there, I think. We should go together.
Corrin: Haha. Very well. But only if you promise to introduce me to everyone you grew up with! Deal?
Kiragi: Haha. Deal!

S Support

Kiragi: Corrin!
Corrin: Hey, Kiragi. What's wrong? You look like you've been chased by a dragon.
Kiragi: *pant...pant...pant* I just realized...something and tell you...right I ran to see you! I was on...that mountain...over it was a bit...of a trek!
Corrin: Huh?! But...that mountain must be 10 miles away! Please tell me you took some breaks!
Kiragi: Enough—*pant*—about that—*gulp*— This is important. Do you have some time?
Corrin: Of course. What did you want to discuss?
Kiragi: I just... I realized that I have the most fun when I'm with you!
Corrin: And you ran all this way to tell me that?
Kiragi: Yes! Er, well, no! See, lately, I just don't have fun when I go hunting by myself. Even if I catch something, I'm not happy. Even if it's big!
Corrin: O-OK...
Kiragi: But, when I go with you, I have fun even if we don't catch a thing! The time just flies by when we talk! So, I guess what I'm trying to say is... I think I'm in love with you, Corrin!
Corrin: Wh-what? Come again?
Kiragi: I love you! I love you! I love you more than anyone! So...would you want together?
Corrin: Kiragi...
Kiragi: I-is that a no?
Corrin: No, Kiragi...I love you too. You're the kindest, sincerest, most easygoing person I've ever known. I'm so lucky to have met you!
Kiragi: Then, you mean—
Corrin: Yes. My answer is yes!
Kiragi: You mean it?! HOORAY! WOOHOO! Aw yeah! Yeah yeah yeah! I don't think I could possibly be happier!
Corrin: Heehee! I didn't expect you to be so happy!
Kiragi: Why wouldn't I be? My favorite person in the whole world loves me back! Hey...Corrin. Wanna go hunting?
Corrin: Huh? Right now?
Kiragi: Yeah! Don't you think it's a fitting way for us to celebrate today? It was hunting that brought us together, after all! Come on! Let's go!
Corrin: K-Kiragi! Kiragi? How can he be so fast?! Kiragi! Wait for meeeeee!!

(Confession Scene)
Kiragi: Guess I'm not the only archer around here—you got me right through the heart, you know. And I couldn't be happier.

Corrin (F) (as parent and child)

Support information: File:Small portrait avatar f-default fe14.png
Corrin (F)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Nohr Prince (Hoshido Noble or Nohr Noble)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Nobility Nohr Prince, starting from level 11
  Dragon Fang Nohr Prince, starting from level 12
  Dragon Ward Hoshido Noble, starting from level 5
  Hoshidan Unity Hoshido Noble, starting from level 15
  Draconic Hex Nohr Noble, starting from level 5
  Nohrian Trust Nohr Noble, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors! What a perfect day for some hunting! The mountains are looking particularly appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day, too. So many choices!
Corrin: Stop right there, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Corrin: Oh, did I scare you?
Kiragi: Obviously. You look like you're about to attack me!
Corrin: That's because you're out here, and you absolutely shouldn't be. What am I going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry... I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home.
Corrin: Right, right. That sounds awfully familiar. Every time you get home from hunting, you just grab something to eat and fall asleep. Not this time.
Kiragi: B-but I'm terrible at math. And history is way too hard!
Corrin: That's why you need to work harder! I already told you that I would help with your studies.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Corrin: Kiragi, there is bad, and then there is abysmal. You are beyond abysmal. Your father and I should have realized that much sooner, and we're sorry. But now that we're all together again, we want to do everything we can to help you. I know it doesn't seem like it, but this will be so good for you!
Kiragi: *grumble*
Corrin: Come on, let's go home. I know how much you love hunting, but someday you'll thank me for pushing you.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me. You may be my mom, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: Ah! Kiragi, come back here!! *sigh* There he goes...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it. I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting. "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good hunter.
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: Hmm. No, that's unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
(Corrin leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down.
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: Instead of using just numbers, we can change these to rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help him understand.
(Corrin leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: Oh, rats! Where did I put that book? It has to be around here somewhere. I need to track it down so I can start his history lessons.
(Corrin leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Corrin: I just have to help him learn to memorize things. If we move slowly and cover everything, I know he'll catch up soon.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom.
Corrin: Oh! Welcome back, Kiragi. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: Y-you knew I wasn't here?
Corrin: Well of course. You forgot to close the bedroom door when you left.
Kiragi: Oh, I did? Oops. Listen, I just wanted to say that... Well, I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and then I just run off to hunt.
Corrin: Shh, it's all right, Kiragi. It's important that we both understand where the other is coming from. I know how much you love hunting. I just want you to balance that with some studying too!
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Corrin: Do you really mean it? That makes me so happy. Are you ready to get started?
Kiragi: OK! But wait, I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Corrin: Hang on, let me check your work... Hmm, your answer is correct. But how did you come to this answer?
Kiragi: Oh yeah. I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a lot of extra calculations! The book said it was an advanced method, but it didn't seem all that tough.
Corrin: An advanced method, huh? Well, your answer is correct. Nicely done, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Hehheh! Thanks, Mom!
Corrin: Your history assignment is looking perfect as well. All the years, locations, and important events are in the right spots. You didn't miss anything at all. I'm so proud of you!
Kiragi: It was a lot easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Random facts are so much more difficult to remember. And I've got a great teacher, too!
Corrin: I was happy to help, Kiragi. But all of this progress is due to your hard work!
Kiragi: Stop, Mom. You're going to make me blush!
Corrin: It looks like we've covered everything I prepared for today. And look, there's lots of daylight left... I bet you'd love to go out hunting, right?
Kiragi: Um,
Corrin: What? Really?
Kiragi: I mean, of course I'd like to go hunting, but I'd rather study more with you.
Corrin: Aww, that's so sweet.
Kiragi: You've made this so much fun. I used to dread it before. I'm learning so many new things!
Corrin: Well we can keep going if you want to. It's so nice to spend all this time together.
Kiragi: It's the best!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Felicia is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
  Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 12
  Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
  Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
  Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
  Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing. But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Felicia: Wait up, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hi, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking around these days.
Felicia: Stop looking at me like that. I'm not a monster!
Kiragi: Sorry. It's just that you look like you're about to attack!
Felicia: Don't be silly. What are you doing out here? I told you to stay home and start reviewing your books, remember? And here you are, hunting the day away. Unbelievable!
Kiragi: I'm sorry. I promise I'll do some work as soon as I get home, OK?
Felicia: No, you won't! Whenever you get home from hunting, all you want to do is eat and sleep.
Kiragi: B-but I don't like to study. And besides, I'm awful at math and history.
Felicia: Why do you think I'm pushing you to study them? I promise I will help teach you everything that I can.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at a few subjects. I don't see what the big deal is.
Felicia: You have to devote yourself to learning. Your father and I feel terrible for not being around to raise you... But that's why I want to use our time together to help you catch up. You'll thank me in the long run...
Kiragi: *grumble*
Felicia: Will you hold off on hunting today? We could study together! I'll be such a good teacher!
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to. You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything. I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Felicia: Ah! Kiragi, please wait! Oh, dear.

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon! That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it. I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting. "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about. Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Felicia: Hmm, I wonder if that's better.
(Felicia leaves)
Kiragi: It looks like she's writing something. What is she doing?
(Kiragi leaves)
Felicia: I bet he would understand if I changed it to rabbits in a trap. The equation will make more sense to him that way.
(Felicia leaves)
Kiragi: Huh?
(Kiragi leaves)
Felicia: Oh no! I forgot to track down that history book with the better timeline. I'll have to go out and find that later.
(Felicia leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Felicia: I know he can catch up. We just need to start slowly, and he will understand. If only I could find a way to help him with memorization.
Kiragi: Hello, Mom.
Felicia: Oh, Kiragi, welcome home. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry...
Felicia: Kiragi, it's OK. It's important that we understand each other. I know how much you love hunting. But will you try to split your time between that and studying?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history.
Felicia: That's great to hear. Are you ready to begin now?
Kiragi: OK! But wait, I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Felicia: Heehee... I'll grab the books.

A Support

Kiragi: All right, I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Felicia: Which one? Can I take a look? Yes, that looks correct. But how did you figure it out?
Kiragi: Ah, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Felicia: Interesting. You're so clever!
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Felicia: You did a great job on your history assignment, too. All the years, places, and important events are in the right spots.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Felicia: No, Kiragi, don't give me too much credit. All your hard work is paying off. I'm so proud of you!
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Felicia: We've already gone over everything I wanted to teach you. Why don't you go and enjoy some hunting?
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Felicia: Huh?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Felicia: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be such a blast! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Felicia: Hee hee, of course we can, Kiragi. I love spending all this time with you... I've never been happier!
Kiragi: Me neither!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
  Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
  Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
  Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
  Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
  Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, I love the outdoors. What a perfect day for hunting! The mountains are looking particularly appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day, too. So many choices!
Azura: Stop right there, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hello, Mom. You've gotten...much better at sneaking.
Azura: Why thank you. Why do you look scared?
Kiragi: Probably because you look like you want to attack me!
Azura: That's because you're out here, and you shouldn't be, and you know it. What am I going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm sorry... I promise I'll do it when I get home tonight, OK?
Azura: That sounds pretty familiar, Kiragi. Perhaps because you say it every time, then you come home, eat, and sleep, instead.
Kiragi: B-but...I'm really awful at math, and I'm no good at history...
Azura: Which is exactly the reason that you need to study and practice. I told you I would help you, didn't I?
Kiragi: Can't I just...not study and practice? I can survive being bad at math and history.
Azura: Kiragi—there is bad, and then there is abysmal. You are past abysmal. Your father and I should have realized much sooner, and we're sorry for that. But now that you're with us again, we want to do everything we can to help you. Improving will only be good for you!
Kiragi: *grumble*
Azura: Let's go home. Studying means less time for hunting, but it will help, I promise.
Kiragi: No! This is awful! I only have hunting to look forward to, and you can't take it away! I'm not a child; mother or not, you can't force me to do anything! I'm...I'm going hunting no matter what!
(Kiragi leaves)
Azura: Kiragi, get back here! Hrm. I think that could have gone better...

B Support

Kiragi: Oh wow, what a good day! No one will be going hungry for a long while after this! I can't believe how difficult that bird was to catch. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe it's time to build some new traps.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "You need to work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... I don't need math or history to hunt...
(Kiragi leaves)
Azura: Hmmm... No, that's completely unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
(Azura leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Azura: Now, instead of using just numbers, we change these to rabbits in a trap... I'm sure this will help him understand...
(Azura leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves) Azura: Oh, darn it... Where is that history book? It has a nice, basic timeline in the front... I'll have to find that before he can start in on a history lesson.
(Azura leaves)
Kiragi: She's working really hard...
(Kiragi leaves)
Azura: He just hasn't had to memorize things, not really. If we move slowly and cover it all... I'm sure he'll catch on soon enough.
Kiragi: Hello, Mom...
Azura: Ah, welcome home, Kiragi. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: You knew I was out?
Azura: Of course. You left your bedroom door open when you left.
Kiragi: Oh, I did, didn't I... I just wanted to tell you... Well, I'm sorry, Mom... You're putting so much effort into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry...
Azura: It's all right, Kiragi. It's important that we both understand where the other is coming from. I know that you love to hunt, really. I just would be happier if you'd study, even a bit.
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much it meant to you until I saw you just now... I want to learn about math and history! Please...teach me!
Azura: I'm so glad to hear it, Kiragi. Would you like to get started right now?
Kiragi: OK! But wait—I'm completely covered in mud. Let me go change; then we can start! Just wait there!

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved that one! Take that, math problem!
Azura: Hang on, let me see your work... Hmm... The answer is right, but...
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a lot of extra calculations! The book said it was an advanced method, but it didn't seem all that tough.
Azura: Oh, an advanced method? Well, your answer is correct. Well done, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Hehheh! Thanks, Mom!
Azura: Your history assignment is looking perfect, as well. It looks like you've got all the years, places, and important events in the correct spots. You didn't miss anything at all. I'm so proud of you!
Kiragi: It was a lot easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Random facts are so much more difficult to remember. And I've got a great teacher, too!
Azura: I played a small part, Kiragi. All of this progress is because of you. You've come this far because of how hard you've worked.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom; you're going to make me blush!
Azura: That's all I had for you to cover today. It looks like there is lots of daylight left... I imagine you are ready to get outside and do some hunting.
Kiragi: Um... Actually... No.
Azura: I'm sorry?
Kiragi: I mean, of course I'd like to go hunting, but...I'd love to study more with you.
Azura: Awww...
Kiragi: You've made studying not at all as bad as it was at first. I seriously dreaded it before. But now it's a lot more fun, and I can tell I'm really learning this stuff!
Azura: Then let's keep going. I'm really glad that we get to spend this time together.
Kiragi: Me too!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Mozu is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Villager (Master of Arms or Merchant)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Aptitude Villager, starting from level 11
  Underdog Villager, starting from level 12
  Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
  Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
  Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
  Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Mozu: Now hold your horses, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Mozu: Wipe that nasty look off your face.
Kiragi: Sorry. You look like you're about to attack!
Mozu: What do you think you're doing, darling? Don't you remember me telling you to stay home today? Those books ain't gonna read themselves. *sigh* What am I gonna do with you...
Kiragi: I'm sorry... I promise I'll do some work as soon as I get home, OK?
Mozu: No way, you can't fool me! You're always tuckered out when you come home from hunting.
Kiragi: B-but I don't want to study. I'm awful at math and history.
Mozu: Oh, I know. That's why you need to devote more time to hitting the books!
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at a few subjects. I don't see what the big deal is...
Mozu: You're missing the point. It's important to round out your education. I know I'm partly to blame for not being there when you were young... But that's why it's really important to work harder now so you can catch up!
Kiragi: *grumble*
Mozu: Can you balance out your hunting time with some studying? I'll even help teach you!
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me. You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not.
(Kiragi leaves)
Mozu: Ack! Kiragi, come back!! Well, shoot. That didn't go well...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon! That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful. Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting. "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about. Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Mozu: Hmm. Maybe I should reword that one...
(Mozu leaves)
Kiragi: It looks like she's writing something. What is she doing?
(Kiragi leaves)
Mozu: I bet it would be easier for him if we changed it to rabbits in a trap... Yeah, that would be better.
(Mozu leaves)
Kiragi: Huh?
(Kiragi leaves)
Mozu: Oh shoot! I forgot to find the history book with the better timeline. Looks like I'll have to run into town to find an updated copy tomorrow.
(Mozu leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Mozu: Kiragi just has to get used to studying. We need to work on his memory. I know he can catch up. He just needs me to encourage him!
Kiragi: Hello, Mom.
Mozu: Oh, Kiragi. Welcome home. Why are you standing there like a zombie?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Mozu: Kiragi, hey now. It's OK, darling. I'm not mad at you. I'm glad that we understand each other. But would you mind spending a little less time hunting and a bit more studying?
Kiragi: You bet I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now. Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Mozu: Well let's get going right away! You ready to start?
Kiragi: OK! But wait, I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Mozu: Thanks a million, Kiragi!

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Mozu: Which one? Let me take a gander... Well your answer is right. But I'm not sure how you got to it...
Kiragi: Ah, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Mozu: Well aren't you clever!
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Mozu: Your history assignment is perfect too. All the years, places, and important events are in the right spots.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Mozu: That's real sweet. But you're the one putting in all the hard work. I'm real proud of you, darling!
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Mozu: So we've already run through everything I needed to teach you today. Say, why don't you go and enjoy some hunting time?
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... Thanks, but that's all right.
Mozu: Huh?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Mozu: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be such a blast! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Mozu: Well of course we can, darling. Spending all this time together is a whole mess of fun!
Kiragi: It sure is!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Rinkah is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Oni Savage (Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Seal Resistance Oni Savage, starting from level 11
  Shove Oni Savage, starting from level 12
  Death Blow Oni Chieftain, starting from level 5
  Counter Oni Chieftain, starting from level 15
  Salvage Blow Blacksmith, starting from level 5
  Lancebreaker Blacksmith, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing. But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Rinkah: Hold on there, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking around.
Rinkah: Stop making that nasty face at me. That's no way to treat your mother.
Kiragi: Sorry. You look like you're about to attack.
Rinkah: What are you doing out here? Don't you remember me telling you to stay home today? *sigh* This is hopeless.
Kiragi: I'm sorry. Listen, I promise I'll do some work as soon as I get home, OK?
Rinkah: No you won't. Don't try and fool me. Every time you get back from hunting all you wanna do is eat and go to bed.
Kiragi: B-but I don't want to study. I'm awful at math and history.
Rinkah: That's why you have to study, idiot! You're not going to improve by sitting around and complaining.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at a few subjects. I don't see what the big deal is.
Rinkah: Those aren't the only ones you're terrible at! You need to start taking your education seriously now before it's too late. I admit, your father and I are partially to blame for not being around. But that's why I'm so determined to teach you everything I can.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Rinkah: Starting today, you have to cut down on hunting, understand? I'll stay and help as much as I can.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to. Don't try and take that away from me. You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything. I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Rinkah: Kiragi, get back here right now! Damn...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon! That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful. Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting. "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about. Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Rinkah: Hmm, I should reword this...
(Rinkah leaves)
Kiragi: It looks like she's writing something. What is she doing?
(Kiragi leaves)
Rinkah: This is a tough formula. I bet it would be easier for him if I changed it to rabbits in a trap. Yeah, that would definitely be better.
(Rinkah leaves)
Kiragi: Huh?
(Kiragi leaves)
Rinkah: Oops, I forgot to track down that detailed history book. It had such a clear timeline. I bet that would help him catch up. I guess I'll have to look for it later.
(Rinkah leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Rinkah: He might not know it, but Kiragi is much smarter than I am. If I can get him to learn one thing at a time, I know he can catch up. If only I could find a way to make him care.
Kiragi: Hi, Mom.
Rinkah: Ah, welcome back, Kiragi. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt.
Rinkah: Kiragi, it's fine, really. I'm sorry that I was so hard on you. I'm just happy that you've come around and you understand why this is important. Will you give up some hunting time to study?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now. Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history.
Rinkah: That's great. Why don't we get started right away?
Kiragi: OK! But wait, I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Rinkah: Thank you, Kiragi.

A Support

Kiragi: All right, I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Rinkah: You did, huh? Yeah, your answer is right. But how did you reach that conclusion?
Kiragi: Ah, about that. I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Rinkah: I see—that explains it. How clever.
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Rinkah: This is impressive. Your history assignment was perfect too! All the years, places, and important events were in the right spots.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Rinkah: Kiragi, don't give me too much credit. You're doing a really great job. I appreciate all your hard work.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Rinkah: Well, I'm already done with everything I wanted to teach you for the day. Why don't you run and do some hunting?
Kiragi: Um... Hmm. Thanks, but that's all right.
Rinkah: What?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But I'd love to study some more with you.
Rinkah: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be such a blast! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Rinkah: Yeah, of course, if you really want to. Will you show me how you did that math problem again?
Kiragi: OK!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Hana is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
  Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
  Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
  Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
  Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
  Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Hana: Wait just a minute, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Hana: Well thank you. But don't look at me like that—it's very rude.
Kiragi: I can't help it. You look like you're about to attack!
Hana: Don't be ridiculous. I thought I told you to stay home today. What am I gonna do with you?
Kiragi: I'm sorry... I promise I'll do some work as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Hana: I don't think so! Every time you get back from hunting, you always just eat and fall asleep.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm awful at math and history.
Hana: That is why you need to study them!
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Hana: I don't want you to go through life being ignorant. There is so much to learn! I'm sorry that your father and I weren't around while you were growing up... But I would like to help with your education as much as I can.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Hana: You have to cut back on your hunting and spend more time hitting the books.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me! You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not.
(Kiragi leaves)
Hana: Kiragi, wait!! W-wait! Kiragi!! Ugh... That was a disaster.

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Hana: Hmm... No, that's unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
'(Hana leaves)
Kiragi: Huh? What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Hana: Hmm... Maybe if I change these numbers to rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help him understand...
(Hana leaves)
Kiragi: Huh?
(Kiragi leaves)
Hana: Ah, dang! I forgot to find the history book with the clearer timeline... I guess I'll have to look for that later.
(Hana leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Hana: I have to help him with his memory. If we go over things nice and slow... I know he will be able to catch up. He just needs a little push.
Kiragi: Hello, Mom...
Hana: Oh, Kiragi... Welcome home! Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom... You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Hana: Kiragi, don't worry. I'm not upset. The most important thing is that we understand each other. Will you try to balance out hunting with some study time though?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Hana: That makes me so happy. Are you ready to start?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Hana: Hee hee... I'll grab the books!

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Hana: Already? That was so fast. Let me take a peek... Your answer is correct. But how did you...?
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Hana: Wow, that's amazing. You're already on advanced methods... You're such a quick study!
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Hana: Looks like your history assignment was perfect too! All the years, places, and important events are in the right spots. You didn't miss anything at all!
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Hana: That's so sweet. You're doing really well, Kiragi. All that hard work is paying off.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Hana: I can't believe I've already covered everything on my syllabus... Why don't you go enjoy the rest of your afternoon, sweetie? I bet you want to go hunting.
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Hana: Huh?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Hana: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Hana: Sure, if you really want to. It's been wonderful to spend all this time with you.
Kiragi: I've been having a great time too!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Orochi is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Diviner (Onmyoji or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
  Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
  Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
  Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Orochi: Hold your horses, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Orochi: Stop making that face at me. I'm not a demon!
Kiragi: I can't help it. You look like you're about to attack!
Orochi: What exactly are you doing out here? I asked you to stay home. This is very disappointing. What am I going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry... I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Orochi: How many times have I heard that one before? You always go straight to bed every time when you get home from hunting.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm just awful at math and history.
Orochi: I'm well aware. That's why you have to start taking your studies seriously. I already offered to help you out.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Orochi: You're so far behind with your academics. Trust me, that is a big deal. Your father and I are partly to blame. I wish we had been around to support you before. But I want to make it up to you by tutoring you whenever we have time.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Orochi: You need to cut back on all the hunting. Let's head back home and get started.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me! You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Orochi: Get back here, Kiragi! That didn't go well...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Orochi: Hmm... No, that's unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
(Orochi leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Orochi: Instead of just using numbers, we can change these to rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help him understand...
(Orochi leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves)
Orochi: He will need a history book that explains the timeline clearly... I'll have to search for that at the library tomorrow morning...
(Orochi leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard...
(Kiragi leaves)
Orochi: If I can help him start to memorize these basic skills, I know he can catch up. We just need to cover things nice and slow.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom...
Orochi: Oh, welcome home, Kiragi. What are you daydreaming about?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom... You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, while I'm just hunting. I'm really sorry.
Orochi: Shhh, it's all right, Kiragi. I'm not mad. The most important thing is that we understand each other. I know that hunting is your passion. But if you balanced that with studying, I would be very happy.
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Orochi: You're a very good boy, Kiragi. Shall we begin now?
Kiragi: Yes! Oh, wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Orochi: OK! I'll get the books ready.

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Orochi: Are you done? Let me take a look... Hmm, your answer is correct. But this...
Kiragi: Oh, yeah. I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Orochi: Wow, an advanced method, huh? That's amazing. Great work, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Orochi: The history work was perfect too! All the years, places, and important events are in the correct spots. You didn't miss a thing.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Orochi: That's sweet. I'm so proud of you. All this hard work is already starting to pay off. You're catching up so fast!
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush!
Orochi: We've already covered everything on the curriculum today. Why don't you go and enjoy some hunting?
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Orochi: What do you mean?
Kiragi: Hunting is great and all. But...I'd love to study some more with you.
Orochi: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Orochi: Yes... Of course we can, Kiragi. I've really enjoyed spending all this time with you, sweetie.
Kiragi: Me too!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Setsuna is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
  Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
  Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
  Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
  Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
  Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Setsuna: Kiragi, wait up...
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hello, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Setsuna: Why are you making that mean face? That hurts my feelings...
Kiragi: I can't help it. You look like you're about to attack!
Setsuna: Oh, sorry... What are you doing out here? I asked you to stay home today... This is very disappointing. What am I going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry... I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Setsuna: No, you won't. Every time you get back from hunting, you eat a snack and go right to bed.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm just awful at math and history.
Setsuna: That's why you have to start studying more.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Setsuna: You can't go through life without an education... I know I wasn't around to help while you were little... But I want to make up for that by teaching you now.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Setsuna: Please, hold off on hunting, and we can study for a while, OK? Maybe we'll even have some fun...
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me! You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Setsuna: Hey, wait... Oh dear...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Setsuna: Hmm... No, that's unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
(Setsuna leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Setsuna: Hmmm... Maybe if I change these numbers to rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help him understand...
(Setsuna leaves)
Kiragi: Huh?
(Kiragi leaves)
Setsuna: Oh no... I forgot to look for that history book with the clear timeline... I have to go out later to look for it...
(Setsuna leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Setsuna: Kiragi is just like me... We both have terrible memories... I think he will be fine if we cover things nice and slow. I know he can catch up.
Kiragi: Hello, Mom.
Setsuna: Oh, Kiragi. Welcome back. Why are you just zoning out?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Setsuna: Kiragi, it's OK. I'm not upset. All I care about is that we understand each other. Will you try to balance out hunting with academics?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now. Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Setsuna: That makes me happy to hear. Are you ready to begin?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Setsuna: Heehee... I'll go grab the books.

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Setsuna: Let me have a look... Hmm... The answer is correct. But how...?
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Setsuna: Wow... Kiragi, that's amazing! You're picking this up so quickly...
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Setsuna: Your history assignment looked perfect. All the years, places, and important events are in the right spots. You didn't miss anything at all.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Setsuna: That's very sweet. All your hard work is paying off. I'm so proud of you.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Setsuna: Well, we've covered everything I wanted to teach you today. You should go out and enjoy the weather. Do some hunting...
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Setsuna: Hm?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Setsuna: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Setsuna: Yes, of course, if you like. It's been great spending all this time with you.


Support information:  
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Oboro is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Apothecary (Merchant or Mechanist)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Potent Potion Apothecary, starting from level 11
  Quick Salve Apothecary, starting from level 12
  Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
  Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15
  Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
  Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Oboro: Stop right there, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Oboro: Did I scare you?
Kiragi: Obviously. You look like you're about to attack me!
Oboro: Ah ha! That's because you're out here, and you absolutely shouldn't be. What am I going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry... I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Oboro: Yeah right. I've heard that one before. Every time you get back from hunting, you grab something to eat and hit the hay. Not this time.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm so terrible at math and no good at history...
Oboro: I know. That's exactly why you need to actually devote some time to practicing. I already told you that I would help out with your studies.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Oboro: You're ridiculously far behind with your studies. It's not good. Your father and I should have realized that much sooner, and we're sorry. But we're all together now, which means we really want to help you get up to speed. I know it doesn't seem like it, but this will be so good for you! Who knows? Maybe you'll even have a little bit of fun!
Kiragi: *grumble*
Oboro: Let's head home. I know you love hunting, but I think you'll thank me for pushing you.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me. You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Oboro: Wait just a minute, Kiragi! That didn't go well...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good hunter.
(Kiragi leaves)
Oboro: Hmm... No, that's unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
(Oboro leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Oboro: Instead of using just numbers, we can change these to rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help him understand...
(Oboro leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves)
Oboro: Oh drat! Where did I stick that book? I know it's around here somewhere. I need to track it down so I can start his history lessons.
(Oboro leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard...
(Kiragi leaves)
Oboro: Kiragi needs to work on his memorization skills. If we cover things nice and slow... I know that he'll catch up soon enough.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom...
Oboro: Oh, welcome home, Kiragi! What are you daydreaming about?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, while I'm just hunting. I'm really sorry.
Oboro: Shhh, it's all right, Kiragi. It's important that we both understand where the other is coming from. I know that hunting is your passion. But if you balanced that with some study time, I would really appreciate it.
Kiragi: I will! I didn't really realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Oboro: Do you really mean it? That makes me so happy. Would you like to get started?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Oboro: Heheh... Thank you, Kiragi...

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Oboro: Hang on, let me check your work... Interesting... The answer is correct...but I don't see how you got it.
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Oboro: Wow, that's amazing! An advanced method, huh?
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Oboro: Your history work was perfect, too. All the years, places, and important events are in the correct spots. You didn't miss a thing. I'm so proud of you!
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Oboro: I'm very proud of you! Your hard work is already paying off.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Oboro: That's all I had for you to cover today. It's still nice and sunny. Why don't you run and do some hunting?
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Oboro: Huh?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Oboro: Kiragi, really?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Oboro: Sure! I'm really enjoying our time together.
Kiragi: Me too!


Support information:  
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a fixed parent-child pair, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Kiragi: Wow, what a great day for hunting! Hmm? What's that noise?
Takumi: *rustle*
Kiragi: DAD! I'm so glad we bumped into each other. Did you come out here to hunt, too?
Takumi: Well, something like that. I've been watching that deer over there. But for some reason, I haven't been able to take it down.
Kiragi: Hmm... That's a really tough shot. Hey! Since we're both here now, can I help you try to hit it? Maybe you could give me some pointers about my technique.
Takumi: Sure, I don't see why not.
Kiragi: Yippee! OK, quickly now... Ready... Aim... ...Fire!
Takumi: Y-you... You took it down in one shot! I must have fired at least 10 arrows, and I didn't hit anything.
Kiragi: Woohoo! Bingo! I'm so happy that I hit it!
Takumi: (His hunting skills are phenomenal. At this rate, he'll surpass my abilities in no time.)
Kiragi: Hey, Dad! What do you think? Are my skills OK?
Takumi: Well. Err... Ahem... You hit your mark, but you're obviously quite inexperienced. You drew the bowstring halfheartedly and neglected your balance and stability. Shooting like that is no good.
Kiragi: Oh. I see...
Takumi: Kiragi? Did I say too much? I just wanted to help with your form.
Kiragi: I understand... You're right. My posture is terrible, just like you said.
Takumi: That's it? You're not going to object?
Kiragi: Why should I? You're just being strict because you love me and want to help me improve, right?
Takumi: Well, that's true, but... It's odd to see you nodding so obediently. Is something else on your mind?
Kiragi: No, I just want to work even harder. Thanks for helping me improve, Dad! I'd better head down the mountain and do some serious practicing.
(Kiragi leaves)
Takumi: Hmm... Kiragi has certainly grown to be an obedient child, hasn't he? We're very different people. But I must admit, I envy his skill...

B Support

Kiragi: Hello, Dad! Would you mind helping me out with some bow work?
Takumi: You're still training?
Kiragi: I sure am! Remember how you told me last time that my posture was weak? Well, I've been working to try and improve it ever since. Would you mind observing as I shoot and pointing out any mistakes you see?
Takumi: O-OK. Fire away.
Kiragi: Yay! Thanks, Dad! All right, watch this. I'm gonna try to hit the tree way over there. I hope I managed to fix my balance and draw the string right this time... Ready... Aim... Fire!
Takumi: (Incredible! How could he make that shot from this distance...?)
Kiragi: So? Was my form better, Dad?
Takumi: Honestly, it was perfect. There is nothing to critique. You've done very well, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Really? That's so exciting!
Takumi: Listen, I have to tell you something. When you shot that deer the other day, there was nothing bad about your form.
Kiragi: What?
Takumi: You took down your prey so easily... When I saw that... Well, it made me jealous. That's the only reason I was criticizing you. I'm a terrible, petty father, Kiragi. I'm so sorry for failing you...
Kiragi: Dad... You didn't fail me at all. You were right about something that day. I really am inexperienced. Even if I wasn't making a ton of mistakes, our conversation inspired me. I've been practicing nonstop thanks to you. I'm very grateful.
Takumi: Kiragi, I don't know what to say...
Kiragi: If you don't mind, I would love for you to coach me some more. It's so much fun learning from you.
Takumi: Why come to me? There are a great many archers with skill superior to my own.
Kiragi: Well... It's because you're my target.
Takumi: T-target?
Kiragi: Yeah! I really admire how you're so calm and cool, no matter the situation. You've got experience fighting in the war, and you wield a divine weapon, too. You're amazing, Dad! I want to be just like you someday!
Takumi: Son...
Kiragi: I-is something wrong?
Takumi: It's just... I'm really not the incredible man you seem to think I am.
Kiragi: Huh? What do you mean?
Takumi: My archery skill is primarily due to Fujin Yumi's power. My shots appear to be perfect, but that's not because of my actual ability. And my calm composure? That's a simple ruse to make others think I'm coolheaded. Inside, I'm a weak, anxious fool who's always worried what people think of me. I'm the type of man who harbors feelings of envy toward his own son. I'm so sorry, Kiragi. Please, ask someone else to assist you with bow training. I must excuse myself...
(Takumi leaves)
Kiragi: Ah, Dad, wait! Wait...

A Support

Kiragi: Hello, Dad.
Takumi: Kiragi, there you are.
Kiragi: I wanted to ask you a favor. Lend me Fujin Yumi.
Takumi: Why?
Kiragi: Well, you said before that you depend on Fujin Yumi for your skill. If that's true and I used it, then I could be just as strong as you, right?
Takumi: Yes. Yes, I suppose so...
Kiragi: Then let me borrow it. I want to see if your abilities really do come from Fujin Yumi.
Takumi: Hmm... All right, fine. But please, take care not to damage it.
Kiragi: Wow... It's so much heavier than it looks. Where are the bowstrings and arrows?
Takumi: Fujin Yumi produces them itself. Now, breathe slowly, and focus. It may be too difficult at first, so I'll do it for you. Hold still... ...There you go.
Kiragi: WOW! The string and arrows appeared out of nowhere! That's amazing! Do they disappear again if your concentration breaks? OK. I think I'm ready. See that tree over there? I'm gonna try and hit it. Ready... Aim... ...Wah?!
Takumi: Wow...
Kiragi: I missed completely. I've never shot a bow like this before. You must need to be incredibly strong in order to use it. Not to mention strong willed. It's nearly impossible to hold the bow and concentrate at the same time. It's amazing how you can use this without any problem at all.
Takumi: I'm really not exceptional, Son. If you practice hard, you will eclipse my skill in no time.
Kiragi: Why are you still talking like that?! I really think you're amazing. Why don't you believe me? Don't you know that I admire you more than anyone else in the whole world?! So please stop being stupid and saying bad things about yourself. I HATE IT!
Takumi: K-Kiragi?! Oh please, don't cry.
Kiragi: NO! I won't stop crying until you stop saying so many bad things about yourself. To me, you're the best dad ever, and I'm sick of hearing otherwise!
Takumi: OK, OK, calm down. I get it. I'll be quiet.
Kiragi: Really? Do you promise? Then, try repeating after me: "I am an amazing person."
Takumi: What...?
Kiragi: Please, just say it!
Takumi: Fine, OK. I-I am an amazing person...
Kiragi: Eheheh... Very good, Dad.
Takumi: Saying that out loud makes me feel like a really bad person, though.
Kiragi: I told you to stop! You're not! You're the coolest person ever!
Takumi: Heh... Well thank you, Kiragi. You really cheered me up. I admit, you made me feel more confident. Thank you for being such a wonderful son. I'll do everything in my power to make you proud of me. Now, how about we do some practicing together? I would love to show you how to properly wield Fujin Yumi.
Kiragi: *gasp* Really?! Are you sure?!
Takumi: Yes, of course. Today, your training begins.
Kiragi: Yaaaaay! This is so exciting. Thank you! I love you so much!
Takumi: I love you, too, Son.


Support information:  
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kagero is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Ninja (Mechanist or Master Ninja)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Locktouch Ninja, starting from level 11
  Poison Strike Ninja, starting from level 12
  Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
  Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
  Lethality Master Ninja, starting from level 5
  Shurikenfaire Master Ninja, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Kagero: Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Kagero: Don't make that face at me.
Kiragi: I can't help it. You look like you're about to attack!
Kagero: That's because you're out here, and you absolutely shouldn't be. This is very disappointing...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry... I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Kagero: I'm not falling for that. You always go straight to bed every time when you get home from hunting.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm just awful at math and history.
Kagero: I'm well aware. Which is exactly why you need to start taking your studies seriously. I already promised to help you.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Kagero: You're already very far behind with your academics. Your father and I wish we had been around to raise you properly... Which is why I'd like to make amends and help you catch up.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Kagero: Let's head back home. You must quit hunting for now and devote yourself to studying.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me! You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Wait, Kiragi!! Come back...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting... "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good hunter.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Hmm... No, that's unrelated.
(Kagero leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down...
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Instead of using numbers, I'll change these into rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help Kiragi understand.
(Kagero leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Damn! Where did I put that history book? I still have to prepare his lesson plan.
(Kagero leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: I need to help him with memorization. If we cover things nice and slow, I know he'll catch up eventually.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom.
Kagero: Oh, welcome home, Kiragi. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom... You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Kagero: Don't be upset, Kiragi. It's fine. The important thing is that we understand each other. How about you make it up to me by balancing your hunting with academics?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now... Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Kagero: I am pleased to hear it, Kiragi. Shall we begin now?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Kagero: Thank you, Kiragi...

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Kagero: Show me. Hmm... Your answer is correct. But how...
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Kagero: Hmm... An advanced method. Excellent work, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Kagero: The history work you completed was perfect too. All the years, places, and important events are in the correct spots. You didn't miss a thing.
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Kagero: You are a very impressive student. All your hard work is paying off. I'm proud of you, Son.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Kagero: We've already covered everything on the curriculum today. Why don't you go and enjoy some hunting.
Kiragi: Um... Hmm... No, that's all right.
Kagero: What?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Kagero: Kiragi, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Kagero: Of course, Kiragi. I'm enjoying all this time with you.
Kiragi: Me too!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Camilla is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Lord or Malig Knight)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Strength +2 Wyvern Rider, starting from level 13
  Lunge Wyvern Rider, starting from level 14
  Rally Defense Wyvern Lord, starting from level 5
  Swordbreaker Wyvern Lord, starting from level 15
  Savage Blow Malig Knight, starting from level 5
  Trample Malig Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Camilla: Kiragi! Stop right there!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Camilla: Don't greet me that way. It's very rude.
Kiragi: I can't help it. You look like you're about to attack!
Camilla: You're a silly boy. What are you doing out here? I asked you to stay home and get to work. I just don't know what I'm going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm sorry... I promise I'll do some work as soon as I get home, OK?
Camilla: Oh no, I don't think so. You always just eat and fall asleep the second you get home from hunting. Don't you try and trick me.
Kiragi: B-but... I'm awful at math and history.
Camilla: Which is exactly why you need to devote more time to studying them!
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Camilla: Sweetie, it's not just math and history. You need to be well rounded in order to survive in this world! I admit, your father and I should have been around to help with your education... I'm very sorry we weren't. But that's why it's so important to work hard now.
Kiragi: *grumble*
Camilla: I need you to cut back on the hunting. Studying needs to be your priority, OK?
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me! You may be my mother, but you can't force me to do anything. I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not.
(Kiragi leaves)
Camilla: Kiragi, get back here! *sigh* He's even more stubborn than his father...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful... Easy does it. I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting. "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about. Like I need math or history to be a good tracker.
(Kiragi leaves)
Camilla: Hmm. Maybe I should rewrite this one...
(Camilla leaves)
Kiragi: Huh? It looks like she's writing something.
(Kiragi leaves)
Camilla: I bet he'd find this equation simpler if we compared it to the flight of an arrow.
(Camilla leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing?
(Kiragi leaves)
Camilla: The timeline in this book is just awful. There must be a better one around here. I guess I'll have to run down to the library to track down a different copy.
(Camilla leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Camilla: It's not that he's bad at studying. He just gets overwhelmed by dealing with so much information all at once. We need to take things slowly. I know he can catch up.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom.
Camilla: Ah, Kiragi, welcome home. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: I-I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and I keep running off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Camilla: Kiragi, sweetie. Don't say another word. I'm not upset with you. It's important for us to understand each other's positions. Will you try to give up some hunting time to work on your studies though?
Kiragi: I will! I didn't realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now. Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Camilla: Heehee, that makes me so happy. Would you like to start now?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)
Camilla: I'll grab the books!

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Camilla: Wow, that was quick, sweetie. Show me your work. Hmm... Well, the answer is correct. But how did reach that conclusion?
Kiragi: Ah, yeah. I know you normally start on the right. But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations. I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Camilla: Oh, you're so clever!
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Camilla: You did an excellent job with your history assignment as well. All the years, places, and important events are in the right spots. You didn't miss anything at all!
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Camilla: You're the one putting in all the effort, sweetie. I'm so proud of you!
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Camilla: It looks like you've already finished up all your work for the day. Why don't you take the afternoon off? Go enjoy some hunting!
Kiragi: Umm, thanks. That's all right.
Camilla: What?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But I'd love to study some more with you.
Camilla: Awww. Sweetie, are you sure?
Kiragi: You made me understand that learning can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Camilla: Well of course we can, if you really want to. Spending time with you makes me happy as can be!
Kiragi: I've been having a great time too! Thanks, Mom!


Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
This support is only available if Elise is Kiragi's mother.
Additional class tree:
Via inheritance: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 16
  Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 17
  Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
  Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
  Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
  Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Ah, the great outdoors. What a perfect day to do some hunting! The mountains look very appealing... But I did see a lot of game in that field the other day. So many choices!
Elise: Stop right there, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Yikes! H-hey, Mom. You sure are good at sneaking these days.
Elise: Did I scare you?
Kiragi: Obviously. You look like you're about to attack me!
Elise: That's because you're out here, and you absolutely shouldn't be. What am I going to do with you...
Kiragi: I'm really sorry. I promise I'll do it as soon as I get home tonight, OK?
Elise: I've heard that too many times before. Every time you get back from hunting, you just grab something to eat and go to bed. Not this time.
Kiragi: B-but I'm so terrible at math, and no good at history!
Elise: Which is exactly why you need to devote more time to practicing. I already told you that I would help with your studies.
Kiragi: I can survive being bad at math and history. I don't see what the big deal is.
Elise: Kiragi, there is bad, and then there is abysmal. You are beyond abysmal. Your father and I should have realized that much sooner, and we're sorry. But now that we are all together again, we want to do everything we can to assist you. I know it doesn't seem like it, but this will be so good for you!
Kiragi: *grumble*
Elise: Let's go home. I know hunting is more fun, but some day you'll thank me for pushing you.
Kiragi: No! This isn't fair! Hunting is the only thing I have to look forward to! Don't try and take that away from me. You may be my mom, but you can't force me to do anything! I'm going hunting, and I don't care whether you like it or not!
(Kiragi leaves)
Elise: Kiragi, get back here! Well that could have gone better...

B Support

Kiragi: What an amazing day! No one will be going hungry anytime soon. That bird sure gave me a lot of trouble. I should look it up when I get home. Maybe I need to build some new traps, too.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kiragi: OK, careful. Easy does it... I can't let Mom know that I was out hunting instead of resting. "Work harder on your studies!" That's all she ever thinks about... Like I need math or history to be a good hunter.
(Kiragi leaves)
Elise: Hmm. No, that's unrelated. Maybe if I rewrite it like this...
(Elise leaves)
Kiragi: What's this? It looks like she's writing something down.
(Kiragi leaves)
Elise: Instead of using just numbers, we can change these to rabbits in a trap... I bet that would help him understand.
(Elise leaves)
Kiragi: What is she doing there?
(Kiragi leaves)
Elise: Oh, rats! Where did I stick that book? I know it's around here somewhere. I need to track it down so I can start his history lessons.
(Elise leaves)
Kiragi: Geez, she's working really hard.
(Kiragi leaves)
Elise: He just hasn't had to memorize things. If we move slowly and cover everything... I know that he'll catch on soon enough.
Kiragi: Hey, Mom.
Elise: Oh! Welcome home, Kiragi. Why are you just standing there?
Kiragi: You knew I wasn't here?
Elise: Of course. You forgot to close the bedroom door when you left.
Kiragi: Oh, I did? Oops. I just wanted to say... Well, I'm sorry, Mom. You're putting so much energy into helping me learn, and then I just run off to hunt. I'm really sorry.
Elise: Shhh, it's all right, Kiragi. It's important that we both understand where the other is coming from. I know that hunting is your passion. I just want you to balance that with some studying too!
Kiragi: I will! I didn't really realize how much this mattered until I saw you just now. Please, teach me! I want to learn about math and history!
Elise: Do you really mean it? That makes me so happy. Would you like to get started?
Kiragi: OK! But wait. I'm totally covered in mud. Let me change real quick—then we can start! Wait right here!
(Kiragi leaves)

A Support

Kiragi: All right! I solved it! Take that, math problem!
Elise: Hang on, let me check your work. Hmm. The answer is right, but...
Kiragi: Oh, yeah... I know you normally start on the right... But if you make an assumption here, you can skip a bunch of extra calculations! I think the book called it an advanced method, but it wasn't that tough.
Elise: An advanced method? Great job, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Hehheh!
Elise: Looks like your history assignment is perfect too. All the years, places, and important events are in the correct spots. You didn't miss a thing. I'm so proud!
Kiragi: It was so much easier once I started thinking of them as fantastic stories. Boring random facts are so much harder to remember. And it helps to have a great teacher, too!
Elise: I only encouraged you. All of this progress is because of you. You've come so far because of all this hard work.
Kiragi: Stop, Mom! You're going to make me blush.
Elise: That's all I had for you to cover today. It's still nice and sunny. Why don't you run and do some hunting?
Kiragi: Ehh, that's all right.
Elise: Hmm?
Kiragi: I mean, hunting is great and all. But... I'd love to study some more with you.
Elise: Aww, really?
Kiragi: You made me understand that studying can be so much fun! I can't believe that I used to dread it. We can keep going, right?
Elise: Sure! It makes me happy to spend all this time together.
Kiragi: Me too!

Kana (M) (as siblings)

Support information:  
Kana (M)
0 pts.
3 pts.
7 pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Corrin (F) is Kiragi's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Hey, Kiragi! Wanna go on a patrol with me?
Kiragi: Huh? You mean right now?
Kana: Mhm! I want to help everyone as much as I can! Which for now means patrolling as much as I can! Are you in?
Kiragi: Sure. What kind of big brother would I be if I weren't?
Kana: Yay! Let's go!
Kiragi: Er—wait. You mean just us?
Kana: Yup! We'll be OK, though. I've been training a whole lot!
Kiragi: But if it's just the two of us...
Kana: It'll be fine! With our special sibling powers, we can take out any bad guys that come our way!
Kiragi: Heh... All right. But just stay near me, OK?
Kana: Sure... Hey, Kiragi?
Kiragi: Hm?
Kana: How about we go on patrol every day?
Kiragi: E-every day?
Kana: Yeah! I mean, patrols need to be done every day anyway. Why not us?
Kiragi: Every day...
Kana: Is something the matter?
Kiragi: Ha... No, I was just thinking about how long it would be until I got to hunt again...
Kana: OK, good! I can't wait for tomorrow's patrol! Thanks, Kiragi!

B Support

Kana: Thanks for coming on patrol with me again today, Kiragi!
Kiragi: No problem, Kana. I've been enjoying it more and more lately. And it's been really great seeing how strong and reliable you've gotten.
Kana: Really? You mean it?!
Kiragi: Yep! I think you've got a natural talent for this sort of thing.
Kana: Aw! Thanks! What about you? Do you have any special talents, Kiragi?
Kiragi: Nothing secret, really. I'm just good with a bow.
Kana: Yeah, but you're really, really good with it! I bet with our skills combined, we're unstoppable!
Kiragi: Yeah, probably!
Kana: Heehee. OK, now let's get moving! We've still got a ways to go if we're gonna be the best patrollers in camp.
Kiragi: K-Kana? Oy! Kana! Wait for meeeeeee!

A Support

Kana: Kiragi! Guess what time it is! That's right, it's patrol tiiiimmmmeeeeee!
Kiragi: Haha. All right, all right. Let's go.
Kana: Er, but first...I wanted to ask you a favor.
Kiragi: A favor? Sure, what is it?
Kana: I want you to teach me how to be like you!
Kiragi: You want to be like me? What do you mean?
Kana: I mean I wanna learn how to shoot a bow like you do!
Kiragi: Huh? Where's this coming from?
Kana: Well, see, I'm the youngest kid in camp, right? So there's a lot I still can't do. I know I can't just become a grown-up, but I CAN try to learn lots of different skills. Besides, I've always wanted to learn something from my big brother. I used to wonder a lot about what it would be like to spend more time with you...
Kiragi: Kana...
Kana: So I want to learn as much as possible from you, now that I can! Is that OK?
Kiragi: Of course it's OK.
Kana: Thank you so much!
Kiragi: But I'm not going to let you get ahead of me that easy. I want to learn from you too. So let's compete to see who can become stronger the fastest!
Kana: OK, but I'm not gonna be the one to lose! That's a promise!
Kiragi: All right, then. Today is patrol duty. Tomorrow, the real training begins!
Kana: Sounds good to me!

Kana (M) (as parent and child)

Support information:  
Kana (M)
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Kiragi is Kana (M)'s father.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new classes in this pairing.
As a support between a non-fixed parent-child pair, the parent character does not acquire any new skills in this pairing.

C Support

Kana: Hey, Papa. There's something I wanted to ask you about, if that's OK...
Kiragi: Sure, Kana! What's eating you?
Kana: Well, see, it's Mama. She's always treating me like I'm a child.
Kiragi: Of course she is! You're her son, after all.
Kana: I know that! I just mean I'm not as much of a child as I used to be. I want to help out more. But whenever I try, she just tells me to go play with my friends instead.
Kiragi: Oh, I gotcha. You want responsibilities!
Kana: Yeah! I want to be someone she can rely on. Do you have any ideas for things I could do to make her happy?
Kiragi: Hmm... Usually I just bring her tasty fruits I find up in the mountains.
Kana: And that makes her happy?
Kiragi: Yep! She loves it!
Kana: Oh...
Kiragi: Huh? Did I say something wrong?
Kana: I guess I was hoping for more ideas. Like, things that I could do for her too...
Kiragi: More ideas, huh? Lemme think...
Kana: Oh, I know! Let's have a contest, Papa!
Kiragi: A contest? What kind of contest?
Kana: Yeah! We'll have a contest to see which of us can make Mama happier! Between the two of us, I'm sure we can come up with all sorts of things! Whoever gets thanked the most wins! Heehee.
Kiragi: Ooh, that sounds neat. All right, let's do it!
Kana: Woohoo!
Kiragi: But remember—Corrin is my wife. I'd do anything for her. So if you think you're gonna beat me, you're sorely mistaken, kiddo!
Kana: No way! I'm gonna beat you fair and square.
Kiragi: Good. Then let the games begin!

B Support

Kana: Hey, Papa! I've been making so much progress on our contest! How about you?
Kiragi: I'm not sure. I haven't done anything special yet, but she's thanked me a lot. Let's see. I've got a tally of all of them so far... Here we go!
Kana: WOW! That's a lot! And you got all these already? That's crazy!
Kiragi: Haha. I hadn't really thought about it, but yeah, it is quite a few. I guess I do more for your mother than I thought. Looks like this little competition isn't going to be so hard after all.
Kana: Oh yeah? Not if I have anything to say about it! Here, see! I recorded all mine, too. And the total
Kiragi: Wh-what?! You've got just as many as I do!
Kana: I do? I do! Haha! Take THAT, Papa! Kana's gonna beat you big-time! I don't have a job, so I can spend all day helping out for Mama!
Kiragi: Well, aren't you a clever one? So what is it exactly that you've been doing?
Kana: Mostly I've been trying to help out around the camp. I spend each morning making arrows for the fletchers. Then at lunch I chop the bear meat for the mess cook and hand out the food. Oh! And at night, I make sure the mounts are all fed and outfitted for the next day. Plus I do a bunch of other little things whenever I have time!
Kiragi: Y-you do all that? Every day?
Kana: Yup!
Kiragi: That's...impressive. More than impressive. You're really growing up, aren't you?
Kana: Huh?
Kiragi: Oh, it's just...I think I might have been treating you like a child too... Wasn't that long ago you were still soiling your underthings. And now, all of a sudden, you're making real, important contributions to the army.
Kana: Heehee. I've been working real hard. Soon, there'll be nothing I can't do!
Kiragi: Heh. I believe it! I'm sure Corrin is very grateful for all the good work you've been doing too.
Kana: "Good work"... Hm. I just realized...she hasn't actually been saying "thank you" to me very much. She just tells me "good work" and smiles. It's kind of a sad smile, come to think of it...
Kiragi: Aw. I wouldn't overthink it too much... More importantly, this means you've been cheating! I knew you couldn't beat my tally! But I guess I'll let it slide...this time.
Kana: Haha. I guess you're right. I'll just have to work even harder for Mama tomorrow! I'm not gonna lose to you, Papa! I won't sleep until Mama thanks me twice as much!
Kiragi: (Hrk...this might be tougher than I'd thought...)

A Support

Kana: *grumble*
Kiragi: Hey there, Kana.
Kana: Hi, Papa...
Kiragi: Hey, what's wrong? I figured you'd still be gloating over your victory in our little contest.
Kana: Oh, I'm still sort of happy about that, I guess, but... I was trying to help out for Mama earlier, but she made me stop. She said I should be spending more time playing around with my friends. She still thinks I'm just a kid. Haven't I shown her I can help out with stuff too? Or am I messing up? Is she just pretending I'm doing a good job?
Kiragi: Ah, is that it? Well, don't worry too much about it, yeah? Your mother really does think you're doing a wonderful job. And she's very proud.
Kana: Then why would she rather I not help with anything anymore?
Kiragi: She's just sad that you're growing up, is all.
Kana: Huh? Why?
Kiragi: She doesn't want you to miss out on being a child. And, more than that, she doesn't want to lose her baby boy. Parents are fickle creatures. They don't want their kids to stay kids... But they also don't want them to grow up and become independent. They feel like they're not needed anymore. And it hurts.
Kana: I still don't think I get it...
Kiragi: Heh. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, does it? But that's all right. All you need to do for now is just do us a favor, OK? Keep helping Mama, but don't work yourself quite as hard. Take breaks to see your friends and play games and stuff. You know. And every now and then, try to spend some quality time with your mother. Think you can handle that?
Kana: B-but...
Kiragi: Hm? Do you not want to spend time with your mother?
Kana: No, that's not it! It's just...I feel like that stuff is for babies.
Kiragi: No, Kana. It's not for babies. It's for children. And she wants you to be a child for just a little while longer. Both of us do.
Kana: Papa...
Kiragi: Kana, we know you're growing up and that you want to be reliable. You're going to be a great man someday. Everyone knows it. But for now...just relax. Enjoy yourself. At least a little bit, here and there.
Kana: OK. Thanks, Papa. I'll think real hard about everything you've said.
Kiragi: Good! You know... I think maybe you and your mother should spend some time together tonight. Have a relaxing night in, just the two of you.
Kana: Wait! Aren't you gonna stay with us?
Kiragi: Me? Oh, no no no. I've got to do some preparations for the big hunt tomorro—
Kana: But, Papa! Don't you need to take a break sometimes too? I thought you wanted me and Mama to be happy!
Kiragi: Gah... Um. Well, when you put it like that... OK, sure. I suppose I can stay in tonight.
Kana: Yaaay!
Kiragi: I suppose it's been a while since we had some quality time as a family. Heh. This must be what happiness feels like.

Kana (F)

Support information:  
Kana (F)
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
This support gives Kiragi access to Kana's secondary class tree via Partner Seal, provided it does not overlap with Kiragi's Archer or Spear Fighter class trees, nor with any other classes acquired via inheritance.
This support grants Kiragi access to the skills learned by Kana's secondary class tree, provided it does not overlap with Kiragi's Archer or Spear Fighter class trees, nor with any class trees inherited from his mother. See the class skills list for more information.

C Support

Kana: Oh, Kiragi! There you are!
Kiragi: Whatcha want, Kana?
Kana: I want to learn how to use a bow. I was hoping you could show me. But you know, I looked everywhere. Where were you?!
Kiragi: Er, I was in the woods for a bit.
Kana: The woods? You're sure?
Kiragi: Um, yeah!
Kana: I thought you might be there hunting. So I looked in the woods.
Kiragi: Uh, you did?
Kana: Yep. I walked all over. No Kiragi. I flew over the woods too. Guess what?
Kiragi: Uh, no Kiragi? Yeah, well, who knows? I could have been anywhere! I'm small. Easy to miss. Like a needle in a haystack, right?
Kana: You're hiding something.
Kiragi: Wh-who, me?
Kana: Yes. You.
Kiragi: Ha, Kana! What would I be hiding? I've got nothing TO hide! Now, what was that about archery lessons? Glad to help! Let's go before any of those pesky adults need us for anything.
Kana: Oh? Oh. Right. My lessons. Yes, let's go!

B Support

Kana: Now I'm sure that Kiragi is hiding something from me. I'll just follow him into the woods... Keep going, Kiragi... Keep going... Keep...
(Kana leaves)
Kiragi: Not far now.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kana: How far's he going to go?
(Kana leaves)
Kiragi: Is that it? Yeah, that's it.
(Kiragi leaves)
Kana: Wowie! What a big tree! Is this where he's been sneaking off to? No wonder I didn't see him from the sky! This tree's like a ginormous parasol, dark as dark can be down here! Whuh? Where'd he go? Oh, there he is, that rat! Scampering up the branches... Fine then. Up I go... Ha! Nowhere to run, Kiragi... ... Whoa. Nice tree house!
Kiragi: Kana?!
Kana: Er, hi!
Kiragi: Wait, did you follow me?!
Kana: Maybe.
Kiragi: I'm impressed! I didn't hear you once. You know me—I can hear a bear burp from the other side of a forest. Being a hunter and all.
Kana: Neat tree house.
Kiragi: Yeah? You think? Thanks. This is my secret hideout.
Kana: That's neat. What's all this stuff scattered everywhere?
Kiragi: My hunting gear!
Kana: You need more than just a bow?
Kiragi: My bow's fine for battle. But a hunter needs lots of other tools. I also hang out here when I just gotta get away.
Kana: You're so lucky.
Kiragi: I'm heading out to check on some traps I set around the woods. Wanna come? Or, uh, you can stay here if you want.
Kana: I've never been in a tree house before. I'll stay, if you don't mind?
Kiragi: Totally fine. Just watch out for the sharp stuff. Be back soon.
Kana: See ya!
(Kiragi leaves)
Kana: Oooh! I wish I had my own tree house. Now I see why it was such a secret. But what'd he mean, he's just got to get away? I hope he didn't mean from me!

A Support

Kana: Kiragi! You ARE here!
Kiragi: K-Kana?! Whew! You scared me. I thought someone found my tree house! I mean, besides you.
Kana: I'm the only one who knows?
Kiragi: Yep.
Kana: Last time you said that sometimes you've just got to get away. Your tree house is great, but why go to all this trouble to keep it secret?
Kiragi: Um, well... When I'm with everyone else, they treat me like I'm part of the royal family.
Kana: But you are.
Kiragi: Yeah, but I hate how people are putting me on a pedestal. Or worse, telling me to do royal stuff. No one lets me. So I come here.
Kana: I never thought much about what it'd really be like to be royal.
Kiragi: What? But you're one of us.
Kana: Oh, I guess so. But no one's ever treated me like I need to be put on a pedestal.
Kiragi: What?! Not even when you were growing up in your Deeprealm?
Kana: Nope. Not even a little. Actually, I always dreamed of being a princess. Here you are, a prince who dreams of being...uh, not one!
Kiragi: Ha! Weird. That's sorta funny.
Kana: I'm just glad it wasn't me you were trying to get away from. I'd be...sad about that.
Kiragi: What? You thought I was—? Oh, yeah. I wasn't. You're welcome here anytime. Didn't I make that obvious?
Kana: Good! I love visiting your secret hideout!
Kiragi: Uh, Kana? It's OUR secret hideout.
Kana: You're the best, Kiragi!

S Support

Kiragi: Uh, Kana?
Kana: What? I'm all ready to head off to our secret tree house.
Kiragi: Yeah, about that. I can't go today.
Kana: Aw, really? Then tomorrow—right?
Kiragi: About that too. I've been thinking that we shouldn't run off to the hideout anymore.
Kana: I love going there! But I...I get it. It's your secret place. Not mine.
Kiragi: Oh, what? That's not why. It's just that I don't need to run off. Not for being treated like a royal. You said that people don't treat you like you're any different, Kana. But they do. How could they not? You just don't let it get to you. I can't hide. I need to be like you. Water off a duck's back!
Kana: Uh, maybe?
Kiragi: Well, you don't run off anyway. I've got to stay—and be me no matter what. So, er, since you've helped me be me... I want to help you be you. Remember what you said about always wishing you were a princess?
Kana: Sure! Castles and tiaras and stuff? I love all of that!
Kiragi: Maybe, um, when we're older? Would you be my princess?
Kana: ...... Wait, wait, wait! Are you asking me if I'd marry you?!
Kiragi: Not now! Later! Much later! When we're old as rocks!
Kana: Oh, sure.
Kiragi: Uh, you don't have to say yes that fast either. Maybe take a day to think about it.
Kana: Well, who knows what will really happen. But we like spending time together. A tree house now? A castle later? Sure, I can see it.
Kiragi: I see. Well, I'll do my best to be worthy of the honor!
Kana: Now don't go making it all serious. Just promise me one thing. We'll keep running off to our secret base, OK? It's our castle in the sky.
Kiragi: Ha! I guess it is. Well then—to the future, my princess!
Kana: To the future, my prince!

Shigure (as siblings)

Support information:  
0 pts.
? pts.
? pts.
at A rank.
This support is only available if Azura is Kiragi's mother.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new classes are acquired in this pairing.
As a support between a pair of second-generation siblings, no new skills are acquired in this pairing.

C Support

Kiragi: Hmm... I wonder where Shigure went? I doubt he's up here in the hills or fields... But I couldn't find him anywhere in camp.
Shigure: *singing*
Kiragi: Ah! Shigure! He is out here after all! I wonder why he's sitting on that tree stump over there. And who are those people he's wi— HUH?! Those aren't people at all! They're forest animals! Bears, rabbits...even wolves. And they're all sitting there so quietly.
Shigure: I think that's enough for one day. How did you like it?
Kiragi: Wait... Is he talking to them?
Shigure: Ahh? Who's there?! Oh no! Come back!
Kiragi: Ack! The animals all ran away. Umm, sorry, Shigure.
Shigure: You just startled them, Kiragi. And you startled me too! But don't worry about it. They can't help being a little bit shy. So tell me—what are you doing all the way out here?
Kiragi: Actually, I came looking for you! We are siblings, yet you and I barely know each other. So I was thinking it would be fun to spend some quality time with my big brother!
Shigure: Ohh. I don't know what to say. I'm really not the most interesting person around... You might have more fun talking with someone more outgoing.
Kiragi: But you're my brother.
Shigure: Please, don't feel obligated to try and be my friend, just because of that. Honestly, I'm not in the most social mood right now. If you'll excuse me...
(Shigure leaves)
Kiragi: H-hey, Shigure! Don't leave! Jeez, that wasn't very nice...

B Support

Kiragi: Hmmm... I can't seem to find Shigure anywhere today... I haven't seen him around at all. Maybe he's back at that clearing on the hill again. He's probably sitting around in the woods with all of his animal friends. Heehee, looks like I was right. Hi, Shigure!!
Shigure: Kiragi?! What are you doing out here? Ah! Oh no! Wait!
Kiragi: Ohhh, I scared them all away again... Sorry about that.
Shigure: Oh, don't worry about it. They aren't used to other people being around here. They just startle easily.
Kiragi: Ohh, I see. It's incredible how you tamed all these wild animals. All I'm good for is catching them.
Shigure: Why were you looking for me again? Did you need something?
Kiragi: Yeah, I was hoping that you might want to hang out and talk today. I sure would love to spend some time with my big brother!
Shigure: Oh, I see... Well sure, we can hang out if you really want to. Listen, I'm sorry for being rude the other day. It's very kind that you want to get to know me better. The last thing I want to do is let you down.
Kiragi: So it's OK if I stay with you? You should try to get those animals to come back here.
Shigure: The animals... Ah, well. I don't think they'll want to come back while you're here.
Kiragi: R-really? But those critters seem so attached to you. If they all like you so much, maybe someday they could like me too! Is there some way that I could possibly win them over?
Shigure: Hmm... I'm not sure if this will help, but... Animals are highly attuned to the feelings of people around them. Most likely, they detected something in you that drove them off. They were fine until you got here, so I think it was definitely related.
Kiragi: To me? Granted, I do like to hunt. But I wasn't thinking of anything like that.
Shigure: Are you sure? Were you sizing them up to figure out which one might make a tasty dinner? Even just for a moment?
Kiragi: No! Ugh, I swear the thought never even crossed my mind.
Shigure: Of course, I'm sorry. That's just the biggest reason I could think of for them to run away. I appreciate how sincere you are about befriending them. I'll try to think of what can be done to make them feel safe around you. I'm happy to help out my loyal brother.
Kiragi: Really?! Thanks, Shigure!

A Support

Kiragi: H-hey, Shigure...
Shigure: What's wrong, Kiragi? You look troubled.
Kiragi: Well, I just wanted to ask about the animals from before.
Shigure: Oh? Did you go to visit them while I was out and about? I'm just about to leave now, if you want to come along. Do you think you're ready to prove that you don't mean them any harm?
Kiragi: Yeah... About that... To be honest, I think I was feeling kind of hostile that day I met them. It's just like you said...
Shigure: What do you mean? Were you feeling some strong emotion when you arrived?
Kiragi: I got jealous of the animals. You obviously loved playing with them but didn't want to spend time with me. At the time, it really didn't feel fair. I just wanted them to go away somewhere. That's why they thought I was their enemy. I was so petty and selfish...
Shigure: Kiragi, I'm glad you thought about this and talked to me.
Kiragi: I'm never going back there again. The last thing I want to do is bother them.
Shigure: Don't say that! I think you should definitely go back. You've opened up, and the animals will be able to tell you've changed. I think they'll be more welcoming.
Kiragi: Huh? I don't know...
Shigure: I am. You didn't have to say that you were feeling jealous, but you did anyway. That tells me that you've got a good soul inside of you. They'll be able to see that, too. Look! There's a rabbit coming this way!
Kiragi: Ahh! Oh jeez, what do I do?
Shigure: Just calm down... Relax, and take a breath. Quiet your mind, and be peaceful... Just think about how you want to be friends with the furry critter.
Kiragi: O-OK, I'll try... Ah, Shigure, look! He's letting me pet him. Wow, what a friendly little guy. He seems so happy and content...
Shigure: See? I told you it would all be fine.
Kiragi: Heehee! You were right!
Shigure: Now you can meet all the other animals! I think you will get along with everyone. Let's wander to the clearing in the woods. I bet your new friends will be waiting there.
Kiragi: OK! Lead the way, Shigure!


Support information:  
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
11 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
  Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 12
  Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
  Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
  Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
  Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15

C Support

Kiragi: Phew. I guess I should finish up for today pretty soon. Man, butchering animals is dirty work. This tent's gotten pretty filthy. Oh well. It'll be fine. I'll clean it up after dinner. Now-time is chow-time!
Dwyer: ...Yo.
Kiragi: Oh, Dwyer! What's up?
Dwyer: ... It stinks like dead animal in here.
Kiragi: Oh, right. Sorry about that. I was just butchering today's spoils. But I'll clean it up right after dinner. Don't worry! Be riiiiight back.
(Kiragi leaves)
Dwyer: Wait.
Kiragi: Huh?
Dwyer: You won't be back after dinner. You're just going to fall asleep.
Kiragi: What? N-no, I promise! I'll be back to straighten everything up after dinner.
Dwyer: Nope. You're going to sleep. No doubt about it. I can see into the future, y'know.
Kiragi: Knock it off, Dwyer.
Dwyer: All right. I can't. But you know what they say. A man's character is his fate. All that. And your character says you're gonna saw some logs after dinner. So let's just give the tent a quick once-over, huh?
Kiragi: What? Hang on! No! I'm going to have dinner first.
Dwyer: Shut it! You're not having dinner at all if you don't clean your tent first. Got it?
Kiragi: Fine, whatever, MOTHER.
Kiragi: There. It's all done. Finally. Now, time for dinner.
Dwyer: Nope.
Kiragi: Wh-what?
Dwyer: Strip.
Kiragi: WHAT?
Dwyer: Then head straight for the baths. Your clothes need washing.
Kiragi: Oh. B-but what about dinner?
Dwyer: You can eat after you're clean. Don't you even think of going to dinner smelling like that.
Kiragi: Hey, come on! This isn't fair! I cleaned up just like you told me to. And since when are my affairs any of your business, huh?
Dwyer: Stop complaining. You are a prince, and you had best begin to act like it. Every good prince needs a good butler. I intend to fill this function.
Kiragi: What?! Why? Since when?
Dwyer: Since now. Your slovenly lifestyle has convinced me you are in need of my aid. Call it my butler senses. You can blame my father for them. He always taught me never to put up with this kind of behavior in nobles.
Kiragi: Grrrr. Well, fine then! But if you're going to buttle me, you'd best buttle right! Which right now means getting me food! I'm starving!
Dwyer: That's not how this works. To the baths with you. Now.
Kiragi: O-OK. Yes, sir.

B Support

Kiragi: All right, I think I'm just about ready to go hunting. Bow is and water are packed...snares are good... Oh! That's right! I forgot to grab some bait!
Dwyer: ...
Kiragi: Oh, Dwyer! I was just about to go hunting. Did you want to tag along?
Dwyer: You're leaving? Don't you think you should clean up a bit first?
Kiragi: Huh? No, I wasn't really planning on it. Uh...your butler senses aren't getting overactive again, are they? ...Dwyer?
Dwyer: Bingo. You're not going hunting until this place has been cleaned.
Kiragi: But it's not even messy! My tools are all just out like this because it's how I like them. There's a method to the madness, I swear!
Dwyer: Yes, yes. A favorite excuse of slovenly princes the world over. Now, it's time to begin! I will have this room sparkling in no time!
Kiragi: Um...OK... And while you're doing that, I'll just be out hunting...
Dwyer: Oh, no. I am only here to direct you. You will be doing the cleaning.
Kiragi: What?! You just said that YOU'D be the one to have the room cleaned!
Dwyer: Yes, and I will. We do not credit the hands with the work of the mind. Besides, you need to learn how to do this kind of thing for yourself.
Kiragi: I— But I— I don't want to! This is so dumb! Lazy old grumpy snot-breathing—
Dwyer: What did you say?!
Kiragi: N-nothing, sir!

A Support

Kiragi: All right, just need to get this back on the shelf, and I should be just about done.
Dwyer: ...Yo.
Kiragi: Hey, Dwyer.
Dwyer: Your tent appears to be clean today. You did this yourself?
Kiragi: Oh, yeah. Thanks to you, I think I'm getting the hang of this neatness stuff. DWYER RULE NO. 1: Discard all items you have not touched for six months. DWYER RULE NO. 2: Especially food. DWYER RULE NO. 3: All items you do use must be returned to their original places. DWYER RULE NO. 4: Do not interrupt Dwyer's nap time. Heh. I memorized all of them, just like you said!
Dwyer: Very good.
Kiragi: You know, I never thought I'd say it, but it's made preparing for a hunt way better! It's not just easier. It's so...relaxing now.
Dwyer: Of course. Enrich your environment, and you enrich your soul.
Kiragi: I'm sorry if I frustrated you. If I'd just listened to you from the start, I'd have saved myself a lot of pain.
Dwyer: No worries. You understand now. That's enough. I've also learned something in this process. You aren't who I thought you were. I hereby revoke your title of Slovenly Prince. You are now...the Immaculate Prince!
Kiragi: Woohoo! Thanks! You know, you might come off as gruff, but I bet you're a softie on the inside.
Dwyer: D-don't be such an idiot.
Kiragi: Ha! I knew it! You're turning red!

A+ support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Support information:  
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Cavalier (Paladin or Great Knight)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Elbow Room Cavalier, starting from level 11
  Shelter Cavalier, starting from level 12
  Defender Paladin, starting from level 5
  Aegis Paladin, starting from level 15
  Luna Great Knight, starting from level 5
  Armored Blow Great Knight, starting from level 15

C Support

Sophie: …
Kiragi: Hey, Sophie. What are you up to?
Sophie: Kiragi! Hi! I'm just cleaning out the stables and reflecting on my mistakes. Should only take another seven hours or so!
Kiragi: Er, is that...healthy? I'm sure you haven't done anything too bad...
Sophie: I'm never going to get better if I don't recognize how I failed in the past.
Kiragi: What happened?
Sophie: I got distracted, which allowed one of the horses to eat twice his normal feed.
Kiragi: Oh. And you were put on cleaning duty as punishment? That seems a little unfair. Horse feed isn't THAT valuable.
Sophie: Oh, no. I decided to do this myself in order to make up for my mistake.
Kiragi: Ohhh, OK. That's pretty admirable of you, actually!
Sophie: Thanks! I appreciate it! But the stables are so big, I'm starting to really regret my decision. It's taking so much longer than I thought it would.
Kiragi: Er... Maybe I could help out?
Sophie: That would be so amazing! But...I don't think I can accept your offer. If I don't do it myself, it'd sort of ruin the whole point.
Kiragi: Yeah, I guess you're right...
Sophie: Ughhhhh! Why in the world did I think this was a good idea in the first place?! I'm such an idiot! GRRRRAHHHHHH!
Kiragi: Uhhh...Sophie?
Sophie: Oh no! Now I broke the door too! What should I do?!
Kiragi: Sophie, watch out! You're going to knock over the lamp!
Sophie: AIIIEEE!
Kiragi: Stop! J-just don't move, OK?
Sophie: OK... Whew! That was a close one.
Kiragi: Good grief. Here, look, I'll lend you a hand. If you keep working alone, this place might not still be standing in the morning.
Sophie: Erk. Good point...

B Support

Sophie: Dum da dumdum da dumdumdum! ♪
Kiragi: Oh, hey, Sophie! I see you're cleaning the stables again. What'd you do this time?
Sophie: Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! I didn't mess anything up, if that's what you mean. It's just my turn on stable duty.
Kiragi: Oh. Er, whoops. I guess I just assumed— N-never mind... I'm sorry. you sure it's a good idea to be doing this alone? I mean, last time, you almost burned the whole place down...
Sophie: Hey, watch it! I'm not always that clumsy, OK? Sheesh. You mess up one time... Buuut I guess I do owe you for your help, so I'll let it slide this time. Thanks again.
Kiragi: Haha. I'm just glad I could help. I could lend a hand today too, if you'd like.
Sophie: Are you sure? I don't want you to waste your whole afternoon...
Kiragi: Don't worry. It's fine. I didn't have anything to do today anyways.
Sophie: Woohoo! OK. I've got a bucket you can use round back. I'll just go grab it, and— No. No no no no no no no no no no no no.
Kiragi: Uh...Sophie? You OK?
Sophie: The...the back gate. I left it open...
Kiragi: Oh no. The horses! Are they still there?
Sophie: No...they're gone. They're all gone!
Kiragi: *snicker* Er, I mean, oh no! We've got to find them! Haha.
Sophie: Y-yeah... Agh... Why does this sort of thing always happen to me?
Kiragi: I'm—heh—I'm so sorry—heehee. Heeheehee. Bwahahahahaha!
Sophie: Kiragi! Hey! How can you be laughing at a time like this?
Kiragi: Hahahaha! I'm sorry! It's just that the most ridiculous things happen when I'm around you.
Sophie: Th-that's not something to laugh about!
Kiragi: I know, I know. But it's just— I mean how do you even—? Ahahahaha! Hoo, boy. I don't know why I'm laughing so much!
Sophie: Hey! This is serious! Come on! If you've got time to stand there and laugh, you've got time to look for the horses!
Kiragi: R-right! OK, let's go! *giggle*

A Support

Sophie: Phew. OK. We're finally done with the stables. Next is...polishing the armor. Blah. Lately it feels like all we've been doing is working.
Kiragi: Aw, c'mon, Sophie! There's no need to mope around like that. Work can be fun! You just have to have the right attitude.
Sophie: How are you so cheerful? It's my fault you're even in this mess in the first place. If you hadn't helped me look for the horses, you'd never have been blamed!
Kiragi: Eh, nothing to be done about it now. Besides, they couldn't risk not punishing someone who might have done it. Horses aren't easy to replace. I'm just glad we were able to find them all, you know?
Sophie: Yeah, I know. I still just feel so bad about getting you involved. And it was all thanks to you that we even managed to get those horses back at all! That's two times you've helped me now. I can't even begin to thank you enough.
Kiragi: Haha! No sweat! Finding those horses was child's play with MY tracking skills. Plus, I like working with the weapons and armor and stuff, so this is all just gravy. You don't have to worry about me, OK?
Sophie: Thanks. But I'm still going to worry. I don't like feeling like I'm just a burden on you. Hm. Maybe I can pay you back somehow!
Kiragi: Pay me back?
Sophie: Sure! I'll do you a favor or two in return for all you've done for me. I could buy something for you! Or maybe I could cook something! Er, maybe cooking isn't the best idea. I'm not a great cook...
Kiragi: Huh? How so?
Sophie: I don't know. I just know that my cooking turns out terrible. Just yesterday I accidentally used powdered sugar instead of flour on my chicken. And then I got these burns trying to pull the dumplings out of boiling water... And I think I misread something, because I added two pounds of salt to the dessert.
Kiragi: Pffffffffsh! Ahahahahahaha!
Sophie: Hey! You're laughing at me again!
Kiragi: Haha! *snort* S-sorry! I can't help myself. Here, don't worry about repaying me. You've already done it!
Sophie: Huh? What did I do?
Kiragi: You made me laugh! If you just keep telling me stories like that, I'll keep helping you out with stuff! Deal?
Sophie: Really? That's all it would take?
Kiragi: Yep!
Sophie: All right! Well then, let's see... Did I ever tell you about the time I got caught in Avel's stirrup? He dragged me for five miles before I was able to get my foot out of that thing!
Kiragi: No way! That's—*snicker*—that's terrible!
Sophie: Heehee. Hearing you laugh like that almost makes me forget the multiple fractures I endured! I spent eight months in the infirmary! Now, wait 'til you hear the next one...

S Support

Kiragi: Hello, Sophie. Do you have a moment?
Sophie: Sure, Kiragi. What's up?
Kiragi: Hrm... How shall I go about this?
Sophie: Huh? Something the matter? Oh, wait—it's about my repaying you for all of the trouble I got you in, isn't it?! I knew it! I knew that those silly little stories wouldn't be enough! I'm sorry, Kiragi. You must be so annoyed with me!
Kiragi: What?! No! It's not about that, my dear Sophie. I loved your stories!
Sophie: Oh, OK! So what is it?
Kiragi: Well, you see, I need to ask you something.
Sophie: Oh! Do you need to borrow money?! I don't have much, but I guess I can scrape together a little bit!
Kiragi: No—what? No, that's not it either! Just hear me out, OK? I...ah...I've enjoyed our time together very much.
Sophie: Um. Thanks? So...if you're not here to ask me about that, then why are you being so formal?
Kiragi: W-well, that is a very good question. A very good question indeed...
Sophie: Kiragi...your face is red. Are you OK? You look like you're going to be sick!
Kiragi: Gah! I'm FINE! It's not that. I just— I just needed to tell you something! I...I love you, Sophie!
Sophie: What?!
Kiragi: When I'm with you, I can't stop smiling. And every day I see you is so much fun! Even cleaning the stables was fun 'cause we got to spend so much time together!
Sophie: A-are you sure, Kiragi? If we were always together, I'd probably get you into even more trouble all the time! And I'm such a klutz, I don't think I'd be very good at romance-y stuff, you know? What if I just messed it all up?
Kiragi: Huh? No, you don't get it! I like that stuff about you, Sophie! You're fun, and you're funny, and you're genuine and charming! I think you're the cow's brows!
Sophie: Really? 'Cause I feel the same way about you! Heehee.
Kiragi: Y-you do?!
Sophie: Yeah, I do! You're so generous, and you're always trying to help me out. And when I'm upset because I messed up, nothing makes me happier than your smile! And I think it's so important to have someone like that in your life!
Kiragi: Sophie...
Sophie: So...thank you, Kiragi. I—I want to be with you too!
Kiragi: Woohoo! I'll never leave your side from now on, no matter what! Together, we can take on anything! Even cooking and stable chores!
Sophie: That's right!


Support information:  
3 pts.
7 pts.
11 pts.
16 pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Apothecary (Merchant or Mechanist)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Potent Potion Apothecary, starting from level 11
  Quick Salve Apothecary, starting from level 12
  Profiteer Merchant, starting from level 5
  Spendthrift Merchant, starting from level 15
  Golembane Mechanist, starting from level 5
  Replicate Mechanist, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Apothecary class tree from his mother.

C Support

Midori: Ah! There you are, Kiragi!
Kiragi: Midori? What's up?
Midori: I've been looking for you. I need your help with something!
Kiragi: My help?
Midori: Yessir! I'm developing a new tonic, buuuut I ran into some issues. I don't have all the right plants! So I was wondering if you'd go with me to get them. I think most of them grow up in those mountains you spend all your time in.
Kiragi: Sure, I'd love to go! But...are you sure you want me? I don't know the first thing about medicine.
Midori: Not to worry! You don't need to. That's my job! You just need to know the mountains! Point me in the right direction and keep me company, and your job's all done. I'll even let you call yourself my assistant! Deal?
Kiragi: Haha. OK! But don't get too excited. I'm not sure how much help I'll be.
Midori: Hooray! I'd like to go right away. Are you free?
Kiragi: Sure! It beats latrine duty, anyway.
Midori: Then let's get out of here!

B Support

Midori: Hey, Kiragi! Thanks for your help the other day.
Kiragi: Glad I could be of service.
Midori: Me too—believe me! You're like the king of the mountains! You know where every plant grows, where all the animals live, where the streams go... Everything was right where you said it'd be. I had no idea you'd be THAT good.
Kiragi: Aw, I'm not that special. I just picked this stuff up on my day-trips.
Midori: No need to be so modest. You've got a real talent. I mean, you even found me all those special fungi! I didn't even know those grew here!
Kiragi: Well, you mentioned damp places, so I remembered that cave. It was more luck than anything. Honest!
Midori: Nope! You're king of the mountains! No ifs, ands, or buts about it! Or maybe you're, like, one with the mountain! Ooh, or is your real father a mountain? Should I call you "Mount Kiragi"?
Kiragi: Haha! I'm not so sure about that.
Midori: Say, Kiragi...I just remembered. There's something else I could use your help with.
Kiragi: Oh? What's that?
Midori: I've heard tell of a legendary flower. It only grows in the craters of dormant volcanoes.
Kiragi: Dormant volcanoes? I think there's one of those not too far from that cave I showed you.
Midori: Yeah, I know about that. But that whole area's covered in poisonous gases. Nobody can even get to the crater, let alone search it for a plant.
Kiragi: Oof. That sounds like a pretty tall order, Midori, but I guess I could give it a try.
Midori: Wait! No! That's not what I meant. Geez. You could die up there if you did that. I just wanted to know if you'd seen it anywhere else.
Kiragi: OH! OK. Um, sure. Describe it to me.
Midori: It's bright red. The color of flowing lava. And its stamens are gray, like ash. The stem and leaves are covered in a spiky fuzz that stings when you touch it.
Kiragi: Hmm... I can't say I've ever seen a flower like that before. You know, I learn so much when I hang out with you. Maybe I should call you Teach!
Midori: Awww, you're so sweet. Oh! I think one of my live cultures is almost ready. I gotta get going.
(Midori leaves)
Kiragi: Okeydoke. See ya around! Hm...

A Support

Kiragi: Midori! There you are!
Midori: Kiragi? What happened?! You look like you just crawled out of an ashpit!
Kiragi: Never mind that. Here, take a look at this bad boy!
Midori: Huh?! Th-this is the flower I wanted! The one that only grows on dormant volcanoes! You picked this yourself?
Kiragi: Yep!
Midori: B-but how?! Where?! Don't tell me you—
Kiragi: Yup! I wanted to see it for myself. The way you described it, it sounded so neat!
Midori: Why would you do that?! That crater's covered in poisonous gas, you stupid idiot!
Kiragi: I got back just fine. Everything's all right, right?
Midori: No, it's not! What is wrong with you?!
Kiragi: Huh?
Midori: What if you had really gotten yourself hurt up there? You could have died!
Kiragi: Er...I'm sorry, Midori... I just thought it would make you happy, I guess.
Midori: Well I'm not! If you died because of me, how do you think I'd feel?
Kiragi: Midori...I'm really sorry. But I was sure I could do it. Like you said, I'm king of the mountain! Right?
Midori: Even kings die, Kiragi... Thanks, I guess. I appreciate the thought. And I'm sorry for yelling at you. Just promise me you won't do anything like that again, OK? Your being happy and healthy means way more than some dumb flower.
Kiragi: OK, OK. I promise.
Midori: Just saying it isn't enough. Pinky swear!
Kiragi: I pinky swear I won't ever do something like that again. Sorry...
Midori: Phew! OK! I feel better now. I'm glad you made it back safe and sound. And I'll make sure to put this flower to good use. Thanks, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Heheh! No prob!

S Support

Midori: Hey, Kiragi.
Kiragi: Something wrong, Midori?
Midori: Well, see...I made that new tonic using the flower you picked for me...
Kiragi: You did? Congratulations! I bet it's super effective!
Midori: Heehee. Thanks!
Kiragi: So what is it exactly?
Midori: It's an energy tonic! If you're feeling tired, it'll pick you right up! And it won't put you back down for another three days!
Kiragi: Oh? That's pretty cool! You'll have to let me try it next time I'm feeling pooped. Er, on second thought—
Midori: Lemme guess. You never feel tired, right?
Kiragi: Yeah, pretty much! Haha.
Midori: Heehee! So, um, anyways, the reason I came to talk to you is that my tonic needs a name. Do you think I could use yours?
Kiragi: Huh? I'd be honored, but...why me?
Midori: You WERE the one who risked your life to get me the primary ingredient. Plus it fits! It gives the rest of us the kind of energy you always have.
Kiragi: And...?
Midori: And I want to. Because...I love you...
Kiragi: O-oh?
Midori: Yeah! And I can't think of a more fitting namesake than the person I love!
Kiragi: Midori...
Midori: There! I said it! I finally said it! Oh, molehills, this is so embarrassing!
Kiragi: Thanks for telling me, Midori. It makes me so happy to hear you say that.
Midori: R-really?
Kiragi: Yup! See...I've fallen in love with you too. You're so passionate. And so smart! goes! I love you too, Midori!
Midori: Yay! Let's be together forever! Teehee.
Kiragi: I wouldn't have it any other way!


Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support does not give Kiragi access to another class tree via Friendship Seal.
(The class tree that would have been given, Spear Fighter, is already available to Kiragi as his own secondary class tree).
As this support does not give Kiragi access to an additional class tree, this support does not give Kiragi access to additional skills.

C support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

B support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

A+ support

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.


Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Onmyoji or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
  Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
  Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
  Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Diviner class tree from his mother.

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Samurai (Swordmaster or Master of Arms)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Duelist's Blow Samurai, starting from level 11
  Vantage Samurai, starting from level 12
  Astra Swordmaster, starting from level 5
  Swordfaire Swordmaster, starting from level 15
  Seal Strength Master of Arms, starting from level 5
  Life and Death Master of Arms, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Samurai class tree from his mother.

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A+ support

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Monk (Onmyoji or Great Master)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Miracle Monk, starting from level 11
  Rally Luck Monk, starting from level 12
  Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
  Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
  Renewal Great Master, starting from level 5
  Countermagic Great Master, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Monk class tree from his mother.

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Sky Knight (Falcon Knight or Kinshi Knight)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Darting Blow Sky Knight, starting from level 11
  Camaraderie Sky Knight, starting from level 12
  Rally Speed Falcon Knight, starting from level 5
  Warding Blow Falcon Knight, starting from level 15
  Air Superiority Kinshi Knight, starting from level 5
  Amaterasu Kinshi Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Sky Knight class tree from his mother.

C support

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Diviner (Onmyoji or [[{{{supportadv2}}}]])
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Magic +2 Diviner, starting from level 11
  Future Sight Diviner, starting from level 12
  Rally Magic Onmyoji, starting from level 5
  Tomefaire Onmyoji, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Diviner class tree from his mother.

C support

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Friendship Seal: Troubadour (Strategist or Butler)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Resistance +2 Troubadour, starting from level 11
  Gentilhomme Troubadour, starting from level 12
  Rally Resistance Strategist, starting from level 5
  Inspiration Strategist, starting from level 15
  Live to Serve Butler, starting from level 5
  Tomebreaker Butler, starting from level 15

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A+ support

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Fighter (Berserker or Hero)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  HP +5 Fighter, starting from level 11
  Gamble Fighter, starting from level 12
  Rally Strength Berserker, starting from level 5
  Axefaire Berserker, starting from level 15
  Sol Hero, starting from level 5
  Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Fighter class tree from his mother.

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Support information:  
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
? pts.
This support is only available in the Revelation campaign.
Additional class tree:
Via Partner Seal: Mercenary (Hero or Bow Knight)
Click here to find Kiragi's growth rates in these additional classes.
Additional skills:
Skill Learned at
  Good Fortune Mercenary, starting from level 11
  Strong Riposte Mercenary, starting from level 12
  Sol Hero, starting from level 5
  Axebreaker Hero, starting from level 15
  Rally Skill Bow Knight, starting from level 5
  Shurikenbreaker Bow Knight, starting from level 15
This listing assumes Kiragi did not inherit the Mercenary class tree from his mother.

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