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This page contains all data pertaining to Felix's supports in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Byleth (M)

Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait byleth m fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Felix: I thought I heard someone. Are you here to train?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Yes. No, just watching.

Felix: Care to train with me? Waving this sword around alone is boring. And I'm tired of crossing swords with worthless opponents. But you seem like a worthy adversary.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Sure, why not? You think I'm a worthy adversary?
Felix: I don't know for certain, but you seem skilled.

Felix: I've always been interested in your technique. You learned from the former captain of the Knights of Seiros, and traveled Fódlan fighting as a mercenary.

After Chapter 4

Felix: On top of that, you wield a Hero's Relic, the legendary Sword of the Creator.

Felix: Good sparring partners like you don't grow on trees. But know that I will beat you, and I will surpass your strength.

Why are you so focused on becoming stronger?

Felix: Why? Hm. I never really thought about that. I learned to thrust a sword before I learned to write my name. Of course, my upbringing wasn't unique. That's how it is for all children in my country. You're no use if you can't swing a sword, however mighty your Crest may be. It was the perfect environment for me. I could live free of stodgy values and virtues. Grow strong so you may live, and live to grow stronger. That's what I was taught.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Do you have any other ambitions? You remind me of myself.
Felix: Why should I? Nothing's as important as the pursuit of strength. Felix: Now I'm intrigued by your fighting style, and by who you really are...

Felix: But that's enough idle chatter. Take out your sword. My mind is emptied of all but the thrill of the challenge!

B Support

Felix: You're certainly not going easy on me. You fight like a mercenary, not a knight. You hunger for victory, pure and simple. You may not be aware of it yourself, but I see it.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Should I take that as a compliment? Should I take that as a criticism?
Felix: Indeed. Felix: No.

Felix: Knights ought to have some hunger. I've always thought so. They depend too much on their swords. Only when they're wrested away do knights consider their hands and feet as weapons. That's not how it was for warriors of old. They weren't limited by their tools. Victory is what matters, not the method of achieving it. That's the attitude to adopt. I detect that in your style. It is plain to see.

That doesn't seem like praise...

Felix: You may take it however you like. I believe the difference between us lies within that hunger. But where does it come from? From the start, I was aiming to win, yet I couldn't defeat you. Then I remembered something you said before...

Choice 1 Choice 2
About your aspirations? About your upbringing?

Felix: Indeed. I was raised to value strength above all else. Whereas you had a reason, an ambition, pushing you toward that hunger. So, tell me. What was the reason? Why were you driven to become so strong?

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
To survive. To protect the people of Fódlan. To stop this war.
Felix: That's a mercenary's answer, to be sure. Felix: Hah! Spoken like a knight. That's not what I would have expected. Felix: Hah! Spoken like a knight. That's not what I would have expected.

Felix: So that is the source of your hunger. I suppose I must find my own.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'll help you. We can find it together.

Felix: Ah, if we're to get along, I think not. I'll be content if you continue to train with me. Perhaps it will come to me as I swing my sword.

A Support

Felix: Finally, I notched a win against you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
You crushed me. I almost had you.
Felix: Oh, please. I scraped by. Felix: True. It was a narrow victory.

Felix: When we spar, I feel like I'm revisiting my past.


Felix: It's like training with my brother. He always won—always—and died before I could win a single bout. From the first time I held a sword, all I wanted was to surpass him. And that's what drove me to become so strong. Perhaps it's absurd to say such a thing, but... I've spent all these years training for a duel with a corpse.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's not absurd. You found an answer to my question.
Felix: Perhaps not. Felix: Yes. I suppose I did.

Felix: I can never again spar with my brother. Not unless he climbs out of his grave. Still, I continue my endless pursuit of strength. Maybe because I have a new opponent to measure myself against.


Felix: You. Obviously. I beat you this time, but when we next cross swords, who knows what might happen? It was a close match, not a crushing victory. I know that I can do better. I will surpass you in strength, and then I'll become stronger still.

Choice 1 Choice 2
And then? Don't count me out yet.
Felix: And then, when this war is over, I won't have as many chances to swing my sword. I can hardly imagine that. Felix: Ha. Just what I was hoping you'd say.

Felix: Anyway, thank you...for helping me find an answer to the question you asked, all those years ago.

Byleth (F)

Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait byleth f fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Felix: I thought I heard someone. Are you here to train?

Choice 1 Choice 2
Yes. No, just watching.

Felix: Care to train with me? Waving this sword around alone is boring. And I'm tired of crossing swords with worthless opponents. But you seem like a worthy adversary.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Sure, why not? You think I'm a worthy adversary?
Felix: I don't know for certain, but you seem skilled.

Felix: I've always been interested in your technique. You learned from the former captain of the Knights of Seiros, and traveled Fódlan fighting as a mercenary.

After Chapter 4

Felix: On top of that, you wield a Hero's Relic, the legendary Sword of the Creator.

Felix: Good sparring partners like you don't grow on trees. But know that I will beat you, and I will surpass your strength.

Why are you so focused on becoming stronger?

Felix: Why? Hm. I never really thought about that. I learned to thrust a sword before I learned to write my name. Of course, my upbringing wasn't unique. That's how it is for all children in my country. You're no use if you can't swing a sword, however mighty your Crest may be. It was the perfect environment for me. I could live free of stodgy values and virtues. Grow strong so you may live, and live to grow stronger. That's what I was taught.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Do you have any other ambitions? You remind me of myself.
Felix: Why should I? Nothing's as important as the pursuit of strength. Felix: Now I'm intrigued by your fighting style, and by who you really are...

Felix: But that's enough idle chatter. Take out your sword. My mind is emptied of all but the thrill of the challenge!

B Support

Felix: You're certainly not going easy on me. You fight like a mercenary, not a knight. You hunger for victory, pure and simple. You may not be aware of it yourself, but I see it.

Choice 1 Choice 2
Should I take that as a compliment? Should I take that as a criticism?
Felix: Indeed. Felix: No.

Felix: Knights ought to have some hunger. I've always thought so. They depend too much on their swords. Only when they're wrested away do knights consider their hands and feet as weapons. That's not how it was for warriors of old. They weren't limited by their tools. Victory is what matters, not the method of achieving it. That's the attitude to adopt. I detect that in your style. It is plain to see.

That doesn't seem like praise...

Felix: You may take it however you like. I believe the difference between us lies within that hunger. But where does it come from? From the start, I was aiming to win, yet I couldn't defeat you. Then I remembered something you said before...

Choice 1 Choice 2
About your aspirations? About your upbringing?

Felix: Indeed. I was raised to value strength above all else. Whereas you had a reason, an ambition, pushing you toward that hunger. So, tell me. What was the reason? Why were you driven to become so strong?

Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
To survive. To protect the people of Fódlan. To stop this war.
Felix: That's a mercenary's answer, to be sure. Felix: Hah! Spoken like a knight. That's not what I would have expected. Felix: Hah! Spoken like a knight. That's not what I would have expected.

Felix: So that is the source of your hunger. I suppose I must find my own.

Choice 1 Choice 2
I'll help you. We can find it together.

Felix: Ah, if we're to get along, I think not. I'll be content if you continue to train with me. Perhaps it will come to me as I swing my sword.

A Support

Felix: Finally, I notched a win against you.

Choice 1 Choice 2
You crushed me. I almost had you.
Felix: Oh, please. I scraped by. Felix: True. It was a narrow victory.

Felix: When we spar, I feel like I'm revisiting my past.


Felix: It's like training with my brother. He always won—always—and died before I could win a single bout. From the first time I held a sword, all I wanted was to surpass him. And that's what drove me to become so strong. Perhaps it's absurd to say such a thing, but... I've spent all these years training for a duel with a corpse.

Choice 1 Choice 2
It's not absurd. You found an answer to my question.
Felix: Perhaps not. Felix: Yes. I suppose I did.

Felix: I can never again spar with my brother. Not unless he climbs out of his grave. Still, I continue my endless pursuit of strength. Maybe because I have a new opponent to measure myself against.


Felix: You. Obviously. I beat you this time, but when we next cross swords, who knows what might happen? It was a close match, not a crushing victory. I know that I can do better. I will surpass you in strength, and then I'll become stronger still.

Choice 1 Choice 2
And then? Don't count me out yet.
Felix: And then, when this war is over, I won't have as many chances to swing my sword. I can hardly imagine that. Felix: Ha. Just what I was hoping you'd say.

Felix: Anyway, thank you...for helping me find an answer to the question you asked, all those years ago.

S Support

Training Grounds

Felix: Finally, you came. Wars begin and end, but this place never changes. And you don't change either.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's not true. Neither do you.
Felix: Hmph... If there's been any change, it's just that you're so busy, your sword has grown dull. Felix: That's true, except that the boar has thrust the bombastic title of "duke" upon me.

Felix: We fought to bring peace to Fódlan, but peace is so boring. No more chances to swing my sword at enemies. No more life-threatening battles. I know that these are positive developments, but I'm still a warrior at heart. Here I am, watching sadly as my blade grows dull.

Choice 1 Choice 2
That's selfish. I feel the same.
Felix: You're right. Damn, I can be a fool sometimes... Felix: You do? That's a relief. We're cut from the same cloth, you and I.

Felix: And on that note, I'll tell you why I asked you to come here. Take this.
(Felix presents a ring)


Felix: Without a worthy opponent like you at my side, not only will my sword grow'll rust. So I had to think of a way to make sure you'd always be with me. This is what I came up with. And...


Felix: You're pretty slow on the uptake. Don't you know what this ring means?

Choice 1 Choice 2
No, I don't. I want to hear you say it.

Felix: If you keep messing around, I'll... I'll... Fine! Listen carefully. I'm not going to say this more than once. I want you to be my wife. Please say yes. Let's get married and stay together until we die. I love you. ... That's all.


Felix: What? You have something to complain about?

I love you too, and I accept.

Felix: Oh... OK, then. In that case, I'd better start planning for the future. My future...with you.


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait dimitri fe16.png
Available in Part I
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only grow supports on the Blue Lions and Azure Moon routes
Cannot unlock supports between Chapters 13 and 17
Obtains a Sword of Zoltan from unlocking the B support

C Support

Dimitri: Hello, Felix. I see you're here to train as well.
Felix: Go away. Just looking at your face makes me wanna retch.
Dimitri: Heh. With that mouth of yours, you grow more like your brother every day.
Felix: Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs. You're not fooling me.
Dimitri: I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so.
Felix: Because I know what you really are—a beast, craving blood.
Dimitri: A beast craving blood, am I? I assume you're speaking of the events two years ago. Last time we met outside the academy?
Felix: I am. The way you suppressed that rebellion... It was ruthless slaughter and you loved every second. I remember the way you killed your victims. How you watched them suffer. And your face...that expression. All the world's evil packed into it. That was our first battle. I remember it vividly.
Dimitri: ...
Felix: Oh, something wrong? Go ahead and deny it, you wild boar.
Dimitri: I deny nothing, Felix.
Felix: Well then. I suppose the Dimitri I once knew died during that slaughter in Duscur, along with my brother.
Dimitri: Perhaps you're right.
Felix: Hmph. Hurry up and get out of my sight. I don't make a habit of talking to beasts.

B Support

Felix: You don't look busy. Join me for some training, boar prince.
Dimitri: And here I thought you had no desire to speak with me.
Felix: We don't need to speak to clash swords, do we?
Dimitri: I suppose not. Is that one new? Wait! Where did you get such a blade?
Felix: Hmph! I suppose you would recognize its value. I came upon a merchant selling weapons and found this among the rest of the steel.
Dimitri: That pattern around the edge... There's no doubt. It was forged by Zoltan, the master swordsmith!
Felix: I'm not giving it to you.
Dimitri: Huh? Oh, I'm just happy to have laid eyes on it. I don't suppose you'd allow me the chance to hold it?
Felix: Do you take me for a fool? I'm not letting a brute like you swing it around.
Dimitri: As though I would be careless with something so valuable.
Felix: I recall when you were nine years old, you swung a sword so hard you snapped it clean in two.
Dimitri: Come now, that was so long ago! I'm hardly the fool I was then.
Felix: Heh. So you say, yet House Fraldarius still told that story for years. ...
Dimitri: What's wrong, Felix?
Felix: How pointless. No use talking about someone who's long dead. Looking at your face is making me angry. I'm going to find a different training partner. Farewell, Your Beastliness.
Dimitri: What is going on with him...

A Support

Felix: I have a question for you. Answer quickly before my hand slips and I cut you in half.
Dimitri: Always so ominous. Well? What is it, Felix?
Felix: Sometimes you have an animal's face, contorted with anger and bloodlust. At other times, a man's, with a friendly smile. Which is your true face?
Dimitri: Do not waste your breath on questions with such obvious answers. They are both the real me. My father, my friends, Glenn... They all meant a great deal to me. And they were all brutally slaughtered. I alone survived. If I do not shoulder the anguish and regret they must have felt, who will?
Felix: Hah. So, that's how you justify your atrocities.
Dimitri: What do you mean?
Felix: "I will fulfill my duty to the late king." My old man used to say that over and over, like a mantra. How nauseating. No one seems to understand. The dead won't acknowledge your loyalty. They don't care. What a load of bunk it is, pretending to serve a corpse. You're serving your own ego.
Dimitri: You are wrong.
Felix: No, I'm not. The dead are dead, the living are living. You have to respect that boundary. If you keep stringing gravestones around your neck, you'll snap.
Dimitri: Even still... I cannot forget them, nor can I let them go.
Felix: Then keep those thoughts to yourself. If you're too weak to do that, abandon your throne. Become a grave keeper.
Dimitri: Felix...
Felix: I'm not immune to emotion, you know. Far from it. I haven't gone a day without questioning why my father and brother had to die, while I survived. I'll bear this pain until the day I die, but I refuse to wallow in it. I have more important things to do than blubber for my whole life.
Dimitri: ... Heh. You know, Felix, you really are growing more and more like your brother. Always so sarcastic, and constantly looking for a fight. But deep inside, more than anyone, you—
Felix: What are you getting at?
Dimitri: Oh... It's nothing. But allow me to thank you. Your perspective has opened my eyes.
Felix: Hmph. Not my intention. I couldn't stand the pathetic look on your face. That's all.
Dimitri: I see. If you say so, then we will leave it at that.


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait bernadetta fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Bernadetta: Oh no. It's Felix. He's coming right at me. If I run, he'll chase me. Maybe if I just hold really, really still...
Felix: ...
Bernadetta: ...
Felix: Ahem.
Bernadetta: Whatever it is, I didn't do it! I swear! Unless I'm offending you just by standing here?!
Felix: No. Here. I believe this is yours.
Bernadetta: Huh? Oh. Yeah, that's my satchel. Wait, wh-where did you get that?!
Felix: Stop asking questions and just take it.
Bernadetta: No! Trap! It's a trap!
Felix: Why are you acting like this?

Bernadetta: Acting?! Does this terror on my face look fake to you?!
Felix: You're being difficult. Come on, this is yours.
Bernadetta: I can't! Your icy glare has frozen me completely!
Felix: Shut up! Just take the thing.
Bernadetta: No! P-please don't kill me!
Felix: What? Who's going to—
Bernadetta: Sword! He's got a sword!
Felix: Aaaah! My sword! How did you—
Bernadetta: I can't do this anymore!
Felix: What an odd girl. But she's certainly caught my attention. I've never seen that technique before. Oh. I still have to give this back to her.

B Support

Felix: You.
Bernadetta: Ah! What'd I do?! Am I in your way? I'm in your way. I know. I get it. I'm sorry. I can't stand the sight of me either!
Felix: I never said that. Stay right there. You're always running away. You must really find me irritating.
Bernadetta: Irritating, I know! I completely— What? No, I mean, I know I'm irritating, but— Huh?
Felix: Stop. Do you remember when you came up behind me and knocked the sword from my hands? I need you to teach me that technique.
Bernadetta: Sword? Teach? Technique?! That's, um, that's a joke, right? Because that's...that's just about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Felix: Maybe so. But I saw you do it. You don't remember? You moved like a flash, and before I knew it—
Bernadetta: Nope. Wasn't Bernie. You must have dreamed it. Unless my accuser dares to produce some evidence!
Felix: Yes, evidence. I still have your satchel. See?
Bernadetta: Oh, my satchel. W-wait, that? No, that's, um... That's not mine. You can't prove it's mine!
Felix: You know it's yours.
Bernadetta: I'm innocent—I swear! Merciful Seiros, save me!
Felix: This is getting nowhere. But, hmm... Maybe I should corner her like last time. Then she'll use the technique without thinking.
Bernadetta: Aaaah!
Felix: ... Never mind. I'm done here.
Bernadetta: Lies! All lies! I didn't do any— Huh? Wh-where'd he go?

A Support

Felix: That's Bernadetta. Those thugs are pursuing her. What did the weakling expect, running ahead? I can't leave her alone for one second...

Rogue: You really ran us around, little lady. Nowhere to run now, though.
Bernadetta: Ah! It's all over! I'm done for!
Rogue: Wha—my sword!
Felix: Ah! The technique! No. I can't stand by and watch.

Felix: You're not hurt, are you?
Bernadetta: Felix? Is that really you?! Thank you so much! I was sure I was finished. You saved my life! I can never repay— Huh?
Felix: Shut your mouth and calm down. I should be thanking you.
Bernadetta: Um... What?
Felix: When you were surrounded, I got to see you use your technique again. I get it now. For just a moment, you flail your limbs like a wild creature. If I could learn to do that, I'd be unstoppable.
Bernadetta: Uh, in that case, I'm...happy to help?
Felix: I would be even more impressed if you hadn't been screaming the whole time.
Bernadetta: Hey, come on! I was running for my life! Don't make fun of me for— Huh? No way... ...
Felix: Why are you staring at me?
Bernadetta: You're actually smiling! Not like a sarcastic smirk either—a big goofy grin from ear to ear! You're just a big old nut, aren't you, Felix? Once you get through the shell, there's all sorts of good stuff inside.
Felix: You don't know me.
Bernadetta: Aww, there's that shell again.
Felix: OK, that's it! Quit making fun of me!
Bernadetta: Ah! I didn't mean anything by it! I'm sorry!

A+ Support

Bernadetta: Hey, Felix! Can I talk to you for a minute?
Felix: What is it? I'm listening.

Bernadetta: Look, over there! Isn't that a cute kitty?!
Felix: Oh, I agree. I don't dislike cats.

Bernadetta: Here, try this. It's candy, but I promise it isn't sweet.

Before unlocking Felix and Lysithea's A support

Felix: No, thank you. Sweet or not, I don't eat candy.

After unlocking Felix and Lysithea's A support

Felix: Perhaps I'll have a piece, if it's not sweet.

Bernadetta: Hey, are you busy? I've got this great book, and...
Felix: What are you doing?
Bernadetta: Huh?
Felix: Why are you so concerned with me? More importantly, didn't you used to be shy?
Bernadetta: Oh, I'm as shy as ever.
Felix: Then why are you following me around?
Bernadetta: That's, um... Well, you know how ghosts are only scary because you can't see or talk to them?
Felix: You're saying I'm a ghost.
Bernadetta: What?! No! It was, uh, just a metaphor!
Felix: Heh. There you are, foolish as ever.
Bernadetta: That's it! You're smiling again!
Felix: What?
Bernadetta: That's why I've been working so hard to talk to you. I wanted to see you smile again.
Felix: Heh. I'm disappointed. Such a trivial reason. You're pestering me without a hint of fear, just to see me smile. You've really grown up.
Bernadetta: Um... Yeah, I guess. Wait, why are you being nice? Did something terrible happen?! Did you have a falling-out with an old friend or something?!
Felix: ...
Bernadetta: This is the part where you get angry at me, isn't it?
Felix: Uh... Come on. You were saying something about a book I should read? Really?!
Bernadetta: Well, um... It's, um... This one! If you wouldn't mind...


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait dorothea fe16.png
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Dorothea: Felix, my goodness, I swear you're always training. Such a hard worker. So strong.
Felix: Hunh! Hah! Hyah!
Dorothea: Hello? Felix?
Felix: What? You can hear me.
Dorothea: That's good. I was worried maybe your ears didn't work.
Felix: What do you want?
Dorothea: Oh, nothing... Nothing in particular, I mean. But now that I'm here, and now that you've asked... When you've finished up, do you think you'd like to join me in the dining hall for something sweet?
Felix: I'll pass. I don't like sweets. Also, you're a nuisance. Stay away from me.

During Part I

Dorothea: That's not a very nice way to talk to a classmate.

During Part II

Dorothea: Felix, that's rude. I thought we were on the same side in this war?

Dorothea: Anyway, you sound like you're shooing away a stray cat.
Felix: Shhh. Shut up.
Dorothea: I am not a stray cat, Felix, and I am not leaving until you take a moment to chat with me.
Felix: You are a pest. Fine—do what you will.
Dorothea: Oh, you better believe I am going to keep doing exactly what I will.
Felix: Hah! Hyuh! Hunh!
Dorothea: Hmm... Maybe instead of a sweet treat, we can get something spicy? Would you like that? I've heard the dining hall is serving a dish with some western spices in it. Mmm... Does that sound good, Felix? Would you like something spicy instead of sweet?
Felix: You're distracting me. When I am hungry, I will eat. Alone. Stop squawking at me.
Dorothea: Well, since you asked so nicely, I'll leave you in peace. Good-bye, Felix!
Felix: Finally.

B Support

Felix: You're following me. Stop.
Dorothea: I'm leaving you alone, just as you asked. I may be walking the same way as you, but—
Felix: What do you want?
Dorothea: You've made it abundantly clear I'm not to want anything from you, including politeness.
Felix: I heard a rumor that you're planning to settle down with a noble. You're trying to get close to me, aren't you? You want to marry into House Fraldarius.

During Part I or Azure Moon

Dorothea: Nice try, Felix, but it's not like any old noble will do.

During Part II, excluding Azure Moon

Felix: I abandoned my family, so you'll have to look elsewhere. Not much to gain from marrying me.

Dorothea: I just find you interesting is all. Is that so odd?
Felix: Interesting? I'm not interesting. What do you mean?
Dorothea: I've never met a noble so...unsociable. Yes, that's the word. Unsociable. Other nobles are quick to be friends, even if it's just because they might gain something from it.
Felix: The Empire's nobility, maybe. The Kingdom's nobility is a whole different animal.
Dorothea: If they are, so what? You should care how others think of you.
Felix: Why? I don't answer to them. All that matters is improving my skill. I'll prove my worth on the battlefield. Those people care so much about appearances they can't even see each other. It makes me sick.
Dorothea: Oh, I agree. What's important isn't how someone looks, it's their true nature. I don't pretend to know your true nature. I don't even have a very good understanding of my own. But I suppose you see mine just fine, don't you? Just a silly girl with no thoughts in her head except for marrying a noble, yes? Good-bye, Felix.
Felix: Hm.

A Support

Felix: You. Get over here.
Dorothea: "Get over here"? Ha! How about I tell you to get out of here?
Felix: You're always following me around. At least make yourself useful. Let's spar.
Dorothea: What? Are you serious?
Felix: I don't joke. Draw your weapon, unless you intend to fight without one.
Dorothea: If you want to train, then do it on your own.
Felix: If you don't attack first, I will.
Dorothea: OK. If you want me to knock some sense into you, who am I to say no?
Felix: For someone whose only aspiration is marriage, you're pretty strong.
Dorothea: Is this your attempt at flattery? Aw, it is, isn't it. When I was in the opera, I always trained for self-defense. Couldn't really get by without it. Nowadays, if you can't use a sword, then you're just in the way.
Felix: Perhaps I had you all wrong. I thought you were just a frivolous girl who cared only for men of status. On the contrary, you seem well aware of the realities of the world. I respect that.
Dorothea: Yeah, yeah. All right. Ahh, I'm beat. I'm going to go sit down and relax with a cup of tea. You'll join me, naturally.
Felix: I will?
Dorothea: We just trained together. Are you really going to turn me down?
Felix: Just this once.
Dorothea: Good, let's go for tea. While we're at it, shall you treat me to a meal?
Felix: Don't get carried away.
Dorothea: Aw, you're no fun...

A+ Support

Dorothea: So, Felix, is the tea to your liking?
Felix: It is.
Dorothea: It's nice to relax like this every now and then, isn't it?
Felix: It is.
Dorothea: You said some of your equipment is damaged, didn't you?
Felix: is.
Dorothea: ...
Felix: ...
Dorothea: Are you not in the mood to talk? We could discuss your family or what's happening in high society? Flavors of tea? Your favorite jokes?
Felix: None of those. I already told you I don't joke.
Dorothea: Of course, only cynicism. Oh, I know! We're holding a small opera in the cathedral soon. I'll be singing too. If you're interested in... But of course you aren't.
Felix: You can sing?
Dorothea: I'm sorry. What did you just say? Can I sing? I was only a diva of the Mittelfrank Opera Company, that's all.
Felix: Oh, right. I forgot.
Dorothea: You forgot. Am I that uninteresting to you? What must you think of me?
Felix: You're insincere and loud, is what I think. But you do make a good sparring partner. And a good tea companion.
Dorothea: Oh?
Felix: Anyway. When's the concert?
Dorothea: It's an opera. And you don't have to come.
Felix: You just invited me. You can't tell me not to come. That's for me to decide.
Dorothea: Then you must be there! I'll sing my heart out, just for you.
Felix: I haven't said I'll go.
Dorothea: Are you going to come or not? If you keep teasing me, I might just pretend to cry.
Felix: Fine. I'll go.
Dorothea: Fantastic! I look forward to it.


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait dedue fe16.png
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Available in Part II
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter
Additional notes: Can only grow supports on the Blue Lions and Azure Moon routes

C Support

Felix: Hold a moment, dog.
Dedue: Are you speaking to me?
Felix: I don't see anyone else here, do you? You're that boar's lapdog.
Dedue: Do not mock His Highness.
Felix: Ha, spoken like a good pet. Why do you follow him with such devotion? Do you really think a man like that is worth it?
Dedue: Faerghus destroyed my homeland. Burned it all to the ground. Slaughtered my people.
Felix: The punishment of Duscur.
Dedue: My father, my mother, my siblings—all were killed. We received no aid. No respite. Faerghus murdered our dignity and torched our pride. His Highness is different. He is the only one who sees my people as human. He risked his life to save mine. And it is thanks to him that I no longer wish for death.
Felix: That's what we call "blind obedience." Tell me. Would you give your life for him?
Dedue: Yes.
Felix: And what if he commanded you to join him in a senseless massacre?
Dedue: I would do it.
Felix: Even a massacre of children, or the elderly, or your own comrades?
Dedue: Without hesitation. You have misunderstood me. I am the sword and shield of His Highness. Weapons do not have a will of their own.
Felix: Blind obedience. You're right. I did misunderstand. I shouldn't have called you a lapdog. You're a rabid cur. You and the boar prince make quite a team—two crazed animals.
Dedue: I warned you not to mock His Highness. I am aware you have a history of friendship with him, but one more word...
Felix: I've said my piece. Scamper back to your master.

B Support

Felix: Hey, wait.
Dedue: What is it.
Felix: You defended me in battle. Why?
Dedue: His Highness does not wish for our military strength to be depleted. The loss of your strength would be significant.
Felix: You are a colossal idiot. One slip-up and you would have died. You think he would've been happy about that?
Dedue: No, I do not.
Felix: Then why protect me? I thought you were his mindless weapon, his sword and shield.
Dedue: I heard about your brother. He was at Duscur. He died to protect His Highness.
Felix: He did, but I don't see what that has to do with anything. Are you repaying some kind of debt? I hope you're not going to praise his death. I hear enough of that from my old man.
Dedue: I will not praise it, then. Instead I will say I would have done the same in his position. Is it really so unnatural to put one's life on the line to protect a brother in arms?
Felix: To hear a rabid dog call me a "brother in arms"...
Dedue: Your insults are merely an attempt to avoid addressing me as what I am. I am a man of Duscur. Yet you were concerned for my life.
Felix: "Concerned" is a strong word. Your death would have been unpleasant. That's all.
Dedue: Coming from you, that is enough.
Felix: What's that supposed to mean? I just meant— Never mind! OK, go ahead, protect me. But if you act like a fool and get yourself killed, I'll kill you.
Dedue: How can you kill me, if I am already dead?
Felix: I... You-you know what I meant!


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait ashe fe16.png
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Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Ashe: Hm. I must have left it in the library... Oh. Is that Felix?
Felix: ...
Ashe: Hey, Felix! This is a surprise. I didn't think you had much interest in books. I'm already finished with that one. You can borrow it, if you'd like.
Felix: No need. I was just curious who it belonged to.
Ashe: Why not read a few pages, at least, while you've got it open? I think you'd really like it. The plot is pretty different from a typical knight's tale, but it's still really good. Do you like stories about adventure and chivalry?
Felix: No. I despise them.
Ashe: Yeah, well... Have you tried reading any? You might find them really interesting. I know I do!
Felix: What do you find so interesting?
Ashe: Well, for one thing, the knights in these stories are always gallant and brave. And they always value things like friendship, loyalty, and justice. That's the kind of knight I want to be.
Felix: Ridiculous. Friendship, loyalty, justice. Only fools allow their lives to be ruled by such nonsense. Fools who get themselves killed for nothing, only to be celebrated as heroes in books like this. Writers of these stories are worse than tyrants. They seize control of people's thoughts.
Ashe: That's a little much. I was only interested in—
Felix: I don't care. Such blind enthusiasm is dangerous. Be more moderate in your passions.
Ashe: You know something, Felix?
Felix: ...
Ashe: You are exactly like the knight in this story!
Felix: Excuse me?
Ashe: On the surface, he's sarcastic and intimidating. But underneath, he's kind and cares for his friends. In the end, they become heroes together and conquer all obstacles!
Felix: Disgusting. Stop looking at me like that.
Ashe: Oh! See? Right there! That's just what I mean! You sound exactly like him!
Felix: ...
Ashe: I'm going to lend you this book. Really, I insist. Just give it a read, all right? Trust me. And you can tell me what you think when you're done.
Felix: Why is this happening...

B Support

Ashe: Why, Lonato? Oh. Hey, Felix.
Felix: I suppose your thoughts are still with Lord Lonato.
Ashe: I'm fine. I'm just frustrated by how little I was able to do. I know he was trying to protect me, but Lonato never really told me anything. In the end, I don't think I understood his feelings at all.
Felix: ...
Ashe: You said it yourself. Be more moderate in your passions. To me, he always seemed like a knight out of a story. And I was so caught up in my ideals. I turned a blind eye to his sadness, his hatred...even when they were right in front of me. I guess I'm pretty far from real knighthood, huh?
Felix: Perhaps. Yet knowing someone well does not mean you know how they feel. Whether family or friend. To know someone's sorrow and turn blindly from it... That is the act of a fool. But pursuing your ideals is not foolish.
Ashe: But said...
Felix: I said to be moderate in your passions, not to abandon your ideals. It's OK to be who you are.
Ashe: Thank you. Hearing you say that means a lot.
Felix: Ah, I almost forgot. You lent me this.
Ashe: Oh, the book I lent you... I'm guessing you hated it.
Felix: Actually, I already knew the story. My brother used to read it to me all the time.
Ashe: Must have dug up some old feelings, then?
Felix: I suppose.
Ashe: That's just what I'd expect the knight in the story to say! It's not just the way you talk either. It's who you are as a person, deep down.
Felix: Heh. Well, I think you're like the squire in the book. He's only half a knight, but he's bold and gregarious. And he always does his best. Don't stop being that half-knight, OK?
Ashe: You got it. I'll become the kind of knight only I can be!


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait sylvain fe16.png
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Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Sylvain: Hey, Felix, you free? You don't look very busy. Let's go find some girls to chat with.
Felix: Chat with them by yourself. You're interrupting my training.
Sylvain: Hey, come on. Don't talk like that. How long have we known each other?
Felix: Long enough, if you ask me. We only know each other because of our parents' friendship. I didn't have a say in it.
Sylvain: Is that how it went? Huh. I remember it more like you always following me around. Whenever there was something wrong—like you lost to your brother or you fought with Dimitri— you'd come crying to me. You were so meek and pure back then, cute even... like a baby brother.
Felix: That's enough.
Sylvain: What?
Felix: I said, "That's enough."
Sylvain: Hey! Sorry. I just came to see if you wanted to pick up some girls. I didn't mean to get on your nerves.
Felix: Look. You've been getting on my nerves for years. I've tried to be patient with you, but I'm tired of holding my tongue. You're reckless in your personal affairs and in battle. And you're always prattling on about women!
Sylvain: Well, if a man sees a pretty girl, he can't just let her pass by without commenting. That's just rude.
Felix: You're insatiable. Do you ever stop? Certainly not to practice your sword technique. You always skip training. And you never consider how your actions hurt others...or how you hold them back.
Sylvain: That's never my intention. Come on, you know me better than that. I'm not really— Look, if that's the impression I've given you, then I'm sorry.
Felix: Hmph.

B Support

Felix: Sylvain. I want to apologize for the other day.
Sylvain: The other day? What are you talking about, Felix? Is this a trap?
Felix: You know...when I called you "insatiable."
Sylvain: Oh, that? Can't say it didn't hurt, but you have nothing to apologize for. I mean, you've said worse, Felix. Considerably worse. Come on, we've known each other since we were kids. We're not going to let your constant verbal abuse get in the way of our friendship, are we?
Felix: No, I suppose not.
Sylvain: Whenever I started doing something dumb, you'd yell at me about it.
Felix: And whenever you dragged me into something, Ingrid would find out and start lecturing us.

If Ingrid was recruited and is alive

Sylvain: All these years and not much has changed, has it?

If Ingrid died or was not recruited

Sylvain: All these years and not much has changed, has it? Even if we don't have Ingrid lording over us...

Sylvain: But you're different, Felix. You used to be so, I don't know...carefree when we were young. Now you're the exact opposite.
Felix: Well, you're not any different. Good-for-nothing then. Good-for-nothing now.
Sylvain: Again with the abuse! This from the guy who's always been by that good-for-nothing's side. So did you come to apologize or to insult me?
Felix: I was on my way to train and I saw you. That's all.
Sylvain: You're off to train? Again? Now who's insatiable?
Felix: Better than sitting idle like you.
Sylvain: A little idleness would do you some good, pal. Come on. Let me buy you something to eat.
Felix: No.
Sylvain: You have to choose, Felix. Our friendship, or your training.
Felix: My training. Good-bye for now.
Sylvain: What did— Is he— Wait, Felix! I'll come train too. Wait up!

A Support

Felix: Sylvain. Eat these.
Sylvain: What are "these," Felix? Oh, hey, is this candy?
Felix: A girl in town gave them to me, but I don't want them.
Sylvain: Right, you don't like sweet stuff. Thanks, I'll eat them later. So, what do you need? Want me to help you get closer to a girl? Just point her out.
Felix: You're incorrigible. No. I wanted to thank you for your help in battle. If you hadn't spotted that enemy ambush, I would have been killed.
Sylvain: Nah, I didn't do anything special. Friends help each other out, especially on the battlefield. Just a little give and take, ya know?
Felix: You never change.
Sylvain: Nope. I try to stay on an even keel.
Felix: You're always...
Sylvain: Always what?
Felix: Nothing.
Sylvain: Come on. If you've got something on your mind, then say it.
Felix: Maybe I'll tell you later. Maybe I won't.
Sylvain: Fair enough. I'll be having something to eat while you're deciding...whatever it is you're deciding. Actually, come with me. My treat. If you do want to talk, then I'm right there.
Felix: OK, just this once. Only because you saved my life.
Sylvain: Free food, possible conversation, and when we're done, we can find some girls.
Felix: ...
Sylvain: It was a joke! Felix, I was joking! Come on, let's just go eat.

A+ Support

Felix: Sylvain.
Sylvain: Hey, Felix. I'm glad you're safe.
Felix: You irresponsible fool! Protecting me like that. You're so weak, and yet you always...always...
Sylvain: Look, it doesn't matter, as long as you're safe. You can go on living, while I...
Felix: Stop kidding around. You're not going to die. I won't let you.
Sylvain: Heh heh... Nah, I won't die on you. I promise. You think something like this could kill me? No way. A little magic will take care of the wound. Some bed rest then I'm good to go out and do it all over again.
Felix: Sylvain!
Sylvain: Oh, come on. That was funny. It's not like you to be so concerned.
Felix: You really are a fool. The biggest in all of Fódlan. I thought something was off. There's no way you could die from such a small cut. You're so reckless and inattentive, I thought this might be divine punishment.
Sylvain: Hey! That's not nice! You should be thanking me.
Felix: I am grateful. You've been doing this since we were children. Constantly fooling around, but then showing up and helping when we really need you. I'll admit, seeing that smile on your face, I almost want to give you a hug. Almost.
Sylvain: A hug? Did you get hit on the head? Come on. Tell me you want to hug me again. I liked it.
Felix: Hmph! I won't be repeating it, you half-wit. You're obviously fine, so I'll leave now.
Sylvain: You know how we grew up together?
Felix: Obviously.
Sylvain: Do you remember the promise we made when we were kids? About sticking together until we die together?
Felix: I remember.
Sylvain: Well, I'm really not trying to get myself killed before you. You know that, right?
Felix: I know... I know. But I'm tired of these close calls. You have to stop fooling around. Take your training more seriously. You can die whenever you please, but I'm not going down with you.
Sylvain: OK, I get it. Once I've healed, I'll get my act together.
Felix: Hmph. Then I hope you have a speedy recovery. Sylvain? Thank you.
Sylvain: That's what friends are for, Felix.


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait mercedes fe16.png
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Available in Part II
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Mercedes: Here you go, Felix. Have some tea.
Felix: Oh. Hm.
Mercedes: Sorry, but we're all out of cakes. Should I bake some more?
Felix: Please don't.
Mercedes: Oh, your clothes are so dirty! Let me wash them for you.
Felix: Mercedes, what's wrong with you?
Mercedes: There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just making tea. Is there something wrong with that?
Felix: You're not my mother. You don't have to bother with all this. I can do without it.
Mercedes: I...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. You just remind me so much of my little brother...

Before completing The Face Beneath

Felix: I do?
Mercedes: Yes. His name is Emile. We have different fathers, but we grew up in the same household. That is, until I was about eight or nine years old. I haven't seen him since then...

After completing The Face Beneath

Felix: Your brother is Jeritza, the Death Knight.
Mercedes: Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you remind me of the Death Knight or Jeritza. Just...Emile.
Felix: But they're the same person.

Felix: Sorry to state the obvious, but I'm not your brother. I'm not Emile. Can't you find someone else to bother?
Mercedes: Oh! I'm so sorry. I'll leave you alone. Please, help yourself to more tea if you'd like. I can leave the pot. Good-bye.
Felix: I am me—Felix Hugo Fraldarius. There is no one else. Brother...

B Support

Felix: Here you are.
Mercedes: Oh! Were you looking for me, Felix?
Felix: You were injured in the last battle. Are you OK?
Mercedes: I'm fine now. Thank you for your concern.
Felix: You really are troublesome.
Mercedes: I'm so sorry. I didn't want to get in your way out there... I just couldn't help but worry! I was only trying to keep an eye on you...
Felix: What are you even doing on the battlefield? You endangered yourself and got hurt. Such a stupid thing to do.
Mercedes: Yes, of course. You're right. I have no excuses.
Felix: If you intend to carry on being such a fool, you'd best stay near me.
Mercedes: Are you sure? I'd hate to get in your way again.
Felix: You can, um...
Mercedes: Hmm?
Felix: You can keep thinking of me as your little brother. That'd be better than going through this again.
Mercedes: But I thought you didn't like that. Didn't you say you were fed up with it?
Felix: I am fed up with it. I've already spent years filling in for someone who's dead. My older brother inspired love and respect—he was a great knight. He died. Since his death, his memory has followed me around like a shadow.
Mercedes: Oh... I didn't know you had a brother too...
Felix: Hmph. I don't let my personal feelings distract me on the battlefield. Still, do I really remind you of him?
Mercedes: Well, you don't look like him, but something about you feels so familiar. It just makes me want to protect you. That's not to say that you're incapable or unreliable or anything like that... In fact, it's quite the opposite. You're the one who just came to check on me.
Felix: You need to pay attention to your surroundings. You're reckless. Lives are at stake. Including mine, when I have to run over and save your skin.
Mercedes: Yes, I'll try to be more careful. Thank you for being so kind, Felix.
Felix: Whatever.

A Support

Felix: ...
Mercedes: ...
Felix: Do you need something? Let's hear it.
Mercedes: Oh, no, I don't need anything. I was just hoping to talk to you, Felix.
Felix: When I said you could be near me, I meant on the battlefield. You're pushing it a little too far. You'd better not start calling me "Emile."
Mercedes: You know, I'm not just using you as a stand-in for my brother. I don't mean to upset you... But I've come to realize that you two don't have that much in common after all.
Felix: I don't understand. Why are you hanging around me, if not to replace your brother?
Mercedes: It's not that I want to be near Emile, but I want to be near you.
Felix: What?
Mercedes: How embarrassing! It must sound like I'm coming on to you! Regardless, you've made it clear that you don't want me around.
Felix: Um, no. It's not that.
Mercedes: Good! Then I'll continue to spend time at your side!
Felix: What a perplexing creature.
Mercedes: What's that? Did you say something? Never mind that. Why don't we go out for a nice cup of tea?
Felix: I can't think of a reason to refuse your invitation, so I suppose I have to accept.


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait annette fe16.png
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Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Annette: ♪Today's dinner is steak and then a cake that's yummy yum... Now it's time to fill my tummy tummy tum...♪ ♪Oh, this mountain of sweets, and treats that I long to eats... Oh, stacks of steaks and cakes and crumbs and yums...♪
Felix: I hope I'm not interrupting.
Annette: Felix! You weren't listening, were you?
Felix: I heard enough to know that you're hungry.
Annette: No! I mean... Well, yes. At least tell me you didn't see the dance?
Felix: You have nice footwork. Get something to eat. I can take over watering the plants.
Annette: ...
Felix: ...
Felix: And you're shouting.
Annette: You can't just spy on people while they're singing without even saying anything! It's not right!
Felix: I actually did call out that I was coming in. It's not my fault you didn't hear.
Annette: Well... You need to speak louder, then! Ugh, this is so embarrassing... And of course I was singing some silly food song I made up. I should have been singing about...bears! Or swamp beasties!
Felix: I didn't realize there were songs about bears and swamp beasties. That food song seemed to be close to your heart. Your stomach isn't far from your heart, after all.
Annette: Oh, you are the worst!
Felix: Huh. What was that about? I better water these plants. Wouldn't want them to get thirsty, or they might start singing too.

B Support

Annette: Hello, Felix. So, uh, it was your turn to clean out the greenhouse, right?
Felix: Yes.
Annette: Well, I went ahead and took care of it. I also cleaned up the warehouse.
Felix: Why?
Annette: I just wanted you that... OK, fine! I'm bribing you. So you'll forget!
Felix: Forget what?
Annette: Are you really going to make me say it? Before! In the greenhouse. I want you to forget what you saw and heard. If you agree to forget about it, I'll take your shift in the stables. Do we have a deal?
Felix: No, thanks.
Annette: No?! But that's not OK! You have to forget about it! Right this moment!
Felix: I can't. It's permanently etched in my memory. A mountain of sweets, as well as steaks and cakes. Stacks of them, apparently. I'm also intrigued by those bear and swamp beastie songs you mentioned. Ah, and I've been meaning to ask about the move that went along with "crumbs and yums." Was that fencing footwork?
Annette: Stop it, Felix! You're a villain!
Felix: Hm?
Annette: You think you're so funny? Keeping a straight face while mocking my singing and dancing! Well, you have to forget about it. Please! What if I make you a nice steak dinner? You like steak, don't you, Felix? It will be yummy.
Felix: This isn't about steak. I just—
Annette: Fine, be stubborn! Tell the whole world for all I care! I'll just learn to live with the funny looks I'll get from everyone. They'll all say, "There goes that Annette, the girl with the funny ideas about food!" You're just the evilest of villains, Felix! I'll hate you forever and ever!
Felix: Huh. I was just trying to be nice. "Funny ideas about food." Even the bullies in her head are ridiculous. I really don't understand that girl.

A Support

Annette: ♪Oh, how I just love to clean. Clean the library room! Just takes a flash of light and then it all goes boom!♪ ♪A flash and then a big boom!♪
Felix: If you blow up the library, where will we put the books?
Annette: ♪A flash and then a big—♪ Bah! What are you doing here, Felix?!
Felix: I heard singing.
Annette: You were watching me again, weren't you?!
Felix: You shouldn't dance up there. You could fall.
Annette: Oh, today of all days! I knew I should've chosen a different song...
Felix: A different song? Like what?
Annette: Any of them! The box song! Or maybe the dungeon song!
Felix: Now those sound interesting.
Annette: No, they're just regular songs! Oh, forget it. While you're here, can you help me clean up? I need the books on that shelf up there, but I can't reach them...
Felix: Oh. Sure, no problem. What? You're not going to sing anymore?
Annette: No way! It's too embarrassing! And that song isn't even finished, anyway.
Felix: Ah, that's too bad. I wanted to hear what happened after the library was blown away.
Annette: Hey... Don't look at me like that! OK, fine. If you insist, I'll sing just a bit more... ♪Oh, how I just love to clean. Clean the library room! Just takes a flash of light and then it all goes boom!♪
Felix: ...
Annette: ♪A flash and then a big boom, suddenly the deed is done! My! What a great job I did! Who says cleaning isn't fun?♪
Felix: Huh. That doesn't really explain what happened with the library. Maybe they'll build a new one?
Annette: Ugh, this is so embarrassing...

A+ Support

Annette: Phew! Now the flowers are all taken care of! Huh? Felix... Why are you hiding there?
Felix: I'm not hiding.
Annette: No? Then what are you here for? You don't even have a real reason, do you?
Felix: No, I don't.
Annette: Then why...
Felix: Because of you.
Annette: What?! What's that supposed to mean?
Felix: I want you to sing for me. I hear your voice when I'm asleep, or in battle... It's's like I'm your captive.
Annette: My captive! What are you saying? Oh my, I'm suddenly really flustered...
Felix: I can't help it... Ugh! I don't know what I'm saying. Forget I said anything.
Annette: Felix! Are you...blushing?
Felix: I don't know. Shut up. I'm not blushing.
Annette: Um...
Felix: Uh...
Annette: Well! If you feel like that about it... I suppose I could sing for you sometimes. If you'd like that sort of thing.
Felix: Oh? I'd better go. Bye.
Annette: Hey, wait! You just got here... Do you want to hear me sing or not?
Felix: Uh, yes. I do.
Annette: Well, what song do you want me to sing? Bears, swamp beasties, boxes, or dungeon?
Felix: I'd like to hear all of them. If you don't mind. Starting with the library song, in full. Sing for me. Please, Annette?
Annette: Well... OK. Just this once...


Small portrait felix fe16.png
Support information: Small portrait ingrid fe16.png
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Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in both parts
Available in Part II
Available in Part II
S: Select before final chapter

C Support

Ingrid: Felix, there you are. I've been looking all over for you.

During Part I

Ingrid: Time for our tactics lecture. You'll be there, won't you?
Felix: Those things are such a waste of time.

During Part II

Ingrid: The war council congregates soon. You'd better come.
Felix: Not sure why you need me. I don't know the first thing about strategy—just how to use a sword.

Ingrid: Nonsense. You're going to be there.
Felix: Must I?
Ingrid: Why is this such a chore? You went last time. Though you did all you could to disrupt things, as I recall. Brazenly rambling on about clear-cutting a nearby forest to secure a marching route. And attacking an enemy base, stealing their horses. You were incredibly disruptive and even rude.
Felix: I was offering my honest opinion.
Ingrid: Then, you left before we were finished! What do you suppose happened after that?
Felix: I have no idea. Well, the conversation got quite lively. We all began breaking down the viability of your somewhat maniacal plan. And apparently, similar tactics have been used to turn the tides of historic battles.
Felix: That may be an exaggeration. Successful armies must be able to handle unexpected situations. That starts with weapon mastery and creative tactics.
Ingrid: If you didn't have so much battlefield experience, you wouldn't be capable of such unique strategies. Which is why we need people like you—people who think creatively—to lead the army.
Felix: Now you're just massaging my ego.
Ingrid: When have you ever minded? We need you there. Just come on.
Felix: Mm-hmm.

B Support

Ingrid: ...
Felix: Hello.
Ingrid: Oh, hello. Have you been there long? I was absorbed in this book.
Felix: Another silly legend?
Ingrid: First of all, they're not silly. And second of all, no. It's an essay that speaks to uncommon and challenging battle scenarios. I've been researching such things since you proposed your unique strategy. Listen to this—"Your commander gives orders that put your hometown in extreme danger. Do you carry out the orders or protect your hometown?"
Felix: What nonsense. I was talking about real-world tactics, not some dumb ethical question.
Ingrid: Whatever your personal feelings on the matter, I see similarities between such tactics and these "dumb" ethical questions. I haven't read beyond this one, but I think the obvious answer is to follow your commander.
Felix: ...
Ingrid: The duty and pride of being a knight demand that you follow orders, regardless of your own feelings. But if I were put in such a position, I don't know how I'd fare... In fact, were someone to carry out those orders, I know that I'd attempt to stop them.
Felix: Stop bothering with all this. You're not meant to be a knight. Go find a husband.
Ingrid: Excuse me?
Felix: You heard me.
Ingrid: I know you hate the ideals of chivalry and pride.

Part I or Azure Moon

Ingrid: So much so, you prefer to escape your duty as your family's heir.

Part II, excluding Azure Moon

Ingrid: So much so, you ran away from your duty as your family's heir.

Ingrid: You have no right to criticize me for my ideals.
Felix: Perhaps not. At least I know not to heedlessly obey orders. I know not to romanticize blind obedience. My brother taught me to think for myself.
Ingrid: Don't you dare bring Glenn into this...
Felix: You're right. Forget it.

A Support

Ingrid: Why are you taking over my cleaning responsibilities?
Felix: You're wounded, and you're going too slowly. I couldn't stand to watch.
Ingrid: You're still fretting over me, are you? I'm fine now. Really. It wasn't even serious.
Felix: I could have handled the situation alone. That enemy wasn't much of a threat.
Ingrid: Yes, yes, we all know you could've. But I also didn't want to risk something unforeseen befalling you. I've been doing some thinking. I feel a bit lost—I don't know that I'm cut out to be a knight after all. Without fulfilling that dream—without being a knight—I've been asking myself where my place is in the world. And I think... I think I've found my answer. I don't want to lose anyone anymore. So I want to protect those I hold dear.
Felix: That's why you were protecting me, huh? What a fool you are.
Ingrid: Foolish to act in line with what I value most? Were I to die, I would die knowing I followed my heart—my truest calling. I've been reading through more of that book I was telling you about. Recall the hypothetical question it posed? "Do you carry out the orders or protect your hometown?"
Felix: You've been reading that garbage again?
Ingrid: The book never specified that one should prioritize the commander's orders. Instead it suggested that one should follow their heart in the matter. That's what a knight—that's what anyone being true to themselves—should do.
Felix: That's just the editor's opinion.
Ingrid: Of course. And I find value in that opinion. Glenn died following his heart. Not heeding the commands of the country or even the royal family. I will follow his example. No matter the outcome, no matter the circumstance, I believe in myself.
Felix: Hmph! You know nothing.
Ingrid: What is it that you know, then? What is it you fight for, Felix?
Felix: My own beliefs.
Ingrid: I see no difference from my own stance.
Felix: You don't understand.
Ingrid: You fight to be stronger than everyone, that you might protect those you care for. Correct?
Felix: OK, fine, you do understand. My point is, don't let this happen again. If you died, I'd be...annoyed.
Ingrid: To avoid annoyance, then, I suggest you continue to grow stronger. If that happens, I might allow you to protect me too.
Felix: You're insufferable.


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C Support

Lysithea:Mmmm...yum. Mmmm... Ahh, so delicious! I'm so content in this moment.
Felix: ...
Lysithea: Felix!
Felix: Lysithea. You look mortified.
Lysithea: How long have you been there? Were you watching me? You were, weren't you?
Felix: I was, yes.
Lysithea: Ugh, for once I thought I had some privacy.
Felix: Did you say something?
Lysithea: Huh? Nope. Didn't say anything at all. Here.
Felix: What's this for?
Lysithea: I'm buying your silence...with cake. Take it.
Felix: I'm not sure what to be silent about.
Lysithea: If people knew I was shoveling cake into my face by the fistful, they'd think me nothing more than a child!
Felix: Adults eat cake.
Lysithea: You'll never understand. Just take this, will you?!
Felix: No. I don't like sweets.
Lysithea: Does your refusal mean you'll be telling everyone about my cake-shoveling ways?
Felix: I just don't like sweets, that's all.
Lysithea: Nonsense! Nobody can resist something so delicious. Look, I'm giving you this cake whether you like it or not. Eat it, toss it, throw it at an unsuspecting victim—the choice is yours. Just please don't mention this to anyone.
Felix: What was her problem? And what am I supposed to do with this cake?

B Support

Lysithea: Mmmm! Ahh yes! These are the moments I live for!
Felix: I don't understand you.
Lysithea: You again?! Can't you see I'm busy?
Felix: Trust me, I didn't mean to interrupt.
Lysithea: So, how did you like the cake? I bet you ate it, didn't you? I knew it was irresistible. What was the experience like? I'm curious, from a research perspective.
Felix: I don't know. I didn't eat it. I gave it to some kid.
Lysithea: You...gave it to some...undeserving child?!
Felix: We've been over this. I don't like sweets.
Lysithea: Cake is not a "sweet." Cake is the divine essence of the heavens!
Felix: Everyone has their own tastes.
Lysithea: That's true, but life without cake is no life at all. Your dismissiveness regarding cake is inexcusable.
Felix: I'm not sure why you're so fixated on this.
Lysithea: I simply can't resist the spongy magnificence of cakes. I don't understand how you can be so dispassionate about it.
Felix: I don't know. I just don't like it.
Lysithea: Just try a bite. Come on. Open up!
Felix: No. I already told you, I don't want it.
Lysithea: But I made this one. With care and attention—love even. Ah, and I went light on the sugar, just for you!
Felix: Not light enough, I'd bet. If I eat this, will you stop bothering me?
Lysithea: More or less. Just don't give it to some silly child this time.
Felix: Let's get this over with.

A Support

Lysithea: Felix! I've awaited this fated day!
Felix: You don't change. Still prattling on about it.
Lysithea: Aw, come on. I just want to hear what you thought of the cake I gave you.
Felix: Uh... It was edible.
Lysithea: If by edible you mean incredible, then yes! I agree.
Felix: It was satisfying and lightweight. I imagine it would be quite useful as a battlefield provision.
Lysithea: Please refrain from lumping delectable cake into the same category as provisions.
Felix: You're upset and I don't understand why. I'm complimenting the cake. You cured my dislike of sweets. For that I thank you.
Lysithea: You have an interesting way of giving compliments, but I'm glad you liked it.
Felix: Yes. Got any cakes on you?
Lysithea: You say that as though I just carry cake on me at all times! Did you want some?
Felix: That's not what I meant. If you've baked a cake, however, I wouldn't object to eating a slice.
Lysithea: If cake is what you want, you can just ask me directly. It just so happens I have a brand-new recipe I tried out, special for you. It's delicious and not overly sweet. Perfect for you.
Felix: OK.
Lysithea: Go on—take a bite!
Felix: Mmm.
Lysithea: You love it! I can tell. Here, try this one out too!
Felix: Mmm.
Lysithea: See! So amazing, huh? Just keep working on that sweet tooth of yours. Then we can share cake notes and eat cake together all the time. That is... It just sounds nice is all.
Felix: Mmm? OK. That does sound nice.


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C Support

Felix: If you don't have any business here, go away. You're bothering me.
Leonie: Finally spotted me, did you?
Felix: What do you want?
Leonie: They say you're the best. I wanted to see your training with my own eyes.
Felix: Hmph. Spying on people, is that a hobby of yours? I hope you got your fill.
Leonie: Enough to see how to beat you, at least.
Felix: You think you can beat me?
Leonie: That's right. See, I was trained by...
Felix: Jeralt, yes.
Leonie: So you know.
Felix: I heard he was your teacher. Perhaps we should test you—see how much of your training sank in.
Leonie: I'm ready if you are.
Felix: OK. I'll give you a chance.
Leonie: Sounds good. When?
Felix: I'll let you know. In the meantime, practice. I won't go easy on you.
Leonie: Oh, don't worry. I'll be ready.
Felix: This will be fun.

B Support

Leonie: Sorry to keep you waiting.
Felix: How long did you expect me to stand here?
Leonie: I did just say sorry, but I could say the same to you. You were pretty slow to settle on a time.
Felix: I can't help having a busy schedule. Plus, I thought you could use the extra time to prepare.
Leonie: We could go back and forth like this all day. Or we could get started.
Felix: Hmph. You were the one who kept me waiting. Let's begin.
Leonie: On my signal?
Felix: Hurry up.
Leonie: That's better. OK, go!
Felix: Let's see what you— Huh?! Aaaaargh! A pit trap?
Leonie: That's right! How you feelin' down there?
Felix: Coward!
Leonie: Say what you want, but Captain Jeralt taught me this one! Whew! You're heavier than you look.
Felix: I'll admit, I wasn't expecting that.
Leonie: If this were for real, you'd be dead. Aren't you glad I put straw down there, instead of spikes?
Felix: Yes. I underestimated you. I suppose your lateness was a ploy to distract me.
Leonie: You're not wrong. I did it to rile you up...draw you in. You're capable, confident... I was counting on that. So, what do you think about Captain Jeralt's training now?
Felix: His technique worked, and you won. What else is there to say? Winning is all that matters. You drew my attention to a major vulnerability. I'll need to be wary of traps. Thank you, Leonie.
Leonie: Seeing as you're thanking me, can I ask you a favor? Will you come watch my next training session? I'd like a few pointers about fighting in close quarters.
Felix: The loser must pay tribute, I suppose. Yes, I'll help you train.
Leonie: You will? Thanks!

A Support

Felix: And that's how it's done.
Leonie: Good to know. There are so many differences between bows and blades!
Felix: Yes. You're a quick learner, Leonie, and quite a good teacher as well.
Leonie: Must be Captain Jeralt's influence. The weather, the terrain, the enemy's feelings—you have to find ways to make it all work for you.
Felix: I agree. A warrior can't stick too closely to predefined tactics. That's quite shrewd. You're impressive for a girl.
Leonie: For a girl? Come on, you're past that. Looking down on your opponent is a great way to fall into a pit trap, isn't it?
Felix: I suppose that's true.
Leonie: Glad you remember.
Felix: I still have much to learn. Not only about swordplay, but also about thinking on my feet. I hope to learn more from you, Leonie.
Leonie: Count on it! We'll come up with plenty of new ideas if we work together. Guess that means we're partners, doesn't it?
Felix: We're what?
Leonie: Partners! Friends who help each other improve!
Felix: Hm. Partners. That's not bad.
Leonie: Not at all! Looking forward to working with you, partner!
Felix: Likewise...partner.


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C Support

Felix: May I help you, Seteth?
Seteth: Finally noticed me, I see. Good to see that you are so dedicated to your training.
Felix: Do you have need of my sword?
Seteth: No, this is not a military matter. I would like to discuss the distance you seem to be keeping from the others.
Felix: "Distance"? I don't follow.
Seteth: I have noticed that you like to keep others at arm's length. And in most cases, quite a bit further.
Felix: Hmph. Keeping a close eye on me. They don't share my values. That's all.
Seteth: Is that why you train alone? Because your friends do not share your values?
Felix: You seem displeased. I suppose you're going to tell me, "To defeat your enemies, you must have dependable allies."
Seteth: That's not exactly how I would phrase it, but having good relationships with your allies is essential in combat. I am sure you realize that it is easier to bond with people when you interact with them more. There are limits to what one person can do alone. Great things cannot be achieved without allies.
Felix: You sound like my father. You're saying it's in my own interest to make friends?
Seteth: To put it simply, yes. As much as you possibly can. To be honest, I envy you. Because I know what it is like to not have many people to call friends.
Felix: I wouldn't have guessed that. There are so many devout believers.
Seteth: I am talking about friends. People to speak with on equal terms. You have many friends here. You should take care to attend to them.
Felix: I'll consider your advice, but I'm not usually one to change my mind.
Seteth: Ah, to be young.

B Support

Seteth: Hello, Felix. Training alone again, I see.
Felix: Spying on me again, I see.
Seteth: It is not my intention to spy. I am merely concerned about you. I do not think you have been keeping your friends at a distance because you dislike them personally. Rather, I think what bothers you is their concept of proper knighthood. Is that not so?
Felix: Hmph. You really have been watching me closely. You're correct. I don't understand why they revere knighthood. I won't be friends with anyone who believes in that nonsense.
Seteth: Do you feel that way because of what happened in the Tragedy of Duscur? I have heard the story. Your brother was one of the royal knights. He gave his life to defend the prince.
Felix: My brother was doing his job. My father is the real problem. When my brother's armor was brought back to the castle, do you know what he said? "He died like a true knight." Chivalry begets the worship and glorification of death. Am I alone in finding that grotesque? I suppose you'll excommunicate me for blaspheming like this.
Seteth: Not at all. I am not a knight, so I have no intentions of lecturing you about chivalry. So long as one's conduct is consistent with the teachings of the goddess, it is up to the individual to decide right from wrong.
Felix: In that case, I'd like you to formally pardon me for not having friends.
Seteth: You require no such pardon. This is merely advice from an old man to a younger one. As unwavering as your convictions may be, the others also feel strongly about their beliefs. If you hate all those whose beliefs are different from yours, you will hate everyone eventually. People with exactly the same beliefs as you simply do not exist.
Felix: ...
Seteth: You do not have to change your beliefs, of course. But you do have to accept that others feel differently. That is my advice to you. I will speak no more of it.
Felix: Seteth. Can I ask one thing? Why are you going out of your way to tell me this? Why bother with me at all?
Seteth: Because I trust you. Now that I have heard what you have to say, I trust you even more. I am also a rather eccentric person. I thought you and I might get along.
Felix: I see. You've gone to so much trouble, I may have to start making an effort as well.
Seteth: Good. Do not take this the wrong way, but I hope you will surpass my expectations.


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C Support

Felix: Hunh! Hya!
Flayn: Spectacular work, Felix!
Felix: Why are you here? You're interrupting.
Flayn: Oh, uh— My apologies! I simply thought you were doing a great job... Just how sharp is that blade of yours, Felix? Do you imagine you might be able to cut something cleanly with it?
Felix: Probably.
Flayn: Ah, wonderful! I have a special request for you, then.
Felix: You want me to cut this firewood?
Flayn: I do. I shall toss them one by one to you, and you shall make a sweeping blow to slice them!
Felix: Sounds like a chore.
Flayn: I saw a knight do it once, so surely you can as well. Or perhaps you are worried that you are not capable.
Felix: What? I am more than capable.
Flayn: Right! Show me what you are made of. Here it co—
Felix: Doing them one by one is tedious. Just throw them all at once.
Flayn: All of them? If you insist! Here we go! Wow, you truly are spectacular!
Felix: I know.
Flayn: You are undoubtedly the most revered wood cutter in all the land. Now I am intrigued—next time, let us try an even larger wood pile!
Felix: Why did I agree to this?

B Support

Felix: Flayn. What's that you're hiding?
Flayn: Oh no! My surprise is spoiled! I had brought some fruits for you to cut up, in addition to the firewood. I thought some variation might prove amusing!
Felix: No. I'm not doing that again. I've got better uses for my sword than chopping up fruit and firewood.
Flayn: I cannot imagine what could be better than chopping fruit.
Felix: Chopping up my enemies.
Flayn: You say that as though you have many enemies. So you would rather chop people than firewood, is that it?
Felix: That's not how I'd put it, but a blade's purpose is to kill. To chop wood, use an axe. To chop food, use a knife. It's simple.
Flayn: Surely it is not forbidden to use your sword for other things. Like chopping fruit. Swords that cut inanimate objects are serving a much finer purpose than those that cut living beings.
Felix: What a noble sentiment. But without a blade to cut down your enemies, you cannot win. Those who are weak lose everything, and they die. Those who are strong win, and live on. I understand why you balk at bloodshed, but you must know that it has a purpose.
Flayn: And what purpose might that be?
Felix: A purpose. Let's just leave it at that. I'm not in the mood to debate you. I'll continue to wield my sword. And, if necessary, cut down my enemies.
Flayn: He certainly is a stubborn one...

A Support

Flayn: Felix!
Felix: You. What is it now?
Flayn: Do not fret. I have not come to ask you to chop wood. I have other things to speak of with you. You said that for one to live, they must also be prepared to kill.
Felix: This again... Yes, that's what I said. You still have a problem with that?
Flayn: No, I do not have a problem with it at all. I simply want you to live too.
Felix: Oh. OK. Then I'll get back to my training.
Flayn: Excuse me. I am not finished yet. During this time of war, you must wield your sword to ensure your own life. If that is the case, then it follows that we should bring an end to this war.
Felix: To end the war, you'd have to kill more people.
Flayn: Perhaps that is true. But once all is said and done, there would no longer be a need to kill, only to live. Is that not so?
Felix: ... That's pure fantasy. But if it came to pass, there would be no place for me. What would I do? I was raised to swing a sword. It's all I know. In a world without strife, warriors like me would be lost souls. It's tragic in a way. We fight to bring peace and then, if we achieve it, we lose our purpose.
Flayn: I do not think that is anything you should worry yourself over. If the war ends and peace reigns, I shall be sure to have plenty of wood chopping for you to do!
Felix: What a generous offer.
Flayn: And! You will never be short on fruits and vegetables to chop for me either! If you felt like you lost your purpose in life, surely you would find a new purpose. It is not like you to be afraid of losing something, after all.
Felix: Hm. I never thought about it, but maybe there is a path for me in peacetime. I'm intrigued. I might even like to realize this fantasy of yours.
Flayn: Oh, that brings me such joy, Felix! Together, we can make this a reality. I can see it now—a life where you slice vegetables rather than people. I will greatly enjoy the day when we inhabit a world like that.